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Darkfire destiny
valiant swordman
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PostSubject: RP thread   RP thread Icon_minitimeMon Sep 01, 2008 7:38 am

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Darkfire destiny
valiant swordman
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PostSubject: New to this.   RP thread Icon_minitimeMon Sep 01, 2008 8:04 am

I'm new to the whole online RP, but I have plenty of offline experience. I'm trying my luck starting a game here. befor i begin i have a few rule's

#1 Please try to keep this more down to earth. I don't mind power's but I prefer originality and creativity. I say it in my game all the time, it's better if a person finds a way out with his mind rather than godlike abilities.

#2 Felareya is full of predator's so refrain from using the main one's (Crisis, vivian, anko ect...) It's not that I have anything against them but as said in #1, I like originality.

#3 Please no power game's. I know some people in an RP love to be able to fire blast's of solar radioactive death or punch a starship and watch how many lightyear's it flies but here the predator's are supposed to be top of the food chain. I don't mind rare powerful magic, legendairy sword moves or the like's but keep them just that, Rare and legendary.

#4 Not every post has to be exciting. Even action movies have toned down moment's. If your thinking of putting in a predator attack because the tread is going slow, please make sure it's appropriate.

#5 Please read the previous post's when deciding what char to bring in. If the char seems disbalancing or out of place it probably is. Either wait for a more apropriate time or choose another char.

#6 Have fun. Possibly the most important rule. If anyone in my RP is not having fun please PM me about what's wrong with it, I'll try to change it .

Any of my rule's are subject to discusssion or change. I'll notify of any changes. Violators of the rule's will be approached
and requested to stop. Repeat violators will be asked to leave.

Note: I'm not online as often as I would like. I'll keep up as I can but I can only average a few post's a day except on rare occasions. If there are people RPing, please continue unless my imput is directly needed.
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Darkfire destiny
valiant swordman
valiant swordman
Darkfire destiny

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PostSubject: The beginning   RP thread Icon_minitimeMon Sep 01, 2008 8:20 am

The wind was blowing. The rain has subsided leaving everything damp and wet. Even thought the rain had stopped the dark ominous clouds remained. Everyone near them could feel an uncomfotable chill, the feel of power, of death. This feeling of power came from below center of the darkest area of cloudcover. Adventurer's, warrior's and scolars of every race had the same feeling. Either curiosity or cowardice. Nobody knew what lie in wait for those brave souls who dared to answer this call but they all were driven by a greater desire, weather curiosity, faith, fame or somthing personal everyone has their own reason for adventuring. Among the people, Renee Winters took her sword and some supplies and began her long decent down the giant tree. Fully prepaired to loose her life over her curiosity, but unable to leave it be.

The quest for answer's could be a story of legend's or a dream that hundred's die for. How things go is up to those brave soul's who laugh at danger and death.
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Cog in the Machine
Cog in the Machine

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PostSubject: Re: RP thread   RP thread Icon_minitimeMon Sep 01, 2008 9:03 am

With the rain laying off, the fire team made one last scan of their surroundings. Jergit rapidly switched through differing spectrums on his magnocs, marking down on their squad navigational system where he found heat sources or other disturbances that could prove hazardous. The mapping of the terrain was outdated in places, having been taken by a Rec-Drone a month prior, though the warning beacons would provide useful enough. Christian had lost his E-Tool and had his weapons stripped to their bare bones two days prior after cutting himself from an oversized frog, and none of the group felt any better about potentially losing their weapons.

It had been just over a week since they first arrived through the portal to this strange land, and already they figured any full colonization attempt would not be worth the effort. They'd have to torch their way out from the portal yard by yard just to make a secure arrival zone, yet alone the firepower they'd need to withdraw from combat zones to effectively deal with some of the beings they found. The only reason they had not yet returned was the need to find some way to restore the comm-system. Christian was in no condition to pass through the portal onto the atmosphere lacking planet they found it on, and there was also the concern held by those on the other side of hostile forces. The lack of communication by the group for the past four days wouldn't help with the tension on the other side, and there was no idea if another team had passed through in response either.

