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Haru Takami
Darkfire destiny
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Cog in the Machine
Cog in the Machine

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PostSubject: Re: RP thread   RP thread - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Sep 04, 2008 3:26 pm

The lack of hostility, the fluency of the communication, and her disregard for her injuries was about all it took to convince Christian that she was not a real alien. As thought at the start, she was probably just some prank thrown out at them. There were probably camera's in the sky now watching this interaction. It took some willpower not to look up for them, even if they would be too high to see.

"You will be leading, Renee. Considering all the blood from where you came, I would suggest another route to your comrade." With a tilt of his head, he gestured in roughly the same direction he had indicated before. Pointing her in the same general direction showed a consistent train of thought, pointing her to the exact same spot showed a suspicious plan in action. "Just don't go too far ahead, I lose you and you're on your own."
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Darkfire destiny
valiant swordman
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Darkfire destiny

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PostSubject: Re: RP thread   RP thread - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Sep 05, 2008 5:49 am

"You will be leading, Renee. Considering all the blood from where you came, I would suggest another route to your comrade."

Just as she though, he probably wanted to keep an eye on her. That didn't really bother her, it felt good to have someone to watch her back, even if he was just as likely to put the knife there.

"All right, let's go."

Renee took a few cautious steps as though testing the stability of the ground before walking at a comfotable pace. The thought that she was in trouble never faded. As she reached the trees she turned to see if Christian was still there.

" You don't trust me do you?"

With that she pushed the bush aside and stepped in.
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Cog in the Machine
Cog in the Machine

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PostSubject: Re: RP thread   RP thread - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Sep 05, 2008 10:20 am

Christian didn't reply, following her into the brush with his flechette rifle again at the ready. It should be obvious enough by his silence that she was correct. "Contacts, about a hundred meters to the east. Pretty big, could be more of those things that fled through here earlier." Christian watched as Jergit updated the tactical map, almost a half-dozen red icons appearing near the edge of where the clearing would be. Likely intended to run them down in open terrain, provided they even bothered to forego stealth and just rush them.

"Some more of your 'friends' are out there, Renee." Muttered Christian as he shrugged away from a stubborn branch. Pretty soon she'd be between him, dense foliage, and another three armed individuals. From there they could work out just what to do.
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Darkfire destiny
valiant swordman
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Darkfire destiny

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PostSubject: Re: RP thread   RP thread - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Sep 06, 2008 8:44 am

"Some more of your 'friends' are out there, Renee."

She hoped he didn't mean what she thought he meant. She looked around and tried to listen while continuing to move. She cuoldn't hear anything over their own footfall's.

" By 'friend's'. You don't mean more Kensha beasts?"

Renee looked around again. A little frantic she looked at Christian who seemed pretty calm. She kept her hand on her sword. She felt confident she could handle an opponent that was her size but a kensha beast. What if he was wrong, could be anything, a naga, a fairy. Geographically speaking it shouldent be, but then again, the dark feeling she was following, it could be anything assuming that other creature's were smart enough to understand danger she had hoped that few had come. If Christian was right then they could be it trouble, if he was wrong then she could yell at him later.

" How do you know. I can't hear anything. If that stupid dog come's back with friend's. . . Christian I hope you have one hell of a trick ready."
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Cog in the Machine
Cog in the Machine

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PostSubject: Re: RP thread   RP thread - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Sep 06, 2008 9:03 am

"By 'friend's'. You don't mean more Kensha beasts?"

"If they're what I think they are, then yes. I do." His face was hidden from her from his military garb, and for that he was grateful. A 'prisoner' of a panicky man was much more likely to resist than one of a confident man. And while he wasn't quite to the stage of panicky yet, if things went pear shaped odds were he would.

" How do you know. I can't hear anything. If that stupid dog come's back with friend's. . . Christian I hope you have one hell of a trick ready."

Christian decided to forego answering her current question, instead attempting to comfort her and partially himself. "They could be following the blood trail. No guarantee they'll bother us instead of whatever made this mess." If they were anything like the predatorial animals he read of, they'd be hunting the stricken prey before attacking an unknown. Besides, like most wildlife they might be scared off by the sound of gunfire.

((I have not forgotten the others, it's just I don't feel like RPing "They covered Christian, waited for the Neko to walk right into them," at just this moment.))
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Darkfire destiny
valiant swordman
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Darkfire destiny

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PostSubject: Re: RP thread   RP thread - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Sep 07, 2008 9:19 am

" Ok. stay calm, stay calm. There following the blood."

