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 Zephyr102's Characters

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PostSubject: Zephyr102's Characters   Zephyr102's Characters Icon_minitimeMon Jul 16, 2012 2:32 pm

[Effectively scrapped for now]

Species Name: Ark of Civilizations (Not self-given)

Habitat: Space, primarily

Diet: Dying Stars or cosmic background radiation

Lifespan: At least 11 billion years

Maximum Size: 100 million miles in length

Description: Massive almost to the point of incomprehensibility, there are only 5 Arks of Civilizations in existence, which is actually considered to be a high population for the species. They are Merokh-ab-Atas (Father-to-the youths), Dor-su-Merokh (First-of-Father) and 3 youths that have yet to gain names. Both 'Abatas' and 'Dorsu' have allowed themselves to be inhabited by various organisms by means of having cities attached to their bodies. Abatas bears a population of roughly 10^15, with more if one counts the planets that orbit his body, while Dorsu carries a crew of 1,200. An Ark tends to be very benevolent in its' actions, pulling planets in danger of destruction, or bearing the potential for life into orbit around their bodies and transporting them to a location in space that is ideal for survival. While some accuse them of playing God, Arks consider their actions to be the right thing to do, even if it might not seem natural to outsiders. Arks are also capable of controlling gravity, which is why life can go on in the cities they carry. This gravity control has also been used for the stunning feat of destroying black holes by rendering the singularity at the center unstable and then ramming it to scatter the ultracompressed matter apart. Only Abatas has been able to do this, though Dorsu can at the very least avoid pulling things into orbit around her if she doesn't want to pick up debris. Reproduction is asexual, and young stay near the parent for around 3,000 years, when they are typically large enough to accommodate their first Guardian Remora, carnivorous animals that protect the Ark and serve as accessory 'fins' to augment movement speed.

Arks resemble aquatic animals, like whales to a certain extent, although they have many thousands of 'small' eyes, and have extremely long, whip-like tails. Their skin is a light gray, speckled with black spots, and scaly. Despite being asexual, Arks can psychically speak to those near them or closely bonded to them, and the 'voice' one hears is used to decide what gender they are assigned, if only for the sake of not calling an Ark 'it'. Those who reside on an Ark for a long time often gain the ability to communicate with the Ark at longer ranges than those who are simply passing by.


Name: Dor-su-Merokh

Gender: Asexual, refers to self as female

Species: Ark of Civilizations

Age: Approximately 4,000 years

Length: 40 Miles

Width: 2.5 Miles

Weight: Impossible to measure, approximated in millions of tons

Personality: A curious youth (by the standards of Father), Dorsu desires to explore the universe(s) and worlds she comes across while she is still small enough not to accidentally pull planets into orbit around her body.Like Abatas, she is quite laid-back, as being one of the largest organisms in the universe means she has no natural predators.

Diet: Cosmic background radiation

"I feel an instability. A world hidden behind the veil. I wish to see it. May we go there?"

Description: On occasion, an Ark of Civilizations may choose to enter the atmosphere of a planet and breathe, if they are still small enough to do so. Dorsu decided that she wished to first try this after detecting Felarya. Although she was initially able to enter the atmosphere without incident, the sudden disorientation of traveling in a new medium combined with the dimensional strangeness of Felarya confused and scared her, and she began to plummet, nearly falling to the ground of the Great Rocky Fields. Although she caught herself, Dorsu was highly visible, and curious creatures from all around began to investigate the floating behemoth. The crew residing on her body took biological surveys, and made the foolish assumption that the Rock Harpies, large as they were and appearing to be sapient, would not attack humans. Things devolved from that point on, with casualties suffered both by the crew and the Rock Harpies as powerful weapons were brought to bear against the bird-women. Eventually, Dorsu recalled her charges, and exhaled a great cloud of choking carbon dioxide. Though nobody died of suffocation, the young Ark had bought enough time to retreat higher into the atmosphere where she would not be followed. It was by accident that Dorsu crossed the threshold of the atmosphere and left Felarya. She would return on occasion, using her memory of what the world felt like to find viable entryways, and found her additional visits far more enjoyable.

While interested in the world below, Dorsu tends to remain high in the atmosphere, for the most part, to avoid causing panics. Her crew get down and personal in her stead, some out of obligation, others looking for adventure. Out of respect for both Felarya and Dorsu's wishes, crew members sacrifice their high-tech weaponry when looking around, though they are allowed to use unarmed scout skiffs for transportation. She has allowed Felaryan natives to explore her, and can 'pick up' interested parties by manipulating gravity and lifting them onto her, if they cannot fly. Asked why she returns to Felarya so often, she responds that the variety of people, creatures, and cultures found there makes it an interesting microcosm of the larger universe, meaning she has to travel less to see a lot.