As such, they would make a rendezvous at the most notable land mark available to them and turn that into their center of operations until contact could be re-established. Said land mark happened to be the extremely large tree in the distance. From there they would have a perfect view of the land for miles around, and they could very likely fortify a spot for themselves out of their remaining demolition charges.

Secure that Jergit marked all notable contacts within the area, the group quickly packed up and moved out. Christian and Quara took the lead, while Jergit and Paul followed a couple dozen meters behind.
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Darkfire destiny
valiant swordman
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Darkfire destiny

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PostSubject: Re: RP thread   RP thread Icon_minitimeMon Sep 01, 2008 9:36 am

The forest seemed quiet, almost abandoned. Not asound other than the droplets falling from the oversized leaves and one's own footstep's. The smell of fresh air only added to the plesant environment.

Eventually the forest broke into a clearing measuring about a hundred feet in diameter. the trees in the area look split as though struck by lightning. Upon furthur inspection There was no burns to back up the lightning. whatever had done this used eithr brute force or an unidentifiable weapon.

After a thourough search large amounts of blood can be found among the fallen leave's and trees mostly washed away by the rain. the blood leads off to the west. Whatever is injured it was big and had lost alot of blood.
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Cog in the Machine
Cog in the Machine

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PostSubject: Re: RP thread   RP thread Icon_minitimeMon Sep 01, 2008 11:41 am

The team halted itself along the edge of the clearing. Open ground was a killing field no matter what the circumstances. There were a few eye grabbing details with the clearing that kept the team from moving on. The trees torn asunder, the lack of burn marks, but mostly the copious amounts of red stained foliage and terrain. The lack of bodies or arms ruled out the possibility of conflict, but what could pass through here while releasing so much blood? Quickly Jergit was called forward to scan the area while the others remained alert. For a few minutes he scanned the open terrain before returning his magnoc's to their proper place.

"Report." Commanded Paul over the fireteam's closed communication system. He had tracked several imported creatures in the biodomes on Grellx minor, so he knew just what he was looking at. The fact that something this big could even sustain itself on the planet proved daunting. Worse yet was the consideration of whatever might have injured such to the point of fleeing.

"It's blood alright. Mostly cool now, but it gets warmer slowly as you go down what our compasses say is west. If we follow it is highly probably we will make contact with either the hunter or the hunted."

That wasn't something any of the bunch was looking forward to. They'd likely need to use their demolition charges to do anything more than drive off the thing, and right now that was all they had going for them. He would have preferred sonic disorientation devices - greater use and longer duration - but there was no reason for them to have brought them when briefing came up. There was also the risk that whatever drove it off was not a collective intelligent group, but instead a single great thing even stronger. But if there was intelligent life here, and they could facilitate peaceful contact...

"Chris, Quara, thoughts?" No need to ask Jergit, he would have spoken up if he felt there more to add in.

Quara was quicker on the response. "I feel we should follow it. We have the advantage of cover along the edge, and with your rifle and Jergit's magnoc's we should be able to avoid conflict. At the very least it doesn't take us that far off our path to the tree, and we'd need to cross eventually."

"I agree with Quara. Worse comes to worse we can flee through the foliage, something that big can't be nimble on its feet. At least not after all that blood lost."

Jergit's undecided stance meant that the majority decision had been set. After making another brief scan and marking on their maps - now greatly outdated by the change in the terrain - the group advanced along the edge of the clearing.
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Darkfire destiny
valiant swordman
valiant swordman
Darkfire destiny

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PostSubject: Re: RP thread   RP thread Icon_minitimeMon Sep 01, 2008 12:13 pm

Following the blood, the tree's show visibly that whatever proceeded this way was in a hurry, or fleeing. several large blood patches show where the creature had fallen recovered and kept going.

Footprints began to show. they became sluggish. their pace eratic. two steps a drag another step.
Another set of smaller fresher print's rested in the first.

