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 Its a communication-palooza - Take 4

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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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Its a communication-palooza - Take 4 - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Its a communication-palooza - Take 4   Its a communication-palooza - Take 4 - Page 6 Icon_minitimeWed Mar 16, 2011 7:47 pm

Pendragon my friend, I hope you won't take this the wrong way but I think it might be time to let things rest. I'm sure Karbo has everything well in hand. I hope to see you keep posting and having fun here and I really don't want you to get into trouble.

I don't want you to go too far like I did once and get told off.
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PostSubject: Re: Its a communication-palooza - Take 4   Its a communication-palooza - Take 4 - Page 6 Icon_minitimeWed Mar 16, 2011 7:49 pm

We have been talking to Pen on Vent, and we have come to an understanding.

He has said he doesn't want to post here, since he already said he wouldn't anymore.
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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PostSubject: Re: Its a communication-palooza - Take 4   Its a communication-palooza - Take 4 - Page 6 Icon_minitimeWed Mar 16, 2011 7:54 pm


EDIT: I'm very happy to hear that Pendragon is going to let things settle. I'd hate for anything bad to happen to him. He's a really nice guy.
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PostSubject: Re: Its a communication-palooza - Take 4   Its a communication-palooza - Take 4 - Page 6 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 17, 2011 8:07 am

Well, I'm missing the lively, happy mood of the forums. Everyone's stressed, a bit moody, and a bit on edge. While people have calmed down and started to get along, there's still a way to go. I'm really missing all the new stories (not to say there aren't good new stories, I just miss coming on and seeing around 4-5 new chapters) and I'm really starting to miss the, forgive my self pun, creative spark this place had. Negitivity destroys creativity, and there's been enough negitivity to stop my will to write. Now, I hope we can put everything bad that happened before this into the hatred destroyer. Remember what happened, lest we repeat our mistakes, but drop the hatred, contempt, and all other similar things we feel towards each. We all love this world, so let that love drive us to better it and to overcome our fights. So from here on, let's all talk civilly and work to fix this division and this breakdown. May our ultimate goal be more important than our differences and win out in the end.
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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PostSubject: Re: Its a communication-palooza - Take 4   Its a communication-palooza - Take 4 - Page 6 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 17, 2011 10:48 am

sparkythechu wrote:
Well, I'm missing the lively, happy mood of the forums. Everyone's stressed, a bit moody, and a bit on edge. While people have calmed down and started to get along, there's still a way to go. I'm really missing all the new stories (not to say there aren't good new stories, I just miss coming on and seeing around 4-5 new chapters) and I'm really starting to miss the, forgive my self pun, creative spark this place had. Negitivity destroys creativity, and there's been enough negitivity to stop my will to write. Now, I hope we can put everything bad that happened before this into the hatred destroyer. Remember what happened, lest we repeat our mistakes, but drop the hatred, contempt, and all other similar things we feel towards each. We all love this world, so let that love drive us to better it and to overcome our fights. So from here on, let's all talk civilly and work to fix this division and this breakdown. May our ultimate goal be more important than our differences and win out in the end.

Very well said.

As I said before we all love Felarya very much and want the best for Karbo's creation. Surely we can all pull together and put the past behind us? I guess that no matter what community you join you're going to have friction with people. That's just the way people are but we're all adults here. We can deal with little things like that.
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PostSubject: Re: Its a communication-palooza - Take 4   Its a communication-palooza - Take 4 - Page 6 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 17, 2011 1:47 pm

*Bows* Thank you. I just said what had been on my mind for a while now. We can all get together and settle our disputes if and only if we can act like the mature people we are deep down inside. Now let's fix things and fix them right so we don't have this happen again. Then the spark will return and so will the feeling of love and enjoyment that used to permeate these forums and get back together as one supportive group.
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PostSubject: Re: Its a communication-palooza - Take 4   Its a communication-palooza - Take 4 - Page 6 Icon_minitime

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