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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Felarya Locations   Felarya Locations Icon_minitimeMon Dec 10, 2007 10:12 pm

I thought that we needed a topic place to talk about ideas for the locations of Felarya that haven't been giving names and such, like the Volcano to the south east, or the rainforest to the northeast. ^^ also to give ideas about possible new subzones of already known areas.
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Evil admin
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Locations   Felarya Locations Icon_minitimeTue Dec 11, 2007 2:33 am

Well this is a great idea ! Wink

I am currently wondering what the description and particularities of Chidokai forest will be ( aside from a few little hint in the wiki : http://www.felarya.com/wiki/index.php?title=Chidokai_forest ), so if you have ideas Smile

There is also the whole ocean part that is missing for now ^_^
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Locations   Felarya Locations Icon_minitimeTue Dec 11, 2007 6:31 am

Karbo wrote:
Well this is a great idea ! Wink

I am currently wondering what the description and particularities of Chidokai forest will be ( aside from a few little hint in the wiki : http://www.felarya.com/wiki/index.php?title=Chidokai_forest ), so if you have ideas Smile

There is also the whole ocean part that is missing for now ^_^

Hmmm I'm gonna give this some thought ^^ I'll write up a little discription by tomarrow.
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Seasoned adventurer
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Locations   Felarya Locations Icon_minitimeTue Dec 11, 2007 7:59 am

On the ocean, I figured it extends east of the main continent that we're familiar with, and that the Jewel River empties out into it. Lots of rocky outcropings line the shore, especially the further north you go... I figure there's a boundary of large mountains between Deeper Felarya and whatever lies to the north.

On that note, I think it'd be interesting to have a tundra environment, or a cold desert, in the extreme north. Its a very inhospitable sort of terrain, and I think that would open up a plethora of different creatures that are specific to that sort of setting.
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valiant swordman
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Locations   Felarya Locations Icon_minitimeTue Dec 11, 2007 5:27 pm

Karbo wrote:
Well this is a great idea ! Wink

I am currently wondering what the description and particularities of Chidokai forest will be ( aside from a few little hint in the wiki : http://www.felarya.com/wiki/index.php?title=Chidokai_forest ), so if you have ideas Smile

There is also the whole ocean part that is missing for now ^_^
Perhaps the Chidokai forest is like that of a rain-forest, with many large, towering trees (And perhaps a few Dryads). While there are many trees and other beings creating a canopy above the ground, this disables the growth of other smaller plants/trees (This means there would be a lack of grass, shrubs, but not carnivorous plants as sunlight isn't a necessity), and promotes hunting or hiding by mobile creatures, both in water and on land. The trees and groundwater exhaust water vapor and create a large amount of rain. Because of the large amount of rain, a majority of the mobile creatures would probably be aquatic.
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Cog in the Machine
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Locations   Felarya Locations Icon_minitimeTue Dec 11, 2007 5:32 pm

Funilly enough, the two main 'fic parts I'm working on revolve around Chidokai forest and the Ocean (Mostly the former, though a tiny bit while passing over the later).

I myself seemed to get the idea of Chidokai being a rainforest as well Sephi. The favor on insects and such was what really did it for me (Plus the lack of another real 'Rainforest' on the planet, and Felarya seeming the type of planet to have at least one Tropical Forest).
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Evil admin
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Locations   Felarya Locations Icon_minitimeTue Dec 11, 2007 6:22 pm

I am looking forward to it ^_^

I think the idea of a rainforest is nice. It make sense with the swamps nearby and now that I think about it there is none yet in the map ^^;
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Cog in the Machine
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Locations   Felarya Locations Icon_minitimeTue Dec 11, 2007 6:26 pm

Karbo wrote:
I am looking forward to it ^_^

I think the idea of a rainforest is nice. It make sense with the swamps nearby and now that I think about it there is none yet in the map ^^;

And with the way Felarya was made, I'd have thought one would exist by now.

Of course, seeing one in Felarya would be interesting. One of the major drawbacks of Rainforests (Namely, disease) wouldn't be anywhere near as bad as it is in our world. Similarly, what type of poison would be needed on the Insects to keep larger predators from trying to eat them (I mean, feth, we're speaking toxins capable of dropping multi-hundred foot critters here).
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Helpless prey

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PostSubject: Temple of Shania   Felarya Locations Icon_minitimeWed Dec 12, 2007 2:09 am

Welcome dear friends to the Temple of Shania, deep in the Chidokai forest, I am high priestess Karia and I will be your guide this evening!