This continues for several dozen meters then up ahead a faint growling and a yelp was heard. After a few seconds a loud crackling pop was heard followed by a female voice yell out in pain. Leaves rustled and and injured kensha beast rushed past followed closly by another. The first had a peice of something in it's mouth. It's injury resembled extremly large claw marks that had cut deep. The creature's do not seem to be paying attention to their surrounding's and seem more determined to escape.
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Cog in the Machine
Cog in the Machine

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PostSubject: Re: RP thread   RP thread Icon_minitimeMon Sep 01, 2008 12:56 pm

Every few minutes the group would stop as Jergit updated their maps. Many creatures explored close to clearing themselves, perhaps interested in the smell of fresh blood, but none dared to cross the clearing or follow along it. It was obvious even to the most primitive of minds that there was something wrong about the rent in the forest.

As they closed in, the blood traces eventually becoming warmer until it was almost fresh on the ground. There were several tracks made evident on the moist ground, but that wasn't what quickly caused Paul to issue a halt. Some of the tracks were hominid, and where there was hominid life there was often intelligent life. Before they could further investigate a pair of what could best be described as giant mutated wolves burst through the foliage nearby. Quara nearly opened fire before Christian lowered her weapon, the Kensha beasts racing past their positions without giving them so much a second notice.

There were two options now. Well, three when he thought about it. They could foolhardily advance toward the undergrowth where the beasts burst from and look for what could cause two such creatures to flee, they could turn back now while the going was good, or they could hold their ground and see what happened. Logic dictated the second to be their best option, and the first to be their worst. Turning their back on what could be a first contact was a circumstance too great to pass up however. Similarly, command would likely throw a fit after they handed in their reports and feeds for investigation. And none of them felt like returning to a hostile staff at the moment.

"What're you thinking, sir?"

"I'm thinking we're about to set down early."
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Darkfire destiny
valiant swordman
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Darkfire destiny

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PostSubject: Re: RP thread   RP thread Icon_minitimeMon Sep 01, 2008 1:12 pm

The forest was still quiet, a predator must still be around, either that or the native creatures still had not moved back in. The Cloud's still had not broken so light was slowly fading.

After a bit, from the same direction as the Kensha beasts had run from a young girl came bursting through the tree's in a bit of a panic. at first glance she appeared as a red haired girl in a red dress but after ajusting ones eye's she was seen to be covered in blood, as well as armed with a six foot katana. she was wearing a pull-over dress a sword belt thigh high socks and boots. The look on her was a mix of panic, concern and fear. It obvious that she is unaware of the surroundings, as she run's along she is muttering someting under her breath.

By her size and lack of obvious injury she was not the owner of all this blood, However her coming from that area means she may be part of something.
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Cog in the Machine
Cog in the Machine

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PostSubject: Re: RP thread   RP thread Icon_minitimeMon Sep 01, 2008 2:18 pm

For a few minutes, nothing happened. There was no disturbance to speak of worth any mentioning. Jergit was keeping an eye on the growth the creatures had burst from, and had spotted a heat signal roughly man sized. There was nothing else he could make out due to some disturbance - likely from the same thing causing their navigational gear to occasionally go crazy - but from what he could tell the heat source was cooling. It might just be a portion of something's remains slowly going cold, it could be some small creature that wandered in after the beasts, it could even just be a well placed splatter of some blood.

This train of thought was quickly dispelled as the blob erupted from the foliage. Even with their faces concealed behind their armor, everyone in the group was wearing a shocked visage and knew that the others were as well. Before them stood, from what they could tell, was a human girl. How one managed to get here was something none of them could even consider to comprehend. Countless tests through the portal before sending the first Rec-Drone proved that this was no world within several light years of even the furthest exploration attempt by humanity.

No one wanted to go out and interact with the human, that much was obvious by the fact that none of them had moved from their positions. It may have been the almost comically large blade in her hands, or the large amounts of blood on her. Or more likely, the fact that she looked like she herself was running from something. Surprisingly, Christian found his voice first.

