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 Ranting Thread

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Roaming thug
Roaming thug

Posts : 80
Join date : 2013-03-11
Age : 35
Location : I come and go when I feel like it.

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PostSubject: Ranting Thread   Ranting Thread Icon_minitimeWed Mar 13, 2013 11:16 am

This is a thread where we can rant about what's making us angry or sad. So long as you keep it within the rules and remain civil about it. The forum where I got this idea, its called the Rant/Vent/Sad thread. But like I said, just keep it civil and follow the rules.
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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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Join date : 2009-08-03
Age : 32
Location : 'Merica

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PostSubject: Re: Ranting Thread   Ranting Thread Icon_minitimeWed Mar 13, 2013 8:44 pm

Women that do their makeup while driving. And they're in the turn lane, waiting to turn in to K-Mart which is at least 10 car lengths away from the light, and there's nobody else in that lane. Then you put your blinker on and begin to pass them, when they step on the gas to keep you from getting in the turn lane. So you miss your turn and have to waste the gas to go to the next light that also turns towards your destination, but it's one of those "Left turn YIELD on green" lights. So you wait. And wait. And nudge forward a little so you can ACTUALLY make the turn. And the light turns yellow and the oncoming traffic STILL DOESN'T STOP so you're screwed no matter what you do.
Then you get to your big name store and you're about to pull into a spot when the joker in the adjacent spot decides now is a good time to pull through and nearly hits your car as it's still getting into the spot. And the joker in that other car looks mad at you for inconveniencing him.

Other drivers in general.
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