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 Its a communication-palooza - Take 4

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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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PostSubject: Its a communication-palooza - Take 4   Its a communication-palooza - Take 4 Icon_minitimeSat Mar 12, 2011 3:00 pm

Im not going to bother copying and pasting it again. No matter what I say, its going to get locked.

Im just doing this out of principle at this point.

Maybe we could have a good discussion if all the threads didn't keep becoming impossible to post in, hmm? Just a thought.
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Felarya cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Its a communication-palooza - Take 4   Its a communication-palooza - Take 4 Icon_minitimeSat Mar 12, 2011 3:36 pm

Actually, since this thread hasn't been locked yet, I may as well ask something that's been bugging me.

You posted in that communication thread, on the first page. Then you came back 4 pages later and locked it with no warning.

Why not just make a post voicing concerns? Why not a PM suggesting different wordings? Why not any kind of comment at all about the content of the original post?

Is it that I didn't deserve that level of respect? What about the people that had been contributing positively to that thread?

Instead of giving me, and the other people involved, that little bit of respect...you just locked the thread.

Thread locked.
Discussion over.

I took a lot of time to make up that post. It was a call to the community to come together, and to get along. ...and you just locked it, with no warning, no comment and no thought towards the people who were using that thread to try and bring everyone together. How does that help the discussion at all? All it does is create the need to make an entirely new thread, instead of working with one that WAS going fairly well.
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Its a communication-palooza - Take 4   Its a communication-palooza - Take 4 Icon_minitimeSat Mar 12, 2011 3:43 pm

rcs619 wrote:
dlausactor6373 wrote:
Inb4 lock!

Way to add nothing to this discussion.

Like there was much at all to be added. You've compromised your public image to the point that I doubt anyone is going to give this any serious attention. I think you stated somewhere once that it's best to speak to a person about a conflict out in the open where neither party can hide and or falsify details. Well then, lets put that philosophy into practice, shall we?

I used to respect you Cliff. Like, legitimately count you amongst those I'd feel able to confide in when I'm at my weakest. For a while my faith in you held true and you were a dependable, fun person to be around and to gain council from. Admittedly even prior to this some things you did irritated me, but I was willing to let it pass because I'd come to terms with the fact that nearly everyone does things that bother me. Then this all blew up out of nowhere and it was like you went through a radical change in personality. I've already attempted leveling with you, I've stated that I think you have every right to be upset. Being mad is one thing, but acting upon that anger is another, and acting in a way that's extreme even given the situation is just what you're doing now. An abundance of people, myself included, have done nothing but support you and try to resolve this in as peaceful a manner as possible. But no, you were so intent upon releasing your stored spite upon anything that you saw as doing you a wrong that all advice was disregarded. Even when the overwhelming majority of us who would call you "friend" wanted it to be safely dropped, you persisted, and this is the final result.

Self destructive behavior reaching it's peak. Gone is my personal respect for you to the point that I see our relationship as irreconcilable now. If I had ever acted in a manner you tired of or didn't appreciate for whatever reason, it would have been fine by me had you spoken to me about it in a civil way. But no, you've lashed out upon me in such a way that I view as the greatest personal affront, and to be quite honest I'm outraged. What happened to you, Cliff, you used to be cool.
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
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PostSubject: Re: Its a communication-palooza - Take 4   Its a communication-palooza - Take 4 Icon_minitimeSat Mar 12, 2011 3:45 pm

Let's bring the discussion to this thread then:


Maybe keeping it in there will help this.
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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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Its a communication-palooza - Take 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Its a communication-palooza - Take 4   Its a communication-palooza - Take 4 Icon_minitimeSat Mar 12, 2011 3:50 pm

I honestly don't care what any of you think of me anymore.

I just want an answer from Karbo. I want to know why I didn't deserve to have my thread continue, why everone involved didn't deserve the chance to have a discussion. Why it HAD to be locked, instead of just making a post about his concerns, or sending a PM. Posts have a little, tiny "edit" button up top. It isn't hard to do.

But no, nothing. 4 pages since his first response and he locks it, forbidding any future discussion in a thread that was going well.

It just proves the point in that thread. The lack of communication will just make things worse. Instead of talking to me about his issues, he decided to just strong-arm the situation, and as you can see, we all had to go through a bunch of drama that was completely unnecissary.

