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 Aurora's Story

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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

Posts : 343
Join date : 2009-10-21
Age : 33
Location : Orlando

Aurora's Story Empty
PostSubject: Aurora's Story   Aurora's Story Icon_minitimeTue May 10, 2011 12:33 am

Well this is a story that I have written about my OC Aurora...the semi giant Naga
http://www.felarya.com/wiki/index.php?title=Aurora with her adventures with everyones favoirte Albino girl Seliky

well since I need to be a little mpore social in the community...as well as get my story well know and my characters...also this might help promote the Felarya game I am making sicne this story takes place beofre the game...thus giving you guys a better idea what's going on in the game...so anyways...I'll post parts 1-5 righ now...

if you guys enjoy the story...the story is currently at part 64 on DA...so you dont have to wait for me to post them here...


anyways...I hope you enjoy...

Aurora's Story

Part 1

My name is Aurora…I’m a 49 year old Naga living in the mysterious world of Felarya. My family came here from some other dimension to escape from being hunted down. Well apparently it didn’t really work…They were soon killed off by a large group of humans as soon as they arrived. I was only a few months old when that happened…I don’t even know how I escaped the fate my parents went through…but that’s in the past now…I guess…I’m currently living along the mountain side, west to a human city called they called “Negan City.”

Today was a bright day…well…I assume it was…its sorta hard to tell when someone lives a mile underground…I was so exhausted from yesterday…I was in my burrow and I manage to over hear these two humans talking from above me...being the nosey little Naga I am…I snuck out of my burrow and hid behind a large boulder to listen in on there conversation…I’m glad I did that…apparently those two humans were bounty hunters...One of them had a large spear and a rifle on his back and the other seemed to be a mage…
The Day Before

I listened in on the two humans conversation. The man with the spear spoke first.

“There is a Naga in this area…I know it…this Naga must be the cause of all those mysterious disappearances of anyone who passes through this area…”

I shook within my scales…the humans are catching on to me… I shook my head to snap back into my senses and continued to listen. The mage started speaking.

“Are you sure there is a Naga living in this area…it could just be that Naga Crisis that lives north of here she has been causing our people a lot of trouble for quite a while.”

There was that name again. Recently I've been hearing that Crisis name allot for the last couple of years. From what I heard of her, she is a Naga who the humans are very afraid of…they tried to get rid of her countless of times but…they failed and I’m guessing the humans who encounter her are eaten…

“No…it couldn’t be her…I’m sure it is another Naga…”

This is bad...very very bad...I felt like moving but I didnt move...because the continued to talk...

“Ok…if you say so…well…let’s go report your findings to the military of Nagan City so they can hunt down this Naga…”

I felt a shiver run down my spine. I didn’t expect the humans to even find my location…I couldn’t let these two humans make it back to the city…if they did…I’m pretty much a dead girl…I snuck back around the boulder and made my way to the narrow path between the Ascarlin Mountains and the river that surround Negan City, trying to get there before they did. I dug a hole deep enough so I cannot be seen yet I could see my surroundings. I waited there till the two hunters were within my view. I thought to myself that I couldn’t let even one get away…the entrance to the city isn’t very far from here…so I only had one shot at this. I remain still till the humans were right in front of me…I planned on lashing forward, grabbing both of them at once. Just when I was about to lash forward…the spearman saw me. Jumped back and pulled out his rifle and his friend slid to the side.

“See I told you…” I heard the spearmen say...

I quickly pulled myself back. Like always I always forget to come up with a plan B and I found myself backed against a tree....I looked around...trying to find a area to escape...

“This one is smaller than the others!” the mage said out...I wimpered a little seeing that I didnt have many choices...

“We can take her down easily!” The spearmen called out...

The spearman aimed his rifle at me and I could see that he was going to shoot me in the head. Just as he fired, I threw myself to the side towards the mage. I didn’t give him any time to react as I quickly coiled my tail around him. I then started to constrict him with my tail. The spearman aimed his rifle at me again but I lashed my arm at him and grabbed him. I squeezed him with my hand till he dropped both of his weapons and I gave a sigh of relief. I released my coils around the mage…unfortunately I squeezed him too tight and suffocated him. I took the spearman back to my den…he stated begging me to let him go but I wasn’t about to do that…I mean…not after him actually seeing me…I still didn’t really know what to do with him…I was full from my previous…um…meal and I didn’t have any room left for him… the first think that came through my mind was to burry him so deep that nothing could get out…but I then said to myself that doing that would be mean…but I wasn’t really in the position to be nice so I decided that it was the best thing…He started begging me some more as I dug with my free hand. When it was deep enough I put him in and then covered it up…I know it was mean but come on…I was in a stressful situation you know…

Today I checked if he was still there…well…he was…but he wasn’t moving…so I left him there…its not like I wanna touch the rotting dead body of some guy that tried to kill me…I slithered out of my burrow…it was a sunny day liked I guess…the warm sun felt good as I stretched…sleeping on nothing but dirt sorta hurts your back after the first couple of years…after doing my stretch I set out to check if anything has fallen into one of my traps that I placed around the area…I feel really hungry today so hopefully a human is in one of them…if not then…yeah…I’ll just have to go hunting on my own…

Part 2

Well…it’s just my luck that there were absolutely nothing in any of my traps…not even a little human…I really think the humans are catching on to where I lay the traps…well…the first thing tomorrow I am going to lay new traps…they wont see it coming hehehe…I even have an idea where to put them…there one path leading to the human’s city…I’ll just put them in that path so travelers would fall into them…what a great idea…I wont go hungry for weeks like the last time…I started looking around my burrow for a berry bush that I ate off of during times like this…hopefully a Direrat didn’t eat them all…those things really get on my nerves…once I was sleeping and like…three of them were crawling all over my tail…ugh…it was so disgusting… I had nightmares about it for a month…anyways…I finally reached the bush…thankfully there were a few berries growing on it…so I picked a few of them and headed back to my den…yes it wasn’t much of a day…quite boring in fact…boy how I wish something interesting would happen around here…well…besides that incident with those two humans…before I entered my burrow…I remembered that giant tree I always see when I’m checking my traps…I always wanted to go there…to see that gigantic tree…but I’m too afraid to go…every so often when I look over there…I would see these two huge dark figures moving around…I could tell that the figures are WAY bigger than I…also the predators out there can gobble me up in one gulp…so I never move out of a one mile radius of my home…I went inside my burrow because I was tired of moving around and there was nothing to do…I guess I’ll just go take a nap then…

That Night
I was dreaming about when I was a little one…I was like…I’d say…about 10 years old or so…I was about the size of a typical human child…I was watching a couple of humans play with a spherical shaped object…I believe they called it a ball or something like that….well I wanted to play…but…I was afraid to go and ask…I mean…many other human children rejected me when I had asked to play with them…I started to slither away when one of the children saw me…she was like…about 12 years old and she ran up to me…she asked me if I wanted to play…I felt so happy…but…unfortunately I felt something on my belly…but…there was nothing on me…well…till I woke up…I got up and looked around…it was dark but…right in front of me was this light…after a few seconds I realized there was a human child on my tail…staring at me…she had a lantern in her hand…she looked to be about 8 years old and she had really light, long brown hair that shifted from brown to white as it reached her back…her eyes were a bloody pinkish color and seemed to if…she was staring right through me…I felt very scared…this child managed to find my home…I couldn’t move for some reason…I guess it was the same with her because she didn’t move either…she just kept on staring at me…a chill ran through my spine…if this child manages to get to the other humans…than…I’ll find myself soon surrounded by a arm of humans…I managed to move my hand a little…but when I did the girls eye widen…she gasped and started running…I absolutely couldn’t let this child get away…my life was at hand…I quickly got up and moved at her…lucky for me that I was a lot quicker than her and caught up easily. She looked back at me…well…that apparently wasn’t very smart because she then tripped over a root that stuck out of the ground and fell flat on her face…I didn’t let her have a chance to get back up and I grabbed her…she started to struggle as I lifted her up…she waved her arms and kicked at me…I didn’t really think…like my mind when blank…I found my self placing her in my mouth…only her legs were sticking out of my mouth as she continued to struggle to get free…I swallowed with a big gulp and I felt her body partially down my neck…humans are really large meals for me and I tends to take my 5 to 6 swallows just to get them halfway down my neck…I felt her squirming around in my neck…I swallowed again and her legs were now partially down my throat…but she continued to be more persistent and started scratching at my throat…it really hurt…but…I just continued to swallow…by now her entire body was in my throat…even for a small child it takes me this long to push down my meal…I began to feel sorry for the girl…I mean…such a tragic way to end a child’s life…I couldn’t do this to her…even I she did find my home and could tell the other humans about me…I started to push her up my neck…I guess the snake half of me allows me to both swallow large meals and regurgitate them…just in case I need to escape a predator…I mean…who wants to be running for there lives on a full stomach…I pushed her higher up my throat but…she was still struggling…it was really hard for me…and every time she move…it caused her to slide even more down my throat…I felt her legs back into my mouth after 5 minutes of agonizing regurgitation…yet even this…she continued to struggle…I’m setting you free…cant you at least take that for grated…sheesh…when her entire body entered my mouth I spat her out onto the dirt…she looked dazed and staggered to her feet…she looked at me…her eyes were so full of fear…she ran away towards the exit of my burrow without hesitation…I couldn’t help to think that I made the worst mistake of my life…I mean…its now a sure in that the humans are going to find and…*gulp*…kill me…I just new that my tendency to be nicer to human children would lead to my down fall…*sigh*…well I guess I can only wait for my fate…

Part 3

Well…I didn’t get any sleep that night…I was so worried about that girl telling the other humans about me that I spent the rest of the night building traps around my den…it was the only thing I could do…I cant leave my home because to the south is the…horrible Dridders Forest…they can gobble me up in one gulp…I can go to the north because I’ll most likely run into the humans…I am blocked off to the west by the Ascarlin Mountains…so…I’m pretty much screwed…I guess these traps would…give me just a little more time to live…I have never been so scared in my life…I mean…the last time the humans tried to hunt me down was when I was 12…and I barely escaped…but now I’m pretty much a doomed Naga…I wonder what they’ll do with my body…maybe like make shoes or some other stupid human things with my snake half…and I bet all those perverts would have fun with my human um…parts…well I’m done laying traps for now…I guess I’ll just…count the seconds left I have to live…

I couldn’t sleep a blink…I kept on hearing these sounds…I was so afraid that the humans were right outside that I jumped up a few times…but I guess I was just hearing things…well…I could see the sun in the distance but…I was confused…I mean…it has been like…I’d say…8 hours sense that girl found me…the humans should have found me by now…what is taking them…hmpt…funny…I actually sound like I want them to hurry…well…laying here one mile from the surface…worrying that a bunch of humans are going to kill you sort of does mess with ones mind…I suddenly heard a awkward sound…it sounded to me that some dirt have fallen through into my den…I realized that something must have broken into my den…I immediately assumed it was the humans and quickly got up…I didn’t want to be attacked while laying down…I mean…I should try to escape…but…what's the point…I’ll be shot down by the time I make it halfway out of my den…I heard footsteps from afar…but…I only heard one pair of them…I was confused…the humans sent…one person to try to kill me…only one…I mean…don’t they know that one human wouldn’t do much against a naga…unless…I slithered behind a wall…unless it is a trap…maybe they are just using this human as bait…I cant take any chances…the footsteps grew louder as I trembled within my own scales…I saw a light from around the corner…growing larger and larger as the human was coming closer…I kept as quiet as possible…I don’t really know why…I guess it is just in my instincts…the human came around the corner and I then just realized it…it was the same human girl from earlier…she looked up at me with her pink eyes…I thought to myself…why would this girl come by to my home…again…I mean…I almost ate her…is she like…stupid or something…unless…she is part of the humans plan to kill me…the girl just kept on looking at me…it sort of creeped me out…I mean…a girl with pink eyes and whitish hair staring at you…I know that would just creep anyone out…she took a step forward which frightened me…I slithered back afraid on what she was going to do…she put down the lantern and sat down…which was weird…I didn’t really expect her to do that…it was like…she wasn’t planning anything at all…she then spoke…her voice was really quiet and faint…

“Why…why did you spit me out?…” she asked me…I was confused at this moment…I mean…this girl came back to the person who nearly swallowed her alive…to ask them why they have set them free…this girl is crazy…I mean…If I wasn’t so worried that the humans were outside my home…I’ll just eat her right now…but I don’t like to be rude…so I answered…

”well…I didn’t feel it was right ending a child’s life in such a cruel manner…a child has there entire life ahead of them…” she looked up at me strangely…she spoke again…but what she said was…unsuspecting…

“Well…I don’t have my life ahead of me…so…if you want…you can finish you can finish me…I don’t care…” I was shocked…this girl actually…wants me to eat her?...I knew this had to be some sort of trap…I immediately grabbed her and brought her to my face…

“Who put you up to this…where are the humans!?!” I asked her. She just looked up at me with her pink eyes.

“No one…I’m by myself…alone…well um…with you…” She mumbled back to me…well…I wanted to be sure…I closed my left eye so I can see through my right eye…this allows me to see any heat sources around me…even above ground…well like she said…she was alone…

“So let me get this straight…you…want me to eat you…why?...” I asked. She then goes on explaining on how her father abuses her and how her mother left her alone with him…It really made me sad…this girl did want to live anymore…well…that’s what I think…

“So please…just do it quickly…so I can get it over with…” she told me…I was still a bit confused…so I asked her another question…

“Why were you out all alone…” she looked down at the floor as she explained.

“I was running away from home…but…I fell into you house when I was walking by…and I met you…when you spit me out I ran back home and told my father…but…he didn’t believe me…he hit me a lot of times before he went to bed…and that’s when I wanted to see you again…” she said back to me…I really felt sorry for now…I mean…I know I want to help her but…not like this…

Part 4

The girl looked at me with her pink eyes…it was like she was putting me into trance or something…I noticed how beat up her body was…her arms and legs were covered in bruises and old scars…and I don’t even want to imagine what is under her clothing…

“Are…are you going to do it…” she mumbled to me…I was still shocked that the girl wanted t do this…my arms were shaking…the girl seemed to have caught on to this and knew I didn’t want to eat her…

“If…if you don’t want to…I can…always just go back and tell my father about you again…I mean…he’ll listen to me eventually…” she said to me…my eyes widen…she put me in a situation where I couldn’t dinghy what she wants…I don’t want to eat her…but…if I don’t…then I’m dead…I felt a chill through my scales…I felt as if my arms were turning into wet dirt…this girl just continued to stare at me…and the scary thing is…she kept a strait face ever sense she came back…

“Please Miss…I’m begging you…just do it…I am no longer wanted…and…I feel this is the only thing I am good for…” she said out…I feel really bad about what I am about to do…I…slowly risen her to my mouth…I could barely do that…my arms were shaking like…they were trying to prevent me from doing this…the girl just looked up at me…she smiled and…it was a rather cute smile…

“Thank you miss…” said out… I sighed…after seeing this girl smile…it made it even harder to do this…I…slowly opened my mouth…trying not o think about this girls…painful death…I then thought to myself…this girl seems really familiar for some strange reason…though I just couldn’t put my finger on it…I closed my mouth and the girl looked up at me in confusion…

“wh…what the matter…aren’t you…going to do it…” she asked…I couldn’t do this…I don’t care if she would get the humans to kill me…I just cannot be part of this Childs suicidal act…a tear ran down from my eye…I felt it drop from my cheek onto the floor…the girl saw this and I guess…she knew that I wasn’t going to go through with it…

“I’m sorry…” I said back to her…I quickly grabbed a nearby stone and hit it against the girls head…her body suddenly became limp and felt like a rag doll to me…I immediately though…oh my god I killed her…but I then noticed her chest was moving…she was out cold…I guess my instincts just made me do it…I didn’t plan it…I mean…I was about to let her go…but…then all this happened…I gently placed her on the floor where the dirt was softest…I wanted her to be as conferrable as possible…I placed the lantern she brought with her next to her…to keep her warm…I then slithered out of the room to another chamber I made…sure it was colder than the one that she is in but…I don’t want to accidentally squish the poor child…

4 Hours Later
Well it turns out that this girl was some help after all…it turns out all those traps I placed trapped two humans…one a young lady…I assume was traveling and one a man who I think was a swordsmen…well the lady was small so I was able to fit both of them in my belly…I usually can fit only one normal sized human in there…it was so enjoyable feeling them squirm as they slithered down my throat…I felt satisfied that I finally had something to eat after yesterday...I looked through the stuff they had before I well…you know…I took some of there stuff…the man had some food…water and these strange metal looking things that I guess the humans use to eat…the woman had a few cloths to spare and a medical kit…I took this back to my den and went to the room where I left the girl…she was still laying there…out cold…I used the medical kit to help the swollen bump on the girls head from…well…you know…when I hit her with a stone…I also treated some of the bruising she had all over her body which I assume is from her fathers beatings…she turned over after I put on all the medical stuff…she seemed to be sleeping now…its better than being out cold that’s for sure…I just now noticed that her skin was very pale…not pale as in lacking of blood or something…but…it was her actual skin color…there were some normal skin color spots in random area’s of her body…I counted seven of them…well…that I could see…I’m a shy girl and I know that by how this girl speaks…she’s shy too…so I didn’t want to remove her cloths or anything of that sort…I suspected that this girl isn’t human at all but…she smells like a human…looks like a human…acts…well…sort of like a human and also she lives with humans…which must mean she is a human…I looked back down at her and saw that she was waking up…her eyes slowly opened and she rubbed her head…she looked around for a few seconds…

“Wh…where am I…am I still alive…” she mumbled…she then saw me…she looked sort of upset for a moment but…she then gave a small sigh.

“Why…why did you not do it…I asked you nicely…and I begged you…do you want me to suffer…” she asked me…hearing this I felt really crummy…she makes it sound…so bad…that I spared her…

“look…I just couldn’t go through with it ok…I’m sorry…I just don’t think that your life should just end like that…you deserve another shot at life…” I told her…she looked up at me again…

“No I don’t…I just need to…disappear…no matter what I do to make my father like me…nothing…nothing happens…I just seem to never do anything right…and I even went to the police people at the city…but they didn’t help me…no one wants to help me…not…even you…” she mumbled…now I felt really bad…I mean…this girl seems to be desperate for help…I could just see it in her eyes…no one wants to…and now I don’t want to help her…well…a few hours ago…but now…I want to…

“Look sweetie…I’m going to help…but not by eating you or doing anything that would kill you…you deserve another shot at life…so…” I paused…she looked up at me in confusion…

“What can you do to help me…” she asked…for some reason I couldn’t get what I wanted to say to come out…but I still tried…

“Well…um…you can…um…live…with…me….” I said while stuttering…the girl looked up at me with shock…

“No…I couldn’t do that…I don’t want to get in your way or anything…and not after I threatened you about telling my father…” she cried out…

“No I insist…you deserve a good home…” I said back and smiled…she looked down at the floor…I could see she was putting a lot of thought into it…

“but…wouldn’t my father suspect me being gone…” She mumbled…she did have a point though…I mean…then the humans would go looking for her…and then that’ll put me endangered…

“you’re nice…but I don’t want you to get in trouble because of me…” she added…she sighed and stared at the floor…I could see that she wanted to consider it…though I don’t really know how…I guess it’s a naga thing…she looked up at me and gave a little smile…

“my father works with the worrier people at 4 PM and gets back at 3 AM…also on Thursdays...he’s gone till Saturday…maybe…I could come stay with you during those time…” she mumbled…I smiled…

“do you think you can make it over here every day?…” I asked her…she nodded…

“Ok it’s a deal then…what’s your name little one…my name is Aurora” I added…

“m…my name is Selikey…it’s a funny name I know…” she said back…

Part 5

Its been 5 days sense I met with Seliky…and I quite enjoyed her visits…she is such a interesting little girl…like she told me she had something called…Albinism or something like that…I guess that’s why she has pink eyes and whitish hair…she is so cute when she smiles…her eyes light up like the night sky…well…it would if the sky was red or something…when she comes to visit I would show her around…showed her that underground hot spring I found 3 years ago…we took a swim in it and she seemed to enjoy it…she splashed around and got us all wet…I’m glad the water was only up to my breasts…I never was a good swimmer…I dropped like a stone when I am in water…and I don’t seem to know why…I though snakes were good swimmers…but I guess I am an exception…Seliky loves to eat the berries that I pick…well it is the only thing I can feed her…I mean…how am I going to make here swallow a human probably twice her size…I noticed that she looks really uncomfortable when I…um…devour my meals…she always has this blank stare when she watched me…once she ran off when I was halfway swallowing this Female traveler…when I finished I went looking for her…she wasn’t too far…she was behind a bush and looked as she threw up several times…I did feel bad and apologies…but she just said that it was ok…every time I had a meal I would gather some of the stuff they had and showed them to Seliky…she took some of the stuff that they had like shirts and other weird things…well what she is wearing now is way much better than what she was wearing when I first met her…she was in these old rags…It’s Thursday…so that means Seliky is going to come and stay with me…I'm so excited…I guess after being alone for 49 years…it makes even a little girl seem like good company…

Friday 9:00 AM
I had jut woken up…Seliky was sleeping on my breasts…well…she says that…that is the softest part of me…at first I thought she was some sort of pervert but…she’s 7 and she is a girl…how can she be…I gently picked her up…trying not to waken her…I placed her in a nice soft area of dirt and got up to see if anything was in my traps…I thought it would be better if I eat now then do it in front of little Seliky…when I reached the area where I placed the traps…there was a human init but…he was dead…his body was pale and he had a really shocked impression on his face…there was a small puddle of blood near him…I…suddenly felt…light headed and…very dizzy…I shook it off and look back at the man…I immediately thought to myself…Dridders must have done this…I knew building my home so close to their territory was a bad idea…I manage to avoid being spotted from them countless of times…but now…Seliky is with me…this is going to make things really tough now…I token the liberty of bearying the poor soul…I then realized that Seliky was all alone at my den…if this human died recently then…the Dridder who did this can find Seliky…I slithered back home as quickly as I could…I came back seeing Seliky slowly making her way out of my den…she looked as if she had just woken up…

“Good mourning Aurora…” she said with a big yawn…I grabbed her as quickly and slithered back into my den…I covered the entrance with the boulder I always put over when I enter my home…Seliky looked up at me annoyed…

“What are you doing?...” she cried out…I then heard voices from outside…I pushed the boulder just enough to see outside and took a peek…

“What’s going on Aurora…” She asked…I didn’t answer…I just put my finger over her mouth to shush her…I saw two Dridders moving along right in front of me…they were about a yard from my home…they were both female and had white hair…one of them was about my size but the second one was huge…like…89 feet or something…Seliky gasped and I placed my finger over her mouth again…

“Hey…did you here something…” The smaller one said….

“Hmmm…I did…” the larger one answered…she started smelling the air…

“I smell a…human…” She added…Seliky looked as she was about to scream…I put my hand on her back to try to comfort her…the smaller Dridder started laughing…

“Hmmm…another tasty morsel…you had the last one…this one is going to me mine…kay…”

“Wait wait wait…I smell something else…smells like…a…Naga…” the large one said with a quite disturbing look on her face…I felt a slither down my spine…I saw how Dridders hunted…they were merciless…I over heard some saying that they killed a naga that they ran into…they seem to really hate naga’s which gotten me really afraid of them…

“Smells like this one is…rather small…hehehe…this is going to be fun…” the large one said with a quite evil laugh…I grew very scared…it they find us…they would most certainly kill me…and I don’t even want to imagine on what they are going to do to little Seliky…I held Seliky tightly against me…I saw a tear run down her eye…I knew she was very scared too…she looked down at the floor as she trembled…I drew her close to me and whispered…

“Don’t worry…it is going to be ok…” I looked back at the two Dridders…they were still talking…

“Well since I found that first human in that hole…you can take care of this human and…this inferior Naga…I’m heading back to the tribe…” the large naga said out before she left…I felt a little more relieved…at least this Dridder was my size and…I…might stand a chance against her…maybe I could hold her off so that Seliky can get away…The Dridder was looking around the area…trying to find me and Seliky…
“Come out come out where ever you are…there is no point in hiding…” the Dridder called out as if it was a game

Last edited by kikijonson on Fri Jun 10, 2011 12:36 am; edited 2 times in total
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

Posts : 343
Join date : 2009-10-21
Age : 33
Location : Orlando

Aurora's Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aurora's Story   Aurora's Story Icon_minitimeTue May 10, 2011 8:03 am

Parts 6=10

Part 6

Seliky was trembling around in my arms…I knew she was trying her hardest not to scream…I could see tears running down from her eyes and she held onto my arm as tight as she could…the Dridder was right in front…one of her 8 legs were only a few feet from my face…I held my breath afraid she’ll look down and see us…
“I know you are here somewhere…just stop hiding and just accept it…” the Dridder called out…I knew it was a matter of time that she’ll find us…she wasn’t going to leave until she did…I felt as I should just crawl out and meet face to face with her…but if I did and I get myself killed…what would…become of little Seliky…I hardly think a Dridder would spare her…if I’m going to risk it all…I just want her to be safe…I mean…she is the only friend…I…had…for a really really long time…I looked at Seliky and she looked back up me…I guess she figured out on what I was going to do and her eyes widen…she then started to shake her head No…
“No Aurora…please don’t go…” She whispered…I placed my finger over her mouth to shush her…
“If something would to happen to me…go to the deepest part of my lair and hide till the cost is clear…” I told her…she continued to deny it but I didn’t want her hurt….I placed her on the floor and pushed her gently with my tail away from me…
“Go Seliky…just do it…” I said to her…she looked at me and gave a sigh…
“You better come out ok…if you don’t…well…you know…” She mumbled…I immediately knew what she was talking about…this made me even more nerves…If I loose…we both die…this is just great…so very great…I saw Seliky heading into my den…when she was out of sight I gave a sigh…this is it…do or die time…I pushed the boulder away and slithered out… The Dridder turned and saw me coming out…she had this evil grin on my face which…frightened me…I still don’t even believe that I’m even out here…I mean…Dridders are great warriors…well…from what I heard…and I’m well…just Aurora…
“So you finally decided to come out filth…” she said to me…I sighed and looked at the floor…
“You must be some sort of idiot to be so close to our territory…who do you think you are…” the Dridder added…I sort of gotten angry on her comment…hey it isn’t my fault that I was abandoned here…it’s not like I could go anywhere else…
“Look…I never bothered you guys…when you’re people pass by…I just leave them alone…I…I don’t want any trouble…” I managed to say…She started laughing and looked at me like I was some sort of idiot…
“Hehehe…you must be slow in that pretty little head of yours…us Dridders hate you kind…and as a Dridder…we must destroy any Naga that we come across…” she said with a darker tone…my eyes widen…I could see her fangs when she talked…I noticed that sometimes a orange liquid would come out…I started shaking…would have I put myself into…I’m going to get myself killed…
“Enough stalling…” she called out and lashed out towards me…I barely had time to react but I managed to grab her arm…I noticed her hands had large sharp nails on them…I knew that they could slice through me with ease…I pushed her away from me but…she just got back up and started laughing…
“looks like we have a fighter here…hehehe…this should be interesting…” she said with a evil laugh…I didn’t know what she was talking about…I’m no fighter…I barely manage to get out of being eaten by a larger predator…she lashed at me again with her claws but I threw myself to the side…I ole her into a nearby boulder and she fell to the floor…the boulder now had cracks on it from the force of impact…it that was me…I would have been dead by now…
“Quit running you little maggot…” She yelled…I could tell she was getting aggravated…I could see it in her eyes…she then spat something at me…it hit me right in the eyes and it really hurt…it was burning and I couldn’t see a thing…then she jumped on me…she pined me to the floor with her legs and looked at me with this creepy smile…I couldn’t move…my arms and her opisthosoma (adomen) was on my tail…my vision finally returned to me and I saw the yellow liquid was dripping from her mouth…
“Hehehe…looks like I got you…now the venom will kill you…nice and slow…” she said with a smirk…I knew she was going to bite me not…if she does I’m so much as a dead Naga…I then thought to myself…I could uses the scales on my arms to help me…when I’m digging I could retract my scales to form these spine like spikes to make it easier to dig…I never thought till now to use them for fighting…I pushed my scales outwards forming the spines…it pricked her hand and she staggered backwards…holding her hands…I immediately turned away…If I see any of blood…she pretty much wins…
“Damn it…what the heck was that…” she cried out in pain…I got up and caught my breath…I’m surprised I haven’t died yet…I mean…I’m not a fighter…well…that’s what I think…I do tend to black out in a middle of a fight…but when I come to my senses…I find the thing I was fighting dead…the Dridder looked at me angrily again…
“Oh now you are in for it…” She yelled…she dashed at me and great speed…I threw myself to the side again…hoping to ole her again…I guess she saw it coming and grabbed me when I did so…
“Oh you’re not trying that cheep move again…” She called out…I couldn’t pull my arm free from her grip…I could feel her nails digging into my skin…it was so very painful that I felt like screaming…but…I held it back…she yanked me towards her and grabbed my neck with her free arm…she then started to lift me above the ground…I could feel her grip getting tighter and tighter…cutting off my ability to breath…she started to laugh as she watch me struggling to breath…
“Pathetic little naga…it’s hopeless…you’re so much as dead…” she smirked…suddenly I feel…really…light…headed…my mind just went…very…very blank…I suddenly…didn’t know…what…what was happening…

part 7

I didn’t know…what was going on…every thing…seems…so…blank…I suddenly found myself sweeping the Dridder’s feet with my tail…I then moved around her and jumped onto her back…it grabbed her arms from behind so she couldn’t fight back…then I coiled my tail around her opisthosoma…I started to constrict as hard as I could…she was struggling but I didn’t care…I just pushed harder and harder…I felt the exoskeleton cracking which urged me to push harder…she started to scream…the sounds of her screams made me want to smile…like music to my ears…she then started to beg…
“Please…agh…stop it please…I…I’ll leave you alone…I promise…agh…just release me…please…” she cried out in pain…I started to laugh…I just kept on squeezing and squeezing…sucking the life out of her…
“Hehehe…now who is the little Maggot…” I said out…the there was this sudden loud cracking sound…I squeezed so hard that it practically shattered her opisthosoma…blood poured all over the place as I dropped the reminisce of her body onto the floor…the only part of her that was intact was her human half…the rest of her was crushed…I felt like smiling as I slithered away…I began to laugh at my victory over this Dridder…it felt so good…like I have never felt before…I turned around to look at the body again…but…then I saw Seliky starring at me from the distance…her eyes were so filled with fear as she looked at me…I suddenly snapped to my senses…
“Wha…what have…d…done…I…I killed her…” I cried out…then I saw the bloody pool right in front of me…I…suddenly felt…woozy…and…ligh…………….

I woke up…it was dark outside and I saw that Seliky was cleaning the big…um…mess that was made…I guess I fainted after…seeing the blood…I always seem to do that…it’s a flaw I’m afraid…I tried my best not to look at the bloody pool...
“Seliky…wha…what happened…everything is so…blurry…” I asked as I still tried to regain my conscience…she didn’t answer and just continued her cleaning…
“Seliky…what’s wrong…"I asked…she continued to ignore me…I started to feel very sad…but…I was still very confused…is she mad at me or something…
“Please Seliky…tell me what is wrong…” I said quietly…
“You…killed her…” She mumbled…
“She was begging for mercy…and you KILLED HER!!!” She yelled…I started to feel very bad about myself…though…I never wanted to kill her…I don’t even know what I was thinking…
“Seliky…I…was protecting you…” I mumbled…
“But you Killed her…you could have let her go…but you crushed her…such…such a painful death…even if she was going to hurt us…” she cried out…I felt very crummy now…I cant believe I did that right in front of a young girls eyes…I wasn’t acting myself…and…now…Seliky may not like me any more…she looked up at me…I could tell she was crying for a long time…
“I thought you were a nice person…you let me free…why didn’t you let her…” she cried out…
“Seliky…I…I wasn’t myself…I’m…I’m sorry…” I said back…she just turned and headed back to my den…I felt really bad about this…what does Seliky think of me now…I mean…I don’t even remember me planning all of that…have…have I done anything like this in my other fights…ugh…I’m so very confused…my head hurts from thinking about this…I thought when manage to save us…we’ll be happy…but…it’s the opposite…I cant help to think I let little Seliky down…I mean…she probably does hate me…looked up at the night sky and gave a sigh…how am I so post to get out of this…

The next day Saturday
I woke up and saw that Seliky was still asleep…she didn’t sleep on my like the last time…she slept on the floor this night…I knew this means she is still angry at me…hopefully…I could make up for it before she leaves back to her fathers house…surely she’ll rather stay with me than go over there…I got up and went to go check on my traps…this time I made sure to cover my den so nothing could get to Seliky…I found only one human in my trap today…a human male who appears to be a merchant…he had a lot of strange humans with him…he begged me not to eat him…but come on…do you think I was really going to…I just plopped him in my mouth and swallowed…I could feel him squirming down my neck and into my waiting belly…but…it wasn’t as satisfying as I hoped…I guess I my mind was so focused on Seliky…*sigh*…I just headed back home with my meal trying to fight out of my stomach…I brought the stuff that the merchant had to give to Seliky…yeah sure it might not make her less hate me but…I always gave her the stuff that my meals had…I cant really break that little…tradition of mine now…*sigh*…I just hope she’ll forgive me soon…because I cant take anymore of this guilt…when I got back to my den…I moved the boulder away and headed into the chamber that little Seliky was in…she was awake but…she seemed to not have moved an inch…
“Um…god…good morning Seliky...how did you sleep…” I asked her…
“Fine…” she said back with no hesitation…
“Um…I…I got you some stuff…you see anything you like…” I mumbled and put all the stuff next to her…
“Thanks…” she mumbled…
“Um…are you…still…mad at me…” I asked…she just looked up at me…
“what do you think…” she asked…I didn’t know what to say…I think she asked me this just to mess with my head…if I say yes…then she might get mad…if I say no…and she is still mad…that’ll make it worse and make me sound stupid…well what's the point…I did a really stupid thing yesterday…seems fitting…
“I'm sorry about yesterday…I was…empty hearted…I didn’t know what I was doing…can you ever forgive me…” I asked…she just looked up at me and gave a deep sigh…
“Do you think I should…” she asked…again with the really difficult questions…I guess she saw it on my face expression that I couldn’t think on anything to say because she started to smile…
“Hehehe…I’m just playing with you…I forgive you…” she said with the cutest smile…

part 8

Well…it looks like I’m all alone again…Seliky headed back to the human city about 2 hours ago…I went with her half the way…then I let her on her own…I mean…if I went any further…I could have been spotted by a human…and that just wouldn’t be good at all…*sigh*…but being alone isn’t what is really on my mind…what happened earlier today and yesterday…still…haunts me…I mean…I didn’t want to do any of that bad stuff…I’m not the merciless type…well…compared to a Dridder I’m not…apparently I am a cold blooded killer now…what caused me to go…all…evil like that…have I done it before…ugh…thinking about it gives me a stomach etch…I decided to do some back ground check on this little…dilemma…I headed over to the area where supposably my people were killed off…remember that Thahn (pronounce T- ha-on) told me about it. When I was a little Naga…I never wanted to go…I mean…if that was really where my family was killed off…why would I want to go…but now…I feel I should go…maybe there is a little background about me…I remember that Thanh told me that the site was a little south of the Ascarlin Mines…I never went there…I always afraid that some sort of giant creature would come out of the mine and eat me…but…that is besides the point…I have to do this…it is best to do it now…I mean…Seliky isn’t going to come back till tomorrow…this’ll allow me to go without putting her in danger…

I waited 30 minutes before heading out…I thought it was going to rain…but I guess I was wrong…I closed my den with the boulder to make sure that nothing would go and steal the stuff that Seliky left behind…I then headed west towards the Ascarlin mines…hoping I wouldn’t run into anything along the way…I mean…I’m sort of still tired from yesterdays…um…event…I wasn’t really in the condition for some big predator to come along…I looked up seeing the clouds forming…great…now it decides to rain…right when I’m too far from my house…what my luck…it started to drizzle as I continued to slither to my destination…I began to think about how Thanh was doing…I haven’t seen her for like…42 years…she took care of me when I was all by myself when I was tiny…she found me when I was a few months old near my families dead bodies…she took me to her Elvin village where she raised my for 7 years…but…the elves found out about me and were going to sentence her to death…but…I did the right thing and ran away…I later found out by overhearing a traveler that they canceled the death sentence…and…well…that was the last time I saw her…

45 minutes passed and it was pouring rain…so much that it I bet it could have flooded 3 of my dens combined…but luckily I remembered to cover it up…I get really grumpy when it rains…I guess it is because I really hate water…hate it hate it hate it…I can go on forever on how much I hate water…I mean…I bet I can go on living without water…that is how much I hate it…well now that I got that out of my system…lets see where I am right now…I looked around a bit…I was in a middle of a big plain…between the Ascarlin Mines and the Diamond mines…it looked as if nothing has grown here for a while…just nothing but brown grass…it sort of creeped me out a bit…I felt as if…something bad happened in this very spot…I felt…so…empty inside…like if something has just…token my soul way…though the dirt…felt so…warm…even when it is pouring cold…cold rain…I knew that this was it…where…where my people were killed off…I just had a feeling in my gut that this was it…I just sat here…without moving…wondering about everything…what happened…how my family was like…everything…it seemed…so faint…so…very far away…I know nothing of what has happened here…in this very spot…I couldn’t help but to start to cry…I knew nothing on my family…nor my people…I must be the most pathetic little Naga here in this so very strange world…I then realize…I’m not here to sob…I came here to find more about myself…I regained my thoughts…trying not to think about what happened here…I started looking around the dirt…trying to find some sort of clue…though…I knew that what ever may have been left behind…may have been destroyed by either some creature or…just by natural causes…but that didn’t stop my search…

Its been 2 hours sense I began searching…though the rain has stopped…the floor was now all muddy…I don’t really mind the mud it is just…it’s really hard to get it off once it has dried…I began to loose hope that there was something here in this lone area…I mean…what are the odds that what ever may have been left behind…would have survived this long…I wish Seliky was here to help me…her company would really help me…in…this time of aloness…I decided to head home now…I given up hope…but…then…something caught my eye…there was this…pointy stone on the floor…I slithered up to it to get a closer look…it didn’t really look like a stone…it looked smooth…I grabbed it and tried to pull it out…but…it was stuck…I pulled harder and…I finally managed to get it out after 3 good minutes of tugging…I fell back when it popped out…I felt dazed for a bit…but…I got up…I looked at what was in the ground…it seemed to be…some sort…of tablet…though…the rain caused this…thick fog to form…so I couldn’t read a single thing on it…I decided to sleep here for the night…let the fog pass and then head home before Seliky comes back…I dug a hole into the ground…deep enough that I could get a decent sleep…I placed the leaves and moss over the entrance so I wouldn’t get spotted by any predators…

I knew that this was going…to be a very long night…a VERY long night…I mean…it was raining again…but…now even harder than before…I just kept on hearing the rain…pounding against the leaves at my little burrow…I just tried to get some sleep…I mean…tomorrow I need to be in my best shape for my trip back to my home…and I did fall asleep…but…yeah…It wasn’t very long…I suddenly find myself waking up in the middle of the night…I heard…this…very creepy sound outside…like…a moving liquid sound…but…also some…sound that sounded like…a women wailing…I was petrified with fear…I didn’t want to see what was out there…but…I did…I peaked through a small opening from the leaves…I…saw a…very…very disturbing site…I…I saw a large…blue…blob like creature with… two orb like objects inside of it…on of the orbs looked metallic but the other one…looked organic…I was so very afraid…I didn’t know what this thing was…or what it’ll do if it finds me…I…remained still…I held my breath trying not to make any sound…the…creature moved so awkwardly…the metallic orb slowly moved toward a point…after that the organic orb would move forward…the blue goo around them just stayed around both of them…I…wanted to scream…but…I swallowed my fear…I moved as far back of my very small burrow as far as I could…I wished this was all a…nightmare…but…it was real…so…very real…I just wish…that thing would leave…and fast…I cant handle this anymore…

Part 9

Ugh…I didn’t get any sleep last night…I mean…who could sleep when there is some terrifying creature outside your home…well…temporary home…that…thing…it just wouldn’t leave…and it even once stood extremely close to my little burrow…it was like almost 2 feet from me…and I am not exaggerating…I’m glad that it is morning now…but…what if that thing is still out there…I cant just…go slithering out there and be like…Hi I’m Aurora…please don’t eat me…lets be friends instead…come on…even I am not that stupid…I took a little peak outside…there was nothing…nothing but a light mist…I decided to make sure nothing was around…I looked through my right eye to make sure there wasn’t any other heat sources from body temperatures…there was nothing…nothing but the faint flicker of the morning Fire Flies…I decided that it was safe and slithered out of my burrow…I was shocked to see that…everything as gone…I mean…literally…the nearby tree’s…the boulders…even parts of the floor itself…gone…nothing…vanished…I started to feel a chill through my scales…I mean…things like that just don’t vanish…I then noticed that the parts of the floor that was missing made…a trail heading to the west…along this trail…the tree’s and other things in such were gone too…I then realized that…what ever that thing was last night…it must have done this…I started to feel even more frightened…this thing…is no ordinary creature…it…consumes everything…in its path…I mean EVERYTHING…I don’t even know why it didn’t find me…I decided to not take any chances and leave immediately…I grabbed the tablet I found yesterday and moved as quickly as I could…I was too scared to even look back…

I finally reached home after like…I’d say…a hour…I’m glad to be home…after the recent events…a nice stay at home seems relaxing…I slithered inside and placed the tablet in the corner of the deepest chamber…I the placed some dirt over it just in case something would have stumble across my lair…like Seliky did…speaking of that…how did Seliky even find my home…I can understand the first time…but…the second…she managed to avoid all my traps…she is either very cunning…or very very VERY lucky…eh…well that’s in the past now…the thing that maters is that we are…some what good friends…I slithered out my den and headed over to my traps to see if there was any…well…meals in them…when I reached them…nothing…though I did find something…well…abnormal…there was this white webby sticky stuff in one of them…I didn’t know what it meant but…I didn’t really put much thought into it…I mean…it’s just another empty trap…as I headed back home…I began to wonder about that strange tablet…when that…what ever that thing was doing what ever it was doing outside my burrow…leaving me terrified…I did well…get a few glimpses at it…it seemed very old with some writing on it…that’s all I saw…I was well…too scared to really pay attention to it for very long…I also began to wonder about Seliky…being at her home in the human city…I wondered what she was doing right now…what she said about her father…being hitting her and yelling at her when he gets back from his work…it worried me…I wanted to do something but I cant…heh…but if I could go over there…oh…he’ll be in such a surprise…hehehe…yeah…he would be able to hurt my little Seliky anymore after I’m done with him…wait a second…did I just…say…my little Seliky…wow…I must be getting all emotional over this little child…when I finally went home…I felt like resting a bit…well of course I wanted to rest…I mean…I didn’t get any sleep last night because of…that…thing…ugh…why am I still thinking about that thing…it’s not going to make the memory disappear…just worse…maybe a little rest would help me get this out of my mind…maybe a nice little dip in the underground hot spring would make me feel better…entered my den and headed over to the chamber with the spring in it…I could feel the nice refreshing water already…heh…I guess my hot spring is the only water I’ll actually ever like…I could see the steam seeping out of the entrance of the chamber...like fog from a cold morning lake…I entered and headed into the water…I laid against the wall of the chamber and closed my eyes…letting the soothing water do it’s work…………..

