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 the camping trip

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Douchebag of the year
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PostSubject: Re: the camping trip   the camping trip - Page 11 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 16, 2009 1:40 pm

Rose looked at the cannibal leader mving over and kneeling down next to her "if you hadn't tried to eat me then i'd pity you"she says flatly watching john struggle with the cannibal leader "i highly doubt she's gonna hold still i know i well i didn't have a chance to fight back"she says sitting down infront of the cannibal leader smiling.
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The Joker
Clown Prince of Crime
Clown Prince of Crime
The Joker

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PostSubject: Re: the camping trip   the camping trip - Page 11 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 16, 2009 1:52 pm

"Ah, yes, I remember. Still, Rose, people don't eat their pets, now do they?" Jayla said with a smile at Rose. She turned her attention to the spit, licking her lips at the leader of the cannibals who had given them so much trouble.

Just then, a voice yelled out "Surprise!" and a Liena wet from blood and saliva jumped onto the cannibal, quickly wrapping her in silk before she could do anything. She then plunged her fangs into where the cannibal's neck was, and began to suck the blood from her. A muffled scream could be heard from the struggling silk, but eventually, it stopped. After she was done, she wiped her mouth, and broke the ropes binding Arin with her bare hands as she said, "Arin! Are you okay?!"
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Douchebag of the year
Douchebag of the year

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PostSubject: Re: the camping trip   the camping trip - Page 11 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 16, 2009 2:00 pm

Arin got to her feet looking at liena and then at the corpse of the cannibal she turned away from liena taking the plum out from her mouth before vomiting on the floor.Arin smiled giving liena a thumbs up before she vomited again she straightened herself up coughing "yeah i'm fine but THAT! was disgusting"she says smiling a little wiping vomit from her mouth.

Rose smiled looking up at jayla "hmm not the people i know anyway"she says smiling she then sits down leaning against jayla watching the canibal leader on the spit.
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Friend of the Jotun
Friend of the Jotun

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PostSubject: Re: the camping trip   the camping trip - Page 11 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 16, 2009 4:51 pm

"You pervert! Stop touching me!" said the cannibal leader as John slowly rubbed in the spices. He ignored her and tasted her. He nodded, taking her off the spit. He found a flat piece of wood and bound her with some sweet grass. The bandit leader was trussed up like a pig and couldn't escape.

"Done..." he mumbled, moving the makeshift plate close to Jayla.

"No! No, wait!" said the cannibal. Her arrogant attitude was failing. "I wasn't really going to eat you! Just taste! It was a joke! No, please, let me go now! I don't taste good!"
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The Joker
Clown Prince of Crime
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PostSubject: Re: the camping trip   the camping trip - Page 11 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 16, 2009 10:44 pm

Jayla reached down and picked up the cannibal, bringing her up to her face. She brought the cannibal to her mouth as she she said, "If your cruelty to me was indeed a joke, it wasn't a very funny one. As for your taste..." The dryad then extended her tongue and touched the cannibal's face. She pulled her tongue back in, continuing her sentence with, "...you taste perfectly fine to me."

Jayla then opened her mouth, finished talking to the formerly proud leader. She gently lowered the cannibal onto her tongue, and closed her mouth until she was left in the warm, wet darkness. The dryad then slowly thrusted the hunter to the roof of her mouth, slowly sucking her as she let out a drawn out "Mmmmmm..."


"Hey, I'm a dridder, it's what I do. Besides, you've got a perfectly good plum to eat, and Jayla can give you plenty of fruit to eat when we get back. Anyway, let's see if we can't find where Jayla and Rose are." Liena said, offering a hand to Arin to help her up.
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Friend of the Jotun
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PostSubject: Re: the camping trip   the camping trip - Page 11 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 16, 2009 10:56 pm

The cannibal tried to struggle, but being trussed up, this was difficult. She was stuck being tossed around in Jayla's mouth like a piece of candy. She alternated between weeping and swearing angrily, at both Jayla and John.