Way to miss the point of my thread, Karbo.
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Mara's snack

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PostSubject: Re: Its a communication-palooza - Take 4   Its a communication-palooza - Take 4 Icon_minitimeSat Mar 12, 2011 3:52 pm

I believe he said your thread was going nowhere positive. I say this clinically and neutrally.
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
Grand Mecha Enthusiast

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PostSubject: Re: Its a communication-palooza - Take 4   Its a communication-palooza - Take 4 Icon_minitimeSat Mar 12, 2011 3:56 pm

Perhaps this is getting a little out of hand.

Cliff, come on, I know you only want to do what's right for the community. I learned that the hard way. But you gotta be a little easier on Karbo. He's under as much stress as you are.

This is all a ticking time bomb waiting to flood over into a nightmare.
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Its a communication-palooza - Take 4   Its a communication-palooza - Take 4 Icon_minitimeSat Mar 12, 2011 4:54 pm

rcs619 wrote:
I honestly don't care what any of you think of me anymore.

Well, this in itself is contradictory of your apparent good intent for the community. If you're out for what's best then why do you give no regard to how your actions affect others around you and their opinions of you? While I'm on that note, I might as well put in that you've repeatedly made it clear through your own words that you're functioning just as much out of spite for your perceived enemies as you are on actual wanting to do us all a service. You keep trying to cover for yourself with conflicting points that invalidate your argument as a whole. It's bothersome and unwanted and to reiterate myself: Nobody is going to take this seriously (With the possible exception of myself if you count this as a serious response)

I'm not Karbo, and because of that I'm presuming at this point you're going to just try and disregard me as much as possible. However, I will state my own thoughts regarding this whole mess now that I've skimmed the content of those threads. You tried doing something that seemed to receive a decent response, and that's fine. Again though, when whatever caused the locking of the threads did occur, you persisted once more upon the path of most resistance, further making yourself look overly aggressive in front of all your peers. It's not advisable that you carry on as you have been, but like I said, you'll probably not pay any attention

(I did edit this after looking more carefully at everything)

Last edited by Warrior3000 on Sat Mar 12, 2011 5:02 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Evil admin
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PostSubject: Re: Its a communication-palooza - Take 4   Its a communication-palooza - Take 4 Icon_minitimeSat Mar 12, 2011 5:02 pm

rcs619 wrote:
I honestly don't care what any of you think of me anymore.

I just want an answer from Karbo. I want to know why I didn't deserve to have my thread continue, why everone involved didn't deserve the chance to have a discussion. Why it HAD to be locked, instead of just making a post about his concerns, or sending a PM. Posts have a little, tiny "edit" button up top. It isn't hard to do.

But no, nothing. 4 pages since his first response and he locks it, forbidding any future discussion in a thread that was going well.

It just proves the point in that thread. The lack of communication will just make things worse. Instead of talking to me about his issues, he decided to just strong-arm the situation, and as you can see, we all had to go through a bunch of drama that was completely unnecissary.

Way to miss the point of my thread, Karbo.

Yeah well that thread was bothering me since the start because you slipped in a couple of allusions and personnal attacks and presented it as .. i'm not sure how to say that in english.. "facts on the table".

At this time when I replied I didn't pointed it because I wanted to give a chance to a sereine discussion. But the fact is the thread was quite flawed from the start and it is obvious I should have pointed it.
Look, if you are serious and honnest about creating a thread about community communication to mend things, then avoid those "facts on the table" and don't go and single out people right from the start... it simply defeat the purpose and it looks as if you are using the idea behind the thread to settle some score...

In the end I locked it because I saw a big flame-war coming and in my opinion this is the absolute last thing we need now. Obviously that wasn't very useful since the shit spiled out anyway.

Having said that you need to really chill out there, because you are acting more and more eratically. I don't doubt your intentions toward the community at large are good but lately, you are having a strange narrative about me and my supposed "cronies", like you put it, that I find quite worrysome..
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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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PostSubject: Re: Its a communication-palooza - Take 4   Its a communication-palooza - Take 4 Icon_minitimeSat Mar 12, 2011 5:13 pm

Karbo wrote:
rcs619 wrote:
I honestly don't care what any of you think of me anymore.

I just want an answer from Karbo. I want to know why I didn't deserve to have my thread continue, why everone involved didn't deserve the chance to have a discussion. Why it HAD to be locked, instead of just making a post about his concerns, or sending a PM. Posts have a little, tiny "edit" button up top. It isn't hard to do.