Huh?…what time is it…heh…I must of dozed off a bit…I got up from the spring and stretched my scales…I cannot remember a time that I felt this relaxed…my body wasn’t aching anymore from that fight…ah…so very nice…I headed outside to see the position of the sun…this is the only way I could tell time…though…it…wasn’t where I expected…it…to be…it was…near the middle…but…a little more to the left…that…means…it’s…oh my…4:00 PM…I over slept…Seliky comes at 3:00 PM…I quickly headed over to the area where we would meet…but…when I got there…she…wasn’t there…ugh…I cant believe this…I cant believe this at all…Seliky must have left already…ugh…she probably thinks I am some sort of…big jerk or something…this isn’t very nice at all…I didn’t mean to not come…but…I cant change the fact…that…Seliky is not here…and after that Dridder incident…she…probably…hates me now…

Part 10

…I feel so sick inside…I cant believe…I didn’t show up to pick up Seliky…this is the worst day ever…Seliky hates me now…and…I don’t even want to know what she is going to do now…I mean…she is willing to…kill herself…what if she is going to do that now…I don’t think I can handle little Seliky being dead…she kept me such good company and…I seemed to have…gotten a bit braver…but…not that she isn’t here…I…I don’t know what I’ll do…I laid in the grass for awhile…the recent chain of even…are exhausting me…and there is no one to comfort me…*sigh*…I hate this…I really hate this…I felt as if my soul had just decided to leave my body…I felt so empty inside now…so…very empty…I should just head home now…I mean…it is not use just being depressed here…it is not going to change the fact that Seliky hates me…I got up and headed back to my home…to get one look back…but…I suddenly felt…woozy…and……………

It was so dark…I couldn’t see a thing…just this voice…calling at me…repeating my name…I recognized the voice…it was Seliky…but…I don’t see her…it’s too dark…she kept on calling my name…my vision slowly came back to me…everything was blurry…like…there was a thick fog in my brain or something…I had a huge headache…and by body felt stiff…I first thought that something must…ugh…attacked me…but after awhile…when my vision finally returned…I saw that Seliky was right on top of me…sitting on my nose…though…she was covered in scars and bruises…and…had…blood all over her arms…
“Are you ok Aurora…you fainted again…” she asked me…I picked her up and slowly lifted myself up…I felt really woozy and dizzy…I it was hard to hold myself upright…
“I’m…I’m fine…but…I…I thought…y…you left Seliky…I…I was late…” I mumbled as I tried to regain my train of though…
“You…late?...hehehe…I thought I was the one who was late…” Seliky said with a laugh…I suddenly felt really…stupid…
“So…we were both late…” I mumbled.
“Yep…hehehe…funny huh…” Seliky laughed…I was still confused about everything…so…Seliky was even more late than I was?...and here I was going all crazy over all of this…
“Why were you late…” she then asked me…
“I sort of…uh…fell asleep…what about you…um…” I mumbled…I then realized that I just asked a very dumb question…I could see that Seliky was very hurt…I mean…she looks as if she could barely stand…
“Well…you try limping over here…oh wait…you cant…I take that back…sorry…” She said with a small laugh…I felt really ashamed now…I mean…here I though she hated me now…yet…she pushed herself…just to get here…
“Um…why are you so hurt…did something attack you…” I asked…she suddenly had this…frown on her face…
“Father…” as soon as I heard her say that…I knew what had happened…I suddenly felt all…angry inside…I just…wanted to hit something as hard as I could…but…I didn’t want to scare little Seliky again…I mean…after that Dridder thing…I don’t want to scare her anymore…so I surprised it…
“Do you want me to carry you Seliky…I mean…you shouldn’t be walking around like that…” I told her…she smiled and nodded…
“That’ll be nice Aurora…you’re so nice…” she said with the cutest little smile…put her on my shoulder and headed home…I’m so happy that Seliky is here…I mean…I practically went mad when I thought she hated me…but she doesn’t…I’m going to try to put this all behind me…just forget this all happened…

We finally arrived at my home…along the way here I told Aurora about the thing I saw last night…the way I described it scared her...she asked me if it hurt me in any way…of course I told her no…she then said “hehehe…well that’s good…because I’ll then have to kick it’s butt then…” which made me really laugh…first she is so small compared to that thing…and second…I don’t even think the creature even has a butt…we laughed the entire way to my home…I didn’t tell her about the tablet though…I didn’t want her to know I knew nothing of myself…or that my family was killed off by…her kind…it’ll just break her little heart…She is such a nice child…a lot better than the other children I met before…all the other children just throw rocks at me and call me a monster…but that is in the past now…I guess…it does still haunt me though…such…painful memories…
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

Posts : 343
Join date : 2009-10-21
Age : 33
Location : Orlando

Aurora's Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aurora's Story   Aurora's Story Icon_minitimeTue May 10, 2011 10:02 pm

parts 11-15

part 11

When we headed inside…I went looking for that medical kit thing that I took from the female human that I…uh…swallowed…Seliky looked pretty bad…I mean…she had all these red...blue and black bruises…she had a black eye…and…ugh…blood all over her…it was really hard for me to look at her…I mean…I faint at the slightest glimpse of blood…but I manage not to faint again…I figured that I fainted earlier was because I saw Seliky with blood on her…but I feel fine now…I had to get rid of the bloody rags she was wearing…I didn’t like holding them…I…sort of just tossed it into a hole and buried it…while Seliky sat in the corner of the chamber…well…nude…I looked through the piles of human cloths that I foraged…Seliky looked up at me and then asked me something…
“Aurora…why don’t you wear any cloths…do you like being naked or something…” She asked…I began to blush…I always have been really embarrass when the humans see me…especially the males…but it doesn’t really matter…they all go to the same place…hehehe…though it did still bother me…
“Well um…I don’t think any cloths would fit me…I mean…human cloths are meant for like…people under 7 feet…I’m like…40 feet tall…or something like that…I really don’t think they make that size…” I answered…Seliky laughed and looked up at me…
“Hehehe…if they did it’ll be like…extra extra extra large…” she said with such a cute smile…I sort of giggled to…even though it wasn’t that funny…I just though it’ll make her feel better…
“I have a question too…why are you so pale and have whitish hair and pink eyes…I mean…you don’t look like the other humans?...” I asked…I had to…I mean…I was curios…
“Hehehe…well that’s because I’m dead…” she said with a…really creepy tone…I felt that chill again and my eyes widen…Seliky then smiled and looked at me…
“I’m just joking with you…I’m albino…remember…” She said with a smile…I gave a sigh of relief…
“What does that mean…is it some sort of alternate human race?…” I asked…
“No silly…its just some weird condition that some of us get…we get all pale like and our eyes are all weird like…they say sense we are so pale…we need sunscreen to protect us from something called…cancer…or something like that…but it’s not like my father gets me some…” Seliky mumbled…I finally found something that would fit Seliky…I handed it to her and she just looked up at me and smiled…
“Thank you Aurora…your such a nice person…” she said to me…I felt this warm feeling building inside of me…something I haven’t felt sense I was with Thanh…
“Your welcome Seliky…you’re a nice person too…” I sad back…Seliky put on all the cloths and smiled…
“Hehehe…so you want to tell me what you did yesterday…” Seliky said with this cute little sparkle in her eye…though…I still didn’t want to tell her about the Tablet I found…and the place where my family was killed of…
“Uh…well…I saw that thing…that scared the live daylights out of me…um…and…that’s it…” I said…Seliky looked at me strangely…she placed her hand on her cheek and looked up at me…
“So…let me get this straight…after I left…for the rest of the day…that thing was here…come on…something must had happen between then…” Seliky said out…wow…this girl really looks into details…
“Well uh…I did a little traveling…for a bit…” I mumbled…that technically was true…she just looked up at me…
“Why?…” she asked…this girl just wouldn’t leave it alone…
“Um…well…I wanted to take a walk…” I answered…
“But you don’t walk…” she said back to me…she was right…I don’t…ugh…this girl is making me feel like an idiot…
“Um…you know what I mean…” I mumbled…
“Then why did you say you did some traveling when you wanted to take a walk?…I mean…um…slither…” she said back…again…she paid very close to details…
“Um…I needed some fresh air…” I said back…
“But what does that have to do with traveling?…” she continued…ugh…she keeps on throwing what ever I say right back at me…
“Um…well…uh…I don’t know…” I mumbled.
“Hehehe…you’re having a hard time…aren’t you…” she laughed… I looked at her and sighed…
“You have no idea…” I mumbled…

It’s 10:00 PM according to that magic box thing that that human I ate earlier had…Seliky called it something weird…I think she said Digital Clock…or something like that…I decided to keep it…if it actually tells time…I don’t have to look at the sun anymore for the time…Seliky was sleeping on my breast again…which still sort of weirds me out…but what ever…I just hope she wakes up before 3:00 AM…the time her father gets back…while she slept…I pulled the tablet out from under the dirt and looked at it…it had some sort of writing on it…at first…it didn’t make any sense to me…but after a few minutes…I seem to understand everything on it…like…I knew this strange writing before…it said…

“This…seems to be our last day to be alive…the humans in this strange world…seem to be closing in on us…it’s only a matter of time till they find us…and destroy us…I…Elenor…am making this tablet…for any other Naga that may be living in this world…to know about us…a people who escaped a world of murder and chaos…only to meet their destruction…”
I started to feel a chill run through my spine from what this tablet said…I mean…this was written right before they all were killed off…and…it explained everything…I didn’t want to read anymore of it…but…I had to…I need to find out about myself…so I’ll know if I pose any threat to little Seliky…I was going to look at it again but…I suddenly heard…a very…familiar sound of…a woman wailing and…moving…liquid…

Part 12

I grew very scared…the thing I saw yesterday…it apparently followed me…Seliky’s eyes flung open…hearing the loud wailing noise from the creature outside…
“Wha…what’s going on…what is that noise…” Seliky mumbled as she rubbed her eyes…I couldn’t answer…I was petrified with fear…I then noticed Seliky had this startled look on her face…I guess she remembered what I told her about the creature…how it sounded like…and she just realized it was at our front door…
“Aurora…I take back what I said about kicking the things butt…I’m scared…” she cried out...I could see tears running down her eyes…seeing this…I managed to regain my train of thought and quickly grabbed Seliky…I slithered as quickly as I could to the exit…only to see through the little peephole next to the boulder…that the creature was right in front of my home…the only thing that kept it from spotting us was the boulder I always place over the entrance of my den…Seliky looked as she wanted to screamed…but I quickly put my finger over her mouth to stop her…the blob creature moved slowly cross the field…closer to the den…as it moved…some of it goo stuck out…forming tentacle like things…grabbing tree’s right out of its roots…the tree’s that were grabbed enter the blob creature…and…I saw the poor tree…start…to disintegrate…I grew frightened…it…ate everything…and dissolved it...like it was nothing…it even ate large boulders…even I cant do that…well…why would I want to…the thing slowly…grew closer and closer…Seliky grabbed onto me tightly…she was shaking just as much I was…I felt like screaming…but I swallowed it down…I couldn’t move though…I felt like…I was frozen solid by this thing…I was so scared that…even my scales stood up…I didn’t know what to do…I don’t know what this thing is…or what it’ll do when it finds us…I managed to turn to Seliky who was trembling…her pink eyes seemed blue from all her tears…she looked up at me with her watery eyes…
“Are...we going to…die…” she whispered…I didn’t know what to say…this is a different situation than with the two Dridders…I could actually fight them…but…this thing…seems unstoppable…but…I had to make a decision…like with the dridders…
“Seliky…I want you to stay here…when you see an opening…I…I want you to run for it…” I told Seliky…Seliky’s eyes widen…
“Aurora…wha…what are you going to do…” she cried back…suddenly the creature roared…it heard Seliky…
“Just do it!...” I yelled…I pushed the boulder aside and rushed outside…the creature wasn’t very big…wasn’t much bigger than I was…but…it…still frightened me…the two orbs that floated inside of it started spinning…the metallic looking one had this faint…red flicker inside of it…it suddenly shot it’s other orb at me still being inside of it’s large gooey surface…I barely had time to react to it…I threw myself to the side just as the goo was right in front of me…that thing’s strike was so quick…it was like a blur when it shot out like me…the orb slowly went back to the center of it’s body and the goo that stretched out centered with it as well…I turned to see the boulder it hit instead of me…part of it was missing…I grew really scared now…I have no chance do I have with this thing…it’s going to kill me…the blob shot out at me again with it’s large gooey surface and I threw myself to the side again…but…it brushed against my tail…I suddenly felt this sharp burning pain on my tail where he hit…it hurt so bad…I…couldn’t stand it…I could feel it even through my thick scales…the pain was so great that I started to scream…I saw the creature moving slowly towards me…I looked back to the entrance of the cave and saw Seliky still standing there…what are you doing…run…get out of here…this is your chance to get away…I could see the expression in her face…she looked so scared…and worried…don’t worry about me…I’m only using myself of a distraction so you can get away…If I die…I want at least Seliky to be ok…but…if I die…what would she do…ugh…I haven’t planned this through very much…damn it…ugh…I cant believe I just cursed…well…its not like anyone is like…reading my thoughts or something…so I guess its fine…I’m done for anyways…the creature was soon only two yard from me…I could here it’s gooey insides turning…the two orbs slowly moving forward…one at a time…inch by inch…I felt helpless now…my tail…is…in so much pain…I don’t think I can slither any more…and even if I could…it’ll hurt…it’s only a matter of time this thing is going to…eat me…I have to think of something…I looked around and saw a tree trunk was within arms reach…I reached out as far as I could and grabbed it…I pulled myself to it and used it to help myself up…it creature still moved closer to me…it made a trail of dead grass…killing all the poor grass that it went over…I pulled up at the tree…using all the strength I had in me…the scales on my arm began to stick out in it’s spine position…as I pulled…I looked back…seeing that the blob creature was only seconds away from striking range…I pulled harder and hard…I heard the roots of the tree began to give away until I ripped the tree right out of the ground…I turned while swinging the tree with all my might at the blob…it slammed into the blobs gooey surface and entered it…I hit the blob’s metallic looking orb…the blob then flew backwards 20 feet and slammed into the ground…I seemed to have found some sort of…weak spot…or…a part of it that actually hurts it…I then realized…the tree that I used was half gone… disintegrating as it entered the blob…it managed to hit the orb before dissolving away completely…I dropped the rest of the poor tree and went to pull another of from it’s roots…just as I was about to…the blob made it’s tentacles again and shot them out at me…I moved to the side trying my best to not let them touch me…it was very difficult for me…my tail was still having that burning pain from earlier…suddenly…one of the tentacles grabbed my tail and made me fall to the floor…for some reason the tentacle didn’t burn me…I guess it is only used to grab things…I threw my tail to the side till part of the tentacle was under it…and the I slammed my tail down on it as hard as I could…the blob retracted it’s now injured tentacle…only to break it off and make more…they all were about to shoot out at me…I was on the floor making it impossible to avoid…I just…laid there…helplessly…as all the tentacles shot out at me…I tightened my eyes…I didn’t want to watch my soon to be painful death…I laid there for a few second…only to realize…it hasn’t grabbed me yet…I opened my eyes seeing Seliky right in front of the blob…waving her arms around…
“Hey you…yes you…look over here…here’s a nice tasty human here for you…come and get me instead…” she yelled out…she was making the creature focus on her…
“Seliky…what are you doing…get out of here while you still can…please…I don’t want you hurt!...or even killed…please…” I cried out…the blob struck at her but she jumped back…barely getting out of the way…the tentacles shot out after her as she ran…I tried to get up to help her…but my tail started to feel even worse than before…the blob started to go after her rather than me now…I have to help her…if that thing manages to grab her…she’s a goner…but…I cant move...I...agh…need to save her…

Part 13

Every time the blob thing attacked Seliky…I jumped…I was really scared that it’ll grab her and eat her all up…I tried to pull myself up…but…I was in so much pain…suddenly…Seliky tripped and fell face flat on the floor…I started to scream her name…the blob slowly caught up to her and she turned herself around…I saw the expression on her face…so…full of ear…I…finally managed to pick myself up…I ignored the intense pain I felt…I dashed over to Seliky…I was right in front of Seliky and was about to grab her…but…the blob shot out her tentacle and grabbed her…It pulled her to its body and I heard her ear shattering scream…I reached out for her and she reached out for me…but the blob just dragged her completely into it’s body…her screams became muffled…I could see her struggling and her cloths began to disintegrate…I yelled her name as tears filled my eyes…she is so much as gone…I can't save her…if I tried I’ll die as well…but…I…suddenly felt…light…headed…everything started to blur out…I then suddenly retracted the scales on my arms to the spiny state…I felt all this anger engulfing me…like…a forest fire…then…I saw myself…like…I was looking down at myself…from above…yet…I was still in my body…I couldn’t move…
“…how dare you…hurt…her…” I yelled…I dashed at the blob and pierced my arm through it’s thick…slimy body and reached for Seliky…I could feel my arm burning…but…not as much as my tail for some reason.…the blob roared and grabbed me …it then lifted me into the air…for some reason…I started to laugh…like…evilly…I just…sliced at the tentacle with my arm till it gave away and landed near where Seliky was floating in it’s body…I pierced my arm again…trying to get her…but the blob again grabbed me again…I grabbed it with my free hand and squeezed it so tightly that it bursted…some of the goo got all over me but I didn’t care…the blob the somehow turned it’s outer layer into a solid…it expanded…pushing me back the mountain…trying to crush me…but…that only make me laugh harder…I tightened my muscles and grabbed the blobs hard layer new bodyish thing…I pushed forward…sliding it forward…I saw that Seliky wasn’t moving…but…I…didn’t seem to…care anymore…I didn’t seem…to have any power over my control…the blob returned to its normal form…causing both my arms to enter it’s body…I saw the organic looking orb near my arm…I guess I though it would be like the other one…a weak spot…because I struck at it as hard as I could…but the thick goo made it hard to get to…I only tapped it…but suddenly…a shockwave flared out of the creatures body and threw me 50 feet into the air…I slammed hard into the wall of the mountain and slid onto the floor…I was dazed…but…I…seemed to regain control of my body…I felt so weak…I looked up and saw that the creature was moving around rapidly…its gooey surface seemed…less circular and full of bumps that moved up and down…it roared as if something had just…hurt it…as it moved around…I dropped my head…I was to weak to move…my body…was in…so much pain…my mind was all blur…but…I managed to see…in the corner of my eye…Seliky…she…was laying in a bush…her cloths were completely gone…her body was so burnt from the blob that…I could see…her…muscle tissue near…her stomach…she…wasn’t moving…her eyes were closed…and she wasn’t breathing…I…realized…she…must be…dead…I reached forward…for…her body and picked her up…she…was heavy to me now…I could barely hold her…I brought her to my chest and started to cry…she’s dead…my only friend…dead…this cant be real…this has to be…some sort of nightmare…I rubbed my finger against her thin hair…I didn’t get a chance to look at her…I heard the creature roar...I looked up and saw it coming towards me…I started to cry even more…tears rolled down my eyes as I held Seliky against me…
“Stay back…get…away from me…don’t you see…you already destroyed the only thing…that I had to live for…the only person…that accepted me…” I yelled at the creature…it just kept on coming at me…it didn’t even hesitate…
“Do your worst…just do it…nothing can be worse than the pain I’m feeling now…” I yelled…a tentacle spawned from it’s body and slowly went up to me…I closed my eyes tightly…wishing it’ll be over quickly…I felt…this…overwhelming sharp…pain in…agh…my stomach…It was so great…it forced me to open my eyes…it Tentacle was..agh…inside me…agh…but it…didn’t pierce though me…I saw this…red liquid come out of me through it’s tentacle and to it’s body…I started to feel woozy…the blobs…metallic orb began to glow…as…everything…grew…blurry…I saw…the tentacle…left my body…and the blob…slowly descended…through the ground…leaving me…here to…die along with…the lifeless body…of my frie………………

I woke up…everything was…so…blurry…but after awhile…my eyesight returned…it was still dark outside…my body felt very weak…it was even hard for me to breath…but…I didn’t care…Seliky was…still laying in my arms…in the same position that I last saw her in…she looked even more pale than normal…I couldn’t help but cry…that monster…killed her…she gave her life…for mine…I feel so sick inside…so very sick…like…my whole world just…disappeared…leaving me in this black void…my family died…I had to leave Thanh…and…now…Seliky is…dead…such…a young…innocent life…just…gone…and I didn’t seem to care before…till…I see her dead before me…this is so horrible…I’m…such a bad person…the only thing now…that seems best fit is…to…give Seliky…a…proper burial…

Part 14

…I just cant…get this empty feeling out…I just…feel so…alone…in this darkness…trapped…no one to pull me out…the one hand that can…is…forgotten…forgotten in the darkness

My body…feels so weak…not from the fight with…that DAMN thing…but…from…Seliky…her death…I…I didn’t even get to say bye…all I have to remember her bye…is…her screaming my name…it kept on repeating…over and over in my head…haunting me…ripping away at me…I cant…take this much pain any longer…and…she has only been dead for…1 hour…and yet…feels like 100 years…her body feels…so…so cold…so stiff…so…motionless…I keep on thinking she is…just going to get up…and…and everything would be back to normal…but…it’s not…she is not coming back…I’ll never be able to see that…cute little smile of hers…ever again…sure I only knew her for a few days…but…that doesn’t matter…those few days…were the best of my life…I finally entered my home…I was still weak…my body was still in pain…though…even in my great pain…I want to give Seliky a…proper burial…she deserves it…she really does…I was going to bury her in a chamber I mad recently and never came up with a use for it…well…it is not going to be Seliky’s little…resting place…I placed little Seliky on the floor as gently as I could and entered the chamber to start digging…my body…started to hurt…so much…like…some one just shot me 500 times…but…even through this…I continued…Seliky’s voice began to start up in my head…taunting me with all the funny things she said…her face kept on popping up…every where I looked…the memories…which were so post to be happy…felt more like a arrow…that just shot though my soul…err…I cant go on life living like this…what is the point of living…when…the all the ones…who cared for me…die…Seliky’s being the worst death…such…a painful…gruesome death…no child should ever go through that suffering…I wonder…what she is doing now…is she looking down at me…from…where ever the souls of the lost go…or is she just happy to be rid of her father…I don’t know…if she is happy where she is…then…that is the only way that I’ll feel…some what conferrable…I finished making the area where Seliky would lay…a small square shape hole…big enough to fit her…small…small body…I looked down at it a bit…the torturous voices appeared in my head again…Seliky…calling my name…over and over again…”Aurora…Aurora…”…I started to cry again…all of this pain…it’s tarring me apart…I turned to get Seliky’s body…but…she wasn’t there…but…that is…that is impossible…she’s…she’s dead…
“Aurora…are you planning on putting me in this hole…” I heard from…below me…I looked down and there she was…looking up at me…smiling…I couldn’t believe my eyes…I immediately grabbed her and squeezed hard against me…
“I can’t believe it…you’re…you’re actually alive…but…I could have sworn you were dead…” I cried out…
“Ow…Aurora…you’re killing me…” she said back with short breaths…I let go of her…looked up at me and smiled…
“You though…I was dead…silly...silly Aurora…” she laughed…I still couldn’t believe all of this…it was like my mind was trying to pay a trick on me…but it wasn’t
“Oh my…I…I still can’t believe this…are you like a ghost or something…no…wait…I picked you up…are you a zombie…” I cried out…
“I don’t think so…I don’t feel like I want to eat someone’s brains…” she said back to me…
“You are alive…” I cried out happily…
“What was you first clue…” she said sarcastically…I picked her up and brought her to my face…
“I thought that goo thing killed you…you…didn’t move…you didn’t breath…I didn’t even hear your heart beat…but…you…you are still here…with me…” said out…
“Well…I’m here…breathing…and…” she paused and placed her hand over her chest… “My heart is beating…so…I’m here…any more things do you want me to do so I can show you I’m alive…” she said back to me…she then started coughing…I could tell she was in a lot of pain…she has huge gaping wounds all over her body…and the on that worried me was…the one on her stomach…I could see her muscle tissue…it looks like it needs to be treated…
“Can you tell me this…did…did we win…” she asked in a very faint voice…
“I think…I think I managed to scare it off…but…” I stopped in the middle of my sentence…
“You think it’ll be back…” she mumbled…
“Don’t worry about it…all that matters to me it that you are alive…and with me…you cant imagine all this pain I have been feeling…I…I was going crazy…I was all talking to myself…” I said back…Seliky gave a small giggle…but…she then started coughing again…she…coughed up blood…it spattered on my face…and I began to feel…woozy…but…I suppressed it…I shook my head…trying to stop myself from fainting…
“Are you ok Aurora…” she mumbled…I took a deep breath and looked back at her…
“I’m fine…let’s get you fixed up…you look horrible…” I said to her…
“hehehe…yeah…you too…” she said back…when she said that…I realized that…my arms were all burnt…I could actually see my muscle tissue also…but not as big as Seliky’s…but it was weird…the scales on my arms seem to still be intact…my tail was also in pretty bad condition…but I didn’t care about my injuries…I was still sort of shocked that Seliky was still here…with me…

Part 15

I rubbed the cream that was in the first aid kit all over Seliky’s arms…her wounds were so bad…I sort of felt sorry for her…it makes the wound feel like it is burning…I could see Seliky was trying to endure the pain…she held her eyes tightly and twitched a bit…I looked down at the huge wound on her stomach…normal medicine wont be able to fix that one…maybe those healing herbs could help…but…that blob thing destroyed the patch that grew in front of my home…
“Aurora…you are so good with medicine…” She said to me with a small smile…I smiled back…I continued to rub the cream on her when she looked down at her stomach…
“Hehehe…I can see inside of me…” she laughed…I knew she was just trying to keep me feeling good…but this was still a very serious situation…if this wound stayed like this…it can get infected…and she’ll die…and after I felt when I thought she was dead before…I cant handle another one…
“Thanks for trying to cheer me up…” I mumbled…I’m really happy that is here with me still…but she doesn’t have to try to make me feel better…
“It’s almost time for me to head back to…my…dad’s house…” she then mumbled…
“You…you cant go back in your condition…the predators would be attracted to you…and even if you do make it back…would your father find it strange that you have these…wounds…” I cried out…
“I’ll managed…after the pain I felt tonight…anything he does to me would be nothing…” she said with a small smile…she then started coughing…I knew she wasn’t in any condition to walk…and I was really weak also…I cant really take her over to her home with my tail like this…
“Seliky…why don’t you stay for tonight…I mean…I know you cannot make that long walk without killing yourself…” I mumbled…she looked up at me and smiled…
“Silly Aurora…if I stay here…father would get angry…also he’ll send people to looks for me…and you cant have that…cant you Aurora…” she said with a strange smile…she had a point there…I gave a sigh and looked over to her…
“I’ll take you…now come…let me get you dressed…” Seliky smiled and looked at my tail…
“Your such a good friends…escorting me even when you have an injured tail…thank you Aurora…” she said to me…I felt like crying…I felt so happy after hearing those…kind words…
“It’s…it’s my pleasure Seliky…” I said…I picked up a cloth and rapped it tightly around Seliky’s stomach to protect it from infection…well…till those herbs grow back…I then grabbed some cloths around Seliky’s size and put it on her…a little baggy…but she didn’t seem to mind…I picked her up…trying to avoid her sore spots and put her on my shoulder…
“Let’s head out…” I told her as I…painfully…slithered out of the cave…

It was a safe journey to the entrance of the city…I did almost fall forward a few times though…but I managed to avoid falling…if I fell…I could have accidentally crush little Seliky…which would be very very bad…I’m like 500 times her size and WAY out of her weight class…not that I’m fat or anything…Seliky said thank you to me and I placed her on the floor…she waved to me as slowly headed into the city…I hoe she is going to be ok…I don’t have a clue what goes on with her when she is in the city…it’s like a barrier or something…keeping me away…preventing me from protecting my friend…but…it cant be helped…I only have been in the city once…when I was very…very small…but that isn’t the point…I just hope Seliky wouldn’t get hurt in there…by her stupid excuse of a father…I turned around and began to head hope…it was still very dark…I had to rely on my left eye to see…my left eye can see in night vision…which is useful when it is dark...or when I’m in my burrow…every so often I would here a bush shake…or leaves rattling…I was so scared that the blob thing was still out here that I moved…a bit quicker…but I did manage to get home…I covered my burrow and went to my sleeping chamber…I uncovered the tablet and looked at it again…for some reason…I didn’t feel like reading it…I mean…my mind was so focused on little Seliky…after seeing her…dead…then come back…made me worried…I was scared that her being my friend is actually putting her in more danger…first was that Dridder…and now that blob thing…if this keeps up…either me…or Seliky…is…going to be killed…I thought…of…just leaving…and let Seliky go…but…I then snapped to my senses…why would I think such a horrible thing…all of these events must be driving me mad…ugh…I need some rest…I need some time to relax…I laid down…trying to avoid hurting myself…I held the tablet above my face and stared at it a bit…this thing has almost everything about my people…maybe if I can find something in here…I could be able to find a way to protect Seliky better…so I wouldn’t have to see her death again…I started to read it again…

“Our people are great fighters…out highly advanced physical easily overwhelms other Nagas…this makes up for our relatively smaller size…also…our people have thick protective scales both on our arms…and tails…this is useful for both combat and digging purposes…the scales on our tail are thick to prevent serious injury…they are so thick that missals cannot harm them…when in a danger dangerous situation…we coil ourselves into a ball…protecting our human unarmored half…”

After reading this…everything made a little sense…I do have some fighting moves that no one thought me…also I’m very strong…I’m able to shatter boulders 5 times my size…and pull large trees out from their roots…and when I get scared…I coiled into armored ball with my tail…but…what did it mean…Relatively smaller size…that go me really confused…but I didn’t put to much though into it…I just looked at the tablet and skimmed ahead…suddenly…I caught something in the corner of my eye…I saw my name being mentioned in the tablet…
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

Posts : 343
Join date : 2009-10-21
Age : 33
Location : Orlando

Aurora's Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aurora's Story   Aurora's Story Icon_minitimeWed May 11, 2011 4:40 pm

parts 16 - 20

Part 16

When I…when saw my name on the Tablet…I felt a chill fall through my back…I started to read the part about me…I realized that the Tablet wasn’t written by only one person…but by the entire family…and the one about me…was…written by…my…sister…

“Well it looks like I have to write in this thing now about my baby sister Aurora…Aurora is a unique little naga…our people are built for physical strength…not much in everything else…our kind do not have a magic aura…which pretty much mean we cannot use any magic what’s so ever…Aurora was the very first one of our kind to be born here in Felarya…actually she was the only one…but that is not the point…Aurora was actually born with a small magical Aura…she is the only one of our kind that may be able to use magic…though…if she was…she’ll only be able to cast really weak spells...I guess that is why our parents called her Aurora…"

I froze after reading this…It was shocking that I even had a sister…but…now that I know…that I’m different from the others and…I’m able to use magic…apparently…I continued to look through the tablet…that was the only thing that it said about me…it never mentioned who my parents were…and my sister failed to mention anything about herself…leaving me still wondering about everything…I sighed and continued skimming the writing on the tablet…near the end…it said something about our kid…that…that was very disturbing…

“Our people are great fighters…our skill combined with our great strength makes our power very high…but…we have…no tolerance for damage…if we get injured...it’ll takes us months to recover…even for minor wounds…and our bodies cant take much punishment…but…due to our travels to many different worlds to escape the pursuing humans…our bodies evolved a special ability…we called it Tsuin Hitogara…when we find ourselves in a life or death situation…we go into…sort of temporary transformation…our bodies strength and endurance increases Ten Fold…this allowed us to survive till now…but…this ability has a defect…our minds seem to be…replaced with this…merciless…gruesome…blank us from our feelings and keeping us from doing what is right…in this state…we can kill our closest friend…and feel no guilt…till our minds return to us…we feel no mercy…nothing…not even love…to warn our…family that someone enters this state…our eyes turn completely yellow…to many…when this happens…something dies soon after…

My eyes widen…according to this…I’m…some sort of…a…bloodthirsty killing machine…this would explain what happened to me in the fight with that Dridder…I must have gone into that…Tsuin Hitogara thing…I don’t know if it is safe for me to be with Seliky anymore…I could hurt…or even kill little Seliky…I don’t want that…I want Seliky to live a long happy life…not one that may be short and full of fear…I put the tablet down and covered it with dirt…I didn’t want to read anymore…full of things…I shouldn’t learn…but…at least I…know more of myself…and…why I go all bezerko crazy when I’m fighting…ugh…I need some rest…I need some rest from this crazy…crazy day…

I woke up…I turned to look at that human clock thing Seliky gave to me…it said it was 8 AM…my body was is no much pain…it hurt even when I moved my arms…my tail felt as if it was going to fall off and my chest hurt when I took deep breaths…I didn’t want to get up…I knew if I moved…my body would start to hurt…real bad…but suddenly…I started to hear my stomach grumbling…like it was saying to me “Aurora…get off your tail and feed me!!!” hehehe…I must be going crazy if I interpret what my stomach is saying…I decided to get up to see if anything was in my traps…I lifted myself up…trying to endure my aching body…I slowly slithered out of my den and headed north…as I went…I saw the battle field where I fought the blob creature…the I tree’s were gone…the floor was gone…even the boulders were gone…is I moved…I turned and saw where I saw the blob creature disappear into the ground…the grass was all dead…as if all life was drained from that very spot…I began to wonder…how did that blob thing fallow me…I mean…it didn’t see me the first time I saw it…it would have eaten me then and there if it did…I looked down at the floor…I sighed and thought about if for a second…it then noticed…part of the skin on my tail was peeling of…after seeing this…I knew how it fallowed me…I’M SHEDDING…and that thing must have smelled my sent from the shedded skin from my tail and fallowed me…this is great…now I know that this thing is going to come back…well…at least I think I know it’s weak spot…and know to avoid touching that organic looking orb…I continued to slither on to my traps…wondering about that blob thing…I put my hand on my stomach…but not because I was hungry…but because of what that blob did to me…I put it’s tactical in me…and suck something out of me…no I just have this red mark on my belly…but it didn’t hurt…I wonder why it did that…instead of eating me and Seliky…I was helpless and at it’s mercy…why did it spare me…unless it is planning to attack again…I’m so very confused now…just what the heck is this…monster…

