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 Idea Candies!

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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

Posts : 671
Join date : 2008-09-13

Idea Candies! Empty
PostSubject: Idea Candies!   Idea Candies! Icon_minitimeMon Sep 15, 2008 1:07 am

Okeh, I decided to put some of my ideas for Felarya down into the forum, so it's free use to anyone who wishes to include it into their stories and the like... (but give me a little credit... pwease? XDD)

In two or three years, I'll translate some of it into French (the language I'll be studying soon, next to Mandarin) because French is a pretty language. ^^

I just realized too many people in my family speak Romance Languages (French, Spanish, Portugese, Latin...)

THESE SHALL BE EDITED AND ADDED UPON... it's like 12:50 here though, so if it's all 'guskdjbfsaklfdafejasfjksakfILIKETACOsfjklsd', you know why. XD

Locations! ^^

Tri Town Forest

Tri Town Forest, also known as the Singing Jungle, is a large forest surrounding the Tri Towns, Yume, Robin, and Wa Obe. Each town is seperated by one mile of forest, and three miles from Yume is another location in Tri Town Forest, a large cave connected to a entire underground network. This cave belongs to Abhayankara and Phoebe, and is well known for holding fantastical treasures. Abha protects the three towns in return for them releasing criminals into the forest so he can hunt them down. He also participates in searches for missing children there, so most residents of Tri Town have very little to fear from the Naga, but know they are not allowed into his cave. However, unwary travelers might not be treated so nicely....

The Forest itself seems fairly nondescript, with tall trees and vines and bushes, as well as ferns and thorngolubs. However, it is a popular tourist spot because of a event which happens once a month on a full moon. The leaves of the trees become transparent, and the glow of the moon going through them throws incandescent lights and rainbows throughout the forest, while the sound of a beautiful song can be heard upon the wind.

Another spot in Tri Town Forest, near the very edge of Tri Town Forest and near the Forest of Whispers, is Phoebe's little fortune teller stand, which is famous for it's wobbly stool which she frequently falls off, and yet she refuses to get a new one. However, adventurers beware, you never know what could be waiting in the thick, heavy branches above Pheobe's head.

The Fairies in the Forest of Whispers respect the land as Abhayankara's, but also understand the minute a TriTowner sets foot out of the protection of the forest that they are there for the taking.

Red River
A seemingly abandoned village that reeks with a stiffleing sorrow and the stench of death and terror. The dirt paths along the three streets all connect to a large five story manor, and small builds surround these paths. Each of these paths are dyed red, and various dried blood stains are on the patios or walls of the buildings. Legend says that many, many, many years ago, a man who lost his family slaughtered the entire village and the occupants of the mansion. It is rumored that it is also a cursed place, which is one of the many explainations given to why predators often avoid it. Despite legend saying that no one lives within the village or the manor anymore, it's untrue and uninformed.
The apparently lone resident is L'Ryn (although Sevr often hangs around the area, snatching up people as they pass).

A new legend has sprouted now, that L'Ryn, also known as the Lord of Sanguine (he is part of the secretive Order of Nex, whose apparent function is to keep different places in check so as to not arouse the anger of the Guardians because honestly, who wants that?), keeps adventurers foolish enough to barge into the manor in the cellar, the dungeon so to speak, using them as sustence when he is not in the mood to go hunt or as... something much more horrorifying. However, the few which make it back claim that L'Ryn is a courteous host, albeit a rather strange one, who's only threatening aspect is that he strips one of all possessions, even clothes, before letting them leave, often times making them easy prey to predators, such as Sevr or some fairy passing through.
Which of these are actually true? Who knows... maybe they both are.

Red River is not inhabited by one person alone though. L'Ryn has a soft spot for children, and anytimes he come across a lost one in the forests or jungles he traverses, he quickly takes them to the manor and they become another of his many adopted children. L'Ryn feeds all the people under his care delicious fruits from the orchards in the back of the manor, and nicely cooked human roast (or shrunk humans). When the children are full grown, they may or may not leave, L'Ryn doesn't stop them, although he warns them that they are out of his protection the moment they step foot out from the village. The usual amount of children he has in the manor is twenty.

Sa Ark
Located north of Tri Town Forest, it is a very industrial, but secretive under ground city. No one knows it's true size or real numbers, but since it is getting ready to wage war against the Tri Towns and Abhayankara, it is assumed they are atleast powerful enough to kill a giant naga, they also appear to have some antagonism to the Delurans for some mysterious reason...


Threat: Meduim
Growing to a standard height of twenty feet, although they often had their flowery heads upon the ground, these simple plants resemble giant marigolds, except each petal is covered in a sticky sap. Once captured by the sticky sap, unless you have magic running in your blood, it is nigh-impossible to escape until you're inside. Slowly you are pulled to the middle, where the 'mouth' of the thorngolub swallows you in. You can clearly tell if a thorngolub has recently eaten, because their prey is often seen as a large bulge in the otherwise thin stem!
Curiously, it takes months for a thorngolub to digest it's meal, and the victim is alive inside of the thorngolub... for months. They might not even realize they're being digested! How the thorngolub keeps a victim alive for so long is unknown, but it might have something to do with the very sap they capture prey with.
However, just because you can probably escape the thorngolub if you have some sharp object on you, doesn't mean you'll get the chance to. Often, large predators find victims of thorngolubs a delicious sweet and minty treat (although some seem to be more cinnamon-y like), that refreshens one's breath!
The reason why the plants are called thorngolubs is simply because of all the thorns around the base of the plant.
These plants, though, primarily grow in Tri Town Forest and oddly, appear to have adapted somehow to Frost Peak.
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