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 Heaven realm Ôzora

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PostSubject: Heaven realm Ôzora   Heaven realm Ôzora Icon_minitimeSun May 13, 2012 10:17 am

Heaven realm Ôzora Sunset_in_heaven_by_xxamaroqxx-d4zql6j
The purifier angel Juliana enjoying herself with a human spirit.

Ôzora is one of the heavenly realms open to any person who died and proved worthy to go to heaven. Usually the souls of the deceased are being collected and brought here where they manifest themselves in new, spiritual bodies in this foreign dimension in their "true" form. Usually the person will keep their appearance they had in life, though sometimes in a younger and/or more beautified form.

Being another plane of existence, Ôzora defies many laws of physics and nature that would apply in other worlds, due to its nature as a divine realm. This is most obvious in the inhabitants:
While the spiritual bodies are given a what we call a physical appearance, they are free of any physical needs. Even for live visitors there is no need to eat or drink, no use for bandages or medicine, because they lack their actual physical body while being here. This is also the reason why the physics of gravity don’t apply. In fact, a spiritual entity is easily able to fly from one island to the other and at the same time able to stand on a island or float above it if they wish to do so. Communication is not a problem either since the spirits directly „speak“ through their mind and thus are not bound by language or volume. A human could easily talk to a dolphin, even though they  would normally have completely different ways of communicating.
However, the true power of the realms magic depends on the spiritual energy of its inhabitants. The more spirits with pure hearts are living here, the greater is the effect of the realm and if there were no inhabitants at all, this realm would be nothing more than an empty dark space, devoid of any life or happiness.

Unlike other realms, Ôzoras plane is not a single entity by itself but instead consists of multiple islands which are floating in the sky high above a layer of clouds, so thick that it is impossible to see through. In fact, the clouds mark the end of this realm and it is impossible to fall through – if one does fall into the clouds, they will behave like soft cushions, not only slowing down and stopping the fall but also prevent one from getting deeper and leaving the realm.
The sky on the other hand doesn’t seem to have an actual border, instead it just gets colder the higher up one gets and the spiritual energy filling the air will fade away. Past the highest clouds a spirit will have a hard time maintaining their form, not to speak of the uncomfortness as the air gets thinner and too cold to comfortably pass through, so no spirit really ever tried to find out what's beyond that natural barrier. However, to the sides one can see little more than the distinctive endless horizon, filled with countless islands.

While this realm has an infinite capacity, the actual number of islands are limited to the amount of beings living in this realm. Every sentient being, be it angel, human or anyone else who has rightfully entered this realm is permitted to call one island their own which is being created by their very own spiritual energy. Due to this, Ôzora literally grows and shrinks with its population where islands appear when a new spirit enters this world or disappear, when its owner fades away, which may be unlikely, but still possible.

The size an individual island depends on the spiritual energy of the being possessing the island. The purer and strong-spirited the soul is, the greater are things they are able to manifest. Because the spiritual energy is not only used to create a floating island but also able to allow one to create almost everything they ever wanted, thus able to create their own personal paradise on their island and they may do with it whatever they please.
Some leave their islands untouched, enjoying to watch nature evolve on its own, others use their
magic to create majestic or even surreal buildings or other structures to call their home.

All Islands share similar plant life, fed by crystal clear spring water. Grass, fruit bearing bushes and trees exist at varying sizes and while some are comparable to the flora on other worlds like earth and felarya, others are gigantic, able to provide shade even for the giant purifier angels.

They are the guardians of heaven and make sure that there are no evil thoughts or crimes being committed. In order to maintain the collective happiness, purifier angels are able to use their magical energy and fight against spirits or physical beings alike. Since being in their very own realm, they can rely on a almost infinite amount of magical supply, making them mighty protectors of this world. The purer and happier the spirits in this realm are, the more powerful the angels are. In order to defeat the evil, purifier angels are able to absorb dark spirits and bodies and purify them within their bodies, thus turning them into good. Rumors tell that those absorbed entities are being turned into nutrience for the purifier angels spirit, thus increasing its own amount of energy as if they actually ate the evildoer. However, the true happenings behind this seem to be kept as a secret by the purifier angels and it is something generally not spoken of.

Purifier angels are also the protectors of the realm against foes from other dimensions. Because it is possible, though unlikely, to access or leave this realm due to dimensional magic. But there are several alterations, because such illegally entering beings are not given a spiritual form beforehand. They may see and even interact with spiritual entities in this realm, but some of the rules of its nature are altered due to their unnatural presence.
First, it is only possible for living beings to enter or leave Ôzora on their own. Spiritual bodies are bound to this place and a spirit who tried to escape this realm would fade away since they can only exist in this realm where their entity is being fed with the energy in the air. Easy said: Once you die and get here, you will never be able to leave again.
Second, living people may profit from the healing effect of the realm and its magical laws, but they are far from immortal and do technically not have the right to be here. If they are not careful, a purifier angel might consider them as intruders and attack them. And while being strong, the realm is not powerful enough to save you from the digestive tract of a purifier angel who decided to „purify“ you.

Yeah, so this is my idea of a heavenly realm. I guess everything has been explained in the text already, so I don't really know what else to say. I hope you guys like this idea and feel free to give feedback or suggestions on how to improve this idea. :-)
Also, I want to thank Stabs, Nyaha, Skinnix and Tobi for giving their opinions and suggestions on the picture and/or Realm description. Anime-Junkie for helping me out greatly with the text, bringing it into a "postable" condition. And Karbo for giving me advice on how to take on the background as I always seem to struggle with those. ^.^
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PostSubject: Re: Heaven realm Ôzora   Heaven realm Ôzora Icon_minitimeSun May 13, 2012 12:52 pm

Cool. With the procedurally-generated world that has a top and bottom limit but infinite horizontal space it sounds akin to Minecraft. But that's not a bad thing, I'd have it the same way if I were running Heaven.
So if spirits enter Ozoras when they die, but presumably there are other heavenly regions, how does one travel in and out of Ozoras to and from the others?
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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Re: Heaven realm Ôzora   Heaven realm Ôzora Icon_minitimeMon May 14, 2012 2:57 am

parameciumkid wrote:
So if spirits enter Ozoras when they die, but presumably there are other heavenly regions, how does one travel in and out of Ozoras to and from the others?

