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 Exilon Party Interest Thread.

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The Ultimate
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Exilon Party Interest Thread. Empty
PostSubject: Exilon Party Interest Thread.   Exilon Party Interest Thread. Icon_minitimeSat May 03, 2014 1:03 pm

Hey Everyone, it's Nyaha with a new long-term RP idea! My OC, Exilon, is going to be setting up a party to take place somewhere in the Dridder Forest in days to come. Invites to players will be handed out in mini RPs in the chatbox, Skype, Pads, PMs, etc. so if you're interested in joining, find a way to get your OC in contact with Exilon! I'm probably going to give the invitation phase two weeks or so, that way we can get a decent number of hopefully dedicated players together for this RP.

And just in case going to a party doesn't sound very interesting (the concept didn't fare very well last time I tried it <_<), I'd just like you all to know that there is going to be a definite plot surrounding this RP, so there'll be more to do than just interact with other players. ^_^

To reiterate, if you're interested in Joining, start a one-on-one mini RP with me involving my OC Exilon. DO NOT POST BIOS IN THIS THREAD. I would invite you all to post questions or maybe even RP invites in this thread in case you're not sure how to get a one-on-one RP with me going due to timezones, busy life, etc. Smile

I'm hoping to make this one lots of fun, so I hope I get a good number of players. ^_^

EDIT: I forgot to mention one thing. The party is for human-sized people only. No eatings are going to occur between guests.

EDIT: Okay nevermind, just post your OCs' bio on this thread if you're interested. ^_^; Turns out doing individual invites is very difficult and time-consuming.

EDIT: Fairies are tolerated if they don't intend to eat anyone, but they must be disguised to avoid spooking the other guests.

Last edited by Nyaha on Sun May 25, 2014 1:00 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Exilon Party Interest Thread. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Exilon Party Interest Thread.   Exilon Party Interest Thread. Icon_minitimeSat May 03, 2014 2:33 pm

What if Exilon died last time my character was in an RP with her?
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Eternal Optimist
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Exilon Party Interest Thread. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Exilon Party Interest Thread.   Exilon Party Interest Thread. Icon_minitimeSun May 04, 2014 2:20 pm

Do you only have one character? I counted that RP as non-canon for my part because I still wanted to use Exilon. If you counted the RP as canon even though she died (and the RP was never finished) then it'll create a huge gap. We could handwave the part where Exilon died concerning your character's canon, unless she was hugely affected by Exilon's death. If that's not an option you'll either have to use a different character or, sadly, sit this one out. Which would suck.

Unless you have some ideas of your own on how to get around the two different canons?
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Eternal Optimist
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Exilon Party Interest Thread. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Exilon Party Interest Thread.   Exilon Party Interest Thread. Icon_minitimeThu May 15, 2014 10:22 am

Okay, it turns out, inviting people to a thread RP through individual RPs is very difficult and time-consuming, so I've decided that anyone who's interested can post their character bios on here. :3 Remember, human-sized people only, please.
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The Ultimate
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Exilon Party Interest Thread. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Exilon Party Interest Thread.   Exilon Party Interest Thread. Icon_minitimeFri May 16, 2014 10:38 am

Was wondering, since we already RP'ed the invitation thing, should I still post a bio?
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Eternal Optimist
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Exilon Party Interest Thread. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Exilon Party Interest Thread.   Exilon Party Interest Thread. Icon_minitimeFri May 16, 2014 3:48 pm

No, you don't need to unless it'd make you feel better. ^_^
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The Ultimate
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Exilon Party Interest Thread. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Exilon Party Interest Thread.   Exilon Party Interest Thread. Icon_minitimeSat May 17, 2014 3:21 am

Nyaha wrote:
No, you don't need to unless it'd make you feel better. ^_^

Ah okay then. ^^
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Exilon Party Interest Thread. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Exilon Party Interest Thread.   Exilon Party Interest Thread. Icon_minitimeSat May 17, 2014 6:31 am

I think I'll put my Winona/Mousetrap for this.

Winona Galen (Code name: Mousetrap)

Exilon Party Interest Thread. WinonaSpades

Age: 47 (Appearance age: 27)

Gender: Female

Species: Neko

Height: 6’0

Weight: 137lbs

Eye Color: Yellow

Hair: White (Short)

Skin Tone: Normal white.

Diet: Normal human, with the occasional Tinie now and then.

Card Symbolism: The Spades playing cards are known to symbolize adversity, conflict and challenge. The Queen of Spades are assigned to women who have judgment that is practical, logical, and intellectual but have a tragic lovelife, normally widows.


Signature outfit is a black velvet sleeveless waistcoat dress with white chiffon top worn underneath and long black socks.

Winona’s equipment is always specialized for the situation at hand, having the benefits of being an ISD agent and the liberties being on the Magiocrat’s side would afford. These include but are not restricted to An ISD Hover car equipped with cloaking technology, Physic ID’s that show whatever identification information she desires when uncover. Polykeys that can change shape in order to unlock almost any door. A laptop computer connected to a secret ISD network and an enchanted phone that can connect to similar devices regardless of location.


