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Venom Agato
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PostSubject: Re: The Thread for Overthinking Felaryan Topics   The Thread for Overthinking Felaryan Topics - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Aug 11, 2012 2:12 pm

DarkOne wrote:
Some snails and slugs also stab each other with darts made from their bodies that have semen on it, which then penetrates their mate's body (they don't really care where it goes in, as long as it goes in) This secondary reproductive system is much more risky as it could accidently kill the receiver, but it seems to increase the chances of fertilization.

Meaning that if they were both feeling particulary horny, they could accidently kill each other if they're not careful

Whoa that is damn freaky. pale Getting accidently killed because they were TOO intimate.
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Seasoned adventurer
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PostSubject: Re: The Thread for Overthinking Felaryan Topics   The Thread for Overthinking Felaryan Topics - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Aug 12, 2012 7:04 pm

I personally kind of doubt anybody's going to die because of too-intimate sex in Felarya. I would wager the slug-girls don't reproduce like that, although I can't claim to be an expert. Even if they did, the natural healing properties of Felarya's soil would likely prevent lethal wounds.
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Venom Agato
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PostSubject: Re: The Thread for Overthinking Felaryan Topics   The Thread for Overthinking Felaryan Topics - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Aug 12, 2012 7:39 pm

Zephyr102 wrote:
I personally kind of doubt anybody's going to die because of too-intimate sex in Felarya. I would wager the slug-girls don't reproduce like that, although I can't claim to be an expert. Even if they did, the natural healing properties of Felarya's soil would likely prevent lethal wounds.

Most likely.
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Felarya cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: The Thread for Overthinking Felaryan Topics   The Thread for Overthinking Felaryan Topics - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Aug 12, 2012 9:53 pm

Zephyr102 wrote:
jedi-explorer wrote:
I always believe that, excluding certain odd phenomena , that the reproductive cycle varies from one giant pred to the next.
So, do you think Giant Elves (and possibly others) go through a messy menstrual cycle, while other mammalian preds experience estrus? This is the place for overthinking stuff.

Well here's how I see it. The more closely related to humans the pred is (say giants and elves for example) the more closely their mating routines should be too. Elves and humans would have menstrual cycle. Though something like a Jotun or a Neko? Well they'd likely experience Estrus. Nagas and more reptilian creatures I don't know. I think it'd be Estrus, but then again I forget how reptiles mate. I'd gues it'd be the later because of reptiles have such a powerful sense of smell.

Quote :
I personally kind of doubt anybody's going to die because of too-intimate sex in Felarya.

Well that depends on if they're a human sized person having intercourse with a giant sized person. Then the risk goes up dramatically wouldn't you agree?
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Venom Agato
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PostSubject: Re: The Thread for Overthinking Felaryan Topics   The Thread for Overthinking Felaryan Topics - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Aug 12, 2012 11:16 pm

Quote :
I personally kind of doubt anybody's going to die because of too-intimate sex in Felarya.

Well that depends on if they're a human sized person having intercourse with a giant sized person. Then the risk goes up dramatically wouldn't you agree?[/quote]

I think he meant something a little different. >_<
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: The Thread for Overthinking Felaryan Topics   The Thread for Overthinking Felaryan Topics - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Aug 13, 2012 5:31 am

Zephyr102 wrote:
I personally kind of doubt anybody's going to die because of too-intimate sex in Felarya. I would wager the slug-girls don't reproduce like that, although I can't claim to be an expert. Even if they did, the natural healing properties of Felarya's soil would likely prevent lethal wounds.
No, it doesn't. Yes, hypothetically speaking, the wound would eventually close, but the soil's healing effects is nowhere as fast as say Wolverine's healing factor. In fact, Crisis almost died from blood loss when she was a kid. So if you were to get your arm chopped off and no one were to patch that in time, you would still die from the eventual blood loss.
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Venom Agato
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PostSubject: Re: The Thread for Overthinking Felaryan Topics   The Thread for Overthinking Felaryan Topics - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Aug 14, 2012 3:11 pm

Shady Knight wrote:
Zephyr102 wrote:
I personally kind of doubt anybody's going to die because of too-intimate sex in Felarya. I would wager the slug-girls don't reproduce like that, although I can't claim to be an expert. Even if they did, the natural healing properties of Felarya's soil would likely prevent lethal wounds.
No, it doesn't. Yes, hypothetically speaking, the wound would eventually close, but the soil's healing effects is nowhere as fast as say Wolverine's healing factor. In fact, Crisis almost died from blood loss when she was a kid. So if you were to get your arm chopped off and no one were to patch that in time, you would still die from the eventual blood loss.

