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 What does Felarya mean to you?

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PostSubject: What does Felarya mean to you?   What does Felarya mean to you? Icon_minitimeThu Feb 10, 2011 12:49 pm

In light of recent situations, I often thought that for the past few months a thread like this would be important. Now that I read the thread about the petition and what happened as a result (I say 'happened' in an effort to make it feel like the storm is diffusing quickly) I can suggest that we ALL take a step back for a bit.

What does Felarya mean to you? How is it important? What do you want to do? How has Felarya inspired you to do things? Do you remember how you came to Felarya?

Answering these questions in a group discussion might help to bring us all back together to realize a common ground we can work back up from. A way to heal ourselves, to calm down. I have been in charge of many group discussions before, in very meaningful situations - and talking about things with an open heart is hard (so not everyone has to participate if they don't feel like it) but it will help us grow closer, and maybe we can realize just how much Felarya means to us, that we can go back to those days where it was fun.

So whoever's reading this: feel to answer those questions and put them here.

Felarya for me was the first community I came across that was involved in vore. In about October of 2008 a friend of mine mentioned something he saw on Adult Swim, and had the word vore in there. He told me about it, and then I suddenly realized what was missing.

I knew I was into this vore, and immediately I began searching for pictures over the next month or so that contained vore. Quickly the first thing I came across was the Felarya IRC, and after visiting the greatnuke site, and learning that it's a vore world I joined up quickly, and started developing Mara as a character.

Mara to me means everything that is Felarya, she is all the effort I have put in to make her a lovable, fiercely loyal person, someone beautiful who I have created and that I can look back at and not be ashamed.

Then I found the wiki, and thought it would be cool if she was canonized, so I started trying to write stories, and for that I reactivated my old deviantART account just so that I could write stories about Felarya, about Mara, and be proud. After coming to this forum in spring of 2009 I received lots of great feedback on her bio, and started writing stories.

I picked up my pencil that I had abandoned for the last 10 years, just so that I could practice drawing her. I walked down the streets and was not afraid to talk about this world.

Felarya means SO much to me, it has inspired me to write for the first time since the 4th grade, and Inspired me to draw for the first time since 7th. I have poured my love into trying to help develop Felarya as I saw it, in the hopes that Karbo would see my ideas as being worth to be on the wiki.

My hopes are now to help mend this community as much I can. I am not Karbo, but that doesn't mean I can't help. This is my story so far, and I hope that all of you can come back and we can reassess ourselves in an attempt to heal.
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Keeper of Flat Chests

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PostSubject: Re: What does Felarya mean to you?   What does Felarya mean to you? Icon_minitimeThu Feb 10, 2011 1:01 pm

Oh man, I've known about Felarya for some time... I can't remember when I first learned about it... I think I was 16. I found some vore pics on an image dump site, and I was like "Wait, that weird fascination I have with getting eaten is a fetish?" so I searched dA, found Karbo and Felarya, and I'll admit, I lurked for a while, but at the very end of 2009, I finally threw my hat into the ring.

Felarya is unbelievably important to me. Not only have I met so many friends, but I became an author, and my art has improved in leaps and bounds. I created Ruby, who has become a very important part of me, and it's just been a great experience. Yeah, shit happens now and then, but I know that the desire for peace will always overcome any negative emotions.

I just love Felarya and I'll be damned if anything bad happens to it...
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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PostSubject: Re: What does Felarya mean to you?   What does Felarya mean to you? Icon_minitimeThu Feb 10, 2011 1:04 pm

Archmage_Bael wrote:

Felarya means SO much to me, it has inspired me to write for the first time since the 4th grade, and Inspired me to draw for the first time since 7th. I have poured my love into trying to help develop Felarya as I saw it, in the hopes that Karbo would see my ideas as being worth to be on the wiki.

I also got turned into a bagel.

My hopes are now to help mend this community as much I can. I am not Karbo, but that doesn't mean I can't help. This is my story so far, and I hope that all of you can come back and we can reassess ourselves in an attempt to heal.

I saw you accidentally forgot to include the most important part of the great saga, so I added it for you.

