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 Silver Scales is finaally over.

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4 posters
Roaming thug
Roaming thug

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Silver Scales is finaally over. Empty
PostSubject: Silver Scales is finaally over.   Silver Scales is finaally over. Icon_minitimeFri Jun 03, 2011 10:08 am

Well, guys.... This is it. It's been a long ride, but Silver Scales is finally over. I hope I managed to contribute something to Felarya as a whole that wasn't already there.

For a long while, I've had the basic idea for this story in my head. In fact, it started several years ago. But, I didn't have a very good grasp of Felarya itself back then and I didn't want to "stain" what Karbo and others had crafted with my vastly inferior art... The idea being that they were "higher" and I was "lowly" by comparison. But, a few months ago, I finally decided to go for it, and here it is... Turns out, it's more well received than I ever could have dreamed. I hope my steps into this world will inspire more artists at a "lower" level like mine to start their own stories and help Felarya continue to grow through comics and the like.

In the end, I hope this comic... my story will be remembered simply for what it really is. Some guy's humble interpretation of a land that mystified him.

I've made a lot of friends through this whole thing and it's nice to be noticed by so many people. I hope some of you will stick around to see what I do in the future.

Thank you, everybody who allowed me to feature your characters. I hope I treated them well enough in the long run.

Should anyone feel like having a little fun with Remus and Xanthe, they'll be in Safe Harbor for a few years. There's also Veldt, Meringue and a few others.

Anyway, it's been a ton of fun, guys. I want to deeply thank everyone who has shaped this setting into what it is. You've essentially prepared this humongous playground filled with all sorts of cool things for me to play with, and I give you this comic in return.

Thank you, Frenchsnack, for sharing your wonderful stories and giving me the drive to start my own story.

Aaaaaand thank you, Karbo, for starting this whole thing to begin with, and making this particular story possible. Silver Scales, and everything that came before it, ultimately wouldn't exist if you weren't the ember that sparked this ongoing blaze from the start.

I hope more Felaryans will continue to enjoy this as I continue to post it in the Felarya club gallery and so on, and I hope Felarya itself will prosper for a long, LONG time. =)

Wellllll.... That's that. If you have any final thoughts on this story, you may as well let them out, now.

Much love to everyone who has made this possible by making Felarya the wonderful, beautiful setting that it is!

Comments are appreciated.

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Great warrior
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Silver Scales is finaally over. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Silver Scales is finaally over.   Silver Scales is finaally over. Icon_minitimeSat Jun 04, 2011 8:34 pm

I really hope this isn't the last we'll see of your work in Felarya. This comic is just too good to be a one-hit wonder.
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Evil admin
Evil admin

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Silver Scales is finaally over. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Silver Scales is finaally over.   Silver Scales is finaally over. Icon_minitimeSun Jun 05, 2011 1:36 am

I already said it on DA, but big big Kudos to you for having seen through such a huge and interesting project with so much consistensy and determination. you focus is truly extremely impressive ! Wink
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Primeval Hunter
Naga food
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Silver Scales is finaally over. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Silver Scales is finaally over.   Silver Scales is finaally over. Icon_minitimeWed Jun 08, 2011 8:45 pm

You deserve a lot of pat on the backs dude. It was really fascinating. You played your characters very well, and managed to do a lot of things most wouldn't be able to do. I was really impressed by how many pages you got in, PER DAY!!! Your style of drawing was pretty simple, but even so it amazed me how fast you were able to do it. And you kept true to your work, and you added a lot of details that the wiki says. One of my favorite moments was when he was in the Akaptor desert and he saw the creatures from the past and the sand whales. Great job at remembering to add that. There were many humorous, tense, scary, and even tear jerking moments. You did an outstanding job on the comic. To be honest I must say I am somewhat envious of how good it was Razz You did a really great job, and now that it's over you should take a break. Your brain is fried lol
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Silver Scales is finaally over. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Silver Scales is finaally over.   Silver Scales is finaally over. Icon_minitime

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Silver Scales is finaally over.
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