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 The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats

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Great warrior
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The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats Empty
PostSubject: The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats   The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats Icon_minitimeFri Dec 13, 2013 5:58 pm

(This is a thread to attract interest for this RP. If you are interested, read on. I will explain all.)

It seems like things will never change in Felarya. Always fighting for your life, only delaying your inevitable transformation into nutrients for a predator of some kind. It seems like no matter how strong some adventurers are, they always meet their match in the end. But that doesn't stop them from leaving the safety of settlements such as Negav in pursuit of adventure. You can almost hear the belching of satisfied predators as they digest their newest meals. Always quick to head off in pursuit of some legendary treasure, the food supply never ends.

But a rumor begins to circulate. A rumor about a ring from another world that holds unimaginable power. It is said that the wearer of this ring is granted the power of gods, enough power to even make the guardians show respect. This mythical artifact, the "Covenant of the Ancients", is said to have once been the wedding ring symbolising the marriage of a goddess of love and a god of war. The legend goes that the two gods had a lovers quarrel one day, and in a fit of anger, the god of war slapped his beloved wife with such force, that the ring from his finger flew off and landed in another realm. It is rumored that the realm it landed in was indeed Felarya and that the fabled ring was out there somewhere, ripe for the taking.

So what makes this rumor stand out from all the others? An elderly man bearing a tome older than he is, bears proof of this tale. The book he has shown to the people is undeniably old, preserved only with magic. Its pages are crafted not from paper, but from the clouds of the heavens themselves. Yes, this book is none other than the diary of the goddess of love, referenced within the legend. Even the most esteemed mages and scholars of Negav cannot deny its authenticity, stoking the fires of hundreds of adventurers. People of all shapes, sizes, genders, ages and races congregate in the streets, forming parties and practically flowing out of the gates of the city. This continues for days, as guards struggle to contain the chaos. The symphony of belching and gurgling only increases as the predators beyond the walls enjoy a grand feast. Some are even intrigued by the legend themselves and seek it as well, taking snacks along the way.

Within the book it is referenced only a single clue to the location of the ring:

"And so my lover's sacred covenant will continue to rest there, where the trees do blot out the sun, and the leaves doth shimmer a spiteful crimson."

The general consensus is that this clue points to the Crimson Wood. Far to the north, and deep within the Forest of Perils, the trek will not be easy.

But what about you? Having heard this rumor, the promise of obtaining the powers of a god, along with such irrefutable proof of its existence stirs a fire within you as well. Who could ignore such a grand quest? T'is a quest that comes but once in a lifetime, and the potential rewards are beyond comprehension. Even if the ring is not found, such a journey would yield other treasures as well. Alas, the danger is equally great. You know that alone, you haven't a chance of succeeding. Your only hope lies in forming a party of comrades to assist you in your quest. This quest may very well be your last, but if you were to succeed... the power of the gods awaits.

Last edited by Mortis on Fri Dec 13, 2013 7:02 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Great warrior
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The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats   The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats Icon_minitimeFri Dec 13, 2013 6:05 pm

This RP will be a tough and arduous expedition from Negav to the Crimson Wood. The path you take will be long and tiring.

>This RP will have a stat and turn based combat system that I will explain later.
>You are free to choose whatever character, spells, abilities, and equipment you like. Bear in mind however that I will inspect your bios and ask you to make adjustments should things be too OP. Also anything that does get through will have its effects explained.
>You may be a predator if you wish. However, as a predator you will be subject to a special rule that will limit your size to that of a human. You may restore your regular size only in certain circumstances. This will also be explained.
>This RP will have multiple paths and choices that can be made. Death is possible but is not likely unless you are really asking for it.

>Please ask me any questions you like.

The details of stats and such will be explained soon. I wish to see how many people are interested at this early point in time so I can see whether it is worth my time. I'm looking for at least 3 or so people. More would be favorable.
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Great warrior
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The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats   The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats Icon_minitimeFri Dec 13, 2013 7:02 pm

And so here are the stats, how they work, and how you choose them to fit your character.

