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 Solomon's OC bios

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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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PostSubject: Solomon's OC bios   Solomon's OC bios Icon_minitimeSun Jun 05, 2011 2:20 pm

okay after thinking about it for awhile I've decided to post my OC bios here on the forum.

I'll start by posting my main Felaryan OC named Solomon.

Name: Solomon
Species: Giant
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Height: 120ft
Attire: clothes he hand made from animal skins and fur
Hair color: brown
Eye color: green
Skin tone: caucasian
Skills: skilled in making wooden tools, possesses hunting skills and survival skills, able to make clothes out of animal skins and fur, knowledge of how to make fires easily, posesses mechanical skills

Tools and equipment: hand made hunting weapons (such as spears and a knife), a journal to record his time in Felarya, a copy of a book called "Gulliver's Travels"

Solomon is a kind and gentle person, as his grandmother taught him to respect other people and to treat others how he wishes to be treated. However, if someone tries to hurt his friends he can be very unforgiving toward that person, mainly because he was helpless when his older brother was beat to death and will not let anything like that happen again. He is ready and willing to give his life to save anyone he considers a friend.

Solomon was once a human being from the Earth Dimension. He lived in an area called Salem, Oregon, the place of his birth. Solomon spent his childhood reading a book called "Gulliver's Travels" and couldn't help but wish that when he was older, he would one day have an adventure just like Gulliver. However, as he grew up he learned that you can't make a living by just reading fantasy books, so when he was 13 years old, he started reading on the history of robotics, math and science books so he could work at an early age.
At age 16 Solomon got a job in vehicle repair at a local repair shop, but left after three years because his boss was the leader of the gang who killed his older brother (3) years earlier. Solomon later started his profession as a hunter, and thanks to his uncle he was able to learn how to make wooden spears and knives to help him hunt. Solomon's uncle also taught him useful survival skills for when your out in the wild on your own. After two years of training with his uncle, Solomon became a skilled hunter as well as a wild game cloth maker.
One day while Solomon was going about his life, minding his own business, a dimensional shift suddenly brought him to Felarya. However, rather than become prey, Solomon was transformed into a giant by a spacial phenomenon during the dimensional shift. When Solomon came to in Felarya, he at first believed he was a normal size person in a world were everyone else is small, similar to what happened to Gulliver, which at first made him very excited. It wasn't until later that he learned this wasn't the case, as a group of explorers he rescued later that day told him that he was, in fact, a giant. A bit shocked by this news, Solomon's first instinct was to try to get back home, but his efforts came to no avail, as the dimensional shift that brought him to Felarya had closed a long time ago. He has been trapped in Felarya ever since. Luckily, he's been able to learn much about Felarya thanks to all the gossip he hears from explorers he's rescued from wild animals. He's also taken some advice from a few of the other giant sentient predators of Felarya.

Solomon will usually try to help explorers he encounters on hunts or on roads he travels, but only if they're being attacked by a non-sentient predator. His main motivation for doing so is because he doesn't want a person to suffer and die just because he wouldn't help. He also gets taken back to his childhood on the last day he saw his brother alive whenever he sees a wild animal trying to eat an unfortunate person, and he'd feel guilty if he let anyone else experience that pain. He doesn't really bother saving explorers from other giants and giantesses, though, mainly because he believes in survival of the fittest, especially in Felarya's wilds. However, one were to try to eat one of his humanoid friends, he would fight to the death to save that person. Even though it does bother him, he usually lets those he isn't familiar with become sentient predators' lunch.
Solomon doesn't like to talk about his past, and thus often prefers to change the subject to the present or to other people. At first Solomon didn't like living in Felarya, mainly because the other giants and giantesses see nothing wrong with eating humans or anything as small as humans dead or alive. But after a few months he grew used to living as a giant, though he still doesn't eat humans, or any humanoid creature. He very much enjoys seeing all the mythical creatures he'd read about in fantasy books in the flesh.
Solomon always keeps a copy of the book from his childhood, Gulliver's Travels, on his person at all times, which he sometimes cites sentences or paragraphs from when he needs help figuring out how he thinks he should act whenever he's interacting with predators or smaller species.
He currently dwells in Tolmeshal Forest in a cave located fifty miles north of the Giant Tree. He plans on travelling to the Giant Tree one day, mainly because he's heard there's nowhere else like it in Felarya.

Hunting Habits
Solomon prefers cooked meat rather than the uncooked meat most other predators like. Solomon mainly hunts animals around his size, such as kensha beasts - which are his faveorite food - using his handmade hunting weapons. However, if he can't find anything that big, he will settle for something smaller, but will never eat small sentient creatures, especially humans, since he was once one of them. Solomon usually kills smaller prey by breaking the necks before eating them, the hunter's way of eating what you kill. He also gathers fruit for bad hunting days

Last edited by Solomon on Tue Oct 18, 2011 8:03 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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PostSubject: Re: Solomon's OC bios   Solomon's OC bios Icon_minitimeSat Jun 18, 2011 1:28 am

EDIT: change her back-story and Hunting-habits a bit I also made her older.

