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 Felarya Nascar

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Posts : 806
Join date : 2008-03-03
Age : 30
Location : Drama-Art errr I mean Deviantart

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PostSubject: Felarya Nascar   Felarya Nascar Icon_minitimeFri Apr 11, 2008 9:48 pm

so im making a Felarya Nascar Rp

Heres the rules:

1.You must use your own characters.if your character is very tall u get cars that shrink your characters down to human size

2.No killing each others characters without the owners permission.

3.Vore is allowed here.
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Posts : 806
Join date : 2008-03-03
Age : 30
Location : Drama-Art errr I mean Deviantart

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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Nascar   Felarya Nascar Icon_minitimeMon Apr 14, 2008 5:32 am

Name:Yelkavic and Stalin

Race:Tailmouth Naga/Wolf/Human


Tail:black and yellow scales with blue bands around it


Occupation:Iraq Solider

His uniform:http://img165.imageshack.us/my.php?image=soilderpi7.jpg

Eye color:blue but when he gets realy mad they turn bright red

Anger issue:he has a angry issue.make him made enought and his tail scales will turn bright red,his wolf fangs will become more proment,and his eye color will become bright red

Weapons:Ak-47,Colt.45,Cobra king Revolver,Rpg-7,his tailmouth Stalin

Weight:265 pounds

Birthday:Febuary 25,1994


Aperrence:has wolf ears and Wolf fangs,wears a t-shirt with flame son it,and wears a Silver cross necklace his mother gave to him


Lives with:his sister Angel and Star(age 9)

Location right know:unknown

Vehicle:68 El camino number 98

History:Yelkavic was born somewhere in the hills of Scotland.he group up with his 6 siblings along with his mom and dad before moving to the us.he has a hard grip on our language so he still has a heavy Scottish accent. Since he group up on earth he is a domestic naga.Know Yelkaic is unlike most Domestic Nagas.He is a Vore Naga Meaning he not only its human food he eats the human carry the food.Yelkavic likes to eat humans,followed by furry s, and if he is really hungry he will eat animals.However he also likes to eat Hamburgers,Pizzas,And Ice Cream.Yelkavic's Current residents is Juno,Alaska.Y he lives there is a mystery to most of his friends.He is A Special Naga for two reasons.One he can drive!!He drives a specially made 1983 Ford bronco.The Second Reason is that his Tailmouth Stalin can talk in 3 different languages including English.Knows here somethin u may not now about him,he has a soft sopt for children.if u were to vist his house u would find about 4 kids living there all were preivosly abused by the parents.Hes proud to be a father and the children love him for taking them from their abusive parents.Yelkavic has many Friends Including Vega{Eurodex's character}.
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