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 Natural Dangers

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Chihiro Fujisaki
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Eternal Optimist
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Natural Dangers Empty
PostSubject: Natural Dangers   Natural Dangers Icon_minitimeThu May 17, 2012 11:58 am

The roster registration for this RP has been closed. No new applicants will be accepted.

Okay, how this one will go is basically each player will create a new character specifically for this RP (though if that character works out you can use them for other stuff if you want after we're done). The characters are going to be residents of a town offworld that gets caught in a vanishing land. Their town appears in the forested area to the south of the Fairy Kingdom's border, between that and the Great Rocky Fields (map), and they venture into the forest to investigate. Characters are restricted to human-size prey characters, like humans, nekos, inus, elves, what have you. They can know magic, but don't make it too powerful. The main point of this RP is that they characters are totally unprepared when they venture into Felarya and must do everything they can to survive, so don't give them any kind of survival equipment, at least not right off the bat. It'll be largely freeform, with as little GM guidance as I can possibly muster, meaning that it's completely up to the players where to go and what to do, though I might give little hints here and there for your consideration. The characters will also, for the most part, be meeting each other for the first time, though two players may discuss having their characters already know eachother through PMs if they wish it. Limit one character per player, and try to be as original as you can be. ^.^ It would be preferable if the characters would adventure as a group, though I'll allow up to two different scenarios at a time.

EDIT: People have asked me about other things for creating their characters. Here's a further list of things to consider.

- Low technology; no computers, wires, electronics of really any sort
- moderate-to-high magic potential, but again, no supremely powerful magic, please.
- no characters/races that are predatory to anything bigger than a tiny, not counting hunting non-sentient animals.
- all characters are from the same world
- the town itself is actually quite large, but the part of it that gets caught in the vanishing land is really rather small.

Character Bio Index (This will be filled in with links to each player character's bio for quick referencing.)

Sayomi's Bio (Shadow17)

El Sereno's Bio (Ilceren)

Rux' Bio (Qwuillin)

Jimmy's Bio (EvilGenius)

Da'Shi'Nal's Bio (Sparkythechu)

Ibrahime's Bio (McKindle)

Last edited by Nyaha on Wed May 23, 2012 12:53 pm; edited 8 times in total
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Chihiro Fujisaki
Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Natural Dangers   Natural Dangers Icon_minitimeThu May 17, 2012 3:15 pm

(Okay I am so totally in," LETS DO THIS THING!" - Alfredo Linguini, Ratatouille)

Name: Sayomi
Species: Neko
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Height: 5'5
Weight: 102
Skin Tone: Slightly Tanned
Hair/Fur Color: Solid Jet Black
Eye Color: Green
Clothing/Equipment: Sayomi wears a pair of Capri shorts with normal tennis shoes, she wears a shirt that is fairly low cut and revealing and has a tattoo with a tribal design on her right shoulder. She carries almost no equipment besides a few jewels she collects in her bag she keeps over her shoulder along with a small gun for self-defense in case someone tries to rob her.
Predation: Opportunistic
Size: 0-4 Inches, Prefers: Neeras

Abilities: Sayomi can use magic to a certain degree but it is all non-combat magic. She uses it to hide herself with cloaking or to teleport away from a dangerous situation. She can also erect strong barriers to defend herself and othersfrom an attack. She is agile like most nekos, and can climb trees with relative ease.

Personality: Sayomi most obvious trait is her level of caution and borderline paranoia. Despite this she trusts most people who are kind to her, as long as they make a good first impression she sees no threat from them toward her well being. She is inherently kind and generous, willing to help people who she likes, and at times even feeling brave enough to help a stranger, as long as she knows she won't be harmed in the process. Sayomi is a natural predator, being very adept at catching tinies and neeras, however she is selective in her choosing of them, not even able to figure it out herself how she chooses when to eat one and when not to, something inside her just knows. Sayomi has no tempter, never getting angry or upset about something. She is also very flirtatious, especially with humans.