"So, we wait to see how this turns out?" None bothered to respond to his question, as all of them agreed with his decision. If she ran toward them, they could likely grab her and pin her before she could make too much noise. If she didn't worst case scenario they learned humans were here and something could cause them to run.
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Darkfire destiny
valiant swordman
valiant swordman
Darkfire destiny

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PostSubject: Re: RP thread   RP thread Icon_minitimeMon Sep 01, 2008 2:40 pm

The girl stopped momentaily to wash some of the blood frome her and her blade. She looked around for a bit, through her hair feline ears popped up. the blood had held them down. She sheathed her sword. After splashing water on her face she got to her feet. Witout the blood it was noticable she was young (looks 17 ish). Confusion spread as she looked around.

"Now where am I? Oh Dammit! How did I get lost? I'm sure she said go this way"

She looked around flustered for a moment. then again regained her composure.

"It's Ok. If I just keep going I'll find something. Oh. I reeeeally hope it's not another Kensha beast."

She tied a leaf into a makeshift waterskin. Her ear's twitched. She contihnued in the direction of the clearing. her stride less paniked than before. Though she still seemed a little oblivious to her surrounding's.
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Cog in the Machine
Cog in the Machine

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PostSubject: Re: RP thread   RP thread Icon_minitimeMon Sep 01, 2008 3:36 pm

For a moment, the girl came to a stop and began running her hands across herself and her weapon. Though at a distance, Paul could almost swear he saw some movement around her head. "Jergit," he asked over the comm-system, "Is there something on her head?"

"Yeah, I think I see something too." It was Quara, the question had been over the public channel. "Can you see it with the magnocs?"

"One sec." Slowly, he brought his magnoc's up to his head and zoomed in until her head filled up most of his vision. "There's something there alright, got a heat source. Switching to regul-" Jergit quickly went silent after he switched the magnoc's to regular view. He blinked a few times to make sure there was nothing he shouldn't be seeing before looking back, and what he saw remained the same. "They, they appear to be ears."

"Come again?"

"I said they're ears. Don't ask me how, but that girl's got the ears of a cat on her head. And the heat source means they ain't fake."
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Darkfire destiny
valiant swordman
valiant swordman
Darkfire destiny

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PostSubject: Re: RP thread   RP thread Icon_minitimeMon Sep 01, 2008 3:54 pm

As suddenly as she started she stopped. Her ears twitched. She slowly looked around. from beneath her dress her tail slowly slid out. it waived around as she listened. Other than her swishing tail, she stood perfectly still, she took a deeep breath.

" Is sombody out there. I'm never wrong when I get this "sombody's watching me" feeling. Come on out. I dont bite. Oh... wait. If your a predator you can stay right where you are."

She then put her sword down and stepped two steps back held her hands out in the open.

" Ill give you ten second's then I'm taking my stuff and leaving. I'm kinda in a hurry"

She then looked at her sword and tensed up.

" one...two...three......."
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Cog in the Machine
Cog in the Machine

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PostSubject: Re: RP thread   RP thread Icon_minitimeMon Sep 01, 2008 4:17 pm

"She's got a tail too."


"I said, she's got a fuckin' tail too."

This was just wrong. It sounded like some trick being played on them by their higher ups. There was no instance any of them could recall of a human being born with cat ears and a tail. When she called out, things looked even more like a joke.

" Is sombody out there. I'm never wrong when I get this "sombody's watching me" feeling. Come on out. I dont bite. Oh... wait. If your a predator you can stay right where you are."

In perfect english, she had called out to them. A human on a foreign planet outside the furthest reaches of expansion speaking in proper english with a cat's ears and tail attached to them. There was no way this could be a mere coincidence. Either the higher ups were playing a trick on them and soon a bunch of balloons and streamers would appear, or they just saw the end result of infinity minus one probability. Right now, the later was looking very unlikely.

Her threatening to pack up was not something to be ignored, though. While it was very likely she was a prank, this would be an even worse thing to mess up if she was the real deal and they passed her up. They'd never hear the end of it from their superiors, and the barrage of unanswerable questions they'd receive from the other troops would be an annoyance. But to walk out in the open while there was still the unanswered question as to what had caused the destruction...

By now she was closing in on the magic number, and time was running out.

