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PostSubject: Now Recruiting Heroes! (Cancelled)   Now Recruiting Heroes! (Cancelled) Icon_minitimeFri May 13, 2011 2:59 am

Urael the demon lord has fully awakened within the body of Mort, (Both my characters), and now has access to the true depths of his power. But that isn't enough for him. Urael wants more. He plans to journey alone through the Fairy Kingdom, not letting anything stand in his way, in order to seek an audience with the Fairy Queen Nemyra. He wants to make her a deal. One that spells a fate worse than death for small races, (Humans, Nekos etc.), if she accepts.

YOU have had a vision of his plans giving you a small taste of his intentions, and while difficult to understand, it was easy to tell that they were not good. Your quest, should you choose to accept it, is to follow Urael deep into the heart of the Fairy Kingdom and stop him. You must keep up with Urael whilst avoiding the extreme hazards that the Fairy Kingdom is made up of. Be you pred or prey, you and others who have had this vision share a common goal of stopping Urael from meeting with Nemyra. Size and power mean very little in the Fairy Kingdom, you must use more than just brute strength to survive. You must be quick, cunning, stealthy and above all else, courageous. One small mistake could lead to you becoming a snack for a wandering fairy. But despite all the risks, you and your fellowship must stop Urael. Your very existence depends upon it

>No Godmodding. No one is immune to being shrunken!
>No Auto- hitting.
>No Escape!

During this RP, I will play the role of a "Gamemaster" of sorts. Though I control Urael, the players will rarely come into contact with him. Mainly, I will be in control of the various creatures that inhabit the fairy kingdom, and control random encounters that the party may run into.

In this RP, the possibility of ending up in in the stomach of a fairy and becoming soup is very real. The Fairy Kingdom is rated as danger level High to Legendary. If you go in guns blazing, YOU WILL NOT SURVIVE. If your character should meet a sticky end, then I'm afraid your adventure ends there and your comrades will have to continue without you, assuming they haven't also been eaten. HOWEVER, this RP is Non-Canon AKA It never really happened. If your character dies, because it never happened your character is still alive. Get it? One thing though. This is the part that will undoubtedly cause the most butthurt amongst people. If your character dies than you are out of the RP. If a football team loses too many matches then they lose the tournament and must sit and watch. Understand? No one is forcing you to do this. Also, the eventuality that ALL of you get digested is very possible. Its time to face the harsh reality of Felarya. There is always a bigger fish...

To sign up, simply post your bio below. Simple as that. Razz

Thanks for reading that, I am still ironing out the creases in my plan but I am also open for suggestions. Anyone interested in joining this please sign up below. I will give it about 3 to 4 days before I start for real. In that time, I will be planning very carefully the possibilities that may happen in this RP, and recruit players with this thread. If you are unsure about anything, send me a PM and I will answer your question.

Also, how was that for dramatic writing MrNobody?

Last edited by Mortis on Wed Jun 15, 2011 7:57 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Now Recruiting Heroes! (Cancelled)   Now Recruiting Heroes! (Cancelled) Icon_minitimeFri May 13, 2011 5:58 am

You have perked my interest. Depending on who I see join, and whether or not I can come up with a new character or not I may join.
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PostSubject: Re: Now Recruiting Heroes! (Cancelled)   Now Recruiting Heroes! (Cancelled) Icon_minitimeFri May 13, 2011 6:14 am

Hmn. Interesting idea, and that certainly was dramatic writing.
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PostSubject: Re: Now Recruiting Heroes! (Cancelled)   Now Recruiting Heroes! (Cancelled) Icon_minitimeFri May 13, 2011 6:41 am

I will be joining in. I just need some time to put together a bio for the character. I haven't made them one before.
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PostSubject: Re: Now Recruiting Heroes! (Cancelled)   Now Recruiting Heroes! (Cancelled) Icon_minitimeFri May 13, 2011 6:54 am

I think that due to the nature of this roleplay, the characters used by the roleplay must be made specifically for this roleplay. This will prevent author attachment or my-character-can't-die-'cause-he's-in-another-story.

In addition, for this roleplay to do really well, it's a really good idea for the participants to plan out their posts and discuss character interaction. I believe that everyone who has posted here so far is ventrilo-capable. Vent is a good place for talking about it in conjunction with a shared google document.

Quote :
Be you pred or prey, you and others who have had this vision share a common goal of stopping Urael from meeting with Nemyra. Size and power mean very little in the Fairy Kingdom, you must use more than just brute strength to survive.
Remember that fairies can't shrink giants.
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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Re: Now Recruiting Heroes! (Cancelled)   Now Recruiting Heroes! (Cancelled) Icon_minitimeFri May 13, 2011 8:34 am

I'm going to participate too. Sooo we have 4 days to write our characters for the story?
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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Re: Now Recruiting Heroes! (Cancelled)   Now Recruiting Heroes! (Cancelled) Icon_minitimeFri May 13, 2011 9:06 am

Thanks Mr Nobody.