Upon the steps of the mighty pyramydal structure stood a stunning young woman, with bright red hair, gazing upon the gathered masses, Naga, Elves, Humans, orcs, three trolls, and a few goblins, a tiefling or two, keeping to themselves with a small smell of brimstone, and a single Aasimar, tall and handsome, a soft golden glow dancing about his body, gleaming white armour, and holy blade marking him as a paladin, the priestess held out her hands, and her voice rang forth over the teeming masses, "Welcome one and all to the temple of Shania, Goddess of trickery, in a few minutes the lock will open for the first time in one thousand years! you have all come here to explore the forgotten halls, and to participate in the tournament, deep within the walls of the temple is a golden butterfly, with ruby eyes, the one that catches the butterfly, and brings it to me, will gain a blessing, and a treasure from my own personal stores" she smiled at the gathering people, the three moons above their heads had risen in the day, all three moving across the sky, all coming slowly into conjunction, as unusual as the skies of Felarya were... it seemed, every one thousand years, this sky connected with Felarya, for the purposes of naught but a game...

As the moons moved closer together, the first sliding across the sun, clouding the earth about them in Darkness, the Second moon sliding into place, a soft blue glow permeating the land, showing all in an eerie light, and finally, the third moon gleamed down, the blue light running through the third moon, and it began to glow from within, an amber light beaming from the third moon, as it lit with amber light, Striations of black stone within the third moon giving it the appearance of a giant slitted eye, the light beaming from the iris of the Lunar eye to fall upon the temple, power exploded from the temple, in a fury of sound without sound, of light without light, and a glory of unending reality that could never be, the laws of nature ending, twisting, and then settling again, above the temple, a soft blue glow settled about the temple, shattering into a million myriad pieces, and swirling within the air above the temple, taking the shape of a lock, and key, the key clicked, and the sound echoed throughout the area, the barrier was down, small globes of soft blue light moved to hover over the heads of those gathered, glowing like miniature suns, and the priestess lifted her hands, her voice ringing forth, "LET THE GAME BEGIN!" she smiled again, and a clap of thunder sounded, a flash of smoke, and she was gone! a door opening in the base of the temple, and the crowd surged inwards!

Eons ago, the goddess Shania, goddess of trickery, illusion, and puzzles crafted a place where all would be able to participate in a game, of danger, and thrills, of puzzles and traps, carnivorous plants, and entire rooms, not to mention predators and prey both competing in the same game brought about far fewer people leaving the temple, compared to those that entered, a maze of puzzles, and traps, to test even the smartest of people, the Pyramid is situated, with the lowerhalf submerged in the swamp, water flooding the tunnels, but not the rooms, so that the visitors to the temple must swim through many of the lower tunnels to emerge in the dry rooms.

The goddess that created the temple left instructions with her priestesses to care for the temple, unfortunatly, the wards on the temple broke for a moment, unsealing the temple for all eternity, presenting a wonderous, continual game, and also one hell of a lot of work for the priestesses!

((Alrighty! *grins* Karbo hun, if Terra needs a place to sharpen her mind, and play games with the humans, perhaps the temple could serve? also makes a great setting for games. Situated in the Chidokai forest))
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Evil admin
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Locations   Felarya Locations Icon_minitimeWed Dec 12, 2007 4:29 am

Mhh this is a great idea ^_^

At first I thought it happened on another world and because Shania is the goddess of Trickery, the temple would be a gate that send the crowd of adventurers to Felarya XD
I think the idea of a temple that focus on puzzles can be very nice. Also the place where it stand ( near Negav ) make it quite accessible which make sense. Mhh I definitely add this one to my list, thank you Smile
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Locations   Felarya Locations Icon_minitimeWed Dec 12, 2007 4:49 am

The volcano Mt Incendia to the east may be surrounded by barran land seeing as it is an active volcano. Mostly fire based creatures live here because of the heat, the Volcano is surounded by smaller mountains and platuos. The volcano is always active and bubbling molton lava many Lava and fire elements live here, there are also underground lava rivers throughout the area which when adventuers walk over they quickly find themselfs in the stomach of a lava or fire element. There is said to be a huge deep mine full of rare jewels inside the volcano though also there is said to be one very powerful Lava element who was thought to have created the volcano it's self long ago.