Anyway, to me Felarya is a small reprieve from the daily grind. I come here to read stories and see artwork of a place that while built on a fetish, has inspired some really interesting writing and artwork into fruition. I add what I can when I can, but I have never asked anything I ever wrote to become "canon" or whatever. I was thrilled when Karbo SKETCHED a character i wrote, having exactly 0 art potential myself it is interesting to see how someone else created a picture in their mind of something you wrote.

I really think people get too hung up on what is and isn't in the wiki. I always thought that line should always begin, circle around, and end at Karbo.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: What does Felarya mean to you?   What does Felarya mean to you? Icon_minitimeThu Feb 10, 2011 1:16 pm

I like this post and topic, a very good one to give us all a good idea on our own perspectives and even more insight into others. With that in mind I will reply as well, despite how silent I usually am heh.

Felarya to me was something grand and new- I came across the world shortly after discovering vore and I admit to being a lurker for over a year or so. What can I say, I'm pretty shy and I was still just coming to terms with the whole fact I was into vore heh. Getting over that shyness I started looking into things a lot more and began reading....and reading many many things from nearly every contributor. I found a world filled with such a great varied of life filled characters and stories that the people writing them truly cared about and it was touching to me and I greatly enjoyed seeing how much people loved their creations.

Eventually I decided to go ahead and stop lurking, if only to offer my support for those many writers and artists who I saw to give them words of encouragement to keep on and continue showing their love for their works. I never anticipated joining in myself...I'd never written anything before ever honestly, but I was greeted with kind words of encouragement to go ahead and give it my try with these lines:

"...don't be afraid to try to write or draw if you want to. No one will make fun of you-and everything you do helps Felarya to grow just a little bit more."

And so with those words of encouragement I took my first steps and figured I would try my hand. Never having written before my first works...well they were crude heh, but they did lead to the invention of the Titan Lore which I was happy to of helped with Smile. Eventually this led me to creating Ciel...and I honestly love her so very much. I realized I made my own character that I began to love as I had seen of others and their care for their works and I can't help but smile thinking of that genuine care that we give to our works for nothing more than just for caring that much about them.

Felarya to me is fantasy world still, but one in which I can enjoy the simple joy of simply creating and watching how these fascinating characters live in such a unique world. It is a very important world to me, with all the many other things going on in my life I find it to be a place of simple calm happiness amongst everything else despite what may be going on. I come here knowing I will find a nice calm happiness. As for what I want to do in regards to Felarya...I want to see Ciel and my characters grow and live their lives amongst the endless possibilities it presents- go through adventures, ordinary days in their lives and of course the chance occurences of meeting others who share the world they live heh. Felarya has inspired me very very much; I've never cared for something as deeply as this or my characters and that of others as well. I want to create and do the best I can for them not for myself, but for my characters sake and the enjoyment of others.

And that is my story as it stands. Hope I didn't bore anyone or sound too sappy heh Razz.
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PostSubject: Re: What does Felarya mean to you?   What does Felarya mean to you? Icon_minitimeThu Feb 10, 2011 1:20 pm

For me it's the only online community I've ever been involved in. It has actually taught me in a small way how to write fiction, something that I've always wanted to do. There are alot of good people here. I may not be active anymore, or I might not be in love with the setting anymore, but this place has special meaning regardless. If anything happened to this community...
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: What does Felarya mean to you?   What does Felarya mean to you? Icon_minitimeThu Feb 10, 2011 1:24 pm

I first learned of Felarya by a compilation of pictures from Karbo and Tifalover on Youtube somewhere in 2007. After that, I began lurking around his folder on Eka, since I didn't have much interest in dA at the time. In early 2008, I joined the forum and eventually dA.

My first outing was less than pleasing. I was way overzealous and quickly got mad that the few characters I had written didn't get added to the wiki or got drawn, and that nobody checked my stories. I eventually moved them to dA, where I got no success. I think that was when I began following Karbo's dA page. Even back then, I caused a lot of tensions, but mostly among people themselves.

After some "advices", I stopped my earliest stories and read some of the two oldest tales of the setting and began to rework my own tale after some advice. The rest is history.

As for what Felarya is to me, go look at my original stories, they've sank to the abyss of the Story Forum, and then compare them to something like Tales of Adventurers. Felarya was the first, and only so far, setting that got me into writing about it. Sure, my writing didn't improve only thanks to it, but it gave me some sort of passion for writing about a character and develop it.