Part 17

I had to stop thinking about this goo monster…today is my day to relax…I need to keep my mind as straight as possible…after all the things that has happen these past couple of days…I’m actually surprised I haven’t gone mad from all of this…I mean…first I was practically scared to death that the humans were going to kill me…then Seliky put me in a situation where she wants me to eat her…then that Dridder attacked us…then I found the tablet plus came in contact with…that thing…then I went crazy when I though Seliky hated me now…and then that thing attacked us…and then I went crazy when I though Seliky died…ugh…so much for me to handle…my life is becoming too hectic…ugh…I really really need some rest…I finally reached where my traps were laid…and I was surprise…there were three humans in my traps…two in the same trap…yes…this is perfect for the hard two weeks I have been through…but there was still the trouble of…well…eating them…I’m still sort of weak from…that thing…I peered into the hole and they all looked up at me…terrified…two were male and one was a female…suddenly one of the males pulled out a rifle …I pulled my head back right before he fired…agh…how can I be so stupid…I never use to peer into the holes before…I knew it was dangerous…I guess I am going crazy…well…how am I going to get him out without him shooting me up…hmmm…I got it…I reached my hand down quickly and grabbed the man before he had the chance…I made sure both his hands weren’t free as I flicked the rifle out of his hands…
“Nice try…” I said to him…his eyes widen as he looked at me...he started to struggle wildly like a trapped animal…but he didn’t have any chance breaking from my grip…I don’t want the little guy to be worn out inside me…it isn’t as much fun when my pray isn’t struggling inside me…even though it pains to me to think they are suffering…but…I have to eat too…I opened my mouth and stuffed him in without giving him a say…he started kicking at my gums…but I just slurped him deeper in my mouth and then swallowed hard…I could feel my neck stretching out to fit him in my throat…he squirmed as I gulped him down…though this did take me awhile…he kept on fighting making his decent slower than normal…I just swallowed again…pushing him further down my throat…by now…I’d say his head would be right where my neck meet my body…a bit of his legs were still in my mouth…kicking away…but with another gulp…no more…I guess he decided not to fight anymore because the rest of his little…um…trip…went faster…I could feel him plop into my stomach…well…that’s one…2 more to go…well…it may be that I can only have one more meal…I looked in the other hole to see the other two humans…well the woman looks as if she is unconscious…she wasn’t moving and was laying on the floor…I guess her falling in my trap knocked her out…well…I guess I’ll spare her sense she hasn’t seen me yet…but the male…he’s not so lucky…I reached out and grabbed him…then I felt this pain in my fingers…I pulled out my hand quickly…I had a cut on my finger…and…I was…bleeding…I looked away…to avoid…you know…I looked though the hole and saw the man had a sword…
“You hurt me…” I mumbled…he didn’t say anything…just stood his ground ok…lets disarm this little one…I reached in again but this time…I grabbed some dirt and flicked it at him…he staggered and I grabbed him before he could use his sword…I yanked his sword away from him and tossed it aside…
“You were a feisty one…but I got you…” I said to him…I then…heard him muttering to himself…
“What’s that you say?...” I said to him…
“You are all filth…you nagas…you all make me sick…” he yelled…I went silent…he looked at me…he then noticed that I was injured…
“…hmpt…serves you right…I bet you ate hundreds of humans…” I looked down at the floor shamefully…but I regained my senses and looked at him…
“Do you normally treat people who are bigger…and stronger than you like this…it is quite rude you know…” I mumbled…
“Go to hell…” he yelled back at me…I tightened my other fist…I could feel my scales…slowly retracting from my arm…
“…you should close that mouth of yours…if you know what is good for you…” I mumbled…he laughed…
“Hmpt…what…you can’t take an insult…filthy...filthy Naga!...” he continued…I swear…if this man with in my other hand…he’ll be in tiny bits…that's how tight my fist is…
“what…is the little Naga angry…go ahead…kill me…I don’t care…my soul will feel better seeing the military shoot you down…” he yelled…anger suddenly engulfed me…in a blind rage…I slammed the man as hard as I could into the stone boulder near me…so hard that the boulder shattered into hundreds of pieces…but that wasn’t the end of it…I the slammed him into the dirt…pushing him deep into the ground…so deep that it took up my entire arm…I pulled my arm out of the new deep hole in the ground and found the man dead…with a missing arm and body nearly crushed…I tossed his worthless body aside and the punched a nearby tree…so hard that the tree fell over…
“Damn him…” I yelled…I then regained my senses…I…I didn’t want to do that…I…killed the guy…and…I…suddenly feel so…I feel really woozy and light headed…I…I guess I went into Tsuin Hitogara…but…I wasn’t in a life or death situation…did…did my anger trigger it…oh…this is bad…what if I got angry at Seliky…for any reason at all…would…would I do the same thing to her that I did to this human…this is so bad…agh…this was so post to be my day to relax…but no…this stupid human ruined it…ugh…I got to go lay down…I’m fine with one taste human in my belly…which in fact…he was still fighting inside of me…I could see my slightly larger belly bumping around…but…what am I going to do with that woman who’s unconscious…well…I’ll be nice…I’ll leave her in front of the human city…so they can find her…she didn’t do anything wrong…

Part 18

After I put the women in front of the city…I then slithered back to my home…though…the extra weight in my belly did…well…slow me down a bit…I had to stop and take a short 5 second breather every so often…he was still struggling in there…but it’s not like he’s getting out…I have to eat too you know…so I ignored him…I began to daydream about my family…and about my sister…I don’t even know how they were like…I was too young to remember anything about them…I bet they were very nice people…though…I’ll never know if that is true…I probably shouldn’t think of them too much…I mean…I know a person is so post to remember their family…but…if I though of them too much…I’ll begin to miss them…and cry…I have to remain strong in this…I started to think about that magical Aura my sister mentioned…I never knew I was able to use magic…I guess this would explain my eyes…in the tablet…nothing mentioned about my kind having two colored eyes that see in Night vision and infer red vision…I wonder what I can do with this aura…she said that my Aura was weak…and I can only cast weak spells…well…what kind of weak spells…I should look into this…maybe even try to figure out how to use this magical aura of mine…but for now…it’s time to rest…I reached the entrance of my burrow and slithered inside…I went in my main chamber and laid down…my body begin to be in pain again…I could feel the burning sensation on my arms and my tail…it hurt so much…that stupid blob thing had to go too far with this…ugh…why am I thinking of that thing again…it just wont get out of my head…I turned myself onto my belly and put my face against the cool dirt…for some reason this relaxes me…but not as much as my little hot spring of course…I closed my eyes and took a deep breath…I pushed my aching arms into the cool dirt…burying them under the nice cold soil…I don’t really know why though…I guess it just feels nice…my body felt so relaxed now…all the pain in my body just seem to…have just…gone away…feels so nice to relax after such a hard week…so very nice…so nice that I fee like taking a nap…

…I woke up…I turned and looked at that clock thing…it said 2:00 PM…hehehe…I slept for four hours…it felt nice to get a decent sleep again…I got up and stretched my arms…I wasn’t in as much pain now for some reason…I guess the cold dirt really helped my wounds…ah…feels so nice…I also didn’t feel the little human kicking around in my belly now…I guess he’s gone now…hehehe…I don’t feel hungry any more…feels nice to get a nice little meal after all of these events lately…two hours till Seliky comes…what am I going to do for two hours…hmmm…I started to think…a have this real bad habit to play with the scales on my arms when I think…I lost count on how many scales I accidentally pulled out…I actually have a chamber full of them…hehehe…I don’t even know why I even need that chamber…maybe I’ll show Seliky it when she gets here…hmmm…what to do…things here are really boring without Seliky…I mean…she makes everything fun with her happy attitude and such…always with that cute little giggle of hers…I love the little stories she tells about the humans…she told me that when she is at her home…she looks out here window and just watch the people go by….studying them…which is actually sort of creepy…but all well…I’m just glad she isn’t studying me…wait…maybe she is…what if she is taking little notes on how I act…nah…she’s too cool for that…she also told me how she would sneak out of the house to go to a place called…a library…she says there are a lot of books in there and she would just sit there and read them…which sounds really boring…but I guess she has nothing better to do…maybe that is why she is so cunning…I mean…when she asks questions…she asks it in a way where I HAVE to answer…or asks a question that contradicts what I say before…she looks the details…she also had to be very smart to avoid all those traps I lay…I mean…she managed to find my lair the first day without falling into my traps…and then go into my lair again…she must be a very smart girl…and a very energetic one too…I mean…she is always so happy…it’s hard to believe she actually…wanted to commit suicide…ugh…I probably shouldn’t have thought of that…now…now I feel so depressed inside…this girl have must suffered a lot to actually…want me to eat her…err…that father of hers makes me so angry…I just…want my to be in my path when I’m in the Tsuin Hitogara state of mind…hehehe…the last thing he’ll ever see is my fist planting down on him…hehehe…I don’t think I ever had violent thoughts like this before…I guess the thought of Seliky being beaten by this man…just…stirs me up…I hope it doesn’t trigger the Tsuin Hitogara…I mean…that other man seemed to have triggered it…I don’t want to be in the Tsuin Hitogara state right in front of Seliky…I could hurt…yet…Kill her…ugh…I just hope I don’t…I then began to think a bit…should I tell Seliky about the Tsuin Hitogara…I mean…it’ll be good to warn her about it…but…I don’t want to frighten her away from me…ugh…I should tell her…I don’t want to hide something…this life threatening to her…I just hope her young heart can take it…

Part 19

30 minutes till little Seliky gets here…I better head over there now…I mean…I don’t want to be late again…I picked myself off the floor and headed out of my den…as I slithered out…I couldn’t help to noticed that the healing herbs were sprouting again…that’s good…maybe tomorrow…if they grow completely…I could used them on little Seliky…I highly really think her wounds aren’t completely heal yet…it has only been 12 and a half hours sense I last saw Seliky…but it’s not like I’m counting or anything…hehehe…ok I am…so what…cant I miss my new friend…hehehe…of course I can…I continue to move on…thinking of the fun things me and Seliky are going to do together…maybe she could tell me another one of those stories she has…hehehe…I cant wait…I moved on…passed the battle sight of that stupid goo monster…I didn’t bother to look…if I did…all of those memories would just…flood back into my mind…and I don’t want that…

After a short walk…um…I mean slither…I reached our meeting sight…I was surprised to see that Seliky was already there…
“Hey…looks like we both came early…huh?...” she said with a smile on her face…
“Yeah…I guess so…” I reply…she jumped to her feet and ran to me…which surprised me…she was still hurt from last night…
“I saw a weird thing on my way over here…it was so cute…” Seliky called out…
“Hehehe…what did you see Seliky?...” I said back…
“I saw a kitty girl walking along the road…though I didn’t go close to her…actually…I sort of hid in the bushes…but she was so cute…” Seliky said out with a grin on her face…
“Cat girl…I never saw a cat girl before…” I mumbled…I looked away from Seliky and smiled…I wonder how they taste like…I mean…it’ll be something new…
“What are you thinking about?...” Seliky says with a smile…I quickly turned to her…I blushed and sort of swayed a bit…
“Um…nothing that would interest you little one… I said back…
“You’re a weirdo you know that…” She smiled…I shoved her with my hand gently and turned around…
“Looks who’s talking little Miss Albino…” I laughed…
“Hey…I’m proud to be albino…” She said as she folded her arms…I laughed and picked her up…
“I’m only kidding with you…” I told her…
“Hehehe…I know…” she said back…I placed her on my shoulder and headed over to my place…
“So what did you did when I was gone…anything interesting…” she asked me…I remembered what I read about myself in the tablet…but I couldn’t tell her just yet….I’ll wait for the right time…
“Well…um…nothing too interesting…um…I slept pretty much the entire time…oh…and I did something else…but you probably don’t want to know…” I laughed…
“I do I do!!!” she cried out as she jumped up and down…
“Whoa…take it easy…you don’t want to kill yourself there…” I said to her…
“What if I do…” she said to me…I froze and my eyes widen…
“Hehehe…you actually took that seriously…you’re a silly person …” she said to me…I gave a sigh of relief and looked back at her…
“So…what did you do?...” she asked again…
“Well…if you must know…I swallowed a little human…” said while laughing…I could see Seliky’s eyes widen…her face suddenly turn green and she looked up at me…
“uh…can…can we take a pit stop…” she mumbled…I giggled as I picked her up and placed her on the floor…she immediately ran to a nearby bush and all I can here is her throwing up…I started laughing hard…
“Well you wanted to know…” I laughed…she slowly walked back up to me with a cold look in her face…
“…that wasn’t very nice…” she mumbled…
“Hey…I warned you didn’t I…” I laughed…I picked her up and placed her on my shoulder…
“Do you still hurt Seliky?...” I asked…I mean…I had to…after yesterday…I have to see if she is going to be ok…
“Well…my body still hurts really bad…but I gotten used to it…I’m just happy my father ignored me the entire time he was at home…he would have made it all worse…that stupid daddy of mine…” she mumbled…I patted her back with my finger…
“Well he’s not going to bother you now that you are with me…” I told her…she smiled and turned away from me…
“Hehehe…the only person I don’t mind you eating is him…fill free to if you get the chance…” she laughed…I couldn’t help but giggle…
“Well he’ll just probably give me a bad case of indigestion…”I laughed…
“Hehehe…yeah…like rotten fruit…” she said with a smile…”hey…do you want to take a dip in that little hot pool thing you have at your house…” she added…
“well…I don’t know if it’ll be good for you and me to do that…I mean…the volcanic chemicals in the air around it would do good for our wounds…maybe after we are completely better…Ok…” I mumbled…Seliky smiled and looked at me with those pink eyes of hers…
“Okey Dokey…” she said out…I smiled back at her as we continued back to my home…

2 hours passed and I’ve been listening to little Seliky’s interesting stories about life in the city…she told me about parks…stores and all these other strange human places in there…but suddenly Seliky stopped say her stories now…I guess something caught her attention…because she was looking at me funny…
“Um…Aurora…how did you get that scar on your cheek… that scar on your shoulder…” she asked me…suddenly all the painful memories of my childhood suddenly flooded back into my head…such…painful memories…
“Well…I prefer not to say…it’s not you…it’s just…I prefer not to remember that dreadful day…” I mumbled…she looked down at the floor shamefully…
“Oh…I'm…I’m sorry I asked…” she mumbled…it went silent for a couple of seconds…finally Seliky jumped up…looking as she just thought of something…
“Oh Aurora…you remember that big blue blob that attacked us yesterday…” she said out…ugh…why did she have to mention that thing…
“How can I forget…it almost killed you…” I mumbled…Seliky smiled as if she had something really important to tell me…
“Well…I thought it looked a little familiar…so I went to the library when my father fell asleep drunk again because I remember looking at something in a book that looked like it…I think I know what it might be…”

Part 20

After I heard what Seliky I jumped up…nearly throwing her off my shoulder…
“Really…you do…what is it…is there anything we can do to make it leave us alone!?!…” I cried out…
“I said I MAY know what it is…but…this is only a hunch…it may or may not be what I think it is…and that blob thing would even be it…just similar to it…” she said back to me…
“Ok…what do you think it is…” I asked…she pulled out her backpack and took out a book from it…she flipped through the pages and stopped on one…
“Can you put me on the floor so I can show you…” she asked…I picked her up and placed her on the ground…she laid down on the ground and placed the book on the floor so I can see…she pointed at a word and tried to pronounce it…
“Here it is…Am…ame…ameo…Amoeba…am I saying it right?…” she said out…
“How am I so post to know…” I said back…
“ok what ever…I’ll just go with Ameba…well…this thing looks sort of like that blob thing that hurt us last night…” she said to me as she pointed to a picture…the picture show a blob like creature with two ball looking inside of it…
“That’s it…that’s the thing that attacked it…but…it’s a white version of it…” I cried out…
“Wait a second Aurora…this Ameba thing is microscopic…It can’t possibly be the thing that attacked us…” she mumbled…
“But…it looks exactly like it…maybe it got bigger…” I said out…Seliky shook her head…
“No…the biggest ameba can get is 2mm…that is not even close to the size of that strange creature…” Seliky mumbled…I suddenly lost all confidence inside me…
“So basically…we still know nothing of this creature…”I mumbled…
“Well…we don’t know nothing of this creature…but I know it is similar this ameba thing…well…at least how it moves and catch pray…an ameba is small and flat…but that blob thing looks more like a big blue bubble…which makes them different…” she said to me…
“So…we still don’t have a clue on why this thing is fallowing me…” I mumbled…
“Well it does seem interested in you…but more in the way of ”RAWR IM A BIG BLOB THING AND I WANT TO EAT YOU”…but it doesn’t only want you…it looks like it eats other things like m...” she froze and looked at the floor…
“I mean people…” she mumbled…I knew she was thinking on how the creature almost killed her and I rubbed my finger on her back…trying to comfort her…
“It’s ok…you’re fine now…” I said to her…she looked up at me and smiled…
“I know…” she answered…she looked back at the book…
“We might not know why it wants us…but we could try to figure out a way to avoid it…” she continued…
“Like how?...” I asked…
“Well…if I got my information straight…you told me you saw that thing three days ago at night…well…yesterday you and I saw it…at night…maybe it only comes out at night…” She told me…I started to think about it…she was absolutely right…the two times I saw it was at night…and the first time I saw it…it was gone when I came out in the morning…wow…I would have never figured that out…well…maybe I would have after like…20 days…but Seliky thought of it in only one day…she’s a bright bright girl…but after thinking about what she said some more…I thought of something that confused me…
“You’re right about that night time thing…but…why didn’t it attack me the day before yesterday…I mean…it didn’t appear that day…” I asked…I saw Seliky’s face turn into a confused look…
“That is a very interesting question…I don’t know…we know very little of this creature…so figuring out it’s habits would take a lot of time to study it…and of course…if this creature attacks us…and we cannot find anything to fight it off…we’ll both be dead within a month…” Seliky said back to me…a chill fell down my spine…
“What if I find a new place to stay…away from here…maybe I can loose it…” I asked…Seliky shook her head…
“It wont do anything…it’ll find you still…well…that’s what I think…I’m actually still trying to figure out it found you the last time…if I remember right…you said it didn’t see you…” Seliky said back to me…
“It didn’t…but…” I paused…I looked down at my tail and gave a sigh…
“I’m shedding…and…and I think it traced my sent through one of my shedding that were left behind…I never even knew I could shed till today…” I mumbled…
“That explains it…that’s how it found you…” Seliky said out…
“So…what are we going to do…we don’t know when it would attack…” I mumbled…
“That’s true…the only thing we can do now is try to find out more about this thing…” she mumbled…when she said that…I suddenly remember something from my past when Thanh took care of me…I remember that Thanh had two jobs…she worked in the elven military and she studied and made notes of all the creatures in Felarya…maybe she knows what this creature is…
“Um…Seliky…in the city…have you heard the name Thanh before?...” I asked… Seliky looked at me in confusion…
“…hmmm…it rings a bell…why do you ask…” she asked me…I felt that chill again…
“Um…Seliky…can you do me a favor…can you find out more of the Thanh person…or maybe even find her?...” I asked… Seliky looked up at me…
“Um…Ok?...I’ll see if I can find anything...but…but what does this person have to do with anything?...” she asked me…
“Can you just please do it…” I mumbled…
“…Ok…sense you know this persons name…you must know her from somewhere…but…what does she have to do with this blob…” she said back to me…
“…So um…what do you think we should do about this blob thing…” I mumbled…trying to change the subject…
“…well…the only thing we can do is wait…but…can we stop talking about this thing…hearing about this thing is sort of scaring me…” she mumbled…
"Me too…” I said back…
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

Posts : 343
Join date : 2009-10-21
Age : 33
Location : Orlando

Aurora's Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aurora's Story   Aurora's Story Icon_minitimeFri May 13, 2011 11:04 pm

Parts 21 - 25

Part 21

It was around 7:00 PM now…it was getting pretty late now…Seliky asked if she can have her own privet chamber to do something…when I asked her what she wanted it for she said it was human things and it wouldn’t interest me…but it still concerned me…she picked up a lot of the weird mechanical objects the humans I…well…encountered and took them all into that room…I wanted to take a look inside but when I did…Seliky just jumped up and covered her stuff with a blanket saying…”Hey…do you mind!?!...I’m working here!”…which made me wonder…what is she working on…but I guess I should give her some space…I mean…I don’t want to interfere with anything she is doing in there…I slithered to the entrance of my den and covered it…only leaving a small opening so I can see what was outside…it’s almost nighttime and that…thing…could show up…if it does…I’ll be the first line of defense…hopefully I could lure it away so that Seliky could get away…I laid against the wall of my den looking outside to the flickering little lights of the fire flies…it was quiet today…which I like because I hate loud noises…especially loud sudden noises like lightning…well…thunder…I always been afraid of thunder...lightning I can deal with…but thunder…no…I cant deal with such loud noises…making me jump and shooting my scales up…ugh…I hate even thinking about it…it’s so calm today…very peaceful…I closed my eyes and sort of…dozed off a bit…till suddenly I heard this loud crash…making me jump up and hitting my head against the ceiling…dirt fell down upon me from the impact…
“What the heck was that!?!...” I cried out to myself…I shoveled my way out of the big pile of soil to where the noise came from…I found myself in front of the chamber Seliky was in…I could see smoke making it’s way out of it and I saw Seliky staggering out of the chamber coughing…
“Seliky are you ok!?!...What Happened!?!…” I cried out and checked if she was injured…
“Hehehe…nothing to be worried about…I just messed up…that’s all…*cough*” she said with a laugh…
“But…what was that loud crash!?!” I asked…
“It’s nothing Aurora…” she said to me…I looked around the corner into the chamber and only saw a big black mark in the center of the area…
“What were you doing in there?” I asked…
“…Stuff...” she mumbled…
“What kind of stuff?…” I asked…
“Just…stuff…you know…people things…” she replied…I looked at her…confused about all of this…
“I’ll never get you humans…I mean…blowing themselves up for fun…weird…” I mumbled…she giggled and looked up at me…
“Hehehe…don’t worry Aurora…maybe tomorrow I’ll show you what I’m doing…Ok…” she said to me…I looked back at her and gave a small smile…
“What ever little Seliky…” I said and went back over to the entrance…Seliky has been acting weird for the past hour…ever sense that little discussion about that blob thing…could all of this be getting to her head…or…could it be getting in my head…ugh…I have a head ach now…I need to lay down a bit…

It’s 9 PM now…and the sun has completely setted…and still sign of that blob creature…and I haven seen Seliky for a while to…I got up and went over to where I last saw her…I reached “her” chamber and looked around the corner…she wasn’t in there…so I continued along my den till I reached my sleeping chamber…I saw Seliky laying on the floor…
“No wonder you like this room Aurora…the dirt is nice and soft…and pretty…” she said out…
“Pretty?...what do you mean pretty?…it’s just a room of dirt…” I said to her…
“Hehehe…I guess you don’t know about it yet…” she said to me…I became very confused…
“About what…” I asked…Seliky stood up and pulled out what she called…a flash light…some weird cylinder the humans use to see in the dark…
“Well…you know how your home is under ground?...” Seliky said to me…
“No…It’s in the Sky…” I said back…she laughed a bit and then continued on what she was saying…
“And you now how some of you home is under the Acarlin Mountains…right?...” she added…
“Um…where are you going with this?…” I asked…Seliky giggled…
“Look and see…” she said…she turned on the flashlight and pointed it at the wall of the chamber…they were sparkling…like the night stars…she moved the light around to show that the entire room had the same sparkling walls…
“I heard that the humans mine in the Acarlin mountains and take the many jewels in them…well…I looks like you accidentally found a small source of these gems…but of course they are microscopic…almost like dust…so the became part of the dirt…and when light flashes on them…she sparkle…very very pretty…right…” she said to me…I was still gazing at the beautiful display of sparkles filling the room…
“Hehehe…I guess that is a yes…” she laughed…she turned off the flashlight and all the sparkles disappeared…
“Here…you can keep this…I have another…so you can look at them when ever you want…” she said out as she held up the flash light…I took it and smiled…
“Thank you Seliky…you're such a good friend…” I said to her…she nodded…
“Yeah…you too…hehehe…” she laughed…this even helped me realize how much Seliky means to me…she is just…the best little girl I ever met…WAY nicer than the children I met when I was ten…Seliky is like…a sister to me now…like…the sister that I never was able to meet…I looked back down at Seliky and smiled…
“Hey Seliky…what made you say yes when I asked you if you wanted to stay with me?...” I asked…the expression on Seliky's face changed…I could tell she was think…and thing very hard…
“I don’t really know…I guess you were being nice…and…well…I never really knew how a person was when they were nice…only being mean…” she said back to me…I picked her up and put her on my shoulder…
“Hehehe…that didn’t really make to much sense…but I get the point…” I laughed…she smiled back at me as she sat down on my shoulder…
“Yeah…I guess so…” She laughed…
“Hey you want to see some of the other chambers I have here…I mean…I highly dought you looked at all 60 of them yet…”I said to her…she jumped up…
“60 chambers…you must have A LOT of time on your hands to make 60 chambers…why do you even need 60 of them…” she cried out…
“Hehehe…I don’t really know…I guess being alone for 39 years gives one a lot of time to do random things…like digging…” I replied…

part 22

I showed Seliky many of the rooms I built…it’s funny really…I only use 30 of them…Seliky’s favorite room was my sparing room…I made it when I was 20 years old…I guess I figured that I had to train myself to live…I don’t use it as much now…she said she likes it because it was the biggest room I ever made…when I showed her it…she started to run around the chamber like a child playing in one of those human playgrounds…
“Hehehe…I love this room…it is so big…” she yelled out happily…I smiled as I watched her…
“Come on Seliky…there are more rooms to see…” I said to her…she smiled and walked up to me…
“Hehehe…Aurora…teach me how to fight…” she suddenly said to me…I was shocked to hear this…
“Did…you just…say…fight…” I asked…
“I’m speaking English right…yes…I said fight…” she called out…
“But…but Seliky…I don’t know how to fight…” I cried out…Seliky started laughing…but I don’t know why…I was telling the truth…
“Don’t lie to me…you beat that spider lady good…and you beat that blob thing…you were amazing…”She said happily…I remembered about the Tsuin Hitogara…she must have seen me in that state when I had to fight off the Dridder and the blob creature…
“Um…Seliky…I’m no fighter…sure I might be strong…but I can’t protect myself…” I mumbled…
“Hehehe…quit being a weirdo Aurora…you fought really really good…why don’t you want to teach me…” Seliky mumbled…
“No…that’s not it…I can’t teach you…” I mumbled…she looked up at me in confusion…
“Why?...is…is there something wrong?..” she asked me…I gave a deep sigh and turned away…
“If…if you really want to know…fallow me…I have something you must see…” I mumbled…
“Aurora…why do you look so tense?…” she asked me as she ran to my side…I the held my arm which was still wounded from the blob…feeling the scales along my arms…
“Seliky…just promise me…promise me you would hear me out…” I mumbled…
“What is with all of this Aurora…what’s wrong…are you ok?...are you sick?...” she asked…I could see the concern in her pink eyes…
“It’s just…I’m worried about your safety…” I sighed…
“Aurora…what’s going on?...” she cried out…I picked her up and held her in my arms…
“You’ll see enough…” I mermerd…I then headed to my sleeping chamber where I hid the tablet…

When I got there…I placed Seliky on the flood and pushed the dirt away from the Tablets location…she looked at me in confusion as I pulled it out from the ground…
“Wh…what’s that…” Seliky said out…
“Seliky…I know you were born yet when all of this happened…and I don’t blame you for any of the events that this Tablet will reveal to you…” I mumbled…
“Aurora?...this is all so strange to me…what are you talking about…” she cried out…I placed the tablet on the floor to show her…she walked to my side and looked at it…
“You see Aurora…long…long ago…your race…the humans…killed off my people…killed off my family…leaving…me behind…” I mumbled…I saw Seliky’s eyes widen…she began to stutter…tying to get her words out…
“I…I….I…but…that…that isn’t nice…not at all…why…why would we do something…so…so horrible…” she said out…managing to barely get her words out…
“I…I guess they felt intimidated with us being here…” I mumbled…Seliky fell back from shock…I would have too if I was her…such a shocking reality about her people…suddenly flooding into her…I then noticed that she was calming down…
“I’m…I’m sorry…for…for what my people did to you…” she mumbled…I gave a small smile…
“It…it’s ok…but…that is only part of whet…I wanted to show you…” I mumbled…she then turned to me quickly…her eyes widen with shock…
“Only…part…Aurora….I don’t think I can take any more…” she cried out…I looked down shamefully at the floor…I pointed at the area where it talked about the Tsuin Hitogara…
“You see Seliky…my people can…go into this…this state…” I paused…she looked up at me with this sense of fear…
“State?...wha…what are you talking about!…” she yelled…for some reson..I couldn’t get the words to come out…right away…
“It…it…it is called Tsuin Hitogara…and…we…we become monsters…” I mumbled…she looked at me…she took a step back…
“I…I don’t understand…what…what do you mean…by…by monsters…” she cried out…I sighed and read to her about the Tsuin Hitogara and how when w are I a life or death situation…that…we go into this monstrous state…killing anything that is near us…Seliky had this face…full of fear…her eyes had these tears running down from them…
“Aurora…please tell me…please tell me that…you are not like them…please tell me…tell me the truth…please….” She said with this sense of fear…but…that only thing I could was look down….I guess the way I acted made her realize the answer…she didn’t move…as if she was frozen…her eyes were wide and her skin was even more pale than normal…
“Aurora…if…if what you say is true…I…I respect it…and…I…I am willing to…stick…stick by you…” she mumbled…I could tell that she was hesitant…and that…she still didn’t know if she should be with me or not…but…she said that she’ll stick by me…does…does that mean she is…willing to risk her life…to stay my friend…
“So…you…are…you’re not afraid of me…” I mumbled…I saw her shrug a little but she then nodded no…
“You’re…you’re my friend…no…no matter what you are…and…and I don’t care if…if you are a monster or not…” she said trying to put a smile on her face…
“Are you sure…” I mumbled…she nodded and finally got that smile on her cute little face…
“And…I’m pretty much safe with you…I mean…you only get like that when you really need to…like…like with that spider lady…” she said out…I remember what happened with the man…how I went into the Tsuin Hitogara state when the man got me mad…
“Um…yeah…only when I’m in…that situation…” I mumbled…I cant believe I just…lied to Seliky…but…I don’t want her to be scared…and worried…worried about me and her…she looked up at me and gave a sigh…
“So…this is nothing to worry about…see…we figured this out…hehehe…” she said with a small giggled…
“Don’t worry about teaching me to fight…I can learn myself…hehehe…” she continued…I looked down shamefully…
“Ok…” I mumbled…

part 23

It was quiet for the rest of the night…Seliky went off to her little chamber while I went to guard the entrance…just in case that thing decided to come again…I have been laying here by the entrance for a few hours now…and nothing seems to be happening…the last time I saw that weird blob creature was around 10:00 PM…but it is now 11:00 PM…why isn’t this weird creature here yet…did it get lost or something…hehehe…I cant believe this…it actually sounds like I want to see this creature again…hmpt…maybe because I want to beat the living daylights out of for hurting Seliky…*sigh*…I just wonder…why is this thing after me…it’s not like I did anything to it to make it angry…it has to have some sort of reason…maybe Thanh knows something about it…but…I have no idea where she is or even if she is alive…if not…then…how am I going to figure out about this thing…if me and Seliky don’t figure this out…we’ll be dead within the next week…ugh…I bet Seliky is frightened by me…she hasn’t said a word sense I told her about the Tsuin Hitogara…I hope this doesn’t hurt our friendship in any way…she does seem to understand though…I really hope she does…I wonder what she is doing right now…she hasn’t came out of that little room of hers for a while…maybe I should go check on her…I don’t want her to like…blow herself up like the last time…I lifted myself up and went over to where the chamber was…I peeked inside and saw that Seliky was asleep on the floor…she looked so adorable the way she was cuddled up…I slithered over to her and smiled…right next to her was a boxed shaped thing covered with a blanket…it must be the thing she has been working on for the past few hours…I wonder what it is…hmmm…I’ll go take a look…she’s asleep…she wont know…I reached over to the blanket to get a peak…
“Aurora…it’s not nice to go through other people stuff…” I jumped up seeing Seliky getting up and smiling at me…
“Hehehe…Seliky…uh…I was just going to cover you with that blanket…” I said out…she started giggling and looked up at me…
“Nice try Aurora…but you still cant see it…” she laughed…
“Oh come on…just a little peak…” I mumbled…
“Nope…you’ll just have to wait…” she replied…I turned and gave a big sigh…
“Any sign of that thing Aurora?...” she asked…
“No…haven’t seen it yet…which is good…right?...” I said back…
“Yep…hmmm…I wonder why it hasn’t showed up today…this is sure one unusual creature…” Seliky said with her hand near her face…I could tell she was thinking about something…
“What’s on your mind?...” I asked…
“Well…I just had a hunch…but I can’t tell if it is true or not till two more days…” she mumbled…
“Why two more days…” I asked…
“Just trying to figure out this weird little puzzle this thing is…” she laughed as she pulled out a note pad and wrote something down…when she did that…she suddenly reminded me of Thanh…Thanh always had that little note pad thing with her…writing things down when she traveled and studied these weird creatures…she even had it when she watched me play in the forest…I really miss her…she was always so kind to me and everything…
“Hey Aurora…yoo-hoo…anyone home?..” Seliky said out…I shook my head regaining my thought and looked back down at her…
“Sorry…I guess I just dazed off a bit…” I mumbled…
“You’re a funny person…” She laughed and she climbed onto my tail…
“Do you want to go take a walk?...I’m getting all claustrophobic in here…” she said out…
“Walk?...” said with a smile…
“Well…you know what I mean…” she mumbled…
“Well…do you think it is safe…” I asked…she looked up at me and smiled…
“Hehehe…of course…you are so big and strong…you can handle everything…” she sad happily…I couldn’t help but blush…
“And plus…you have that Tsuin Hitogara thing…you can beat down anything… she added…I froze…my body suddenly felt all stiff…
“Seliky…when I’m in that state…I cannot control my actions…you can get hurt when I’m like that…” I mumbled…
“Well duh…that’s why I get out of there when it happens so I wont…see…I came up with a plan for it…” she laughed…I sighed…it’s no point arguing with her…she always comes up with something to say back…
“Ok fine…lets go…lets just hope we don’t run into that blob thing…” I mumbled…
“…yeah…” she mumbled back…when I turned to look at her…I could see this sense of fear in her…she was shaking and holding her arms together…
“Are you still frightened on what happened…” I asked…she looked up at me and gave this fake smile…
“No…of course not…” she said back to me…
“Is your stomach ok?...” I asked…
“How am I so post to know…you’re the one who is trying to treat it…” she laughed…
“Well let me rephrase it…does it still hurt…” I asked…
“Yeah…but it is getting better…” she said back…I lifted her up and placed her on my shoulder…
“Alright let’s head out…” I said out…I started heading over to the exit…when I reached it I pushed the boulder to the side and went outside…that’s when Seliky asked me the question…
“Hey Aurora…how did you get that scar on your cheek and shoulder…it has been bugging me for a while…” I froze again…suddenly that haunting memory flooded into my mind…my scales stood up and I felt that chill run through my back…
“I…I…I’ll rather not speak about it…” I mumbled…she turned at me…
“Why...is it some sort of secret to you or something…” she asked…
“…I just don’t want to relive that memory…I’m sorry…” I mumbled…
“Oh…ok then…I respect that you do not wish to speak about it…” she said back…

part 24

It was silent that night…Seliky didn’t say much sense she asked me about my scars…I guess she really wanted to know how I got them…but…that horrible event is something I would prefer not to relive…I mean…I was only ten when it happened…but…that is in the past now…I turned to see Seliky sitting on my shoulder…even when it was dark…I can still see her pale skin like a white glow in the night…she was looking at her note pad that she carried her…I’m guessing she was just looking over her notes…on what ever she is taking notes on…
“Hey Aurora…” she mumbled…
“Yes Seliky?...What is it?...” I replied…she looked at me and gave a sigh…
“Am I causing you any trouble…” She mumbled…I was shocked to hear what she just asked me…
“No…of course not…what makes you ask such a ridicules question?...” I said back…Seliky looked down at the floor and sighed…
“All of this stuff…did any of this stuff happened to you when I wasn’t here…” she mumbled…
“…well…um…no…” I mumbled…I couldn’t say anything else…she already knew the answer to it…I could see it in her eyes…
“…do you think if I leave…all of it would stop…I mean…I don’t want you to get hurt or something…” She mumbled…I could tell she was thinking about this the entire time…I could see this depressed look in her…
“Seliky don’t be silly…don’t you worry that pretty little head of yours…I’m not going to get hurt…and plus…I like having you around…it is better than being alone…” I said back…Seliky gave a small smile and turned away…
“Well…if you say so...” she mumbled…I smile and picked her up from my shoulder…
“I know so…come on…I can be smart too…” I laughed…Seliky started to giggle…
“I never said you were stupid…” she laughed…
“Yeah I know…but you always seem to have an answer to everything…” I laughed…
“No I don’t…” she said back…I laughed…
“Hehehe…see…there’s one…” I giggled…
“Come on Aurora…stop messing with me…” she laughed…
“Hehehe…ok fine…” I said back…she looked down at the floor for a few second and then looked back up at me…
“Hey Aurora…you can put me down now…I feel like walking now…” she told me…
“Alright…tell me if you get tired…” I replied as I placed her on the ground…
“Thankies…” she said with a smile…
“Thankies?...” I said back…she smiled…
“You know what I meant you silly person you…” she laughed…I smiled and then looked ahead of me…the thick tree’s covered the main path that led to the city…of course we weren’t on the main path…a bit further from it to avoid being spotted by any humans…I then noticed that there were these holes in the floor…quite large ones in fact…and I don’t remember making any traps here…
“Seliky…watch your step here…looks like there are some holes in the floor…” I warned…
“Ok Aurora…” she said back to me…I continued to examine the little holes…they seem to be in rows of four…being parallel to another group of four holes…then continuing on the path ways…I saw that some of the tree’s were pushed aside too…I stopped and began to think…this all seemed very familiar…but…I just cant put my hand on it…I looked at the holes again and suddenly…it hit me…THESE ARE THE TRACKS OF A DRIDDER!!!...
“Seliky!...we got to turn back…there is a Dridder around here!...” I cried out…I looked down and saw that Seliky wasn’t there…
“Oh...this isn’t good…she must have walked ahead…” I thought to myself…I speeded forward looking for her…trying not to make any sound in case the Dridder was close…where can she be…if she runs into the Dridder…she’s done for…I came to this large boulder…I started to head around it…but then I froze…I saw around the corner…the large Dridder that me and Seliky saw the other day…the one with the Dridder…I…killed…I immediately went behind the boulder again…this Dridder is almost twice my size…I cannot take her on…better just avoid her and try to find Seliky…I looked over the boulder again…and I nearly jumped up…I saw Seliky only a few yards from the Dridder…she was completely still…trying to hide herself within the thick bushed…I could see the fear in her even from this distance…this isn’t good…she’s in extreme danger right now…I looked at the Dridder…she wasn’t looking in her direction which gave me a sign of relief…but then she started sniffing the air…
“*sniff* *sniff*…I smell a human…” she said to herself…I almost jumped up…she started looking around the area…it’s only a matter of time till she locates Seliky…I have to do something to both not get seen by the Dridder…and get Seliky out of there…but how…I could try attacking her…but…that’ll only get myself killed…I looked down at the floor and saw that the soil was soft…I could probably burrow here…maybe I can dig under the Dridder and maybe like…pull it’s legs underground giving Seliky the chance to run…no…that wont work…then I’ll get myself killed…maybe I can burrow over to Seliky pull her under…so we will both escape…yeah…that might just work...I could us my right eye to see through the dirt…to make sure she is fine when I do this…I retracted the scales on my arms and began to dig as fast as I could without making any sound…

part 25

After a few minutes…my entire body was underground…meter by meter I headed over to Seliky…I occasionally looked up using my right eye to see through the ground…making sure the dridder didn’t hear me…or see Seliky…I could hear the Dridder's voice from over me…
“Come out you little morsel…I’ll eventually find you…” she said out…I looked over to Seliky…her body heat became higher than normal…she’s scared...so very scared…I just hope she can keep her cool till I get there…I slammed my arms into the dirt and pushed the chunks aside as I slithered through my tunnel…it wasn’t very large and not much room to work but…I was too worried about Seliky to care…I looked up and nearly jumped up…the Dridder was looking in Seliky’s direction…this isn’t good…she might spot her…I started to dig faster to Seliky…she was only a few meters away from me…but so was the Dridder…she was actually on top of me…if I make a wrong move…she’ll know I’m here…I continued to push myself to Seliky…trying not to make any sound or push the dirt too hard…I saw Seliky take a few steps back…poor girl…must be terrified out of her mind…please Seliky…you’re a smart girl…don’t do anything stupid…I looked above me and saw that the Dridder took a few steps away from Seliky…she must have not spotted her yet…I pushed myself faster to her…she was about arms reach but…not enough for me to grab her…I need to get closer…Seliky took another step back…but…she brushed against something…catching the Dridder’s attention…the Dridder turned and looked over to her…I saw Seliky duck behind something…
“So your some where over there you little morsel…” the Dridder said out…I only have a few seconds to do this…before that Dridder finds her…I continued to dig till I was at a conferrable angle to grab her…I readied my arm for the lunge as I turned to make sure the Dridder wouldn’t see…she was looking to a little to the left…see the opportunity I threw my arm through the dirt and grabbed Seliky…she let out a small cry before I muffled her scream with my hand…I dragged her under and brought her to me…she was squirming…trying to fight back…I guess it was too dark for her to realize it was me…I held her tightly holding my fingers against her face…to prevent her from screaming…I looked up and saw the Dridder was right above me…
“hmmm…where did that cry come from…” she said to herself…I remained still…trying to hold terrified Seliky still as she continued to struggle…she was taking deep breaths and trying her best to break from my grasp…through my left eye…I could see that she was crying…her face was so filled with fear…she struggled and struggled till she worn herself out…her squirms weren’t as violent and as strong now…but I still held her tight…I looked up seeing the Dridder was still there…
“Hmmm…I cold have sworn I heard a human girl scream right here…” she said to herself…she turned and sniffed the air a bit…
“Hmmm…I smell a Naga now…” she said to herself…my eyes widen…when my hand came out from the ground…my sent must have went into the air…I remained still as she looked around the area…
“It smells as if…she was right under me…but…there is nothing here…hmpt…I must be loosing my sense of smell…either that or a Naga got to that human first and made off with her…hmpt…pathetic nagas…” she said to herself…she turned and headed off into the distance…I gave a sigh of relief…I looked at Seliky who was still terrified…she struggled for a few second and then hunched over…she was exhausted now…I could see it in her eyes…I made my way out of the tunnel to the outside world again…I gently released Seliky’s face…he was too tired to scream now…she started gasping for air as her head went limp…like a rag doll…
“Seliky…are you alright…” I asked her…she looked up at me…
“Auro…ra…” she mumbled…I smiled at her…
“Yes Seliky…it’s me…” I told her…she gave a sigh and looked at me again…
“Th…thank you Aurora…ju…just…just don’t do that again…” she mumbled…I gave a small laugh…
“Next time don’t wonder off by yourself…” I said back to her…she gave a small giggle…then gave a cough…she leaned against my hand…trying to relax herself…
“Well…I guess this was enough fresh air for us…eh Seliky…” I said with a smile…she smiled and looked up at me…
“…*cough*…yeah…” she sighed…
“Ok…let’s head home…” I told her…” you need to relax…”
“Agreed…” she replied…
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