Little rough idea for the Volcano.
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Locations   Felarya Locations Icon_minitimeWed Dec 12, 2007 9:30 am

We should explore the mountainous regions more. There are many things to see up there.

For example, there are several species of ice based creatures up there (ice Nagas, 0 degree harpies, even new types of dryads)

Let's not forget various human encampments up there. Whatever sick and twisted experiments they're performing up there coud be anybodies guess.
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Cog in the Machine
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Locations   Felarya Locations Icon_minitimeWed Dec 12, 2007 12:06 pm

Pendragon wrote:
Whatever sick and twisted experiments they're performing up there coud be anybodies guess.
Who's to say they're sick and twisted?
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Locations   Felarya Locations Icon_minitimeWed Dec 12, 2007 12:54 pm

Rainforests are generaly exotic places with plants and animals with quirks, this zone should contain things that are a bit off even in Felarya I think, i like the idea of underwater tunnels and ruins in a forest setting,

I might imagine a tribal race of butterfly fairies. Trippy carniverous flowers, to make it more eary, some of them could glow in the night, carniverous birds would be cool, maybe even some kind of primape? well the only thing I'm not good at thinking up are insects.

If anyone has seen Higurashi and its opening, Imagine a tree that drops those flowers on prey and those flowers in tern develoup into a seed and tree.
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Locations   Felarya Locations Icon_minitimeWed Dec 12, 2007 1:26 pm

Pendragon wrote:
We should explore the mountainous regions more. There are many things to see up there.

For example, there are several species of ice based creatures up there (ice Nagas, 0 degree harpies, even new types of dryads)

Well at one of the peeks of the Ascarlin Mountains There is a Gathering of Snow Dryads. The peak was inactive for a time, but became reactive when the lava elemental Angana took over the dormant lava underneath. She attempted to devourer the snow dryads, but was stopped by a magi named Mabon. There are very great treasures on that peek, but people are constantly devoured by the inhabitance there.
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Locations   Felarya Locations Icon_minitimeWed Dec 12, 2007 2:51 pm

mangamastermind wrote:

Well at one of the peeks of the Ascarlin Mountains There is a Gathering of Snow Dryads. The peak was inactive for a time, but became reactive when the lava elemental Angana took over the dormant lava underneath. She attempted to devourer the snow dryads, but was stopped by a magi named Mabon. There are very great treasures on that peek, but people are constantly devoured by the inhabitance there.


I guess even in the mountains there's constant turmoil. Seriously, can't they get along?
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Locations   Felarya Locations Icon_minitimeWed Dec 12, 2007 2:57 pm

Pendragon wrote:
mangamastermind wrote:

Well at one of the peeks of the Ascarlin Mountains There is a Gathering of Snow Dryads. The peak was inactive for a time, but became reactive when the lava elemental Angana took over the dormant lava underneath. She attempted to devourer the snow dryads, but was stopped by a magi named Mabon. There are very great treasures on that peek, but people are constantly devoured by the inhabitance there.


I guess even in the mountains there's constant turmoil. Seriously, can't they get along?

well thats Felarya for ya. Even the preds aren't safe.
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Helpless prey

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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Locations   Felarya Locations Icon_minitimeWed Dec 12, 2007 3:06 pm

Karbo wrote:
Mhh this is a great idea ^_^

At first I thought it happened on another world and because Shania is the goddess of Trickery, the temple would be a gate that send the crowd of adventurers to Felarya XD
I think the idea of a temple that focus on puzzles can be very nice. Also the place where it stand ( near Negav ) make it quite accessible which make sense. Mhh I definitely add this one to my list, thank you Smile

Hehe any time Karbo hun *grins* glad to help!
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Newbie adventurer
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PostSubject: Icicle Mountain   Felarya Locations Icon_minitimeThu Dec 13, 2007 6:35 pm

Icicle Mountain:

Location: Varies

Description: Icicle Mountain's location of origin is unknown, as is it's name. Icicle Mountain is extremely dangerous. Climbing it's vertical, ice covered slopes is dangerous enough, but the real danger is presented when the mountain produces snow. It will snow for an hour or so before a blizzard develops. Thirty minutes after that, the mountain's true nature is revealed. Icicle Mountain is actually a snowy volcano, and after it's blizzard, it will erupt. Icicle Mountain will change locations before each eruption, but recently, it has remained in Felarya.
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Locations   Felarya Locations Icon_minitimeMon Dec 17, 2007 3:17 am

Name: The Floating Field

Location: Varies

Description: There come instances in Felarya where the tear of the dimensions can leave permanent scarring upon the land. Sometimes however, the scarring isn't always visible. As is the instance of the Floating Field, which is not so much a field of Grass as it is a field of gravitational instability. It came as a result of a brief and rather destructive warp shift in which a section of space was shifted inside the gravity zone of Felarya.

