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PostSubject: History?   Chronology - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Feb 06, 2011 11:27 am

Now that's what I was looking for!!

thanks, bro!)
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PostSubject: Re: Chronology   Chronology - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Feb 06, 2011 12:21 pm

Claire wrote:
Hmm. Fairy's healing dridders and nagas. Dridders helping Ur-sagol during their destruction.... I wonder where I read that before.... -____-

Well, I was trying to leave as much room for ideas people already had to co-exist. I hope I didn't mess too much with your ideas on Sineria - send me a message if there's problems and I can see if there's adjustments I can make

If anyone has any other issues I'm willing to try and work it out and be flexible to include as many ideas as possible.

I am having one minor annoyance with this that I want feedback on - the timeline of the Dimensional Gate. When should it be made? How? When do the Sagolians start using it? I'm sort of stuck on how to utilize it well in the timeline.
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PostSubject: Re: Chronology   Chronology - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Feb 06, 2011 1:41 pm

Perhaps the Correctors built it as their original way of entering Felarya.

(Though honestly I'm not entirely sure how they got there in the first place. Seeing as they are described as powerful planewalkers they might not even need a stable gateway to enter Felarya)

Perhaps instead the origins of the Dimensional gate should remain a mystery, one of the great ones of Felarya, and something that people recall as having existed as far back as they can recall.
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PostSubject: Re: Chronology   Chronology - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Feb 06, 2011 2:04 pm

The fact that the pedastal it sits upon is dated where the gate is timeless means that it probably wasn't always where it is now.

Also, based on what I know so far of the Correctors they would not require a gate to enter Felarya. That might change depending on what Karbo comes up with later, but for right now I'd say probably not.

As for the co-existing part, I'd prefer to keep things mostly to myself for now. Later it can be worked in if the community so chooses. However, since most of your 'ancient' timeline is all ???, I don't see it being much of an issue anyway. Supprozad is my only current point of contention, but even so it really isn't a contention point since the founding of Supprozad can be built off the camp's ruins. It's not as if the place known as Supprozad would exist anytime shortly after the events I intend to describe, by your timeline or others.
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PostSubject: Re: Chronology   Chronology - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Feb 06, 2011 5:53 pm

Nice work on all this JT. It's pretty idea inspiring.
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PostSubject: Re: Chronology   Chronology - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Feb 06, 2011 8:10 pm

Actually I have little problems with the jotuns not being conquered (there need to be large pockets of other races living that aren't a part of the empire). It's weird though, Nagas, Humans, and Nekos all helped make up the elven empire that spread all over a lot of the current known map of felarya (and probably more), and their strength created a tension that led to a truce with the fairies (who some how became diplomats of some sort between the driders and elves. I can see dryads working with Fairies to create a completely neutral faction.)

Though as much as I like armies and such, I still think that although it clicks nicely together, just the feeling alone of elves starting to take control of felarya is very forced. I suppose carefully taking out naga tribes, and raising nagalings as future "helpers" could eventually lead to a massive army powerful enough to spread wide. However, a civilization this big and powerful should by all means be able to just run over all the other species in felarya, and it makes me wonder why the guardians didn't just swoop down and take them out.

The guardians favor the natural state of felarya, I don't think this is balanced in any way either. Where were they in this whole thing?

Also, an army of mice can't take out a group of humans, and if they could, it'd take so many mice that it wouldn't be worth it. I'm sorry, I still just don't see the elves' dominance as feasible in any way.
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PostSubject: Re: Chronology   Chronology - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Feb 06, 2011 8:49 pm

Archmage_Bael wrote:
Actually I have little problems with the jotuns not being conquered (there need to be large pockets of other races living that aren't a part of the empire). It's weird though, Nagas, Humans, and Nekos all helped make up the elven empire that spread all over a lot of the current known map of felarya (and probably more), and their strength created a tension that led to a truce with the fairies (who some how became diplomats of some sort between the driders and elves. I can see dryads working with Fairies to create a completely neutral faction.)

Though as much as I like armies and such, I still think that although it clicks nicely together, just the feeling alone of elves starting to take control of felarya is very forced. I suppose carefully taking out naga tribes, and raising nagalings as future "helpers" could eventually lead to a massive army powerful enough to spread wide. However, a civilization this big and powerful should by all means be able to just run over all the other species in felarya, and it makes me wonder why the guardians didn't just swoop down and take them out.

The guardians favor the natural state of felarya, I don't think this is balanced in any way either. Where were they in this whole thing?

Also, an army of mice can't take out a group of humans, and if they could, it'd take so many mice that it wouldn't be worth it. I'm sorry, I still just don't see the elves' dominance as feasible in any way.

Okay - it has already been established multiple times that there were both giant and human-sized elves. Your point of mice and men is invalid.

Also, PLEASE stop saying that I said stuff that I didn't. I never said that tension created a truce with the fairies. I never said that the fairies were diplomats between the dridders and elves. You don't seem to be even reading what I'm saying - I appreciate criticism, but not just random accusations of stuff I never said or ignoring what I did say. This is really irritating to me.