Winona is a middle class Negavian Neko, born in 2028. As an young adult she came to become widely known as a self-published researcher into predators, a career that she worked side by side with her husband, shaun. Together they researched and catalogued many common species of Felarya and commissioned this information to be accessible for public use, all for the intentions to create more awareness of Felarya dangers and stop naïve visitors from marching to their deaths. One of their distinctive aspects as researchers was how they used and adapted the principles of human psychology into their work, stressing greatly that the predators of felarya weren’t stupid animals and their behavior is as complex as much a human’s, and therefore should not be underestimated and dealt with a sense of restraint and caution.

In 2058, at the age of thirty Winona suffered heartbreak as Shaun was caught in an unexpected mishap that lead to him being eaten by an predator, Winona went off the rails, feeling betrayed by a city unwilling to enforce justice for someone who gave twelve years of dedicated service. And also betrayed by certain individuals that taken advantage of her in her time of weakness. She struck back, committing certain crimes against the city using her skills of psychological manipulation before eventually being tracked down and caught by the ISD.

In exchange for her crimes not going to court she reluctantly agreed to serve the ISD as a agent and investigator, using her skills as an predator hunter consultant and criminal psychological expert to help keep the ISD a few steps ahead of their suspects and other unconventional threats to security. Codenamed ‘Mousetrap’ for her ability to draw predators and criminals into traps using bait, typically live bait.  


Those who don’t know who Winona is tend to greatly underestimate her. Outside use of gadgets and artifacts she has no magical ability, she isn’t skilled in martial arts and has no outstanding skills in weapons. But she will rarely engages her targets upfront and rather use every dirty trick in the book against them.
Winona mostly relies on her skills of deduction and can quickly work out a weakness of an opponent merely by observing her target, or if that’s not possible by using any other information possible.

She is also skilled in manipulation, able to use the very personalities of her targets against them. Winona is good at deceiving others and can put on any emotion and non-verbal communication to keep people from knowing her true intentions. A lot of the time she doesn’t even need to outright lie to fool people, but merely distort the truth by twisting it around, often hiding deception in truth in order to be effectively persuasive and get what she wants.
Because of this great understanding of non-verbal communication she can cold-read other people’s body language and can tell what they are most likely feeling, which only makes her ability to manipulate them even more precise.

Winona is somewhat stubborn in her use of logic, to the point of breaking laws she believes are contradictorily or have logical fallacies, however she also has a great understanding of how illusions of grandeur can make someone inept simply by studying foolish people that pass through Negav, She knows better to underestimate a target and merely judge them on unfounded assumptions of superiority and instead focuses on hard facts backed up with evidence. Unlike others she has a great understanding of how small and weak she is compared to many other creatures and therefore refuses to fight in a way that would only play to their strengths.


Winona for the most part carries a particular charm about her, speaking nicely and politely even to people who know they are being screwed over by her. She has a keen sense of humor and often replies wittingly when people talk to her. Many believe this is an attempt to manipulate people by making them sympathize with her via ‘Stockholm syndrome’. She knows that too many people in Negav are unpleasant to talk to and highly arrogant, and thus she knows that simply by acting charming and polite she has a better chance to win over people than most. Which is why the ISD sometimes use her in integration, as she knows how to appeal to the suspect’s best interest and make them open up.

Underneath this charm is a sadistic side, she is indifferent to other people’s suffering save for the few people she cares for, to the point where she eats Tinies as punishment for invading her home. Many believe Winona to be a sociopath, who while greatly understands people’s feelings and can pick up on them and fake responses to them.

Winona’s coldness has something to do with growing up in Felarya, her mother always encouraging her not to make too many friends in an attempt to save her from being traumatized if they were to be eaten by predators. While cold to everyone else, she highly values the few emotional ties that she does have, being fully aware of the consequences of being a lone wolf in a world where loners are preyed on. She also values her friendships as they maintain her social abilities, giving her the edge she needs when manipulating people. She makes friends based on people’s intelligence, as she likes to surround herself with people who can give her meaningful perspectives and insights and anyone who can match wits with her can impress her and win her confidence, but has almost no tolerance for ineptness. She considers stupid people harmful to society as they drag everyone down with them and therefore has no qualms with using them as she sees fit if she can get away with it, as she believes using them as pawns puts them to better use to society than they would have been if left alone to their reckless lives.  Overall this means she does not judge people on who or what they are, but on how they deal with situations. This also applies to her sexually, she is Bi and her partner can be either gender or any species as long as they win her affections with their wit.

Winona is fond of strategic games, such as chess and card games, and likes to take part in them as part of socializing, often talking to her opponents and picking up Information on their responses and how well they play. When Shaun was still alive she used to love playing with him, as he was always the most challenging player. As part of their playing they would flirt and play by rules that heightened sexual tension as a way to make their games more interesting.

Even though Shaun has been dead for a decade, Winona hasn’t moved on and still talks to him at an memorial that she built in her own house. She does engage with the occasional sexual encounter but appears uninterested in another serious relationship.