Normally this would result in a shockwave of gravity as it re-dispersed itself and moved on. However, this was not so in this instance. The rift, though not physically accessible, never fully closed - and as a result the anti-gravity remains, drifting throughout the world of Felarya. Roughly the same dimensions as a conventional football field, anyone entering this zone becomes subject to almost no gravitational pull as the gravity of the field struggles with the gravity of Felarya. As a result, people will find movement much more difficult in this field unless they are leaping, the exception being winged creatures such as Harpies, who find the field to be an ideal hunting ground. Naga's however avoid the zone like the plague, as their movement relies on gravity to connect their scales with the ground. When they enter the zone they find themselves practically immobile unless they use their hands to claw themselves along.

Fortunately, the field is constantly shifting, and no Naga could ever be trapped there for more than an hour or so.
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Master cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Locations   Felarya Locations Icon_minitimeMon Dec 17, 2007 5:40 am

Rythmear wrote:
Name: The Floating Field

Location: Varies

Description: There come instances in Felarya where the tear of the dimensions can leave permanent scarring upon the land. Sometimes however, the scarring isn't always visible. As is the instance of the Floating Field, which is not so much a field of Grass as it is a field of gravitational instability. It came as a result of a brief and rather destructive warp shift in which a section of space was shifted inside the gravity zone of Felarya.

Normally this would result in a shockwave of gravity as it re-dispersed itself and moved on. However, this was not so in this instance. The rift, though not physically accessible, never fully closed - and as a result the anti-gravity remains, drifting throughout the world of Felarya. Roughly the same dimensions as a conventional football field, anyone entering this zone becomes subject to almost no gravitational pull as the gravity of the field struggles with the gravity of Felarya. As a result, people will find movement much more difficult in this field unless they are leaping, the exception being winged creatures such as Harpies, who find the field to be an ideal hunting ground. Naga's however avoid the zone like the plague, as their movement relies on gravity to connect their scales with the ground. When they enter the zone they find themselves practically immobile unless they use their hands to claw themselves along.

Fortunately, the field is constantly shifting, and no Naga could ever be trapped there for more than an hour or so.

It's a very interesting area Very Happy
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Evil admin
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Locations   Felarya Locations Icon_minitimeMon Dec 17, 2007 6:29 am

Ohh great idea ! a moving zone.. I'll definitely add this one Razz
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Raetsu Lord Pichu
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Locations   Felarya Locations Icon_minitimeMon Dec 17, 2007 10:51 am

Not very good with locations, but I'll give it a go

Name: Devil's Octogon

Location: Felaryan Ocean, but essentially unknown (you'll see why in a minute)

Database: A mysterious area with in the Felayan Ocean given it's name for the small islands surrounding it form an Octogon. It's as dangerous an area as it is mysterious for there are alot of predatory creatures who live here and also for the fact that once you enter there's really no way out (this may be due to the strong current that runs throught this area, in which it traps ships in a perpetual loop) Once a ship has found itself in the Devils Octogon it is either destroyed by the ravenous sea creatures that live here, or it simply wanders the waves searching for the (nonexsistant) exit and slowly decays leaving it's crew to die of old age or starvation. Obviously the 'Devil' part of it's name is no exaggeration, it truly is a work of nautical evil.

This area also has a high amount of Spectral activity (ghosts) in which the sailors from long days past haunt the waves, yelling to those who venture here to 'Turn Back' in hopes of saving them from an eternity of misery and unrest

(Probably shoulda went in the 'Seas of Felarya' but I dunno :/...)
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Locations   Felarya Locations Icon_minitimeMon Dec 17, 2007 6:18 pm

Well I haven't gotten yet on sea zones but that can be a nice idea for later ! Thank you ^_^
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Locations   Felarya Locations Icon_minitimeTue Dec 18, 2007 4:17 am

Huzzah - he likes it Very Happy

*Keeps writing*
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