She was half talking to the both of them. Hopefully the creatures had no idea that they were there. If they could find a good spot to hide until whatever it was passed.

" If we find a hollow tree or pulled up roots we could hide and hope they miss us. Depending on how many there are though they might get lucky."

Renee though of every possibility but they all ended with them being food. Then she thought of another idea.

" Christian, if they are here for us then it's my fault. My group injured the last ones. Most of us were killed but if they came for the survivor's. . . I. . . I may be able to lead them away as live bait while you get to safty."

The hatred of this plan and fear was obvious from the tone of her voice.

"Assuming they are after us and not just following the blood."
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Cog in the Machine
Cog in the Machine

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PostSubject: Re: RP thread   RP thread - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Sep 07, 2008 10:02 am

"That won't be necessary, Renee, was it?" A new voice stated, the owner of it emerging from the foliage. They stood over half a foot taller than the Neko, wearing the same matte-black skintight suit on Christian. Unlike his, the stranger's was not yet voided and clung to a quite different physique. Like Christian though was their suit of armor, which bore a different type of scarring. While much of Christian's damage was seemingly acidic in nature, theirs was pockmarked and scraped. They also were armed with a much less bulky weapon, which they had aimed at Renee. "They'll be dealt with if the time comes."
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Darkfire destiny
valiant swordman
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Darkfire destiny

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PostSubject: Re: RP thread   RP thread - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 08, 2008 7:54 am

Great, Christian had friends who were also heavily a rmed and armored. The situation went from bad to worse, or from bad to good depending. She didn't think they were hostile toward her but she could be wrong. Their odds of survival just increased exponnentially. She realizes their weapons were aimed at her but decided to ignore them for now.

" Yes, I'm Renee."

She was not sure if demanding their name's would be smart. Suddenly her situation truly sunk in. Surrrounded by predator's and people she didn't know. She figured she should ask their name's and intentions but setteled on. . .

" What should we do? Christian say's we may be ambushed. I dont know what your weapons can do but I know my sword cut's only piss them off."
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Cog in the Machine
Cog in the Machine

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PostSubject: Re: RP thread   RP thread - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 08, 2008 3:30 pm

By now, none of the group felt Renee was an alien anymore. She had not even reacted to the stranger knowing her name without coming into contact with her. From what they had heard over the comm they would look into her 'injured' friend. Odds were they were some TA member who had the misfortune of running into native fauna unprepared, and leaving them to die alone was not something they intended, and if the injury was false then the worst she could do is go "Gotcha!" before some command popped out and criticized them for improper communication equipment care.

"What should we do? Christian say's we may be ambushed. I dont know what your weapons can do but I know my sword cut's only piss them off."

She was still willing to play the part of an alien, they had to give her credit for her persistence in her roleplay. Her and Christian's weapons would be enough alone to drop them in a proper engagement, let alone the fire support offered by Paul and Jergit. Any TA worker would know that, at least one with any sort of experience with the weapons. But killing the predators was not the issue. Paul was down to only three more shots before he'd be reduced to his sidearm, and neither she nor Christian were much better off. If things kept up, they'd be reduced to using their sidearms and only a fraction of their firepower.

At least she'd likely lead them back to a forward base. "They shouldn't be an issue at the time. They've giving their space," Quara paused for a second, while Jergit gave a quick comm-click as a 'for the moment' confirmation. "And if they get close we only need to scare them, not kill 'em all."

"We're suited up well enough if the time comes, just keep out of our fields of fire and you should be fine." Added on Christian, lightly tapping his off hand over the top of his Flechette Gun. "Don't want any accidents, we'd never hear the end of it."
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Haru Takami
Roaming thug
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PostSubject: Re: RP thread   RP thread - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Sep 09, 2008 3:35 am

(you guys dont mind if I join in, do you? I'll use a toned down version of my regular character or something....)

A young man slowly trudged through the undergrowth of the large forest he had come to find himself in. Hopefully, there would be something in this world that could rid him of his... problem... Pushing aside a large fern, he found himself in a clearing, devoid of anything but green grass and tree roots. It almost looked like a camp had been here...

Adjusting the dual swords on his back, he continued through the clearing, a hollow expression on his golden eyes as he surveyed his surroundings once more. Something just didn't feel right.... Looking up to check for dangers from above, he saw the sleeping form of a Dryad, her stomach groaning and gurgling as she digested the unlucky travelers that had obviously been camipng here not too long ago. Sighing quietly, he moved on, determined to find a safe place to rest before nightfall.