That healing factor there was a low blow you know. Besides enough of the soil can heal even mortal wounds, yes maybe not like Wolverine's factor but it can still do so nontheless.
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Felarya cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: The Thread for Overthinking Felaryan Topics   The Thread for Overthinking Felaryan Topics - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Aug 14, 2012 4:15 pm

Venom Agato wrote:
Shady Knight wrote:
Zephyr102 wrote:
I personally kind of doubt anybody's going to die because of too-intimate sex in Felarya. I would wager the slug-girls don't reproduce like that, although I can't claim to be an expert. Even if they did, the natural healing properties of Felarya's soil would likely prevent lethal wounds.
No, it doesn't. Yes, hypothetically speaking, the wound would eventually close, but the soil's healing effects is nowhere as fast as say Wolverine's healing factor. In fact, Crisis almost died from blood loss when she was a kid. So if you were to get your arm chopped off and no one were to patch that in time, you would still die from the eventual blood loss.

That healing factor there was a low blow you know. Besides enough of the soil can heal even mortal wounds, yes maybe not like Wolverine's factor but it can still do so nontheless.

Actually I'm pretty sure that rubbing more of Felarya's magic dirt on your wound will just make it dirty. I don't think it speeds up the healing process. This is why Healers are still a essential part of a godo balanced party...That and someone slower than you are to throw to the hungry critter chasing you. <.<
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Venom Agato
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PostSubject: Re: The Thread for Overthinking Felaryan Topics   The Thread for Overthinking Felaryan Topics - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Aug 14, 2012 4:51 pm

jedi-explorer wrote:
Venom Agato wrote:
Shady Knight wrote:
Zephyr102 wrote:
I personally kind of doubt anybody's going to die because of too-intimate sex in Felarya. I would wager the slug-girls don't reproduce like that, although I can't claim to be an expert. Even if they did, the natural healing properties of Felarya's soil would likely prevent lethal wounds.
No, it doesn't. Yes, hypothetically speaking, the wound would eventually close, but the soil's healing effects is nowhere as fast as say Wolverine's healing factor. In fact, Crisis almost died from blood loss when she was a kid. So if you were to get your arm chopped off and no one were to patch that in time, you would still die from the eventual blood loss.

That healing factor there was a low blow you know. Besides enough of the soil can heal even mortal wounds, yes maybe not like Wolverine's factor but it can still do so nontheless.

Actually I'm pretty sure that rubbing more of Felarya's magic dirt on your wound will just make it dirty. I don't think it speeds up the healing process. This is why Healers are still a essential part of a godo balanced party...That and someone slower than you are to throw to the hungry critter chasing you. <.<

Hahahah wow Jedi just wow. XD
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Re: The Thread for Overthinking Felaryan Topics   The Thread for Overthinking Felaryan Topics - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Aug 14, 2012 7:09 pm

jedi-explorer wrote:

Actually I'm pretty sure that rubbing more of Felarya's magic dirt on your wound will just make it dirty. I don't think it speeds up the healing process. This is why Healers are still a essential part of a godo balanced party...That and someone slower than you are to throw to the hungry critter chasing you. <.<

You would make a great addition to my team, Jedi ... <u<

Anyways, the healing factor is more something that must be taken in consideration in the mid-long term.
In the short term, injuries are just as much as dangerous as they would be in real life;
As said before, a mortal wound will still be mortal if nothing is done about it (blood loss, etc).
However, if treated correctly and fast, it will simply take less time to heal.
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: The Thread for Overthinking Felaryan Topics   The Thread for Overthinking Felaryan Topics - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Aug 15, 2012 3:54 am

The fact is that when you speak of healing factor, people quickly assume "just like Wolverine!", when it's nowhere near that. As you people have already pointed out, you can still die in a violent way, due to blood loss and similar. Medical treatment is still necessary, the soil might help in healing, but it isn't as miraculous as some might think.