Yes AJ you may have point there. Everyone who wants to participate CAN write up a new char specifically for this. You don't have to but as AJ said, it would mean you were less attached to them. Also can fairies not shrink giants? I was not aware of this. So therefore, preds are still allowed, but must be under 12 feet tall. Lastly yes Ventrilo is a really good idea. Anyone who is interested please make an effort to visit the felarya Ventrilo so we can discuss things. If you don't know what it is, its a voice and text chat system free to download.


Hostname or IP: felarya.clanvent.com
Port: 8878
There is no password.

Here is an instructional video in case you still don't understand


To answer Amaroq's question, I can give you all more time to write up a bio if you wish. 3- 4 days is just the minimum.
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PostSubject: Re: Now Recruiting Heroes! (Cancelled)   Now Recruiting Heroes! (Cancelled) Icon_minitimeFri May 13, 2011 9:47 am

I've made a google doc here for the organisation of this roleplay.
With Mortis' approval of course. No sign in is required, but it's useful.
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PostSubject: ill be joining too   Now Recruiting Heroes! (Cancelled) Icon_minitimeFri May 13, 2011 2:02 pm

im in just have to make a good bio. can we use magic
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PostSubject: Re: Now Recruiting Heroes! (Cancelled)   Now Recruiting Heroes! (Cancelled) Icon_minitimeFri May 13, 2011 3:12 pm

I think most things are allowed, as long as it isn't overpowered or too strong. Being a formidable fighter with every lore of magic avaiable and the abilities to grow at woll as well as summoning every creature in existance might not be the best choice. XD

Just try to make an interesting character with strong points and weaknesses as well. My character is some sort of healer and protector with almost no fighting capabilities so he'll rely on the help of others, for example. And if there's no backup, he'll get some serious problems and most likely land inside a fairies stomach. THIS is what makes characters interesiting and unique. Wink
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PostSubject: Re: Now Recruiting Heroes! (Cancelled)   Now Recruiting Heroes! (Cancelled) Icon_minitimeSat May 14, 2011 9:04 pm

Can I post my character here? Google docs isn't very convenient for me, and I have the character all lined out...
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PostSubject: Re: Now Recruiting Heroes! (Cancelled)   Now Recruiting Heroes! (Cancelled) Icon_minitimeSat May 14, 2011 9:08 pm

It isn't? Are you using IE?

Anyway, I'd say it's ok, posts are still linkable.
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Now Recruiting Heroes! (Cancelled)   Now Recruiting Heroes! (Cancelled) Icon_minitimeSun May 15, 2011 11:31 am

I'd also like to join, but I'm very new at this, and that Google doc confuses me. I may need a little assistance if nobody minds. ^_^
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PostSubject: Re: Now Recruiting Heroes! (Cancelled)   Now Recruiting Heroes! (Cancelled) Icon_minitimeMon May 16, 2011 2:15 am

Hey everyone. I don't know if you all got my message on Ventrilo last night but I have been having a lot of internet problems combined with serious life stuff over the past day or so. This might delay the RP a little. But hey, look at the bright side. At least you have more time to write a character up or figure out how to get it into the google doc! XD I don't bloody understand that thing myself so direct all questions regarding the google doc to Anime-Junkie. lol!
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PostSubject: Re: Now Recruiting Heroes! (Cancelled)   Now Recruiting Heroes! (Cancelled) Icon_minitimeMon May 16, 2011 6:38 am

@Mortis Well I'm sorry to hear that you are having problems, I hope that everything turns out ok whatever the problem is.

@Nayha What is the problem that you have with the google doc? Can you not open it, or are you confused on how to edit it? I'm not sure what your problems are with it.
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Now Recruiting Heroes! (Cancelled)   Now Recruiting Heroes! (Cancelled) Icon_minitimeMon May 16, 2011 7:47 am

buddha66667 wrote:
@Nayha What is the problem that you have with the google doc? Can you not open it, or are you confused on how to edit it? I'm not sure what your problems are with it.
Well, I figured out pretty much everything but how to post my character on the page that Junkie liked to in this thread with Amaroq's help (Thank you, Amaroq! *bows politely*).

EDIT: Okay, Amaroq helped me with that, too. Thanks again, Amaroq. Now the only problem I have is that I don't use the ventrillo, and I'm not able to download it becase I use my mom's computer, the only one in the house, and she would prefer I not download anything, especially while our internet's being so screwy.
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PostSubject: Re: Now Recruiting Heroes! (Cancelled)   Now Recruiting Heroes! (Cancelled) Icon_minitimeTue May 17, 2011 5:33 pm

So, should I just like post it now or is there some kind of procedure...?
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PostSubject: Re: Now Recruiting Heroes! (Cancelled)   Now Recruiting Heroes! (Cancelled) Icon_minitimeThu May 19, 2011 1:23 am

@FalconJudge. Ask Anime-Junkie dude. I have no bloody idea regarding google docs. XD

Anyway, I am planning on starting soon. If there is anyone who would like more time due to having not written a character, life problems, google doc problems, unsatisfied with character etc. Just let me know and I can wait a little longer. Very Happy