It was only when he heard voices from ahead did he realise he was approaching a group of travelers. Hiding behind a tree, he listened to tell if they had encountered one of the large creatures and were pleding for their lives, or making the stupid mistake of making scuh loud conversation in a forest fulll of hungry predators. Realising it's the latter, he slowly makes an effort to make a bit of noise as to announce his approach, as no predator would do so themselves.

Stepping out into the clearing, he looks upon the small group with the hollow gaze of a child who has seen death over and over in a neverending cycle.

Last edited by Haru Takami on Tue Sep 09, 2008 5:33 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Cog in the Machine
Cog in the Machine

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PostSubject: Re: RP thread   RP thread - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Sep 09, 2008 6:07 am

((I don't mind at all.))

"We've got more heat sources, best wrap things up." Muttered Jergit, Paul training his rifle in the direction Jergit guided him. His scope was capable of IR-vision itself, but revealed too little to be of use unless he knew where to at least aim. "Looks human, so be cautious. Don't want to kill an 'alien' now do we?"

((All I'm posting, so that Dark can still respond without having to change anything. Also, how far away is the Dryad suppossed to be?))
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Darkfire destiny
valiant swordman
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Darkfire destiny

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PostSubject: Re: RP thread   RP thread - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Sep 09, 2008 9:00 am

(( Welcome aboard. Don't worry too much over me, if situations change I'll just adapt.))

Renee was starting to lose it. She tried to stay calm and figure out what was going on but these people obviously had some amazing abilities. The problem being she didn't know what they were.

" More heat sources? Look's human? Are you trying to frighten me? I can't see or hear anything, and I know my hearing is good. I'll have you know these ear's arent just decoration."

She didn't understand how they knew so much. They seemed very coordinated but they looked to be from the military. How they knew the enemie's were around? Why were they so calm when faced with the posibility of being eaten? Suddenly she realized.

" And how did you know my name without Christian or I ever saying it?"

Her eye's looked at each member slowly, her breathing shaloow and quick, her chest hurt. Her mind finally said the magic word.


Paniking and now afraid she took one step back, it was obvious that she intended to run.

((Jergit talked over team-speak, she wouldn't have heard him.)) In light of new information Please Ignore this post.

Last edited by Darkfire destiny on Wed Sep 10, 2008 9:00 am; edited 1 time in total
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Haru Takami
Roaming thug
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PostSubject: Re: RP thread   RP thread - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Sep 09, 2008 5:31 pm

(bout 75 - 90 feet directly behind him)

Steppiing completely into the clearing with that hollow look in his eyes, the boy couldn't help but cringe slightly at the guns pointed at him. A truely observant person would notice the fact that his shadow seemed to twitch and sway slightly, as though it had a mind of his own. Anyone that looked at his face however, would be able to see that this boy had seen as much death as any trained warrior or soldier has in a lifetime.

"O-ohayo...." He muttered slightly with a horse tone from not speaking. His clothing ripped in places from getting snagged on plants that had tried to eat him or the claws of many of the creatures in this forest becoming evident as he raised a hand in greeting, slowly and shakily, as though it had just healed.
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Darkfire destiny
valiant swordman
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Darkfire destiny

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PostSubject: Re: RP thread   RP thread - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Sep 10, 2008 9:41 am

Renee looked at the men in front of her. The damage of their suits and seeming no nonsense attitude worried her. They could be an advansed invasion force or scout's of a much larger army. Either way they seemed too calm and prepaired.
Looking at the one who spoke to her.

" Um. . .Sir? What exatctly is the plan? Are we gonna sit here until they pass by? I beleive we should find a more defencible spot."

Renee wondered why these soldiers were even here, as far as she knew there were no bases anywhere near here. Though if it kept her safe from being eaten she would welcome hell itself. Suddenly she heard the bushes rustle and part and a lone figure emerged. Her hand went to the hilt of her sword instictively. She realized that the soldiers seemed to know it was there before she did.


His voice sounded terribly horse and he looked like hell, Renee wondered if going over to him seemed reckless. She ended up deciding to see what the armed group around her would do. She should stay out of their way in the event of a fight.

"Are you alright?"