Well, I didnt put much thought into that yet. I guess through teleportation. Maybe there are gates connecting the different realms of heaven. This sounds reasonable, in case two friends got into different realms after their death, so they can still see each other. In heaven, this should easily be possible.
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Evil admin
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PostSubject: Re: Heaven realm Ôzora   Heaven realm Ôzora Icon_minitimeMon May 14, 2012 4:16 am

That's a beautiful picture Smile you did a nice job at the background and I like Julianna's relaxed pose here ^^
And you realm is nice, I like the idea of having countless little islands floating in the sky, each of them being different and the home of one inhabitant. Visually it's really striking !
However if I add it I may end up shortening a bit your current description ^^; Also I need to ask if there is dangers in this realm ?
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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Re: Heaven realm Ôzora   Heaven realm Ôzora Icon_minitimeMon May 14, 2012 5:15 am

Karbo wrote:
That's a beautiful picture Smile you did a nice job at the background and I like Julianna's relaxed pose here ^^
And you realm is nice, I like the idea of having countless little islands floating in the sky, each of them being different and the home of one inhabitant. Visually it's really striking !
However if I add it I may end up shortening a bit your current description ^^; Also I need to ask if there is dangers in this realm ?
Thank you very much ^^

Shortening it is completely okay. If you want me to, I'll write that shortened version myself since there are some explanations that are mentioned or can be mentioned elsewhere, so there is much room for shortening this text.

As for dangers: Well, there are dangers due to the purifier angels, griffons and whatnot, in case you enter this realm without permission, as well as in case when you plot something evil. So basically there are no "real" threats, as long as everyone obeys the rules. However, it is possible for outsiders to enter this realm and they may even attack it or its inhabitants. If some demons or magicians were to invade this place, they sure would cause a threat, but under normal circumstances you don't have to fear anything. Because you're most likely dead anyway and in heaven.
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PostSubject: Re: Heaven realm Ôzora   Heaven realm Ôzora Icon_minitimeMon May 14, 2012 12:12 pm

One thing I thought about this Heaven Realm is that it's actually possible to visit those of your friends that died and went to Heaven. You'd need the help of an Angel to enter rightfully, though, but at least it's not impossible.
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Mara's snack

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PostSubject: Re: Heaven realm Ôzora   Heaven realm Ôzora Icon_minitimeMon May 14, 2012 8:38 pm

The only reason why someone wouldn't be obeying the rules would probably be if they snuck in thanks to a denizen of hell. (I'm sure angels and succubi can sneak into each other's realms).

Any legitimate member of heaven would have no need to disobey, or want to disobey the rules.

I also have an idea in the works, but since I'm on a trip, it'll be another couple weeks before I post.

Anyway I dont have much time so I'm keeping this response short.

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PostSubject: Re: Heaven realm Ôzora   Heaven realm Ôzora Icon_minitimeTue May 15, 2012 1:18 pm

Archmage_Bael wrote:
The only reason why someone wouldn't be obeying the rules would probably be if they snuck in thanks to a denizen of hell. (I'm sure angels and succubi can sneak into each other's realms).
Well, when we were asking Amaroq a few things for clarification, he stated that to "rightfully" enter the Heaven Realm, you'd have to either die or get there with the help of an Angel. The "non-rightfully" way to enter would be using dimensional magic, portals and such.
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Mara's snack

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PostSubject: Re: Heaven realm Ôzora   Heaven realm Ôzora Icon_minitimeTue May 15, 2012 7:48 pm

Indeed. I think that during the heaven-hell wars 250 years ago, both succubi and angels probably sent their troops into each other's realms, unless there was somewhere in lydus they used as a battlefield. I guess that's a topic for another story though.

It looks really pretty Amaroq ^^ I never thought about where Erethriel's home would be - is this supposed to be the natural home for all purifier angels?
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Heaven realm Ôzora   Heaven realm Ôzora Icon_minitimeWed May 16, 2012 5:31 am

Actually, the Tenebris War lasted well over 4000 years, not a measly 250 years.
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Mara's snack

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PostSubject: Re: Heaven realm Ôzora   Heaven realm Ôzora Icon_minitimeWed May 16, 2012 6:15 am

Sean, I was implying that it ended 250 years ago.
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Heaven realm Ôzora   Heaven realm Ôzora Icon_minitimeWed May 16, 2012 6:21 am

Oh. Well you should have been more precise.
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Evil admin
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PostSubject: Re: Heaven realm Ôzora   Heaven realm Ôzora Icon_minitimeTue May 22, 2012 8:54 am

Well I putl the name in the Heaven page. When I get the time I'll write the entry with some little tweaks and a bit shortened. I'll show it to you then to get your opinion Smile
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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Re: Heaven realm Ôzora   Heaven realm Ôzora Icon_minitimeSat May 26, 2012 2:36 am

okay... as a PM here on the forums? I'll wait for it then. I wonder what kind of tweaks you want to make. :3

@ Bael:
It is not the natural home of ALL purifier angels, but the home of some. There are more than enough heaven realms which would need the aid of such angels as well. Razz
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