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 For those who know of "Silver Scales"...

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Roaming thug
Roaming thug

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For those who know of "Silver Scales"... Empty
PostSubject: For those who know of "Silver Scales"...   For those who know of "Silver Scales"... Icon_minitimeWed Apr 20, 2011 2:08 pm

This made my day. http://nickinamerica.deviantart.com/gallery/ This is the first and ONLY comment I have ever received in my main gallery during my three and a half years as a deviant, and what was it about?

Ninjaboy2323 says "nice work and all but do you draw the characters actually being eaten?"

XD That's what I wanted to hear.

I know I'm being kind of douchey about this, but you guys have no idea how long I've been waiting for someone to finally have to stomach to ask me this. After months of praise from Felaryans who were able to sit through my comic despite there being no vore in it, and actually enjoying the story, it's about freaking time SOMEONE gave the me what I've been waiting for since I started this comic.

See, I appreciate all the attention I've been getting from you guys, but I never expected this comic to be so consistently well received. In fact, since the comic was new, I was surprised that so many Felaryans liked it considering the lack of vore and it seemed kind of weird to me... Not because I actually wanted to disappoint anyone, not like "IN YOUR FACE, VOREFANS!", it was just very surprising to me. I'm not saying I assumed everyone in the Felaryan community is into that sort of thing. I know that a big chunk of them aren't, and are more like me. Still, it's been bugging me, like they were holding back by not being completely honest and telling me what I knew they REEEEALLY wanted to see.

Now, after all these pages, one guy finally asked that question I've waited for someone to ask since the comic began. And the answer is..........


Sorry guys, I just don't share your fetish and I wouldn't be comfortable drawing that sort of thing. It simply doesn't turn me on and I don't have the stomach for it. So, if you're not enjoying the comic all that much, and have just been enduring through it, patiently waiting and hoping this whole time that you would eventually get to see some sexy giant babe nom on Remus or some other guy... Sorry!

Those of you who DO enjoy the comic though, vore fan or not, I'm doing this for you.

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Naga food

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For those who know of "Silver Scales"... Empty
PostSubject: Re: For those who know of "Silver Scales"...   For those who know of "Silver Scales"... Icon_minitimeWed Apr 20, 2011 2:16 pm

For some reason I find yer comment insulting. I just can't quite put my finger on as to why that is...

Thank you for all the hard work nonetheless, I certainly am enjoying it. As I've stated numerous times in my comments. Oh and, I've absolutely no issues regarding the lack of vore. That's merely just a bonus. A thick plot and developed/likable characters are the things I value above all others in Felarya-related works and both are without a shadow of doubt present in your comic. Yet, I cannot answer my own question, why did I find your post insulting? Mayhaps someone can answer that question for me.

Oh and, Nick, welcome to the forum! I sure hope you enjoy your stay. I'm quite the new guy around here, but I've found the community as quite the likeable one.

Last edited by Shadeofheave on Wed Apr 20, 2011 2:25 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Roaming thug
Roaming thug

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For those who know of "Silver Scales"... Empty
PostSubject: Sorry!   For those who know of "Silver Scales"... Icon_minitimeWed Apr 20, 2011 2:21 pm

Well.... I didn't mean for it to be. I'm not saying "vore is bad" or that nobody should like it. Just saying I don't like it and I've been waiting for a comment like this.
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Naga food

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For those who know of "Silver Scales"... Empty
PostSubject: Re: For those who know of "Silver Scales"...   For those who know of "Silver Scales"... Icon_minitimeWed Apr 20, 2011 2:23 pm

Nickonaquamagna wrote:
Well.... I didn't mean for it to be. I'm not saying "vore is bad" or that nobody should like it. Just saying I don't like it and I've been waiting for a comment like this.

I had to edit my reply to yer post, ye might want to check it out again.
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Friend of the Jotun
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For those who know of "Silver Scales"... Empty
PostSubject: Re: For those who know of "Silver Scales"...   For those who know of "Silver Scales"... Icon_minitimeWed Apr 20, 2011 3:07 pm

Although he does not say everyone is like that, it is sort of insulting to suggest that there are people in the forum being driven mad by lack of vore.