There are 5 stats:


VITALITY is a measure of a character's ability to take physical punishment. More VITALITY means you can take more hits without being defeated. Simple really. If your Vitality is depleted to zero, you are defeated. It is not the end of the road however, your comrades may still be able to save you.

SKILL is a measure of how good your character is at combat, be it ranged or melee. (Magic doesn't count) SKILL is used to determine if you are able to hit an enemy, and also your ability to avoid enemy attacks. There are times when SKILL may be tested outside of combat as well.

LUCK is just that. LUCK governs how lucky your character is. You can test your luck during combat to increase your odds of hitting or avoiding an attack, as well as your odds of scoring a critical hit. There are times outside of combat where your LUCK may be tested against your will.

WILL is a measure of your character's mental strength. WILL is similar to SKILL in the sense that it governs whether or not your spells are successful, and if you can negate the effects of a spell cast on you. WILL can sometimes be tested outside of combat as well.

MANA is the pool of energy within themselves that spellcasters draw upon to cast spells. MANA is depleted when using a spell, regardless if your spell is successful. If there is not enough MANA in your pool when you cast a spell, VITALITY will be consumed instead. It is possible to reduce VITALITY to zero this way.

Here are your minimum stats. They cannot be decreased any lower then this.


You have 14 points to spend as you wish on any of your stats.

+1 VITALITY = 1 point
+1 SKILL = 2 points
+1 LUCK = 2 points
+1 WILL = 2 points
+1 MANA = 1 point

Your stats have a level cap, and cannot be raised higher than these values:


You may choose to get rid of MANA completely. If you choose to do so, you will be unable to cast spells, but you will gain +1 to all other stats. Thats equal to 5 extra points!

And there you have it. You may decide to spread your points out evenly, so you have no weakness. Or you may focus your points in one stat and become a master swordsman, a tank, or a squishy mage. Its entirely up to you.

Certain items that you may have can increase your stats slightly. It is possible to have your stats decreased during your journey, such as from a broken bone, burn or illness. Stats can be restored, but never higher than the number you chose to start with. Your maximum stats can very rarely be increased by blessings, items and training you may recieve along the way.
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Great warrior
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The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats   The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats Icon_minitimeFri Dec 13, 2013 7:16 pm


Now, your abilities may be anything of your choosing as well. Simply submit your abilities in your bio, and I will condense them and give them appropriate drawbacks, damages and MANA point costs.

Abilities that are too OP may be denied.

Predator Characters.

As I said before, Predator characters will be shrunk to human size for most of the adventure. The reason why you are shrunk is because in order for your normal sized party members to trust you, you have been sealed by a powerful spell that keeps you at regular size. At certain points during the adventure, your party members may choose to temporarily release your seal and restore you to full size in order to save everyone from certain doom. This unsealing is only temporary and will only last a few minutes. In that time, your party members may regret unsealing you....


Pretty much the same rules as Abilities. Have whatever you like, but I shall adjust it so that it is appropriate and scrap anything too OP.
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Great warrior
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The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats   The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats Icon_minitimeFri Dec 13, 2013 7:20 pm

So thats pretty much it! There will be a few suprises along the way of course. Plenty of perilous moments and near death experiences. As I said before, the path you decide to take is of your own choice. You may go that way, that way, or even that way. Bear in mind that you cannot split up very far from each other though, and so you must come to a group agreement of which way to go. Why? Because keeping track of everything would be a pain in the as-- err I mean... There is a magic... thing that says you can't. So there.
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Great warrior
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The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats   The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats Icon_minitimeFri Dec 13, 2013 7:26 pm


Name: Generic Adventurer
Race: Human
Gender: Male


Iron Sword (No STAT increase due to it being such an ordinary weapon.)
Leather Armor +1 VITALITY





You get the idea? Yes there will be a status screen to keep track of your vitals.
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats   The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats Icon_minitimeFri Dec 13, 2013 9:40 pm

Well, count me interested. I'll probably be a pred character, since I do have a Jotun character with some basic armor and weapons, so she can survive at 'normal' size...
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Great warrior
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The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats   The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats Icon_minitimeSat Dec 14, 2013 6:18 am

Balthazaar wrote:
Well, count me interested. I'll probably be a pred character, since I do have a Jotun character with some basic armor and weapons, so she can survive at 'normal' size...