Name: Aleqsander 'Aleq' Cortez

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Age: 29

Personality: Adventurous, but cool-headed, Aleq is smarter than he lets on, but speaks freely and plainly. He is also quite creative, and can make equipment, supplies, and traps out of found items. Tries to act cool and heroic sometimes, but often ends up looking like a dork to all witnesses.

Description: While no-one truly 'commands' Dorsu, Aleq is one of the people she defers judgement to the most, especially with regards to the safety of her crew. He holds the title of Chief of Security, and as such, was the first of the crew to exit the safety of the settlement on Dorsu's back and explore Felarya. His close bond with the young Ark means that Aleq is often the man to whom she looks for stories about Felarya (or any other world they investigate, for that matter). Still, Dorsu respects the natural order of Felarya, so even Aleq is not allowed to carry high-tech weaponry with him, even if it means he might not return to his city in the sky. While landside, he uses a scratch-built crossbow made of scrap metal and natural materials, called Jasmine, for personal defense. It is an impressively well-built weapon, and Aleq continues to add upgrades to it as he finds viable materials.

Before coming to his current position, Aleq was a spacefaring jack-of-all-trades, equal parts merchant, smuggler, mercenary, explorer, and general drifter. His ship, the New World, is still contained in the city's cargo bay. The reason he left his old life behind him is a private matter, but most suspect he wasn't cut out for some of the more morally dubious activities he sometimes encountered.

Aleq has dark-brown hair, dark-brown eyes, and brown, deeply-tanned skin. He has a large burn scar running from his right shoulder down to his left side, but this is typically covered by the armor he wears.

(It's a work in progress, mind you. But the idea of organisms large enough to cause solar eclipses fascinates me. Dorsu, as well as some of the members of her crew, will doubtless get more fleshed out as time goes on.)

Last edited by Zephyr102 on Sun Nov 04, 2012 11:03 am; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Zephyr102's Characters   Zephyr102's Characters Icon_minitimeThu Jul 26, 2012 6:06 pm

these are really good! keep it up <3
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PostSubject: Re: Zephyr102's Characters   Zephyr102's Characters Icon_minitimeMon Jul 30, 2012 4:40 pm

Name: Meghan Alexander

Species: Human

Size: Human-sized

Hair: Auburn, usually hidden under black bodysuit

Eyes: Blue, usually hidden behind reflective lenses

Threat Level: Low

Diet: Average human diet

Intelligence: High human range

Description: A thoroughly unlucky woman, Meghan suffers from two rare genetic disorders. One, Xeroderma Pigmentosum, makes her extremely vulnerable to damage by ultraviolet light and stunts her ability to heal that damage, while another, unknown disorder has stunted her ability to heal anything but natural damage to the body, primarily meaning the regular loss of skin cells. Though these disorders were identified early in life, Meghan still suffered greatly. A paper cut could bleed for weeks on end, which taken alone would only indicate a clotting disorder, but other injuries are also persistent, such as a broken toe which took almost two years to recover.

For years, she was basically kept in her home for her own safety, limiting her exposure to peers. Only when she was 13 did an anonymous benefactor with knowledge of her case try to help give her some freedom. He/she/they sent her family a custom-designed bodysuit designed to do several things. It not only blocks out all UV light, but collects lost blood and cleans it before putting it back in the body, as well as providing some protection to injuries like shallow cuts.

Although she gained the ability to go outside with relative safety, Meghan still had trouble making friends due to her strange appearance and high needs. As she grew however, Meghan developed into a more-or-less normal woman, though she never had a huge circle of friends. Replacement bodysuits continued to arrive until she was done growing at about age 20, at which point her benefactor revealed himself. The man, going only by Anthony, claimed to hail from a world called Felarya, and offered to take Meghan back with him. He said that the healing abilities of people who travel to Felarya are drastically increased, but the world is also dangerous, he admitted. That was why he hadn’t offered to take her in when she was still a child.

Meghan accepted the invitation after some thought, and donned a new, up-armored bodysuit provided by Anthony. Under Anthony’s guidance, Meghan became an adept survivor, her scent and infrared signature reduced by her bodysuit. She is still vulnerable to UV light while unprotected, and only heals as quickly a normal human would on Earth.
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Zephyr102's Characters   Zephyr102's Characters Icon_minitimeMon Jul 30, 2012 5:40 pm

This is very blunt for me to say, but what is the concept of these characters? Actually, are they really characters? They seem more like ideas for creatures. The bios are... very insubstantial, with no talk to their appearance, their background or personality. I can't really give a criticism because I can't find any context for these... arks, whatever they are.
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PostSubject: Re: Zephyr102's Characters   Zephyr102's Characters Icon_minitimeMon Jul 30, 2012 6:02 pm