John sat back and watched. He looked again at the tag he had taken off his pants. He didn't really understand. He read it again. What did this mean he should do next?
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The Joker
Clown Prince of Crime
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PostSubject: Re: the camping trip   the camping trip - Page 11 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 16, 2009 11:24 pm

After she had licked all the flavoring off of the cannibal, Jayla pushed her past her uvula and swallowed, a bulge appearing in her throat as she went down. She usually sent spores to her stomach to make her victim or victims fall asleep so that they didn't feel any pain from breaking down their bodies. However, cosidering what she had done to her friends, she decided not to. Besides, it would make her fruit much sweeter if she didn't make the spores.

She rubbed her belly happily, and looked at John who was reading the tag. "Are you having trouble understanding that?" she asked, a bit curious as to what was on the paper.
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Friend of the Jotun
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PostSubject: Re: the camping trip   the camping trip - Page 11 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 16, 2009 11:27 pm

"I don't know." he said. He stood up. "I think you're supposed to kill me. I appear to be some sort of created being. If you can find out what made me and bring back my body, it says you get a reward. I'm sure you could use that."

The cannibal leader screamed. She managed to get the ropes undone as some acid weakened it. She banged on the side of the stomach wall.

"Let me out! Let me out!" She felt a drop of acid on her shoulder and realized that it was only just starting. She began to swear at Jayla again.
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The Joker
Clown Prince of Crime
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PostSubject: Re: the camping trip   the camping trip - Page 11 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 16, 2009 11:32 pm

"Really? Let me read it. I've learned written language from some humans I've befriended in the past." Jayla said, ignoring the swearing cannibal's plea to be let out.
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Douchebag of the year
Douchebag of the year

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PostSubject: Re: the camping trip   the camping trip - Page 11 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 16, 2009 11:36 pm

Arin smiled "i guess your right"she says climbing onto liena's hand she shuddered slightly wiping a bit of saliva off from her body before she moved into a sittin position upon liena's hand "yeah but anyway you could easily do that to me how i can i trust you again after seeing you do something like that"

Rose sighed scratching her head she cold hear the cannibals swearing and it made her shake her head she looking to john "but what are you going eat now john?"
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Friend of the Jotun
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PostSubject: Re: the camping trip   the camping trip - Page 11 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 16, 2009 11:39 pm

John shrugged. "Whatever I can find, I suppose. I don't really know if I even need to digest meat. I just like the taste." He passed the tag to Jayla, though he doubted she could make much out of it.

He sat down. "From the looks of that, I'm not even a real person. So if you figure out where I came from, feel free to kill me and turn me in. I assume they'll rebuild me with a fixed brain."
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The Joker
Clown Prince of Crime
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The Joker

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PostSubject: Re: the camping trip   the camping trip - Page 11 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 16, 2009 11:52 pm

"Well, one, we've been through WAY too much for me to even consider that. Two, you're too small for me to consider you a meal. I prefer you as an appetizer or a desert." She smiled, and went over to a nearby stream, taking in some water and sloshing it around in her mouth, then swallowing. "Anyway, we both need a bath. I'm gonna suck on you while I take mine, then I'll give you yours."

With that, Liena threw Arin up into the air, and opened her mouth to accept the tasty snack. When Arin landed on her tongue with a *plop*, she closed her mouth and began to suck on the human as she went into the stream, washing off the blood and the saliva from digging her way out of the cannibal's stomach.

Jayla looked at the tag for a moment, then gave it back to John, saying, "Well, it says to do so when you're broken. You look just fine to me." She then plucked a rather large fruit from one of her branches, and offered it to John.
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Friend of the Jotun
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PostSubject: Re: the camping trip   the camping trip - Page 11 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 17, 2009 12:01 am

John took the fruit and ate it. "It's very good" he said thougtfully. "I just assumed that if I wasn't broken I would know what I was doing. Well...I don't see anyway to track that down, so we might as well forget about it."