I hope I made some good changes here

Name: Iris
Species: Dryad
Age: 275
Gender: Female
Height: 146FT
Attire: Giant leafs from plants that she uses as clothes
Hair color: Forest green, made of leaves and plants
Eye color: Ruby red
Skin color: Light green with brown spots on her arms

Iris is a very calm and sweet dryad thanks to the way she was raised by a family of humans. However, because of the way she was raised she doesn't like to tell people her weight. Iris has been known to act like a child when she's alone for reasons that not even she is sure of.

Iris is a dryad from the half tree species of dryad. Like most members of her kind she has a tree trunk from her waist down rather than a pair of legs. Iris isn't like most dryads because she doesn't like to eat sentient prey or open mental links with other dryads like the other members of her kind do. She doesn't like to do these things because when she was a little dryad she was found by a human family who raised her as their own. The humans were also the ones who gave Iris her name. As the humans took care of Iris she would use her illusion magic to hide and protect her new family from other predators. She also closed her mental links with the other members of her kind because she preferred to talk with people in person. Iris grew used to making clothes from the plants around her because the humans she grew up with preferred she wore clothes rather than going naked like the other members of her kind.

Iris lived a very happy life with her human family until a pack of fairies ate two of the humans she was living with. After the fairy attack came to pass, Iris decided to uproot herself and move to the ruins of Ur-Sagol to take the three surviving members of her family to the dimensional gate so they could go back to their home dimension. For Iris saying goodbye to her family was like a daughter leaving her mother for the first time. Iris doesn't like to be around fairies because of her encounter with them when she lived with humans.

Iris thinks like a human rather than a dryad. She likes to talk with humans and just about any other creature she meets she sometimes picks up humans just so she can talk to them. She usually learns things from the humans that she talks to as well, so she knows a lot of random facts. Iris doesn't like to stay in the same place for too long, mainly because she can feel unsafe in an area if she stays there for too long, plus she wants to learn about things out there and see what's out there in Felarya. Because of this she usually uproots herself once every few months and won't root herself back into the ground until she travels 30 miles which usually takes her a week or so before she roots herself in the area of her choice. Iris's saliva is very special, as it boasts healing abilities.

She usually uses it to heal people she encounters who are in pain, feeling sick etc. Iris also uses her saliva to help people sleep while their camping underneath her trunk, while using her magic to keep them hidden from predators in the night.

Iris doesn't like being a dryad mainly because she can't move all the time, and because of the fact humans are scared of her and sometimes call her a monster which hurts her mentally. She has been known to cry for an entire day like a child after being called a monster by a human which usually makes nearby harpies very unhappy. Iris usually doesn't hurt humans, however there have been a few times when she has had no other option but to defend herself from humans who either wanted to cut her down or set her on fire. She defends herself using powerful magic to command vines and other plants to defend herself against human attackers however she will never try to kill a human to defend herself she just tries to scare them away.

Iris had spent a long time living alone in her life, until she encountered a group a slavers who camped close to her, she used her magic to keep herself hidden from them. Once she heard that the slavers not only kidnapped a young harpy but also killed her mother she knew this was going to far and for the first time in the dryads life she killed humans. Later she was able to set the young harpy free and decided to raise the harpy as her own.

Iris taught the harpy, who she named Lilly, to be kind to other races and to not eat sentient races smaller then her. Iris was also able to teach Lilly how to hunt by telling her things she knew about harpies that she learned from talking with their kind and by making a mental link with Lilly, which was something Iris didn't do before in her life.

After Lilly grew up she became a powerful huntress however she didn't just leave her nest so to speak. Instead, Lilly decided to hunt for herself and Iris who was a mother to Lilly. Iris sees Lilly every now and then whenever Lilly feels like stopping by to see her mom and Lilly usually brings something back to Iris to show how thankful she is to her adopted mother for raising her. Iris enjoys Lilly visiting her mainly because she can learn about the things Lilly discovered while out on a hunt or an adventure of hers. Iris currently lives 150 miles west from the Giant Tree.

Hunting-Habits: Iris, like other members of her kind uses illusion magic to hide herself so that when prey is too close to her she just needs to grab it and then eat it. She loves to eats small animals. Unlike most dryads, Iris loves to eat fruit which she usually gets by using a vine to pick the fruit from a tree too far for her to reach.

Last edited by Solomon on Tue Oct 18, 2011 8:03 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: Solomon's OC bios   Solomon's OC bios Icon_minitimeSat Jun 18, 2011 3:01 pm

I can give you some opinion and feedback here, if you don't mind. Smile

Solomon wrote:
Weight: Secret

I see both of your characters has secret weight, huh? Anything special or just a quirk?

Solomon wrote:
Tools and equipment: hand made hunting weapons (such as spears and a knife), a journal to record his time in Felarya, a copy of a book called "Gulliver's Travels"

Strange he has a book like that.

Solomon wrote:
Solomon was once a human being from the Earth Dimension.

If it's a different Earth, it could work. Take in account that we have a non-written rule - or at least, I think it is - that Felarya would never link to our Earth, mainly for avoiding self-insertions, Mary Sues and Garu Stus. At least, that's how I understand it. There can still "Gulliver's Travels" in other versions of Earth. Razz

Solomon wrote:
At age 16 Solomon got a job in vehicle repair at a local repair shop, but left after three years because his boss was the leader of the gang who killed his older brother (_) years earlier.