I am glad to hear it. Gimme your Bio when you can and I'll edit it for you to fit the RP. ^^

If anyone is wondering how combat works, its essentially the same as regular RPing. You post your actions and wait to see what happens in response. Only difference is that whether or not you are successful in your actions is determined by your stats.
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats   The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats Icon_minitimeSat Dec 14, 2013 11:23 am

Name: Kvasha (KIV-asha)
Race: Jotun
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Height: Barely 70 ft
Skin Color: Rather white, though with a slight tan.
Fur Color: Brown
Hair: Curly and flaming orange.
Eye Color: Blue
Tusks: Small, discreet. More like large teeth than anything.
Predation: While Kvasha typically feeds on non-sentient wildlife, elves are fair game if she's hungry, and if there's nothing else she'll go for humans and maybe nekos.
Food Category: ~6 ft, prefers animals and elves.

Kvasha is a young Jotun, only standing at 70 feet. Her flaming orange hair streams back behind her head in long curls, kept out of her face by a simple leather headband. A blue hand print covers the right side of her face, the fingers spread toward her slightly pointed ears. Her 'tusks' are more like extra large lower incisors, and barely stick out of her mouth when it's closed, giving her a rather human look, though she's got a full tail going. Her large blue eyes give her a rather innocent look, as do her 18 years.

Despite being young, however, Kvasha is well-equipped. This is mostly due to her older sister, the blacksmith Natasha, and Kvasha's own scavenging skills. However, due to the temporate climates she usually travels in, Kvasha typically keeps her clothing light. Used to the cold of Elifga Valley, Kvasha only wears leather shorts and a bra. However, she has some armor plates attached to these, hammered into shape by her sister from armored vehicle hulls that she scavenged. For now, there are only a couple that cover the front and back of her midriff, as well as her sides slightly. They are easily detachable and washable, and because they're linked loosely they don't warm Kvasha as much as a full suit of plate armor would. They are also fairly flexible.

Kvasha also carries two giant hatchets, apparently made from a variety of armored vehicle hulls and are always sharp, that typically hang from her sides. Other than those, she has a couple pouches attached to her shorts for loot and good-sized boulders for throwing, and a small backpack with a few scaled up necessities - including some small, padded cells for 'roadside snacks'.

Kvasha is, in a single sentence, a naive adventurer in search of glory. All her life she has heard of grand and breathtaking tales of the adventures the Jotun people's mightiest heroes (or rather, heroines). She's always been excited to go outside and explore, and has always been up for a good fight, drink, or meal. She's constantly dreaming of becoming a great heroine in the future and to have her stories passed down for centuries in Jotunsberg, and is always willing to help her sister Natasha. She's also very fond of quests and parties of adventurers, and if she (metaphorically) stumbles upon some, she'll typically question their purposes before eating them/letting them go.

An important note about Kvasha, though, is that she is afraid of mages and magic in general. While she's too proud to admit it, when magic fire sprouts up, she'll be quaking on the inside. However, she knows from experience that mages aren't digestion-proof...

Hunting Habits:
Kvasha, being young, large, strong, well-armed and armored, typically takes a very straightforward approach to catching food. That is, if it's small enough/not sentient, she chases it down and swallows it/hacks it to bits and cooks it the old fashion way. While she greatly prefers the latter fashion of collecting food, giant non-sentient creatures aren't as common as Kvasha would like, and so often she has to turn to smaller sources of food. However, if she manages to catch some elves, or other members of smaller races that she sees as mean, dishonorable, or irresistibly delicious, she'll typically keep them in the little holding cells in her backpack until she thinks it's a good time for a snack.