It's magical and powerful when healing, but it isn't that wonderful, actually.
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Venom Agato
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PostSubject: Re: The Thread for Overthinking Felaryan Topics   The Thread for Overthinking Felaryan Topics - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Aug 15, 2012 4:39 am

Feadraug wrote:
The fact is that when you speak of healing factor, people quickly assume "just like Wolverine!", when it's nowhere near that. As you people have already pointed out, you can still die in a violent way, due to blood loss and similar. Medical treatment is still necessary, the soil might help in healing, but it isn't as miraculous as some might think.

It's magical and powerful when healing, but it isn't that wonderful, actually.

I still can't believe he added something so disbondent. There are way's to heal fast yeah but no one's comparing to f***ing Wolverine you know?
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: The Thread for Overthinking Felaryan Topics   The Thread for Overthinking Felaryan Topics - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Aug 15, 2012 5:33 am

Venom Agato wrote:
I still can't believe he added something so disbondent. There are way's to heal fast yeah but no one's comparing to f***ing Wolverine you know?

Err... calm down, man. I was referring to this bit by Shady Knight:

Shady Knight wrote:
Yes, hypothetically speaking, the wound would eventually close, but the soil's healing effects is nowhere as fast as say Wolverine's healing factor.

Sorry if I have offended you or something, but I think that comment was a good way to show that yes, the soil has healing properties that enhance recovery, but such properties aren't that miraculous.

I don't see anything wrong with saying "don't think of Wolverine, guys, this healing factor isn't as kickass"... There are people who might get the whole healing factor concept wrong, so it doesn't harm to show how it actually works in this setting. If we mention Wolverine, well, it's because he's one of the best known examples of such healing factor, just making sure that his is one thing and the Felaryan soil's is another. Nothing wrong with that, right?
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Venom Agato
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PostSubject: Re: The Thread for Overthinking Felaryan Topics   The Thread for Overthinking Felaryan Topics - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Aug 15, 2012 5:58 am

Well good point but it wasn't you I was refering to. XD But yeah that pretty much sums it all up, hopefully.
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: The Thread for Overthinking Felaryan Topics   The Thread for Overthinking Felaryan Topics - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Aug 15, 2012 6:36 am

Venom Agato wrote:
Well good point but it wasn't you I was refering to. XD But yeah that pretty much sums it all up, hopefully.

I replied because you had quoted me, and I like giving more details if necessary. Glad I wasn't the actual target. xD
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Venom Agato
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PostSubject: Re: The Thread for Overthinking Felaryan Topics   The Thread for Overthinking Felaryan Topics - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Aug 15, 2012 11:13 am

Definitely necessary in this case and sorry I mean that quote as a little something different.
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Felarya cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: The Thread for Overthinking Felaryan Topics   The Thread for Overthinking Felaryan Topics - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Aug 15, 2012 9:33 pm

Vaderaz wrote:
jedi-explorer wrote:

Actually I'm pretty sure that rubbing more of Felarya's magic dirt on your wound will just make it dirty. I don't think it speeds up the healing process. This is why Healers are still a essential part of a godo balanced party...That and someone slower than you are to throw to the hungry critter chasing you. <.<

You would make a great addition to my team, Jedi ... <u<

Anyways, the healing factor is more something that must be taken in consideration in the mid-long term.
In the short term, injuries are just as much as dangerous as they would be in real life;
As said before, a mortal wound will still be mortal if nothing is done about it (blood loss, etc).
However, if treated correctly and fast, it will simply take less time to heal.