But no, nothing. 4 pages since his first response and he locks it, forbidding any future discussion in a thread that was going well.

It just proves the point in that thread. The lack of communication will just make things worse. Instead of talking to me about his issues, he decided to just strong-arm the situation, and as you can see, we all had to go through a bunch of drama that was completely unnecissary.

Way to miss the point of my thread, Karbo.

Yeah well that thread was bothering me since the start because you slipped in a couple of allusions and personnal attacks and presented it as .. i'm not sure how to say that in english.. "facts on the table".

At this time when I replied I didn't pointed it because I wanted to give a chance to a sereine discussion. But the fact is the thread was quite flawed from the start and it is obvious I should have pointed it.
Look, if you are serious and honnest about creating a thread about community communication to mend things, then avoid those "facts on the table" and don't go and single out people right from the start... it simply defeat the purpose and it looks as if you are using the idea behind the thread to settle some score...

In the end I locked it because I saw a big flame-war coming and in my opinion this is the absolute last thing we need now. Obviously that wasn't very useful since the shit spiled out anyway.

Having said that you need to really chill out there, because you are acting more and more eratically. I don't doubt your intentions toward the community at large are good but lately, you are having a strange narrative about me and my supposed "cronies", like you put it, that I find quite worrysome..

You can't single out people when you explain how everone was wrong.

I explained how each and every one of us in that thread was wrong, myself included. The fact is, we all acted like asses, and until we all acknowledge that, there's no way this can go forward.

The fact is, you locked a thread that was going well because you thought a couple sentences were worded harshly. You completely stopped the discussion there, violated the very thing that thread was made to address (a lack of communication), and in the process helped create more drama that everyone else has had to suffer through today.

If you just saw that whole thread as me trying to settle a score, then you are far more lost that I had feared.

What flamewar? Kri tried to troll the thread, and most everyone just ignored her. Last I checked, we didn't lock threads for what they "could turn into" but for what actually happens within the thread.

Heh, there's nothing erratic about it. Ever since this drama has started, every single thing I have said and done has been twisted and misinterpreted. My pleas to get you to come to your senses, act calm and apologize got me banned and demodded, and now my genuine attempt to try and bring everyone together gets seen as me trying to "settle some kind of score" and gets locked up. No matter what I do, all you see is the negtive. Tack on the fact that you have refused to talk to me at all in the almost three weeks since the drama, and what else am I supposed to think? Its getting pretty clear that Im not wanted here anymore, and that you're going to see everything I do in a horrendously negative light.

I already got thrown under the bus, now Im getting tossed to the wayside to be forgotten about too.

All I have EVER done is try to help this community and to make it better. I don't deserve to be treated like this.
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Evil admin
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PostSubject: Re: Its a communication-palooza - Take 4   Its a communication-palooza - Take 4 Icon_minitimeSat Mar 12, 2011 6:09 pm

rcs619 wrote:

Heh, there's nothing erratic about it. Ever since this drama has started, every single thing I have said and done has been twisted and misinterpreted. My pleas to get you to come to your senses, act calm and apologize got me banned and demodded, and now my genuine attempt to try and bring everyone together gets seen as me trying to "settle some kind of score" and gets locked up. No matter what I do, all you see is the negtive. Tack on the fact that you have refused to talk to me at all in the almost three weeks since the drama, and what else am I supposed to think? Its getting pretty clear that Im not wanted here anymore, and that you're going to see everything I do in a horrendously negative light.

I already got thrown under the bus, now Im getting tossed to the wayside to be forgotten about too.

All I have EVER done is try to help this community and to make it better. I don't deserve to be treated like this.

I'm sorry but that's just selective memory here... or attempts at "drowning out the fish" like we say in french.
What you call "pleas" were a succession of posts were you kept yelling in all caps and escalating the situation further and further. That's what got you banned in that thread, not because you and me were disagreeing.

And since then you have been on a "fight the powa" trip, with some other people, where I have apparently suddenly become an evil tyran with "cronies", "sycophants lavishing me in praises" and "whispering in my ears"

What the hell ?? Rolling Eyes
What *I* am supposed to think ?
Well let me assure you, I don't let anyone whisper in my ears, and lavishing me in praise won't decide at all which direction I will be taking. That's actually exactly the opposite.