Kvasha was born in Jotunsberg and lived with her older sister Natasha as she grew up. Since Natasha was more or less completely enveloped in her studies of blacksmithing, learning from a tribe of humans that had become friends with the Jotuns, the two sisters never got very close growing up. This led to Kvasha turning to the stories that sages and travelers would tell, providing her with all her current role models. Thus, she became rather impatient to strike out on her own, into the wilderness.

However, Natasha finally freed herself from her studies, confident in her smithing abilities, and managed to reel a very young Kvasha in before she got herself killed. After trying to convince to take a different path in life, Natasha finally realized she could put Kvasha to good use - Natasha needed lot's of metal to make anything, and the world of Felarya was bound to be littered with wrecked metallic structures. So, she managed to arm and armor Kvasha with what little she had managed to barter, and sent her out into the world to get more resources.

For the past year Kvasha has been wandering Felarya, periodically returning to Natasha to turn in more metal and reap the benefits of better armor and weapons. Over this time she's made some acquaintances in the wild, and has learned a lot about the world around her.

She still wants to follow her dream of being a famous warrior, though... which is where the rumors of this fancy ring come in.

Equipment: (Since most of her equipment is made out of a myriad of heavy vehicle hulls, I'm just going to call it 'steel' level. Might bring it down to iron if that's too OP, but she doesn't have any magic so...)
Steel 'Scale' Armor (+2 Vitality, mayhaps?)
Dual steel hatchets (+1 Skill)
Throwing rocks (-1 Skill when thrown)

VITALITY: 17 + 2 = 19
SKILL: 9 + 1 = 10/9 - 1 = 8

Alright, there you go. Lemme know if anything needs to be edited ^^
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Great warrior
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The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats   The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats Icon_minitimeSat Dec 14, 2013 3:00 pm

Looks very good to me. :DSeems balanced enough. Well thats one down. ^^ Just need some more now. Come, don't be shy lurkers.

Also, don't be shy to be creative with your abilities. There is plenty of room to think outside the box. Lastly, I'm going to supplement parts of the adventure with appropriate music. ^^ If you feel a situation warrants a particular melody or badass riff, let me know. ^^'
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Eternal Optimist
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The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats   The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats Icon_minitimeSat Dec 14, 2013 5:43 pm

I think I'll give this a try! :DIt looks a little complicated, though, but really that's my only criticism. BTW I think I'd also like to supply appropriate music. I have a ton of links to VGBGMs because I love them, and seeing as how I'll be using the character that I'm using, it would be fitting. Hope this bio looks good!

Name: Exilon
Race: Rosic Neko
Gender: Female
Height: 5'8
Skin Tone: Fair


Mite's Soundstaff (+4 WILL, +4 MANA, +1 MANA Regeneration each turn)
"Cloaking" Bangle (Allows Change of Colour Ability)
Cotton Longcoat (-1 SKILL)
Pen and Enchanted Notepads (Allows communication with other characters)


[Staff Transform - 1 Mana; Exilon changes the shape of her staff into a musical instrument
[Construct Instrument - 2 Mana; Exilon creates a magical construct in the shape of a musical instrument, which can then be played independently of herself; Can be used up to 6 times at once
[Sonic Blast - 2 Mana; Exilon plays a note or chord on her instrument, sending a sound wave packed with magic energy forward, allowing her to strike with blunt force from a distance
[Sonic Shield - 2 Mana; Exilon continuously plays her instrument, sending out sound waves packed with magic energy in a radius around herself, blocking magic attacks (has no effect on physical attacks)
[Sonic Screech - 3 Mana; Exilon plays a particularly loud and high note on her instrument, causing a deafening noise that spreads through a wide area
[Animal Call - 1 Mana; Exilon transforms her staff into a microphone and mimics a creature's mating or distress call, broadcasting it over a long distance
[Throwing Sound - 1 Mana; Exilon uses her ability to manipulate sound waves to direct a soundwave in a single direction, causing it to be unhearable until it bounces off a solid object, at which point it will be heard coming from that object instead of her position
[Drowning Sound - 2 Mana; Exilon uses her ability to manipulate sound waves to prevent sounds from escaping a specific area, preventing those outside that area from hearing them
[Detect Genre - 1 Mana; Exilon reads the vibes given off by the target's personality, and determines what his or her favourite kind of music is (Can only be used after ? battle turns)
[Change of Colour - 2 Mana; Exilon turns off her "Cloaking" Bangle, changing the colour scheme of her clothes and body to something less noticeable (+2 Skill and Luck) (Only applies for stealth checks)