Shady Knight wrote:
This is very blunt for me to say, but what is the concept of these characters? Actually, are they really characters? They seem more like ideas for creatures. The bios are... very insubstantial, with no talk to their appearance, their background or personality. I can't really give a criticism because I can't find any context for these... arks, whatever they are.
Admittedly, they don't really fit in Felarya as characters all that much. Maybe I should remove them. If I were to use Daughter however, she would be a kind of base of operations for the people living on her, who come down to explore. And I'll add some description about their appearance.
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Zephyr102's Characters   Zephyr102's Characters Icon_minitimeMon Jul 30, 2012 6:15 pm

Actually, if you want my opinion, you should start with something that's more in-tune with Felarya, so that you get a feel of how the place works, then you can move on to something more extravagant.

Also, protip: ignore "comments" like the one made by gooigooi. Stuff that say "good" without highlighting why exactly it's good, are completely devoid of meaning and does not make you improve at all.
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PostSubject: Re: Zephyr102's Characters   Zephyr102's Characters Icon_minitimeMon Jul 30, 2012 7:23 pm

Shady Knight wrote:
Actually, if you want my opinion, you should start with something that's more in-tune with Felarya, so that you get a feel of how the place works, then you can move on to something more extravagant.

Also, protip: ignore "comments" like the one made by gooigooi. Stuff that say "good" without highlighting why exactly it's good, are completely devoid of meaning and does not make you improve at all.
I know to ignore insubstantial comments. I feel like I may have trouble making something really in-tune with Felarya, like a predator (probably not exactly what you meant) but I'll keep working on my descriptions and try to improve my writing skills.
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John the human sized ant
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PostSubject: Re: Zephyr102's Characters   Zephyr102's Characters Icon_minitimeSat Aug 04, 2012 12:20 pm

nice bios. i wish i could write good bios like you T.T
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PostSubject: Re: Zephyr102's Characters   Zephyr102's Characters Icon_minitimeTue Aug 28, 2012 1:04 pm

Name: Mimi

Species: Felaryan Mimic

Size: Human-sized

Hair: Metallic Mint-Green

Eyes: Yellow

Threat Level: Medium

Diet: Vegetables, Humanoids

Predation: Opportunistic

Description: Mimi has grown to be unique among her species, a bit safer to be around and more outgoing than other Mimics.
Born some 19-21 years ago (Mimics don’t really keep track of time, given that it has nothing to do with their growth), the piece of treasure which her mother used to house her essence is an ornate sheath for a dagger (the blade itself is seemingly lost). Unusual for Mimics, Mimi did not remain in the cave she grew up in once she had the ability to move about, as she desired a more visible location to use as her home. She lived in an abandoned castle for a time, but the location was eventually compromised, being a little too big to be viable (though she left her first daughter, Koa, in the dungeon to fend for herself). Mimi now lives in an old temple ruin contained within a cave system, apparently a Vanishing Land that became a permanent addition to Felarya, given that it was completely unoccupied.

While it may seem odd for a predator to place traps that may kill invaders before they can be eaten, Mimi primarily means to weaken and tire her prey so they can be gobbled up quickly and easily when they do arrive at one of her chests, especially since the sucking, shrinking vortex ability used by Mimics is easier to avoid than the attacks of many other predators, especially at anything beyond point-blank range. The traps also weed out the truly weak individuals that Mimi considers worthless from both a nutritional and loot-based perspective, as well as wild animals.

Unusually sociable for a Mimic, it’s not hard to become a friend of Mimi’s, although your best shot at doing this will be while she is out of her chest. While traveling, Mimi carries a chest with her in her pocket, which she can quickly produce and scale up to hide or sleep in (her species often leans towards being agoraphobic, so sleeping or simply being in the open can be unsettling)

Cheerful, slightly sarcastic, and very curious about the world around her, it isn't too unbelievable that you may cross paths with Mimi at some point.

Last edited by Zephyr102 on Thu Oct 17, 2013 2:26 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Zephyr102's Characters   Zephyr102's Characters Icon_minitimeWed Oct 31, 2012 9:27 am

[Work in Progress]

Name: Narcisse

Species: Giant Dridder (Weaver)

Size: 95 Feet

Hair: Black, usually well-kept and styled

Eyes: Sea-Green

Threat Level: Medium

Diet: Humanoids

Predation: Specialized

Description: Despite his refined, elegant appearance, Narcisse is actually a young Dridder, born well after the fall of the Dridder Kingdom. A vain, proud individual, he is extremely fond of beauty, be it his own or that of the world around him. This trait he acquired from his late parents, a former duke and duchess of a Dridder royal family, who insisted that life was easier for an individual who paid attention to appearances. To that end, Narcisse has made sure that no hair on his head ever falls out of place, that his clothes, which he makes himself, always fall about the body just so. He is quite a handsome individual already, his features athletic but not overly muscular, his face that seemingly unattainable combination of masculinity and youthful handsomeness that makes knees quiver.