And pursuing in that direction will be leading absolutely nowhere and is only making things worse and widening even more the gap between us.
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Helpless prey

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PostSubject: Re: Its a communication-palooza - Take 4   Its a communication-palooza - Take 4 Icon_minitimeSat Mar 12, 2011 6:48 pm

I don't know if anyone cares but I wanna voice my opinion.

Just stop it guys, come on, this is making things stupidly complicated and stressing things out =/ Cliff some things need to be dropped or at least talked about in a less how to put it aggressiver way basically, if karbo doesn't wanna talk about it now well, he doesn't and forcing him when he doesn't is gonna make things worse. and Karbo, I noticed you have kept distance from people involved with the letter when usually you wouldn't, and that kinda hurts, thats just how I feel though about it all. I want to come here to have fun, brainstorm sure of course come up with better and more creative ideas but most of all come here as an escape. Felarya is a fantasy world overall that branched off from a fetish world and developed into something people of both sides could get together and get involved.

I hope this doesn't keep up I really do cause it's depressing and frustrating guys =/
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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Re: Its a communication-palooza - Take 4   Its a communication-palooza - Take 4 Icon_minitimeSat Mar 12, 2011 7:19 pm

I'm not really worried as of yet. I will start to get worried when people start picking sides.
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Its a communication-palooza - Take 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Its a communication-palooza - Take 4   Its a communication-palooza - Take 4 Icon_minitimeSat Mar 12, 2011 7:25 pm

Well, shit. Since everything's going to hell, here it goes. I'm saying what I think. No more holding it in.

Everyone, everyone, EVERYONE needs to CHILL. I'm tired of this. Cliff was wrong, and I've talked to him about it. That doesn't make his opposition right. I agree that Karbo should have spoken about what was wrong with Cliff's thread instead of locking it without notice. I also agree that Cliff handled it a little too harshly.

But frankly, you're not solving anything. The "he did something bad, so that gives me an excuse" attitude is pissing me off, and this is my final attempt to be civil. I'm seeing people that I view as friends starting to turn on each other, and I'll be damned if I take this lying down.

What is this even about anymore? Cliff believes that people were twisting everything he said, so he may as well do whatever (and I can say this because he's not secretive at all about it). Karbo, from what I can see (and politely correct me if I am wrong), thinks that some of us are convinced that he's being influenced by other voices. I'm not in Cliff's head, and I'm not in Karbo's head. But here's what I have to say to both:

Cliff, I've already told you this, but you're making it too easy to interpret your actions as hostile. I know you think you were thrown under a bus, and a victim of hypocrisy, and I can definitely see why you think that. But this isn't going to fix that. Work to get support, and make yourself the better man. That plan's pretty much shot now. You've made yourself look like an ass, and have ruined any chance of people sympathizing with you. Maybe you like being the pariah, but it pains me to see people at each other's throats. I'm sorry if that's abrasive of me.

Karbo, you're really feeding his fears. It doesn't matter what Cliff said, you didn't exactly "rise above" either, from what I have seen. Maybe I'm being partisan because I view Cliff as a friend, but Cliff was not the only person who was out of hand in the original argument, and he got the brunt of the punishment. True, he handled it horribly, and now he's on a personal crusade. But instead of showing him you're not the enemy, you've served to give him even more fuel. Once again, sorry for any abrasion.

I'm not saying this as an attack. You're both wrong, from what I can see, and that's the worst type of disagreement. My advice? Each of you should have someone neutral fix a shock collar on you, message each other, and each time you get petty and argumentative, have the person shock you. Eventually, you'll solve things, and you'll come out of it with a Pavlovian aversion to being argumentative!
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Temple scourge
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Its a communication-palooza - Take 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Its a communication-palooza - Take 4   Its a communication-palooza - Take 4 Icon_minitimeSat Mar 12, 2011 8:36 pm

OK all i have to say is DAMN Guys lets just burn some incence, listen to some calming music, and maybe have a sip of vodka. as R lee emery puts it

just calm down and talk this through heres a song i think would calm everyone down

just please calm down and be nice.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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Its a communication-palooza - Take 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Its a communication-palooza - Take 4   Its a communication-palooza - Take 4 Icon_minitimeSun Mar 13, 2011 11:24 am

I have absolutely no idea what is going on here, but I'm starting to get worried that the community might be shut down altogether.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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Its a communication-palooza - Take 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Its a communication-palooza - Take 4   Its a communication-palooza - Take 4 Icon_minitimeSun Mar 13, 2011 4:10 pm

I feel like I need a pamphlet every time I don't look at the forums for a week or so that catches me up on who blew up on who.

