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 Changelings (Fairy-human hybrid disucssion)

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Changelings (Fairy-human hybrid disucssion) Empty
PostSubject: Changelings (Fairy-human hybrid disucssion)   Changelings (Fairy-human hybrid disucssion) Icon_minitimeTue Dec 23, 2008 2:06 pm

I read about the potential for fairy-human hybrids in this thread and I felt that if we're defining the hybrids of fairies and elementals, why not define the traits of a human-fairy hybrid? I figured it would be nice to flesh out what exactly are their capabilities. The most important questions IMO is this: what would they look like (wings? anntenae? Pointed ears?) and would they have the ability to shrink people? Would they be able to change their own size? How are they treated by humans, nekos etc? Would the crystal in Negav affect them? What would happen with a three way hybrid-one of a human and an elemental hybrid fairy?
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Cog in the Machine
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PostSubject: Re: Changelings (Fairy-human hybrid disucssion)   Changelings (Fairy-human hybrid disucssion) Icon_minitimeTue Dec 23, 2008 2:41 pm

Appearance likely wouldn't vary too much - if their genetic stock is compatible, there can't be that much room for change.

Shrinking would be a likely ability, though maybe at a weaker scale than the average faeries naturally (For instance, their innate shrink ability being limited to eight feet instead of twelve, but still capable of reaching 12' shrink possibilities with learned spells).

Size changing, likewise, would probably be limited naturally.

When it comes to treatment, I see them likely being treated poorly by humans and faeries. First because they'd still likely have a voracious nature that people would not be fond of, and the second because of their stunted abilities making them less fun to play with than full-bloods.

The Crystal in Negav.... feth it. It changes so much in stories I'm not sure how to answer this. Some people have it so that the only thing it limits is the size of a Predator entering (Meaning that if a Faerie shrunk, walked in, then grew again, it'd be fine!). Others have it so that almost anything not human or neko is blocked completely. I'd say it would depend on the author.

A three-way hybrid would likely be impossible unless we are to assume a lack of sterility. In that case, probably stunted powers for the Faerie and Elemental parts, and appearing less humanoid. You could probably see it as so (power-scaled) when it comes to innate skills:
+ Elemental
+ Faerie
+ Elemental Faerie hybrid
+ Elemental Faerie Human hybrid
+ Faerie Human hybrid
+ Human

While there would be a bit more power to the 3-way than Faerie-Human or Human base, the three-way would be worse off in the long run due to having to specialize in three separate fields. Sure, if given enough time it could probably surpass all the above... but that would be a lot of time necessary to master itself in all three sub-species fields.
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Temple scourge
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Changelings (Fairy-human hybrid disucssion) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Changelings (Fairy-human hybrid disucssion)   Changelings (Fairy-human hybrid disucssion) Icon_minitimeMon Mar 23, 2009 2:23 pm

Malahite wrote:
When it comes to treatment, I see them likely being treated poorly by humans and faeries. First because they'd still likely have a voracious nature that people would not be fond of, and the second because of their stunted abilities making them less fun to play with than full-bloods.
But wouldn't that depend on where they're raised? You've got humans raised in the forests not to care about fairies eating humans (see French_Snack's story on Felarya), and then you have the likes of Rin.

Half breeds are the one and only time that I would bend over backwards to keep something not fully human from Felarya, in our camp from infancy up. And treat them well.

Quote :
but that would be a lot of time necessary to master itself in all three sub-species fields.
One raised in Negav City as a friend of humans wise enough to know their potential, would be just the type to pull that off.

As for the Isolon Eye... could it be that it rejects anyone who is voracious? Could Rin come into there? Could a fairy half breed with no taste at all for humans, come in there?
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Evil admin
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Changelings (Fairy-human hybrid disucssion) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Changelings (Fairy-human hybrid disucssion)   Changelings (Fairy-human hybrid disucssion) Icon_minitimeMon Mar 23, 2009 3:42 pm

Sadly yes Rin would be repelled by the eyes as others nagas, this is not a quesiorn of appetite but nature. There is exceptions though !
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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Changelings (Fairy-human hybrid disucssion) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Changelings (Fairy-human hybrid disucssion)   Changelings (Fairy-human hybrid disucssion) Icon_minitimeMon Apr 27, 2009 8:26 am

Honestly, not that I have any say here, some times the best way to handle things like this in a fantisy world, expetualy one with alot of chimeras like Felarya is the child is the same race as the mother... and there you go.

Hey I like science and realism as much as the next guy, but some times it just helps to cheat.
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Changelings (Fairy-human hybrid disucssion) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Changelings (Fairy-human hybrid disucssion)   Changelings (Fairy-human hybrid disucssion) Icon_minitimeMon Apr 27, 2009 8:32 am

Karbo wrote:
Sadly yes Rin would be repelled by the eyes as others nagas, this is not a quesiorn of appetite but nature. There is exceptions though !

What kind of 'exceptions'? Does it matter where they come from?
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Friend of the Jotun
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PostSubject: Re: Changelings (Fairy-human hybrid disucssion)   Changelings (Fairy-human hybrid disucssion) Icon_minitimeMon Apr 27, 2009 11:13 am

Hmmm...think I used a fairy-human hybrid somewhere. I had shrinking an ability, but not growing or shrinking themselves. So it was like a human, but with fairy abilities. I think that wouldn't make them that popular in most cities...
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PostSubject: Re: Changelings (Fairy-human hybrid disucssion)   Changelings (Fairy-human hybrid disucssion) Icon_minitime

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