While I may have moved away from centering everything around vore, it's still an endearing aspect to me and one of the reasons why I'm still here. Granted, I prefer it when it doesn't swallow the entire plot, but when pulled well, the images of a beautiful woman swallowing a live prey whole, and that you can see said prey as a lump on her neck squirming downward, it tickles my inner nerd.
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Cog in the Machine
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PostSubject: Re: What does Felarya mean to you?   What does Felarya mean to you? Icon_minitimeThu Feb 10, 2011 3:04 pm

What does Felarya mean to you?

Fantasy World that is predominantly under Karbo's control, with notable Vorish tendencies that have decreased in overall necessity / importance in recent years.

How is it important?

Er, to me it isn't. No offense to Karbo or fellow forumites or anything, but it's just a leisure time thing. There's really only one "Forum" I would consider important to me, and I've been networking on it for well over five years, so it's a bit different from the rest.

What do you want to do?

Going to avoid this one, as I'm predominantly just going with the flow. If something's said I agree with, I comment. If an opening is brought up, I give my idea on how to plug it. If I disagree with something, I'll make myself heard. That's about it, really, and I don't particularly have any drive to change the status quo (well, except to tell the people trying to make it only-Vore or only-Fantasy "Oi, sod off a bit").

How has Felarya inspired you to do things?

About the only thing I can think of it inspiring is the way I perceive magic now. I quite like a system of "Pluck the strands of magic." Of course, if I had just waited about three months, I would have been shown this by Erfworld anyways, but eh - six month's time is three month's time.

Do you remember how you came to Felarya?

Saw that Karbo was planning to add story to the realm and make it something more than predominantly Vore (not a Vorian), thought "Interesting." Then saw he was planning to make a forum, joined with the forum, been on here since about then.
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
Grand Mecha Enthusiast

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PostSubject: Re: What does Felarya mean to you?   What does Felarya mean to you? Icon_minitimeThu Feb 10, 2011 3:32 pm

Quote :
What does Felarya mean to you?

It means alot to me. It's a place for people to get together and discuss a wonderful land emblazened in fantasy, all lead by a guy who contributes to it constantly while keeping his cool under duress.

Quote :
How is it important?

It has it's merits of importance, such as helping the writing community get together, giving people new ways and methods of idea brainstorming, etc.

Quote :
What do you want to do?

I just want to help Karbo anyway possible so that this world becomes the vision he wanted it to be. AKA a world with a fetish at it's heart, but a beautiful landscape to surround it and accentuate it.

Quote :
How has Felarya inspired you to do things?

It got me to write alot of stories, which helped me improve my grammar, sentence structure, plot building, character development, and so much more. I used to be horrible at writing until I stumbled upon Felarya.

Also, it's inspired me to appreciate the finer works of art that come from DEviantart. The few artists like Karbo that don't just make Sonic recolors and Twilight fanfiction really shine above the rest.

Quote :
Do you remember how you came to Felarya?

I was looking for fantasy settings because I was curious and into action-adventure style places. I came across nagas, then vore involving nagas, which then lead me to Karbo's "Naga Feeding Habits".

Funny little tidbit: It took me 3 months to realize that Anna was the human that Crisis ate AND the naga Crisis befriended. By that time I didn't know much about how the Guardians and random chance and magic worked.
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Seasoned adventurer
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PostSubject: Re: What does Felarya mean to you?   What does Felarya mean to you? Icon_minitimeThu Feb 10, 2011 8:54 pm

Felarya means a lot to me in that it inspired my longest running story. I happened across this forum only a week or so after it's creation by chance when looking through Karbo's stuff. All the brainstorming and the like has put Felarya in a special place for me, and so have the people I've met in the chat. Unfortunately, I haven't been involved much here on the forum, despite being a member for over 3 years. So I'm pretty disconnected from current affairs, but I'd hate it if this community went kaput. I just hope everything goes over well, I love this place.
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Helpless prey

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PostSubject: I'm not a Vore-phile...   What does Felarya mean to you? Icon_minitimeThu Feb 10, 2011 10:08 pm

But the vore in Felarya doesn't bother me because:

A) It's not gorey, and...