What I do know is 4 topics with the same title is childish, and I haven't even bothered to read anything in any of them yet. Who cares who locked what, when, stop flooding the forums.
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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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PostSubject: Re: Its a communication-palooza - Take 4   Its a communication-palooza - Take 4 Icon_minitimeSun Mar 13, 2011 4:45 pm

Grave wrote:
I feel like I need a pamphlet every time I don't look at the forums for a week or so that catches me up on who blew up on who.

What I do know is 4 topics with the same title is childish, and I haven't even bothered to read anything in any of them yet. Who cares who locked what, when, stop flooding the forums.

If you refuse to do the research on what's going on, then stay out. No one needs someone coming in to spout off about stuff they don't know about. Go read the first one, it was actually a good thread until it got locked for no reason.

Only reason there's 4 is because Karbo refused to have a civil discussion in any of those threads, or reply to ANY of the notes I sent on the matter...which is horrendously ironic, considering my threads were all about increasing community communication.
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Its a communication-palooza - Take 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Its a communication-palooza - Take 4   Its a communication-palooza - Take 4 Icon_minitimeSun Mar 13, 2011 4:52 pm

Cliff is right this time. Coming in, completely ignorant of recent goings-on and making broad assumptions like that is NOT going to help anything.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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PostSubject: Re: Its a communication-palooza - Take 4   Its a communication-palooza - Take 4 Icon_minitimeSun Mar 13, 2011 5:06 pm

Ok.....so let's assume your right and Karbo is an evil dictator that does not want to have a civil discussion. Isn't he the administrator of these forums? I mean by all accounts if you are correct then continuously posting in this forum would be the least effective course of action wouldn't it?

You say you want to be civil, but your actions state otherwise. In several of your posts you broke into cussing. When a thread was locked (listen when I say it does not matter if it was locked justly or unjustly) you resorted to spamming.

You are also being selfish, have you once thought that some people who come to this forum may not want to have to look at this bickering going on between people, let alone have the entire board begin to flood with it. You people are going to scare people away from these forums by making all these threads.

I made no broad assumptions, I stated fact. Multiple threads on the same topic because a thread was locked multiple times is childish.
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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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PostSubject: Re: Its a communication-palooza - Take 4   Its a communication-palooza - Take 4 Icon_minitimeSun Mar 13, 2011 5:18 pm

Quote :
Ok.....so let's assume your right and Karbo is an evil jackass that does not want to have a civil discussion. Isn't he the administrator of these forums? I mean by all accounts if you are correct then continuously posting in this forum would be the least effective course of action wouldn't it?

Please don't put words into my mouth. I never said he was evil, and that he was a jackass. I just think he has handled this entire situation extremely poorly, and whether he intends to do it or not, he IS isolating a great many people who considered him a friend by withdrawing from all of them.

I mean, look at the situation in that other thread. He locked it becasue "he was worried about where it might be going." He locked a thread that was encouraging greater community communication and unity, without any prior warnings. He also refused to respond to any PM's on the matter, and locked any attempts to talk about it.

I think it was a pretty effective course of action, personally. This thread is still open, and he's at least given an answer in it.

Quote :
You say you want to be civil, but your actions state otherwise. In several of your posts you broke into cussing. When a thread was locked (listen when I say it does not matter if it was locked justly or unjustly) you resorted to spamming

I was quite civil at first. I only resorted to that when none of my questions were ever answered, and when Karbo actually accused my genuine attempt to help the community as a thread made to "settle old scores." It was extremely insulting to have my good intentions twisted so badly, and quite frankly, it hurt me. I have done nothing but try to help this community in the three years I have been here, I don't deserve to have every single line of every single post analyzed and if some tiny, percieved attack is there, to use it to invalidate everything else.

That's pretty much what happened. Because Karbo felt the post was an attack, which I never intended or even thought about, he decided to lock the thread and end the discussion, despite the fact that everything WAS going well.

Quote :
You are also being selfish, have you once thought that some people who come to this forum may not want to have to look at this bickering going on between people, let alone have the entire board begin to flood with it. You people are going to scare people away from these forums by making all these threads.

