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 Locations for Ideas

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Mara's snack

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PostSubject: Locations for Ideas   Locations for Ideas Icon_minitimeSun Jul 30, 2017 12:28 pm

Due to the recent lack in activity I don't expect much, but I'm going to post something here just because I want to feel like getting something started. Or continued.

We all know the constant drive to get Kelerm and Negav fleshed out. Negav has certainly seen way more activity than Kelerm, but Kelerm is also definitely a drive, ever since Karbo said he wanted to focus on that, too.

However, there's plenty of places to make ideas for. I wanted to talk about potential places around Felarya that could be fleshed out. The edges of the map especially haven't seen the light of day they deserve, and there's plenty of places to turn into new, creepy locations for our lovable predators. I have been focusing on the western section myself - the area of the map with all the crystals drawn in, everything to the west of the Akaptor Desert, basically. Areas to the far east can definitely use more fleshing out, too, but the west is almost barren.

On a personal note, I've always wanted to know how big the main Felaryan Continent is. If there's only a single land mass at all, and if there are multiple land masses, where they begin, and how far would it be between one continent and another...
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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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PostSubject: Re: Locations for Ideas   Locations for Ideas Icon_minitimeMon Jul 31, 2017 10:12 pm

I personally would like to see some more work done with Namambra Jungle. The whole thing is a WIP and when a n00b asked me about the other day I had to reply blanky I forgot it even existed. -.-; Not fun for a Felarya expert. Also it would be nice to see some elven ruins added to the map that definetly connected to old elven society. I mean the empire was huge and Demechrelle's army whipped out their civilization and yet we see no evidence of what came before other than my Choya Citadel which I'm not 100% sure is even placed in the historically correct grid....<.<
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Mara's snack

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Join date : 2009-05-05
Age : 36
Location : Shatterock Caldera

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PostSubject: Re: Locations for Ideas   Locations for Ideas Icon_minitimeTue Aug 01, 2017 8:41 pm

Seeing elven ruins littering Felarya would be cool indeed, especially if they're really overgrown.
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PostSubject: Re: Locations for Ideas   Locations for Ideas Icon_minitime

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