She called out in a slightly too happy voice. She was used to hostile creatures and running for her life so this many "nice" people excited her. Uncle always said she wasn't cautious enough.
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Cog in the Machine
Cog in the Machine

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PostSubject: Re: RP thread   RP thread - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Sep 10, 2008 4:26 pm

((Didn't mean for us to be in a clearing, but as with my team-speak I likely could have made that clearer. Easy to fix, though. ))

Sure enough, shortly after Jergit's warning a figure walked out into the small clearing. As with Renee they were human-like, and their weapon was medieval at best. He had to hand it to them, they wanted consistency. They must have either lacked the spare parts for the ears or been pressed on time though, as unlike Renee he looked fully human. None the less, it would be best to keep him covered. He seemed to be in a state of shell-shock, not the best to leave your back open to.

"Christian, Quara, get back into the foliage. You're too far out." Paul stated over team-speak, slowly moving back with Jergit into deeper jungle. Their advantage right now was avoiding engagements, which would be much harder in the open than the dense terrain behind them. Their IR had kept them secure long enough, and with Renee guiding them they would likely be back in TA control in no time. That was the plan, anyways.

"No, Renee. We're moving out." Quara stated, lowering her firearm but keeping it at the ready. "Your friend likely doesn't have much time, do they?"

"We should hurry, best get moving." Christian gestured to the foliage. "Your buddy looks to be suffering from shell-shock. Best guide him along, he's going to be slowing us down enough as is."
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Haru Takami
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PostSubject: Re: RP thread   RP thread - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Sep 11, 2008 3:25 am

Haru listened quietly to the mumblings of the soldiers behind their helmets, he couldn't make any of it out, but he knew they were talking about him... he wasn't really in the best of shape.Lowering his hand slowly, he opted to move twords the group, adjusting the strap that held his swords to his back. Looking at the guns, he unconciously shuddered. Guns had always given him the creeps, be they against you, or in your hand. he didn't even like paintball before he fell into his...situation, but heading with them was the best logical answer.

Moving past them, he heard the man's comment, and turned quickly to face him. "I just need to get my second wind... then we'll see who slows who down..." He muttered quietly, glancing just past the soldier before seemingly pulling a small dagger from nowhere and throwing it past said soldier, a dull 'thunk' and a screech of pain revealed that he had pinned what appeared to be a venus fly-trap with a mouth the size of a toilet bowl to the tree behind him, successfully saving his life from a silent death.

A thought crossed his mind. "Two seconds..." he muttered again, drawing a single sword and moving twords the tree he had been hiding behind, slashing it quickly in rapid succession, while it still only seemed he had swung the blade once as three long scars worked their way across the bark in the shape of an asterick. "It'd be best not to go that way..." he sheathed his sword and moved back twords the soldiers, that 'shell-shocked' look still in his eyes, but life seeming to return to his features.

(hope you guys think that's a bit cheap, but he just wants to show he wont be a burden to anyone. not to mention warnings of a 100 foot tall tree-woman.)
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Darkfire destiny
valiant swordman
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Darkfire destiny

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PostSubject: Re: RP thread   RP thread - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Sep 11, 2008 9:01 am

Renee looked at everyone. One of the soldier's responded to her.

"No, Renee. We're moving out. Your friend likely doesn't have much time, do they?"

"We should hurry, best get moving. Your buddy looks to be suffering from shell-shock. Best guide him along, he's going to be slowing us down enough as is."

"Yes let's get moving, as for him." She gestured to the newcomer." I don't know him. He's not part of my group."

Renee had completly forgotten about her group. She was traveling this way for that reason. She saw the newcomer pull something from his belt, she readied herself for a fight as the knife flew into a plant behind one of the men. She had noticed it before but failed to realize what it was. He either had no fear that the soldiers would react badly and kill him or he lacked the common sense to know that was not neccesairily a goog thing. A simple look out before reacting could save trouble renee though.
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Cog in the Machine
Cog in the Machine

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PostSubject: Re: RP thread   RP thread - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Sep 11, 2008 11:29 am

((Copied a picture of a helmet similar to the ones they wear into the 2nd page of the "Prey of Felarya" roster))

"I just need to get my second wind... then we'll see who slows who down..."

It took all the trigger discipline at the pair's disposal to not turn the man into a red smear on the ground when he threw the dagger. He may have been TA, but their logs would prove he threw a dagger remarkably close to a combatant for no discernable reason. That would have been justification enough, seeing as how he was armed for a close-range combat and rushing him would likely have resulted in further casualties. The fact that he both 'missed' and a creature behind Christian screeched was enough to stay their hands though, and caused him to turn and inspect while Quara kept her weapon trained on the man.