Also, registering your character bio into google docs is NOT required. You can still join regardless of being in the google doc, I just ask that you post the bio in this thread instead. The google doc just makes things a little more organised I suppose.
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Now Recruiting Heroes! (Cancelled)   Now Recruiting Heroes! (Cancelled) Icon_minitimeFri May 20, 2011 8:21 am

Do you think you're going to begin in Negav or something so that there's time for the story to begin and for the characters to meet in the first place? If not, then I'll have to think of an excuse for Minnacchio to be outside of Negav. :/
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PostSubject: Re: Now Recruiting Heroes! (Cancelled)   Now Recruiting Heroes! (Cancelled) Icon_minitimeFri May 20, 2011 10:04 am

Falcon, as Mortis said, just post the bio here.
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Naga food

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PostSubject: Re: Now Recruiting Heroes! (Cancelled)   Now Recruiting Heroes! (Cancelled) Icon_minitimeFri May 20, 2011 10:27 am

Can I join in?
my character is the same as the main history and his name is sadistic the nerd.
I still don't have his history written but he is very cunning and suffers a hard case of split personality.
I would think he will survive especially because he has the most boring book in the universe and because of that he can make everyone around him fall asleep even the fairies.
And any illusions don't affects him at all mainly because he rarely trusts anyone and suspects everything that is around him .
He is hard to predict what he will do and he will always dodge moving the least possible.
And he will never use his hands for battle when he is without a weapon and is extremely skilled with double-edged sword.
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Now Recruiting Heroes! (Cancelled)   Now Recruiting Heroes! (Cancelled) Icon_minitimeFri May 20, 2011 4:59 pm

sadisticnerd wrote:
Can I join in?
my character is the same as the main history and his name is sadistic the nerd.
I still don't have his history written but he is very cunning and suffers a hard case of split personality.
I would think he will survive especially because he has the most boring book in the universe and because of that he can make everyone around him fall asleep even the fairies.
And any illusions don't affects him at all mainly because he rarely trusts anyone and suspects everything that is around him .
He is hard to predict what he will do and he will always dodge moving the least possible.
And he will never use his hands for battle when he is without a weapon and is extremely skilled with double-edged sword.
Sounds like he'd be trouble for Minnacchio...Wink Although, he sounds a tad over-bearing, like he can't be outdone. Although you have reminded me that Minnacchio needs a weapon...I think I'll go with something classic and stage-y. Anyway, I'm all for split-personalities (I loved Bull from Battle B-Daman), and the fact that he doesn't trust anyone sounds okay, but I'm not sure that would apply to illusions. At most, I'd suspect he'd be distracted by illusions trying to figure out whether or not to believe them. You may also want to word "he will always dodge moving the least possible" a bit better, as that makes it sound like he can dodge anything by tilting his head.
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PostSubject: Re: Now Recruiting Heroes! (Cancelled)   Now Recruiting Heroes! (Cancelled) Icon_minitimeFri May 20, 2011 5:42 pm

Mine is a nice rich guy named Reg who is currently 80 (looks 30) years old. Basically, he went on many adventurous expeditions in the Jungle after being abandoned by his mother, and ended up in Negav under the care of a "Luck Priest" (forgot the religion's name). He wrote a popular book about his life, and used the capitol he gained along with money from some treasure he got to start a bookstore, which became a chain.

He's a rather fatherly character, and would rely on wits and experience to survive. He can, of course, fight if necessary, but he isn't the best in that field.

He could also fund the expedition for those starting in Negav.

His most famous qoute: "I have been called a self-made man. I find this insulting. Not the idea that I am self-made, but the implication that there exists men who aren't."

Sound good?

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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Now Recruiting Heroes! (Cancelled)   Now Recruiting Heroes! (Cancelled) Icon_minitimeFri May 20, 2011 5:55 pm

FalconJudge wrote:
Mine is a nice rich guy named Reg who is currently 80 (looks 30) years old. Basically, he went on many adventurous expeditions in the Jungle after being abandoned by his mother, and ended up in Negav under the care of a "Luck Priest" (forgot the religion's name). He wrote a popular book about his life, and used the capitol he gained along with money from some treasure he got to start a bookstore, which became a chain.

He's a rather fatherly character, and would rely on wits and experience to survive. He can, of course, fight if necessary, but he isn't the best in that field.

He could also fund the expedition for those starting in Negav.

His most famous qoute: "I have been called a self-made man. I find this insulting. Not the idea that I am self-made, but the implication that there exists men who aren't."

Sound good?

Ooh, I like that! ^.^ He sounds like he'd be a great improvised stage partner for Minnacchio, too. But what does he wear?
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PostSubject: Re: Now Recruiting Heroes! (Cancelled)   Now Recruiting Heroes! (Cancelled) Icon_minitimeFri May 20, 2011 8:30 pm

Mostly loose clothes in various shades of red. He would change to more "blendy" clothes for the jungle, though. Mostly different shades of green, probably. But who is Minnacchio? What's he/she like?
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PostSubject: Re: Now Recruiting Heroes! (Cancelled)   Now Recruiting Heroes! (Cancelled) Icon_minitime

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