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 The Silver Scales tribe

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Naga food

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PostSubject: The Silver Scales tribe   The Silver Scales tribe Icon_minitimeSun Jun 15, 2014 5:12 am

Name: Silver scales tribe

Leader: Tyler

Inhabits: (All small human sized) Sea Krait Nagas, Arctic Nagas, Storm Nagas, Volcanic Nagas, Desert Nagas, River Nagas, Field Nagas, Terrestrial Nagas, Arboreal Nagas, sea animals.

Combat Units:

Melee units:

Melee units are groups of nagas that prefer to get up close and personal.

Main units in this class:

• Silver Warriors (only male nagas)

Weapons used: Swords, shields, polearms.

Armours used: only plate.

• Warriors (only male nagas)

Weapons used: Mace, shield, swords.

Armours used: only plate.

• Combat villager (nagas or sea animals)

Weapons used: building tools, daggers.

Armours used: they only wear mail armour due to the danger they may be in when in a combat zones.

• Death seekers (sea animals)

Weapons used: teeth.

Armours used: explosives rigged mail and control collars.

• Chain Rippers (manly female nagas)

Weapons used: steel weeps, steel chains, throwing daggers.

Armours used: mail and wraps steel chains around body for extra protection.

Range units:

Range units are groups of nagas that prefer to only use a bow instead of a sword or staff and use their deadly natural born accuracy to kill any targets right between the eyes.

Main units in this class:

• Dead Eyes (nagas)

Weapons used: Bows, Crossbows, Guns, Daggers, Fists.

Armours used: they are the only range units that can wear Mail.

• Eastern eyes (manly female nagas)

Weapons used: Bows, Crossbows, Guns, Daggers, Fists.

Armours used: the new recruits are only allowed to use Leather. Only the best Eastern eyes wear mail showing their skill to others.

• Poison shooters (nagas)

Weapons used: poison tip bows, Daggers, Fists.

Armours used: only use leather for greater aim.

• Explosive shooters (nagas)

Weapons used: flaming tip bows, Daggers, Fists.

Armours used: only use leather for greater aim.

Magical units:

Magic units are groups of magical nagas that Prefer to stay a far from the battle and rain down their power over the battle field instead of getting close and risking their life’s.

Main units in this class:

• Sea whispers (only female naga)

Weapons used: Wands, staffs, offhand power relics.

Armours used: can only use Cloth so they can infuse there clothing with greater power to deal more damage.

• Wave benders (nagas)

Weapons used: offhand power relics, staff.

Armours used: due to their Sharman like nature they only use Leather so they can use their power more easily.

• Icicle servant (only female nagas)

Weapons used: pure icicle steel staffs.

Armours used: due to the extremely cold magic they use they can only wear clothing infused with fire magic so they don’t freeze when they use their magic.

• Sabotages (flying sea animals)

Weapons used: poison that fire from their mouth.

Armours used: because they are animals they are equipped with control collars forcing them to obey the nagas.

• Sea beasts (sea animals)

Weapons used: mouth can fire large torrents of water.

Armours used: because they are animals they are equipped with control collars forcing them to obey the nagas.

Healing units:

Healing units are groups of magical nagas that prefer to use their magic not to hurt life but to heal the injured.

Main units in this class:

• Wave binders (manly female nagas)

Weapons used: staffs, offhand healing relics.

Armours used: because of the way they heal thing together with water they wear only cloth clothing to show off their healing role.

• Flowing seekers (only female naga)

Weapons used: long staffs, offhand healing relics.

Armours used: due to their Sharman like nature they only use cloth clothing so they can use their healing powers more easily.

• Redeemers (only darkness nagas)

Weapons used: darkness infused staffs, offhand darkness relics.

Armours used: because of their addiction to darkness they only wear cloth clothing to show the darkness of their very souls in there clothing.

• Solar life’s (sea animals)

Weapons used: none because they are harmless.

Armours used: none because they are harmless.

Total army rating: 73% supported on all sides.

Society units:

Society units are members of the silver scales tribe that are too young to fight or prefer not to fight and use their skill in other non-combat ways.

Main units in this class:

• Villages (nagas)

Weapons used: depends on role, construction tools, hunting bows, are no good fighters.

Armours: cloth, Leather.

• Hatchlings (baby nagas)

Weapons used: none and not allowed to for good reason.

Armours used: none as they are just babies.

• Common workers (nagas)

Weapons used: building tools.

Armours used: safety Leather for protection against injuries from construction projects.

• Hatchlings care units (only female nagas)

Weapons used: Bows, daggers.

Armours used: when taking care of hatchlings they only use Leather protective clothing.

• Executors (city law nagas)

Weapons used: Sword, shield.

Armours used: a specially designed plate set that shows that they are a part of the city’s law order.

• Transport turtles (giant turtles)

Weapons used: none.

Armours used: their own shell and also have a strange ship placed on top of shell when transporting naga to and from silver cove.

