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 Stupid people/Mini rant

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Naga food

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PostSubject: Stupid people/Mini rant   Stupid people/Mini rant Icon_minitimeWed Sep 03, 2008 7:21 pm

K, so, I work at CVS Pharmacy. I've only been working there like a week. So far, this one woman has done the same thing to me twice. She buys something, I ring it up, I tell her the total, she pays me, I enter the amount of money she gave me into the register so it can calculate the change, my drawer opens and I start getting her change. At this point, the transaction is complete. Suddenly, she tells me that something didn't ring up right. Now, there's a screen facing the customer so they can watch things as they ring up to make sure nothing rings up wrong or rings up multiple times or whatever. She could have told me before I had already started getting her change. So, I finish getting her change and she says she won't accept it until everything is straightened out. I then tell her that I'm just getting the change out to try and keep track of things. I then have to give her a refund on the items that didn't ring up right. Then, I get the money out that she gets back for the refund. I ring up the items that were wrong and change their prices to the correct ones. At this point, she still hasn't taken the change I've given her, but I have her original change in one place and her refunded money in another. I tell her the total and take it from the refunded money. The money left over is her change. Then she tells me I didn't give her enough. Wtf? Will someone please tell me if I did something wrong here, because I can't figure it out. Anyway, this lady is a total bitch about the whole thing and is yelling at me. I happen to cry very easily. It's something I absolutely loathe about myself, but I cry when I get very frustrated or when people are yelling at me for no real reason. I hate it, but I can't help it. So, she's done this to me twice. Wtf, learn to watch the screen so you can catch these things before you fucking pay. It's much easier to fix that way. These are the times it would be nice to have a giant, voracious friend around so you could just feed these people to him or her.

So, discuss: Stupid people and the experiences you've had with them.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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PostSubject: Re: Stupid people/Mini rant   Stupid people/Mini rant Icon_minitimeWed Sep 03, 2008 7:53 pm

yea that happens almost anywhere where you have to deal with the public.
It happens all the time at McDonalds where I work at thank god i make the food and don't have to deal with the public.
I remember this one time we were closed at like midnight and there were still people in the lobby and we had already closed all the fountains and thrown all the food away then one of the customers walks up to the counter and want's to order something after we have been closed for like 30 minutes. Well he gets mad because we can't sell him anything because we are already closed and have everying cleaned, So his response is "Well we're still here so you should be open."
Needless to say we were all angry at this guy, some people even wanted to give him food that had been in the trash but we didn't.

but in your situation you probably should have gotten a manager to help you. but from what I see you didn't do anything wrong people can just be assholes for no reason sometimes.
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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PostSubject: Re: Stupid people/Mini rant   Stupid people/Mini rant Icon_minitimeWed Sep 03, 2008 8:01 pm

She was either:
A) Paranoid, thinking you/CVS was trying to fleece her, or
B) Trying to confuse and frustrate you to fleece you.

I've had a similar experience, but I was the customer.

I was at my local 7-Eleven that I walk to almost every day (even when I have no money). I had $3, enough to buy two candy bars and a can of soda ($2.55). I grab a Junior Mints and a 3 Musketeers, but as I'm placing the box of Junior Mints on the counter, I realize the box has been cleanly ripped open by a razor or knife of some sort. There are about three people waiting in line behind me.

"Wait a second, this box is opened," I tell the clerk calmly as I reach the candy to her. I stare at her for about five seconds. "Don't you want it?"

"Put it back," she tells me in a foreign accent. "Get another."

"But it's opened," I repeated, pointing to the cut. "Should I just throw it out, or--?"

She rambles something somewhat relative to English, but I can't figure out what she says.

"Ohh-kay," I reply, walking back to the candy aisle. I grab another box, place the open box on an empty platform to the side of the aisle, then head back to the counter-- the clerk hasn't begun to ring anyone else up in my absence. I awkwardly glance at the people in line.

"$3.69," the clerk charges me.

My head fell back. "Wait, what?" I ask, reading the last item scanned: King-Size [candy bar]

"$3.69," she repeats.

There I was with blue buds plugging my ears, a tattered shirt, and stained jeans in the middle of a 7-Eleven, unable to afford two candy bars and a soda; it's clear in the eyes of those in line that I'm your everyday punk-ass, no-good trouble-maker who lacks any common sense or mathematical knowledge.

"These aren't king-sized candy bars," I try to convince her in a soft tone.

She slurs something; I can recognize something along the lines of, "I scanned them already--" a response which makes little sense if any in the situation.

"Forget it; I'll just put the Junior Mints back," I quickly reply, walking back to the aisle once more. I wind up paying for a king-sized candy bar which was actually normal-sized, and a soda-- $2.34.
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
Grand Mecha Enthusiast

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PostSubject: Re: Stupid people/Mini rant   Stupid people/Mini rant Icon_minitimeWed Sep 03, 2008 8:18 pm

This is one of the times I'd like to feed the predators with the less than intelligent parts of the gene pool.