Did I mention, as a Jedi Ace, my healing powers are less than efficient? I'm usually the guy who CAUSE damage. I have the added skill of healing because I don't have a healer in ANY of my games. <///<;

Yeah. It's why every adventurer should add a Medical Kit of somekind. I mean it doesn't seem likely from reading all the ways to get eaten, but infection and gang-green can be a killer in Felarya too...No wait infection is dealt with by the healing factor right? Or am I nuts?
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Venom Agato
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PostSubject: Re: The Thread for Overthinking Felaryan Topics   The Thread for Overthinking Felaryan Topics - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Aug 15, 2012 9:37 pm

Umm..... Not sure what you said there at the end but what does carrying med-kits in other games have to do with dirt with magical healing properties.
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Felarya cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: The Thread for Overthinking Felaryan Topics   The Thread for Overthinking Felaryan Topics - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Aug 15, 2012 9:43 pm

jedi-explorer wrote:
Vaderaz wrote:
jedi-explorer wrote:

Actually I'm pretty sure that rubbing more of Felarya's magic dirt on your wound will just make it dirty. I don't think it speeds up the healing process. This is why Healers are still a essential part of a godo balanced party...That and someone slower than you are to throw to the hungry critter chasing you. <.<

You would make a great addition to my team, Jedi ... <u<

Anyways, the healing factor is more something that must be taken in consideration in the mid-long term.
In the short term, injuries are just as much as dangerous as they would be in real life;
As said before, a mortal wound will still be mortal if nothing is done about it (blood loss, etc).
However, if treated correctly and fast, it will simply take less time to heal.

Did I mention, as a Jedi Ace, my healing powers are less than efficient? I'm usually the guy who CAUSE damage. I have the added skill of healing because I don't have a healer in ANY of my games. <///<;

Yeah. It's why every adventurer should add a Medical Kit of somekind. I mean it doesn't seem likely from reading all the ways to get eaten, but infection and gang-green can be a killer in Felarya too...No wait infection is dealt with by the healing factor right? Or am I nuts?

Infection isn't really an issue, as the healing factor does enhance the immune system to deal with most any microbial incursions. However, if you jab a big hole in your foot while you're out in the wilderness, you'll still have a big hole in your foot out in the wilderness.

In general, there are three things that the healing factor doesn't cover...

- Parasites (these would be an issue out in the middle of nowhere)
- Poison/venom (granted, the healing factor does help raise a person's resistance to them some, but Felarya is full of highly venomous plants and animals. Getting bit/stung and dying from being poisoned/envenomated is a very real danger)
- Curses (because these cause ailments through magical means, they bypass the healing factor)

Not to mention injuries are a big concern. Sprained ankles, broken bones, and such are a near death-sentence out in the wilderness. It's already dangerous enough without being half-crippled. Some sort of medical knowledge would be vital if you wanted to survive out there. You're a long way from any doctors or healers, and you will still need to tend wounds, treat injuries and set broken bones if you want them to heal properly.
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: The Thread for Overthinking Felaryan Topics   The Thread for Overthinking Felaryan Topics - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Aug 16, 2012 5:56 am

If I may add my two cents, although encounters with creatures aren't going to occur every five steps and would most likely be spread out over a couple days of travel, given how dangerous the majority of them are, if you're not in able condition, then you simply won't survive them. The best way to deal with the common predators is to hide and fighting is usually reserved to when you're unable to hide. Have you tried fighting when you're bleeding profusely or you arm is broken? Not that easy.

And because that point cannot be stressed enough, predators like giant nagas are rare and, and most of the time, the worst-case scenario. Don't trust the drawings and fics that depict them crawling out of the wood work, because they don't.
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Felarya cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: The Thread for Overthinking Felaryan Topics   The Thread for Overthinking Felaryan Topics - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Aug 16, 2012 6:31 pm

rcs619 wrote:
jedi-explorer wrote:
Vaderaz wrote:
jedi-explorer wrote:

Actually I'm pretty sure that rubbing more of Felarya's magic dirt on your wound will just make it dirty. I don't think it speeds up the healing process. This is why Healers are still a essential part of a godo balanced party...That and someone slower than you are to throw to the hungry critter chasing you. <.<

You would make a great addition to my team, Jedi ... <u<

Anyways, the healing factor is more something that must be taken in consideration in the mid-long term.
In the short term, injuries are just as much as dangerous as they would be in real life;
As said before, a mortal wound will still be mortal if nothing is done about it (blood loss, etc).
However, if treated correctly and fast, it will simply take less time to heal.