• Expedition workers (former fighting units of naga)

Weapons used: whatever they used to use that is now powered by a strange blue light that surrounds the weapon whatever it may be.

Armours used: whatever they use to wear now with a strange glowing symbol branded onto the armour piece whatever it may be.

• Classified Research teams (only intelligent magical nagas)

Weapons used: none.

Armours used: average cloth cloving with a strange symbol on the right side of the chest.

• Expedition teams (mostly former combat builders)

Weapons used: building tools, offhand classified tools.

Armours used: safety mail for protection against injuries from construction projects.

Allies and Enemies:

Chioita city

All mermaid kind large or small (currently in war with)



Even tho the silver scales are led by a male know as Tyler the silver scales tribe society is female dominated; they are considered the intellectual superiors and possess the greater magical power. While females are mostly outnumbered by males, females are found more often in positions of authority. Usually females are more proficient in the ways of magic, while the males are more likely to become warriors, but there are a small amount of males that are deadly in both close combat, and spell casting most of these males can be found in range units. Even tho males are inferior they too can rise to power in the ranks even to the point of command, but unlike the females there is a limit to what they can achieve.


Due to the silver scales tribe being started by Sea Krait nagas all members of the silver scales tribe try to speak the Sea Krait nagas own language, Nazja. Even tho Felarya is imbued with a magic that makes everyone understand even the most strange of languages most of the silver scales learn this language just for fun or to better themselves in the roles of society. For unknown reasons, Tyler has assigned some of the silver scales Nagas to learn how to speak with the creatures which they interact with on a daily basis.


The civilization of the silver scales tribe has an extensive variety of codes and laws to maintain everyday life. After working with the humans of Chioita city the silver scales tribe have seemed to bind their own laws with the humans. Most may see this as unnatural but the silver scales say that it has allowed silver rocks to grow into a very stable and equal city.

List of Laws

• No inbreeding

Tyler has enforced this law to make sure that the silver scales are not inbreeding. This law makes shore that all women from the silver scales tribe are only allowed to have eggs with only unrelated nagas of their own kind in order to make shore that the baby is at its healthiest when hatched. The punishment for anyone who breaks this law male or woman is permanent banishment from the silver scales tribe and any eggs that are created in the process will be destroyed.

• No unnatural sex

Tyler has enforced this law to make sure the silver scales are not responsible for the creation of any new spices. This law makes shore that all women of the silver scales tribe are not allowed to have any kind of sex with any other race except their own in order to make shore no new spices are created by the eggs. The punishment for anyone who breaks this law is permanent banishment from the silver scales tribe and all eggs that are created in the process will be destroyed.

• Only silver scales in silver rocks

Tyler has made this law to make sure that only members of the silver scales tribe can live in silver rocks. This law makes shore that only nagas that are members of the silver scales tribe can live in silver rocks. The punishment for anyone harvesting outsiders is a warning and banishment to anyone they are harvesting. If the same member of the silver scales break this law again they will be banished and anyone that is not a member of the silver scales found with them will be killed by Tyler himself.

• Violence will not be tolerated!

Tyler has made this law to make sure that no members of the silver scales tribe has to worry about getting killed by each other. This law is put in place to stop all forms of friendly related violones between the silver scales tribe’s members. The punishment for anyone that is caught in the act of killing a friendly silver scales member is death. In most cases it is Tyler that is an Executor but due to the great respect for each other naga on naga violence has only been recorded happening 15 times in all of the silver scales history so far.

• Civilised

Tyler has made this general rule to enforce all silver scales to show no animal like behaviour. This law makes shore that all silver scales are under a strict list of behaviour rules. The behaviour rules are almost the same as the high elven in Negav and the only difference is that the nagas have mixed their own languages into it so it seems like their own. There is no punishment for anyone breaking these rules however if a naga is breaking these rules in public they will be frown upon.

Home city: Silver rocks

Silver rocks is the silver scales tribe capital city. There are strange ruins of buildings made of stones through the rocks leading to the city entrance. The underground capital city can only be found through the five caves that lead down to it.


The Silver scales tribe is a large family unit of Sea Krait nagas that over time have adopted all kinds of naga into their order as long as they average in heights of 6ft to 10ft meaning all silver scales members are only around human sizes standards except Tyler their leader who is giant. The silver scales tribe is based on the most northern point of Shillapo island and is lead and protected by Tyler the giant male Sea Krait naga. It was first formed in 2000 A.U by Tyler himself.

Unlike the normal chaotic naga of Felarya the Silver scales tribe try to better themselves and try to work with imperial races like humans and elven. The silver scales have acquired a good amount of allies from there helpful deeds and are considered allies of all small naga on Felarya and most small races around Shillapo Island.