I think you're missing the number of years. Still, this part looks a bit confusing. I know it's explained in his personality traits that this gang killed his brother, but you could elaborate it a bit for understanding how it came to affect his personality, like you explain how he got his mechanics and survival skills.

Solomon wrote:
One day while Solomon was going about his life, minding his own business, a dimensional shift suddenly brought him to Felarya.

Dimensional shifts happen, but it just came like that? Weird, there should be some explanation, even if it's a silly one like "the shift hapened in Miragia Forest". You can see that people that came from outside Felarya has come from one way or another. Also, as you state the shift turned him into a giant, the explanation should be somewhere.

The character, in other terms, is interesting. Reminds me a bit of Jade, protector of Safe Harbor, but in a more independent way, living his life in the wild instead of watching a town. Just tweaking those details I mentioned would improve the character a bit. At least in my opinion.

Now on with the dryad...

Solomon wrote:
Attire: Giant leafs from plants that she uses as cloths
Hair color: Forest green, made of leaves and plants

Interesting, you could say the plants help her in many ways, with her "clothing" and her hair.

Solomon wrote:
Iris is a dryad from the half tree species of dryad. Like most members of her kind she has a tree trunk from her waist down rather thin a pair of legs.

This is a bit redundant, as you even explain how dryads look like. Being a Felaryan character, it's suppossed people will know what a dryad looks like.

Solomon wrote:
Iris isn't like most dryads because she doesn't like to eat sentient prey or open mental links with other dryads like the other members of her kind do. She doesn't like to do these things because when she was a little dryad she was found by a human family who raised her as their own. The humans were also the ones who gave Iris her name. As the humans took care of Iris she would use her illusion magic to hide and protect her new family from other predators. She also closed her mental links with the other members of her kind because she preferred to talk with people in person. Iris grew used to making clothes from the plants around her because the humans she grew up with preferred she wore clothes rather than going naked like the other members of her kind.

Well, this is kinda interesting. The fact she closes her link with the dryad network helps her to not being influenced by other dryads. Also, as she was brought up by humans, makes sense she closed the link, as dryads automatically 'connect' themselves once they become sentient. Good choice on the use of her uprooting and her dislike towards fairies.

[quote="Solomon"]She usually learns things from the humans that she talks to as well, so she knows a lot of random facts.

Well played as she closed her link.

Solomon wrote:
Iris doesn't like to stay in the same place for too long, mainly because she can feel unsafe in an area if she stays there for too long, plus she wants to learn about things out there and see what's out there in Felarya. Because of this she usually uproots herself once a month and won't root herself back into the ground until she travels 30 miles which usually takes her a week or so
before she roots herself in the area of her choice.

If this dryad tends to uproot herself that usually, you should check the Faebanes at the Felarya wiki. Maybe you could use it for fleshing this character even more.

About the harpy part, it's a bit odd. Even if she learnt from the people she met about harpies, it's very unlikely she would know how to actually breed a harpy until she's fully grown. On the other hand, you made a good use of the fact dryads can share a link with other person that is not a dryad.

Solomon wrote:
Unlike most dryads, Iris loves to eat fruit which she usually gets by using a vine to pick the fruit from a tree too far for her to reach.

Some other dryads would look at it a bit like cannibalism. But there's nothing against eating fruit when it comes to dryads, so... Razz

Solomon wrote:
For a while Iris enjoyed eating fairies who would rest on her head or on a tree close by she would enjoy dropping the fairies into her mouth one by one. Iris enjoyed feeling the fairies kicking inside her belly because she wanted the fairies to know how humans feel when the fairies eat humans however she only ate fairies that said they ate humans or who just ate a human a little while ago. But none the less Iris used to eat fairies she stopped eating fairies after she raised Lilly because she didn't want Lilly to learn how to eat any sentient race for any reason.

Now this part is pretty unusual. Fairies can use their size shifting magic just to free themselves from her grip, unless, of course, she damages her winds. It's also a bit contradictory if she eats fairies as an act of revenge. Anyway, I don't know what other people might think, but that would make Iris the best fairy hunter ever to live. Razz
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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PostSubject: Re: Solomon's OC bios   Solomon's OC bios Icon_minitimeWed Jun 22, 2011 12:08 am

Feadraug wrote:
I see both of your characters has secret weight, huh? Anything special or just a quirk?

sorry I'm just not good with making weight for giant OCs ^^;

Feadraug wrote:
Strange he has a book like that.

what can I say, I'm somewhat a fan ^^;

Feadraug wrote:
If it's a different Earth, it could work. Take in account that we have a non-written rule - or at least, I think it is - that Felarya would never link to our Earth, mainly for avoiding self-insertions, Mary Sues and Garu Stus. At least, that's how I understand it. There can still "Gulliver's Travels" in other versions of Earth. Razz

the Earth he came from is a different Earth indeed, I just didn't think I needed to go into details on what his version of Earth is like, for the most part there won't be any breaking the forth wall with Solomon, plus I read that the giantess Jora came from Earth, but it never went into detail on what her version of Earth was like, I'm sorry for making any confusion ^^;

Feadraug wrote:
I think you're missing the number of years. Still, this part looks a bit confusing. I know it's explained in his personality traits that this gang killed his brother, but you could elaborate it a bit for understanding how it came to affect his personality, like you explain how he got his mechanics and survival skills.