He thought. "I might need to eat somebody eventually. But I don't feel that hungry for that specifically." He looked at his wings and then the rest of him. "It looks like I'm only half-fairy...so maybe I only need half the fairy food and half the human food..."
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The Joker
Clown Prince of Crime
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The Joker

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PostSubject: Re: the camping trip   the camping trip - Page 11 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 17, 2009 12:21 am

"Well, if it helps, treasure hunters usually come through this area, looking for gold so they can be famous. Many of them are new to Felarya, and never expect giant predators like us. If you're careful, you can catch them quite easily." Jayla said to John. She sniffed the air, and said, "In fact, I think there are some coming this way now."
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Friend of the Jotun
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PostSubject: Re: the camping trip   the camping trip - Page 11 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 17, 2009 12:30 am

"Hmm." he said. "I seem to be able to shrink and grow other people fairly well...I find changing my own height fairly difficult. How do you hunt without being able to move?" he said, moving into the foliage around her base to conceal himself.
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Douchebag of the year
Douchebag of the year

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PostSubject: Re: the camping trip   the camping trip - Page 11 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 17, 2009 12:47 am

Arin shivered inside liena's mouth even though she knew that no harm would come to her it was realy unerving to be inside liena's mouth again and she was sure that she could smell blood.

Rose smiled she decided it was best not to move maybe she could distract the people so that jayla and john could easily eat them she smiled resting out now nearby to the fire warming her hands.
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The Joker
Clown Prince of Crime
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The Joker

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PostSubject: Re: the camping trip   the camping trip - Page 11 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 17, 2009 1:04 am

"Well, first, I camoflauge myself..." Jayla said, now making herself look like a treetop so that she could fool the treasure seekers, "...and then I wait 'til they get close. Now...here they come." As she finished talking, a group of the treasure hunters began to come through.

After she had finished washing herself, Liena opened her mouth and took Arin out. She placed her on the palm of her hand, and lowered her hand into the water so that Arin could wash herself off.
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Douchebag of the year
Douchebag of the year

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PostSubject: Re: the camping trip   the camping trip - Page 11 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 17, 2009 1:11 am

Arin smiled she poured water on herself and washed away the saliva from her body she poured water into her washing that two she also soaked her legs in the water having takn her trousers off earlier she took her top off so that she could wash every bit of her body she was now naked and didn't notice her clothes wash away.

Rose smiled she sat by the fire warming her hands as the treasure hunters aproached she wondered if they were violent or kind or if they would even talk to her at all.
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Friend of the Jotun
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PostSubject: Re: the camping trip   the camping trip - Page 11 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 17, 2009 1:14 am

John watched the group of travelers. Small, mostly human, dressed in hiking gear. He looked particulary at one blond and tanned female at the front. She looked delicious and he was imagining how to cook her.

"I'll have the one in front." he said.
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The Joker
Clown Prince of Crime
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The Joker

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PostSubject: Re: the camping trip   the camping trip - Page 11 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 17, 2009 1:06 pm

The blonde girl that John mentioned had a serious look in her eye, and looked like she had a mean streak as well. She looked at a wrinkled old map that she had, and then looked at Rose. She pointed at her and yelled "Hey, cat ears! I know there's treasure around here somewhere! Where is it?!" Jayla instantly decided that she didn't like her.

Liena, meanwhile, had made a silk pouch, and plucked Arin's clothes out of the water and placed them in the pouch. "Well, let me know when you're ready to go, Arin." she said.
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Douchebag of the year
Douchebag of the year

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PostSubject: Re: the camping trip   the camping trip - Page 11 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 17, 2009 1:18 pm

Rose blinked getting to her feet looking at the girl in a soft mannor with a small smile on her face resisting the urge to punch her in the face she gasped "welll now there's no need to bee rude and anyway i have no idea what you are talking about"she says aproaching the blonde girl poking her in the chest "and even if i did know i would not tell a rude human such as you"

Arin smiled up at liena "ok i'm ready all clean now anyway"she says smiling as she sits down in liena's hand.
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The Joker
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PostSubject: Re: the camping trip   the camping trip - Page 11 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 17, 2009 1:26 pm

"Oh, yeah?! I bet you're lying to me, aren't you?! You better tell me where it is..." She then pulled out a pistol and pointed it at Rose. "...or else I'll blow your brains out!!"