Posts : 343
Join date : 2009-10-21
Age : 33
Location : Orlando

Aurora's Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aurora's Story   Aurora's Story Icon_minitimeSun May 15, 2011 10:15 am

Part 26-30

Part 26

We finally reached my home and I entered it…I looked back to make sure nothing has fallowed us…I mean…it would be very bad if that Dridder saw me entering my home…I covered my home with the boulder and slithered over to my main chamber…Seliky was slouched over on my shoulder…still tired from her struggling…I placed her on the ground so she could get her rest…I went to the alarm clock to check the time…it’s now 12:32 PM…3 hours and a half till Seliky heads home…I looked over to Seliky…she stood up and walked over to me…
“Aurora…thanks again for saving me…that spider lady would have most certainly find me…sorry I sort of gave you a tough time though…I kind of…thought you were something trying to eat me…hehehe…” she said to me…I smiled at her…
“I’m just glad you are ok…” I said back to her…she giggled and looked away…
“You know…you are the second friend I ever had…” she said to me…
“Second?...” I said in confusion…
“Oh yeah…Ti-yen…she’s the librarian at the library…she is such a nice lady…” she told me…
“Really...like how?…” I asked…
“Well…I first went to her library and looked through the window…but…of course…I don’t have a library card or anything…I would go there every day to look through the window…but then she noticed me…she asked me if I had any business here…but of course…I didn’t…but she knew I was interested in the books…so she gave me a free library card and said she has a time where she teaches the kids and stuff…and said I could come if I want…I even stay after the class to learn more…she was happy to teach me…she was so nice to me and everything…” she said happily to me…I smiled…
“Hehehe…she sounds like some one I once knew…” I laughed…she giggled and turned away…
“Yeah…I need to go visit her…I haven’t really been to her library for a few days…” she said out…
“Yeah you should…it’ll be really bad to miss such a cute girl…” I said out…she giggled…
“Yeah…you should meet her some time…” she told me…I sighed and turned away…
“I cant…she’s in that city…and I highly dought she’ll accept my kind…she’s human…” I mumbled…
“…who said she was a human…not me…she’s an elf…” she said with a giggled…
“Same difference…it just wouldn’t be a good idea…” I mumbled…
“Oh…ok Aurora…I understand…” she laughed…I patted her on the head and looked away…
“…Me being a naga…puts a lot of stress in my life…” I added…
“So there is a name of your kind…Naga?...” she said out…
“Well yeah…” I mumbled…
“Hehehe…that makes Naga’s cool…because you are a naga…I always thought you were some weird deformed snake thing…” she laughed…I couldn’t help but giggle…
“Well…I’m not the only naga out here…well…I think…I haven’t really seen another naga…I heard of some…like…some Naga named Crisis…supposedly she is the most famous naga…” I said to her…
“Well that makes her cool too…” she said out…
“Well…you might not want to know why she is famous…” I laughed…she looked up at me in confusion…
“Why?...” she asked…
“She is famous for eating people…” I mumbled…she suddenly turned all pale and her eyes widen…
“Uh…well…uh…that’s nice…” she mumbled…I patted her on the head…
“Hehehe…if she is out there…I wouldn’t let her mess with my little buddy here…” I laughed…she folded her arms and gave a funny look…
“I’m not tiny…” she mumbled…I laughed…
“Well…you are smaller than any other human children I seen…” I said with a smile…
“Well…If I was as big as you…would you still say that…” she said back to me…
“Well…you’ll still be small…compared to me…” I laughed…she folded her arms again…
“Fine fine…what ever…” she mumbled…I poked her stomach with my finger and she fell back…
“Well you are back to normal aren’t you Seliky…” I said out…she looked at me in confusion…
“Huh?...” she mumbled…
“You were like…all depressed earlier…and then all scared…but now you are like…happy…” I laughed…she gave a small smiled…
“I love that smile of yours…it’s so cute…” I added…her face turned red…actually adding a little color to her…
“Stop…you are making me blush…” she giggled…

Part 27

It’s 2:18 AM now…and sadly…Seliky has to go back to her home now…ugh…I don’t want her to go…I mean…I like having her around…but she has to go…if she doesn’t…her father would suspect something and then both me and her would get in trouble…ugh…that father of hers…err…I hate him…hurting Seliky…what…he just…uses little Seliky as a punching bag or something…if I ever see that man…I’ll beat him down to a bloody pulp…Seliky packed some of her stuff and walked up to me…
“Ok…I’m ready to leave now…” Seliky said to me…I smiled and picked her up…I placed her on my shoulder and slithered out of my burrow…
“Do you still want me look up on the Thanh person…” she asked me…
“It’ll be nice if you did…” I said back to her…she nodded and looked away…
“Ok…I will then…” she laughed…
“Thank you for this…you are doing me a really great favor here…” I said back…
“Don’t worry…you’re my friend…and I want to do anything to help you…you help me countless times…” She laughed…she tapped my cheek with my hand…I smiled and looked ahead…I moved near the tree’s…just in case that Dridder was still around…and or that blob creature…all of these things make it very hard just to move outside my home…

After a few minutes…we reached the entrance of the city…of course I hid in the shadows as Seliky walked over to the city…she turned around and gave a wave goodbye…I waved back and then she continued on her way…I felt actually…quite sad…even if she is going to come back tomorrow…I hope she is going to be ok in there…hmmm…I wonder how it inside the city…I only been in it once…and I was ten years old…after that…horrible event…I never wanted to even near the city again…well…until now…I turned around and began to head back to my burrow…and after a long slither…I reached my home…I went inside and headed to my main chamber to have a nice…long nap…

(Here’s a first…the POV is going to shift to Seliky’s Point of View…YAY!!!)

I woke up…and looked out of the small peep hole in my room that led outside…the sun was peeking its big head from the walls that surround the city…hehehe…if I’m lucky…my father would be drunk and I can sneak out of the house…if that happens…maybe I’ll go and visit Ti-yen at her library…I really need to go say hi to the elf…hehehe…well…better get dressed now…I have a long day ahead of me…I jumped out of my wooden bed and ran over to the door…but I didn’t open it…I place my ear on the door to see if my father was lie…waiting by the door to beat me again…he does that some times…and it really hurts…the last time he threw my into a wall…and nearly broke my arm…but…Aurora doesn’t know that…and I don’t plan on telling her either…I mean…I think she is worried about me being here…hehehe…yeah…ugh…I really hate it here…but…I have no other choice really…ugh…I hate my life…well…besides when I’m with Aurora of course…hehehe…well it looks like he’s not out there…so I think it is safe for me to go out now…I turned the knob and slowly tip toed through the small hallway…when I reached the end…I looked around the corner seeing my dad laying on the couch asleep…I stuck my tong out at him and the ran out of the house…I went over to the back to grab the cloths that Aurora gave me…I mean…wouldn’t my father suspect something if I suddenly came home wearing not ragged cloths…I stripped off my cloths and put on the other pair…I then ran over to the side walk to head to the library…not many come out this early in the mourning…so I don’t really have to worry about anyone taking me back to my house…and yes…it has happened to me many times…and I was punished for it too…but I make sure not to get caught…I’m sneaky like that…hehehe…and they’ll have to catch me first anyways…and I bet I can run faster than any of them…hehehe…well…I saw a few people heading my way…so I went into a alley…and hid behind a dumpster…as I watched the people go by…I noticed this…random metal pipe right next to me…maybe I can use this for my projects…I picked it up and stuck it as far into my little bag as I could…but of course…it being about 3 feet long…it stuck out a bit…but what ever…I walked out of the alley and continued on my way…I looked ahead and saw that the library was two building away…I ran over to it and peeked through the window…the sign on it said closed…the library doesn’t open till another hour…darn it…I guess I woke up a bit too early…but I can wait…I peeked through the window again…looking through the dark library…I saw something moved it there…I squinted my eyes to see what it was…after a few second…I saw it was Ti-yen…she was getting the library ready for opening…I tapped on the window and she turned to me…she smiled and walked over to the door and unlocked it…she opened the door and peeked her head through it…
“Hey Seliky…I haven’t seen you is awhile…please come in…” she said to me…I smiled back at her and walked inside…
“I have been my Miss T…I just have been seeing a new friend of mine…” I told her…
“Really...you have a new friend…that’s great…who is the lucky one…” she asked...I was about to say Aurora…but then I remembered that Aurora told me that I should tell anyone in the city about her…
“Well um…her name is uh…s…Silvia…yeah…” I said out…Ti-yen smiled at me and turned around…
“I haven’t heard of a Silvia that is your age…well…except for one of my books…but anyways…she must be a luck girl to have a friend like you…” she said back to me…I blushed…
“Hehehe…I guess so…” I replied…
“So…what brings you here Seliky…my class doesn’t start till 10:00 AM…” she asked…
“Well I came to do some research…and…well…to turn in the book that I checked out…” I said back…she put her hand near her lips and smiled…
“Interesting…what kind of research…” she asked…
“Well…first I want to do some research on two of the creatures that live here in Felarya…and also I promised Silvia I can go look up a person for her…” I said to her…
“Well…over there is Section 4G…they have a lot of interesting books about the creatures here in Felarya…” She told me as she pointed at the area… “What are the two creatures you are looking for…maybe I can help…”
“Well um…I’m not really sure what one of them is…but the other are called Nagas…” I said back…she smiled…
“Nagas you say…Nagas are very interesting being…they are a lot similar to you and I…” she told me… “Personally…they are my favorite creatures…” I started to remember Aurora and smiled…
“Yeah…they are mine too…” I said back…
“Well…fallow me…I’ll show you the where the books on Nagas are…” she said to me…she started walking over to a section of books…I fallowed her till she stopped at the books…she looked through them one by one…se pulled out 3 books and handed them to me…
“Here we are…these books have lot information about Nagas…” she said to me…
“Thank you very much Miss T…I really appreciate this…” I thanked…
Oh…you also wanted a book on Felaran creatures…” she suddenly said out…jumped up and ran over to the other side of the row of books…she then pulled out a book and came back…she handed it to me and smiled…
“Here you go…this may help you a bit…” she said to me…
“Hehehe…thanks again Miss T…” I laughed…
“Well Seliky…I have a lot of work to do here…so…fill free to look through any books as you like…and do any research you need…just remember to put the books back where you got them…ok…” she said to me…I nodded and smiled…
“Ok Miss T…I will…thanks again for helping me…” I said out…

Part 28

(Again…this chapter thing takes place in Seliky’s POV ^_^)

I sat down at a table and opened the book that Ti-yen gave me…I flipped through the pages to see if there was anything about that Amoeba thing that attacked me and Aurora…so far…nothing…just a bunch of random creatures…mermaids…Nagas…oh…that spider lady is called a Dridder…but…I don’t see anything on that blob creature…it’s not in this book…I closed the book in disappointment and gave a sigh…dead end looks like it…I stood up and walked over to the section of books that Ti-yen pointed out to see if there were any other books on the topic...I began to look through the long rows of books for anything that may show what that creature is…but…so far nothing…I looked to the side of me and saw Ti-yen at the other side of the library…putting all the returned books in there right places…I waved at her and she looked up at me…she smiled and walked over to me…
“Yes Seliky…what is it?...” she asked…
“Well um…the book you gave me didn’t have the specific creature I was looking for…are there any others?...” I asked…
“Well…yes…but they all pretty much say the same thing…well of course…there is my privet collection…but I don’t lend them out to anybody unless they have government authorization…” she said to me…
“Oh…ok Miss T…thank you though…” I said to her…
“What creature are you looking for anyways…” she asked…
“I don’t know really…it is like a big Ameba thing…” I mumbled…she froze for a few seconds…she then adjusted her glasses and turned around…
“Well Seliky…if you want…when I close the library…I can go look through my private collection to see if that creature is in there…” she said to me…
“Hehehe…you’re the best Miss T…” I said out…she smiled and went on continuing her work…I went back to the table and closed the book I was reading before…well…that’s one thing I needed to research…now I need to look up that Thanh person Aurora wants me to find…I got up and went over to the computer…I turned it on and waited for it to load up…as I waited…I began to think about Aurora…I wonder what she is doing right now…hehehe…probably still sleeping…I looked up and saw the computer was logged in…I clicked on the people data base to see if this Thanh person was in there…ok…lets see…T…H…A…N…H…hmmm…is that how it’s spelled…eh…what ever…I clicked enter and it started searching…it took a few minutes but it finally came to a name…Thanh Shonima…hmmm…weird name…but…what ever…I clicked and a large article came up about her…

“Thanh Shonima was a resident of the elvin village Telethika…one of the few allies of Negan City…known as both a great worrier and a trader…she was highly known for her powerful magic arts and swords wielding skills…she was a troop in the Elvin army sense she was12 years old…living on her own when her parents died when she was 14 years old…later in the years…she was a soul survivor of a battle between our people and a group of nagas that were living near the Ascarlin Mountains…she continued there as a mercenary to both Telethika and Negan City…seven years after that…it was found she was housing a Naga in her home…and was arrested and sentence to death…but when our military checked her home…there was no Naga…so the execution was cut…after that…she isolated herself from the rest of the people…including our own…the only time she was seen was when she was hired for a job…after 20 years…Telethika went at war against a rival elvin village…and she was killed in combat Thanh never had any children in her place…ending her family’s bloodline of great worriers…”

I stared at the screen…looking into the very broad details they gave me…it said she was housing a naga…could that naga have been Aurora…I mean…why would Aurora be asking me about this person if she didn’t have any connections to her…I wrote down the article on my note pad and then turned off the computer…Ti-yen walked up behind me with a large stack of books in her arms…
“Looks like you are done Seliky…” she said to me…I nodded
“Yep…I found a little bit on the person I was looking for…” I said back…
“That’s good…hey…do you mind if you can help me prepare the Library for opening…I’ll really appreciate it…” she asked…
“Sure…I’ll help…what do you want me to do?…” I said back…
“Just help me put these books in there right place…here…this paper should help you find where they need to be…” she told me as she handed me a small stack of books and a sheet of paper…
“No problem…I’ll be done in a jiffy…” I said back as I went out to put the books away…
“I really appreciate your help Seliky…” she said to me…
“Hehehe…well…you always help me out…I have to make that up eventually you know…” I replied…
“Well…there is no need for that…you are good company…” she laughed…I smiled and put one of the books on the shelf…I looked at her again and noticed she had a golden ring on her finder…
“Hey Miss T…is that a new ring…” I asked…she looked down at her ring and smiled…
“Oh…this thing…this is my engagement ring…” she said back to me…
“You’re getting married Miss T !?!” I said out…she started laughing…
“Yep…soon you wouldn’t be calling me Miss T anymore…” she said to me…I giggled…
“Hehehe…ok Miss T…what ever you say…” I laughed as I continued to put the books away…

Part 29

(Sorry…the story is going back to Aurora’s POV now…)

I woke up…I turned to see what time it was...the alarm clock thing said 8:00 AM…I slowly picked myself up and slithered slithered out of the main chamber…I feel very hungry right now…maybe there is a little human in one of my traps or something…I hope so…I feel even more hungry than I ever felt before…as I went along and I turned and noticed I was near the chamber that Seliky was in all last night…hmmm…maybe she left what ever she was working on there…I peered inside and saw the box shaped object under the blanket that Seliky had over it…heheheis is my chance to see what it is…Seliky wont know…I slithered over to the object and reached for it…I pulled off the blanket…only to see a large stone with a paper attached it…I picked it up and looked at it…
“Nice try Aurora…” it said…I stared at it…then I crumpled it up and tossed it away…I should have seen this coming…I mean…Seliky is too bright to just leave something that she doesn’t want anybody to see…I slithered out of the chamber in disappointment…I went outside and checked on those medical herbs that the blob thing destroyed the day before yesterday…they were completely grown back now…this is great…I can finally treat mine and Seliky’s wounds…I gathered some of the herbs and went back inside my den…I went into the deepest part of my burrow where it is the coldest and placed them in the coldest chamber to preserve them…I then headed back outside over to the traps that I laid…as I slithered on…I looked around my surroundings…it felt quite chilly out here and the air was very moist…more that usually…well…it is some what of a rain forest out here…but the air shouldn’t be this moist…maybe there is a rain coming…I should gather those fruits for Seliky now before the poor this drown in the rain…I went off of my usual rout to go pick some of those fruit that Seliky loves to eat…I reached the bush…only to be disappointed that all the berries were gone…most likely that a bunch of disgusting Dire Rats came and ate them all…ugh…these bushes usually grow in groups…maybe there is another one some where…I began to search the area till I came to this big circle of dead plants…this was the area that that blob thing disappeared before I fainted…I looked at the dead grass and the decaying trees…the air felt a lot more dryer here…even when today…the air is very moist…it feels like all the like in this one circle was…just…drained away…I mean…it has been a day sense I saw that thing…and it takes a day for the grass to grow…but…this grass doesn’t even look like they is spouting…nothing here is growing any more…I felt this overwhelming sense of fear in me…this blob creature is becoming even more frightening as I figure out a little more about it…ugh…I don’t want to think about it anymore…I turned and slithered away…not looking back at the patch of death behind me…I slither into an area completely surrounded by tree’s…but the center of the area was just grass…nothing else…I have never been in this area before…it isn’t like every where else…hmmm…maybe I can use this place fore something…I slithered over to where the plain met with the thick layer of trees...I noticed there was this sudden drop going down from there…I could see the entire path that leads from the city to the mines from here…this is a very ideal look out spot…I could try to connect this spot to my burrow when I have the time to so I can just head strait from there to here quickly…hmmm…I guess me stopping by that patch of death wasn’t all that bad…I mean…I would have found this place if I hadn’t…I continued to look around the area and saw a bush…it was the same type of bush that grew the berries that Seliky loves…this must really be my lucky day…I mean…this place is pretty much perfect…the only thing is…if I connect my burrow to this area…it’ll be too easy to spot…and I cant just simply cover it with a boulder…because it’ll be weird to see a random boulder in a center of a big open area…I suddenly heard my stomach growling…ugh…if I wasn’t so hungry…I could think more straight…I’ll brain storm on this later after I had a decent meal…I took note on this area’s location as I picked some of the berries from the bush…then I continued on to where I laid the traps…

After a few minutes of traveling…I finally reached the area where I place my traps…I looked into each of them…fortunately…the was a human in one…It was a human male…he looked as if he was a soldier or something…he looked up at me with fear as he clench onto his rifle…I didn’t want to risk getting shot so I proceeded with caution…I flicked up dirt so it’ll blind him…then I grabbed him while he was staggering…his arms were bounded by my grip rendering his rifle useless now…I brought him up to my face and smiled…
“Well…it looks like I got ya…” I laughed…she trembled with fear as he stared at me…
“Y…you’re the cause…of…the many disappearances here…are…aren’t you…” he said cowardly…I’m guessing the humans are catching on to me now…I just now noticed that for the passed few days…the humans that were in my traps were soldiers…
“Well I have to eat you know…” I mumbled…I began to squeeze his body till he was forced to drop his rifle…
“Cant have you with that thing…” I said to him…I opened up my moth and I saw his eyes widening…
“No…please…don’t do this…” he cried out…but I didn’t really listen…I just plopped him head first in my mouth…she began to squirm around in my mouth…trying to get free…I pushed him up hard onto the roof of my mouth till the pressure worn him out and he went limp…which then I began to swallow…his entire body was in my mouth…with half of it in my throat…I swallowed again and he slid a little further down…I gave a final gulp sending him all the way down and I can feel him plopping into my stomach…ah…I feel a lot better now…he was now kicking inside my stomach…which tickles…but that sensation always comforts me…for some reason…I better get out of here now…I don’t want to be out here exposed…having a full belly…I picked up the berries I picked earlier and headed home…

Part 30

I was about halfway home now…my previous…uh…meal was still kicking around in my stomach…cant the little guy see that there is no way out…he’s stuck in there till my stomach decides to began its job…which for one thing…it hadn’t started yet for some reason…but what ever…I suddenly found my myself stopping along my usual path…I saw four prints on the ground…foot prints…but doesn’t seem to be a Dridder…I fallowed the set of prints with my eyes till the ended at a tree…I stared at the tree ad noticed a set of claw marks leading up the tree…this unusual…I don’t remember seeing these prints when I was heading over to my traps…something is here…I looked up the tree and noticed this shadowy figure in the canopy…it was staring at me…I grew frighten and froze with fear…it was really big…about my size and had green eyes…but for some reason…what ever it was…it wasn’t moving…just hanged there staring at me…I realized that this thing wasn’t going to bother me…I think…if it was going to attack…it would have done it now…I slowly slithered backwards…keeping my eyes fixed on this creature…making sure it doesn’t try to attack me from behind…but it just hanged there still…after a few minutes…when I was out of sight of the creature…I quickly turned around and moved as fast as I could to my burrow…I was very scared about that thing…I slithered into my burrow and covered it up with my burrow…I leaned against the wall of my burrow as I took deep breaths…I wasn’t this frighten before…beside when I met that blob thing…this is great…now during the day I have to worry about that creature that I saw and at night I have to worry about that blob thing…ugh…I cant seem to have a break from all of this…I laid against the all for a few minutes…I tried to clear my mind of what happened…I really need to relax now…I then felt the little human inside me began to kick around again…I guess all of this fear is messing up my digestion…I slithered through my burrow till I got to my hot spring chamber…a quick dip should calm me down…I then remembered that the chemicals in the air wouldn’t do any good for my still healing wounds…I sighed to myself and continued back to my main chamber…I laid down on the soft soil and picked up the flashlight thing that Seliky gave me…I turned it on and pointed it at the wall…the wall began to sparkle beautifully in the light as I laid there and watched…I suddenly felt all relaxed now…seeing this beautiful scene is very…comforting…I then remembered when I was with Thanh…that I always loved shiny things for some reason…it just always caught my attention…some times I could just stare at them for hours and hours…though…that was when I was little…now that I’m older…this kind of stuff doesn’t have me starring for hours…but…I guess I just changed from starring to relaxing then…I wonder where Thanh is right now…ever sense I met Seliky…I have been thinking about her a lot lately…I wish I see her again…I…I really miss her…she was so kind to me and tooken good care of me…I hope Seliky can find out where she is…I don’t care if she is in the city and I cant ever see her again…I just want to know that she is still out there…hehehe…I cant wait for Seliky to come…so she can tell me what she found out about Thanh…well…if she found anything…maybe she is too busy looking for that blob thing…hehehe…maybe she is with that other friend of hers…Ti-yen was it?...I turned off the flash light thing and flipped myself over…I gave a big yawn afterward…I suddenly heard my stomach growling…hehehe…I guess my stomach decided to do its job now…I felt the little human kicking around in me again…I giggled a little feeling the tickling sensation before getting all drowsy…I turned towards the alarm clock Seliky made and looked at it a bit…Seliky said this thing can wake me up at a certain time…maybe I can put it so it’ll wake me up an hour before Seliky gets here…I looked at the alarm clock…squinting my eyes to try to see the tiny handwriting of Seliky’s telling how to operate it…after a few minutes…I finally figured out how it worked…I set the clock to wake me at 3:00 PM so I can be ready to pick up little Seliky…after that…I laid down and closed my eyes to take a nice little nap…again…
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Shady Knight
Lord of the Elements
Shady Knight

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Aurora's Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aurora's Story   Aurora's Story Icon_minitimeSun May 15, 2011 2:16 pm

It's been a while, but I've finished reading the 30 chapters you posted so far. You do a good job at presenting that surviving in the forest is also dangerous to predators, which not many authors do. Aurora and Seliky are attaching, especially how Seliky is always one step ahead of Aurora, and how Aurora uses quick thinking to solve problems rather than brute forcing her way through. I'm eager to see the rest and when Jewlia is introduced.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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PostSubject: Re: Aurora's Story   Aurora's Story Icon_minitimeSun May 15, 2011 4:25 pm

Sean Okotami wrote:
It's been a while, but I've finished reading the 30 chapters you posted so far. You do a good job at presenting that surviving in the forest is also dangerous to predators, which not many authors do. Aurora and Seliky are attaching, especially how Seliky is always one step ahead of Aurora, and how Aurora uses quick thinking to solve problems rather than brute forcing her way through. I'm eager to see the rest and when Jewlia is introduced.

Oh wow...thanks...it really des mean a lot you know....i was begining to think no one read the story since no one was really commenting..but your kind words really did make me feel better...

I really do try to portray thing accuretly...like how life in Felarya is hard...even for the bigger peoples...and Seliky XD...
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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PostSubject: Re: Aurora's Story   Aurora's Story Icon_minitimeSun May 15, 2011 4:30 pm

Aurora's Story Part 31-35

Part 31

I woke up to this loud sound next to me…I opened my eyes and turned towards it…the sound seemed to be coming from the alarm clock that Seliky made me…the sound was repentant and very annoying…I picked it up and looked at it…trying to make out on how to shut it off…after a few minutes of pressing random buttons…it finally shut off…I gave a quick sigh and looked at what time the clock said…it said 3:04 PM…which means that there is 56 minutes left till Seliky gets here…it is a thirty minute journey from here to our meeting point…so I have a few minutes before I need to go…I place the clock on the floor and headed to the exit of my burrow…when I reached the exit…I peeked through the small opening between the boulder and the wall of my burrow…I had to make sure that that creature I saw earlier wasn’t out there…when I figure the coast was clear…I pushed the boulder aside and headed out…I went slow at first…and used my purple eye to make sure no other heat sources weren’t near by…there was nothing…so I proceeded on…but still…I didn’t let my guard down…after a few minutes of slithering…I came to the place where I saw the creature…I looked up at the tree and there it was…hanging up there…though…it wasn’t looking at me…it seemed to have it’s mind set on something else I tried to move as quietly as I could…but suddenly…the creatures head quickly turned towards me…it stared at me with its green eyes as it hanged…motionless…I was afraid to move now…this dark figure is really creeping me out…after a couple of minutes of me being frozen in fear…the creature just looked away…like I wasn’t even here…but…I know it saw see…it was staring right at me…I didn’t want to think about it that much…I got out of there as quickly as possible…without looking back…

30 minutes passed as I waited by the large boulder that was our meeting place…I sat there with my back against the boulder…wondering what that creature was…I couldn’t tell what it was because It was so high up…and the branches of the trees casted a shadow over it…it seems to have no interest in me though…but…I still need to be cautious when I am around it…I also need to make sure that it doesn’t harm Seliky in any way…my top priority is to keep Seliky safe…she’s my only friend now…and seeing her almost die…tore me apart…I took a deep breath and looked down at the floor…for some reason…my body was really aching now…my muscles were very tense and it was really hard for me to breath…I guess all of this stress is really putting a toll on my body…I dragged my hands through the dirt as I continued to wait for Seliky…I looked up…hearing a faint rustling in the distance…I saw Seliky waking up to me with a stack of those human book things…
“Hehehe…hey Aurora…” she said happily…
“You’re here early…” I said out…
“Well you are too Aurora…” she said back…I laughed…
“True to that…” I said out…Seliky dropped the books onto the floor and looked up at me with a some what depressed face…
“What’s wrong Seliky?...” I asked…
“Well you see Aurora…I couldn’t find anything on the blob creature…” she mumbled with a cold tone…
“Don’t worry Seliky…at least you tried…right…” I said to her…trying to cheer her up…she gave a small smile and looked up at me…
“Yeah…but still…it wasn’t hard enough…” she replied...
“Now stop with that Seliky…you are beginning to sound like me now…” I said out…she smiled…
“And what’s wrong with being you Aurora…maybe I think you are really neat…” she said back…ugh…I should had seen this coming…her coming up with these questions that are very hard for me to answer…
“That isn’t very fair…” I mumbled…she laughed and picked p her books again…
“Hehehe…well…let’s go to your place now…I have some information here and I really need to get back to work too…” she said to me…
“Work on what?...” I asked…
“I told you before…I cant tell you till I am finished with it…” she laughed…
“Well…what is the point of telling me when it is finished when I could just see what it is…” I said back…Ha…I got her here…
“oh…being a smart one ey…well…when I finish it…you wouldn’t be able to tell what it is…thus…needing me to tell what it is so that you can under stand what it is…” she said back…I slouched over…
“Ugh…I just can’t seem to win with you Seliky…” I mumbled…she laughed for a bit and then looked forward…
“Hehehe…I guess not…” she laughed…I picked her up and place her on my shoulder…then I began to head back to my burrow…
“Hey Seliky…did you find anything about Thanh?...” I asked…I mean…I had to…it has been bugging me this entire day so far…I noticed Seliky’s face suddenly changed…she looked all depressed now…

Part 32

“Is there something wrong Seliky?...” I asked…Seliky looked down at the floor in shame and gave a sigh…
“No…there isn’t anything wrong Aurora…it’s just…” she paused for a second and looked up at me…
“This Thanh person…she was your friend…right…when you were little…” she mumbled…I felt this chill run through me…
“H…how did you…know…” I mumbled…she gave another sigh…she pulled out a sheet of paper and showed it to me…
“this…it said Thanh was found housing a naga…that was you…wasn’t it…I mean…what other reason did you want me to look up this person…” she mumbled…I looked down at the floor and gave a little nod…
“Yeah…she raised me ever sense I was an infant…I just need to know where she is…that all…I really want to know that she is still out there…” I mumbled…I saw Seliky become even paler than normal…her eyes widen and I could see that she was sweating…
“This…this makes it very hard for me to say this…” she mumbled…I turned towards her again…
“Say what?…” I asked…she turned away from me and gave a sigh…
“Your friend…Thanh…passed away…” she mumbled…my eyes widen…I suddenly felt cold all over…and I could feel a tear dripped down my eye…
“She’s…dead…but…but how…” I cried out…Seliky looked down shamefully…
“She died tying to protect her village…” she mumbled…her voice was so faint…but…to me it was like a bullet piercing through my heart…
“I’m very sorry Aurora…” she mumbled…I looked at her…trying to endure the Sevier pain I was feeling…I guess she saw it through me and walked up to my neck…she then gave me a hug…
“Don’t feel sad Aurora…I’m sure she is thinking of you in her after life…I’m sure that she doesn’t want you to feel sad about her death…” she said to me…I started to cry…
“But…she was…like my mother I never knew…she…took care of me…loved me…knowing that she is dead…is like…throwing me into an endless dark abyss…never to see the light again…” I cried…Seliky looked up at me and patted me on the cheek…
“There there Aurora…don’t just focus on her death…focus on the happy moments you had with her…just…don’t be sad Aurora…seeing you like this…makes…makes me sad…” she mumbled…I could see tears filling her red eyes…I wiped the tears from my eyes and tried to calm myself down…
“You’re…you’re right Seliky…” I said out…she gave a small smiled…
“Aurora…if it makes you feel better…I can try to find a picture of her for you…” she said to me…
“That would be nice…” I mumbled…times like these make me with I had Tabie with me…but I don’t…I took a deep breath and looked at Seliky…
“Come Seliky…lets head home…I…I really need to lie down…” I mumbled…she gave a small smile as she wiped away her tears…
“You’re going to be ok…right Aurora…” she asked...
“I hope so Seliky…” I mumbled…I started to head home…trying to forget about the horrible news Seliky just told me…

It was quiet for most of the trip…I guess Seliky was unsure If I wanted to talk…she looked as if she wanted to say something…but she kept on swallowing it up…every so often I would look at her...occasionally she would start reading one of the books she had…only to close it up after a few seconds of reading…I looked ahead of me…seeing that I was in the same area where I saw that creature…I picked up Seliky and placed her at my side…
“Hey…what’s the big idea…”she called out…
“Shhhh…be quiet…” I whispered…I looked up to see the creature starring at me with its green eyes…I placed Seliky beside me to try not let the creature see her…I mean…I think most creatures see humans as food…and well…if it saw Seliky…it might attack…
“Seliky…walk besides me…and try not to make any sound…” I whispered…she looked up at me in confusion…
“Why?...” she said back…
“Just do it…” I whispered…I began to slowly slither passed the tree that the creature was hanging on…keeping Seliky out of its sight…the creature just looked at me for a couple of seconds ad then turned away…as if it had no interest in me…Seliky walked by my side…looking up…trying to see what I was trying to hide her from…after I thought it was safe…I scooped Seliky into my hands and went as quickly as I could to my burrow…
“What is going on Aurora?...” Seliky cried out…
“That thing in the tree…it has been there for awhile…watching me…I just wanted to make sure you are safe…” I said back as I looked over my shoulder…I closed my green eye to see if its internal heat was near by…it wasn’t…which meant it didn’t fallow me…I gave a sigh of relief…
“Hmmm…a new creature…did you get a good look at it…maybe I can find something about it…” Seliky said out…
“No…it is too high up in the tree tops for me to see…and I can’t clime all that well…” I mumbled…
“Cant clime…but you are part snake…” Seliky laughed…
“Correction…part Ball Python…they are know to burrow…not clime…” I replied…
“What ever Aurora…let’s get home…” she laughed…I gave a small smiled…though…I still had the pain from the learning of Thanh’s death…

Part 33

I slithered into my den with Seliky on my shoulders…looking back to make sure that creature didn’t fallow us…I placed Seliky on the floor and then covered the den with the boulder…
“Ok…we are safe now Seliky…” I said out…Seliky scratched her head…
“Were we really in any danger…I mean…that thing doesn’t really looks like it is going to attack us any time soon…” Seliky said out…
“I don’t want to take any chances…” I mumbled as I lifted Seliky up and went deeper into my burrow…Seliky took the bag looking thing off her back and put it on the palm of my hand and started looking through it…
“Hehehe…what ever you say Aurora…what ever you say…” Seliky said with a laugh…
“What are you looking for Seliky?...” I asked as I tapped her shoulder with my finger…She laughed…
“None of your business you silly Naga you…” she said out…I sighed…
“Why cant I not know.” I mumbled…
“Because it is a surprise you silly naga…”she laughed…
“Ugh…you and your surprises…” I laughed as I put Seliky down on the floor…
“hehehe…yep…” she laughed as she grabbed her bag…she then started heading deeper into my burrow…I watched were walk and I suddenly felt all hungry…I felt my stomach growling at me and I began to drool…I suddenly snap to my senses and shook my head…
“What am I thinking!?!” I shouted to myself as I wiped my drool away…
“Seliky is my friend…and I won’t let my instincts take a hold of me…” I told myself with a sigh…I slithered deeper into my burrow and moved next to Seliky…I looked down at her and smiled…
“Hehehe…uh Seliky…um…how was your day at the human city?...” I asked…then my belly growled loudly…Seliky looked up at me and smiled…
“I know some one who s hungry…” she laughed…I gave a fake laugh…I mean…I was hungry…but…I was hungry for something I don’t want…
“Hehehe…I’m not hungry…” I said out…my stomach then growled loudly again…
“Sounds like you are hungry to me…” She mumbled… “You go fixed that…I’m going to work on my little project…”
“But I already ate…” I mumbled…stupid stomach…doesn’t know how to tell a friend from food…
“Well…ok…I just don’t want you eating me or something…” she said back giggling…I gave a fake giggle as I tried to hush my hungry belly…Seliky looked up at me…
“Is there something wrong Aurora…you look tense…” Seliky mumbled…
“M…me…tense…of course not…” I cried out…Seliky looked up at me in confusion…I have to think of something…or else Seliky might suspect something…
“…uh…um…I…I have some fruits for you…and…um…I picked some of those healing herbs too…” I mumbled…Seliky smiled…
“Good…I’m starving…and this big wound on my little belly has been stinging for awhile…” she said out as she lifted up her shirt and showed that the bandages Aurora rapped on it had a few blood stains…I suddenly felt all dizzy and I guess Seliky saw this and dropped her shirt…
“Oops…my bad…I forgot about that problem of yours…” Seliky said out and blushed…I regain my thoughts and smiled…
“Hehehe…it’s ok tas…” I paused…I almost said tasty…I looked down at Seliky and she was looking at me with confusion…
“...I mean…sweetie…” I mumbled…Seliky looked at me strangely and then turned away…
“You’re acting weird now Aurora…” she said out…I felt all cold now…She then looked up at me and smiled…
“But hey…every one is weird in their own weird way…so I don’t mind…” she laughed….I gave a sigh of relief and turned away…trying to hide my hunger for Seliky…
“…yeah you’re right…” I said with a sigh…I picked Seliky up…I felt like just stuffing her into my mouth and swallowing…but…I endured the action…even though I really wanted to…damn it…my naga instincts are kicking in again…it’s telling me to just gulp her down…but…I cant do that…Seliky is my friend…I placed Seliky on my shoulder…trying not to think about her lovely taste…and then headed into the room where I left the herbs and fruit…