I'm sorry for not going into full details, I'm just not good with full details, I'll try to fix that when I get some free time, again I'm sorry ^^;

Feadraug wrote:
Dimensional shifts happen, but it just came like that? Weird, there should be some explanation, even if it's a silly one like "the shift hapened in Miragia Forest". You can see that people that came from outside Felarya has come from one way or another. Also, as you state the shift turned him into a giant, the explanation should be somewhere.

I didn't think I needed to go into full details on the shift, sorry ^^;

Feadraug wrote:
The character, in other terms, is interesting. Reminds me a bit of Jade, protector of Safe Harbor, but in a more independent way, living his life in the wild instead of watching a town. Just tweaking those details I mentioned would improve the character a bit. At least in my opinion.

I'll take into mind the tips you gave me ^_^

Feadraug wrote:
Now on with the dryad...

oh yes Iris

Feadraug wrote:
Interesting, you could say the plants help her in many ways, with her "clothing" and her hair.

I might take that into mind^_^

Feadraug wrote:
This is a bit redundant, as you even explain how dryads look like. Being a Felaryan character, it's suppossed people will know what a dryad looks like.

well I read on the wiki not all dryads are half tree, some are half flower or something like that, and a few others have legs, I though making it clear she's one of the non-moveable dryads would be needed, I'm sorry if I made it sound silly ^^;

Feadraug wrote:
Well, this is kinda interesting. The fact she closes her link with the dryad network helps her to not being influenced by other dryads. Also, as she was brought up by humans, makes sense she closed the link, as dryads automatically 'connect' themselves once they become sentient. Good choice on the use of her uprooting and her dislike towards fairies.

really you think so? why thank you, it took me weeks to think of that, oh thanks you again, I really think I put alot of work into making a dryad for the first time ^_^

Feadraug wrote:
Well played as she closed her link.

thank you ^_^

Feadraug wrote:
If this dryad tends to uproot herself that usually, you should check the Faebanes at the Felarya wiki. Maybe you could use it for fleshing this character even more.

About the harpy part, it's a bit odd. Even if she learnt from the people she met about harpies, it's very unlikely she would know how to actually breed a harpy until she's fully grown. On the other hand, you made a good use of the fact dryads can share a link with other person that is not a dryad.

I'll keep that in mind, I thought the best way for her to breed the little harpy was for her to have a link, I might need to think the whole raising thing over, ^^;

Feadraug wrote:
Some other dryads would look at it a bit like cannibalism. But there's nothing against eating fruit when it comes to dryads, so... Razz

I thought it was alright for a dryad to eat fruit, after all don't some races in Felarya cannibalie in order to survive?

Feadraug wrote:
Now this part is pretty unusual. Fairies can use their size shifting magic just to free themselves from her grip, unless, of course, she damages her winds. It's also a bit contradictory if she eats fairies as an act of revenge. Anyway, I don't know what other people might think, but that would make Iris the best fairy hunter ever to live. Razz

she does damage their wings, I forgot to put that into the bio ^^;
why thank you, I didn't think there were to many fairie hunters, that's part of the reason why I made her^^

I'm very glad you put in so much time into quoting me and reading my bios and giving me some tips, I'll think things through before making any changes, again thank you very much^_^
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Temple scourge
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Solomon's OC bios Empty
PostSubject: Re: Solomon's OC bios   Solomon's OC bios Icon_minitimeWed Jun 22, 2011 12:18 am

Oh, no, it isn't that there are many fairy hunters, actually... it's the fact that since Iris could capture fairies with relative ease, she was one of the best so far... usually, fairy hunters end as food. xD

Also, I'm just giving some advice, you can follow it or not, it's your choice. Wink Anyway, even if I pointed out some parts that would need explanation, others you gave good reasons for yours characters to be in that way, specially Iris.

It's a good start, believe me.
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PostSubject: Re: Solomon's OC bios   Solomon's OC bios Icon_minitimeWed Jun 22, 2011 7:32 am

Solomon wrote:
she does damage their wings, I forgot to put that into the bio ^^;
why thank you, I didn't think there were to many fairie hunters, that's part of the reason why I made her^^

I'm very glad you put in so much time into quoting me and reading my bios and giving me some tips, I'll think things through before making any changes, again thank you very much^_^
Faries aren't so easy.
It's not simply a case of "hit the wings for massive damage."