Winona has an addiction to smoking Catnip, she smokes when she wants to block out distractions and suppress negative emotions such as stress. An often-unwanted side effect to the Catnip is that it makes her less restrained and more open, and might over act to things she wouldn’t normally. Winona’s habit has made her more used to Catnip than the typical Neko, and so can casually smoke an amount of nip that would have anyone else on the floor.

Winona is a lucid dreamer; able to dream whatever she wants. She originally trained herself to do this to “spend time with Shaun” but now more often uses it to help her solve particular problems and help plan her schemes, practicing out scenarios
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Eternal Optimist
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Exilon Party Interest Thread. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Exilon Party Interest Thread.   Exilon Party Interest Thread. Icon_minitimeSat May 17, 2014 12:43 pm

Glad to have you on board Dark! Very Happy I hope this turns out to be a fun new experience for you!
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Eternal Optimist
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Exilon Party Interest Thread. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Exilon Party Interest Thread.   Exilon Party Interest Thread. Icon_minitimeSun May 25, 2014 11:48 am

Okay, It's been about 3 weeks since I made this thread and there has been interest expressed, which I'm happy for.

Players currently confirmed (updated):
Darth Nergal
The Ultimate

I WILL be starting this RP no later than next Sunday Eastern Standard Time, so anyone else who is interested in joining had better do so before then. Players will not be allowed to join after the RP is started (this party is invite-only, after all ;3).

Last edited by Nyaha on Tue May 27, 2014 2:08 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Exilon Party Interest Thread. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Exilon Party Interest Thread.   Exilon Party Interest Thread. Icon_minitimeMon May 26, 2014 4:18 pm

Psersephone W. Norman

Ready when you are. As far as headcanon goes, I'll attribute it to Felarya's general chaos regarding time and space, and that this happens at a different time than the other RP she's in.
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Exilon Party Interest Thread. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Exilon Party Interest Thread.   Exilon Party Interest Thread. Icon_minitimeMon May 26, 2014 7:51 pm

I am ready as well.
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Mr. I
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Exilon Party Interest Thread. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Exilon Party Interest Thread.   Exilon Party Interest Thread. Icon_minitimeTue May 27, 2014 2:02 pm

I'm ready as well Smile
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Eternal Optimist
Eternal Optimist

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Exilon Party Interest Thread. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Exilon Party Interest Thread.   Exilon Party Interest Thread. Icon_minitimeTue May 27, 2014 2:12 pm

Mr. I wrote:
I'm ready as well Smile
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, but Mr. I will be taking the role of a sort of secondary GM for this RP, since his characters own the venue that the party is being thrown at. Very Happy(He doesn't have any real power, but shh, don't tell him that. ;3)
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Eternal Optimist
Eternal Optimist

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Exilon Party Interest Thread. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Exilon Party Interest Thread.   Exilon Party Interest Thread. Icon_minitimeSun Jun 01, 2014 9:14 am

Today's the day, ladies and gentlemen! Very Happy But now, the bad news: The Ultimate has decided to drop out of the RP, so sadly, we will not be seeing Light present.

So here's how it's going to work: I'm going to make the first post in a new thread, then Mr. I, with the two of us describing what we can of the setting. After that, the players may join in at will and introduce their OCs, mingle with each other, whatever they want while the party gets started, as long as they're not being too disruptive or OOC. This is still a legitimate RP, after all. ^_^ The assumption is that each OC will arrive at the location in their first posts.

So, let's all have fun everyone! Very Happy
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Bandur Khan
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Exilon Party Interest Thread. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Exilon Party Interest Thread.   Exilon Party Interest Thread. Icon_minitimeTue Dec 09, 2014 3:07 pm

Perhaps here is a lonely Place free?

The new and improved Pearl (thanx to Stabs and his brillant Idea of fluorescent Prions)

Scryangi seems to be extinct - but I don´t want to waste two wonderful Characters I invented - so I develop them a bit. Kaela strifes the Sea Shores and Pearl flies through this World - looking around, learning and improving her E-Plax-Organs. These enable her to throw Lightnings and to span electric Arcs. Now she can fly up to 300 Mph, thanks to her massive, short but effective Wings - her Flight Style is alike of that of a Hoverfly. So Pearl is very agile. The newest Development - there are Spots on Pearl´s Body that start to emit yellow and blue Light in the Dark. Pearl herself is often misunderstood for a Fairy, due to her amethyst coloured Wings with the two yellow shining Spots. Pearl herself sees her Existence as that of a... Pilot. She is fast, she is a High Performance flying Artist - she even sounds like a small propeller driven Aircraft. Her short, but powerful Wings seem to rotate and produce a deep vibrating Hum. To maintain this Flight Style Pearl loves all fruity and sweet Stuff what gives her Lots of Carbs and simple Sugar. Due to her Eating Habits (and the interesting Colour of her Throat) she now even has a new Nickname: Mawberry.

Here some Sketches I have drawn today at Work with a Ball Pen.

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PostSubject: Re: Exilon Party Interest Thread.   Exilon Party Interest Thread. Icon_minitime

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