Once again, it only got out of hand because the key, central message of my thread was completely ignored. Instead of engaging in a discussion, he strong-armed the situation, and refused to talk about it AT ALL until things had begun to go downhill. The entirety of yesterday's events could have been avoided by a simple post in the thread. The original post could have been edited, and we could have continued with the thread with no problems.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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PostSubject: Re: Its a communication-palooza - Take 4   Its a communication-palooza - Take 4 Icon_minitimeSun Mar 13, 2011 5:39 pm

The ends do not justify the means. One should consider the cost of his actions.
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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Re: Its a communication-palooza - Take 4   Its a communication-palooza - Take 4 Icon_minitimeSun Mar 13, 2011 6:43 pm

The last time I was on two days ago I saw that Cliff opened up a communications thread and at that point everything seemed to be going well. People were talking peacefully and it seemed that everything was going to return to the state it was in when I first joined this forum several months ago, but at some point while I was away from the computer the shit flinging started once again and the thread turned into one of the numerous failed threads from prior attempts. To me this seems like a perpetual play that needs to get canceled, so who are our fundamental actors right now
Krisexey26: playing the important role of the hypocrite. Some of her work may be found below.
Well our actress here is 100% correct in that that journal entry was on her dA. So remember if you want to respond to it make sure you do it on that’s right your your-your- your-your-your dA because it is only okay to talk about something on your dA. Also remember talking about something has nothing to do with the subject which you are discussing so if you want to hate on krisexy as long as you do it on (that’s right) your dA it has nothing to do with her.
Well sarcasm aside, who do you think you are krisexy? You interrupted a peaceful thread in order to send it in to the trash heap with the other failed threads. Why? Also your attitude in that post reeked of hypocrisy. When did what you post on the internet become sacred text that shall not be spoken of any where? How is it that you can write a post of your synopsis of the Felaryian community and expect that which you blatantly insulted not to respond to you? There are two types of people that get under my skin faster than anything else in the world people who choose not to learn and hypocrites’ and you krisexy beyond a doubt in my mind fall into the later of the two. As far as I am concerned you are just a simple troll that needs to be weeded out of this community as so that this community can finally heal after all of the shit it went through.
P.S; Assuming you comment on this please don’t try to make me into the new bad guy of the forum I have no intention of having to play that part to satisfy your little fantasy world of how this community interacts with one another.

Our next actor is the well known rcs619 (aka Cliff) playing dual roles as both the voice of reason and the self indulgent ass both with astounding ability.
Ok so Cliff now it’s your turn I liked your original thread I thought It accurately pointed out from my knowledge of what had happened over the past couple of weeks and given how your were posting in prior threads your made leaps and bounds to tone down your language. Everything was going fine until krisexy decided to butt into the thread based on your obvious allusion to krisexy in your line
drama-whores came in and tried to inflame things to make everything worse,
Now although I agree with this comment 110% after the first thread got locked you copied and pasted your original post into another tread getting locked immediately. You tried a third time expecting a different result after being told to reword your post as so that it didn’t single anyone out. Then you opened up this thread not getting locked immediately you began to post (regressing back to prior weeks) in a offensive tone once again. Then you said this
I honestly don't care what any of you think of me anymore.

I just want an answer from Karbo.
At this point I lost the little respect I had regained for you from your first thread. At this point you sound like a little child instead of an adult.
Karbo responded by saying
Now then after receiving your answer you proceeded to post
Now maybe it’s my personal opinion but do you try to stop a war before the first gunshot goes off or after the nuke has been launched. ALL YOU HAD TO DO WAS REWORD TWO LINES AND COMMUNICATION COULD CONTINUE, BUT YOU REFUSED. Why? It would have been a simple fix that would have allowed communication to resume but you chose not to and decided to act like a child and repost the same thing two more times for no apparent reason other than to make a point. Being a moderator at one point I would have expected you to be able to act much more calmly and rationally.

Now Karbo you seem to be involved with everyone of these threads but unlike the two above you post in a much less confrontational tone. Though you’re not perfect you seem to be one of the most civil people posting along with Archmage Bael and AisuKaiko.