Fairies aren't stupid; they know their wings are their weak point.
It is true that your dryad could trick some fairies into thinking she was friendly, then attack their wings when her guard was down, there's no guarantee that she'll be able to eat them, especially considering they'd most likely be giant sized in order to talk to another giant sized person. Some fairies would escape and spread word of a vicious dryad that attacks fairies. Then she'd probable be driven away or plain avoided by fairies.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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PostSubject: Re: Solomon's OC bios   Solomon's OC bios Icon_minitimeWed Jun 22, 2011 8:43 am

hmmm....I guess I'll need to work on that part, thanks for the tip A.J, I'll try to inprove Iris's bio when I get some free time, I'm glad you took some time to read my bios
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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PostSubject: Re: Solomon's OC bios   Solomon's OC bios Icon_minitimeTue Oct 11, 2011 10:28 am

alright here's my harpy I made awhile ago......not sure what to expect here...

Name: Lilly.
Species: Rock Harpy.
Age: 62.
Gender: Female.
Height: 106FT.
Wingspan: Unknown.
Attire: clothes made out of plants that were given to her by her adopted mother Iris, as well as some nice clothes the giant Solomon made her.
Skin color: caucasion.
Feather color: golden brown.
Hair color: red.
Eye color: sapphire.

Personality: a very sweat and kind harpy due to how she was raised by the dryad known as Iris, Lilly has grown up to be friendly to people when she first meets them but if given a reason she can become very unfriendly towards a person attacking her friends, she is by all means naive and can get into trouble easily this way when dealing with other people, since she grew up with Iris Lilly doesn't have any reason to dislike a sphinx at all.

Back-Story: Lilly is a Felaryan Rock harpy who grew up without getting to truly know her mother, she was a few years old and just learning how to fly when she was taken by her mother from human slavers, her mother tried to save from the slavers but was kill by a sphinx who saw her, the sphinx of course had no idea what was going on at the time.

the slavers however took credit for the death of Lilly's mother even though they had to deal with other predators when which left their forces scattered from this ordeal, the slavers split up into two groups by the time they escaped from the attacking predators who wanted an easy meal, poor Lilly was trapped inside a transport while this was going on and had no idea what was going on, the group that took her decided to pass through an area around the Lataran temple because they were told the root was safe.

while traveling down the root the group with Lilly made camp near the dryad Iris who overheard them talking, when she heard that the slavers not only took Lilly from her mother but kill her mother as well (even though it was really a sphinx that kill Lilly's mother) Iris lost all her sense of reasoning and destroyed the slavers and saved Lilly before any of them could stand a chance against her.

After the slavers where destroyed Iris decided to raise Lilly as her own daughter and took good care of her for many long years, using a special mental link to help Lilly while she was growing up, in time the harpy was becoming very skilled in hunting animals.

As time went by Lilly once caught a group of adventurers for Iris because she was told to bring anything that could be food to the dryad before eating to make sure its safe, after Iris helped Lilly understand humans aren't food and are just as much people as them, the leader of the adventurer group inspired Lilly to one day become one herself.

Later when Lilly grew up she became a very good huntress as well as a good adventurer she usually brings food and treasure she fines to Iris as a way to thank Iris for raising her.

Because Lilly was raised by Iris she doesn't eat humans or other sentient creatures
because Iris taught her to be kind and respectful towards other people regardless of how small or big they are and since Iris doesn't eat humans either it was easy to raise a young harpy into not eating humans and since Lilly was raised by Iris she sees Iris as a mother which made Iris very happy.

Lilly has traveled as far south east as the Chidokai forest to as far north east as both the ruins of Ur-Sagol and the Jewel river she has also traveled as far north as Cordoni river to as far south as the Ascarlin mountains however she hasn't traveled anywhere beyond the Lataran temple mainly because the west area beyond the temple is home to the
Fairy Kingdom which is someplace she is too scared to travel to for reasons not even she knows.

Lilly usually tends to travel on a daily basis. because Lilly wasn't raised around others of her kind she has no knowledge of the harpy language which is why she usually tends to avoid others of her kind because she thinks they really mean to do bad things to her
even though they really don't mean her any harm she just doesn't understand that they just want to chat with her and get to know her better and until she learns the meaning of the harpy language she might never have any harpy friends.

Like Iris Lilly enjoys talking with people for the fun of it and has been known to pick
up humans and other small sentient creatures just to talk with them usually the people she picks up aren't too happy to be picked up by a harpy but after a while they soon learn that she just wanted to talk she has been known to help people get to human settlements
as well as taking people to the dimensional gate of Ur-Sagol to help them get back to their home Lilly like Iris also wears clothes made out of plants which were given to her by Iris.

Lilly has been known to show what she calls her harpy nature which is a personality that she shows when someone try's to hurt one of her friends and when this happens she is a completely different person but she only acts this way if a friend is under
attack and if the attacker was say a human let's just say Lilly will take the person up into the sky for a nice view of the place before they come back to the ground without Lilly to help them down.

Lilly currently lives in a tree between the Giant Tree and the Lataran Temple.

Hunting-Habits: Lilly hunts by using her powerful claws to kill large animals as well as to catch small animals which make up most of her diet she also hunts for fruit.

Unlike most members of her kind she doesn't eat humans or any other small sentient
creature because she sees it wrong to eat another person no matter how small they might be.

Lilly has been known to play with small animals in midair as she's about to eat them which shows to a point a playful nature while she hunts.