Phrases like "... Felaryans who were able to sit through [the] comic despite their being no vore in it..." and "...surprised that so many Felaryans liked it considering the lack of vore.." are suggestive of rudeness, even if that was not the intension.

The big problem is see with this is having the reaction be in response to a single person this "Ninjaboy2323" and trying to make it apply to all "Felaryans", assuming that large amounts of us are tortured over the lack of vore.

Ninjaboy isn't even a member of this forum.
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Roaming thug
Roaming thug

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For those who know of "Silver Scales"... Empty
PostSubject: Re: For those who know of "Silver Scales"...   For those who know of "Silver Scales"... Icon_minitimeWed Apr 20, 2011 3:48 pm

Noooooononononnononononoooo. I just assumed there must be SOME people, at least a few, who were disappointed by my story because of that.... I just need to choose my words carefully, so I don't sound smarmier than I want to.
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For those who know of "Silver Scales"... Empty
PostSubject: Re: For those who know of "Silver Scales"...   For those who know of "Silver Scales"... Icon_minitimeWed Apr 20, 2011 4:15 pm

Tis alright fancy comic man, we all don't sound de way we want to.
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Friend of the Jotun
Friend of the Jotun

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For those who know of "Silver Scales"... Empty
PostSubject: Re: For those who know of "Silver Scales"...   For those who know of "Silver Scales"... Icon_minitimeWed Apr 20, 2011 4:49 pm

Nickonaquamagna wrote:
Noooooononononnononononoooo. I just assumed there must be SOME people, at least a few, who were disappointed by my story because of that.... I just need to choose my words carefully, so I don't sound smarmier than I want to.

I know you're not saying everyone is a vorefan in Felarya. But you seem to suggest, if un-intentionally, that those in the community who are vore fans are unable to appreciate something without vore, which is just not true. Some of the greatest contributors in Felarya are heavily into vore and write stories with mainly that as a theme. Others never touch on it.

As well, it's a dangerously sweeping statement to just say "vorefans". I don't really look at vore as a single thing. Various people find various versions of it appealing, unappealing or have no opinion on it.

Though I understand you may not have intended it to sound that way, the fact you made a post at all expressing "surprise that the vore fans weren't up in arms" is in itself a little insulting to the character of "vore fans" we may have here on the forum. Even if you didn't refer to "all the vore fans", the fact that you made this post means that you are indicating at least someone.

It's not a particularly "special" thing to do non-vore focused stories in Felarya. It is a world where vore has a place it can't usually have comfortably in the same degree elsewhere, but it is also a rich world in and of itself.
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Roaming thug
Roaming thug

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For those who know of "Silver Scales"... Empty
PostSubject: Re: For those who know of "Silver Scales"...   For those who know of "Silver Scales"... Icon_minitimeWed Apr 20, 2011 4:56 pm

Dangit... I should just stop talking, otherwise I'll keep insulting people without actually trying. Oh, well. I hope you enjoy the comic... I'm not trying to say it's "special" somehow.
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For those who know of "Silver Scales"... Empty
PostSubject: Re: For those who know of "Silver Scales"...   For those who know of "Silver Scales"... Icon_minitimeWed Apr 20, 2011 6:19 pm

Nick, I believe you're not trying to be a douche. Please be more careful with your words next time.

That is all.
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For those who know of "Silver Scales"... Empty
PostSubject: Re: For those who know of "Silver Scales"...   For those who know of "Silver Scales"... Icon_minitimeWed Apr 20, 2011 6:20 pm

Oh, don't worry. I unintentionally insult people allllll the time. I just naturally have a confrontational vocabulary, is all.