Part 34

When I reached the room where I left the stuff for Seliky…I placed Seliky on the floor…I was still trying to ignore both…my hunger and the though of Thanh’s death… Seliky looked up at me and smiled…
“Ooh…you got my favorite Aurora…thank you…” Seliky said out as she took a handful of berries and stuffed them in her mouth…I picked up the herbs and looked at Seliky…
“Do you want me to treat that wound of yours…” I asked…Seliky nodded as she swallowed the berries that were in her mouth…her lips still had some of the juice from the berries…
“That would be very nice Aurora…” Seliky laughed…I began to mash up the herbs with a stone till it became a powder…the I put a little bit of water on it to make a cream like substance…
“Ok…can you take off the bandages for me sweetie?...” I asked…Seliky nodded and lifted up her shirt…she began to take off the bandages till I could see the gapping wound…I almost fainted nut…I held it in…
“This may sting a bit…” I warned her…she smiled showing that she can take it…I put a little of the herbal cream on my finger and began to rub it on her stomach…I saw her eyes tighten…showing that she felt the stinging sensation…after a few seconds of rubbing the cream…I wrapped her wound up again…
“Well there you go…you are all finished…” I told her…she smiled…
“I feel better already…do you want me to treat those wounds on your arms Aurora…they look bad too…” she said out…I looked at my arms…They were in pretty bad shape from when I stuck my arms into that blob creature to save Seliky…
“Well…If you want to…I mean…I’m fine…”I said out…
“Lay down Aurora…you are WAY too modest…” Seliky said to me as she folded her arms…She didn’t seem to be wanting me to say something back…so I did what she said…I laid down as Seliky grabbed a arm full of cream and hoped onto my arms…she began to rub the cream on my arms…I felt the incredible stinging sensation…but after awhile…it began to feel very relaxing…it was like all the pain in my arms were like…sucked away…
“Feeling comfy Aurora?...” Seliky said out…
“Of course Seliky…” I said back…Seliky finished my right arm…she jumped onto my stomach and walked across it to get to the other side…her little feel ticked my stomach and I couldn’t help but giggle…and I guess to little Seliky it was like an earthquake to her because she tripped…but she started laughing…
“Aurora…how am I so post to help you if you make me trip…” she laughed…
“I’m sorry Seliky…” I said back as I calmed down…she continued on and jumped onto my left arm and began to work on it…I felt so relaxed that I almost fell asleep…after a few minutes Seliky jumped off my arm to the floor…
“I’m done…” she said happily…I lifted myself up ad smiled at her…
“Thank you so much Seliky…” I said out…Seliky smiled…
“No problem Aurora…you’re like my big sister to me…” she said back…I smiled…
“You’re like my little sister Seliky…” Seliky blushed…
“Hehehe…we are a big family now…” she said out…I nodded…just then…I heard a loud crash out in the distance…Seliky and I jumped up…
“What was that…” Seliky cried out…
“I don’t know…let me check…” I said back…I closed my green eye to see through my purple one…I saw a large heat source…THAT WAS INSIDE MY DEN!!!
“Seliky…there is something here!...” I cried out…after examining the heat source…I realized it was a Dridder…but not the same Dridder from before…
“What…what is it…” She cried out…
“A Dridder…we got to get out of here…” I cried out…I quickly grabbed Seliky and headed out of the chamber…hopefully I can get passed it when it is in a different chamber…I managed to avoid it and got out of my burrow…but as soon as I got out…I heard a voice from behind me…
“Well well well…looks like there was a Naga living in this area after all…” I froze and slowly turned my head…seeing a Dridder with a purplish black color spider half and white hair…she was just a little bigger than me…
“What kind of Naga lives so close to Dridder territory…you must have a death wish…” she said out…Seliky began trembling in my hands…she then sniffed the air a bit…
“Hehehe…you seem to have a human with you too…great…I get to kill a Naga and have a little meal…” She said out…Just then she dashed at me at great speed…hardly giving me time to react…I through myself to the side…barely dodging her claws…she then slashed at me again but I grabbed her arm with my free hand before she got to me…she pushed hard to cut me but my strength was greater than hers…
“Looks like we have a feisty one here…makes the hunt so much better…” she said out…she lashed out her other arm and impaled my breast with her sharp claws…I screamed in pain as she pulled back her claws…I felt my blood dripping down my chest…but I didn’t look…
“Got ya…” she said teasingly…I pushed her away…hard enough for me to get a few seconds head start to take Seliky to a safe place…
“Oh no you don’t…you’re not getting away that easily…” she yelled out…she then chased after me…I didn’t get very far…she soon caught up to me and tackled me to the ground…so hard I accidentally threw Seliky…a few feet ahead of me…
“Hehehe…time for you to die…” the Dridder yelled out…my eyes widen as she brought her head over to my neck…she then bit me I my neck…and I suddenly…felt…very…very tired…I looked up seeing Seliky slowly getting up…she was still dazed…I grabbed the Dridder’s neck and pushed her off of me with all my strength…I threw her off of me and picked myself up…I grabbed Seliky again and started moving again…
“Hehehe…there is no use on trying to get away…slowly my sleep venom will take control…” the Dridder called out as she picked herself up and came after me…slowly I felt my body go limp…I couldn’t hold myself up anymore and after a few seconds of moving…I fell back onto the ground…Seliky stumbling out of my hands on impact…everything started to go blurry as I slowly lifted my head…being in a familiar place…everything started to go blurry…as…I looked up at the Dridder slowly grew closer to me…just then…I saw a flash of green…knocking the Dridder away into a tree…I looked up…seeing a large green body…before blacking out…

A I can see is darkness…am I dead…did I fail to protect Seliky…this is bad…so very bad…then I heard a voice from about me…saying…”wake up”…over and over again…I realized I was sleeping and slowly opened my eyes…seeing a pair of green eyes belonging to a girl with freckles and greenish yellow hair…
”Well you finally decided to wake up…”

Part 35

I slowly lifted myself up and rubbed my head…I looked up to see the girl who was staring down at me…she had beautiful green eyes and long green yellow hair that was in a pony tail…she had a few freckles under her eyes and two long feelers on her head…I was shocked to see that her body from the waist down was green…she seems to be some sort of Dridder…wait…she cant be…she only has 4 legs…
“Well…I’m waiting…are you ok or not…” she said out…her voice a bit aggravated…
“Oh…um…I’m…I’m fine…” I mumbled…I couldn’t get my words out right…she smiled at me a bit and turned around…
“You’re lucky that I saw you being attacked by that Dridder…If I haven’t you would have been killed…” she said with a laugh…I gave a small smile…
“Th…thank you for…s…saving me…” I mumbled…she laughed and turned around…
“No prob um…” She stopped…
“Oh…I’m sorry…how rude of me…I’m Aurora…” I said out…
“Aurora eh?...well Aurora…I’m Hitomi…it’s nice to meet you…I’ve been wondering about you for a while…you’ve passed by my new home a few times recently…” she said out…I suddenly realized I was on top of a tree…then it all suddenly made sense…
“You were that creature that was in the tree…” I cried out…
“Uh…I guess…” She said back…I moved up to her…
“Why didn’t you say anything Hitomi…I thought you were some sort of creature that was going to eat me…” I cried out…she laughed and bopped me on the head with her hand…
“What ever scaly…just be grateful I came for your aid…” she said back…I nodded…
“Oh…ok…” I mumbled…I looked around my surroundings…and noticed something was missing here…wait a second…where is Seliky!?!...I looked around the tree branch to see if she was around…
“What are you looking for scaly…” she said out…
“My friend…Seliky!” I cried out…
“Seliky…I don’t know a Seliky…I only found you by yourself and my next two meals…” She sad back…pointing to a large cocoon looking thing hanging in the tree…inside seems to be something struggling…
“That’s the Dridder that attacked you…” she laughed…
“Two meals?…” I mumbled…
“Hehehe…yep…I found this human hiding in the bushes near by…she was a tasty little one…” she said happily…I looked down and saw a slight bulge in her stomach…my eyes widen…
“What did this human look like?...” I asked…she looked at me in confusion…
“Um…well…she had white hair…and pale skin…” she said back as she licked her lips…My eyes widen again…
“THAT’S SELIKY!!!” I cried out “SPIT HER OUT!!!” I the tackled her to the ground…
“Wagh!...I didn’t know!!!...” she yelled back as she pushed me off of her…she got up and wiped off the dirt on her arms…
“Hmpt…you should be happy I didn’t throw you off my tree for doing that…” she said out…
“SPIT…HER…OUT…NOW!!!...” I yelled…Hitomi gave me a cold stare…
“Fine fine fine…” she mumbled…she then started to push her stomach up…I could see a bulge slowly travel up her neck till it got to her mouth…I let out my hands and she spat out Seliky into my hands…little Seliky was covered in spit and stomach juices…some of her shirt was burnt off and Seliky had a terrified look on her face…
“Are…are you ok Seliky…” I asked as I brushed Seliky,s hair…se was shaking in my hands…
“So…so…so very…d…dark…” she mumbled…
“Well there is your little friend…well…I still have my other meal…” Hitomi said as she patted the struggling Dridder inside of the cocoon…I paid no attention…I was trying to calm down Seliky…she must be so terrified…
“Hehehe…she’s just being a little baby…” Hitomi said out as she walked over to me...her four legs clattered against the tree’s branch causing Seliky to quickly turn…
“N…no…stay away…” she cried out…
“Hehehe…the little human is afraid of me…that’s nice…” she said with an evil grin…
“Seliky…she’s not going to hurt you now…she saved me from the Dridder…” I said to Seliky…Hitomi laughed…
“Yeah I guess so…I prefer Dridder anyways…you would have token too much room…”
Seliky shrugged as she held onto me…she was still shaking…I held her against my breast and brushed her hair with my finger…
“Thank you for helping me out Hitomi…” I said to her…Hitomi chuckled…
“Any time Scaly…” she said out as she patted my shoulder…

(Thus this is the birth of the Mantoid...Hitomi being the first ever mantoid ^w^)
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Shady Knight
Lord of the Elements
Shady Knight

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Aurora's Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aurora's Story   Aurora's Story Icon_minitimeMon May 16, 2011 1:29 pm

Now that Seliky brings up looking for a picture of Tahn, I am expecting a plot twist, though I could be wrong. I was expecting Jewlia to come, but I guess she'll be introduced later. Also, I thought that Hitomi's hair was braided, since she's usually drawn with a long french braid. Overall, pretty nice and I'm looking to see how Aurora copes with increasing stress and pressure.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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Aurora's Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aurora's Story   Aurora's Story Icon_minitimeMon May 16, 2011 1:32 pm

Sean Okotami wrote:
Now that Seliky brings up looking for a picture of Tahn, I am expecting a plot twist, though I could be wrong. I was expecting Jewlia to come, but I guess she'll be introduced later. Also, I thought that Hitomi's hair was braided, since she's usually drawn with a long french braid. Overall, pretty nice and I'm looking to see how Aurora copes with increasing stress and pressure.

oh yeah...Hitomi's hair braided....held together by vines ^w^...

and dont worry Jewlia will come soon enough...
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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Aurora's Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aurora's Story   Aurora's Story Icon_minitimeMon May 16, 2011 1:39 pm

Parts 36 - 40

Part 36

Seliky shook in my arms as I tried to comfort her…I cant really blame her to be like this…I mean Seliky was just eaten…she is probably still in a state of shock…I looked up at Hitomi who was leaning against the trunk of the tree…
“Is your little friends always like this…” Hitomi mumbled…
“She’s just shocked about you eating her…” I answered…Hitomi smiled and walked up to me…
“Well Aurora…why does your scaly butt live around these parts…this is really close to Dinner territory…” Hitomi said with a laugh…
“What do you mean Dinner Territory…” I said in confusion…
“Hehehe…to my kind…Dridders are a delicacy…” Hitomi laughed…as she laughed I could see her sharp fangs sticking out…and I guess Seliky could see them too because she clenched onto my chest harder…
“Oh…ok then…” I mumbled… Hitomi looked at me funny as she scratched her head…
“You sure don’t talk much…” Hitomi said to me…I looked away…I know that I’m a very shy person…It is very hard for me to talk to new people…Hitomi cracked her knuckles and moved to the other side of the tree…
“Hmmm…a quiet type eh…well…you still haven’t really answered my question…what is a naga like you doing in Dinner…I…I mean Dridder territory…I looked up quickly…
“Oh…I’m sorry…I lived in this area for 39 years…” I answered….Hitomi rubbed her chin and smiled a bit…
“Hmmm…quite brave of you…knowing Dridders absolutely hate Naga’s…I like that…” She said back with a grin…I blushed a bit…
“Uh…yeah…” I mumbled…
“And what’s with the human…is she like your pet or something…” She asked as she lowered her head right towards Seliky’s face…Seliky gasped and held onto me even tighter…
“No…she’s my friends…” I told her…
“Are you sure…I mean…she looks more like an appetizer to me…” Hitomi said back…Seliky gave a short scream…
“Hitomi…I’m serious…stop scaring her…” I cried out…
“I’m only kidding…sheesh…” she said with a laugh…she looked Seliky from my arms and Seliky started screaming…
“There is no need to scream shorty…I’m not going to hurt you…” Hitomi said with a softer voice…Seliky stopped screaming and looked up at Hitomi…
“Yeah…I’m just going to eat ya…” Hitomi said evilly…Seliky’s eyes widen and she started squirming in Hitomi’s hands…
“Hahaha…that is never going to get old…” She laughed…I took Seliky from her and cuddled her into my arms…
“…Shhh…shhh…its ok Seliky….you’re ok…calm down little one…” I said to Seliky trying to confort her…Seliky was shaking in my arms with her eyes tightly closed…
“Hitomi!...quit being mean to Seliky…you really have her scared…” I cried out…Hitomi calmed herself down and leaned against the tree’s trunk…she pressed her claws against the tree and scratched it…as if she was sharpening her nails…
“Hehehe…Ok…I’ll stop for today scaly…” Hitomi laughed…as she was leaning against the tree…II sort of…well…examined her a bit…her lower body was green and she had 4 legs…which was weird…because Dridders have 6 legs and a black body…plus blue or purple skin…but Hitomi has normal colored skin…this proves my theory of her being an alternate race of Dridder wrong…
“Hey Hitomi…just to ask…what are you?…I mean…I never seen anything that looks like you before…” I mumbled…Hitomi looked at me funny and gave a sigh…
“Hehehe…I don’t blame you…we Mantoids are very Rare…” she said back…
“Mantoids?...” Me and Seliky both said in confusion…
“Hehehe…pretty much Mantis Girls…our there aren’t very many of our kind due to there aren’t any many males left…for obviouse reasons…” Hitomi said with a chuckle…
“Why are there not many males…” I asked…Hitomi was about to answer but Seliky butted in…
“Female Pray Mantis’ eat the males head after mating…” she mumbled…Hitomi looked at her and smiled…
“50 points for you…she’s right…we eat our partners so we have enough nutrients to lay the many eggs afterwards…hehehe…they’re tasty…” Hitomi laughed…
“But…that doesn’t make sense…if you Mantoids give birth to Male Mantoids…how is your kind still going on if you eat them…” Seliky asked…
“eh...i dont know about this population mumbo jumbo and personally I dont really care at all about it...; she replied…Seliky looked down at the floor…I wasn’t really paying attention to the conversation…I was too focused on what Hitomi saying “they’re tasty…” but then it suddenly hit me…
“Hitomi!...You’re pregnant!!!” I cried out…Hitomi gave me a cold stare…
“No…” she mumbled… “I already laid the eggs…”

Part 37

“You already had the eggs…” I cried out…Hitomi looked at me in confusion.
“It is no big deal…it has 50 of them…” Hitomi replied. I nearly fell back from hearing her response.
“…50 Babies!!!...” I cried out…I was so shocked that she is going to have that many children…
“I’ll show you and the tasty one…” she laughed… Little Seliky began to wiggle in my arms…Hitomi kept on scaring the poor child…I rubbed Seliky’s back with my finger trying to get her to calm down as I fallowed Hitomi across the tree trunk… eventually we reached this large branch with this large web like ball on it…Hitomi patted the big ball with a smile…
“Here they are…my little nestlings…inside this egg sack are 50 little eggs…each having an individually Mantoid baby…” Hitomi said out…I slithered over to the large sack and took a closer look at it…Seliky seemed to be interested sense she wasn’t shaking as much anymore…
“I can imagine her as a mother figure…” Seliky whispered to me…Hitomi must have over heard her and snatched her from my arms…
“Oh you don’t say…try repeating that inside my stomach!!!” She said with an annoying tone…she tossed terrified Seliky into the air and caught her with her mouth…the only thing I could see was Seliky’s legs kicking outside of Hitomi's drooling mouth…I immediately grabbed Seliky’s legs and yanked her out of her mouth…pressing terrified Seliky against my breast as I glared at Hitomi…
“Please don’t do that!...” I cried out…Seliky was now even more pale then she was before…she seemed to be paralyzed with fear…Hitomi was laughing really hard…
“Hahaha…coward…” she said out…she then walked up to me and placed her hand on my shoulder…
“Just couldn’t resist it…sorry Aurora…” she managed to say…still giggling…I sighed…
“It’s ok…how long do you plan on staying here Hitomi?” I asked…
“Well…at least till my offspring hatch…which would be in a few months…” Hitomi replied as she examined her egg sack...as she did that I started to think…maybe having Hitomi around would be good…I mean…she said she likes eating Dridders…maybe that’ll make the Dridders leave me alone…clearly this Mantis girl can take out a Dridder…seeing that she rescued me…just I don’t know if Seliky could deal with having her around…sure I could…but Hitomi and Seliky did really have a good start…I looked down at Seliky who was still trembling…poor girl…after what she has gone through…I’m surprised she hasn’t fainted yet…I sure would have…Hitomi turned around and smiled at me…
“So how long do you plan on taking up space on my tree…” she laughed…
“Oh I’m sorry…I would get off but…I can really clime very well…my body is set for dirt…not trees…” I replied…she started laughing again…
“What kind of scale butt doesn’t know how to clime…you are certainly a very weird Naga…” she said out…I gave fake smile…
“Well how about this…I’ll show you an easy way for you to get down…” she said give a faint snicker…
“Really…how?...” I said back…she walked p to me and suddenly pushed me causing me to loose balance and come tumbling off the tree landing on my back…
“There ya go…see…wasn’t that fast…” I heard from above me…Seliky looked very dizzy now…luckily I fell on my back and not on my stomach…crushing her…I slowly lifted myself up and wiped off the dirt on my arms…
“That wasn’t very nice Hitomi…” I mumbled. Hitomi jumped off the tree and landed right next to me…
“Well I was certainly not going to carry you down…” she replied as she bopped my head with her hand…
“Where do you live scaly…maybe I’ll go see you some time…maybe bring a couple of meals from time to time…” She added…
“Oh um…I live south of here…uh…near the foot of the mountain…there is this huge boulder that covers my home so you’ll find it pretty easily…’ I replied…Hitomi grabbed onto her tree again and started to clime back up…
“Cool…I’ll see you later kay scaly?…” she said as she disappeared into the canopy of the trees…I looked down at Seliky who looked relieved…
“I’m glad that is over…she was very mean to me…” Seliky mumbled…
“I’m sure she was just playing with you…but she is a little odd…” I replied as I began to slither away…I need to start setting something around my home to warn me if something is near…but just what…

A few hours later…I laid in my main chamber listen to the new stories that she was telling me about…like how at like 4 AM she saw a bright thing falling from the sky fallowed by a loud crash…she asked me what did I think it was but I had no idea…then she told me about her day at Ti-yens library and told me some of the stuff she learned in class called…geometry…just sounded like a bunch of bumcus to me but Seliky seemed to know what she was talking about…so I just smiled and nodded the entire time…pretending that I had a clue what she was talking about…for the rest of the day Seliky spent in that chamber working on that box looking thing that she refused to show me…there were a few explosions too…but every time I went to check on her…she just said “Oh nothing is wrong…just a faulty wire…” which I still don’t understand…I’ll never get used to this human stuff…I just laid in my chamber thinking about all the things that have happened ever sense I met Seliky…I started to do things that I would have never done before…I mean…I was brave enough to fight that Dridder and that huge blob thing all by myself…I would have just hid…and I was able to actually speak to Hitomi…I bet if I haven’t met Seliky…only mush would have came out of my mouth…I guess I changed ever sense I met Seliky…I lifted myself up to go check on Seliky…It’s getting dark too…just hope Seliky hasn’t blew herself up…I would want to have to pick up hundreds of little Seliky parts…actually I think I would just faint if that happened…better just think of the best of everything…I entered the chamber and saw Seliky turning around…she had a big grin on her face…
“Oh right on time Aurora…I finally finished my project…” she said happily…
“Really…that’s great…” I said back…Seliky step to the side so I can see what she was making…it looked weird…like a small rectangle thing with many little in it…next to it was a small bag that looked like it was full of something…
“Uh…what is it…” I asked…
“I call it…the Plasma Launcher!!!.” she said happily…

Part 38

“Plasma…launcher?...” I said in confusion…
“I created this device that fires these small cans filled with heated compressed air…you see…there are 4 states of matter…solid, liquid, gas and plasma…which each can be converted into the other by either heat or freezing…well…the cans are so heated that the particles in the air start moving quicker causing them to run into each other…when they collide they create a spark…the sparks are so consecutive that it generates electricity called plasma…” Seliky explained…it all just sounded like gibberish to me…but I nodded…trying not to make her feel bad…
“Hehehe…well…knowing that…I decided to make this baby…though…I need to actually make the little plasma cans first…you see…this baby launches them into the air and they seek out their target…without those…well…this little baby is pretty much useless…” Seliky added…
“Oh I see…” I didn’t really…just trying not to have Seliky make fun of me with my lack of science knowledge…I picked Seliky up and hugged her a bit…
“Awww you are soooo smart Seliky…” I said out…
“Aurora…you’re…squeezing me…” I then noticed Seliky’s face blue and released my grip…
“Ah that’s better…” she said as she took deep breaths…I looked at Seliky’s face again…she suddenly looked all worried…which concerned me…
“What’s wrong little Seliky…you look tense…” I asked…
“Seliky…I…have a bad feeling in the pit of my gut all of a sudden…” Seliky mumbled…I looked at her again…she was really pain and her hair was sticking up a bit…I then suddenly felt the same source of fear that she had…everything suddenly felt all cold to me…
“I…feel it too…” I mumbled…I held Seliky against my breast as I slowly headed out of my chamber…
“Aurora…I’m scared…” Seliky cried out…
“It’s probably nothing…maybe you are just scared that Hitomi is now around…” I laughed…
“No…my fear for her is nothing compared to this…” Seliky whimpered…I had to admit…I was very scared too…it is almost the same amount of fear as when we met up with tha…………oh god…
“Seliky…we got to get out of here…and fast!...” I cried out…
“What…why!?!” Seliky replied…
“That…thing is coming back!!!” I cried out as I headed as fast as I could to the exit of my den…
“You…you can’t mean the…” Seliky went suddenly went silent…right in front of me was a terrifying sight…it was…the blob creature…right outside my den…but…this time it looked…weird…it was now slightly purple and it had a tail looking thing on the back of it…it slowly came towards me…and…I heard the cries within it…it was terrifying…I couldn’t move because of it…I felt Seliky trembling in y arms…she felt very cold too…I wanted to scream and start running but…I felt frozen solid…I cant fight this thing again…it…almost killed me…and…Seliky…I cant face it…I’ll die for sure…I have to get away from it…at least till I bring Seliky to safety…then I can lure it way from her… The blob slowly crept closer to me dragging it’s new brownish tail behind it…as I stared at it in fear…I saw in the corner of my eye an opening…I quickly lunged myself in that direction…forcing Seliky to hand onto my arms…I heard it roar but I didn’t look back…I kept of slithering as fast as I could away from it…crashing through brushes and small tree’s that were unlucky enough to be in my path…As I moved…I suddenly saw all the plants ahead of me began to start turning brown…they started to die…I suddenly knew why and immediately stopped…I fell forward and my face fell flat onto the dead grass…I was lucky enough not to have accidentally squished Seliky…I raised my head a bit seeing a large gooey surface rising from the ground right in front of me…inches away from my face…I then suddenly felt this burning sensation in my arm…I then realized my arm was inside the creatures gooey body…I immediately pulled it out and threw myself up and continue to move as fast as I could…I looked up seeing the creature sinking into the ground to ambush me again…
“Aurora…this thing keeps on catching to us…what are we going to do!!!” Seliky cried out…
“We can’t lead it to Hitomi…it’ll kill her eggs…we have to get it away from this place…I got to find a safe place for you…” I said back…
“NO!!! I’m not leaving you!!! You’re my best friend!!!” Seliky yelled…before I could say anything I felt something rap around my waist and pull me to the ground…I looked back see a large tentacle sticking out of the ground…slowly the large gooey body rose from the ground as it dragged me closer to it…
“Go…run Seliky…You can still get away…you can go get Hitomi to help!!!” I cried out…but…Seliky seemed to be frozen with fear…I couldn’t get to her…I looked back at the blob thing…trying to find out a way to get away from it’s grip…I remembered what happened when I hit that organic looking orb…it looked like it really got hurt…but I was sent into the air…I need to get away…I quickly rose my tail and swiped it into the center of the blobs body…feeling this incredible burning in my tail…I stuck the orb and I was then shot up into the air by a force released from the blobs body and I rammed into a tree…the blobs body suddenly looked less stable and was filled with bumps as it roared and moved wildly around the area…my body now felt a lot of pain…I managed to lift myself up to get away from it…but when I turned to escape…I ran into this spiny looking root from the ground…I felt many little needles pierce into my skin causing me allot of pain and I fell back onto the ground…I then suddenly felt all sleepy…I saw Seliky on top of me trying to snap me out of my daze…
“Aurora…Aurora get up!...” she said…her voice seemed faint to me and sounded a little like a echo…I turned my head seeing the blob creature reached it’s senses and was heading to me again…I wanted to move…but…I…felt…sleepy…my eyes were closing…but…I noticed…some…roots shooting at the blob…before…blacking out………

Part 39

Am I dead...It's so...dark...pitch back...did...that blob thing kill me...Is this how being dead feels like...

As I weeped in my thoughts...I heared a voice...a female voice...but it wasnt Seliky...sounds older...it was telling me to wake up...I slowly opened my eyes only to be blinded by the bright rays of the sun.
"Oh...good you are awake..." I voice rang from out of nowhere. I quickly lifted myself up, looking for the voice. I was in an open area sorrounded by tree's...but...covering the area was hundreds of spiny looking roots peeking out of the ground...some making arcs larger than myself...I couldnt find anyone and I began to think I was hearing things...
"You look puzzled..." The voice rang again...I quickly turned around, only seeing a large spiny tree...I'm very confused now...
"Up here..." the voice added...I looked up...nearly falling back with amazment...the large spiny tree was acually a giant girl...so much larger than me...She was a tree from waist down and she was covered in many thorns...her hair was leaves too...and it ran down her back till it reached her tree half...her eyes were as green as newly grown leaves...
"Who...who are you..." I said out...
"Oh I'm sorry...I guess...I'm being very rude in not introducing myself...I'm Jewlia the Dryad...It's nice to finally meet a naga...funny...I figured Nagas' were a bit...larger..." she said back...to her I was SMALL...I was propably the equilvalent to her a slightly larger Tabie to me as a child...
"Oh...um...uh...I'm Aurora...uh..." I studdered...
"Well hello Aurora...you are probably wonder what is going on...arent you dear?..." She said back to me...her voice was very soft and had a very kind ring to it...she spoke beautifully too...
"Oh...yes...yes I am...what...what happened..." I asked...Jewlia put her hands behind her back...she seemed very shy torwards me...she closed her eyes before looking at me again...
"...Well...I was...well...um...sleeping when I awoke with a loud roar from afar...I used my roots to scope out the source and found you in distress...I'm sorry...I kinda accidently put my root infront of you and...well...you ran into it...and well...my thorns have sleep toxins in them...and well...you were imediantly subdued...I couldnt let you die from that nasty goo creature and I attacked it with my roots..." Jewia exsplained...I looked up at her gentle eyes...
"You beat it?..." I asked...she looked away...
"...Well...no...take a look over there..." she said back...I looked to the area she was pointing at and saw many shrivled up brown roots covered in some blue goo...
"Well...it really hurt me...but I did manage to break of that liquidy tail it had...and make it run away...weird though...it sucked some sort of DNA and RNA samples from one of my roots before retreating..." Jewlia mumbled...
"Oh...I'm sorry for bringing you pain..." I said back...
"No dont be sorry...you needed help...helping the hurt is what I do..." She said back...just then I realized my body wasnt hurting...where my tail and my arm was burned...there was nothing...not even a scratch...
"What...how..." I cried out...Jewlia started giggling...
"...some other creatures here call me the "Nurse of Felarya"...anyone or anything injured in my area I find...I bring them back to here to raise back to health...funny thing really...hasnt really helped my social skills..." Jewlia replied...I was amazed by this...This girl is kind enough to take care of the hurt...
"Do...um...take anything in return...I...dont have anything with me..." I mumbled...
"Oh no no no no...I work for free..." She said back...she lead torwards me and my eyes widden...her thorns were going to inpale me again...but before she reached me...they all suddenly disapeared...she patted me on the back an then went back to her up-wright possition.
"...Well...um...if you want...you can...um...leave if you like...I mean well...you are all fixed up now young Aurora and...um...I dont want to bore you..." She said shyly...I smiled a bit...
"It's all fine..." I replied...I just then suddenly heard a tiny voice...
"HEY AURORA!!!" I imediantl reconized it...It was Seliky...but I didnt see her anywhere...
"Seliky?...Seliky where are you?..." I said out...Jewlia giggled a bit...
"Oh yeah...your human friend..." Jewlia laughed...ontop of her head I saw a little white spec waving at me...
"This is such an amazing veiw..." Seliky cried out...
"For some reason she wanted to play in my hair..." Jewlia giggled. "She's such a little bundle of joy isnt she?..."

Part 40

Jewlia reached into her hair and gently picked Seliky up and let her down right in front of me…I leaned down so that she was near my face and she smiled happily as she hugged my arm…
“Aurora!...I’m so glad you are ok!...” She cried out happily…I giggled a bit as I lifted her up…
“I’m so glad you are ok too…” I said back…
“Yeah…Jewlia took really good care of me…she took care of you too…she’s cool like that…” Seliky laughed…I smiled and looked up at Jewlia…
“Thank you Jewlia…Thank you so much for looking after Seliky without eating her…the last person we met thought she was food and well…you know…” I said to her…
“Hey it’s no problem at all…she was really good company and she was fun to talk to…” she said back to me with a small smile…she then looked away and sighed…
“…I was just being myself…at least you said thank you…not many people say thinks to me…for some odd reason…” Jewlia mumbled…I lifted myself up and slithered over to her…I lifted myself as high as I could with my tail so I can at least reach up to her chest. I then gave her a small hug…I saw Jewlia have froze and her hair suddenly turned all red…
“You shouldn’t have done that Aurora…” Seliky giggled as she took a few steps back…
“Why?...” I asked…suddenly I felt two arms wrap around me and pressed me against her…
“HUGS!!!” Jewlia squealed out like a little girl…
“ACK…To tight…” I gasped for air…Jewlia was too strong and was crushing me…
“I love hugs!...no one has hugged me is a LONG time…” Jewlia said happily as she shook me a she shook me a bit…
“…ack…you are…squeezing…me…too…hard…” I gasped…Jewlia finally released me and I fell to the floor taking deep breaths…I never felt so happy to breathe…
“I’m sorry…I have a bit of a…thing for hugs…” Jewlia said with an embarrassed expression…I smiled a bit and lifted myself from the floor…
“…Well I can see that now…” I laughed…Seliky walked over to me and climbed up my tail…
“She did that to me…almost snapped me in two…” Seliky laughed…”But she’s still very cool..”
“Awww…thank you very much…hey…Are you guys hungry?...” Jewlia asked us…I looked over to Seliky and she nodded…
“Yeah…just a little…” I told to Jewlia “I don’t want to be much of a burden to you…”
“It’s no problem…jus hold on a sec…” Jewlia said back…she closed her eyes for a bit…suddenly we heard screams of terror from very far away…Seliky nearly jumped off my tail with surprise…then two of Jewlia’s roots came out of the ground wrapped around two sleeping humans…
“Here you go…” Jewlia giggled as she plucked one of the humans from her root and handed him to me…I took the human and noticed that he was sleeping…
“Sorry about that…my thorns have a sleeping poison in them…” Jewlia said with a sigh as she stuffed her human into her mouth and swallowed the sleeping man…I looked at Seliky who was all green…
“Pardon me…” Seliky said in a quiet voice…she slid down my tail and ran over to a bush where she threw up…
“Oh my…I’m sorry…” Jewlia said out…while Seliky was distracted I took the time to stuff my human into my mouth and swallow…though it was hard because it was a larger human…I finally got him down and slithered over to Seliky…
“I’m never going to get used to this…” Seliky said as she wiped her mouth…
“I’m sorry…here…I’ll make it up to you…” Jewlia said as she plucked a berry from her hair…I lifted Seliky up and a slithered over to Jewlia…Jewlia handed Seliky the berry and Seliky smiled…
“Thanks Jewlia…but…this thing is the size of my head…” Seliky said as she looked at the large red berry…she started to eat it…but she only made it halfway done before she was full…I giggled a bit seeing her face red with berry juice…at least her hair isn’t while anymore…
“Ugh…I cant eat any more…” Seliky said as she dropped the rest of the berry…”It was very tasty though…”
“Thank you little Seliky…” Jewlia replied…
“Hey I’m not little…I just have a height deficiency…” Seliky mumbled as she folded her arms…both me and Jewlia giggled…
“Yeah sure you do…” I laughed…our laughter was suddenly ended by a loud rustling of bushed from afar…
“What was that!?!” Seliky cried out…
“I don’t know…” Jewlia said out… Just then and body fell down from the tree and crashed onto the floor…
“Oh my!...” Jewlia cried out…
“Aurora doesn’t look…there’s blood…” Seliky cried out…I turned away quickly…
“Seliky go check it out…” I said as I lowered Seliky to the floor…Seliky ran over to where the figure was…
“OH MY!!!...It’s Hitomi!!!”
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

Posts : 343
Join date : 2009-10-21
Age : 33
Location : Orlando

Aurora's Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aurora's Story   Aurora's Story Icon_minitimeMon May 16, 2011 5:37 pm

Aurora's story Part 41-45

Part 41

I nearly jumped up hearing what Seliky just said...Hitomi is hurt...I slithered over seeing Hitomi's eyes tightly closed and she turned as if she was in great pain...I started to feel...very...dizzy...I saw blood so I quickly turned away before anything happened...This is horribled...
"Hitomi!...what happened!..." I cried out...Hitomi opened her eyes a bit...she growned in pain and spat up some blood...
"My...e...it...attacked...my...eggs..." Hitomi faintly said...her voice sounded if she was being choked...
"What did!..." Seliky cried out...
"This...blue....bubble...creature..." Hitomi gasped...I nearly fell back...the blob creature must had attacked Hitomi...but...why?...
"Damn it...only...if I...was bigger..." Hitomi said...I saw a tear run down her eye...seeing this...I knew somthing went wrong...
"Hitomi...tell me...the eggs are safe...right!?!" I said out...Hitomi wiped the tear away...
"That...DAMN thing...got one of them..." Hitomi said out...right then...it felt as if my soul drifted away...Hitomi just lost a child...Hitomi must be going through alot of pain...but physical and emotional...I turned to Jewlia...
"Jewlia...please tell me you can help her..." I said out...Jewlia nodded...
"I'll take a glander at her..." Jewlia said out...I suddenly heard Seliky gasp...I turned and saw Hitomi slowly getting up...
"I dont need...ack...any help Damn it...I'm fine by myself..." she said painfully...I couldnt believe my ears...she's actually refusing help...
"Hitomi...please...you look horrible..." I said out...Hitomi glared at me...
"I'm going yo find that Damn creature and Oh...I'll bring hell straight to it for taking away my unborn daughter!!!" Hitomi said out...
"Enough of that..." Jewlia sighed...right the, roots shot up from under Hitomi and the thorns pricked her...the Hitomi colaps onto the floor...
"Jewlia...what did you do that for!?!..." Seliky cried out...I guess Seliky thought Jewlia attacked her...
"Relax little Seliky...I only have put her to sleep...no harm done..." Jewlia said out...I looked down at Hitomi's injured self...she had burns all over her body...most of which were around her arms...I then notised this little red bruis near her mantis half...it was similar to the one I had when I fought that blob creature for the first time...
"Why would that scary blob thing hurt Hitomi?..." Seliky asked as I notised the sense of fear in her...I was wondering that too...am I not the only victum to this strange creatures attacks...why is it attacking us anyways...I very scared now...maybe it'll come attack Jewlia too...I dont want Jewlia hurt...she's very nice and I dont want to put a person I just met in danger...hardly seems right...I looked over to Seliky who was quivering is fear...I picked her up and hugged her gently...
"Dont worry...everything is going to be fine..." I told her...actually...I dont know what is going to happen...but I really need to get little Seliky calm...a girl her age can only take so much Drama...I looked up at Jewlia...
"Jewlia...can you help Hitomi...please..." I asked...Jewlia gave a tiny smile...
"It's what I do...anything for my friends..." Jewlia said back...I saw some roots lift Hitomi's sleeping body to Jewlia where Jewlia removed some of the berries in her hair and mashed them up in her hands...she then rubbed the liquidfide fruit on Hitomi's wounds...which confused me...
"My berries serve as a medicen for all Felarya diseases and help make wounds heal...if you two are wondering..." Jewlia said out...It made sense...and I saw that Seliky was interested...well now I know Hitomi is in good hands...It'll make my worries for her lesson just a tiny bit...

