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 Chaos7Theory's Characters

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PostSubject: Chaos7Theory's Characters   Chaos7Theory's Characters Icon_minitimeThu Jun 23, 2011 7:01 pm


Last edited by Chaos7Theory on Mon Dec 03, 2012 11:07 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Removed for personal reasons.)
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Posts : 2010
Join date : 2008-01-13
Age : 33
Location : Behind you. No, above! Oh, too late, I already got you. NINJA SKILLZ!

Chaos7Theory's Characters Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chaos7Theory's Characters   Chaos7Theory's Characters Icon_minitimeThu Jun 23, 2011 9:10 pm

I guess I'll have to do this. I promise I'll be as nice as possible.

Quote :
Name: Rearite Aratameru
Gender: Male
Age: 221 (Physically 14)
Species: Archangel (Human within Felarya)
Height: 5'0"
Weight: ~90 pounds
Occupation: Interdimensional Adventurer
Sounds pretty Mary-Sue already, and I'm hardly in. Japanese-sounding name, ridiculous age paired with ridiculously young looks, really light weight, and... well, even ignoring the misuse of "dimension" (which you can be forgiven for, as it's aggravatingly common), the occupation is just so, I dunno, bland. Archangels are also powerful warriors of Heaven, full of honor and wisdom, not... wandering kids looking for adventure. Remember that the "arch" is a rank, not a race. Take it from a military guy, ranks don't just float your way (except in the Ar-my/ the backpack-ing Army).

Quote :
Eye Color: Amber
Hair Color: Brown
Hair Style: Spiky and unkempt
Hair Length: Shoulder-length
Skin Color: Light peach.
Body Frame: Short and kid-like in stature, though decently defined.
In the words of Shinobu from No More Heroes, "Moe!"

Quote :
Personal Information:
Sexual Preference: Pansexual
This, I can live with. I mean, I'm pretty sure pansexual males don't exist (we bisexual guys are rare enough!), but neither do giant nagas, so I can forgive a little bit of fantasy.

Quote :
Hobbies: Messing with others, flirting, helping others (which sounds contradicting), exploring, socializing, and... ahem, intercourse.
Personality: As mentioned before, he's up there as one of the most laid back of people. He can get really get bored easily and tries to find any way to pass the time, usually by bugging any random person he can find. Even then, he takes a rather honest and fair approach when it comes to arguments. He can be extremely childish at most times, but naive is something he isn't, considering his hypersexual tendencies...
So, we have yet another character in what should be a dangerous survival situation looking to get jiggy with anything and everything. I've got nothing against a little fanservice, pal, but I think it's best kept sparse. This character is looking more and more like a hentai star. I also refer back to my "moe" comment on the personality issue.

Quote :
History: Rearite spent most of his life traveling from dimension to dimension, exploring the many new lands that he'd come across and pursued to meet new and interesting people. Despite his angelic status, he isn't the most likeable of people, being blunt in his honesty and rather smart-assish at times. Ironically though, due to him being an Archangel of Lust and Love (virtually a cupid), he grew up life being a hypersexual person, always flirting with the new people he'd encounter.
I can definitely see this guy as being honored enough among the legions of Heaven to be bestowed with the title of "Archangel". Oh, sorry, sarcasm counts as mean, and I'm trying to avoid that. My apologies, I'm naturally such an ass.

Quote :
However, the problem with interdimensional traveling is that you must follow the set 'limitations' depending on the dimension...
Please, please, pleeeeaaaase... if there's one thing I want from a newbie, it's to do a little research on the setting before jumping in. There's a nice little thread in the General Discussion that addresses the exact issue I've taken with this bit here.

Quote :
In this case, as Rearite arrived to the world of Felarya, he found his powers stripped almost completely, leaving him as a mere human
Mere? You're not going to make friends with the pro-human faction here, buddy, and we've got some connections! Okay, true enough, that's not really an error on your part. I'm just being an ass again.

Quote :
excluding for his ability to fly and manipulate ki/chi energy.
Blam. Now here's where I've got to speak up. No wings, and yet he flies? I'm okay with levitation and limited flight through telekinesis and whatnot, but this isn't DBZ. No flying across the world at the speed of a jetbike, because AJ worked really hard to make those bikes canon! No cheapening them! (<-- Trying to be less serious to seem less mean.)

All in all, this character seems too cheap. You didn't make much of an effort in creating it. If you're not trying hard enough, that means you don't respect your own effort. And if you don't, how do you expect us to? I know you can do better. I mean, I don't see any typos are glaring grammatical errors in there, which puts you a step up from half the newbies, at least in my book. So I think you can do better. If I sound harsh, that's why. Some people, I've given up on, and I'm trying my best not to care. If I got worked up over every bit of drivel that has "Felarya" stamped on it, I'd go cuckoo.
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