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 Tinies and Giants

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Naga food

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PostSubject: Tinies and Giants   Tinies and Giants Icon_minitimeFri Mar 30, 2012 3:53 am

Something I've always wondered, would the gigantic species like nagas, giants, slug girls, etc, be able to hear the tiny species even talk? Plus, with such a size difference would they even notice them?

Another question: would you think there could be a giant/tiny relations like you see some of the naga/human relations? Maybe with some magic involved?

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PostSubject: Re: Tinies and Giants   Tinies and Giants Icon_minitimeFri Mar 30, 2012 4:23 am

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Naga food

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PostSubject: Re: Tinies and Giants   Tinies and Giants Icon_minitimeFri Mar 30, 2012 6:25 am

That's great if the question was about a normal sized human talking to a giant. However, the question I posed was a tiny talking to a giant. Different question and that thread you pointed me to doesn't answer that question.

Also the second part of the question (Not answered by the thread you pointed me to.) is: would or could there be any friendly relations between tinies and giants like there are sometimes between regular humans and giants.
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PostSubject: Re: Tinies and Giants   Tinies and Giants Icon_minitimeFri Mar 30, 2012 7:12 am

Read the wiki page on Milly. That should answer a few questions. As was specifically stated in aforementioned thread, which did indeed talk about that subject.
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Naga food

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PostSubject: Re: Tinies and Giants   Tinies and Giants Icon_minitimeFri Mar 30, 2012 7:33 am

Thanks for the reply.

FYI: I had seen that thread before posting this and I also had done a word search through that thread. The main reason I posted this comment was that I never saw any definite or clear answer to specific question.

I understand the general topic has been brought up before, but it would have been more helpful to just simply reply that the giants could hear tines, or that you don't think so. Simply pointing to another thread that barely, if at all, covers this question is not all that helpful.

Though, on the other hand, the other portion of the response pointing to Milly was helpful.

I'm not trying to mean, spiteful, or anything negative, but simply pointing to another thread, not reading the entire post, and simple saying "go to this thread" is a lazy response. A more proper response would have been: "Yea, we talked about something simular to this in this thread: {link} and we think that giants should be able to hear tinies too." Another good response would have been, "Yea, check out the character Milly as that giant has a tiny friend." That's another good response.

I'm not trying to mean or rude, I just wanted answers to my specific questions. I wasn't looking for generalized answers that aren't that helpful.
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PostSubject: Re: Tinies and Giants   Tinies and Giants Icon_minitimeFri Mar 30, 2012 7:49 am

brothejr wrote:
Thanks for the reply.

FYI: I had seen that thread before posting this and I also had done a word search through that thread. The main reason I posted this comment was that I never saw any definite or clear answer to specific question.

I understand the general topic has been brought up before, but it would have been more helpful to just simply reply that the giants could hear tines, or that you don't think so. Simply pointing to another thread that barely, if at all, covers this question is not all that helpful.

Though, on the other hand, the other portion of the response pointing to Milly was helpful.

I'm not trying to mean, spiteful, or anything negative, but simply pointing to another thread, not reading the entire post, and simple saying "go to this thread" is a lazy response. A more proper response would have been: "Yea, we talked about something simular to this in this thread: {link} and we think that giants should be able to hear tinies too." Another good response would have been, "Yea, check out the character Milly as that giant has a tiny friend." That's another good response.

I'm not trying to mean or rude, I just wanted answers to my specific questions. I wasn't looking for generalized answers that aren't that helpful.

The whole point of that thread was that, beyond Milly, there isn't really a specific, canon answer. A lot of times, that's how it is. We read your origional post, and it was already discussed, and answered in that other thread to the extent possible. The specific answers you want, besides the answer involving Milly, simply aren't there. And the issue with Milly was looked into in that thread. So... if it answered your question to the best of canon's ability to, how can you call us lazy for pointing it out, specifically when your method of "searching" was a simple word search? Read the whole thread next time. Then call the people who are trying to help you lazy.
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Naga food

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PostSubject: Re: Tinies and Giants   Tinies and Giants Icon_minitimeFri Mar 30, 2012 7:54 am

FalconJudge wrote:

The whole point of that thread was that, beyond Milly, there isn't really a specific, canon answer. A lot of times, that's how it is. We read your origional post, and it was already discussed, and answered in that other thread to the extent possible. The specific answers you want, besides the answer involving Milly, simply aren't there. And the issue with Milly was looked into in that thread. So... if it answered your question to the best of canon's ability to, how can you call us lazy for pointing it out, specifically when your method of "searching" was a simple word search? Read the whole thread next time. Then call the people who are trying to help you lazy.

I both read that and I see that I am both wrong and right. I am wrong in that I missed that section, but right in that all you and Anime-Junkie had to say was Milly. In the end we're all lazy. Simple answer next time is to simply answer the question. Sad

(P.S. Pointing someone to another thread is not all that helpful. Simply answering the questions is.)
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Naga food

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PostSubject: Re: Tinies and Giants   Tinies and Giants Icon_minitimeFri Mar 30, 2012 9:15 am

I would like to analogize if I offended anyone. So far this has been a day where I've been trying to get answers from a large company, who shall rename nameless, and instead getting the run around from them. (It took my the better of three hours to find a phone number to call!) They've blown me off and I had to go else where to find the answers.

I'm sorry if I've vented on you guys! Sad
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PostSubject: Re: Tinies and Giants   Tinies and Giants Icon_minitimeFri Mar 30, 2012 10:14 am

Well, there IS another thread that has some information you may be looking for. If you scroll down to the bottom of this page, I answered a similar question here.

For what it's worth, brothejr, the answer I came up with is that as our sound perception is logarhytmic, it'd just take a little yelling from the tinies to get heard- assuming nothing else blotted them out.

But a relationship other than platonic is going to be... well, never say never, but this in particular would certainly be neither easy nor pretty. I'd recommend magic. Just say a wizard did it, because anything more would be too much information. Suspect
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PostSubject: Re: Tinies and Giants   Tinies and Giants Icon_minitime

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