Part 42

I laid on the floor, worried about Hitomi…I know Jewlia is going to take good care of her…but I’m worried Hitomi emotional part of herself…I mean…Hitomi seems to be a…well…unique girl…but...what will happen sense she just lost a child…I sighed as I looked over at little Seliky who was laying on my stomach…she seemed a bit more relaxed than I am…but I could tell she was a little worried…she looked up at me with those pink eyes of hers…she seemed to be even more afraid of the blob creature and what it did to Hitomi…she trembled a bit before snapping to her senses…suddenly something snapped into my head…
“Seliky…you didn’t go back to your father last night!...” I cried out…Seliky looked at me in confusion…
“Oh yeah…I didn’t haven’t I…” Seliky said back as she scratched her head…now I grew very scared…Seliky’s father could have people out looking for her…and I could be caught…this is not good…
“Seliky…your father must be looking for you!...” I cried out…Seliky looked at me a smiled…
“Dude…its Thursday…my father is at the military thing till Saturday…remember?…” Seliky laughed…now I feel like a complete idiot…Seliky’s father doesn’t come back to Seliky’s house till Saturday afternoon…like always…
“Oh…I guess I forgot…hehehe…” I mumbled as I held my neck…Seliky looked away at Jewlia who was rubbing mashed up berries onto Hitomi’s wounds…
“…Is this torment ever going to end?…” Seliky asked with a scared look on her face…her skin was paler than normal and she shivered a bit…I didn’t know what to say to her…I didn’t know what this blob creature was…and why it wanted us…
“Don’t worry Seliky…” I said as I grabbed her and hugged her…”we’ll be fine…I won’t let that creature hurt you…Hitomi…or Jewlia…never…” I said to her…Seliky began to cry…
“I don’t want you hurt either…I don’t want you to end up like Hitomi…” Seliky said as she laid her head on my arm…I stroke her hand with my finger…trying to calm her down…all of these events were driving this girl mad…she must be having hard time taking in all of this stuff…
“I’ll be fine Seliky…I promise…” I whispered… Jewlia looked at me and I saw hr eyes sparkle…
“AWWWW…that’s so cute!...” Jewlia said out happily…Seliky looked up at me with a tiny blush…
“I wish I had a relationship like that…” Jewlia added as she placed Hitomi on the ground…Hitomi’s wounds seem to have been slowly disappearing…Hitomi shrugged in her sleep as the medicine healed her injuries…
“Don’t worry about her…she’ll be all better by sun up…I’ll take care of her till then ok Aurora…” Jewlia said as she brushed her hand against her leafy hair…I slithered over to Jewlia and hugged the base of her trunk…
“Thank you so much for this again Jewlia…I’m so grateful…” I said out happily…I saw Seliky taking some steps back…I then remembered Jewlia’s…”problem”…she suddenly grabbed be in her arm and squeezed me very hard…
“HUG!!!” She called out happily and she swung me side to side like how I did to Tabie when I was tiny…
“Ack…Jewlia…yo…you’re doing it again!...” I cried out…Jewlia released me and I gasped for air…Jewlia calmed herself down and blushed…
“…I’m sorry…it’s a habit I’m afraid…” Jewlia said softly…her voice was so filled with purity and it filled me with warmth…I couldn’t help but smile…even through the recent events…
“It’s ok…I understand Jewlia…” I said and smiled…Jewlia patted my head and pocked Seliky in the stomach playfully…Seliky fell back and giggled a bit…
“Hehehe…Aurora we should stay here with Jewlia…you know…to keep her company and it would be a lot safer...you know…with that blob out there…” Seliky told me…I looked at her and then I looked at Jewlia…I thought about it for a second…but then…I have my home…and it would be a long slither from here to my traps…and the main human path is too far…but again…Jewlia is good in treating injuries…Jewlia looked at me and gave a beautiful smile filled with joy…
“That would be very wonderful…but…I wouldn’t want you to leave your home because of me…it doesn’t seem at that right…” Jewlia said to us…then her face suddenly filled with sorrow…she turned away and sighed as she closed her large green eyes…
“It’s the best for you…” she then mumbled… I knew she wanted us to say…I mean…she said no one ever visits her…or…keeps her company…but she was right…we cant leave my home…hmmm…
“Does your roots take up all of this area?...I asked softly…Jewlia looked at me in confusion…
“No…there are some empty spots…why?...” she asked as she scratched her nose…
“Well…I was thinking…maybe I can make a tunnel leading from my burrow to you so I can visit you…” I suggested…Seliky looked up at me and smiled…
“That’s a great idea Aurora…what do you say Jewlia…” she said out…Jewlia nodded and smile…
“That’ll be very nice…” she said as the sun reflected off of her beautiful green eyes…
“Alright…I’ll get started…I’ll start today…” I said…Seliky looked at me with a sad expression on her face…I smiled…
“Ok ok…you can stay with Jewlia until I finish…” I said to her…Seliky jumped up with joy and hoped over to Jewlia’s waiting hand…
“Don’t worry Aurora…I’ll take very good care of her…I promise” Jewlia said to me as she brought Seliky to her cheek and smiled…I giggled…
“Ok Jewlia…see you guys in an hour or two…” I called out as I headed towards the direction of my home…

Part 43

It was very quiet on the way back home...inspecially not having little Seliky around to keep me company...I sighed to myself as I continued to slither along the forest floor...thinking about last night...that horrible feeling I had when I stared at death in the face...I'm lucky to even be alive...I shook my head a bit...trying to get the memory out of my head...I looked ahead seeing the enterance to by burrow...before entering...I looked around a bit...listening to the akward silence through the day...I closed my eyes for a second as I took a deep breath before slithering into my home...while making why way through the chambur...I noticed little purple specks floating in the air...but they were so tiny...I first didnt noticed them...but I adventually did halfway through my home...I didnt really put much thought into it...I continued on my way to the spot where I would start my dig to Jewlia's territory...just before I was about to enter...somthing purple caught my eye...I turned and saw a faint purple light in one of my chamburs...I slithered slowly to the enterance...afraid that it was some sort of preditor...I peered inside...only to see a tiny mushroom glowing in the corner of the chambur...I slithered to it...smiling at the fact that I thought such a cute little fungi could be a big old predator sleeping in my house...I leaned torwards it and smiled...but somthing weird happened...a little puff shot out from it to my nose...it smelled funny and it tickled my nose...I sneezed and looked back at the purple mushroom...I must have allergies from it...I'll have to bury this chambur then...when I have the chance of course...I slithered out of the chambur to where I was going to start digging the tunnel...I retracted the scales in my arms and slammed my arms into the dirt...pushing aside the ground that was in my way...I did this while slithering forward...creating the tunnel by doing so...
After an hour of digging...I decided to take a short break...I laid with my belly on the ground...feeling the nice cold dirt throughout my body...I closed my eyes for a bit as I enjoyed this rare moment of peace I had to myself...I laid their for a while trying to enjoy the moment...only to have been interuppted by a faint vibration...I turned myself around and closed my green eye to see through the dirt with my purple eye...I saw the body heat of a human walking just above me...I felt like just leaving the human alone...but that thought ended as soon as I heard my belly growling at me...saying that my previus meal was gone and my belly is still hungry...I smiled as I focused at the human...I waited untile they walked within striking range of me and I readied my arm...right when they were...I shot my arm up...breaking through the layer of earth and I grabbed the shooken human...I pulled my arm back to see my catch...it was a human male...looking about 20 years of age I think...he was struggling in my hand...I'm guessing scared at seeing me...the hole I made made a ray of light peek in...showing myself to him...I opened my mouth and dangled him about it for a second...then I plopped him into my mouth and began to lick at his body...to make him wet so he'll go down into my belly faster...He kept on fighting and kicking my nose which was still outside of my mouth...I grew annoyed so I just began to swallow...He got pushed in my throat a bit and I had to swallow again...he was squirming around inside my throat...it was very difficult to swallow him...but I finally took another gulp...bring his body to maybe where my callorbone is...I sawallowed again...finally plopping him into my waiting belly...I laid down on my back and patted my slighty buldged belly in satifaction...the little human began struggling inside of me...it kind of tickled...I couldnt help but giggle a little...feeling tickles from inside me always make me happy...happy with my full belly...I continued an my way to meet up with Jewlia and Seliky...I bet they are having quite the time together...I cant wait to see Seliky's happy face again...it always cheers me up...I also hope Hitomi gets better...poor women...she must be having a hard time in her sleep...I sure hope she'll heal...I know Jewlia said she will...but I dont think her mind would heal...I mean...she just lost a unborn daughter...I would be devistated if that ever happened to me...I hope she'll feel better...

Part 44

…I continued on digging the tunnel that led over to Jewlia…I had to make up from that short break I had earlier…though it’s kind of weird that I can still feel that little human inside me…but he isn’t moving around very much…but every so often I would feel him move around or struggle a bit…tickling me from the inside…I guess my belly is having an off day today…but I still like the feeling of the little human…keeps me less bored sense I never know when he going to……hehehehe…do that…hehehe…I rubbed my belly as I continued on…though I stopped for a bit…I looked up using my purple eye to see through the ground…I saw a blank open field…remembering that is was the area where I thought would make a good lookout spot…so I decided to make a quick detour to the surface…just to make the tunnel so I can reach this area when ever I wanted…it was good to have open air again and feeling the gentle breeze blowing against my tense body…my arms felt a little sore and stiff…it is best that I stretch them so they wont get messed up or something…I looked around the peaceful field as I stretched my arms…it was very nice out here with the bright green grass and the open sky…I saw the little berry bush that had Seliky’s favorite treat growing on them…I slithered over to it and carefully picked a few of the berries…making sure I didn’t accidentally crush the bush or burst the tiny berries between my fingers…after picking a handful in Seliky’s standards…I turned to head back into the tunnel…but something caught my eye high up in the sky…I looked up seeing this large creature flying in the sky…though…it looked similar to a human female…only…bigger and had wings and feathers…she turned her head and saw me…my scales stood up as I stared up at the bird lady…I was scared that she would come attack me…though…I then noticed that she just continued to fly forward as if she had no interest in me…I took no chances though and slithered as fast as I could into the safety of my tunnel…I laid back against the tunnel wall as I breathed in deeply…that was really a scare…I have never seen such a creature…and I don’t know what would happen if it decided I would be her next meal…*sigh*…good thing she didn’t…I turned to continue digging…but before I went to…I gently placed the berries on my tail so they wouldn’t be smashed up…I tried to forget about the scene that happened recently…though I was relieved that the little human decided to do another struggle and tickle me some more…it sure helped calm me down to the point were I felt conferrable…

An hour passed by and I knew that I was almost to Jewlia…out in the distance I could see her body heat from my purple eye…I smiled as I hurried on to see them again…my arms felt a little stiff but I paid no mind to it…if I did it would only hold me back…I reached the area and dug my way up to the surface…popping my head out of the ground…
“I’m back!...” I called out as I looked up seeing Jewlia…
“Oh Aurora you’re back…” Jewlia said as she smiled with such beauty and grace…I smiled back as I looked around the area…
“Hey where’s Seliky?...” I asked…Jewlia began to giggle a bit…
“I’m up here!...” a tiny voiced called out from above me…I just then realize that Seliky was on top of my head…
“Hey Seliky…what are you doing up there?...” I asked…
“Yeah…well I was just here minding my own business when suddenly a 45 foot long scale butt broke through the floor underneath me…
“Oh…I’m so sorry…I didn’t see you!...” I cried out as I lifted Seliky off my head and held her in front of my face…
“Hey it’s ok…I’m not hurt anything…just was a little bit shocked…” Seliky said with a tiny giggled…I placed Seliky on my shoulder and lifted myself out of the ground…
“Ok good…I was a little worried that I may have gotten you hurt…” I mumbled…
“Hey…even if you did…we have Jewlia here…” Seliky laughed…Jewlia blushed a bit and giggled a bit…
“Did you two have fun?...” I asked as I slithered over to Jewlia…Jewlia smiled ash the sun reflected against her beautiful emerald green eyes…a dazzling sight…
“We sure did…Seliky is just a bundle of joy and has so many interesting stories…a lot about you also…” Jewlia said giggling…I giggled a bit too as I looked over to Seliky…
“Yeah I absolutely love Jewlia…she’s so fun and nice and stuff…but very hard to play hide and seek with…if I even move an inch she finds me…her and her Dryad senses…or what ever she uses…” Seliky said out…
“Well that is a secret us Bramble Dryads keep…” Jewlia said out…
“Well that’s no fun…” Seliky mumbled as she folded her arms…
“How’s Hitomi doing?...” I mumbled…I was a bit worried about her…and seeing the expression on Jewlia’s face…there must be something wrong with her…
“Well…she woke up not too long ago…but…she refuses to talk to anyone and stays at a distance…and…when I moved my roots over to her…she attacked them in a rage…it really hurt…” Jewlia mumbled with a frown on her face…
“Yeah…she is very depressed…she didn’t even try to swallow me when she walked by me…I’m a little worried…” Seliky added…I grew very concerned now…I don’t want Hitomi to be going through this troubled time all by herself…she needs someone to comfort her…
“Well I’ll go talk to her…” I said out…”Where is she?...” Jewlia pointed to her right towards a small group of trees.
“Be careful Aurora…” Jewlia said as I slithered off to find Hitomi…

Part 45

I made my way in the direction where Jewlia pointed out where Hitomi was at…I was a bit hesitant at her comment “Be careful…”…something deep in my gut is telling me this isn’t going to be good…and it’s not that little human kicking around in me either…as I slithered on…I noticed to the right some roots that seemed to have been sliced up very badly by some sort of blade or something…I swallowed my breath remembering what Jewlia told me about how Hitomi struck at her…before I could meditate about turning back but I saw Hitomi sitting alone with her face facing a tree…I sighed to myself and slowly slithered over to Hitomi…
“Hitomi…are you ok?...” I asked…Hitomi didn’t move an inch…I slowly reached out to pat her on the shoulder…but suddenly in a burst of speed…she turned around and lashed out at me…striking me in the arm with her claws…I fell back and grabbed my arm in pain…
“Get…away…from me!...” she said with anger and pain in her voice…my arm had this very sharp pain in it and I felt my blood seeping out slowly…I dared not to look though…I knew what would happen if I did…but I was still in shock from Hitomi even attacking me like this…
“Hitomi…calm down…I’m your friend…I…just want to talk to you…” I said to her…Hitomi glared at me as she rose up the hand she used to slash me…it had my blood on her claws and I turned away…what Hitomi did after shocked me…she licked her fingers…tasting the blood and then looked back at me…
“Now once again…leave…me…ALONE!...” she yelled…I felt a tear run down my eye seeing Hitomi’s angry face…the fact that she would even attack me…made…me…sick inside…it hurts…hurts so very much…I picked myself up and turned to slither away…looking back at Hitomi before I was going to leave…I noticed this tear running down her eye and that made me not want to leave…I know Hitomi is very hurt inside and…I need to comfort her…
“Hitomi…you don’t need to go through this alone…I’m always here for you…” I mumbled…Hitomi didn’t respond…she stood there looking down at the floor…seeming if she had a shadow over her body…
“You…you would never understand…” she said as she tightened her fists…
“I do…” I said to her…Hitomi suddenly lashed out at me not giving me any time to react and grabbed my neck…
“DON’T LIE!!!...I LOST TOO MUCH!!! YOU CANT EVEN EQUAL TO MY PAIN!!!” she yelled…I felt her claws slowly digging into my neck and I struggled to keep up my breath…
“…Hi…Hitomi…I kn…know yo…your pain…you…a…aren’t alone…” I said with little breath…
“…I lost my sister…I lost my best friend and lost my mother!...and now…I lost my daughter!...don’t you dare try to try to relate to this pain!...” she yelled…I grabbed her palm and slowly pulled her hands open from my neck…allowing me to breath freely…
“Don’t be…so…sure…I lost a sister…and…I…lost my entire family…I cant say I…lost a daughter…but…Seliky is like my daughter…but…there was a time that I thought I lost her forever…and…the pain I felt during that time was…so great that I thought I would never be able to go on…so please…let me help you…” I said as I slithered to her and took her into a hug…she didn’t move but I could hear her crying over my shoulder…
“I’m sorry…I…don’t know what went over me…” she murmured…I patted her back to comfort her...
“It’s ok it’s ok…I know you are hurt inside…” I said back…
“…I lost my baby….my babies life…is…just gone…like….that…and I was helpless to…save her…” she cried… “What kind of mother can’t even protect her own baby?…”
“…I’m sorry for your loss…loosing a loved one is…very hard…but you cant isolate yourself…and…attack those who want to help…me and Jewlia only want to help…I know loosing your unborn daughter is hard…but…please…don’t be sad…it’s…making us all sad…” I said softly… “And you did ally you could…that’s all that matters…any mother would try to protect their child…you did the right thing…”
“You’re right…and…I…I’m sorry…” she mumbled as she placed her hand on the cut on my arm…it hurt for a bit but I tried to endure it…
“So…talk to me Hitomi…let it all out…” I said to her…Hitomi looked up at me and sighed as she whipped the tear from her emerald green eyes…
“But…” she paused for a second and looked away…
“Remember …I only want to help you Hitomi…I’m your friend…” I said smiling…Hitomi looked down at the floor and turned away…
“I’m sorry…can I…just have a few minutes to calm down…my heart hurts…” Hitomi mumbled…I smiled and patted her shoulder…
“Sure thing Hitomi…”
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Veteran knight
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Aurora's Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aurora's Story   Aurora's Story Icon_minitimeMon May 16, 2011 7:06 pm

im currently at part 20, and im liking the story so far, even though im in the middle of 2 other stories I always set some time aside to read this, i guess the characters are growing on me Razz
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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PostSubject: Re: Aurora's Story   Aurora's Story Icon_minitimeTue May 17, 2011 9:31 am

space_samurai wrote:
im currently at part 20, and im liking the story so far, even though im in the middle of 2 other stories I always set some time aside to read this, i guess the characters are growing on me Razz

Oh thank you...I apreciate that you read my story...and I am so glad you like my character ^s^ Very Happy
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Seasoned adventurer
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PostSubject: Re: Aurora's Story   Aurora's Story Icon_minitimeTue May 17, 2011 9:43 am

I've not had alot of time to read through it but so far I really like it
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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PostSubject: Re: Aurora's Story   Aurora's Story Icon_minitimeTue May 17, 2011 9:44 am

Part 46 - 50

Part 46

I slowly slithered back where I left Seliky and Jewlia when I went to go comfort Hitomi…I am still worried about Hitomi…she seems a little more calm but still…she’s very hurt inside and the pain is going to stay in there for a while…I really hope she will be ok…I really do…I looked up seeing Jewlia’s green eyes gazing down at me…in her arm was little Seliky crawling across it playfully…like she was exploring Jewlia’s body or something of that sort…
“So…How did it go?...” Jewlia asked me with a concerned look on her face…I sighed and covered my arm where Hitomi slashed me…
“…Well I calmed her down…but she is still really upset…” I mumbled…Hitomi patted me on the head and smiled…
“Well at least you helped her feel better…even it is just a tiny bit…” Jewlia said…I knew she was trying to make me feel a little better…
“Yeah…but…she still looks so hurt up…so beaten up inside…” I mumbled…
“Hey…if the worse happens…we can always offer Seliky to her…that’ll sure make her feel better…” Jewlia laughed…Seliky jumped up….
“Wha wha what?...No way…I don’t want to be her dinner!...” Seliky cried out…Jewlia giggled and patted Seliky on the head with her forefinger.
“I was only joking dear…we wouldn’t do that…” Jewlia told her…Seliky sighed in relief which was actually adorable to watch…
“Phew…that’s good…” Seliky said quietly…I smiled a little…this made me feel a tiny bit better…I then heard a few footsteps from my side…I turned to see Hitomi slowly walking into the area with her hands behind her back and her head hunched down…I could tell she has been crying…
“Hi Hitomi…ar…are you feeling any better?...” I said softly…Hitomi nodded her head slowly and looked up at me…
“I’m…fine…” she mumbled…she moved up to me and took me into a hug.. “Thank you…”…now I was speechless…the only thing that I though I should do was stroked her back gently as Hitomi cried against my shoulder…
“I’m…so…sorry…” she said…burying her face against my chest...felt awkward but I dealt with it…
“It’s ok…it’s ok…” I told her…Hitomi released me and looked over to Jewlia and Seliky…who looked as if they were in surprised by the display…Hitomi smiled a tiny bit…but then she looked back down at the floor…
“Aurora…Jewlia…I…I’m sorry I attacked you guys…I…I know you were only trying to help…me…...I...I was acting impulsively…” Hitomi mumbled…
“Ooh “Impulsively”…starting higher vocabulary I see…” Seliky laughed…
“Hush it tiny or I’ll have albino for lunch!…” Hitomi yelled…Seliky laughed…
“Yep…Hitomi is becoming herself again…” Seliky said while she giggled…Jewlia smiled and took Hitomi into a hug…glad it wasn’t me this time…
“Awwww…it’s ok Hitomi I’m not mad…” Jewlia said out…
“You’re…crushing me!...” Hitomi cried out….I giggled a little as Jewlia placed Hitomi down gently…
“Sorry…I couldn’t help it…” Jewlia said while blushing…
“You might want to go see a shrink for hat…” Seliky said giggling…
“Shrink?…I don’t want to shrink…” Jewlia replied with a confused look on her face…
“Ugh…no one here know what a shrink is... don’t they?...” Seliky mumbled…I giggled a little…
“Do they taste good?...” I laughed…Seliky gave me a cold stare…
“Right…I would know how a person tastes…” Seliky replied…
“I donno…maybe…” I said giggling…Seliky continued to stare at me…
“Yeah yeah…needs more salt and soy sauce…” she said sarcastically…Hitomi giggled a little…she seemed to be feeling a lot better than she was when I went to comfort her…she’s smiling a little…I slithered to her and patted her back…she looked up at me and smiled…
“When did you learn to have such good people skills Aurora?...or…um…Mantoid…um…Naga…um…argh you know what I mean…” Seliky asked…I giggled a little…I then started to thing a bit…and the only thing that popped in my mind was Thanh…
“Well…I don’t know Seliky…from Thanh I guess…from all the “Lectures” gave me…” I replied… “I guess I just…picked some of it up…” Seliky nodded and smiled…

Part 47

It was starting to get dark outside and Jewlia seemed to be looking a little tired. Hitomi wandered off to go hunt…I think she really needs something to keep her mind off her loss…hunting probably would do that. Seliky was lying down against my arms…she seemed to have exhausted herself playing with Jewlia…It was rather cute…her head was pressed against my arm as she laid there…taking tiny breaths…I looked up at Jewlia who seemed to look a little dazed…
“…Are you tired Jewlia?...you look as if you are going to fall asleep any second…” I asked…Jewlia looked down at me and gave a big yawn…
“A little…” she said back…
“Well I better get going back home…you know…to check up on things…like the traps and such…and let you get your sleep…” I sad to her…Jewlia nodded and patted me on the head…
“…Goodnight Aurora…” she said as she closed her eyes…I smiled and waved back as I slithered off…I slithered into the burrow I made that led to Jewlia’s territory and made my way through…I looked down at Seliky to check up on her…she opened her eyes and smiled seeing me looking at her…
“…Yes Aurora?...” she asked…I smiled…
“…Nothing…I just was admiring how cute you looked…” I replied…Seliky giggled for a bit and then sighed…
“…You know…I kinda still can’t believe that when I met you…I was so desperate…” Seliky said out…”…I mean…I actually wanted to…to…”
“…Yeah Seliky I know…but hey…if you hadn’t…I would have never met you…and Hitomi and Jewlia…so It’s kinda a good thing you know…” I replied…Seliky looked down at the floor for a while…which concerned me a little…she sighed as she slowly lifted her head till I could see her eyes…she was crying…but she was smiling at the same time…
“…Hehehe…I…I just wish I could just…stay with you all the time…and…and not have to go back…” Seliky said to me…I stroked her head with my finger…
“Oh don’t cry Seliky…maybe some day you will…” I replied…Seliky sighed and looked away…she wiped off her tears and looked back at me…
“That’s very unlikely Aurora…I mean…not without putting you in danger…and…I don’t want that…” Seliky mumbled…I lifted her to my face…she squeaked a little from the sudden movement…
“Now don’t be silly…I want what’s best for you…hey…if it means I have to move away from here for you to be happy then I’ll do it…” I said back…It was true…I would…it would be very difficult but I would…I really want the best for Seliky…
“…No…I know if you moved you are putting yourself at risk…” Seliky mumbled…”I’ll just have to deal with coming here from that…place…I’ll see Ti-Yen too…she’s always been so kind to me…”
“…Maybe I could meet this Ti-Yen person you always talk about…” I said…she seemed very interesting…though…it would put me at risk…
“I donno…” Seliky mumbled…”I think she’s a busy lady…she’s getting married after all…” Seliky replied…I gently set her on my tail as continued on…

The rest of the way…Seliky told me about some of the creatures mentioned in a book she’s reading…like Dridders and Harpies and all hat good stuff…I never even heard of any of the creatures before with the exception of the Dridders…and Dryads…she even red about Matoids…it was interesting to say the least…but I did feel sorry for the boy ones…they get eaten…which it made me wonder how Hitomi’s mate looked like…the Seliky started reading about neera’s…I didn’t recognize the name but Seliky told me it was a mouse like humanoid…which then made me think of Tiffany…I didn’t know she was a Neera…she always referred herself as a Chu…maybe she is a chu…but…what’s a difference between a chu and a neera then?...I really do miss the little mouse girl though…I must have really gotten on her nerves back in the day…eating her all the time…but yet…she always seemed to come to my rescue when I was in trouble or defended me when Thanh was angry at me…*sigh* I wonder where Tiffany is now?...I wish I was with Thanh right now…but…she’s gone…and I surely would never see her again…I…I really miss her…sure…she whipped me a bit and then some…but…she took care of me and loved me…she was like my mother…only if I didn’t get caught…I would still be with her…even if it is the afterlife…*sigh*…it hurts a lot…but…at least I have Seliky…that’s all the comfort I need…I closed my eyes and turned my head to look at Seliky…she was fast asleep on my wait…her arm dangled over the edge as she took tiny breaths…I smiled a little as I continued forward into the area where all the chambers were located…and again I saw the purple specs floating around…most likely from that strange plant…

Part 48 (this part was a colaberation with me and Zoekin3

I gently placed little Seliky on the floor… being careful not to wake her up…she turned herself over in her sleep after I placed her on the ground…It was absolutely adorable…I couldn’t help but smile…I sighed to myself as I slithered away…heading out to the entrance of my burrow…when I reached it…I moved the boulder aside and poked my head out to check the coast…there was nothing around…according to my green eye…but I used my purple eye just to be sure…that blob thing has been attacking us even more now…I have to be on my guard as much as possible…for Seliky’s sake…It seemed nothing was around…so I made my way out…it was a little chilly out and the stars were already gleaming in the sky…some being coveredby the trees…I smiled and fallowed my usual path to my traps…it took a few minutes untile I reached my traps…I looked through some of them…them being empty…I felt a little disappointed…I expected at least two humans to eat…now I need to go hunt…I’m not thee best hunter either…I failed many of times…I’m just lucky that the times I failed…the pray was gotten by another creature…unable to tell anyone about me…I slithered on through the forest path…looking around for a bit…some tiny creatures hid in the bushes as I slithered in…robably scared…but I didn’t bother…they were too small to make me not hungry anymore…I sighed as I moved on…nothing just seemed to be out tonight…really depressing…I might not be able to eat tonight…I continued to move on forward…I passed by Hitomi’s tree…I saw her sitting up there guarding her eggs with this most serius look on her face…she looked down at me…I waved to her and she gave a tiny smile…but it soon vanished as she looked back up…she must be pushing herself so none of her other eggs are lost...I could tell that she is...I may not be a mother...but I'm sure it hurts alot loosing a child...*sigh*...I wonder how Thanh felt when she found I was no longer there...I miss her so much...she treated me so great...sure...she punished me severly if I did somthing wrong...but I know she did it out of love...even tying my tail to a boulder and catapolting it into the sky...I wonder what kind of mother Hitomi is going to be...er...hope she's a liitle nicer to them then she is to me and Seliky...in the middle of that thought...I heard my stomach growl...begging me to fill it...I waved back at Hitomi as I slithered off...from there...I travelled deeper into the dense jungle...I still reconized the area sense I havent traveled out of my territory...the city isnt that far from here...it's a little dangetous for me to be so close to the city...I dont want to get caught and have Seliky all alone at my burrow...I made my way to the path that lead torwards the city...of course I stayed in the forest brush so I wouldnt be in the open...from here I could see the giagantic tree's shadow in the distance...I heard a tiny cry from the direction...I guess someone just had their meal...I sighed and moved on...just then...I felt a weak vibration in the ground...usually this vibration tells me there are normal small creatures near me...but this time...it detected the passage of something a bit larger... I turned and headed in that direction...a bit curious on what it was...after a while...I could hear the sound of voices...arguing about something...I used my purple eye to see what it might be...I saw several warm bodies moving around in the dark...I decided to get a little closer...I hid myself behind a group of trees...keeping my eye on the heat sources...suddenly...they seemed to have gotten into a fight or somthing...I was a little scared hearing alot of screaming...yelling and sounds of punches...but now I could tell they were a group of humans...I smiled to myself...now I could have somthing to eat...I made my way closer to them as quietly as possible...then I heard a loud crack...my tail seemed to have crushed a bush...my eyes widden as I looked over to the group...scared that they would see me from my clumsyness...I was never a good hunter and I make too much noise to hunt well...but...they seemed to have not heard me through all the chaos...I came a little closer...figuring it was safe...they completly missed seeing me until the last moment...they were some humans from the city that Seliky lives in...They all looked shocked seeing me...I just smiled...
“Hello peoples..." I greeted them as I smiled at their terrified faces...then I struck at them...I found it a little fun chasing them around and scooping them up...sure it too a while but...sense they were cornered and I blocked the only escape...they couldnt get too far...unless it was to my mouth...they tickled nicely as they slipped down into my belly...I guess that they might have probably been people who bullied Seliky...it just made it all sweeter...though...I wonder what they were fighting about...well...it led them into my stomach...so I shouldnt really worry about it...ugh...I feel so full now...it hurts a little...I have never tried eating so many before...my belly wall all bulgy now...which made me giggle a little...then I felt them start quirming around inside me...but it was more frantic...I guess they were fighting inside me...it kinda feels nice...I patted my new big belly and headed back home...I passed by Hitomi's tree again and Hitomi looked over to me...she smiled and gave a thumbs up...I blushed a little as I waved to her...when I finaly readed my burrow...I carefully closed it up and slithered back to the chambur where I left little Seliky...she was still sound asleep...I smiled as I laid a safe distance away from her so I could go to sleep...I dont want to accidently squash her if I decide to roll over in my sleep...

Part 49 (please take not that Ravana3k's haracters Jade and Tora appear in this story...and I absolutely did a horrable job at portraying them sadly >.<...I will most likely rewrite this section and the next section...

I awoke in the middle of the night to an unusual sound…I felt a shiver go down my back…scared to think that the blue blob creature could have returned…I turned towards Seliky to see how she was…she was still sound asleep…I sighed to myself as I lifted myself up and slithered quietly out of the chamber…trying not to wake Seliky up…I carefully made my way out and pushed aside the boulder and slithered out…it was still dark out but out in the distance…I could see a little light…the sun was just starting to rise…It was chilly out…I could faintly see my breath…but not too much…I looked around a bit…trying to find what caused the sound…I was scared a bit…I thought that that blob monster could pop up at any time…I then heard the sound again…it sounded like…faint…voices talking to each other…I turned towards the sound and closed my green eye…I saw two heat sources out in the distance that looked…human shaped…I opened my eye and looked down at my stomach…it was flat…I guess I should go hunt again…so I wont get hungry during the day and have to eat in front of poor Seliky…she always looks so uncomfortable when I do…I slithered towards the two humans…being careful not to make any sounds…as I got closer…I could hear their voices…sounded like two women talking to each other…finally I reached the area and I hid myself behind a large boulder…I lifted my head slightly so I could see my two targets…I suddenly felt a chill run down my spine…the two humans…were…giant…even bigger than I was…almost double my size…I froze in my spot…I was frightened now…these…creatures could attack me…I tried to move but…I couldn’t…I was scared…yet…interested…this…made me not want to leave…I continued to stare at the two women…one had short…bluish colored hair and blue eyes…the other one looked roughly the same size…she had long black hair and jade colored eyes…they had similar features…my guessing they are sisters of some sort…I couldn’t make out what they were saying…they were too far…I wanted to get closer but…something tapped me on the shoulder…my eyes widen as I turned quickly around…right there I saw a pair of larger blue eyes looking down at me belonging to a giant human with long blond hair…
“…What are you doing?...” she said to me as she placed her hands at her hips…she seemed smaller that that other two…but…she was still larger than I was…I remained still…I was scared out of my mind…I couldn’t move…I couldn’t even speak…
“Hey Jora…what’s going on?...” a voice said from afar…I shivered now…I saw the other two coming towards me…I felt like crying…
“I found this little naga spying on you two…” the human with the blond hair replied…apparently her name is Jora…
“Spying…on us…” the one with the black hair said rather softly…
“She’s so tiny…” the blue haired on said out…I tightly closed my eyes…scared on what was going to happen…
“So…what should we do with her…” mumbled one of them…
“…I’m kind of hungry…” another one said…my eyes widen…I felt like screaming but…I couldn’t…
“Now hold on…we should at least figure out what she was up to…no eating yet…” the blond one said out…she then looked over to me…”So?…”
…my body felt tense now…I tried to say something but…I kept on swallowing up my words…I tightened my eyes and pressed my hands into the dirt…
“…I…I heard a s…sound…and…I…I was just…s…seeing what was…g…going on…” I managed to say…the three women looked at each other for a second…they then looked back at me…
“So you’re not spying on us…” the blue haired one said…looking rather disappointed…”I hoped I could have something big to eat…”
“Don’t mind Nina…she just likes to act chaotic at times…she prefers eating predators than eating smaller pray like humans…” the blond haired one said to me…
“Yeah…at least I eat better than my sister!...” she said out…the black haired one nudged her and folded her arms.
“That’s Jade…she doesn’t talk too much…she prefers to be alone actually…she doesn’t eat humans and stuff like that…” the blond one said to me…I looked at her curiously…
“…w…why…” I said softly…
“She never told anyone…oh…I’m Jora by the way…” she replied…I looked over to Jade for a second…then I looked back to Jora…I was confused on how these three humans got so big…and…why they ate other humans…I wasn’t as scared but I still shivered a bit…
“W…what…what are you…” I mumbled…the three humans looked at me funny for a second…
“What are we?...” Nina echoed back…
“We’re Giantess’…” Jora said out…
“…Giant…what?...” I mumbled back…I never heard or such creatures…
“…Giantess…basically…giant women…” Nina said to me…I looked up…I felt very uncomfortable at this point…I haven’t been around so many strangers before…I couldn’t think of anything to say…
“What’s your name?...” Nina asked me…I stuttered for a bit…it was hard for me to breathe now…
“A…a…Aurora…” I managed to say out…
“Aurora…that’s a nice name…” Jora said to me…I just gave a smile and looked away…
“Aww she’s blushing…” Nina called out…my eyes widen…I didn’t even realize I was blushing…I tightened my eyes and curled into a ball…
“She…seems shy…” Jade mumbled…the other two girls looked at her for a second…I looked up for a second…
“I…I…Its nice to meet you…three…” I mumbled...”I…I’m sorry I…I was watching you…I…I was just…making sure…th…that you weren’t a th…threat…”
“It’s ok…sorry for scaring you a bit…” Nina replied as she platted my head…I shivered a little…but looked up…at least I know these three won’t hurt me…
“…Yeah…we were just wandering around…Jade got us lost…” Nina said out…Jade nudged her…
“You were the one who wanted to explore away from the great tree…” Jade said out…I looked at them in confusion…
“…you…you aren’t from around here…” I mumbled…they all looked at me…
“No…we live near the great tree…you know…where Crisis and Anna live…” Jora replied…
“…Um…I’m not familiar…” I mumbled….the only name I somewhat recognize was the name “Crisis”…
“You never been there!?!...” Nina cried out…I looked at the floor shamefully…I feel so embarrassed now...I sighed and turned away…
“I…I think I should be going…” I mumbled…they turned to me…
“Why?...” Nina asked…I didn’t want to tell them about Seliky…I couldn’t trust them just yet…

Part 50 (Same thing as the previous section....I did a bad job at portraying the characters >.<)