A plant similar to an ancient Venus Fly Trap was pinned against the tree by his dagger. The teenager was gene-modded, that much was obvious. No normal human would have the strength for such a throw, and the boy was much too tall to have developed on a high-G world. The thing would not have shown up on IR for being as 'cool' as the other foliage, while it blended in to the foliage under normal vision for the most part. For one alone with armaments as limited as theirs, it would have been a notable threat. He was more intact mentally than he appeared, a blessing in their environ. If a bit paranoid, though considering what happened to at least one of them it was understandable.

"Christian, Quara, we have a problem."

~ Meanwhile ~

Quara watched as he carved a marking into another tree with one of the blades in his possession. Useful if their navigational gear failed, considering the confusing day-night cycles of the planet would play hell with standard direction finding techniques. What he meant by "Two seconds" she had no idea, though the warning was obvious enough from his look and how Renee was herself when she arrived. Something less-than desirable was there, and with their ammunition troubles they wouldn't need much encouragement to avoid conflict.

"I don't know him. He's not part of my group." An obvious lie, if not for the part of the group than at least knowing him. They were all confident at this moment that the pair was TA personel, seeing as the alternative was an almost impossibility in terms of odds. It would be best to go along with it to save time, their origin may be a lie but the injured person could be factual.

"Christian, Quara, we have a problem."

~ " ~

The screech brought Jergit and Paul to a halt immediately, the later looking through his scope in the direction of the others while the former scanned for the original heat sources. Paul was somewhat relieved to see to find the proper number of heat sources, though that was only a temporary blessing. "Shit," muttered Jergit next to him, gazing out through the foliage with his magnocs. His head was quickly turning from left to right. The fact that he was on a private chat with Paul was not assuring.

"How bad is it?" Was his response, rotating on his heels to bring his sniper around. Quickly a heat source filled his sights.

"Very, the cry has got us some very unwanted attention." The heat sources had fanned out and were quickly advancing on their position. Those along the edges covered the ground at a faster pace than those in the center, though that could be deceptive seeing as the heat sources were moving right at them. Whatever creatures they were, they were about to flank them. By now Jergit had replaced his magnocs and held his firearm two handed. It'd pale compared to the other weapons, but was better than using a close-range demolition charge. Besides such, the sound of the guns might drive off the creatures if they proved not do damage fast enough.

That was a risky 'if' though. "Christian, Quara, we have a problem. Whatever you just did has attracted the heat sources from before. Fall back to our position."
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Haru Takami
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PostSubject: Re: RP thread   RP thread - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Sep 11, 2008 2:44 pm

"It is woth saving one, if you are able to fight your way past many, then avoid easy prey and sacrifice one" He quoted quietly, remembering one of the many teachers he'd had over the years training his body for his seperation. That teacher was the one who had taught him to handle his blades with such effeciency. "Ms. Youkai*, stay close to these two as to avoid harm, I will cover our group from behind as we move through the forest... there are far too many dangers here to be leniant.."

Resting his hand on his sword's dual hilt, he placed a hand before him, two fingers pointing skywards as the others remained clenched into a fist. His dull eyes scanned left and right, seemingly some of the luster returning to them slightly as he gained contact with others, human, youkai, or something in between. "Shadow... make sure to watch my back... you know what will happen if you dont..." He muttered quietly, too quietly for the soldiers to hear, but possibly just loud enough for the youkai-girl to grasp with those large ears of hers.

His shadow seemed to shift slightly, before pooling at his feet, a perfect circle with his shoes at the center.

(* he said "Youkai" Because he has been exposed to the magical/demonic realm for a long time now, and since her ears obviously aren't human, he sees her as a youkai.)
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Darkfire destiny
valiant swordman
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Darkfire destiny

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PostSubject: Re: RP thread   RP thread - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Sep 12, 2008 7:58 am

Every one became tense, this was to be expected after the whole incident. No, one of the soldier's looked like he was watching multiple thing's. Left, right, left, they were being surrounded.

"Ms. Youkai*, stay close to these two as to avoid harm, I will cover our group from behind as we move through the forest... there are far too many dangers here to be leniant."

Though she resented the confusion of being concidered a demon, she hated the whole stay back and get protected thing worse. However she saw the logic, a 95lbs catgirl with a sword probably wouldn't seem too deadly as an opponent, but then again she was trained in the art of the sword from a young age.

"Shadow... make sure to watch my back... you know what will happen if you dont..."

Renee didn't know what to make of that, did he have another ally? No he would have been louder,. wracking her brain until his shadow moved at his feet. Renee thought to herself [he call's me a Youkai.]

