(So yea...... I wanted a place on this forum to put some short poems I write....since they don't all go up on DA . I'll only put Felarya related ones here. I don't know if this belongs in the story section, but I didn't know where else to put it...so there!)
You find a strange leather bound book on the ground, when you open it the pages are seemingly blank. But a closer look reveals that words are slowly appearing on the blank pages! You may or may not also notice your energy and life force slowly fading from you.......but that's not a big deal right?
I watch and wait, until the chance
That you catch me with a glance.
Then perhaps, I will entertain
The notion you can play my game.
"What?" You ask. It's wierd to you,
That you must answer to pass through.
The rules are set, they will not change.
It matters not you find it strange.
Careful now, the stakes are high
But now I ask you, "What am I?"