Last edited by Solomon on Tue Oct 18, 2011 8:04 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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PostSubject: Re: Solomon's OC bios   Solomon's OC bios Icon_minitimeTue Oct 11, 2011 10:30 am

alright I'm going to post Mint's bio here to see if I need to change anything...I know the gammer is crappy as well as all my grammer in general but that's just how I right......I don't expect any of this work to be good at all....but still its better to have some feedback........

PS. I know the bio is long...its just what came out of my dumb head...

Name: Mint.

Specie: Chlaenas.

Age: 300.

Gender: female.

Height (from head to ground): 120 FT.

Length (from head to tentacle tips): 200 FT.

Attire: slightly rip clothing with straps to keep the clothing together that her mother made for her.

Physical appearance: Mint is a 300 year old chlaenas who looks about 25 in human terms, she even thinks of herself being that young sometimes, she has average skin color on the human half of her body while her tentacles and suction cups are a beautiful light green shade, she has long navy blue hair which she enjoys flowing in the water, she has mint green eyes which are the reason why she has her name, both her human and octopus body are very squishy and soft when touched, her figure is nice and slim she has beautiful eyes that sparkle in the night sky and she has a usually motherly voice.

She wears clothes her mother made for her as a gift, over the years those clothes have gotten ripped up to the point where her bellybutton is fully visible and her lover clothing has a series of rips in it that look like someone just ripped apart her clothes on purpose which odds are someone did, the upper half of her clothing is tied together by rope too keep it from just falling off, the middle of her shirt has a rip in it that was made from a battle she had from one of her few enemy's, she claims that her clothes were once a big long dress but after a few encounters with predators and unwilling prey as well as her few enemy's they got ripped up.

She will sometimes change her colors for the fun of it or to match her mood or when she's doing something else but she prefers to be in her natural colors.

Characteristics: Mint is a very truthful and honest chlaenas, due to how she was raised she will try to not tell a lie at all and isn't very good at keeping secrets, many people don't trust telling her a secret because they fear she might tell someone that secret. Her truthful and honest nature make her a bit weird to land people and some sea folk, unlike most of her kin she doesn't eat any race for any reason rather their giant or small, so in other words if she says "I have no plans to ever eat you at all" she means she won't eat you at all, but if she says "I feel tempted to eat you right now" she means that she's very hungry and could eat you but won't eat you because she knows better than that. Because of how squishy and flex-able her body is she can be very strange when moving her body around sometimes, one of her favorite things to do is to compress her body into tight places just for the fun of it she enjoys the feeling of having her body in a tight place where no one can get to her. Mint's train of thought is pretty unusual even among her kind, no one can really tell what's really on her mind at one moment or the next, but she is very truthful about what's commonly on her mind or what she is thinking about.

If there's one thing she is well known for next to her truthful nature it's the fact she likes to talk, however due to her childhood problem with and pirates she has been known to go out of her way to attack pirates and their ships even if they are human. After watching one of her friends get killed by pirates she will not let them go at all needless to say chasing pirates is her major weakness. Mint's most common questions when you meet her for the first time are usually "hello there, where did you come from" "are you a Felaryan" "are you from the mainland" "what's it like where you live" "how did you come all the way out here" "did you make those clothes" "are you looking for treasure" "do you love birds" etc…

Needless to say she can be rather bothersome and un-trustful to many people or very cool and unusual to others. But all and all she is a good person and does mean well for the wellbeing of others, one of her many interests is adventuring, once she was old enough to fend for herself she left her village and started adventuring the Topazial sea the Shimmering sea a few times the Jewel river and some of the islands and mainland she could walk on before needing to return to the sea or a river big enough for her to fit in, she does like treasure in most of its forms but holds friendship above all other treasures in Felarya. She also enjoys it when a person wants to talk to her rather than her wanting to talk with the person, though sometimes she will forget how odd it is for a person to watch a head turn all the way around and will turn her head usually to face the person who wish's to chat with her even if their completely behind her. If a person tells her something she knows isn't true she will tell them right away that their not right, being around a long time she knows many things but can't quite recall what she needs to at times.

Every now and then if she sees a ship out at sea she will fallow the ship to make sure it reach's its destination safely, she will scare away any predators she comes across while fallowing the ship, she does this by either pretending to be bigger or by changing colors to look scary and given how mermaids normally react when their around chlaenas it's easy to scare off mermaids however other sea races can be a big issue to deal with. One of the things she enjoys doing is sunbathing she'll walk or crawl onto land a beach or giant rock to sunbath for half an hour or two, but she is careful to not sunbath for too long or bath on hot days, she prefers to sunbath when its warm and the clouds are covering most of the sunlight so that way she can enjoy her fun time. One of the things she does commonly is go to a rock that she and the people who know her call Chlaenas Rock where she spends hours talking to her friends and telling story's and listening to story's from her many friends, Mint also loves the color green in most of its shades. One sure way to earn her friendship is to make lovely art for her or a friend, she became interested in art when an artist made a lovely drawing of her swimming in the sea a long time ago, she's held that person close to her heart ever since that day and will highly recommend that artist for people looking for art.