I hope you weren't given too much trouble from this poor excuse of a person.
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Naga food

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PostSubject: Re: Stupid people/Mini rant   Stupid people/Mini rant Icon_minitimeWed Sep 03, 2008 8:45 pm

Tankmasterxyz wrote:
yea that happens almost anywhere where you have to deal with the public.
It happens all the time at McDonalds where I work at thank god i make the food and don't have to deal with the public.
I remember this one time we were closed at like midnight and there were still people in the lobby and we had already closed all the fountains and thrown all the food away then one of the customers walks up to the counter and want's to order something after we have been closed for like 30 minutes. Well he gets mad because we can't sell him anything because we are already closed and have everying cleaned, So his response is "Well we're still here so you should be open."
Needless to say we were all angry at this guy, some people even wanted to give him food that had been in the trash but we didn't.

but in your situation you probably should have gotten a manager to help you. but from what I see you didn't do anything wrong people can just be assholes for no reason sometimes.

Ug, I hate people like that! When the store is closed, it's closed, you don't get special treatment because you were too much of a dumbass to buy something while it was open. D:
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Naga food

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PostSubject: Re: Stupid people/Mini rant   Stupid people/Mini rant Icon_minitimeWed Sep 03, 2008 8:50 pm

Sephimink|Kyle wrote:
She was either:
A) Paranoid, thinking you/CVS was trying to fleece her, or
B) Trying to confuse and frustrate you to fleece you.

I've had a similar experience, but I was the customer.

I was at my local 7-Eleven that I walk to almost every day (even when I have no money). I had $3, enough to buy two candy bars and a can of soda ($2.55). I grab a Junior Mints and a 3 Musketeers, but as I'm placing the box of Junior Mints on the counter, I realize the box has been cleanly ripped open by a razor or knife of some sort. There are about three people waiting in line behind me.

"Wait a second, this box is opened," I tell the clerk calmly as I reach the candy to her. I stare at her for about five seconds. "Don't you want it?"

"Put it back," she tells me in a foreign accent. "Get another."

"But it's opened," I repeated, pointing to the cut. "Should I just throw it out, or--?"

She rambles something somewhat relative to English, but I can't figure out what she says.

"Ohh-kay," I reply, walking back to the candy aisle. I grab another box, place the open box on an empty platform to the side of the aisle, then head back to the counter-- the clerk hasn't begun to ring anyone else up in my absence. I awkwardly glance at the people in line.

"$3.69," the clerk charges me.

My head fell back. "Wait, what?" I ask, reading the last item scanned: King-Size [candy bar]

"$3.69," she repeats.

There I was with blue buds plugging my ears, a tattered shirt, and stained jeans in the middle of a 7-Eleven, unable to afford two candy bars and a soda; it's clear in the eyes of those in line that I'm your everyday punk-ass, no-good trouble-maker who lacks any common sense or mathematical knowledge.

"These aren't king-sized candy bars," I try to convince her in a soft tone.

She slurs something; I can recognize something along the lines of, "I scanned them already--" a response which makes little sense if any in the situation.

"Forget it; I'll just put the Junior Mints back," I quickly reply, walking back to the aisle once more. I wind up paying for a king-sized candy bar which was actually normal-sized, and a soda-- $2.34.

I think it was B. Most of the people that work there know who she is and told me after my first encounter with her that she's a bitch and does stuff like this all the time.

I don't get why these places hire people that can't fucking speak English. It's one thing to hire them for a job where their not interacting directly with the customers, but being able to speak English well enough for people to understand you is kind of something you need to be a cashier. And yeah, wtf she totally ripped you off.
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Naga food

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PostSubject: Re: Stupid people/Mini rant   Stupid people/Mini rant Icon_minitimeWed Sep 03, 2008 8:52 pm

Pendragon wrote:
This is one of the times I'd like to feed the predators with the less than intelligent parts of the gene pool.

I hope you weren't given too much trouble from this poor excuse of a person.

Naw, everything was fine as soon as she left. If I did end up giving her too much money back due to her demanding it and telling me I was wrong, it was only like a dollar so it's not a big deal.
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Master cartographer
Master cartographer

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PostSubject: Re: Stupid people/Mini rant   Stupid people/Mini rant Icon_minitimeWed Sep 03, 2008 8:56 pm

you know if I told about my different experience with stupid people it would be a novel Laughing
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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PostSubject: Re: Stupid people/Mini rant   Stupid people/Mini rant Icon_minitimeWed Sep 03, 2008 9:04 pm

I just remembered another one that happened where I work at.
This happened to one of my friends that is a manager there, anyway this new girl that they hired was making an icecream cone well she made it too big for the serving size well my friend throws it away because it is to big for the price and he can't change the price. well the customer see's this monster icecream cone and tell's my friend he want's that one. My friend tell's him that he can't serve that one because it dosen't match the price well the customer who is a full grown man of probably 50 storm's out of the store and calls the owner and get's my friend in trouble over icecream.
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