…I stared at the three women who were around me…I couldn’t possibly tell them that I was friends with a human…they might eat her…any I don’t want that…the three girls looked at each other for a few seconds…and finally the blue haired one spoke…
“Wha?...Neko got your toung…come let me eat her…she obviously wants nothing to do with us and it’s a perfect meal!...” she said out…I slithered back a little with my arms behind my back…secretly making my scales on them come out so I could defend myself in needed…the brown haired girl gave a short glare at her…
“Stop messing with her Jora!…she’s scared and she doesn’t need to tell us anything if she doesn’t want to…” the blond one said out…The blue haired one looked away and folded her arms…
“Not even a taste…” she mumbled…
“Just be quiet…” the brow haired girl said…I sighed and retracted my scales…I’m just not used to being around new people…especially a race I haven’t even seen before…
“Um…it…it was nice to meet you three…um…I should get back to my home…I…I have some things to do…” I mumbled…Jora gave me a funny look and grinned…
“Alright!...it was nice meeting you too um…Aurora right?...” she said to me…I nodded and gave a tiny smile…
“Ye…yes…that’s r…right…” I mumbled…
“Wow you act so much like Nina here…” Jora added…Nina nudged her and looked away…”She’s shy too…” she whispered…I smiled again as I slithered back a little…
“I…I really have to go…It…it was nice meeting you…um…b…bye…” I said out as I started to slither away…I looked back seeing Jora and Nina waving at me…Jade just stood there with her arms folded…when I slithered far enough…I gave a sigh of relief and headed back into my burrow…this was such an unusual start for my day…never expected to see anyone like them around my home...Nina seemed nice to me…but that Jora girl kinda scares me…and that one named Jade is…well…quiet…I’m glad it’s over though…I wonder though…they said they live near that…big tree and spoke about that naga everyone seems to know…am I the only one that has no idea who she is or what is over there…I guess I’m missing out a lot…but…I should just stay here…it’s dangerous out there for me…I could never fend for myself…I sighed to myself at this thought as I pushed aside the boulder that covered the entrance of my burrow…I slithered in and headed over where I left Seliky…I reached the room and I saw Seliky sitting upright staring at the wall…
“Seliky your awake…” I said out…Seliky looked over at me and gave a small smile…
“There you are Aurora…I was worried about you…” she said with a laugh…I smiled back and patted her head…
“You don’t need to worry about me Seliky…” I replied…
“Yeah yeah what ever you say Aurora…what ever you say…” she laughed…I glared at her playfully for a bit and nudged her with my finger…
“Just be happy you aren’t sleeping out there tiny…” I laughed…Seliky nodded and stood up…
“True true…” she replied…I gently picked her up and held her to my face…I saw that she looked a little tired…probably because it is still quiet early to be awake…and we did stay up a little late last night…I stroked her pretty whitish brown hair and placed her on my shoulder…
“Did you have a nice nap Seliky?...” I asked…she nodded as she scooted over closer to my ear…
“You bet…though I did wake up in the middle of the nice…for some reason I couldn’t stop sneezing…so I took a little walk around you…hehehe…my legs are still a little tired…I bet if I ran around you every day I would be a very fast runner…” she said giggling…I giggled a little too…
“But you already run very fast…fastest little human I’ve ever seen…maybe it’s because you are so tiny that you have less weight to carry around…” I laughed…
“Whatcha trying to say…I’m short?...” she mumbled…
“We all know you are short you silly girl…come on look at you…” I laughed…Seliky grumbled and folded her arms…
“Yeah yea I…GUESS your right…” she pouted…I patted her head with my hand and giggled a little…
“But I think it makes you more cute…” I said back…
“RIGHT…so if a predator happens to come across me they’ll be like “Awwww Your are so cute…I’m not going to eat you sense you are so adorable…glomp glomp chuckle chuckle GULP”…RIGHT…” she said to me sarcastically…
“What…maybe I didn’t decide to eat you because you were so cute…” I replied…
“What ever you say Aurora…” she replied as she messed with my hair…or at least one strand of my hair…then I heard a growl…I looked over to Seliky who’s face now just turned red…
“Let me guess Seliky…you’re hungry…” I laughed…
“Yeah I guess so…” She replied…I stroked her hair with my finger and looked forward…
“Come lets find you some fruit to eat…” I said out…Seliky nodded and held onto my shoulder as I slithered through the tunnel out into the open morning air…
“Wow it’s still dark out here…and cold…” she said out as she took a bundle of my hair and covered herself with it…my guessing to keep her warm…
“Don’t worry it’s not too dark…and I can see fine anyways…” I replied as I looked around a bit…I was trying to remember where that bush that grows the berries Seliky loves…I then remembered there was one a little north of my burrow…I started heading in that direction as Seliky continued to mess around in my hair…
“Hey Aurora…I’ve been wondering about this for some quite time…how did you ever find hair bands THAT big to fun in your hair like this?…I mean really!...” she said out…I giggled a little…
“Well you see…they were a gift for Thanh…you know…the Elf who raised me…she put some charm on them that make them get bigger as I grew…I guess she knew that I would be a big Naga when I reached this age…” I replied…
“You weren’t always big?...” Seliky called out…seeming a little shocked…
“Of course not you silly…I WAS a kid in some point of my life…I think I was a little smaller that you when I was about your age…” I replied…
“Awww I bet you were a cute kid…It would’ve been nice to have you as a little sister…but sadly I’m an only child…” Seliky replied…I giggled a bit…
“Little sister?...” I laughed…
“You know what I mean…sheesh…” Seliky mumbled…I laughed as I slithered on…
“Yeah I know I know…” I replied…just then I heard a voice from behind me…
“Hey it’s you again…” the voice said out…I froze for a second…I recognized the voice…it was the Jora girl…I quickly scooped up Seliky into my hands…she gave a short squeal when I did so but I muffled it with my palm…I turned around see the three women walking over to me…
“Oh…uh…um…Hi…” I mumbled as I balled up my hands…I felt Seliky squirm a little in my palms…I couldn’t let them see Seliky…they might try to eat her…
“Hi Aurora…you still being busy?...” Nina asked…
“Uh…yeah…uh…I’m just…looking for berries…yeah...that’s it…” I replied…trying to seem believable…Jade stared at me awkwardly…
“What’s that?...” she mumbled…I felt a chill run down my spine…
“Wh…what’s what?...” I replied…I felt a sweat drop run down the back of my neck…
“That…in your hands…” she added…
“Uh…uh…the berries I collected so far…” I mumbled…Jade kept on staring at me…
“Jora Oh your hiding something aren’t you…” Jora said out…
“Jora…stop teasing her…” Nina said out…I slithered back a little…only to be backed into a tree…
“Sorry…” she mumbled....I looked over to Nina who just walked over to me…
“Sorry about Jora…she’s just being chaotic like always…” she laughed as she playfully slapped my back…I fell forward a little and my eyes widened…I dropped Seliky…I saw her fell to the ground…landing between me and all the women around me…
“What’s this?...” Jora said out…My eyes widened…I quickly scooped up Seliky into my arms and held her to my chest…
“N…n…nothing!...” I cried out…
“Was that a human?...” Nina asked...I shivered a bit…Jora walked over to me and looked down at me…
“It is!...” she cried out…I looked at Seliky who was still dazed from her fall…
“Oh so you were hunt…I see…you wanted to catch her before us…didn’t you…” Nina said out…
“I…I…” I stuttered a bit…Then Jora snatched Seliky from my hands…
“Well I’m kinda hungry too…” she said out…my eyes widened…
“No STOP!...” I cried out…Jora looked at me funny…
“What?...” she relied…
“She’s my friend!...give her back!...” I cried out…Jora looked at me for a second and then looked at Seliky…
“Your…friend?...” She said in confusion…
“A naga…with a human friend…that’s unusual…” Nina said out…
“Not necessarily…what about Crisis and Leá…” Jade mumbled…
“True very true…but I thought she was the only one…” Nina replied…Jora looked at me for a second and smiled…
“I think it’s cute…” she laughed…she handed Seliky back to me and I held her close to my face…
“Seliky are you alright…” I asked her…worried about her fall…Seliky rubbed her head and looked up at me…
“Just had the wind knocked out of me…” she replied…she looked around for a second…
“Whoa what’s going on!... “ she cried out…seeing the three giant women…
“Nothing…” I mumbled…” these are people I met earlier…”
“I’m Jora and this is Jade…” Jora said out…
“And I’m Jade’s sister Nina!…” Nina called out…
“So you were just looking out for your friend weren’t you?...” Nina asked me…I nodded and sighed…
“So what’s her name?...” she then asked me…I looked up at her…
“Her name is Seliky…” I replied…
“I never seen a human so white before…are you sure she’s human…” Nina said out…
“She’s Albino…just born with pale skin…” Jora told her…
“You would know…” Jade replied...me and Seliky looked at her in confusion…Jora smiled and looked towards us and sighed…
“I was human before…” She said with a tiny blush…me and Seliky went into shock…
“WOAH!!!...How’d you get so big!...” Seliky cried out…
“It’s a long story…” she mumbled…
“I want to be big too!...” Seliky called out happily…the three women smiled…
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

Posts : 343
Join date : 2009-10-21
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Aurora's Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aurora's Story   Aurora's Story Icon_minitimeWed May 18, 2011 7:28 am

TheArchvile wrote:
I've not had alot of time to read through it but so far I really like it

oh thanks...I am glad you enjoy it...
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

Posts : 343
Join date : 2009-10-21
Age : 33
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Aurora's Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aurora's Story   Aurora's Story Icon_minitimeWed May 18, 2011 11:20 am

part 51-55

part 51

I spoke to the three giant girls…Jora…Jade and Nina for a little while…they seemed very interested in me…but…I didn’t really know why…I mean…I seemed to get on one of their nerves because I couldn’t think of anything to say…it feels so awkward to be around new people…I’m just used to being by myself with Seliky…but nether less…I did have somewhat a good time…they told me about where they came from and such…near the giant tree…they didn’t stay long…they said that they didn’t want to forget their way back and never find their homes again…we said our goodbyes…but before they left…they said they might stop by again…to say hi and visit…Seliky seems to be looking forward to it…she looks as she enjoyed their company…even if Nina “Playfully” tried to eat her…Seliky sure wont forget that experience…when I saw that they left…I placed Seliky on my shoulder and started to look for the berries that we were looking for before being distracted…I could tell little Seliky was hungry…her stomach growled loudly occasionally making the girl’s pale face turn bright red…seeing that a few times really made me giggle a few times…Seliky seemed a little aggravated about me giggling…but it just made it seem cuter…eventually we reached a bush with the cherries…I gently placed Seliky on the ground so she could pick and eat all the berries she wants…as she did that I laid myself against a tree and tried to relax a little…I closed my eyes and took deep breaths as I laid there…I really needed to relax…all this stress I’ve been having really is taking a toll on my body…I could feel how tense I was…it was good to have some relaxing time…maybe when me and Seliky get back to the burrow we could take a little dip in the hot spring…I’m sure she’ll like that…she’s been looking stressed as well…
During this thought…I felt a tiny pair of feet climbing up my stomach…I opened my eyes seeing Seliky climbing me…moving between my breast and right at my face…I saw her mouth was smeared red from the berries she has been eating…
“You’re done Seliky?...” I asked her as I placed my finger on her head…Seliky nodded happily as she wiped away the smeared berries with a paper she kept in her pocket…
“Yeah I’m full…I kept a few for later…do you want some…” Seliky asked as she showed me a handful of berries…I smiled and shook my head no…
“Oh no…those are WAY too small for me…usually when I have to eat berries I have to eat a few bushes worth to be satisfied you know…” I replied…Seliky nodded as she placed her hands into her sweater pockets…
“Understandable…you being huge and all…” she said back…”But I bet Jewlia’s berries are big enough for you…I mean…those things are bigger than my head…”
I giggled remembering when Seliky was trying to eat one of those berries…poor girl…she barely got halfway through it…it was cute to see her try though…she must had one bad belly ach later…I gently picked Seliky up and brought her closer to my face as I hoisted myself up…I fought the temptation of stuffing the girl into my mouth for a bit…I don’t want to…but for some reasons…I’ve had the urges to…but I refused to…she’s my friend and I would hate to scare her…and I don’t think she would ever forgive me…I removed the though and gently placed Seliky on my waiting shoulder and headed back to the burrow…
“Hey Aurora?...can we stop by Jewlia and say hi?...” She said out…
“Oh sure…we can go see her…I bet she’ll be happy to see us…” I replied as I turned towards the direction Jewlia is in…I felt Seliky’s legs kicking back and forth as she sat on my shoulder…she seemed so adorable…with her long whitish hair gleaming in the morning sun…like a little angel…
I turned my attention forward as I continued on my way…I had to make sure nothing was fallowing me…I could never take my chances out here…especially having Seliky with me…I want to keep her safe…I don’t want anything to happen to her…she makes me happy inside…before I met her…I…I was miserable…and I wasn’t happy…I wasn’t happy with my life…I…had no purpose…but with her around…I know that I have to take care of her…no matter what it takes…
“Hey look there she is…” Seliky called out…I saw Jewlia out in the distance…and in front of her was Hitomi…
“Looks like Hitomi is visiting her as well…” I said back to Seliky…Seliky shivered a little…my guessing…remembering when Hitomi ate her…I smiled and patted her head with my finger…
“Come let’s say hi…” I told her…Seliky jumped for a second and then looked over at me…
“Oh right right…”She replied…I giggled as I slithered to Jewlia and Hitomi…as I got closer…I began to hear their voices…they were talking about something…
“Are you sure you haven’t seen any around here…” Hitomi said to her…
“No I haven’t seen any Dridders Hitomi…they don’t usually come around here…” Jewlia replied…for some reason…she shrugged a bit…she seemed a little look of unease…
“I could have sworn I smelled a Dridder around here…” Hitomi said back as she folded her arms…
“Well…it…it was probably just your imagination…” Jewlia replied…she then looked over to me…
“Oh Aurora…I didn’t see you there…” Jewlia said out…I smiled and waved my hand…
“Hey Jewlia…Seliky just wanted to have a little visit with you so…well…here we are…” I replies…Jewlia leaned closer and smiled…
“Oh Seliky…you’re so tiny I didn’t know you were there…” She said with a tiny laugh…
“Ha ha ha…very funny…” Seliky responded sarcastically as she folded her arms…I then felt a hand tap my other shoulder…I turned my head seeing Hitomi next to me…
“Hey Scale butt…nice to see you again…” Hitomi said to me… “How’s it going?...”
“Oh…well…I’m fine…today was really awkward…I met three humans…but they weren’t normal…they her big…I mean…bigger than me and you…but not bigger than Jewlia…” I said out…remembering them…
“Oh nonsense…they can’t get that big…” Hitomi replied…
“But it’s true I saw them too…” Seliky said out…
“Poppycott…” Hitomi mumbled…Jewlia smiled and crossed her hands…
“They are called giantess’…I met a very few of them…well…actually only one…but they are real Hitomi…” she said to us…Hitomi grumbled and folded her arms…
“They probably taste better than humans…” Hitomi said softly…I giggled a little and placed my hand on her back…
“I’d thin Nina would give you a challenge…” I laughed…
“What?...” Hitomi replied…me and Seliky started giggling.
“Oh nothing Hitomi…nothing at all…” I said out…

part 52

...Hitomi spoke to us for a little bit but she left soon after...saying that she needs to protect her eggs...she left in a rush...moving faster than I could see...when she vanished in the distant tree's...I turned torwards Jewlia...
"Did you two sleep well?..." Jewlia asked us...I knownisted her voice seemed...hesitant...and her body language was akward...
"Oh I slept great...I had an interesting dream..." Seliky said out...Jewlia nodded hesitantly...
"Um...Jewlia?...are you feeling ok?...I mean...you are kinda acting funny..." I said out...She seemed to be very nervous about somthing...
"Oh...n...I...I'm fine hehe...dont worry about me..." she repkied...I stared at her for a second and then looked away...
"Well...if you say so..." I replied...I felt Seliky move across my shoulder and slid down my arm to my hand...she smiled and looked up at Jewlia...
"Hey Jewlia...do you perform photosythinsis?..." she asked...I never heard such a weird sounding word...
"...Photo-what?..." I replied...Jewlia looked over at me and then at Seliky,..
"Oh...the act of transforming sunlight into energy by plants...hehe...I thought you might...you being part tree after all...I just wondered how it felt like..." Seliky added...
"Um...no...I dont think I do that..." Jewlia replied...she let out a tiny cough and smiled..."You sure like to ask unusual questions Seliky..."
Seliky giggled as she sat down on my hand...
"What can I say?...I'm eight...I'm a curious girl you know..." She replied...I patted her on the head making Seliky turn and look up at me..."I guess it was my curiousity which let me to be friends with Aurora..."
Jewlia nodded and vlosed her eyes...
"I see...well it isnt very commun to see humans being friends with large predators such as Aurora and myself...Aurora you are lucky to have such a wonderful friend..." she said to me...I notice she had a slight look of sadness in her eyes...I saw a tiny tear form just under her eye before she wiped it away with her finger...She then looked up and blushed a litlle...
"...oh...um...sorry about that...um...anyways...yeah...you two are such good friends..." she said out...I began to grow worried...Jewlia wasnt acting like this yesterday...and she seems a little...paler...
"Your our friend too Jewlia!..." Seliky called out..."And I like you...your sweet and havent tried to eat me yet..." Seliky laughed...Jewlia blushed...
"Oh no no no...I refuse to eat a friend or anyone who I helped before...and even if I ate you...I cant get you out unlike Aurora and Hitomi...I'm a Dryad...we can't regurgitate our pray..." Jewlia mumbled as she placed her hand at her neck...Seliky looked over at me for a second...then she looked back at Jewlia and smiled...Jewlia stared at her for a second...she stared at her blankely but soon I saw her pink lip quiver...gradually...a cute smile formed on her face...
"Oh how could I ever resist such a beautiful smile...oh come here..." Jewlia said happily and gently took Seliky off my shoulders...she then gave her a small hug and kissed her on the head...obviously it took up more than just her head...after she showed her affection she gave Seliky back to me...
"...Man I'm way too small for this..." Seliky mumblef as she fixed up her hair which got messed up from when Jewlia kissed her...I giggled as I used my finger to help her out...I knowtised Jewlia blushing again...
"Hehehe...sorry I got carried away..." She said back...
"Well you'll have some time to practice that...we'll come back later today ok?..." I said out...
"Alright...it'll give me y-time to catch somthing to eat...ugh...recently I've been getting hungrier..." Jewlia mumbled as she placed her hand on her stomach...she seemed skinnier for some reason...
"Anyways...I'm happy you came to visit...it gets very lonely here somtimes..." Jewlia said out...
"It's no problem..." I replied as I turned aroud...right then I felt a tiny vibration in the ground...as if somthing just moved passed Jewlia's roots...
"What was that?...somthing...just moved by or somthing" I asked...Jewlia shook her head...
"I...I didnt see anything..." Jewlia replied...
"Me neither..." Seliky added...I sighed to myself...it was probably just my imagination...I looked over to Jewlia and waved my hand...
"I'll see you later ok?...bye..." I said to her...She gave a tiny wave to me and Seliky waved goodbye as well...I then headed into the burrow...as I headed in...I could help to think somthing strange was going on...and I also had this weird feeling that somthing was going to happen today...er...I shouldnt think like this...today is a perfectly peacefull day and Seliky seems happy today...I cant ruin it because of my stupid thoughts...that's just...stupid...right then...a tiny voice interupted my thoughts...
"Hey Aurora..." I heard on my shoulder..."You seem tense...is somthing wrong...
I looked over to Seliky and smiled back...
"Oh it's nothing...I was just deap in thought that's all..." I replied as I placed my hand on Seliky's head...she giggled...
"You know what...I totally feel like playing a game right now..." She randomly blurted out...I giggled a little...
"What kind of game?..." I asked as I lifted little Seliky to my face so I could get a good look at her cute pale face...
"Hide-and-Seek...heard of it?..." Seliky replied...
"Oh of course...I used to play that with Thanh and played my own version with Tiffany..." I replied...remembering all the ganes I played so long ago with my family...
"Ok cool...I'll hide and you try to find me..." She said as I placed her on the floor.
"Alright...will do..." I said back giggling...
"Count to 100 then try to find me kay?...ok go..." Seliky said as she walked off...she then stopped and looked back at me..."And dont cheat and use that all seeing purple eye of yours..." She added...I started laughing...
"Ok ok fine...no purple eye got it...now...1...2...3..."
I heard Seliky give a short "eep" before running off...realizing I started counting...silly girl she is...but it only makes me love her even more...
I finally counted to 100 and opened my eyes...
"Ready or not here I come..." I called out as I began to look around the chambur...she's still in the burrow I know that...Seliky is too smart to do a stupid thing and run outside without me...I moved throughout the chambur looking for the child...she didnt seem to be in this one so I'll go search the next chamber...

part 53

I spent a few minuts looking for little Seliky…It was fairly difficult due to that I wasn’t allowed to use my purple eye…she wasn’t in any of the chambers that I check…and I really think Seliky is smart enough to not go outside to hide…so I don’t need to worry about looking up there…
As I slithered along…my nose felt a little scratch and I felt like I had to sneeze…I noticed also that there was purplish particles floating in the air…I remembered that there was tht strange mushroom I saw yesterday growing in the chamber…the little think made me sneeze…Just then…I realized..that room would be an ideal place for Seliky to hide…it’s the only room that you could hide behind something…being the mushroom…I smiled to myself as I made my way over to the chamber…I felt like I was hunting…but…wouldn’t that make Seliky the pray…no…I wuldnt eat Seliky…this is just hide and seek…heh…silly thought…
…as I got closer to the room…I noticed the number of particles in the air drastically increased to a sicly purple fog…I sneezed a few times…it was hard not to…the particals muffled my breathing area…after a few minuts of moving through the purple mist…I saw the enterance to the chamber…I slithered over and peared my head inside to see if I caoud see Seliky…I was shocked to see what I found…the entire chamber was filled with mushrooms…each glowing that dark purple glow…there was so many of them that they even grew on the ceiling…it was amazing in a creepy sort of way…I blinked…but for a spit second…I saw a hit of red for a split second…I must have closed my green eye first when I blinked…but…it’s unusual I would see a heat source in the mushrooms…plants don’t uusually have a body heat…I bclosed my green eye again to see what it was…there was asmall heat source in the center of the room…it was…human…shaped?...my eyes widened…it was the same size as Seliky…I quickled slither into the chamber…breaking through the mushrooms torwards the heat source…as I went past the mushrooms…they blasted me with a short puff of the purple spores…I ignored it and continued to the center…ther…I saw a cacoon of white thread that connected to several of the mushrooms around it…I swipped away the mushrooms and picked up the cacoon…I pealed off the threads with my finger…and I saw Seliky laying in the pile of cacoon parts…she was purple and wasn’t moving…but…I could see she was breathing…these mushrooms must have knocked her out and…were trying to digest her…what kind of fugi are these…I didn’t take the time to think about it…I quickly slither out of the chamber as fast as I could…when I got out…I gently placed Seliky on the ground…I whipped off some of the remaining purple spores on her…she seemed ok…maybe she’s just asleep…but…I’m not sure…I don’t know exactly what these mushroom things did to her…but I know they are bad and I need to get rid of them…I turned around and faced the charmbur enterance…Ihit the side of the wall causing the chamber to colaps on inself…burying all the mushrooms…this’ll get rid of them…the pressure of th dirt should crush them…I looked back over at Seliky…she started to look a little pale…I began to panic…she could be poisoned…I quickly picked her up and slithered into my storage chambure…where I keep all my berries I collect…it’s cool in the chamber so the berries last longer…I kept some of the berries Jewlia gave me…she said that they cure all diseases…maybe they cure poisons as well…it’s the only think I can do now…
I entered the chamber and I grabbed on of the berries…I brough it over to Seliky’s head…obviously the berry is larger than her head so making her eat it isn’t going to be easy…I gently placed Seliky on the floor and leaned over to her…I used the very tip of my fingernail to open Seliky’s mout and I squeezed the berry so the juice would fall into Seliky’s mout…it was a bit messy…Seliky’s face and hair wa now red…but I managed to get some into her mouth…I then took Seliky over to the hotspring and took her clothing off so I could get her cleaned up…as I dipped her into the hot water…she moved her head slightly…meaning she was comthing through…
“Seliky?...Seliky/…” I called out to her...one of her pink eyes opened and she gave out a big yawn…
“Ugh…where am I?...” she mumbled as she rubbed her head…I then took Seliky into a big hug…
“Oh my gosh Seliky I was so scared!...” I cried out as I embraced her…I then heard a slight squeal from her…I loosen my grip and placed Seliky back into the water… “Sorry…
“I just had a weird dream…that…we were playing hide and seek…and I hid behind some random mushroom thing…and…then I was inside a big ball…weird huh?...” Seliky said out…
“Oh…um…yeah that is weird…” Imumbled…I didn’t have the guts to tell her that it really happened…I just patted her on the head and slithered into the warm water…I need a bath myself…the spored are getting into my nose again and I really don’t want to be allergic to myself…

part 54

…I laid in the relaxing hot spring water with my back against the wall and part of my tail partially submerged in the water…sitting on my tail was little Seliky…gently kicking her legs back and forth in the hot spring water…her eyes were closed as she sat back…supporting herself with her arms…she seemed to be in deep thought…as if she had just entered a world of entirely her own…she seemed like the purest person I know…so intelligent…so…mirthful…even her body is pure…pale…glowing in the light…it’s really a shame that she’s…being hurt all the time…she disserves much better than that…I…I just hope I could give her that..give her the best of her life…Seliky…makes my life seem to have purpose…and…she makes me not feel so alone…in this very unfamiliar world…
“Hey Aurora…” I heard…I turned to look over at Seliky…she just opened her eyes and was looking over at the water…”I…just…don’t know Aurora…mixed feelings…like a balance you know…” I didn’t really get what she was saying…her words didn’t really make sense to me…
“What is?...” I asked as I picked her up gently and held her in front of my face with open palms…
“I mean…I’m like two people now…it’s hard what to feel now…like…when I’m at the city…I feel…so…so inferior…and…I feel so much pain…but…I understand more there…but here with you…I…I feel happy…useful…but… don’t understand anything…like…it just feels I belong to…two worlds with two me’s…” Seliky looked at me for a second…she turned red and then looked away…“Oh sorry…I’m just being stupid…I mean…what kind of person thinks such things…”
I smiled and tapped her head with my forefinger…Seliky turned her head and looked at me with those pink eyes…
“Well I’m happy you are open with me Seliky…it tells me that you trust me…” I replied…Seliky smiled as she placed her hands in her jacket pockets…
“Hehehe…yeah I do trust you Aurora…you’ve been so kind to me…why shouldn’t I trust you…” she replied…
“Well…I’m big…I’m a naga…and I have a…um…different diet…” I muttered as I looked away…I didn’t want to see her exception…Seliky was quiet for a second but she started to speak again…
“Aurora…is that the best you got…I mean…really…why would any of that stuff not make me trust you…I mean…I came to you remember…” Seliky replied…she was right…she was the one who chose to come back after I tried to eat her…even though I had to convince her that killing herself wasn’t good…she still came back…
“You’re right Seliky…it was stupid of me to think that…” I mumbled…Seliky smiled at me and winked her eye…
“It’s ok Aurora…I understand…I mean…I thought you would be worried about being a naga and me not trusting you…and I don’t blame you…what they say about Naga’s in the city…is…just horrible…you are nothing like what they say…” Seliky replied…she turned around and looked down into the water…”I mean…look at your reflection…I don’t see a monster there…I see a friend who is kind and loving and very brave…yeah this sounds very corny…like something cliché hero would say…but still…it’s true…”
I laid there quiet for a while…thinking about what she said…I stared into the reflection of myself in the water…I then looked at Seliky’s reflection…we…didn’t seem that much apart…human…naga…it was the same to me…but…one is still a monster for some reason…but…in Seliky’s eyes…there is none here…I smiled and brought Seliky to my chest and hugged her gently…
“Oh no…don’t go all Jewlia on me!...” Selky cried out…
“Would you rather have Hitomi…” I replied…Seliky stared t me for a second and then shook her head…
“I’ll take Jewlia…” she replied with a cute little giggle…

part 55

(Take note…this story will probably make you guys happy because…*Drum roll) this story takes place in the POV of the little Albino girl who hangs out with that one giant earth naga ^w^)

After me and Aurora took our little dip in the spring water…we decided that it was getting a little bit too late…well actually I decided…Aurora looked as if she had a few more hours left in her…me on the other hand…I felt like just dropping onto the floor and fall asleep…I’m not all that used to staying up late you know…well…staying up late without pain…anyways...me and Aurora went to sleep…but despite the fact I was exhausted…I could get any sleep…I kept on hearing strange sound…from Aurora’s light sleeping to all the weird sounds outside…I couldn’t help but to be freaked out a little…I don’t know why though…I know Aurora would protect me but…I just don’t know…I really need to get these thoughts out of my head…maybe if I take a little walk I would feel more tired to sleep…yeah I could do that…maybe I could stop by Jewlia…hopefully she wouldn’t be asleep…
I stood up and wipped off some of the dirt that was on my sweater and looked over at Aurora…she looked very cute to me…like…just the way she slept…I donno…she looks so innocent…the way she lied…how her arms were near her head and how she took these tiny breaths with her mouth slightly open…it just looks so cute…
After staring at her for a minut or so…I moved on through the tunnel…it’s a little hard to believe that Aurora dug all of this by herself…I mean…I think I would just give up after the first few feet…I guess Aurora has quite the number of time on her hands…at least she’s happy…she dosent have to go through all that I have to go through every time I return home…I mean…I feel safe with Aurora…like…the world is compeletely different when I’m with her…not so full of pain and misery…sometimes I wonder what would have happened if I never ran into Aurora in the first place…
By this time…I was inside the tunnel that led to Jewlia’s territory…it was pretty dark in here…my little handmade flashlight could only brighten my path so much…I remember reading once in one of Ti-yen’s books that there was a type of plant that lights up when something walks near them…maybe one day me and Aurora would go out and go look for these plants…it sure would help me when I’m walking through these tunnels by myself…I don’t have those keen eyes that Aurora has…I adventually reached the end of the tunnel after a good 10 minuts of walking…I felt the cold night air as I stepped out of the burrow…the moon was shinning above me…lighting up the area just enough where I could she Jewlia out a little ways ahead…she looked like she was sleeping…I cant really tell…she’s a tree thing…do tree people lay down?...if they do I guess she’ll have to scream “timber!” every time he does…hehehe…anyways…I had to get closer to make sure she wasn’t asleep…I walked slowly to her and looked up at her huge size…she’s a lot bigger that Aurora…and…she is bigger than any building I seen around the city…she’s very pretty too…and her eyes…oh…when I look into those big green eyes of hers…I don’t know…my soul just feels at piece…and…I just want into gaze into them…as if I was in some sort of trance…I really do like Jewlia…she’s very nice and she’s fun to play with…I happy me and Aurora met her…if we didn’t we would both be…*gulp*…dead…ugh…why did I have to think of such a thing…it makes me feel sick inside…I continued to look up at Jewlia…she was aslepp…I could she her eyes were closed and she was leaning to one side a little…breathing very gently…I smiled and turned around to head back to Aurrora…but just then…I heard a russling sound from behind me…I turned around but I didn’t see anything…I figured the wind must have blown some of Jewlia’s leaves…I continued to move on…I walked for a few seconds…but then…I heard the sound again…but this time…it was to my left hand side…I looked over there…but…I didn’t see anything…I started to get scared a little…I took out my flashlight and flashed it in the direction where I heard the sound…nothing was over there…I moved on…but I moved a little faster…I was scared…I wanted to get to the safty of the burrow as fast as I could…I looked over my should to make sure that nothing was behind me…all I could see was Jewlia out a little ways in that direction…as I looked back…I suddenly tipped over something…as if something just caught onto my leg…I tried to get up…but…I couldn’t…something was holding my legs down but…I couldn’t see anyting…I tugged on my leg…but…my leg remained caught on something…I began to sweat…I was was terrified now…I pulled out my flashlight and flashed it around…to see if nothing was near by…there was nothing…but…something caught my eye…I saw a glimps of white near my leg…I looked torwards it…but I saw nothing…I moved my flashlight…and then…I saw a white strand like thing wraped around my leg…the light from the flashlight reflected off of it letting me see it…it was like…a…web…At that thought…my heart sunk into my stomach…it was a spider web…I began to panic…I tried to pull my leg free…but the webbing was too strong…suddenly…I felt a tug come from the web…my eyes widen…it began getting stronger and stronger…and then…it began to pull me…I screamed…I tried to grab onto something…but…it was too strong and I could get anything to hold onto…
“Help!...Jewlia!...Aurora!...Help!...” I screamed as loud as I could…but…nothing happened…they were asleep…I began to cry as I tried to pull myself free…all I wanted to do was go for a walk…but…now…something bad is going to happen to me…I’m…probably going to be some snack…for some…big spider thing…or that…Dridder lady…i…I don’t want to die…now yet…not after how…how much joy I’ve had…
“Help!...Anyone!...Please!...” I screamed out…hoping a miracle would happen…again…nothing happen…I continued to be dragged across the floor…I noticed that I was being dragged closer to Jewlia…I grabbed my flashlight and flashed it to see where the webbing led to…I saw the ling white strand lead to a small dark opening under Jewlia’s trunk…suddenly…something hit my hand and…it hurt…badly…I dropped the flashlight…I felt…blood on my hand…I began to scream agin…something was going to kill me…and I’m helpless to go anything…I closed my eyes tightly as I continued to be dragged across the floor…after a few seconds of being dragged…I felt two hands grab me…I opened my eyes…and saw a pair of white eyes looking down at me from some dark figure inside to be what seemed to be a cave under Jewlia’s trunk …it was bigger than me…but…not much bigger than a human…but still…this…thing wanted to kill me…I struggled in the creatures grip but…it was much stonger than I could ever be…I pushed me into a wall near the exit of the cave…the moon was shining partially and I saw what was holding onto me…it was a Dridder…and human sized Dridder with white hair…white eyes and dark bluish skin…I wanted to scream but…she placed her hand over my mouth…muffling me…then she punched me in the stomach…I fell limp…the pain just…overcame me…all I could do was watch as this Dridder began to wrap me into a cacoon with her web…little by little…the cacoon got bigger…covering my legs…I felt helpless…I wanted to scream but…I couldn’t…looked around…trying to find a bit of hope…I noticed a thorn near me…it was one of Jewlia’s thorn…I reached over to it and grabbed it…I pulled on it hard till it broke off..I then turned to the Dridder andshoved her away with my other hand…shefell back a little and I took this opportunity to use the thorn to cut off the web caccon…I fell to the floor with a plop…I looked up…the Dridder looked mad…I really didn’t want to get caught by her again…I got up and ran as fast as I could…I ran out from under Jewlia and dashed to where the enterance of Aurora’s burrow was…I looked over my shoulder and saw her leap into the air...landing in a tree…then I saw something flash torwards me…I moved as fast as I could to the side…I fell over but the thing I saw landed near me…a bunck of needles were stuck to the ground near me…the Dridder was throwing these at me…I didn’t want to get get hit by one…I got up and continue running…maybe if I run into the tree’s I could loose her…I turned and headed to the tree’s…but suddenly a bunch of needles flew by my head and hit the tree infront of me…my eyes widen…that idea wasn’t going to work…I turned and ran the other way…torward the burrow…there was only a few yard till I get into the burrow…I ran as fast as I could…but then…I felt something slam me down from behind me and pin me to the floor…the Dridder jumped on me…I couldn’t move…she held both my arms down and her 6 lags pinned my cest and legs to the ground…I struggled but…I couldn’t even move…I began to cry now…it was hopeless…I am going to be spider food…I tried my best…but…I still…got caught…I should have left the burrow…I should of just stayed with Aurora…but…I had to be stupid and leave the burrow…Aurora told me so many times to not leave the burrow without her…this is what I get for not listening to her…I closed my eyes…I didn’t want to see what was going to happen to me…I waited…I felt the Dridder move off my back…but she still held onto me…I could feel she was holding me infront of her…but I refused to look…I refuse to look at my…murderer…during this thpough…I heard a vpice…a beautiful…familier voice…
“Her…what going on?what’s with the noise out here?...” it said…I opened my eyes and looked over my shoulder…Jewlia woke up…she looked over at me and the Dridder…
“Oh dear…” she said out…”Mimi…put her down!...she’s not food!...” she cried out…
Hearing that…I grew confused…Mimi?...who’s Mimi?...was…was it this dridder?...does Jewlia know this Dridder…I looked over at the Dridder…she looked at me…she gave a little sigh and released me…I was confused a little but I took no time to think of it…I ran as fast as I could to Jewlia…when I got to her…she picked me up and took me to her face…
“Selky…are you ok?...I’m sorry about this…really I am…” she said out…”I’m sorry for Mimi’s behavior…really…I am…please don’t be mad at her…I’ll take the blame…”
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

Posts : 343
Join date : 2009-10-21
Age : 33
Location : Orlando

Aurora's Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aurora's Story   Aurora's Story Icon_minitimeThu May 19, 2011 10:16 pm

Aurora's Story part 56-60

Part 56

At this point...I didnt know what to think...at once side...I had this dridder think just try to eat me...and on this other side...I have Jewlia saying that she's sorry for the dridders actions...I'm very confused...I didnt really want to stand next to the dridder...not after attacking me...she could try somthing...I ran over to Jewlia...Jewlia let down her hand and took me to her face...
"Jewlia...what's going on...who is that...monster?..." I asked...Jewlia gave a deep sigh...her eyes showed a look of sadness in them...she seemed very tense...she was saking a little making it difficult to stand in the palm of her hand...
"Well...you see...that dridder...I...she...she has no home...I'm taking care of her..." she said with a slight strain in her voice...
"What...why?...arent those...arent those dridders bad!..." I cried out...remembering the encounters me and Aurora had with them...
"No...not all...alot of them are good hearted...please...please dont judge Mimi just for her race...she's been through alot..." Jewlia mumbled...
"but she attacked me..." I replied...I showed Jewlia my bloody hand from when..."Mimi" hit me with somthing...
"...I'm sorry...I...she just...hunts at nigjt...she dosent know you...so...she thought...you were just...pray..." Jewlia mumbled...she looked down for a second...I looked in the direction where she seemed to be looking...that dridder was climbing up her arm onto her hand...I turned away...I didnt want to look at her...she's just like the others...
"Seliky...please dont be like that..." Jewlia said out...I felt movement around me...Jewlia brought her hands to meet each other...bringing that Dridder next to me...the dridder had long white hair that led to both of her shoulders and her back...she looked like a teenager...well...one with half a spider for a body...she wore a dark cape thing around her neck that covered her...ahem...upper female features...she didnt have anything else on...she had scary looking eyes...like...her pupils were whitish in color...her stare was blank those...it looked like she was in some sort of trance...she barely even blinked...and it almost looked as if she wasnt breathing...
The dridder placed her hands behind her back and she looked slightly away...she seemed to have been trying to say somthing...
"I...apologies...for...my...illrational behavior..." she said to me...her voice...was very...well...weird...it sound very...I donno...fake...not like fake as in she was faking her apology but fake as in...monotonish...like a robot I guess...she paused alot too...
"I guess I could...forgive you...only because you somehow know Jewlia..." i replied...I still dont really like this Mimi person...she strange...and her first impression wasnt the best one...
"I...thank you..." she replied slowly...she started to cough alittle...she then looked over at Jewlia...
"I...must be...going...now..." she the looked at me... "...goodbye..." she then started making her way back to the ground inti the darkness...I then looked back at Jewlia...
"She such a trouble soul..." she muttered...
"Ok Jewlia...so WHY do you have this Mimi girl?..." I asked...Jewlia closed her eyes...
"It's a complicated story..." she replied...I sat down...I knew this was going to be long... "...well...it was about two months ago...I was hungry...and I sensed a vehical moving not to far...so well...I caught it with my roots and well...ate the men in it...it was an armored vehical...it seemed they were delivering somthing...I looked in the back where I found Mimi in chains...she was thin and pale...I couldnt just let her die...so I took care of her..."
"Why would people be moving a Dridder around...
"I was getting there...Mimi wasnt the only thing I found...when I was looking in the truck...I found some files,..I was curios so I looked at them...aparently...a secret milatery orginization was developing a virus...a powerfull virus that only effect and kill Felaryan predators...and...they were testing it on verious of creatures...one being Mimi...they...were...successfull...the virus requires a host body to gros...so...they infected Mimi and were going to deliver her to Negav so they could make the virus kill the ones infected faster and then mass produce the virus...I kinda...well...stoped deliver...by accident...kinda..." Jewlia mumbled...I was speechless...to think all that happened...then I started to think...
"Wait...you said Mimi is infected...that mean..." Jewlia cut me off before I could continue...
"Mimi is dieing...I...I dont know how long she has to live..." Jewlia mumbled...I froze in my place...
"Is...is there anything that could be done?..." I said out...Jewlia let out a big sigh...
"...I'm trying my best to cure her but...the virus is man made...which means my berries are unable to cure it...they could if I could get a sample of the virus...but...that requires Mimi to...die..." Jewlia mumured as she looked at the floor...her face showed a deep look of shame..."I'm...I'm trying the best I can..."
"Why didnt you tell us this before..." I cried out...
"I may be isolated here but I am very much aware about the despute between the Naga's and Dridders...I...I thought you Aurora wouldnt...like me if you knew..." Jewlia mumbled...there she lost me...
"Despute?...betweed the Dridders and Naga's?..." I said in confusion...
"I dont remember the details...somthing about a queen..." Jewlia replied...I began to think a little...is this why the dridders are agressive to Aurora...Aurora isnt from Felarya...she dosent even know this world herself...
"Well you dont need to worry about Aurora...she dosent know about this dispuet...so you dont need to hide Mimi from her...Hitomi on the other hand..."
"Yes I know..." Jewlia mumbled...I closed my eyes...I felt like a total creep right now...I thought ill of Mimi...but...after what Jewlia told me...I...feel really bad...I...I feel real sorry for Mimi...I need to talk to her...