Did I mention, as a Jedi Ace, my healing powers are less than efficient? I'm usually the guy who CAUSE damage. I have the added skill of healing because I don't have a healer in ANY of my games. <///<;

Yeah. It's why every adventurer should add a Medical Kit of somekind. I mean it doesn't seem likely from reading all the ways to get eaten, but infection and gang-green can be a killer in Felarya too...No wait infection is dealt with by the healing factor right? Or am I nuts?

Infection isn't really an issue, as the healing factor does enhance the immune system to deal with most any microbial incursions. However, if you jab a big hole in your foot while you're out in the wilderness, you'll still have a big hole in your foot out in the wilderness.

In general, there are three things that the healing factor doesn't cover...

- Parasites (these would be an issue out in the middle of nowhere)
- Poison/venom (granted, the healing factor does help raise a person's resistance to them some, but Felarya is full of highly venomous plants and animals. Getting bit/stung and dying from being poisoned/envenomated is a very real danger)
- Curses (because these cause ailments through magical means, they bypass the healing factor)

Not to mention injuries are a big concern. Sprained ankles, broken bones, and such are a near death-sentence out in the wilderness. It's already dangerous enough without being half-crippled. Some sort of medical knowledge would be vital if you wanted to survive out there. You're a long way from any doctors or healers, and you will still need to tend wounds, treat injuries and set broken bones if you want them to heal properly.

Whoa I didn't even think of Curses. I suppose somebody JUST arriving on Felarya wouldn't realize it's magical nature but an experienced adventurer should know these things and I thought I was one...Or close enough. So some basic survival training should also be a skill to pick up. Hmm I can't help but think some of this information should be in the wiki or in a thread here.

Quote :
Have you tried fighting when you're bleeding profusely or you arm is broken? Not that easy.

Do I since a interesting story lying in buried in this somewhere? Shocked

Quote :
And because that point cannot be stressed enough, predators like giant nagas are rare and, and most of the time, the worst-case scenario. Don't trust the drawings and fics that depict them crawling out of the wood work, because they don't.

XD That seems to be the wording that keeps popping up in ANY topic as of late. "Do not trust the art! It is a lie." Though I do understand. After all if Nagas were hiding in wait everywhere there wouldn't be many humans, nekos or elves in Felarya to eat. Adventurers might become an endangered species!
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PostSubject: Re: The Thread for Overthinking Felaryan Topics   The Thread for Overthinking Felaryan Topics - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Aug 16, 2012 9:52 pm

jedi-explorer wrote:
Adventurers might become an endangered species!

Erm... They're not already?
Last I checked they were in Crisis... Laughing
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Venom Agato
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PostSubject: Re: The Thread for Overthinking Felaryan Topics   The Thread for Overthinking Felaryan Topics - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Aug 17, 2012 3:51 pm

Umm whoever made that one he/she does know Giant Naga's are frequently encountered do they not?
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PostSubject: Re: The Thread for Overthinking Felaryan Topics   The Thread for Overthinking Felaryan Topics - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Aug 17, 2012 6:35 pm

Frequently encountered? I was under the impression Shady was right and they are considerably more rare than the art makes them out to be. They're a large number of the main characters and also kind of the flagship species of Felarya, not unlike the Space Marines of Warhammer 40k, and therefore grossly overrepresented in number because so many people used to make their own Nagas.

Although it's also possible I misinterpreted your wording or you meant to say something else.

I'm personally also curious about the Predator Sense. Can it be fooled? Does it take precedence over the other senses?

If someone could turn invisible and project holographic or magical copies of him/herself to a pred, would the pred go for the copy (supposing it didn't see the person turn invisible and the copies materialize) or use its' Predator Sense to locate the real article? Is this more likely to be taken on a case-by-case basis, with preds like Crisis, who possess a highly developed Predator Sense, being able to sort through fakes and locate invisible prey, while other preds would assume the visible person is the real one and end up missing out on a snack?
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Venom Agato
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PostSubject: Re: The Thread for Overthinking Felaryan Topics   The Thread for Overthinking Felaryan Topics - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Aug 17, 2012 7:07 pm

Well I'm guessing so because I haven't read or seen anything to dissaude that theory otherwise.
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