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 Felarya and Earth

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PostSubject: Re: Felarya and Earth   Felarya and Earth - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Aug 05, 2015 7:41 am

ravaging vixen wrote:
Jedi-explorer wrote:
Not to rehash but I'm surprised people listing an SGC or higher force invading Negav straight out didn't realize any invading army would have to deal with the greatest defense of  Negav's: man eating fauna, flora and predators. Just getting used to the sheer variety of vicious wild life is hard enough but then you get into giant humanoid beings with your level of intelligence or beyond your level of strength. After all of that? Lady Astralaza Lesona whom hasn't held on to all of her power for nothing for all these years. She's enough of a threat that Vivian keeps notes from what I remember.[/quote

I didn't mention that because of deductive reasoning with stratagem. obviously in either gate you'd set up camp for a long period of time because of the reasons you just mentioned. As far Lesona go. It's all of a matter of how many people you send to the slaughter to her way of thinking, coy, and ability to manipulate and curse people before eventually somebody figures out a drawback and out beats her single handily or by the attrition of their partners sacrifices of figuring out a way to bring her down. This is what i mean by numbers. Unless she can corrupt people forcibly which to some extent, she has with her cursing ability somebody is going to find an eventual drawback to that and beat her. It's why i'm not all too imposing as her being a threat as she only seems to own negav and want that with her own agenda.

O_____O *Makes a note not to go to war with Vix* Why do I have feeling you'll be an officer in only a year or two and after that? Running our space naval program.

@Shady: Yeah. I had forgotten that I'll admit. ^^; Wow and incursion into Negav would be swift. O.oNegav almost needs an "Iris" to keep the Barbarians away or at least detour them.
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya and Earth   Felarya and Earth - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Aug 05, 2015 7:44 am

jedi-explorer wrote:
ravaging vixen wrote:
Jedi-explorer wrote:
Not to rehash but I'm surprised people listing an SGC or higher force invading Negav straight out didn't realize any invading army would have to deal with the greatest defense of  Negav's: man eating fauna, flora and predators. Just getting used to the sheer variety of vicious wild life is hard enough but then you get into giant humanoid beings with your level of intelligence or beyond your level of strength. After all of that? Lady Astralaza Lesona whom hasn't held on to all of her power for nothing for all these years. She's enough of a threat that Vivian keeps notes from what I remember.[/quote

I didn't mention that because of deductive reasoning with stratagem. obviously in either gate you'd set up camp for a long period of time because of the reasons you just mentioned. As far Lesona go. It's all of a matter of how many people you send to the slaughter to her way of thinking, coy, and ability to manipulate and curse people before eventually somebody figures out a drawback and out beats her single handily or by the attrition of their partners sacrifices of figuring out a way to bring her down. This is what i mean by numbers. Unless she can corrupt people forcibly which to some extent, she has with her cursing ability somebody is going to find an eventual drawback to that and beat her. It's why i'm not all too imposing as her being a threat as she only seems to own negav and want that with her own agenda.

O_____O *Makes a note not to go to war with Vix* Why do I have feeling you'll be an officer in only a year or two and after that? Running our space naval program.

@Shady: Yeah. I had forgotten that I'll admit. ^^; Wow and incursion into Negav would be swift. O.oNegav almost needs an "Iris" to keep the Barbarians away or at least detour them.

Why did you double post? and... Quote yourself? O_o
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Felarya cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya and Earth   Felarya and Earth - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Aug 05, 2015 7:53 am

My cellphone has a small screen and my Internet on it is blinky! XD Gyah so gonna be happy to get my new laptop and eventually a new phone with at least a medium screen size. ^^; It'll make mistakes like that harder to do.
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Lockheed X-17
valiant swordman
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya and Earth   Felarya and Earth - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Aug 06, 2015 1:50 am

Dimensional Barriers could provide the possibility of protecting the Lydus from being distrupted, but like all barriers, there should be a way to bypass or break it. FTL scenarios are possible, such as the usage of the Alcubierre Drives. Basically, the higher the dimensional plane, the harder to break. The Warp Drive scenario could be possible, but there are more dimensions in the universe. 4D universes have a nonlinear time, while 6D universes are free.
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