Well it seems that at least one person can post without using offensive language and attempting to stir up trouble. The biggest thing I have with you is that the original thread closed without any warning there was no get your act together speech or the thread is going to get closed just bam locked. In the Communication 2 thread you said
Same thing... Please rewrite this thread without slipping attacks or singling out people...
This leads me to believe that there was some form of communication between Cliff and yourself before the original thread was closed or shortly after which would put Cliff further into the wrong by continuing his rant, but later on you explain to Cliff the problem with his original post. So was there any discussion between the two of you prior to/shortly after closing the original thread or wasn’t there. In your last few posts it seemed that you were beginning to get irked. The one thing I would have to say that you need to improve upon would be that you need to give warning before you do something. You seem to try to stay out of things for as long as you can and you either get involved after it’s too late or you seem to shut things down too early. Posting voicing your concerns before you do something would help you a lot.
So here are some things that I think that everyone needs to think about.
1. There is a person at the other side of the monitor
2. Given that people can’t here you when you post wording is very important
3. One of the problems brought up in (dare I say it) “The Letter” is that this forum isn’t inviting to new comers. Looking at some of the recent threads being posted would you want to join this community?
4. Rule 14 of the internet: Don’t argue with the trolls – it means that they win.
So here is a simple fix to the problem everyone look at your post before you hit the submit button and think will this start a flaming war. If the answer is yes don’t post it. If your angry walk away from the computer and go yell punch a pillow whatever we don’t need you posting here just to make things worse.

I'm tired of reading these threads. Trying to get caught up on the latest he said she said is getting really annoying and is a lot more trouble than it's worth. Right now I think I'm going to play some poke'mon; work on my post for my RP; and try to take my mind off the fact that my Grandfather is in the hospital again.Oh Cliff and Krisexy please take the time to actualy read this and think about it before you post walls of insults at me.
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Its a communication-palooza - Take 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Its a communication-palooza - Take 4   Its a communication-palooza - Take 4 Icon_minitimeSun Mar 13, 2011 7:01 pm

*non-sarcastic applause*

Thank you, really. Good stuff. I hope everyone reads that.
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PostSubject: Re: Its a communication-palooza - Take 4   Its a communication-palooza - Take 4 Icon_minitimeSun Mar 13, 2011 7:17 pm

well, you are picking a side, thats clear.

I'm a troll for you, fine. but look at who got banned and demoded (stating facts, nothing personnal) and look at who got nothing. we can start here. yeah, i admit i posted my journal with some people in mind, though i never named any name. i also said its not everyone that are like that. so, in my journal, i categarorized the two kind of people that makes this forum a not so nice place. so, following what i think, those who violently reacted to it may consider themselves among the two kind of people that are bad on this forum.

now, i read your post (though not carefully) and i see many reasons for me to shout at you. though i will not do it. im kinda neutral at the moment. mh, nice point about talking on my dA about the forum...i agree. though yeah, reactions shall be posted on my dA, not here. who do i think am i? well lets see...i barely wrote 7 stories about felarya, the rest of my stories being situated elsewhere. i live in quebec. im single. ehm...im 27 years old. thats about for the who am i. now, i dont really know how so many people reacted that hard on the little me that do not even consider herself a felarya writer. the question id like to ask to all of you is: Who am i for ya? Yeah a many will say a troll blablabla. idc about those answers. I mean, am i that popular?

kay i need to be weeded out of this community. good for you. im waiting for a ban that isnt coming. how nice. reconsider your position. i arrived after a massive shitstorm. i was in a period of calmness. and, yeah, nothing about me happened in that period of calmness. i was calm and all. now the letter arrived. i saw how hypocrit people can be. i thought the letter was at least made with good intention. clearly, it wasnt after i re-read it.

now, i have to say your p.s. is a bit stupid. you said you do not want to feed the "troll" i am, but you say "oh i know you will react to this so do not start a flaming." okay? why you talked about me then? nonsense.

continuing on cliff part, it wasnt a nice thread in my opinion. and karbo specified it. he was pointing people in his thread. i disagreed, and told him what i thought about it. plus, i shall remind ya that he is the one always bringing it. i didnt made 1000 posts about how a jerk that krisexy26 bitch is. but he done it. problem somewhere.

how nice to see im the hypocrit while the one who posted 3 times the same thread that got locked is receiving your advices.

as for what i think with what karbo had done: its his forum, if i remember. he can do whatever he wants on it. if he does not like a thread, who are we to tell him hes not right to delete it? you guys have the strange idea in ya heads that you all think we are "equal" on this forum. well, its true for 97% of us. moderators are over us, and karbo is over the mods. it ends there.

i like your rule 14. it means that you are feeding me while i never asked you to do it. number 1.

ok so here is how i see your way of fixing the problem: we keep cliff because you like him more than me and we kick me because you do not like the way i stated my opinion on what is happening.

oh! i know. how about you write another letter on how karbo should do his job? :/
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