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 How BIG is Felarya?

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Great warrior
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PostSubject: How BIG is Felarya?   How BIG is Felarya? Icon_minitimeSun Jun 26, 2011 10:52 am

Hello everyone!

Well, I guess we all know the official Felarya-Map, which is seen in the wiki and on DA.

How BIG is Felarya? 800px-Felamaplargewiki

It shows a part of the main continent.
But... I have two questions about that.

How big is that part of the Felaryan world actually? Is there any scale in kilometres or miles we might be able to lay on the map? Could it be compared to the size of the united states or rather a small country like switzerland? How long would it take a human to travel from the left end of fairy kingdom to the right? (pure walking time, no running or hiding)

Also... what lies behind the border of this map? The new artwork hints that there are more continents.
How BIG is Felarya? Is_that_felarya___by_karbo-d3jzcuw
If you look closely, you may spot the location of the standard map in the northern part of this map, the fairy kingdom might be a good reference-point. Are those continents the same? Just how big are they?

Last edited by Amaroq on Sun Jun 26, 2011 11:03 am; edited 1 time in total
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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Re: How BIG is Felarya?   How BIG is Felarya? Icon_minitimeSun Jun 26, 2011 10:58 am

Reading comprehension:

Quoted from the image (link):
Don't take that dream too much to face value if you are interested into the geography of the world, though. We know that dreams can be vague

The map shown is not intended to show anything, and indeed Karbo calls it out as what they're doing is theoretically impracticable given Felarya's nature. It is just a picture, nothing more, and should not be used for determination of Felarya's geography or size.

As to the question: Felarya is huge. Imagine the size of the universe - you can't. Same goes with Felarya. It is big enough to support all the massive predators and then some, inclusive to land, sea, and air. The other map you quoted, the wiki one, is outdated and doesn't show appropriate distance relationships. Karbo has stated this many times in the past, and he is planning on rectifying that at some point in the future.

Also, for the other part - yes, there are more continents than what is currently shown. Karbo's also called this out before, not to mention the island archipelagos and such in the seas. Taken from the wiki:

There is credible evidences of another continent far to the east, past the Topazial sea, but little is known about it.

For additional past discussion on distance/travel time please see this topic (link).

Last edited by aethernavale on Sun Jun 26, 2011 11:04 am; edited 1 time in total
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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Re: How BIG is Felarya?   How BIG is Felarya? Icon_minitimeSun Jun 26, 2011 11:09 am

thank you, I'll check these threads out!
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Felarya cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: How BIG is Felarya?   How BIG is Felarya? Icon_minitimeSun Jun 26, 2011 11:36 am

In short: Felarya is very, very big.

In long: ...

Quote :
How big is that part of the Felaryan world actually? Is there any scale in kilometres or miles we might be able to lay on the map? Could it be compared to the size of the united states or rather a small country like switzerland? How long would it take a human to travel from the left end of fairy kingdom to the right? (pure walking time, no running or hiding)

We don't have an exact scale. I mean, we know Negav covers an area of roughly 90 square miles, but Karbo has hinted that it is much bigger on the map than it should be.

Its been suggested that the part of the Jewel River we can actually see is just a small fraction of the whole. Just the part that empties out into the Topazial Sea.

Now, you can potentially use the manga a bit to guesstimate. We know that Crisis travelled to Vivian's place and back to the Giant Tree in a single day. She set out sometime in the morning, and came back after nightfall. It also doesn't appear, at least from the way the manga conveys it, that she was at Vivian's for very long. All we really know is that predators can move at well over 40mph while walking, and easily over 100mph if they increase their speed. It really depends how fast Crisis was moving. Either way, its pretty vast, especially to humans.

Although, I believe Karbo has been a bit unsure about the accuracy of that travel time himself. I suppose, it COULD be interpreted that she spent the night at Vivian's, before heading back to the Giant Tree the next day. The current explanation is that it was a single, all-day trip though.

As for the global geography, we do know a little.

As stated earlier, we know the part of the Jewel we can see is a tiny fraction. It continues to run much further inland, suggesting that the portion we can see on the map is just one piece of a much larger continent.

We also know that there are many more islands, island chains, archapelago's, etc throughout the Topazial Sea.

As for rumors. Karbo has mentioned a few times that he believes there's a second continent across the Topazial Sea.

That new drawing, eventhough it is a dream, shows that there could very well be a third continent to the south as well.
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Roaming thug
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PostSubject: Yeah, it was just a dream.   How BIG is Felarya? Icon_minitimeSun Jun 26, 2011 11:42 am

This is simply how my character, Remus, could process this as best as he could when trying to imagine what Felarya may look like. Hey, a guy can dream, right?
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Primeval Hunter
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PostSubject: Re: How BIG is Felarya?   How BIG is Felarya? Icon_minitimeTue Jul 05, 2011 9:46 pm

I would think because of all the stuff it pulls in from other worlds, dimensions, and universes it would vary. Sometimes it's temporary and sometimes it's permanent. But that's just me.
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