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 Felaryan Adventures

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3 posters

what do you do?
investigate the crying
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 100% [ 6 ]
carry on walking
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 0% [ 0 ]
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Total Votes : 6

Douchebag of the year
Douchebag of the year

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PostSubject: Felaryan Adventures   Felaryan Adventures Icon_minitimeSat Feb 21, 2009 5:01 am

this story is in second person every Saturday i will post a new part dependant on the poll results i will post it with the next poll the character will be describe at the beginning of the story

Story# trapped in a strange land
Character;You are a 22 year old man named Michael you are skilled with computers and maps,you are a sprinter and you always carry around your trusty pistol,it has never let you down and when trouble arises you put others before your self.

You are running along the ships corridors as you rush to get to the escape pod,as you get closer an explosion blocks your path you wait a few seconds for the flames to dye down.Running as fast as you can you enter the pod,by diving through its closing door.You gasp for breathe as you take your seat next to a blond woman you look around you noticing there are five others including the pilot with you in the escape pod.The pod lurches forward and you feel yourself hurtled forward as the pod is ejected from the ship,glancing out of the pods view port you look just in time to see the ship explode.You shed a tear for your lost crew mates as your looking out you notice three over escape pods had managed to escape from the ship the pod lurches, you see outside from the view port you find it odd that one minute you were in space the next you were hurtling at great speed towards land, which had appeared from nowhere.But you didn't care about that now, you just cared that soon you would be able to step foot upon ground once again.

The pod lurches and crashes through the foliage hitting the ground with great force before you black out.When you wake yo look around the pod you notice the pilot standing over the blond woman and treating her wounds you also notice two of the survivors missing and the pod's door had been ripped clean off....
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PostSubject: Re: Felaryan Adventures   Felaryan Adventures Icon_minitimeSat Feb 21, 2009 7:39 am

Copycat Wink

In order to edit polls, you need moderator privileges. I'll be happy to help you with it. Just send me a PM whenever you want me to edit the polls. Make sure you include the question and all the choices on separate lines. Good luck with your story Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: Felaryan Adventures   Felaryan Adventures Icon_minitimeSat Feb 21, 2009 8:00 am

Lol, I didn't know my name was so popular xD
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Douchebag of the year
Douchebag of the year

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PostSubject: Re: Felaryan Adventures   Felaryan Adventures Icon_minitimeSat Feb 28, 2009 1:04 am

1.check to see if the woman is OK 3
2.go to find the other survivors 2
3.salvage what equipment you can 0

You let out a groan your still disoriented from the crash you look over to the pilot and the girl you struggle to remember the girls name when it suddenly comes to you 'Rebecca',you put a hand on her to check her pulse but the pilot stops you from putting your hand on her.

"she's fine Michael" the pilot assures you.

"she's alive then?" you asks out of curiousity.

"erm not exactly she's dead" the pilot says casually you find this news disturbing but it's also clear to you that the pilot didn't seem to care

"David what's the matter with you, your usually kinder than this" you ask the pilot with a gentle smile

"it's just...let's just move out" he says although it is quite obvious he is hiding something, unfortunately you missed this and step out into the bright daylight, you take a moment to adjust to the light David follows and taps you on the shoulder causing you to jump with fright, laughing the two of you walk towards a dense part of the foliage leaving the clearing behind. soon after walking for what seemed like a child crying you look at David with a puzzled look.
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Douchebag of the year
Douchebag of the year

Posts : 2114
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PostSubject: Re: Felaryan Adventures   Felaryan Adventures Icon_minitimeSat Mar 07, 2009 8:45 am

1.investigate the crying - 6
2.carry on walking - 0
3.nothing - 0

You look directly at David shrugging you ignore the crying and walk forward away from the crying, but curiosity gets the better of you as you turn and run in the direction of the crying oddly enough David was right behind you before but now he doesn't seem to be anywhere at all.
As you walk you find yourself entering a clearing you see what appears to be a girl with the bottom half of a spider! your instinct's tell you to run but your personality knows you can't leave this girl cautiously.
Suddenly the girl turns and lunges at you before you can react the girl knocks the wind from you after a few minutes of the girls punches you fall to the ground unconscious.

you groan as you regain consiousness you try to move your body but your stuck to something wet and sticky as your vision clears you notice that you are being held inplace by a hge spiders web fear takes over and you stuggle but after a few minutes of useless struggling you resign yourself.

"aw you gave up to quick"a voice says from the side of you looking you notice the girl standing on the web smiling "hmm your no fun"she says pouting.

"ah well time for lunch!"
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PostSubject: Re: Felaryan Adventures   Felaryan Adventures Icon_minitime

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