One of her childhood interests is jellyfish she enjoys playing around with jellyfish by usually pushing them around and just holding the tops of the brainless creatures, it interested her after she swam around a few schools of jellyfish as a child the colors and the simple floating about just interested her in them greatly.

One of the things that nearly never changes about Mint is her smile, unless she's very scared or angry she always keeps a calm and happy smile that people never forget after they see it. However this smile will change into a crazy somewhat evil looking grin when she's out on a hunt or hunting down an enemy. But for the most part her smile is perfectly normal most of the time, her eye brow movements help tell the kind of mood she's in even when she smiles. If she raises an eye brow it could mean many things one of them being she's interested in something, one of the things she thinks of to herself sometimes is the fact she thinks of herself as a giant human with an octopus body. Of course she knows this isn't true but hey a girl can have her dreams right?

One thing Mint enjoys doing every now and then is to just think, whenever she thinks she might move a tentacle underneath her chin (pretty much the same way a human puts a hand underneath their chin when thinking) while keeping another tentacle underneath the tentacle that's under her chin to help support that tentacle (though when underwater she doesn't really need to do this) she enjoys thinking this way. One thing to take note of is the fact Mint will blush every time she inks even if it's in the middle of danger and sometimes for fun she will ink herself just to blush though she try's not to do this around people. As for people Mint just enjoys the company of others and will spend hours days or on rare times days with that person, one of the few things she does while bored is sing to herself. She is surprisingly a good singer but mostly while underwater, not even she is sure why this is so. Even though she likes to sing to herself she prefers to listen to other people sing a lovely song rather it's to her or someone else it doesn't matter to Mint. But to sum her all up, she's an unusual chlaedas who makes a great lifelong friend who some people would enjoy being around.

Personality: Mint is an adventurous and very friendly chlaenas who very much enjoys the company of others it almost doesn't matter what race they our (though she does prefer to not be in the company of selachis for some obvious reasons) she is just as fine talking with a naga or a mermaid as she is talking with a human or neko although she dislikes harpies because she was attacked by them while she was young but was saved by one of her siblings she can also not stand their language and will not stand being in their company at all unless of course a friend of hers is friends with said harpy but she herself will never be fully trustful or friends with harpies at all.

However being friendly doesn't mean that no one wants to eat Mint, there have been many predators who have tried to eat Mint but at worst she's lost some tentacles many times over because of predators. It should be noted she will not stand pirates or troublemakers of that nature because while she was little on the island she grew up with humans she last one of her close friends to a pirate. Later when she got bigger she has been known to sink pirate ships to prevent them from hurting people so in her mind no one will suffer how she did as a child.

She can be pretty cleaver and cunning but doesn't think of herself being cleaver, she is a very kindhearted and sweet women who's willing to stand up for her friends and her beliefs and pretty much is the kind of person you'd want to be around once you get to know her. Her mother and adopted human father taught her that the people you care for are the most precious treasure in your entire life and that if possible their worth dying for. Which means if anyone try's to kill or eat her friends (or at least people she sees as friends) she has been known to hunt down that person and either kill that evil person or just tell them to never show their face around her or her friends ever again (and a word to the wise it's better for one's heath to stay away from her or her friends when you become an enemy of hers).

But in spite of the fact she is unforgiving towards her enemy's (which vary in numbers) and greatly dislikes the harpy race she is an overall great person to be around who will gladly protect you once you're her friend (which is a somewhat easy task to do). She enjoys many things which are part of a giant mental list in her train of thought but at the top of that list the most special thing in life is having friends and being around non-bully type or harpy people to talk to or pirates as well. Mint may be a happy lady but there are a few things she fears nearly to death, she has great fear of being eaten dear or alive and will try to not get eaten.

But her biggest fear is the darkness of the Dark Claw Reef in the Topazial sea, she fears going down there in an area full of darkness where you may get eaten without knowing it. This fear mainly comes from the fact her father disappeared when he traveled to Dark Claw Reef and was never seen again, her mother told her scary story's about the reef to keep Mint from wanting to go down there.

Back-story: Mint is a chlaenas from a village of chlaenas living in the Topazial sea, she lived with her mother grandfather her siblings and a series of aunts uncles and cousins who looked after her. Her father's whereabouts are unknown but her mother claims he disappeared after going down to the Dark Claw Reef which is somewhere no chlaenas has been to and survived before commonly. Ever since she was little she had a curious nature about the unknown much against her grandfather and most of her family's will.

When she was little she could only leave the village if her mother or one of her older siblings went with her, her mother is the ruler of the village she lives in which means she is a possible heir to the her village. Back when Mint was a little girl her curious nature got her into trouble when she got caught in a fishing net from a giant fishing ship from one of the islands above her village, caught confused and scared little Mint thought she was going to die until she woke up looking at the face of the ship's Captain. He was an old bearded Scottish man who was head of fishing for his island and was well known as a truly caring man. When he saw Mint he just was happy to see a little lassie with cute navy blue hair onboard his ship. At first when he saw her fall out of the net he only saw her human half, but as he lifted her up he soon learned that she wasn't human. A bit shocked he called his crew to have a look at Mint.