Last edited by shadow17 on Tue Jun 12, 2012 12:06 am; edited 1 time in total
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Natural Dangers   Natural Dangers Icon_minitimeThu May 17, 2012 4:03 pm

Okay, she sounds very good for this RP. ^.^ Let's see more characters like this, only completely different! Um...well, you know what I mean. >.<;
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Natural Dangers   Natural Dangers Icon_minitimeFri May 18, 2012 11:56 am

C'mon people. I'm looking for a quota of 6 characters. No more, though I could have less if I get impatient. First come first serve!
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Natural Dangers Empty
PostSubject: Re: Natural Dangers   Natural Dangers Icon_minitimeFri May 18, 2012 3:32 pm

I'm game for this one. I'll just need a bit to fully develop my ideas. So, as long as Nyaha's cool with it, I called a spot.
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Natural Dangers   Natural Dangers Icon_minitimeFri May 18, 2012 4:22 pm

No spot calling. If you don't get your bio in before 5 other people you're shit out of luck. X3
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PostSubject: Re: Natural Dangers   Natural Dangers Icon_minitimeFri May 18, 2012 7:58 pm


Name: El Sereno
Species: Human
Age: 21
Sex: Male
Height: 6 feet, 2 inches [1,88m]
Weight: 132 pounds [60Kg]
Skin colour: Slightly tanned
Hair colour: Black
Eye colour: Brown
Other characteristics: Beard, long enough to be in the way when eating.

Sereno is a young human leading a student life. He has a lot of interests, mainly the type that don't have any use at all, like archaic sulfur-based life breakdown, the construction of magiophysical fortresses and traps, the magical foundations of the anti-magic magician and the intervention system for the psyomalia treatment. A strange guy indeed, you'll often see him carrying either a notebook or a sidebag with a notebook inside. Sidebag weights a ton, granted, as he has all kinds of useful and useless stuff there. He likes wearing clothes with many pockets, again so he can put more useless things in them.

Personality depends on how he feels with those that are around him. Normally the quiet type, he would listen, say his oppinion if he actually deems it necessary and everyone else is quiet, and basically stay out of the way. If he's asked to do something, he'd try his best to do it if it's possible, even if he slightly dislikes the person, which makes him manipulable to some extent. The reason for that is he finds difficult to say 'no' to anyone. If he's very close to the people he's with, he would play jokes and small pranks, intervene actively in the conversation and use the group's slang, if there was any. Very rare, though, at least in direct communication.

Physically, he's resistant and fast. Sereno enjoys running and his speciality is the management of energy so he tires slower than most people. He's not trained, though, so he can't actually resist more than a five-kilometre run before having to slow to a jog. Other than that, Sereno's not much. Lacking strength and experience, he's not fit for combat at all and would make more damage to himself than to the other party. No resistant to pain either, as he's not used to feeling it.

A calm person and also a quick learner. Outside any danger or fast-decision situation, Sereno'd think about the action to take for a while, analyzing the situation and coming up with the best decision in his oppinion. Otherwise, he tends to pick the first thing that comes to mind. That includes conversations, often messing up, which is why he'd rather listen than talk. Not used to magic, at all. He actually has the theoretical background and may have some potential, but he has totally overlooked it.

Initial Equipment:
------- Blue and black shirt.
------- Light brown knee-length trousers.
------------+ 9 pockets with random things in them.
------- White and grey shoes.
------- Dark green sidebag.
Sidebag content
------- Notebook, two in fact, full of random gibberish and drawings.
------- Some pencils, sharpener, pen, rubber.
------- Random paper sheets.
------- Wallet.
------------+ Lots of paper bills.
------------+ Coins and notes, a few.
------------+ Plastic cards of all types, some of them enchanted.
------- Pocketknife, a pretty creepy one in fact. Light but broad white horn grip with a 9cm (3.5 inch) blade.
------- Some keys.

Last edited by Ilceren on Tue May 22, 2012 7:05 am; edited 2 times in total
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Natural Dangers   Natural Dangers Icon_minitimeSat May 19, 2012 3:37 pm

Okay, two spots filled, four to go.
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PostSubject: Re: Natural Dangers   Natural Dangers Icon_minitimeSun May 20, 2012 2:59 am

Name: Rux

Species: Human

Age: 28 years old

Sex: Male

Height: 5'11''

Skin colour: white

Hair colour: Dark brown

Eye colour: Light blue

Other: -

Rux is a stocky, wide man with some muscle on him. He has some stubble, more present above his lip. He wears a chef's apron, as he spends much time in his bakery cooking. While he is a butcher as well as a baker, somehow he manages to keep himself clean, most likely because of his firm belief of not spoiling his food.