I myself am a vore fan, but I hardly ever write it.
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Evil admin
Evil admin

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For those who know of "Silver Scales"... Empty
PostSubject: Re: For those who know of "Silver Scales"...   For those who know of "Silver Scales"... Icon_minitimeThu Apr 21, 2011 5:18 am

Nickonaquamagna wrote:

Well Felarya is becoming a pretty big universe so it is gathering a variety of people with different interests ^^
Like you, there is some people who don't have any interest for vore at all and yet find the setting interesting and attractive. And I believe this has been understood by most people of the community.
So I really don't think you will be getting many comments criticizing you for not putting enough vore or something like that. And if you do then it's pretty wrong.

I'd frown upon somebody commenting on a story and saying : " Pff there is no vore so you're story is boring !" or " Your story is only a vore story so it's stupid !"
To me everybody should be entitled to write about what they like in the universe without any worries, as long as they respect the fact that some people may have a different outlook on things.
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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For those who know of "Silver Scales"... Empty
PostSubject: Re: For those who know of "Silver Scales"...   For those who know of "Silver Scales"... Icon_minitimeThu Apr 21, 2011 7:53 am

To be honest, the way you worded this feels like you were waiting for a chance to gloat that you don't do anything for vorephiles, they like it or not.

But as already said, this community has all sorts of people. I find vore morbidly fascinating but can't see anything arousing about it, and my own stories feature a lot of gore and dismemberment and I have yet to see anyone yelling because of that. You just keep doing your thing because there's a lot of us, me included, that enjoy stories like yours. And if anyone complains that it sucks because it doesn't have vore, it's their problem for being that inmature, not yours
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Felarya cartographer
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For those who know of "Silver Scales"... Empty
PostSubject: Re: For those who know of "Silver Scales"...   For those who know of "Silver Scales"... Icon_minitimeThu Apr 21, 2011 8:23 am

Yeah, you'll find that most of the core members of this community don't really care whether there is lots of vore or not, they care about reading a good story set in the setting.

There is a definate distinction between "vorefans" and Felarya fans.

A Felarya fan cares about the setting, and will generally enjoy a good story set within Felarya regardless of the amount of vore. Both people who like and dislike vore fall into this group. They are united by a common intrest in the world of Felarya, and want to see it grow and improve.

A "vorefan", as you call them, usually are just there for the vore. They rarely look into Felarya much further than that. They never join the forum, and hardly ever read the wiki. They're just people from the vore and/or macrophile community who only look at Felarya stuff because it is relavent to their intrests. They have all the right to do what they do...but they aren't really a part of the Felarya community (although, many outsiders see them and assume that).

Generally anyone who goes around bashing a story for a lack of vore is frowned upon. Same with someone who bashes a story for having vore in it. What is far more important is how the characters and plot are handled, and how accurate a representation of the setting it is.
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Roaming thug
Roaming thug

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For those who know of "Silver Scales"... Empty
PostSubject: Re: For those who know of "Silver Scales"...   For those who know of "Silver Scales"... Icon_minitimeThu Apr 21, 2011 4:47 pm

To be perfectly honest, I didn't reallize that no actual vore was shown in Silver Scales until you pointed it out. That thing with the harpies near the beginning and Lucilya's off-screen snacking...I felt that fulfilled any de facto vore requirement and never gave it a second thought.
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Seasoned adventurer
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For those who know of "Silver Scales"... Empty
PostSubject: Re: For those who know of "Silver Scales"...   For those who know of "Silver Scales"... Icon_minitimeFri Apr 22, 2011 8:22 am

ZionAtriedes wrote:
Oh, don't worry. I unintentionally insult people allllll the time. I just naturally have a confrontational vocabulary, is all.

I do that alot too.
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Roaming thug
Roaming thug

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For those who know of "Silver Scales"... Empty
PostSubject: Re: For those who know of "Silver Scales"...   For those who know of "Silver Scales"... Icon_minitimeSun May 01, 2011 7:49 pm

Well, Crisis has finally made her Silver Scales debut (WAHOO!!!!!!) so all must be forgiven.
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For those who know of "Silver Scales"... Empty
PostSubject: Re: For those who know of "Silver Scales"...   For those who know of "Silver Scales"... Icon_minitime

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