He is a predator however, and his diet consists mainly of humanoids he catches wandering his territory. As most of these individuals are adventurers or those unlucky persons randomly transported to Felarya, they are seldom decked out in fashionable clothing, which Narcisse considers to be a crime worthy of being eaten. The rough, patched-together gear of an adventurer is a travesty in his eyes, and he usually pulls the offending clothing from his prey's body before popping the now-embarrassed individual into his mouth.

Strangely enough, if he encounters potential prey but finds them to already be naked (you'd be amazed at how many people are transported to Felarya in the middle of a shower) he instead sees them as a blank slate upon which he can practice his craft. An individual acquired in this manner would likely be whisked off to Narcisse's lair, which happens to be where he runs his tailoring business from. There, the Dridder will set to work creating a set of clothing that perfectly matches the wearer, being both luxuriously comfortable and delightfully stylish. The still dumbfounded (but now fabulous) person is then sent on his or her way, most likely to be eaten as soon as he/she exits Narcisse's lair. Still, many predators from all around, piqued by the unusually well-dressed prey they find nearby, will occasionally seek out the tailor and pay, in some way, for their own masterfully-made outfit, which he happily creates. Even some smaller persons have been known to seek out the shop in search of an outfit that is both beautiful and completely practical: if they make it into his lair, Narcisse will consider them a customer and refrain from eating them so long as they don't raise trouble. An outfit that he makes for an adventurer, or anyone else, for that matter, is tailored to their unique biology: one will never trip over it while running, and the fact that it is made of Dridder silk means that the clothing is just as effective as many heavy armors.

With his life centered around beauty as much as it is, it should come as no surprise that Narcisse has a bit of an issue with his own vanity: were prey to compliment him on his good looks while he is in a good mood, he won't hesitate to gobble up the poor soul, as if to congratulate himself on looking so good. Likewise, insulting his beauty while he is in a poor mood will likely lead to being squished. This does not mean his vanity cannot be used against him however: if one were to lift him out of a slump with some good words, he will greatly appreciate the compliment and count that person a friend, while bringing him down from a good day will cause him to lose his cool, becoming enraged and stomping about to crush the offending individual, telegraphing his every move and becoming surprisingly easy to avoid. The same rage can be seen if his beauty is in any way tarnished, such as by a well-placed slash across the face. If one were to say that he had something on his face or on his clothes, Narcisse would begin trying to remove whatever smudge or dirt had gotten on there, even if nothing was actually present, breaking his concentration from trying to get food.
His vanity also extends to making him think (sometimes with justification) that people fall in love with him the moment they lay eyes upon him. While this is hardly always the case, many people have found themselves stunned by Narcisse's beauty to the point that the Dridder thinks they're allowing themselves to be eaten.

Among his friends is a strange being, possibly human, who can somehow provide Narcisse with Dridder-appropriate cigarettes, which Narcisse enjoys smoking from time to time (can't get cancer in Felarya, thankfully)

Narcisse also counts the Naga Vivian as a bit of a rival, though whether she knows this or not is unclear. He seems to be annoyed by the fact that so many considers her beautiful when she isn't even wearing anything. If he could get her to wear one of his custom outfits, he would be quite pleased with himself.

Last edited by Zephyr102 on Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:51 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Zephyr102's Characters   Zephyr102's Characters Icon_minitimeWed Oct 31, 2012 11:00 am

The name worries me a little because it's dangerously close to 'Adonis' which could come off as overly masculine and presumptuous, though it may very well be me just overracting. I won't get into how I feel about male preds, it's not important. ^^;
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PostSubject: Re: Zephyr102's Characters   Zephyr102's Characters Icon_minitimeWed Oct 31, 2012 11:46 am

Nyaha wrote:
The name worries me a little because it's dangerously close to 'Adonis' which could come off as overly masculine and presumptuous, though it may very well be me just overracting. I won't get into how I feel about male preds, it's not important. ^^;
Give me time to finish the profile. There's a reason it sounds close.
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Zephyr102's Characters   Zephyr102's Characters Icon_minitimeWed Oct 31, 2012 12:59 pm

Hah! This guy reminds me of Zhang He from the Dynsaty Warriors series. He's one of my fav characters! ^.^
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PostSubject: Re: Zephyr102's Characters   Zephyr102's Characters Icon_minitime

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