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 The Pendent Ascendent

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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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The Pendent Ascendent - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Pendent Ascendent   The Pendent Ascendent - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSun Apr 09, 2017 9:16 pm

Cherufe screamed against the cold wind slowly walking against it, each bare foot left a deep burn in the plating of the deck but then when Cap'n Quay added his shot to it the creature felt it's vile body turn into solid stone. "Raaaaagh! NOOOOOOOO-" Crack! Cherry was now black volcanic rock, ceasing it's motions.

Otsana peeked around the doorframe upside down, still held by Cailous. "What are you waiting for?? FINISH HIM!!" She said vehemently at the party.

Aquilo didn't need to be told twice. He was feeling more powerful since he ate Ves' lighting. Powerful enough to smash the stupid pumiced fool to stone flecks! He put his hands together. "I never liked you anyway, volcano boobs!" He said spreading his hands and materializing a black spear of crackling lightning which he spun around like a baton. "Olympian Thunder Spear!" He said looking a little psychotic. "I once took off a giant predator's arm with this little bit of battle magic! Say nighty night, you freak!!" He said hurling it at the stone. It smashed into the hardened Cherufe with considerable force and brielfy turned it molten and white hot before the void magics laced into it sucked away Cherufe's body into a miniature singularity then exploded outward with a mightly thunder clap. Those who had sensitive ears were likely not too happy with Aquilo right now! XD
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Seasoned adventurer
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The Pendent Ascendent - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Pendent Ascendent   The Pendent Ascendent - Page 6 Icon_minitimeMon Apr 10, 2017 4:34 pm

Reverie collapsed as the Spear let out its thunderous clap. He covered the sides of his hood, where his ears would be, with his hands. From the ground, he looked up at Aquilo.
"How about a warning next time you're going to do something like that? I've spent the past twenty years training myself to hear the most acute sounds that the dangers of the night may make. I wasn't expecting a storm to go off in my face."
Gale, despite her pointed ears, had hardly any reaction. After all, she was a user of wind magic. She was no stranger to the booming sounds of the world.
After a minute or so, Reverie let his hands fall to the ground. He got up and spoke quietly. "Only one left, right?" He glanced at Aquilo. "Someone with a list, if I recall. Let's get her." He attempted to support himself with his sword, but fell back to the floor.
Gale leaned over him. "Reverie, you're in no shape for another fight."
"If there are still threats aboard this ship-" He sat up. "-We have to deal with them."
"You used the barrier, didn't you."
"Only for a moment."
"Liar." She grew slightly and picked up the exhausted vagabond. "You need to rest before you get yourself hurt."
She dropped him off in the room where Otsana had been and returned wearing his mask.
Mocking his voice, she spoke to the elemental. "We should deal with this threat before it has a chance to present itself. Come now, with the speed of the shadows!" She giggled a little.
A voice called out from the room in an overly annoyed tone. It was somewhat rough, and sounded older than one might've expected. "You must really think I can't hear you. Now bring that thing back."
"I'm afraid I have no idea what you're talking about. I cannot take this mask off. If anyone sees my face, they'll think I'm just some old fool."
"Very funny."
She slipped the mask off for a moment. "I know. I sound just like you." Putting it back on, she turned back towards Aquilo. "Shall we be off on our quest for justice?"
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Lockheed X-17
valiant swordman
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Lockheed X-17

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The Pendent Ascendent - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Pendent Ascendent   The Pendent Ascendent - Page 6 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 20, 2017 1:28 am

Eredor was still out cold. He can't do anything else, as of the moment.

Mako did not notice the vampire assassin and just bum-rushed towards his share of the treasures.
"Good it's still here..." He took all of them and ran away. Then he tripped, spilling all the treasures towards the floor. Then he noticed the vampire assassin.

"Ow... What? Who are you! And what are you doing with my treasures?!"
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Seasoned adventurer
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The Pendent Ascendent - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Pendent Ascendent   The Pendent Ascendent - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSat Apr 22, 2017 7:38 am

(Dame Veseere are you going to post?)

With the situation finally under control Cap'n Quay saw to the patching of the ship. Huge pieces of steel were taken out of reserve and welded over holes where the pirate's had smashed their way into the sides of the ship and some were used to repair bulkheads and floor paneling that Cherufe had burned through. Quay suprised as much as he could before returning to the bridge to get the ship back on course.

Black meanwhile was trying frantically to tell Mako to remove his gag and untie him. It was irritating to try and relay a detailed warning through a damn ball gag. He made a note to kill the fool when he had the ability and chance at it. Or maim him slightly at least.

Jasper saw Aquilo and Reverie comming down and stopped supervising repairs a moment to put up his hand to halt them. "Uh guys? You can't be down here. It's not sage yet. Too many steam pipes a'spewing and bloody fires to put out from where hot ass walked through vital components. We'll be lucky not to crash into the ground at this rate." He said looking saddened that his charge had fallen into such disrepair.
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Seasoned adventurer
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The Pendent Ascendent - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Pendent Ascendent   The Pendent Ascendent - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSun Apr 23, 2017 1:58 pm

Gale continued to imitate Reverie, though it was clearly her beneath the mask. After all, she still refused to wear anything but the borrowed mask.
"But we must get through here, citizen! There is an evil list-bearing fiend beyond!"
The fairy couldn't suppress a giggle.

Meanwhile, Reverie was lying on the cot where Otsana had once been. He covered his face with a hand, should anybody wander in.
In his mind, he devised ways to punish Gale for this prank.

Last edited by WanderingRender on Mon May 01, 2017 7:45 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Lockheed X-17
valiant swordman
valiant swordman
Lockheed X-17

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The Pendent Ascendent - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Pendent Ascendent   The Pendent Ascendent - Page 6 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 28, 2017 1:22 am

Once Mako have understood what the guy was talking about, he then took off the gag that was placed on his mouth. He still didn't take off his binds, gotta make sure of what the guy really intends to do. He readied his sword (the broader one, but it looked invisible), and then pointed it towards the vampire assassin.
"Okay... Speak!" he said.
It looked ridiculous, since Mako looked like he was just brandishing a sword hilt.
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PostSubject: Re: The Pendent Ascendent   The Pendent Ascendent - Page 6 Icon_minitime

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