*NOTES: I left a lot of the mana costs blank because you said you'd assign them. The ones that are filled in are just my preferences. Also, the numbers for her stats don't take into account the increases and decreases from her equipment. If you'd like me to change that, just let me know. Also, I'd like to know if there could be an exception made for Exilon in the SKILL department - for combat reasons, I left it low, and even handicapped, but outside of combat I feel her 'SKILL', if that relates to overall physical prowess, would be exceptional, given that she is not only a neko but is very well-exercised due to how active she lives, and she's meant to be rather acrobatic.

Last edited by Nyaha on Mon Dec 16, 2013 3:31 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Felarya cartographer
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The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats   The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats Icon_minitimeSat Dec 14, 2013 9:05 pm

I am very interested in your story....But find you ideas of stats challenging. ^^; I'm going to look over my OCs and see if I can't make a matching stat sheet. Oh you didn't say anything about an OC limit, is there one?
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Great warrior
Great warrior

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The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats   The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats Icon_minitimeSun Dec 15, 2013 2:28 pm

[Staff Transform - 1 Mana; Exilon changes the shape of her staff into a musical instrument
[Construct Instrument - 2 Mana; Exilon creates a magical construct in the shape of a musical instrument, which can then be played independently of herself; Can be used up to 6 times at once
[Sonic Blast - 2 Mana; Exilon plays a note or chord on her instrument, sending a sound wave packed with magic energy forward, allowing her to strike with blunt force from a distance
[Sonic Shield - 2 Mana; Exilon continuously plays her instrument, sending out sound waves packed with magic energy in a radius around herself, blocking magic attacks (has no effect on physical attacks)
[Sonic Screech - 3 Mana; Exilon plays a particularly loud and high note on her instrument, causing a deafening noise that spreads through a wide area
[Double-Bass Slammer - 1 mana ; Exilon transforms her staff into a double-bass and attempts to bash the target with it
[Mating Call - 1 Mana; Exilon transforms her staff into a microphone and mimics a creature's mating call, broadcasting it over a long distance
[Distress Call - 1 Mana; Exilon transforms her staff into a microphone and mimics a creature's distress call, broadcasting it over a long distance
[Throwing Sound - 1 Mana; Exilon uses her ability to manipulate sound waves to direct a soundwave in a single direction, causing it to be unhearable until it bounces off a solid object, at which point it will be heard coming from that object instead of her position
[Drowning Sound - 2 Mana; Exilon uses her ability to manipulate sound waves to prevent sounds from escaping a specific area, preventing those outside that area from hearing them
[Change of Colour - 2 Mana; Exilon turns off her "Cloaking" Bangle, changing the colour scheme of her clothes and body to something less noticeable. +2 Skill and Luck. (Only applies for stealth checks.)

(Stealth checks are determined by skill and luck combined.)

As for you Jedi, If by that you mean can you RP two characters at the same time? I suppose you can if you wish. No more than 2 though.

Also, in order to try to explain myself better, here is a made up RP extract:


Generic Adventurer makes his way through the tall plants and leaves, with very little idea od where he is going. Suddenly, he spots what appears to be a Giant Naga in the distance, searching for prey.

[LUCK Check: A number is randomly generated between 1 and 12. If the number generated is equal to or less than your Luck, you are lucky. If the number generated is higher, you are unlucky. Number generated = 8 UNLUCKY. Check failed.]

Unfortunately, the Naga appears to have sensed Generic Adventurer and is heading in his direction!

"Oh crap...!" Mutters Generic Adventurer "I gotta hide!"

Generic Adventurer dives for cover and attempts to hide in a bush.