B) Because I know it is not real. These are not real people getting eaten by real giants.

But Felarya appeals to me because it has GIANTS in it. That's right, I'm a Macrophile. On a purely fetish-related level, Felarya appeals to me because of the beautiful giantess creatures who roam its forests. And it helps that Karbo is such a great artist who draws his women so very, very sexy. (Vivian... grrrrrowl!) lol lol!

When I discovered there was a literary backdrop to these characters and this world, my fascination grew beyond just sexual gratification. It became something more. The more stories I read, the more I explored the wiki, and the more I interacted in this world myself, the more it became a valuable creative outlet for me. I can look past the vore, even though I don't understand the appeal. Felarya is not about the vore. It's about the people, how they interact, and its about nature at its most raw. It's about survival of the fittest, the smartest, the biggest, and the most powerful. There are so many situations one can create out of thin air with just the basic premise of Felarya.

While I don't understand the appeal of Vore, I also don't understand why so many are so up in arms to try and obliterate it entirely. If you don't like it, there's plenty of creative space to write around it if it makes you uncomfortable. It's what I do and it's worked pretty well for me so far.

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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: What does Felarya mean to you?   What does Felarya mean to you? Icon_minitimeFri Feb 11, 2011 4:35 pm

the vore in Felarya doesn't bother me because:

A) It's not gorey, and...

B) Because I know it is not real. These are not real people getting eaten by real giants.

But Felarya appeals to me because it has GIANTS in it. That's right, I'm a Macrophile. On a fetish-related level, Felarya appeals to me because of the beautiful giantess creatures who roam its forests. And it helps that Karbo is such a great artist who draws his women so very, very sexy. (Vivian... grrrrrowl!) lol

But what also drew me in was some of the stories that the comunity had, yeah when i came here i was abit shy about joining, wait 3 years before i finally decided to join and contribute, The vastness and wonders of felarya gave me a fountian of Ideas that i though would add complexty, Mystery ( yes i want more) and lastly horror ( not like Stephan king, just a few scares). That and the people here are so Nice ^^
and some of their charaters are those that if i met in real life i wouldnt be scared. Thats why i joined.

Last edited by luke112 on Mon Feb 28, 2011 1:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Felarya cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: What does Felarya mean to you?   What does Felarya mean to you? Icon_minitimeFri Feb 11, 2011 4:46 pm

Luke, why did you just copy the post of the guy above you, only changing a couple words here and there? Don't you have an opinion of your own that would better be expressed in your own words?
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valiant swordman
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PostSubject: Re: What does Felarya mean to you?   What does Felarya mean to you? Icon_minitimeTue Feb 15, 2011 6:07 pm

Well-for me Felarya is a wonderful specal kind of place. Because of Felarya (and Ravana) I dared to try my hand at writing for the first time since I left school. Katrika my giant naga quickly became a large part of my life and I was overjoyed that other people enjoyed reading about her and her adventures. Through Katrika and the other characters that followed her, I made many new friends and became part of something absolutely fantastic. Felarya is nothing short of magical for me. It's a place where I can let my imagination soar and express myself.

As for the vore, well-as I spend more and more time in Felarya I find myself focusing less and less on the vore for which Felarya is so well known. Nothing wrong with vore and I still enjoy it, it's just that the type of vore I like is different to what Karbo draws. (No offense Karbo)
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Helpless prey

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PostSubject: Re: What does Felarya mean to you?   What does Felarya mean to you? Icon_minitimeTue Feb 15, 2011 10:40 pm

Zoekin-3 wrote:
Well-for me Felarya is a wonderful specal kind of place. Because of Felarya (and Ravana) I dared to try my hand at writing for the first time since I left school. Katrika my giant naga quickly became a large part of my life and I was overjoyed that other people enjoyed reading about her and her adventures. Through Katrika and the other characters that followed her, I made many new friends and became part of something absolutely fantastic. Felarya is nothing short of magical for me. It's a place where I can let my imagination soar and express myself.