"Are we in trouble?"
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Cog in the Machine
Cog in the Machine

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PostSubject: Re: RP thread   RP thread - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Sep 12, 2008 8:26 am

"And where do you think you're going?" Asked Quara, stepping towards the boy. "We're not trying to engage them, and placing yourself between the target and those with firearms is not something I'd recommend." There was also the fact that he'd be split from the group, leaving him an easier choice for the beasts. While using him as a bait had some tactical value, there was neither a guarantee they'd take it nor that it would be worth the loss.

"We're giving ground," Started Christian, neither of the two noticing his murmur or shadow shifting. "We already decided for a more defensible position, and this is not it."
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Haru Takami
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PostSubject: Re: RP thread   RP thread - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Sep 12, 2008 8:48 am

"I do believe I said I would cover our rear, did I not?" He added with barb, narrowing his eyes slowly at the soldiers, his hand still in that odd position while he gripped his swords with the other. "Would it not be tactical to have somone watch our backs while moving deeper into the forest, presumably twords the rest of your traveling companions, as so we are not ambushed from behind." He glanced around, noticing a slight breeze that seemed to carry a foul stench on it. "And by the looks of our surroundings.. it would seem that there are beast on the way, meaning either we, or your group, have less time the longer we stand here arguing, so, as I believe you said earlier... let's go." He did not notice the cat-girl witness his shadow's movements, being too preoccupied on their surroundings.

Then again, if things did not go as planned and they were forced to confront these beasts... they all would see just what he was cursed into being.
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Darkfire destiny
valiant swordman
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Darkfire destiny

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RP thread - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP thread   RP thread - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Sep 13, 2008 9:28 am

Renee didn't know weather or not they had heard her but they were moving. She moved to a safer position near the group. She looked at the group. All together they formed a group of unknown and varying abilitie's. she knew she could handle herself in a sticky situation, the newcomer also demonstrated skill. The rest however, too calm, too precise, they had some good training. She began to worry that she would slow them down.

"And where do you think you're going? We're not trying to engage them, and placing yourself between the target and those with firearms is not something I'd recommend."

"I do believe I said I would cover our rear, did I not? And by the looks of our surroundings.. it would seem that there are beast on the way, meaning either we, or your group, have less time the longer we stand here arguing, so, as I believe you said earlier... let's go."

" My team was attacked over there."

Renee guestured in the direction she had come from in an attempt to relieve tention. Hopeing their intention was still rescue.
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Cog in the Machine
Cog in the Machine

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PostSubject: Re: RP thread   RP thread - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Sep 13, 2008 7:33 pm

The boy was smug and loud, which combined with his genemods meant he was likely a mercenary. None of them would be surprised if it turned out he had a Juvenant addiction as well. "Jerg scanned the area, beyond the sources moving in he found nothing." Not a sure thing with the plants, but they had yet to encounter much trouble from them here. Likely some sort of neighboring species that was carried too far from the seeding grounds.

"My team was attacked over there." Renee pointed to where she came from, and the answer of the source of blood was likel-

The thought hit Christian suddenly that it may not be them that the things were closing in on. The thought seemed to occur to Quara a moment later as she swore over public chat before turning to team-speak. "Positions of unknowns Jer!"

Almost immediately there was a comply, and it was then Christian's turn to swear. Sure enough, the unknowns were forming a ring around where Renee entered the clearing. This would pose a problem. The odds of an injured party member were decent, and with all the blood in the area odds were she wasn't lying. If they left the unknown's be and they attacked - which they likely would if moving towards noises and blood - only the injured stranger would likely be lost. They would also have to deal with a distraught Renee, which could slow the return of contact.

"Renee, what odds do you give your friend of fighting a half-dozen of the things from earlier?
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Darkfire destiny
valiant swordman
valiant swordman
Darkfire destiny

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PostSubject: Re: RP thread   RP thread - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Sep 14, 2008 9:50 am

"Renee, what odds do you give your friend of fighting a half-dozen of the things from earlier?"


She asked a question that she knew the answer to. They didn't want to help. She couldn't really blame them. She looked in the direction of her fallen teammate with minor tears in her eye's. She looked back at them and said grimly.

"She's probably already dead from her injuries. if not then she wouldn't survive one in a fight. I understand, you don't want to endanger your group. I would be wary as well. But I would help. Even if I had to go alone."

Renee regretted saying that and it showed on her face. She didn't want the strangers to risk their lives for her selfish whims. Her friend was probably dead, her injuries were terrible.

" It's your choice, do we go to safty or try to help a possible corpse?"
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