"Christian, out there now. We'll cover you." His disinterest in being the bait was obvious enough, though he knew he was the most suited for the job. He had the shortest ranged weapon, and there was the least to lose if she proved hostile. What would she do, render his already compromised suit more so before ripped apart in a hail of DU, HE, and near mono-mol shots? Quickly, Christian pushed himself to his feet and walked out from the foliage, his weapon aimed from his hip as he walked out.

"Who-" he started before Quara piped in.

"Still on squad-comm, buddy.

Muttering the public-comm's activation word, Christian continued with his original conversation. "Who, and what, are you?"
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Darkfire destiny
valiant swordman
valiant swordman
Darkfire destiny

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Location : Greenfield Park QC.

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PostSubject: Re: RP thread   RP thread Icon_minitimeTue Sep 02, 2008 7:52 am

As the foliage parted and the lone figure emerged.

"Who, and what, are you?"

Renee looked toward's him. Noticing his damaged suit and what she now assumed to be a weapon at his side she tensed up and decided obediance was the smart course of action. Keeping her hand's in clear view she turned to face the newcomer.

" My name is Renee Winters. As for what I am, well in this language my race would be called Shi'Ra. On this planet however people seem to think I'm a Neko. . . You can lower your weapon, I said I don't bite."

She lowered her head in a polite bow. Being sure to move slowly to not upset the stranger. She really wished she had not put down her sword. as her head leveled out her eye's looked into the forest. If it came down to it she could try running, if he proved hostile. Unarmed and against an armored and armed opponent she didn't like these odds. Her ear's lowered a little and her tail slowed.
She really hoped he would lower his weapon.

"M...may I. . ."

Her voice seemed to be on the verge of cracking. With every passing second the fear in her intensified. The color on her slowly fading.

She Cleared her throat.

"May I ask your name? Or what you plan to do to me?"

She sounded more confident now, even if it was only a little.
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Cog in the Machine
Cog in the Machine

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PostSubject: Re: RP thread   RP thread Icon_minitimeTue Sep 02, 2008 4:05 pm

Christian regretted his question quickly after asking it. Who was to say that the other race had any concept of who or what? There was also a difference between being cautious and being rude, and his question most definitely led heavily on the later of the two. But considering his squad didn't respond over the team-speak - kept active so that they'd be up to date on the 'diplomacy' - it was likely they didn't see anything too stupid with his choice of words, which posed a small comfort. There still wasn't conclusive proof this wasn't some sort of joke.

"My name is Renee Winters. As for what I am, well in this language my race would be called Shi'Ra. On this planet however people seem to think I'm a Neko. . . You can lower your weapon, I said I don't bite."

The stranger was relatively lucid for a supposed alien. Their choice in using Neko to describe their cat-featured 'race', an old Terran word held for a similar species, was also a poor indicator at the stranger being anything more than a joke. The lack of a weapon in her hands - and the improbability of even the smallest concealed weapon being on her person - left enough room to show some leniency in such a scenario however. Loosening his grip on his weapon, he let it slip to rest on it's worn strap. Her docility did not cause him to lax off too much and he kept his main hand near the grip if she attempted something.

"May I ask your name? Or what you plan to do to me?"

Very cooperative. Then again, he would be too if it were the other way around and some alien creature was pointing a nasty gun at them. Or if he was part of a joke and preferred to keep his torso in one piece by the end of it. Muttering the deactivation phrase to public comms, Christian began to consult with the others in the group. "Too bloody good to be a coincidence, likely a joke."

A 'yep', 'agreed', and 'most certainly' came from Jergit, Quara, and Paul respectively. All of them saw something fishy about the circumstances, a stance quite easy to understand. While it didn't explain the mass quantities of blood - well it could, depending on how liberally one thought - things were now pointing almost directly into "Joke" territory.

"So, this is likely a joke." Surprisingly, Quara got down to business before Paul could jump in with his thoughts. "We can't leave her hear alone however. If by some freak of cosmic nature she is the real thing, she's our best lead. If she's a fake, we'd be leaving her to fend for herself. And considering Chris boy's experience her when in a group, wandering alone doesn't sound any better."