Rux's abilities include cooking and fishing, both of which he is very good at. He is a keen taste-tester, able to tell if something is edible or not. Apart from this, his only other ability is his sense of balance and a (relatively) good head for heights. Although he a little overweight, he can still run, but not for a long time nor that fast. He isn't a fighter either, but can still pack a punch with a pan.

Rux is usually a level-headed, business-minded man and does have some experience of bargaining. He is usually a loud man, with a hearty nature and often tries to think of the bright side of things. He will make himself heard in an argument, if it reaches to a certain level. He has a phobia of spiders and any sort of invertebrate with more than four legs and hates people criticising his food, which is usually 'top class' as he puts it. He also hates not having 'a happy customer', whatever the task. If Rux were to have a burst of anger, it would be explosive to say the least, although it would never last that long since he is always willing to forgive and forget.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: Natural Dangers   Natural Dangers Icon_minitimeSun May 20, 2012 10:25 am

Sounds like fun, i think i'm gonna test this guy out.

Name: Jimmy

Species: Neko

Age: 19

Sex: Male

Height: 5’ 11’

Skin color: Tanned

Hair color: dirty blond

Eye color: green grey

Other: He has several tattoos across his body, most of them being gang insignias.

Description: He is very confident about everything he does, regardless of whether or not he has had any previous experience. When he has completed the task at hand, he will either judge it as perfect, or completely trash the thing for its blatant failure. These reactions are not necessarily based on how the task actually ended, but how he sees it in his eyes. He is very individual, and despises being dependant on others, that being said, he has no difficulty working in groups as long as he is sure he could get along without them. If for whatever reason he is forced to work in a group, he will always make sure he does his job as best as it can be done, then points out, and tries to fix the mistakes in others jobs, weather they want his help or not. If the group proves themselves to be strong, and well matched, he is extremely loyal. If not, he will either ditch them, or take it upon himself to remove the weak link. He tends to be very blunt in his speech, and can come across as insulting, normally he doesn’t mean to, but if someone doesn’t fit his idea of what makes up a good person, he might add a little extra sting to his words.
He carries around two butterfly knives and a bike chain. He can and will whip these out without hesitation, to protect himself, or those he feels deserve to be protected. He practices a very unique magic that has a varied usefulness. Is he taps into the vibration of the material around him, be it steel, rock, or water, he can cause it to fragment into many small slivers, or droplets, which he can levitate around his body. The swirling mass of particles can be shaped or thrown as he pleases, but regardless of how tightly they are pressed, unless the material naturally recombines, it is still a collection of fragments, thus has a rather weak structure. His most common use is to use the particles as a form of second sight, as each location is marked out in his mind, forming view similar to echo location, allowing him to “see” where he normally couldn’t.
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Natural Dangers   Natural Dangers Icon_minitimeSun May 20, 2012 10:36 am

Two spots left. Thank you for your interest so far! ^.^
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PostSubject: Re: Natural Dangers   Natural Dangers Icon_minitimeSun May 20, 2012 12:42 pm

Name: Da'shi'nal
Sex: Male
Species: Inu
Original Species: Human
Age: 23
Height: 6'8"
Weight: 223 pounds
Hair: Black, long and untidy
Fur: Jet black, short
Build: Fairly muscular
Skin color: Pale White
Eye color: deep brown, almost a black
Jobs: Tamer, apprentice summoner
Other: Has a fairly well taken care of, but short, beard, just over the point at which it's no long stubble. Normally can be found wearing a suit of some form. Not a particularly skilled mage, nor one that can "aim" spells very well.

Backstory: Da'shi'nal was, by birth, a human. He grew up like most children, but was always drawn towards the arcane. At the age of 5, he developed magical powers, but lacked skill with them. He would watch and attempt to copy the spells of other magicians, but would normally succeed in making yet another "Explode Caster" spell, prompting man a trip to seek medical attention. Despite this, he would continue to try, getting much happiness out of these failed attempts, and even more upon a success. At the age of 8, he learned of a skilled, yet curmudgeonly, wizard living on the edge of town. He visited him daily, despite the old man's constant displeasure of him being there and his warning and (mostly) empty threats of morphing him in various objects or, on a bad day, just vaporizing him. During all this time, he slowly picked up the basics of magic, and got many an insult or smack with a rolled up news paper from the old man, who, despite knowing the potential of the child as a fellow mage, made it look like he wanted him to leave. This "partnership" kept up until Da'shi'nal was 11, where he attempted to transform a cup into a dog, which backfired onto him, and then failed, leaving him in his altered state. After this, the old wizard took him under his wing. He was given a formal understanding of magic, its foundations, what it is, how to use it, how to create magic, and the schools and arts. He officially apprenticed at the age of 16. At 19, he took a job taming, handling, subduing, and healing dangerous animals, using his instincts and abilities to take care of things. By his 22 birthday, he had officially begun studying summoning, having found it to be very interesting and complex.