The others did nothing to stop her, except one, a burnette female in her thirties stepped up to her saying, "Please, stop! This isn't right!"

The blonde then turned around and backhanded the woman while still pointing the gun at Rose, who fell to the ground, putting a hand to her cheek where she slapped her. "If you want to still be on the team, so you get your portion of the treasure for your stupid sob story about your kids, I suggest you shut up and get back with the others!!" The burnette meekly did as she was told and went back with the others.

While that was going on, Jayla made her face visible, and looked at John, mouthing the word, 'Now.'

"Alright. Let's go." Liena said with a smile, crawling out of the water back to the others. "By the way, here are your clothes." the dridder said, handing her the clothes she took off while bathing.
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Douchebag of the year
Douchebag of the year

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PostSubject: Re: the camping trip   the camping trip - Page 11 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 17, 2009 2:54 pm

Rose swallowed nervously watching the gun infront of her if the others didn't act soon there was a chance she would be shot,rose thought for a minute seeing how she would get out of this "go on then shoot me but if you do then you will not find the treasure you'd just shoot me i'd be dead and you would be here lost and fall prey to the creatures of this forest i'm pretty sure i know the way"she says smiling "it's your choice realy shoot me and you'll lose one of the only people who may know were the treasure is and i will not go with you,you coul probably force me to but what the hey"she says turning away from the girl she walked a few feet away before turning and looking back at the girls gun.

A man grabbed rose's wrist "if she doesn't talk now maybe we culd persuade her two i have some things with me i'll give a collar and a leesh then she'll have to come were we want her too"he says placing a leather strap around rose's throat with rope atached he gave a harsh pull on the rope forcing rose forward "i'm sure in time she'll learn to respect us that or well she has some meat on her and we are running low on food i reckon we could last at least three days on her"he ays handing the rop to the blonde girl while it was atached to rose who was struggling trying to remove it.

Ari n shrugged looking at the clothes "ah doesn't matter liena i'm gonna wait until there dry before i put them back on anyway"she says smiling as she looked over liena's fingers.
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Friend of the Jotun
Friend of the Jotun

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PostSubject: Re: the camping trip   the camping trip - Page 11 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 17, 2009 3:58 pm

John saw that the people were all within reach of Jayla's branchs and roots. He leaned in very close and in a moment, shrunk the blond girl, then snatched her off the ground before anyone noticed. Her screams were too tiny to be noticed. He looked at her. Pretty well built. He'd have to enlarge her later and maybe cook her.
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Douchebag of the year
Douchebag of the year

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PostSubject: Re: the camping trip   the camping trip - Page 11 Icon_minitimeSat Apr 18, 2009 1:33 pm

Rose gasped pulling on the color that was now being held by another girl she couldn't escape from the clor and screamed out as the girl gave a harsh tug on the rope atached to her collar she whimpered tears coming out of her eyes she had fallen over onto the floor when the collar had been pulled she felt something fall onto her head lightly she turned to see that one of the other females was sprinkling herbs on her "you get the pot ready"the girl says to the the group.

"you can't do this to me it's not fair"Rose complains aloud.

"no no i know it's not fair that's why were just tenderising you so we don'thave to cook you later on"the girl says smiling giving a pull on rose's collar.

A pot had been placed over the fire rose had been warming her hands over the pot wwas filled with water and the people threw rose inside and began adding vegtables,herbs and spices to her someone even began rubbing honey onto rose adding it to her face shoulders and breasts everything that was out of the water of her was covered in honey while rose sat terified in the pot.
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PostSubject: Re: the camping trip   the camping trip - Page 11 Icon_minitime

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