Due to Shillapo Island being so distant from the main land most members of the Silver scales tribe cares little for the average naga stereotype and do not seem to care much about Dridders or what they did in the past. Despite this the silver scales do still have a sworn enemy and they are known as mermaids. The mermaids around Shillapo Island have been attacking the silver scales ever since the tribe was first formed and if it was not for their leader Tyler and the blood he spelt to defence them, the silver scales tribe would have not survived to this day. It is unknown why the mermaids are attacking them and Tyler has made attempts in the past to try and find peace between the two races but all his attempts have failed and due to the endless random assaults on silver cove Tyler has been forced to put all the kinds of mermaids as the silver scales tribe mane enemy and has ordered all silver scales to kill any mermaids they see or find. When the silver scales were only just starting to because a professional order many silver scales members died from the random mermaid’s assaults on silver cove and Tyler has grown to hate them by so much that just the site of one puts him into a nearly uncontrollable rage.

When the silver scales tribe was only just starting to become a professional order a powerful mermaid ordered endless random assaults on silver cove and in this period of time silver cove would get attacked at least 5 times a week. As the weeks pasted numbers were getting low and Tyler was forced to send his most trusted members around Felarya to recruit any kinds of naga’s they find into the silver scales tribe and as long as they average in heights of 6ft to 10ft they were allowed to join the silver scales tribe. This recruitment run was very successful as almost every small naga race around Felarya that was offered to join the silver scales tribe joined the silver scales tribe. After this recruitment run the silver scales numbers grow by extreme amounts every day. It was not long before all the naga of Felarya heard about the silver scales tribe and the safety it has to offer. Even the small naga in evernight forest signed up and made their own group called the Redeemers. Despite all the new races of naga that joined the silver scales tribe Tyler has taken a very high liking to the darkness element nagas that call themselves the Redeemers and has put many of them in charge of high level roles in war strategy’s and combat planning.

The silver scales have tried to form a trade with Chioita city and after 10 years of attempts it has be starting to flow. The silver scales would catch rare and useful fish from areas that would be dangerous for humans to explore and bring them to Chioita city in exchange for herbs from Negav city that cannot be found on Shillapo Island and are used in all kinds of poisons that the silver scales make at silver rocks. Now six year on and all the humans from Chioita city consider all members of the silver scales to be just as civilised as a normal human from Negav as they have made a common trade with the city weekly making even the humans from Negav show signs of respect to some extent to a silver scale naga when they visit Chioita city.

Recently the trade has stopped for unknown reasons and when Chioita city trade workers went to investigate why the trade from silver cove has stopped they were removed by force by silver worriers and told the trade workers to tell all the humans and other races in Chioita city never to enter silver cove again or they will be killed on site. After this news was told to the trade master of the city all trading involving the silver scales was cancelled.

It has been a long and painful road but the naga of the silver scales tribe are starting to make a comeback due to Tyler now being 73 years old and 83 feet tail making it possible for Tyler to defend the silver scales from even the worst of mermaids. Assaults from mermaids happen a lot less now and when it does happen it is over very fast due the silver scales high numbers and new on beach defends harpoon guns making the beach look very war like.

Lately there has been a lot of talk about the silver scales going on the offensive against the mermaids and Tyler has given his orders saying then he is fine with the movement and that he will assist the assault but many of the silvers scales high level council members have joined together to stop this movement and are trying to keep the silver scales at peace with the mermaids but with Tyler’s constant support of killing mermaids and the new defences that were constructed on the beach front it is getting hard for the council to keep the silver scales tribe off the offensive.

Last edited by nipa101 on Mon Sep 29, 2014 9:41 pm; edited 4 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: The Silver Scales tribe   The Silver Scales tribe Icon_minitimeSun Jun 15, 2014 6:10 am

Where do we begin...

It is interesting that you give a hit-point based characteristic given that is rare for such mechanics to be used when describing a race or its constituents. I'll be honest it is almost like you set the Scales Tribe out to be a race in an RTS game more than anything else and although you gave a description of their history, it is difficult to see beyond that in an objective sense. I am also inclined to scrutinize the Silver Scale's conflict with the mermaids, fair enough the reason behind it is a mystery and the random nature of their attacks has left Tyler with a pathological hatred. Yet do the Silver Scales reside on piers and docks that are surrounded by water? Alright you based them on sea snakes but if they reside within and on the sea then wouldn't their interaction with humans be more limited? Plus your description gives them a very terrestrial nature. What about their culture, are they solely a warrior tribe?

I also believe it to be a mistake to stick to common stereotypes when referring to other races/tribes, I doubt all other Felaryan nagas have a vendetta against the dridders. I would also say not all Negavians, even their leadership are too xenophobic. It is an interesting concept here worthy of serious development and it needs it; I've been left with more questions than answers after reading about them. At the moment the Silver Scales sound too much like a race form an RTS game rather than a fleshed out Felaryan race/tribe.
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Naga food

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PostSubject: Re: The Silver Scales tribe   The Silver Scales tribe Icon_minitimeSun Aug 03, 2014 1:34 am

ok its all fixed up now CauldronBorn24 and I hope you like it;)
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