Abilities: As a formally trained mage, he has a fairly good grasp on magic, and given time, can craft new spells. His mind has been trained to be open, fluid, and quick. However, as he is still an apprentice, he is not fully skilled, nor is he particularly good at all his magic. In particular, summoning, the very thing he is focusing on, is unpredictable. Sometimes it works, some times nothing happens, and sometimes things other than what he wants show up. He has a firm grasp of the basics, however, and is fairly capable of fighting mediumly threatening things. Physically, he's fairly capable as well, due to his job as a Tamer. He has some experience with weapons, but it's almost exclusive to staffs and daggers.

Personality: Da'shi'nal is a fairly friendly person, if a bit of a loner. He's loyal to friends, but slow to make them. He's just as happy to go play with friends as to quietly pour through books or play with animals. he doesn't like those he perceives as stupid, however, and is less likely to car about them in anything other than "Are they bothering me?".

Starting equipment: A black suit, bartender styled, with many pockets filled with magical objects of questionably existent use. He has a ritualistic dagger, for preparing magical rituals, as well as a walking stick he uses as a staff. He has a day's worth of food on hand, and has a magical tome with him, now in pocket sized travel edition, primarily on summoning and its rules.

Last edited by sparkythechu on Thu May 24, 2012 1:10 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Fixing issues.)
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Natural Dangers   Natural Dangers Icon_minitimeSun May 20, 2012 1:01 pm

One spot left! ^.^ Hooray!
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PostSubject: Re: Natural Dangers   Natural Dangers Icon_minitimeSun May 20, 2012 3:57 pm

I know it's to our advantage Sparky, but why would he have several knifes and daggers on him? I could understand the food, but not the weapons, seeing as he's a mage and wouldn't normally carry them anywhere, right?
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PostSubject: Re: Natural Dangers   Natural Dangers Icon_minitimeSun May 20, 2012 5:34 pm

That's simple. Defense, utility, force of habit, and that said things make magic preparation easier. They're most for prep and utility though. It's nice to carry something to cook with.
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PostSubject: Re: Natural Dangers   Natural Dangers Icon_minitimeSun May 20, 2012 7:15 pm

You'd expect a coocking utensil that can actually cut you when you carry it to be in the cooking place, not carried in a pocket. Or if you do carry it, in some kind of container.

But oh well, I won't complain.

Last edited by Ilceren on Mon May 21, 2012 12:50 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Glaring spelling mistake)
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Natural Dangers   Natural Dangers Icon_minitimeMon May 21, 2012 10:53 am

Ilceren has brought up a point that I missed myself. I'd like you to remove some items from your character's pockets, Sparky, for the point that they're supposed to come into Felarya largely unprepared. Please adhere to the guidelines I have set.

There are as of now two spots open.
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PostSubject: Re: Natural Dangers   Natural Dangers Icon_minitimeMon May 21, 2012 1:48 pm

All right, fixed (Hopefully). If there are any other issues, let me know.
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Natural Dangers   Natural Dangers Icon_minitimeMon May 21, 2012 2:07 pm

No, sorry, it still seems like a bit much. The point of this RP is for the characters to not be prepared, at least at first. The group is comparable to those groups of people that unwittingly venture into Felarya just to end up eaten. This is the challenge for this RP, okay? My suggestion, remove the magical objects and the tomes. I suppose the dagger would be okay, but I'd like to see a good reason for why he'd have it on him.