She pretty much liked looking at all the strange people who were bigger than her at the time, after the crew learned that Mint was a young chlaenas they thought it was best they looked for her parent or parents before things got ugly. Within a matter of minutes after Mint was brought onboard her mother appeared angry and ready to sink the ship and most likely eat the crew. However Mint's mother stopped when the captain willingly gave Mint back to her mother.

Mint of course just didn't want to leave the in her mind funny old man she wanted to play with him, of course a week after Mint met the funny old man she wanted to see him again and play with him. So she left her village and found her way onto the ship nearly falling off a few times due to the fact she was still learning how to stick to surfaces. Once the ship's captain spotted her he ran to rescue her from nearly falling off the ship, within the hour Mint's mother returned only to find her daughter left home again she found Mint playing with the fishing ship's captain which delighted Mint's mother.

About a week after that play time Mint was able to get back to the fishing ship, lucky for her one of her older brothers was watching her swim to the ship. After a little while he returned to the ship with one of his sisters and Mint's mother, at this point it became clear to Mint's mother that Mint wanted to be with the funny old man. So a deal and promise was made with Mint's mother and the ship captain that day. Little is known of the full details of the deal but it resulted in Mint being able to see live and learn with the ship's captain and his wife.

The captain had always wanted a child of his own but his wife couldn't have one which meant adopting one would be the only option for them. The captain named Mint after the color of her beautiful eyes and treated her like his own daughter, of course it was a surprise when he first brought Mint to the island but after a little while the people on the island saw Mint as one of them. Of course Mint needed to go to a body of water every few hours in order to keep herself from drying up, but she was able to spend a good long time period with humans while she grew up.

She pretty much saw the funny old man as a father, but Mint's childhood was mainly her living one week with her kin and another week with humans on land. This hard but possible life style made Mint see humans as a second kin for her, which is the reason why she doesn't eat humans at all. Thanks to the way the humans helped raised her she grew use to seeing people and enjoyed being able to meet new faces as long as their not pirates or harpies and thanks to this life style she was able to easily walk on land as if it were swimming so to speak.

As time went by Mint grew into a big lovely women, many people admired her for her looks and her developed abilities as well as her friendly nature towards just about anyone who isn't a harpy or pirate. She spent some of her free time learning how to make clothes since most of the people in her underwater village like to wear clothes, by the time she made her own clothes she felt it was time to move on with her life and see the great things the worlds had to offer a chlaenas. As a girt her mother made her a pair of clothes for her journey (which she wears to this day) and she was given a nice bag from the humans she lived with to carry any treasures she found with her (which she still uses every now and then to this day).

She had spent such a good long time adventuring that she became known among some of the islands of the Topazial sea, she's also been to the Shimmering sea and claims to have been in the Jewel river a few times. But this adventurous side of her does have a place she's settled and calls home and what better home than her birth home. She isn't seen around her village or the human island that was a part of her life all the time but she comes back every now and then to check up on everyone and make sure things are doing okay.

She enjoys visiting her grandfather who founded their village when he and his mate were young chlaenas, he enjoys seeing Mint whenever she can visit but advises her to be careful around land people especially humans and pirates. She listens to his advises but tends not to worry too much, as for what go's on with most of her life she prefers to just go from one place to another. She is usually seen around a giant rock near the cost of the mainland called Chlaenas Rock which she and a few of her friends named. This rock is located on the cost of where the maintains of Frost peak are located right where the Jewel river and Topazial sea meet together.

Hunting-habits: Due to her early time with humans Mint doesn't eat humans or other chlaenas races because she sees them all as her kin. Surprisingly enough she doesn't eat giant or small races rather their land people or sea folk of some kind, her diet is mainly made up of the giant animals that live in the ocean that aren't too big of a problem to deal with.

But she also enjoys eating smaller prey just as much as bigger prey, she prefers to chew her food due to the way she was raised with humans. Therefor she usually won't eat something alive at all she'll kill it first, if it's small enough to fit in her mouth she'll just chew her prey to death. If it's a big meal she'll either chew off bites of it or will make her mouth big enough to swallow her prey whole. If she does eat her food whole she'll have a big bulge in her stomach for a few days before she eats something again.

Oddly enough she enjoys eating human food and doesn't mind being given some sweets even if there too small for her see or taste. Of course fruit is a part of her diet, commonly she will also eat some types of seaweed and just loves it when she can rap her food in seaweed. She also enjoys cooked food on the rare event she'll be able to have some.

When hunting for herself she will use her venom to help kill her prey she will also use her tentacles to hold her prey still while she bites them delivering the venom to her preys vital points. If she hunts for another person she won't use her venom to kill her prey, one of her favorite hunting methods when close to land of some kind is to wait for an animal to get close enough to the water so she can catch it with her tentacles. Then she'll chew her food and swallow it, however if the animal is giant she will keep her prey underwater until it dies from breathing water before eating it.

She is also known to use her tentacles as bait to draw in sea birds who think her tentacles are fish of some kind. But to sum it all up she'll pretty much eat anything that doesn't talk.

Last edited by Solomon on Tue Oct 18, 2011 8:04 pm; edited 1 time in total
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