"So what, we babysit 'Renee' until either we make contact with command or she bites it? Command's fault for sending her unprepared. Let them fill out the paperwork when their joke fails miserably."

"We could do that, Jer," Now it was Paul speaking. "But you forget we all have our vid-logs. One casual glance would let them know something wasn't right with a deletion gap of a few minutes, and letting them watch her be ignored wouldn't be received any better. For better or worse, we're stuck with her."
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Darkfire destiny
valiant swordman
valiant swordman
Darkfire destiny

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Location : Greenfield Park QC.

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PostSubject: Re: RP thread   RP thread Icon_minitimeWed Sep 03, 2008 8:02 am

Renee noticed the man loosten his grip on his weapon and let it hang. So he isn't unresonable at least. Just this minor act releived a heavy burden on her. Her life out of danger, at least for now, caused her ears to rise back to a more comfortable position. The one thing that bothered her is the silence that followed her question. Though only a few seconds long, most people would have some sort of answer. She was confident that he wasn't going to kill her, but hurting her was not killing her.

" I don't mean to be rude but..."

She looked as though she was having second thoughts.

" I'm in a bit of a hurry. Someone up ahead needs my help and I have no medical supplie's."

She felt her pulse quicken and her lungs tense up. She felt she said the wrong thing. If this person proved hostile she just directed him toward's an injured person. Well the only thing she could do was hope this man cared. Tryng to leave without his ok could prove folly. She decided to wait quietly for his response.
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Cog in the Machine
Cog in the Machine

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PostSubject: Re: RP thread   RP thread Icon_minitimeWed Sep 03, 2008 1:26 pm

"I don't mean to be rude but, I'm in a bit of a hurry. Someone up ahead needs my help and I have no medical supplies."

The decision made and with the 'neko' growing impatient, Christian activated public-chat with the original vocalization. "Christian, the answer depends on what you say and how much truth there is to your words. Who is the casualty you're speaking of, and what condition are they in?"

There was chatter between the others in the group as to what to do. A casualty for one of their own they'd be compelled to aid, though an Alien casualty was a whole different matter. There was also the issue if there were to allow themselves to be involved in such matters. Jergit was the most antagonistic of the group, while Quara led the argument for aid and Paul stood neutral ground and followed regulations. They'd inform Christian soon enough whether their job would be to support the stranger or take them under their 'protection'.
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Darkfire destiny
valiant swordman
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Darkfire destiny

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PostSubject: Re: RP thread   RP thread Icon_minitimeThu Sep 04, 2008 9:17 am

Ok, this is good, she though, at least he'll hear me out. She tried to sound as sure and convincing as she could <<the answer depends on what you say and how much truth there is to your words>> rang in her ear's.

" I don't know her name. Her condition is pretty serious but I'm no doctor. Those Kensha Beast's hurt her leg and took a chunk out of her side. I just needed something to stop the bleeding and hope she heals."

Renee looked as though she had come to a sudden realization. She slowly put her hand's together in a pleading position.

"Christian, was it. You wouldn't happen to know any medical skill's, would you?"

She looked at him with sad eye's.

"I don't really have anything to offer you. So i understand if you don't want to help but. . . I really don't think I could do it on my own. '

She looked at him, her eye's wandering a little. She hated having to beg a stranger for help.

"You just gotta help me, or at least tell me if she'll be alright."
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Cog in the Machine
Cog in the Machine

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PostSubject: Re: RP thread   RP thread Icon_minitimeThu Sep 04, 2008 11:54 am

It would be best not to lie to the stranger, the truth soon to be revealed anyways. "I am only trained in the most rudimentary of standard first aid skills, and ou- my supplies for such are low." He also doubted that if there was an injured party, they'd be able to reach them in enough time to matter. While he had no idea what a 'Kensha' beast was, if like anything else around here it was likely large enough that the wounds would be critical. Her description of the partially missing side didn't do much to alleviate such a belief either.