[STEALTH Check: A number is randomly generated between 1 and 12. Your SKILL and LUCK are added to this number. A second number is generated and the SKILL and LUCK of your enemy is added to it. The final two numbers are then compared. If your number was higher, you are UNDETECTED. If your opponent's number is higher, you are DETECTED. Number generated = 2+6+6 = 14. Pred number generated = 4+7+6 = 17 DETECTED. Check failed.]

"I can seee you~" Says the approaching predator with a playful tone.

"Crap!" Gasps Generic Adventurer.

He emerges from his hiding place and draws his sword.

Playful Naga stats:

Status effects: Size advantage = +10 SKILL

SKILL 7+10=17

Generic adventurer charges in, desperately swinging his sword!

[SKILL Check: A random number is generated between 1 and 12. Your skill is then added to that number. Same goes for your opponent. Whoever has the highest number wins. Winning a SKILL check while defending will allow you to avoid or block the attack. Winning while attacking will allow you to score a successful hit. Because Generic Adventurer is challenging an opponent with a SKILL that is double his own, he is OUTCLASSED and will always lose SKILL checks when attacking in Melee combat. Generic adventurer is OUTCLASSED! Check failed.]

Generic Adventurer looks pathetic as he is charging towards the Naga. Not bothering to stop him, he thrusts his sword forward. But her scales are too tough! His sword bounces harmlessly off of her.

"You look tasty~"

Playful Naga reaches for Generic Adventurer, humming sweetly to herself as she does so.

[Skill Check: When defending against an opponent in melee that outclasses you, their Skill is fixed at 10. Number generated for Generic Adventurer = 10 + 6 =16. Check succeeded.]

Generic Adventurer manages to narrowly avoid being picked up as he rolls out of the way.

"Crap..." He mumbles to himself. "What the hell do I do now!?"

The situation looks hopeless. He is completely outclassed in melee and has no other means of attack! Is this the end for Generic Adventurer?

Okay, so you might be wondering how on earth you would be able to defeat the playful naga if you were in his shoes. Well, she clearly outclasses all but the best fighters in melee, so using a ranged weapon, an item, or an ability/spell would be the best choice. But if you can't do that, it may be necessary to think outside the box. What you can do is up to your imagination. Maybe you'll try to sweet talk your way out of it? Maybe you'll play her a lovely melody or bribe her? Even more creative options exist. Like, lets say you have the ability to teleport. You could teleport yourself high into the air and go for a suprise attack behind her head, or teleport your sword up there, and then fry her with a magic spell while she is confused. Depending on the situation, ability used and items used, stat checks may be modified or chenged completely! You never know until you try.

One last twist in the tale! >Very Happy At the beginning of a fight, you have no idea what your opponent is capable of. Those enemy stats for the naga that I showed you? They would be hidden normally, unless you had an ability that could read your foes ability or something like that.
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Eternal Optimist
Eternal Optimist

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The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats   The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats Icon_minitimeSun Dec 15, 2013 3:00 pm

Thanks for the numbers. I'll add them onto the bio. ^_^ And I'm glad that you don't have any problems with the equipment she has either. I just thought of one more ability I'd like to add:

[Detect Genre - ? Mana; Exilon reads the vibes given off by the target's personality, and determines what his or her favourite kind of music is.

Also, I have to question the validity of these stat checks, Mort. I really like the look of the system, but it means you're going to have to be very active. If we have to wait forever on your stat checks, the RP is eventually going to run into molasses.

One more thing - do status effects like the naga's Size Advantage, abilities, and equipment allow players to surpass status caps?
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Great warrior
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The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats   The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats Icon_minitimeSun Dec 15, 2013 6:12 pm

Yes I'm aware that I'll have to be online very often. Thats fine by me though, I have nothing but time these days.

Also that ability seems fine, if a little odd. ^^' Add a 1 mana cost to that.

Yes status effects can break the stat caps. As can certain equipment, abilities and spells. If you want something of "Measuring stick" Here is one to bring things into perspective.

6-10 SKILL Typical human sized creatures range.