As for the vore, well-as I spend more and more time in Felarya I find myself focusing less and less on the vore for which Felarya is so well known. Nothing wrong with vore and I still enjoy it, it's just that the type of vore I like is different to what Karbo draws. (No offense Karbo)

Hey! Zoekin! Are you ever going to come back to DA? Your Katrika storyline was one of my favorite storylines of Felarya!
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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Re: What does Felarya mean to you?   What does Felarya mean to you? Icon_minitimeWed Feb 16, 2011 11:58 am

Hey! Zoekin! Are you ever going to come back to DA? Your Katrika storyline was one of my favorite storylines of Felarya!
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PostSubject: Re: What does Felarya mean to you?   What does Felarya mean to you? Icon_minitimeWed Feb 16, 2011 6:57 pm

ah Felarya =P beautiul name for a beautiful place Smile

your question bagel leads me to answer 2 questions in fact. the world felarya and the community felarya.

the world felarya is nice. i love it for the thrill it gives me, and i can write about nekos (which, i remind ya, are the best race in felarya Smile )

for the community, well its a bad community. i rarely spend my time here. i wanted once, but noticed it was a bad idea. people are not open-minded. its sad. plus all the hypocrits, i prefer just spending my time writing stories. and people im meeting are the nicest in the community i think.

my opinion of "Felarya" Razz
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Keeper of Flat Chests

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PostSubject: Re: What does Felarya mean to you?   What does Felarya mean to you? Icon_minitimeWed Feb 16, 2011 7:23 pm

Eh, this thread was originally created to distract from the conflict... Ya shouldn't bring it back up yet; it's too soon...
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PostSubject: Re: What does Felarya mean to you?   What does Felarya mean to you? Icon_minitimeWed Feb 16, 2011 7:28 pm


i didnt said "fuck felarya its full of jerks blabla"

i voiced my opinion on what was felarya to me, and the felarya community is a part of felarya, and i said what i thought of the community. i didnt say any names and it was done in peace

now, stop always searching for problems, and keep your comments to you if they do not make sense.

thank you Smile
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Keeper of Flat Chests

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PostSubject: Re: What does Felarya mean to you?   What does Felarya mean to you? Icon_minitimeWed Feb 16, 2011 7:33 pm

Was just trying to nip a potential problem at the bud...

No more talk of it beyond this post.
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PostSubject: Re: What does Felarya mean to you?   What does Felarya mean to you? Icon_minitimeThu Feb 17, 2011 8:34 am

Archmage_Bael wrote:
What does Felarya mean to you? How is it important? What do you want to do? How has Felarya inspired you to do things? Do you remember how you came to Felarya?

Felarya was the first actual community that I joined and have come to enjoy. Sometime back in 2008, awhile after I joined DeviantArt, I came across a few stories mentioning it. It was through those stories I came across Karbo's page and as I looked through his gallery, something in me wanted to learn more about the world he created and try to become a part of it.

As I learned a bit more about Felarya, my interest in vore also grew. My first few stories that I wrote I admit were not my best, but that was my first attempt to write fiction. Soon after I found the wiki and thought that it would be nice to see a character of mine on the site. That is when I started to stories about my character Luna, who I hope may find a place here.

Luna was the first character I deeply cared about and worked hard on her story. I hope that some of the ideas I have that are written into the stories can be someday fleshed out, be expressed here on the forum, and perhaps in time become part of this community.

Felarya has inspired me to write more on my own book and to write more on Luna's Tale. With many wonderful and great ideas I see here, it makes me feel a bit glad and somewhat proud to be a part of it. As more of it develops in time, I hope that some of the ideas I have can help it grow even more.

Felarya to me means a great deal. It is a unique place where vore is the deep core concept of it, but at the same time it is a place filled with many wonders, wonderful landscapes, and amazing beings and creatures. I know I haven't been a big part of this community or a contributor, but I'd like to try and help this place grow into something that we all can be proud of to help build up.

As of now, I hope I can find a way to help mend the wounds in this community and to continue to try contributing good ideas to Felarya. I know I have not been here much or have suggested many great ideas, but I care for this place and someday I hope I can become a major contributor.

This is what Felarya means to me and I am glad to be part of the forum and the community.
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Helpless prey

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PostSubject: Honestly, it means a lot to me   What does Felarya mean to you? Icon_minitimeSun Feb 27, 2011 11:27 pm

Karbo's illustrations were the big draw. (Pun not intended, feel free to chuckle anyway - or throw me into Crisis' maw for dare raising the observation. ^_~; ). I wasn't even aware that there was a community behind it all.