And yes, the Guardians were around. The Elven Empire was a very different style than the Dridder and Human Empires. The Elves tried to accept all races and not build up their power for powers sake. They tried to create a series of provinces made up of different races. They were de-centralized, not creating an area of power but spreading their power equally. The elves were trying to create balance in Felarya by lessening chaos. This eventually failed as Felarya is, in many ways, an inherently chaotic world. This failed, but not through the Guardians.

Their alliance with the fairies was more about respecting borders - as I said, during this time, the fairy kingdom was more of an actual border.
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PostSubject: Re: Chronology   Chronology - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Feb 19, 2011 11:00 am

Not sure how the progress of this is going, but here are a few more ideas to tie this in with other ideas/races. The only major one (the first) is an attempt to give a reason for how the elves made it to the Oloonde lakelands, have an encounter between them and the Chlaenas, and mention the Gigantic that is mentioned under the Battal oak.:

3962 B.U. - Elven fleet sent out to subjugate what are originally believed to be small, isolated underwater cities belonging to the Chlaenas and add them to the Empire. The city of Ryzelm'oire is instead discovered. Elven fleet is decimated by its inhabitants. Most of the surviving ships are then blown off course by a powerful storm on their return home. Damaged beyond repair, they are forced to take anchor within the Oloonde Lakelands. Only the Gigantic escapes this fate and returns back home.

? - Academy of Sentinels is founded

I noted that it is mentioned on the Sphinxes page that Sphinxes and Harpies have waged wars in the past. Perhaps they should be mentioned on this and possibly how these wars have affected the other races?

Also, perhaps a relationship between the Elven Shapers and the Nemetarbors (such as the elves created them originally as mobil elvish tree settlements, and that the current "wild" ones today are the descendants of these)
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PostSubject: Re: Chronology   Chronology - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Feb 19, 2011 12:30 pm

Jasconius wrote:
Not sure how the progress of this is going, but here are a few more ideas to tie this in with other ideas/races. The only major one (the first) is an attempt to give a reason for how the elves made it to the Oloonde lakelands, have an encounter between them and the Chlaenas, and mention the Gigantic that is mentioned under the Battal oak.:

3962 B.U. - Elven fleet sent out to subjugate what are originally believed to be small, isolated underwater cities belonging to the Chlaenas and add them to the Empire. The city of Ryzelm'oire is instead discovered. Elven fleet is decimated by its inhabitants. Most of the surviving ships are then blown off course by a powerful storm on their return home. Damaged beyond repair, they are forced to take anchor within the Oloonde Lakelands. Only the Gigantic escapes this fate and returns back home.

? - Academy of Sentinels is founded

I noted that it is mentioned on the Sphinxes page that Sphinxes and Harpies have waged wars in the past. Perhaps they should be mentioned on this and possibly how these wars have affected the other races?

Also, perhaps a relationship between the Elven Shapers and the Nemetarbors (such as the elves created them originally as mobil elvish tree settlements, and that the current "wild" ones today are the descendants of these)

Hmm, interesting.

I hadn't thought of the Oloonde Lakeland exploration being an accident - I had pictured it more just elven explorers finally developing the means to cross the Jewel River and see what was out there.

As for the Sphinxes and Harpies, I'm not sure either had any sort of civilization - wars might have been a periodic thing. But it is an interesting idae - what sort of interactions did you have in mind?

Finally, I really like your idea about the Nematarbors. I can see the elves using them as "vanguard outposts" into not so heavily forested areas, as the Elves advancement depended on having the forest nearby. They probably used them to explore less forested areas, which is where the Nemetarbors are found today.
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PostSubject: Re: Chronology   Chronology - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Feb 19, 2011 2:10 pm

Well I wasn't exactly sure about the Sphinxes and Harpies in terms of how their societies (if they even had those) were designed. The mention of wars seems to imply though that a great many Sphinxes and Harpies fought each other, instead of just mere conflicts that periodically occurred during chance encounters.

Perhaps elves and the like might have supplied either (or both) sides that have survived to this day, explaining such things as why currently some individuals (such as Belletia) have armor and weapons fitted for beings of their size and morphology.

Of course if these wars were as destructive as one would think two groups of giant individuals would cause, they could have easily destroyed various elven (and other races) villages and the like, forcing the elven empire to intervene and stop the fighting the best way they know how, possibly explaining why their aren't any wars happening as of late within Felarya.
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Chronology   Chronology - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Feb 19, 2011 2:14 pm

I never really saw the Sphinxes and Harpies engaged in any war or anything. I personally see the animosity between them about their behaviors, mostly how harpies are crude and chaotic, while sphinxes have high morals.
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PostSubject: Re: Chronology   Chronology - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Feb 19, 2011 2:25 pm

Well that's what I had thought, but the wiki says, under the Sphinxes page:

"Like one could figure, sphinxes absolutely despise harpies, their main rivals as the dominant avian race of Felarya. The two races have often waged war in the past."
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PostSubject: Re: Chronology   Chronology - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Feb 21, 2011 12:19 pm

Well, I'm not sure if harpies have ever really had a civilization.