Also, my mistake, I meant one spot open. ^^;
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Re: Natural Dangers   Natural Dangers Icon_minitimeTue May 22, 2012 2:46 pm

Name: Ibrahime
Species: Human
Age: 38
Sex: Female
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 109lbs lbs
Skin Colour: A tanned, almost Asian-looking tone
Hair Colour: Rich, very dark brown - just starting to grey at temples
Eye Colour: Golden brown
Appearance: Wavy, fly-away hair worn in a medium length ponytail. Square jaw. Slender body that's aged well, but her eyes carry a weariness beyond her years. Wears a khaki green tanktop with a black blazer, blue jeans and tall brown boots.
Carrying: Reading glasses, keys, packet of gum.

Ibrahime used to be a very different sort of person. Born an afterthought only child to two very career-driven parents, from an early age she felt locked into a set future of office monotony and scholarly tedium. She dreamed of an exciting life of discovery and freedom, but didn't have the courage to break free from the plan her parents had for her. However, in her early twenties she met a young tearaway called Oleander - his carefree ways and childlike desire to follow his dreams inspired her resentment to blossom into rebellion. She took what money she could and ran away from home with him, adventuring through many strange and exotic worlds with him as her partner and lover.

However, tragedy struck when, on one expedition, Oleander died protecting her from an enraged wild beast. This seemed to draw the very life and energy out of Ibrahime, and she vowed to never go exploring again. At the time of Oleander's death she was pregnant, so she settled in a new town on her home world to raise her child, Daemion, in peace and safety.

As a person, Ibrahime can be very cordial and is good at carrying a conversation. Although she has an innate sense of weariness about her she tends to show a great interest in the lives of other people. However, as soon as she is asked about her past she will instantly cool and will do everything to avoid talking about it. She retains a great deal of survival knowledge and skills, but just the mere thought of having to use them again is enough to make her feel panicky and ill. She also hates responsibility, as it was her decision that ultimately led to Oleander's death. She is a very devoted, perhaps over-protective mother to the 9 year old Daemion, but worries that she's not up to the job. She works as a clerk in the town hall.

(Question - when the characters are "brought over" are they all in their homes, or are they on foot someplace? The idea is that Daemion isn't with her, but I can only say why when I know where she is.)

Last edited by McKindle on Sun Aug 05, 2012 3:53 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Natural Dangers   Natural Dangers Icon_minitimeWed May 23, 2012 11:09 am

To answer your question, Kindle, the vanishing land is only a part of a rather large town, so she could be out shopping and have left him at home.

Also, EvilGenius is having some trouble with his internet, so his spot will be open until further notice or until it is filled.

There is only one spot open now.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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PostSubject: Re: Natural Dangers   Natural Dangers Icon_minitimeWed May 23, 2012 12:46 pm

I'm calling further notice. I have returned triumphantly!
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Natural Dangers   Natural Dangers Icon_minitimeWed May 23, 2012 12:49 pm

That means we now have our six players! The roster is closed, no further applicants will be accepted unless otherwise stated! ^.^

When I get more time, as I have to get off the computer soon, I will post the start of the RP and you guys take it from there! ^.^
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Natural Dangers   Natural Dangers Icon_minitimeThu May 24, 2012 11:07 am

As suddenly as the town had appeared in the strange land, such did it disappear entirely, leaving six people who had chosen to venture out into the jungle that had suddenly surrounded their town only moments ago, stranded in this strange, new world. The six people left behind by the land were all in relatively close proximity, and would be able to see each other easily.

The area around them was teeming with trees, many of a simply enormous size, where seeing the tops proved to be incredibly difficult, if not impossible, from the ground level where the vanishing land had been. The leaves appeared to have a sort of blueish-green colour to them, as did the grassy areas dotting the ground. The sounds of birds and insects gave ambience to the strange land. In fact, one such bird soared through the trees overhead, and it had a wingspan of probably 18 feet or more!

(Everyone else make an introductory post, possibly engaging in character interaction if you so wish. After everyone else has posted once, I'll decide whether to post again or let you guys keep going.)
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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PostSubject: Re: Natural Dangers   Natural Dangers Icon_minitimeThu May 24, 2012 1:35 pm

Jimmy slowly meandered towards the trees, twirling one of his butterfly knives around his hand as he often did when thinking. "...ok, somebody's gotta ask, how'd everything get so fucking huge?" He seemed calm enough, but then the town disappeared. His casual twirling immediately shifted into a fierce ready grip. His ears pressed themselves flat against his head, and he subconsciously backed towards the others, glancing about. "hey uh...anybody know anything?"
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PostSubject: Re: Natural Dangers   Natural Dangers Icon_minitime

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