11-20 SKILL Masterful heroes and powerful creatures.

21-30 SKILL Legendary creatures and fabled heroes.

???? SKILL Guardians are gods and so have infinite SKILL that no mortal can match.

12-20 VITALITY Typical endurance for regular human sized creatures.

21-40 VITALITY Incredible endurance possessed by large creatures or powerful heroes.

41-100 VITALITY Endurance of gigantic creatures and special exceptions.

???? VITALITY Guardians are gods and cannot be killed, therefore they have infinite VITALITY.

6-10 LUCK Normal luck for unblessed creatures.

11-20 LUCK Normally creatures with such high LUCK have been blessed or are just incredibly rare.

21-30 LUCK Creatures with LUCK this high are truly under the watchful eye of a guardian angel.

???? LUCK Guardians. 'Nuff said.

6-10 WILL Typical willpower for most creatures.

11-20 WILL Mages that have trained their minds, or incredibly strong willed individuals can reach this level.

21-30 WILL Only possessed by legendary mages and individuals with an unbreakable will.

???? I think you know the drill by now.

NOTE: MAX MANA can only be increased by items or status effects. The pool of MANA within us all is unique to every person and cannot be increased through training or experience.

NOTE: While your starting stats have a cap, this cap can also be broken by training during your quest, as well as abilities and items. 30 is the absolute cap for SKILL, LUCK and WILL and 100 is the absolute cap for VITALITY, but you'll never get that far.
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Eternal Optimist
Eternal Optimist

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The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats   The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats Icon_minitimeMon Dec 16, 2013 3:34 pm

I want to put a turn limit on the Genre Detect ability, as in, she can only use it after so many battle turns have passed. Otherwise, she could just learn what kind of music the pred likes, play it, and tame her before actually learning what kind of personality she has. It would also make encounters far less interesting. Does 5 battle turns sound good? (Note that 'battle turns' refers only to Exilon's turns in battle, not the overall turns taken by everyone participating.)
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Great warrior
Great warrior

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The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats   The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats Icon_minitimeWed Dec 18, 2013 3:03 pm

Seems fine to me. ^^ Sorry for the slow reply I had a bunch of stuff to do. Now, this is just an interest thread and I have no start date planned as of yet. That means that you have plenty of time to do whatever it is you want to do in the mean time. Things could get added, scrapped. I dunno yet. ^^
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Veteran knight
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The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats   The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats Icon_minitimeSun Jan 19, 2014 10:26 am

This thread is relevant to my interests, I will put a bio up soon. But I have a question.

Is having a mount like a horse okay or would you prefer if everybody was traveling on foot?
Oh and does a character bio have to be super detailed? I dont really have a clear back story yet since my old idea was too cheesy/over played.
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Great warrior
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The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats   The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats Icon_minitimeWed Mar 26, 2014 5:29 pm

Well, shake off the cobwebs and wipe away the dust. I've been in therapy yet again for some really heavy stuff and this whole thing slipped my mind, just like many other things.

If you guys are still alive and you want to give this thing a shot, I propose a vote.

Either we do this thing as I originally planned with all the stats and stuff, bearing in mind that I can't freaking remember what I was going to do with them and I'll have to spend some time to get my head around them again.


We still follow the basic premise but ignore the stats and just do it old school.

Your choice guys and gals.
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Eternal Optimist
Eternal Optimist

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The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats   The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats Icon_minitimeThu Mar 27, 2014 7:20 am

I'm leaning towards doing it with the stats only because it's something I've never really tried before and I think it'll be interesting to see how things turn out with this system, but I'd be okay doing it the old-fashioned way too if that's what everyone else wants. Very Happy
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats   The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats Icon_minitimeSun Mar 30, 2014 10:06 am

Eh, I don't usually like stats because usually they feel sort of limiting and inaccurate on my characters... but in this RP I'd like to try this system ^^

So tl;dr somehow, I vote for stats Razz
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The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats   The Covenant of the Ancients Interest Thread. Now with stats Icon_minitime

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