But they do, compared to certain other predators, seem to be more inclined to live in small groups or clans.

As for sphinxes, I'm not sure, but if they lived in small groups there could still be tribal conflict.

What sort of ideas did you have for conflict?

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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Chronology   Chronology - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Feb 21, 2011 12:35 pm

In my opinion, the Harpies and Sphinxes is mostly Order Vs Chaos. If you think about it, Sphinxes (excluding pantaurs apparently) have a system of honor in which they can't sneak attack on preys, they must announce their presence to make a "fair fight", and they view justice in high regard.

Harpies, in contrast, have swearings and insults as part of their every day language, and I'm pretty sure that when they hunt, it's essentially a free for all, where if you don't catch a prey, then you just suck.

So I guess it's really Sphinxes viewing Harpies as unorganized and uncivilized, for a lack of better term, and Harpies view Sphinxes as stuck up and self-righteous. The conflicts would be more personal since the two are the dominant avian races. Although I don't see what would actually trigger wars between them.
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PostSubject: Re: Chronology   Chronology - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Feb 21, 2011 12:50 pm

Perhaps clan wars triggered by the Elves or other groups in order to weaken both sides?
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PostSubject: Re: Chronology   Chronology - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Mar 01, 2011 11:18 pm

Looking at the wiki, I realize that many of the Succubi characters are relatively young (relatively) in this timeline... which reminds me that there may actually be opportunity to put in the mentioned events occouring in Hell and Heaven. Any ideas?
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Chronology   Chronology - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Mar 02, 2011 5:38 am

There is the Tenebris War.
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PostSubject: Re: Chronology   Chronology - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Mar 08, 2011 10:36 am

Indeed, so I'm wondering when that may have happened.

I also put down a date for the start of the Corrector War as in the wiki.
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PostSubject: Re: Chronology   Chronology - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Mar 08, 2011 10:51 am

I'm also wondering when the Tenebris War may have started, since one of my characters, an angel, participated in it.
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PostSubject: Re: Chronology   Chronology - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Mar 08, 2011 11:53 am

Well, Menyssan is 379 and Iridan is 310. They both partook in the Tenebris War - so anytime from the present to roughly... 200-250 years ago might work, depending on how succubi mature.

Menyssan is also mentioned partaking in a "battle of Erebus" which is probably part of the larger Tenebris War.
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Chronology   Chronology - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Mar 08, 2011 12:04 pm

Well my angel is about three millennias old (since I had no idea when the war took place), and was a measly footsoldier when the war broke out, when today, she ascended to the rank of High General. I assume the war itself lasted a few centuries as well.
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PostSubject: Re: Chronology   Chronology - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Mar 08, 2011 2:24 pm

Here's something that would be interesting to add though I am not to entirely sure how it would fall into line with rest of the chart but then again its only an idea I had for the Shimmering Sea and to give it a little lime light even if it is small one. Of course the only reason I mention it is because I am working on that area and I guess I'd throw my thoughts out to somewhere else ah well. sweatdrop

Here they are:

A.U. – 1715 - Mermaid/ Chlaena war begins in the Shimmering Sea. The cause is undeterminable as many things were happening at the time within the Shimmering Sea.

A.U. – 2014 - Mermaid/ Chlaena war ends with many casualties on both sides with no clear victor being determined though both species share the sea with grudging respect to the other.

A.U. - 2015 - The Cubiculum Infantium is founded a fifty mile stretch of seaweed to be treated as a neutral zone for both species where preying upon the children of any predator species is dealt with in the harshest of ways possible.

Well enjoy back to work for me...
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PostSubject: Re: Chronology   Chronology - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Mar 08, 2011 3:23 pm

walkingbyself wrote:
A.U. – 1715 - Mermaid/ Chlaena war begins in the Shimmering Sea. The cause is undeterminable as many things were happening at the time within the Shimmering Sea..
Yeah... Nah. I'm not seeing this at all.
Why would they fight? There's no reason for them to. It also implies that both sides are organised on a large scale. Mermaids certainly aren't. Often they're in different parts of the ocean. (Mermaids are usually higher, near the surface.)
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PostSubject: Re: Chronology   Chronology - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Mar 08, 2011 3:44 pm

I figured they would after all wiki say's Mermaids are the Chlaenas favorite food. Unless I read it wrong ah well thanks for catching that.
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PostSubject: Re: Chronology   Chronology - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Mar 08, 2011 3:53 pm

walkingbyself wrote:
I figured they would after all wiki say's Mermaids are the Chlaenas favorite food. Unless I read it wrong ah well thanks for catching that.

Lots of species on Felarya eat each other but aren't "at war". To have a war its implied you need organization, established territories by at least one side, assumably weaponry, etc. etc.
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