... until a certain someone linked the Felarya Wiki. Wink It kind of grew from there. Since I'm a details kinda person, I immediately started following the Wiki's changes; There were just so many people involved! It was such a surprise. Here was this collection of folks lovingly creating a world for themselves and others to participate in.

I considered getting my feet wet, by writing a bit of Felaryan fan-fiction. It took over a month before I felt confident enough in it - talk about getting butterflies in the stomach! >_<
Figuratively putting my toes in the water, I sent a note to Karbo asking a question about Crisis. He responded, in no less than an hour! I was thrilled, even though it was pointed out that Crisis couldn't swallow an entire Kensha beast whole. Being raised by faeries on a steady diet of human adventurers didn't give her the opportunity to develop that unhinging-jaw naga trick. Well, that blew a decent chunk out of the story. Laughing
Acting as honorary stand-in, a member of the Naga Warrior tribe took her place. (Does anyone even remember that mention from the classic Felaryan map? ^_^; )

The story was eventually posted on deviantART, and before I could give him a heads up, Karbo responds in the comments! I'd practically worship this guy for coming up with all that is Felarya, and here he is, talking to me. Talk about feeling a bewildering mix of emotions. XD

More tales grew from the first. During which time, I gained help from some excellent authors (*tip 'o the hat to French-Snack & Timing*) on how to improve things. Thank you again, gentlemen.

Then work hit. It didn't leave any time for writing. Rather than abruptly end the storytelling, a second choice came up: Put my money where my mouth is.
Or, rather, put money into artwork. Since illustrations were what got me into it in the first place, why not add some more to the community? ...or so the thought process went.

Since artists have schedules even crazier than mine, only a single other person's idea has since been illustrated (Doragon-Shinzui's Amorphea). There are several others in the pipeline, tho. Including a certain someone’s who might have been melancholy at one point in time. Very Happy

So, this is the abridged version of what Felarya means to me. Sorry that it's written in such a scattered fashion, and also cuts off without warning. Work beckons, yet again.

(Apologies to all readers for abruptly coming out of lurker mode. Please trust me, it wasn't easy - Tearing off that thick carpeting of green moss and Felaryan vines was the toughest part.)
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What does Felarya mean to you? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What does Felarya mean to you?   What does Felarya mean to you? Icon_minitimeMon Feb 28, 2011 12:32 pm

your cute avatar is enough for for your apologies
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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PostSubject: Re: What does Felarya mean to you?   What does Felarya mean to you? Icon_minitimeMon Feb 28, 2011 2:36 pm

Felarya to me is a fantasy setting with nearly infinite possibilities. I really like the setting and the ability to create new characters that fit it.

I also have quite a few personal fantasies involving Felarya. I'd write stories about them, but it would probably come off as pretty blatant wish fulfillment.
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Newbie adventurer
Newbie adventurer

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PostSubject: Re: What does Felarya mean to you?   What does Felarya mean to you? Icon_minitimeMon Feb 28, 2011 3:42 pm

Considering I'm new to Felarya I don't have that much to write. Though, from what I've heard, I think I'm lucky to have missed all of the bad stuff, from what I've seen the community is quite pleasant.

I found Felarya before I had even discovered I was a voraphile, its what lead me to realize what it was called. I was googleing pictures, with keywords I can't remember now, when I found the one that is on felarya.com I soon found it was a link and set to exploring the wikki. This place has given a world to a character I've been developing for a while, Altira, now and motivation to write and draw for the first time other than just sheer boredom.

As I'm new I'm hoping to get to know the members of this community better and that my newfound motivation doesn't fade, I have a good feeling that it won't.

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Mara's snack

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PostSubject: Re: What does Felarya mean to you?   What does Felarya mean to you? Icon_minitimeTue Mar 01, 2011 12:29 am

Thank you. I like that people are voicing their opinions.

About felarya.com - I found that was funny how the picture of the mouth sort of lead as a portal to the wiki XD It'd be awesome of that picture was reworked Razz
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PostSubject: Re: What does Felarya mean to you?   What does Felarya mean to you? Icon_minitime

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