"And speaking of first aid, do you have any injuries upon yourself? This," Christian made a sweeping gesture with his free arm, "Is not the best of terrain to leave a wound open and untreated. Also, it may be best to relocate to a more defensible terrain. Perhaps we should go this way," Now his free arm gestured to the terrain he erupted from, the rest of his fireteam in their 'concealed' positions. "We could do with the cover, it would allow both time to check for impairments and obscure us from any onlookers. You seemed to have been headed in such a direction anyways."
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Darkfire destiny
valiant swordman
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Darkfire destiny

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PostSubject: Re: RP thread   RP thread Icon_minitimeThu Sep 04, 2008 12:15 pm

I am only trained in the most rudimentary of standard first aid skills, and ou- my supplies for such are low."

Out of luck, Christian was no doctor and now Renee might have more to worry about. <<Ou- my supplies>> She figured that once again compliance was her only course of action if she wanted to get out unharmed..

"I'm alright, I twisted my wrist during the fight but it's nothing I cant handle. I suppose checking for injuries would be smart."

She looked at the direction she came. Then at Christian. Keepin her hand's in sight and still moving fairly slow she checked her wrist.

" You seem a little cautious so I suppose you want to carry my weapon rather than me holding it?"
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Cog in the Machine
Cog in the Machine

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PostSubject: Re: RP thread   RP thread Icon_minitimeThu Sep 04, 2008 12:59 pm

A sprained wrist. It wouldn't be much a concern right now, but if she needed to use it for any complex actions and didn't let the injury would only get worse. Though odds were she already knew such, and it'd be best not to keep her waiting for long. Only so long before fear or suspicion faded, and then things could get worse if she grew impatient.

"You seem a little cautious so I suppose you want to carry my weapon rather than me holding it?"

"That will not be necessary. For now, at least. Just keep the blade where it belongs, and you'll remain in one piece." There was no hostility in his voice, but he made it clear that the warning was not a jovial matter. Taking his eyes from her, he looked to her weapon. Normally a mistake, but with three weapons aimed at her he felt that at worst she'd get close enough to stain him with her blood if she tried anything.
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Darkfire destiny
valiant swordman
valiant swordman
Darkfire destiny

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PostSubject: Re: RP thread   RP thread Icon_minitimeThu Sep 04, 2008 1:15 pm

The blade lay in the grass, covered in ornamental writing, gold and jewels. The blade sharp and now clean. It's desing resembled that of the ancient japanese culture. The word's along the blade faded after so many uses were illegible.

She hoped he understood that she meant less harm than that sword did. She only wanted to help the injured person. If she knew it would be so much trouble she would have left without ever meeting him. She didn't like the idea of approaching him unannounced so she said loud enough to sound almost commanding.

" I"ll be picking up my sword and water now."

She took one slow, careful step, ready to duck or return to her starting point if it came to it. she hoped he didn't take it as hostile.
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Cog in the Machine
Cog in the Machine

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PostSubject: Re: RP thread   RP thread Icon_minitimeThu Sep 04, 2008 1:22 pm

Christian made no move to stop her as she went for the weapon, nor did he hear any chat pertaining to the action over his comm-system. There was no reason he felt he had to stop her, though he didn't like the tone or volume she put into her declaration. It was almost like she was warning him she'd be more lethal after she equiped such. As if he didn't know that already.
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Darkfire destiny
valiant swordman
valiant swordman
Darkfire destiny

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Age : 39
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PostSubject: Re: RP thread   RP thread Icon_minitimeThu Sep 04, 2008 1:36 pm

She Picked up the sword and slowly slid it into it's sheath. Renee felt a little better now. she opened the leaf and drank some of the water. Her throat was dry from the fear she had experienced. She looked at him happy he made no move against her.
She was confident in her speed but she had no idea what he was capable of. Then more idea's hit her. What if he didnt want to kill an unarmed foe, or if he planned to enslave her.

She had no time for these thought's, he seemed nice enough if not too cautious, but she could not help but agree with his method's. Asumming he was still in charge of the situation she looked around one more time.

"You wanted to seek cover so we could check for more injuries, right? Should I go in first or do you wanna lead."
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