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 Ok so which pred ate my hard drive?

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7 posters

Which Pred ate my friggin hard drive, darn it?
Ok so which pred ate my hard drive? Vote_lcap0%Ok so which pred ate my hard drive? Vote_rcap
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Ok so which pred ate my hard drive? Vote_lcap11%Ok so which pred ate my hard drive? Vote_rcap
 11% [ 3 ]
Ok so which pred ate my hard drive? Vote_lcap4%Ok so which pred ate my hard drive? Vote_rcap
 4% [ 1 ]
Ok so which pred ate my hard drive? Vote_lcap30%Ok so which pred ate my hard drive? Vote_rcap
 30% [ 8 ]
Ok so which pred ate my hard drive? Vote_lcap7%Ok so which pred ate my hard drive? Vote_rcap
 7% [ 2 ]
Ok so which pred ate my hard drive? Vote_lcap4%Ok so which pred ate my hard drive? Vote_rcap
 4% [ 1 ]
Ok so which pred ate my hard drive? Vote_lcap0%Ok so which pred ate my hard drive? Vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Ok so which pred ate my hard drive? Vote_lcap0%Ok so which pred ate my hard drive? Vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Ok so which pred ate my hard drive? Vote_lcap7%Ok so which pred ate my hard drive? Vote_rcap
 7% [ 2 ]
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot! It's a storm spri-
Ok so which pred ate my hard drive? Vote_lcap37%Ok so which pred ate my hard drive? Vote_rcap
 37% [ 10 ]
Total Votes : 27

Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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Ok so which pred ate my hard drive? Empty
PostSubject: Ok so which pred ate my hard drive?   Ok so which pred ate my hard drive? Icon_minitimeFri Apr 18, 2008 8:02 pm

500gb of anime gone just like that.

Five hundred gigs!!!

Last edited by Raveolution on Fri Apr 18, 2008 8:28 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Master cartographer
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Ok so which pred ate my hard drive? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ok so which pred ate my hard drive?   Ok so which pred ate my hard drive? Icon_minitimeFri Apr 18, 2008 8:14 pm

I bet it's a storm sprites who hacked your computer Evil laugh
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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Ok so which pred ate my hard drive? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ok so which pred ate my hard drive?   Ok so which pred ate my hard drive? Icon_minitimeFri Apr 18, 2008 9:05 pm

gwadahunter2222 wrote:
I bet it's a storm sprites who hacked your computer Evil laugh
Yeah, it definitely devoured all my data, it looks like.

Gotta call Seagate to get a replacement drive. Argh.
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Veteran knight
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Ok so which pred ate my hard drive? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ok so which pred ate my hard drive?   Ok so which pred ate my hard drive? Icon_minitimeSat Apr 19, 2008 5:45 am

Raveolution wrote:
500gb of anime gone just like that.

Five hundred gigs!!!

that sucks, my anime is all on dvd's XD
like a massive stack
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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Ok so which pred ate my hard drive? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ok so which pred ate my hard drive?   Ok so which pred ate my hard drive? Icon_minitimeSat Apr 19, 2008 7:41 am

macdaddy wrote:
Raveolution wrote:
500gb of anime gone just like that.

Five hundred gigs!!!

that sucks, my anime is all on dvd's XD
like a massive stack
Mine too... but I gotta go back and restore them from DVDs, too. That's a long long long long process with 500gb. Sad
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Ok so which pred ate my hard drive? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ok so which pred ate my hard drive?   Ok so which pred ate my hard drive? Icon_minitimeSat Apr 19, 2008 10:27 am

sobsob OH NOES!

That's terrible!
I'm so sorry!

I don't know about eating Hard drives but my fairy friend Lephia likes to make nests inside of them.
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Veteran knight
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Ok so which pred ate my hard drive? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ok so which pred ate my hard drive?   Ok so which pred ate my hard drive? Icon_minitimeTue May 27, 2008 10:32 pm

crisis has been known to eat Tvs
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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Ok so which pred ate my hard drive? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ok so which pred ate my hard drive?   Ok so which pred ate my hard drive? Icon_minitimeTue May 27, 2008 11:36 pm

ouch.... i know that feeling.... T_T
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Seasoned adventurer
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Ok so which pred ate my hard drive? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ok so which pred ate my hard drive?   Ok so which pred ate my hard drive? Icon_minitimeWed May 28, 2008 12:30 am

I've heard through certain contacts that Anna recently acquired a large stash of computer parts from unknown sources. Your HD may be among them. Best of luck getting it back.
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Ok so which pred ate my hard drive? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ok so which pred ate my hard drive?   Ok so which pred ate my hard drive? Icon_minitime

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Ok so which pred ate my hard drive?
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