Part 57

Jewlia spent some time fixing up my injured hand from earlier…she wrapped it up with some sort of leaf that she told me would help keep the cut from being infected…I asked her where I could find Mimi right now…she said that Mimi spends most of her time living under Jewlia’s trunk and only comes out to hunt…even then…she only comes out at night…Jewlia placed me back on the ground…I couldn’t help but knowtise that Jewlia looked a little different…she seemed more pale then when I saw her a few hours back…maybe it’s just my imagination…the moon does make some things look pale at night…I mean…I pretty much glow from moonlight…
In that thought…I noticed a little movement from a opening that was under Jewlia’s trunk…I slowly walked over to it and peered inside…I saw Mimi sitting in the corner in a web…she was holding something in her hand…but I couldn’t tell what it was…it was a bit dark in here…I walked inside a little when Mimi looked at me…she stared at me blankly for a little bit…her gaze…felt as if it was piercing into my soul…it…sent a shiver down my spine…I had to turn away…I couldn’t help it…
“…Jewlia told me about…what happened to you…” I mumbled…I looked over back at Mimi…she was walking up to me slowly…she stepped into the moonlight letting me see her more…I finally saw what was in her hands…it was a little stuffed doll…it looked a little familiar…it had green hair a large green eyes…I then realized it was a little doll of Jewlia…it looked rather cute really…
“That’s a cute doll…where did you get it?...” I asked…Mimi looked at the doll for a second…
“A…ghost friend…made it…” Mimi replied…it made no sense…a ghost friend…what does she mean by that?…
“A ghost?...” I said back…she nodded and turned away…
“She…come sometimes…comes to say…hello…to..me…” she replied…I still didn’t really get what she meant…but I let it pass…Mimi started walking over to the other ride of the small room to the web…I wasn’t sure if I should fallow her or not…I mean…I didn’t want to make her feel uncomfortable…
“Um…I’m sorry I kind of…rejected you at first…” I mumbled… “I mean…I didn’t know that…you are…” I paused…I didn’t want to offend her…I mean…it must be real hard on someone that knows they don’t have very long to live…
“…There…is no need…to…apologies to me…I…understand the…situation that…happened…” she said back…I couldn’t tell if she was serious or not…her voice sounded…un-emotional…I feel so weird to listen to her…
“I still feel really bad…is there any way I could…well…make up for it…” I asked slowly…Mimi turned to me…she stared at me with her…unblinking eyes for a while…it…really creeps me out…she suddenly started to cough a little…she closed her eyes after she stopped coughing…she placed her hand on her chest and sighed…
“It…has pain…sometimes…” she said quietly…she then turned around and continued on her way…I sighed and turned away…I just feel…like a complete jerk right now…I mean…it hurts enough that I treated one in this kind of situation badly…but…to think that I can’t tell if she forgives me or not…it…it’s just so awkward…as I walked…I noticed Mimi walking past me…her hands were inside her black cape so I couldn’t see them…I wonder what she is going to do…
“Where are you going Mimi?...” I asked softy…she didn’t even look back at me…
“I…am going to…hunt…” she responded with her hesitantly monotoneish voice…I looked over at Jewlia for a second…she looked as if she was trying to go to sleep…when I looked back to see Mimi…she was gone…I was surprised…I didn’t even hear her move…yet…I was right next to her…so much for talking to her…she…doesn’t seem to want to be spoken to…I sighed to myself and walked back over to Jewlia…I might as well wait for Mimi to come back…
“*yawn*…not much luck huh Seliky?...” I heard from above me…I looked up seeing Jewlia looking down at me…I shook my head no… “Well…Mimi is a little…um…quiet and awkward to be around at first…but she is really a nice girl once you get to know her…”
“It just feels so weird Jewlia…just…how she is and stuff…I mean…it’s just so hard to try to talk to her…and the way she talks…it sounds like she isn’t even alive…” I said back…Jewlia let out a big sigh…
“well she unfortunately had no one to teach her how to speak…and kind of picked it up by herself at where ever she was being test on…you’ll get used to what she is trying to say when you listen to her…” she said back as she lifted me up and placed me on her shoulder…

part 58

It’s been a few minutes sense Mimi left to go hunt…during the entire time…I wondered how she must feel about this…knowing she’s dying and it can’t be helped…she must had to matured really fast…a…bit too fast…and in a way…where…she seems to be like a robot…without feeling…without anything…I can’t tell if she is feeling pain or not…it’s like she isn’t even a person at all…
“Seliky…are you still thinking about Mimi?...” Jewlia suddenly said to me…I looked over to her from her shoulder…even if she was half asleep…something about Jewlia is…so grand…so full of beauty…
“Yeah…I am…” I mumbled…letting out a big sigh before I turned away…”I mean…just how she is…it makes me wonder you know…”
“Well the only person she’s has been around most of her life was herself…I hardly thin she had interactions with her own kind when she was being studied…yet alone interact with anything…but she has changed a little…she does smile…she used to never smile…she even made a friend…this little girl that comes every so often…she so cute…she comes and plays dolls with Mimi…but…I just…have this weird feeling about her…I don’t really know what it is…I mean…maybe she relates to Mimi somehow…” Jewlia explained…
“What do you mean?...” I asked…
“Well…the girl…she just seems so scared all the time…” Jewlia said back.
“Scared?...” I replied…
“I can’t really explain it all that well…maybe you’ll meet her one day and you’ll understand then…” Jewlia said back…I turned away for a second and began to think a little…
“Have you ever tried to let Mimi interact with other people…her own race perhaps?...” I asked…Jewlia turned away and gave a big sigh…
“I’m afraid she tried that on her own…a few months back…she ran away wanting to be a Dridder an live in Dridder forest…she…said she hated me…I told her she couldn’t go in her health but she ran off anyways…after that…I haven’t heard from her for a week…then…she came back…hurt…weak and nearly starving…” Jewlia mumbled…
“Why did you take her back in?...” I asked…I mean…saying you hate someone is a pretty nasty blow…
“I…I just couldn’t let her die out there…and…I…I always did feel so alone…even if she doesn’t talk…at least I know that I have someone…” Jewlia mumbled…Jewlia began to give a little cough and then sighed…”Yeah…I know…sound a little pathetic…”
“Jewlia…don’t feel bad…you did the right thing…I bet if there were a lot of people like you…things around here would be as chaotic…” I said out…Jewlia is just so loving…so kind and gentle hearted…
“If you say so Seliky…” she replied with a yawn…I could tell Jewlia really wanted to go to sleep…I guess she is staying awake to make sure I get home safely…
“I think I should leave you alone for now…I kept you awake too long…” I said out…Jewlia looked over at me…
“Oh…right…right…” Jewlia replied…she lift her hand to me and I climbed on…she then lowered me to the floor where I hopped off…I turned and looked at Jewlia who was moving upright again…
“Goodnight Jewlia…sorry for keeping you up…” I said to her…Jewlia smiled and gave a little giggle…
“Oh no…I enjoy your company…thank you for coming…” Jewlia said back before letting out a big yawn…I smiled and waved goodbye and turned around…but then…I ran into something and my face hit something very soft like two small cushions making me fall back…I looked up…seeing I ran into Mimi’s chest…She stared at me for a second with her pales eyes and blank stare…but after a while…she let out her hand…
“Are…you injured?...” she asked…I looked at her hand for a second…and then took it…
“Yeah…I’m fine…” I replied as she helped me up…I wiped some of the dirt off my sweater and looked back at her…I couldn’t see her arms because they were behind her came but I saw a long arrangement of webbing leading from behind her cape where her arm would be to a large cocoon of webbing that she was dragging behind her…it looked like something…I mean…someone was struggling inside of it…I felt a slight chill run down my spine…
“Um…I see your hunt was…um…successful…” I mumbled…Mimi looked behind herself and looked at the cocoon for a few seconds before looking back over to me…
“I…should have no hunger for…the rest of the night now…” she replied slowly…right then…I saw her blink…it was the first time I have seen her blink for the first time I saw her…I was beginning to think she couldn’t blink at all…
“Well…I guess I shouldn’t really keep you from that…” I mumbled…Mimi stared at me for a long time…it creeped me out a little…
“Why don’t you go with Seliky Mimi…you could escort her to her home with Aurora…maybe you’ll be able to meet Aurora…” Jewlia called out to us…Mimi looked over to her and gave a shrug…
“Must I?...” she said softly…she then looked over at me before bringing her hand near her lip…
“I…guess…I could…I…Just need to place this in…my den…please wait a moment…” she said out…she started heading over to Jewlia where her den was located under Jewlia’s trunk…she disappeared into the darkness for a second…later she came back out…holding something in her hands…when she came close I saw it was her Jewlia doll…
“I’m…ready to proceed…Lets…head on…please lead…” she said to me…at first I couldn’t get my words to come out…so I just nodded…I looked back at Jewlia who seemed to had just fallen asleep…I began to walk…It was very quiet during the walk…so quiet that…the only thing that could be hear was my breath and the sounds from the jungle around us…I still couldn’t hear Mimi’s breathing…her chest didn’t move in and out either like she wasn’t breathing at all…Mimi held her doll close to her chest with one hand on the head and she stroked it gently…she must really like that doll…
“Who…is this…Aurora…that…Jewlia spoke of earlier…” Mimi said…breaking the silence…I nearly jumped up…I didn’t expect her to speak to me…
“Oh…she’s…she’s a really good friend of mine…more like a sister really…I live with her…well…most of the time…she’s really nice…you’ll really like her…” I said out…Mimi just nodded and looked ahead…continuing to stroke her doll…
“Um…so…you went to the Dridder Forest before…um…how was it…I mean…what made you leave…” I asked…remembering what Jewlia said about her running away…Mimi stared at me blankly…
“It…was…depressing…few of my kind were kind like Jewlia…most…just spoke in mean words and about some…Sineria person will…rise one day…some tried to eat me as well…I made a few friends…they were nice…but I had to leave…I couldn’t…stand such a place…” she replied with her blank voice…

Part 59

After a few minutes of walking…me and Mimi came to the entrance to Aurora’s burrow. Mimi stared at the entrance before looking over to me with her blank gaze…she stroked her doll gently as she let out a tiny sigh…
“Well…um…here we are…” I said uncomfortably…Mimi just stared at me as her reply…I sighed to myself as I walked inside…Mimi fallowed behind…as we walked…I began to think what I should tell Aurora when I show up with Mimi…I mean…first of all I snuck out of the burrow when she tells me all the time to never leave the burrow without her…second…I’m showing up with a person who’s race attacked her many times and she is…well…somewhat afraid of them…I can’t just be like…
“Hello Aurora…listen I snuck out when you said I shouldn’t and look what fallowed me home…” I doesn’t work like that…*sigh* I just hope that Aurora wouldn’t get angry at me…I feel I just Burdon her so much lately…I really don’t want to Burdon her…she’s done so much for me…she sacrificed so much for me…I don’t want her to think ill of me…I really don’t…
“Is…there something of…a trouble child?...” Mimi suddenly asked me…I shook a bit…
“Oh…no nothing is wrong…nothing at all…” I said back…Mimi stared at me for a second and shook her head slowly…
“You look to your left…the side...of which one…is making a story…I…appreciate…if you tell me…the truth…” she replied…a chill ran down my back…
“What…what do you mean?...” I asked…a little nervous…
“When one….looks…to the left…of…the seeing eye…they are…looking into…the past…and…to the right…of the seeing eye…they…are making a…story…” she replied…I recognize this somewhat…Ms. T did something like this before…she said that you can tell when someone lies on the direction they look when they say it…
“Well…I’m just a little worried about when Aurora see’s you…” I replied slowly…Mimi turned away and stroked her doll a little…
“…then…I…shall go?…” Mimi replied.
“No no no…it’s fine…don’t worry…” I replied…Mimi stared at me a little…but she just sighed to herself and walked over next to me…
“Then…I…shall continue…” Mimi said out…I sighed to myself and continued walking…this Mimi girl is getting stranger the more I spend time with her…I wonder if Aurora would like her…I closed my eyes for a little bit…thinking about the recent events…right then…I felt a hand on my shoulder…I opened my eyes and looked over to Mimi…she had an odd expression on her face…She seemed to have been staring at something…I turned to see what she was looking at…I froze in my spot…the tunnel seemed partially destroyed…the walls looked as they were collapsing and there were drag marks all over the place…as if there was a struggle that happened earlier…something bad must be going on…wait…Aurora…something must have happened to her…
“Mimi…fallow me…quick!...” I said out as I began to move ahead quickly…I had to see if she was ok…if she is still in the same place where I left her…who know what could have happened…I turned the comer and…then…my heart sank into my chest…the chamber that Me and Aurora was in…it…it was completely collapsed…I began to panic…I was unsure what was going on…I…I could only assume the worse…that…something broke in here…Mimi caught up to me and stood still for a while…she placed her hand on my shoulder and turned me around…
”I…hear noises…from afar…” she told me…I looked over to her…maybe it was Aurora…maybe she needs help…
“Where…where is it coming from…” I cried out…Mimi pointed to her left…
“I’ll…take you…” she replied…she walked over to me and lifted me up…she then placed me on her back…she then darted at great speed…faster than I…yet…any human could move…I had to hold on…to prevent myself from flying off and crashing onto the ground…we bounced off the walls of the tunnels like something you’d expect in some ninja movie…as we moved…I heard the noises that Mimi was talking about…it was the sound of crashing…and…shrieking…like…some monster…we came to the front exit of the burrow that led to the cold night outside…Mimi let me off and looked over to me…
“I…am unsure…if…it is safe to…move on…” she replied with her monotoneish voice…I didn’t care if it was safe or not…I had to see…if…Aurora is ok…I…I don’t want to think what…what could have happened to her…I really don’t…I ran ahead outside…but as soon as I exited…something crashed into the ground ahead of me…sending me clean off my feet…I couldn’t react fast enough…and I slammed into the ground and tumbled into a tree..I laid there in pain for a while…but I opened my eyes and lifted myself up…I turned around to see what just happened…my eyes widened…seeing Aurora face down on the ground…covered in bruises and…blood…she…was trying to get back up…but…she…she seemed that she was in too much pain to get back up…
“Aurora!...” I cried out…Aurora turned her head and saw me…
“Seliky?...Seliky get out of here!...get out of here now!...it…it’s back!...” she cried out…I was confused for a second…
“It’s back?...what is back?...” I said back…before I could even reach Aurora…my question was answered…a loud crashed filled the area…knocking me over…I looked up in horror…seeing a large…blue liquid like…monster with a seemingly transparent body with large tendrils ad a single yellow eye…it seemed…almost snake like…
“W…what is that thing!?!” I cried out…
“Seliky…you got to get out of here…that…that’s the…same creature that…attacked us before…it…it’s changing!...” Aurora cried out...I froze in my spot…staring in horror at the creature…it was scary before as the amoeba thing…but…but now…it’s…it’s a monster…Aurora managed to get herself upright and she stood between me and the monster…she looked like she was in extreme pain just to keep herself upright…
“I’…I’ll distract it…you…you go…please…go to Jewlia…go to Hitomi…go to anyone…please…I don’t…I don’t want to lose you…not after what I felt the first time!...” Aurora cried out…I couldn’t move…I…I was frozen in fear…I didn’t know what to do…I wanted to run…but…I couldn’t…Aurora wants me to run…but…what’ll happen to her…she’ll…she’ll get hurt…or even…die…I don’t want to lose her…she…she is one of my only friends in this miserable world…I can’t just leave her to die after all she sacrificed for me…but…but what can I do…I…I am only…a…human girl who can’t do anything right…I…I don’t know if I can even help Aurora…I…I don’t know what to do anymore…

Part 60

My heart fell completely into my stomach…seeing the creature slowly make it’s way to Aurora…who could barely hold herself up…I know Aurora wont be able to hold her ground for long…but…I…I’m nothing compared to that…monster…I stared into Aurora’s eyes…she…seemed so…weak…yet…even how much pain she must be feeling right now…she still is trying…to protect me…she sacrifice so much for me…and now…she’s sacrificing her life…I cant let her do this…I need to help…
“Seliky…what are you waiting for!...run!...” Aurora cried out…my arms began to sake…I cant leave her behind…I need to think of something…right thenI saw a tendril lashing out at me from the creature…my eyes widened…it was moving too fast for me to try to dodge it…but then…I felt something swish my me…as if something just zoomed past me at great speed…in a blink of an eye…something slashed the tendril and it fell to the ground just as it was about to impale me…there…next to me was Mimi…her arm was out from under her cape…revealing her claws at her fingertips…her arm was covered in small glops of blue goo…that seemed to be burning her skin…but…she seemed as if it didn’t bother her…she just hid her arm under her cape and looked over to me…
“…Go chiled…I will…help…your friend….” She said to me…I just stared at her for a bit,,,but then I turned to Aurora…who was in a arm lock with the creature…before I could say anything…Mimi zipped off at great speed….she leaped high into the air and landed on Aurora’s shoulder…she then lashed out at the tendril that was pinning Aurora to a tree with her claws…the tendril fell to the floor…but then slowly…the gooey mess crept it’s way back to the main body of the creature…forming into a new tendril…Mimi then pulled out two dagger looking things that curved down…they seemed familier for some reason…almost like…thorns or something…as Aurora tried to regain her balance…Mimi jumped into a tree…only to use the branch to propel herself directly at the creatures face…before she could make contact a tendril bursted out of the ground and struct her to the side…sending off course and crashing onto the ground…The creature turned it’s attention to her…arms seemed to be forming on the creature with large claw on both of them…making it look like a transparent demon with a long snake like body and pointed face…It slowly made it’s way to Mimi…Mimi quickly turned around a threw something at the creature…it struck the creature in the it’s single yellow eye…it’s like…Mimi was some sort of ninja…she moves so fast and she seems to pull things out of nowhere…while the creature was blinded…Aurora tackled it from behind and they both fell to the floor…The creature gave a loud shriek as tendrils formed on it’s body and wrapped themselves around Aurora’s neck…Aurora began to screm…it seamed as if…the tendril was…burning her…I couldn’t stand to look at this…I turned around and ran into the burrow as fast as I could…I had to help somehow…Mimi might be able to hold off that creature for a while but I don’t know for how long…I need to find something that would even things up…I must have something here…something here to help…something that could do enough damaged…I ran into the chamber that I left all my inventions…I made a few weapons inventions…but…they are only proto-types…and are untested…I have no clue if they would even work…but I have to try…I need to do all that I can to help Aurora…I grabbed my backpack and ran over to the small pile of cylinders on the ground…I stuff them into my backpack and ran over to the water-gun I got as a gift from Ms. T …I grabbed it and ran over to the area where I made the attachables to it…I modded it to be able to shoot liquid Nitrogen instead of water…sadly I only have one container of the stuff that Aurora found for me…so I can only use one tank of it…but it’ll have to do…I then moved over to where I left the plasma launcher…it should help…hopefully it’ll work…it’s been having a lot of bugs lately…I picked it up and got the strap…I hung it around my side as I headed over to the ammunition for it…I only have 15 rounds of it…so that means I can use it 3 to 15 times…after stuffing that into by backpack I headed over to prototype shields I made…I grabed the small one and and attach the cahin to my pocket and then put the main part into my pocket…I then took the larger shield and placed it on my back…this should help me not get myself killed…it’s crazy enough I’m going to take this creature on…lastly I ran over to the only prototype that I actually know work…the plasma rod…I grabed the small cylinder and placed it in my pocket…now I am ready…I…I just hope Aurora and Mimi are ok…I just hope I am not too late!...
I flew my backpack over my shoulder and ran as fast as I could…it was heard…being weighted down by my gear…I nearly fell over a few times…which would have been bad if I did…falling down could trigger all the cylinders in my bad…which would pretty much make me all over the walls…I headed outside again…but instead of seeing an ongoing fight…I just saw the reminents of a battlefield…The fight must have moved elsewhere…I have to find them…that creature looks like it can take both of them on easily…I ran to the left…the debree seem more scattered there…they must have moved in that direction…I ran as fast as my little legs could…I ignored the cramps I felt from my over running and my out of shap body…all I cared about was my friends who are risking their lives for me…from afar…I heard crashing…that must be them…this is it…time for me to show that monster all I’ve go…no one attacks my friends and gets away with it!...
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

Posts : 343
Join date : 2009-10-21
Age : 33
Location : Orlando

Aurora's Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aurora's Story   Aurora's Story Icon_minitimeSat May 21, 2011 9:47 am

Aurora's Story part 61-65

part 61

...I ran through the thick thicket of fallen tree's a rubble...trying to get to Aurora...Mimi...those who are risking everything for me...I...I cant let them die...I...I just cant...I would never be able to live with that burdon on my back...I have to swallow my fear and gather all the strength my frail human body has to offer agains this...this horrible monster...
...Suddenly somthing flew by and crashed onto a nearby tree and fell right to my feet...It was Mimi!...I quickly ran to her and kneeled torwards her...she looked badly injured...her skin was bloody red with purple spots from bruises...her lip was busted and she was drooling out blood...
"...Mimi...Mimi are you alright...please say somthing!..." I called out...She opened her blank eyes and looked torwards me...
"...Seliky...why are you...here...please head for shelter..." she told me with her robotic like voice...
"...No Mimi...I cant...I have to help!..." I said back...I began to hear crashes from not too far away...It has to be Aurora...she must be still fighting...I have to help her before ehe gets killed!...
"Mimi stay here and rest...I have to help Aurora...dont worry ok?..." I sais to her as I dropped a few First-Aid supplies infront of her and then started running torwards the crashing sounds...
...as I ran...the sound of fighting grew louder and louder...the closer I got...the more dibris there was...I then entered a small open area...I reconize it because it's not too far from Negav...there I saw Aurora...hunched forward while leaning against a tree...she look hurt...injured so much that it even hurts me just looking at her...across from her was the creature...It looks as if it barely taken any damage at all and still ready to fight...but Aurora looks as if she cant barely hold herself up...
...The creature slowly made itself closer to Aurora...ready to do the finishing blow...and Aurora looks too weak to even defend herself...I have to do somthing...I grabbed my Plasma Launcher and placed five cylinders into it as fast as possible...this is it...time for me to show what I can do!...
"...Hey you...Blue blob thing!...no one messes with my friends and gets away with it!..." I yelled out...the creature slowly turned torwards me..."...Yes I'm talking to you...you big jerk!...if you want to mess with someone...mess with me!..."
...The creature shot out a tendril at me at high speed...giving barely any time to react...I jumped out of the way as the tendril came crashing down...I started running as fast as I could torwards the creature as I activated the launcher...I set the delay time and tossed it like a frizbee as hard as I could torwards it just as it shot out more tendrils at me...I tried to leap out of the way by the tendril struck me in the side...sending me clear into the air and crashing down onto the floor...I felt an exstreme burning sensation on my side...the goo was burning through my sweater and my skin...I looked up seeing the creature looming over me...ready to strike me down...and I smiled...
"...lets see how you like super heated plasma!..." I cried out...just then...the launcher which was directly inside the creature lactivated and launched five Plasma charged cylinder straight into the monster...they all the blew up at the same time..lblowing the right side of the monster entirely apart...sending it's blew goo all over the place...the creature cried in pain while it staggering about and crashed onto the floor...I took this time to run over to Aurora...
"...Aurora...are you alright?..." I asked...
"...*cough*...Seliky...w...what are you...d...doing here..." she said back...I could tell she was is great pain and it was hard for her to speak...
"...I cant just sit back let you die Aurora!...I had to help!...I dont care if I die...I cant live with knowing I could had helped!..." I replied...
"...Seliky look out!..." Aurora cried out...I turned around to see a Tendril coming right at me...
...Right then I seen a flash sliced the tendrill and it splattered onto the floor...I looked over seeing Mimi struggling to get up with blue goo all over her arm...
"...I...can still fight..." she said out as she regained her balance...I then turned torwards the monster...I saw that it's body was slowly reforming as all of it's parts that were blown of crept it's way back to tge main body...
"...Aurora...this thing has to have some sort of weakness!..." I cried out...
"...the...the first time we encountered it...I...made contact with one of the orbs inside it...it seems to injure it if the pink orb is hit..." Aurora replied...
"...That must be it's weakness!..." I called back.
"...The sphere is...to deep...we cannot...strike...without...being injured...ourselves..." Mimi replied...It's true...any contact with the creature causes serious consequences...and entering it is suiside...
...before I could think some more...I saw a tendril shoot out at me...I lept out of the way and quickly pulled out my Plasma Rod...I activated it causing it to exstrend out and reveal it's plasma charged blade at the end...I then quickly sliced of the tendril before it could strike Aurora...the tendril splatterd onto the floor and began to creep its way back to it's main body...
"...Thanks...Seliky..." Aurora said yo me...
"...no problem...now lets beat this guy down!..." I replied...
...Aurora lunged forward and tackled the monster while Mimi jumped into to air...landing on a tree branch...leaving behind a long sticky web...saw a tendril heading torwards her so I quickly pulled out my Liquid Nitrogen Squirt Gun and sprayed it...the Tendril froze completely and the monster let out a cry in pain...
"...I see this guy dosent like Ice very much...maybe we can stand a chance against this thing after at..." I told myself...I grab hold of Mimi's web and used it to swing closer to the creature...more tendrils shot out at me...but I sprayed them freezing them in their tracks...for the ones I missed...Mimi sliced off with her claws...but before I could get close to where the sphere was...a stray Tendril struck me sending me high into the air...I began to fall and knew that this fall could kill...the ground was getting closer and closer...but suddenly I felt a big force push on me...I was dazed for a bit but I then realized Aurora just lunged herself and caught me...she crashed onto the ground as slid a bit but we were alright...for the most part...
"...thanks Aurora..." ...I said to her...she only gave a small smile as she placed me on the floor...from here on I know this fight is going to be tough...but I know that I have to use everything in my power to make sure we win this fight...if not surely we arent going to make it out alive...and I am not about to let that happen!...

Part 62

I knew that from how this battle was turning out so far...that me, Mimi and Aurora wont stand a chance against this unusual blob creature that is stalking me and Aurora...and the only thing we know is that seems to be able to injure it is that...it sphere things seem to be a weakness and that it dosent like to be frozen...but even then...it sees like this creature could regenerate somehow...so even if we could injure it...it'll just come back later on will all wounds healed while we still are suffering from this battle...it's almost like...we are just trapped in a corney by the constant abuse of this creature...I mean...what does it want from us?...we didnt do anything to it...and Aurora dosent have anything in particular that it could want...why is it attacking us...this makes no sense...and now we brought Mimi into this...she's already dying...all I know is that...I have to somehow end this battle before one of is killed...I do have a hunch about his creature...but...I dont know if it's actually correct...but it's the only thing I really have to work by and the onlly thing we can actually do...
"...Aurora...we...we have to manage to hold off this...this THING untile dawn..." is said out...Aurora slowly turned torwards me...I could see it in her eyes...she didnt have the fight left in her to last her untile sunup...she looked utterly horrable...she had open wounds all over her body fallowed by blue bruises and burn marks that went deep into her skin...it's so bad that...even I could almost feel her pain...Mimi wasnt much better...but she seemed to not be effected by the pain at all...just standing there with her almost...blank face...the only thing diffrent was I could actually see her breathing now...
"...Seliky...h...how are we...going to manage to do that...this...creature is...to strong..." she said out...I staired at her for a second...then looked over to the creature which was slowly creeping closer to us...killing all the plants and tree's that happen to be unlucky enough to be in it's path...to be honestly had no idea how we were going to be able to do that...even with this creatures weaknesses...we cant really do much...I mean...my Liquid Nitrogen Squirt Gun barely has half a tank left and it's nearly impossible to strike that inner core hing without one of us losing an arm or somthing...and we barelly made it out alive with the first enc ounter with this...thing...the only reason we came out ok wasx that...Aurora went into that...Tsuin Hitogara thing...and despite on how much of a beating she has taken now...it hasnt even been triggard...maybe is I find a way to trigger it...Aurora would be able to stand a fighting chance against the creature...but...how am I so post to do that?...
Before I could think on it more...suddenly a Tendril shot out of the ground ahead of me and shot torwards me...I had to ack fast...I quickly took out the DMB Watch that I inveted...it floated infront of me and quickly generated a barrier...hopefully this prototype works or else I'm going to have a big hole in my chest...
The tendril crashed into the barrier...making the tendril stop in it's tracks and it retreated back into the main body...
"...Seliky?...h...how did you do that?..." ...Aurora asked me....
"...there isnt time to say...we have to hold off this thing before it kills us!..." I replied...
"...I will...attempt...at...slowing it down...you two...devize a plan..." ...Mimi spoke with her soft...almost robatic voice...before I could say anything...she lept off to attack the monster...there isnt much to be done now...so looked over to Aurora who was trying to hold herself up by using a tree...I cant let her fight anymore...not in the condition she is in...the only way she could put up a fight is if she was in that state...
"...Aurora...you are too hurt to continue on...we'll hold it back...you have to get to Jewlia so she can raise you back to health..." I said out as I reactivated my plasma rod...
"...N...no Seliky...I...I cant...let you get yourself hurt...I wont leave you alone...with...that...that thing..." she responeded...I could tell she was struggling...her breaths were deep and her words almost...seem jumbled...but I can force her...she's giant aftger all and I'm just...well...me?...
"...well...just...just try to rest a little...only fight if you need to protet yourself...we'll handle this Aurora......I...I just dont want you hurt..." I replied...I could see it Aurora's eyes that...she didnt want me to do this...and I dont blame her...this is pretty much suiside...but I know what I need to do...even if I will end up being killed in the process...Aurora is much more important that me...she has her life ahead of her...but 'm exspendable...I'm not nearly as much worth than Aurora is...so I must do anything I can to save the only person in this unforgiving world who was wlling to help me when I didnt even diserve her kindness...
before Aurora had the chance to answere...I heard a cry...I turned my eyes widdened...Mimi was pinned down by one of the creature's tendrills...I could tells it was burning her...she was crying out in pain and her robe was disolving...I had to act fast...I ran to where she was as fast as my little legs could carry me...charging up the plasma rodc as I ran and slashed at the tendrill...I splashed onto the ground and then krept it's way back to it's main body...
"...Mimi are you alright!?!..." I said out as I looked over to Mimi...her stomach was so burned up...it was bleeding and tissue was showing...but I was surprised to see Mimi picking herself up...how is she doing this?...it's almost as if the pain dosent bother her that much...
"...I am...Fine...we must move...." she replied...she grabbed me suddenly and lept high into the air...I her then a loud crash...looking back I saw a larg tendrill slaming ontothe ground where we once were...if Mimi didnt react...we might have been killed...I then suddenly saw another tendrill shooting out torwards us....before I could warn Mimi...it grabed her by one of her legs and flung us aross the area...sepperating us as we crashed onto the floor...I felt dazed a bit...but luckely before I hit the ground...I manage to use the sheild I made to asorbed some of the fall...if I didnt I could have broken a bone or two...I hoisted myself up...I could feel all my muscles tensing up...I was bleeding all over...it hurt...it hurt so much...but...I have to push on...I looked up seeing the creature creeping its way to Aurora...like it was ignoring me and Mimi...Aurora was barely holding herself up with a nearby fallenn tree...she cant possibly get away...If I dont think of somthing fast...Aurora is done for if I dont...I picked up my stuff and ran torards the giant monster...I cant let that thing get to Aurora...
"Hey you...big drip!...I'm not through with you yet!..." I called out...the creature didnt top moving as if it was ignoring my insaults...I need to stop it...or at least hold if off till AUrora could get away...I grabed one of the few Plasma gernades I had left and chucked them at the creature...blasting a chunk of it's body apart...the monster just stopped...the blue goo that was splattered all over the place just crept it's way back to it's main body...If this thing regenerates...it'll surely get to Aurora...I quickly tossed more gernades at it...hoping it would do enough damage...blast more and more of it's body apart to the point there was hardly anything left...but before I could ontinue my barrage...I just came to a realization that I just used up all my gernades...and all the cylanders that was for the launcher fell out of my bag when I was knocked into the air... have no more fire power...then suddenly...I saw that grass around me begin to turn brown...as if it was dying beneath my feat...a huge blue hang burst out of the ground before I had the chance to react...and it grabbed me...evuloping me in it's blue slime...A...horable agonizing fill my entire body...I could feel my skill burning...I screamedbut the gooey mess muffled mycries...is it over for me...is this really how I am going to die...inside this monster...I...cant...if I die...Aurroa would die too...as the agonizing pain fill my body...I fell tsomthign cool near me...it was one of ther gernades I threw at the creature..it aparently hasnt been activated to denonate...I painfully reached for the plasma gernade...seeing my cloths disolve into nothingness as my skin began to burn more...Finally I managed to reach the gernade...this was the onll thing I could think of to do...nothing else...I...i really hope that...I provided at least...I hope that I oculd...provide enough time for Aurora to get away...I tightly closed my eyes as I hit the detonate button....

part 63

...Everything was suddenly dark...so dark that I couldnt even see my hands infront of my face...I couldnt even feel my own body either...did my gernade...kill me?...am...am I dead?...just a ghost is some sort of...afterlife dimention?...I cant be dead...who would be there to save Aurora from the blob creature...from afar I heard a soft...elegantvoice...I looked around to try to find the origin of the voice...I then saw a woman far into the darkenes...she was coming closer to me...but even as she got closer to me...I couldnt make out her appearance...It's as if the closer she got...the more blurry she appeared...adventually she was right infront of me...I felt really scared...what if this person is some sort of reaper...coming to take me to wherever people go when they die...I closed my eyes tightly...and turned away...as my eyes were closed...I felt her hands touch my face gently...they were soft and smooth...almost as if she was untouched by time...I felt her hand pass across m face untile I felt her fingertip pull away from my face...
Just then...I felt a pain slowly grow throughout my body...it first started very small...but it was fading in and slowly it became almost agonizing...my eyes flung open...seeing the canopy of the trees high above me...I'm still alive...I tried to hoist myself up but my body responded with exsteme pain. My body was completely messed up...almost all my cloths were dissolved away...I was bleeding an large area's of my body was were disolved slightly when I was inside that monster...I felt incredibly weak...not only it hurt badly when I move...but...I dont even thing I have the strength to even move anymore...I'm completely exausted...I tried my best to hoist myself up using the base of a nearby tree...as I painfully hoisted myself up...I could see the path of which I took after I detonated my gernade in the middle of the creature...there was a bloodstain on a nearby boulder and a small impression in the ground near it with more bof my blood...I must have been blasted away...hit the ground and then smashed into the boulder...how am I even alive?...a human surely would die from that...especially after being inside that monster and taking a full blow from a compressed Plasma gernade...it makes so sense at all...
I then knowtised from afar...was the blob creature...and infront of it was Aurora...but...somthing about her was completely diffrent...her head hung down and her fists were tightly closed...I could swear I could feel this...energy pulsation from her body...I...I cant help but to feel terrified...what's going on with Aurora?...
...It was then that Aurora looked up...A chill ran down my spine as I saw somthing that I wished I would never see again...her eyes...were completely yellow...having this cold dark....evil stare...she...she's no longer the Aurora I know and love...now she's...she's that monster!...
...The blob create struck at her at blinding speed...but...before I could even blink...Aurora struck down each tendril mercilessly...swipping through them with the spines on her arms and ripping them out with her bare hand...She then charged at the creature head on and slammed into it...slamming her fists into it's gooey boy and striking at one of the orbs...the creature let out a loud cry of pain as it frew back...right at me!...I painfully dived behind the boulder...falling onto my chest in pain as I heard a loud crash from the creature crashing onto the ground...after that I saw Aurora charging in witha fully derooted tree and...proceeded to pumble the creature wdown with the tree mercilessly...with no signs of hessitation...just pure bezerk rage...I...I dont know what to think...I feel afraid...the first time seeing Aurora like this frightened me out of my mind...but now...it's even worse that the last ime...just seeing this...uncontrollable rage being unleashed is just...terrifying...
...Aurora showed no sign of letting up as she screamed in anger...even her voice was diffrent now...it was darker sounding...almost sounding like it had an echo to itshe just yelled angerly as she struck down onto the creature...every time she struck the creture with the tree...it got smaller and smaller due to that it's being dissolved every time it makes contact with the creature...adventually there was nthing left...after that she because striking the creature with her fists...it almost seems as she is completely uneffected by the pain of her arms being burned...
...Aftrer taking a serious beatdown...the creature shot up some tendrils to fling Aurora off of it...It's gooey body seemed very bubly now...as if it's less stable...perhaps Aurora somehow managed to weaken it...It's attacks are also alot slower...If Aurroa keeps this up...maybe she could get rid of this monster once and for all...but...iwhat would happen after that?...is she going to be stuck like this?...
...The creature let out a roar weak roar before shooting out more tendrils at Aurora...but Aurora just swipped them away with her spiked covored arms as shse dashed at the creature...striking it down with great strengh...the battle almost seems one sided now...Aurora is bezerkingly destroying the creature...to the point where I kinda want to feel sorry for the creature...but not really...not after all the suffering it caused me and my friends to go through...but...why do I not feel better about this...Aurora is winning the fight...it's this Tsuin Hitogara thing...it isnt Aurora at all...it turn her insto a brainwash monster...I wonder if Aurroa is even aware what is going on right now...
...The creature seemed very weak now...it's attacks werent doing a thing to Aurora and it seemed more sluggish...It looks almost like it's trying to retreat...but even then...Aurora continued to strike it down with no signs of letting up at all...after a while...the creature managed to strike Aurora away with a tendril..knocking Aurora into a tree...toppling the poor tree over when she crashed into it...before Aurora could get up and contiinue her wrath onto the creature...the creature painfully crawled away and phased into the ground...leaving only a large patch of dead plants and grass...Aurora did it...she won!...

Part 64

I couldn't believe Aurora pretty much...single handedly defeated the blog creature and made it retreat all by herself...but...at what cost...she is no longer herself...nothing about her feels the same...and...even if the blob creature is gone now...I'm scared...more scared than I have ever felt before...my body felt stiff...as if my very being was fossilized with this deep fear that my heart feels...
...I stood motionless...staring at the person I know as Aurora...just...motionless across the area with her back turned at me...her spines were sill out from her arm and she seemed to be shaking...almost as if she was a time bomb that as ready to explode any second...I don't know what I should do...I don't even know if it is safe to even go near her...she might attack me if I try...but...but Aurora is my friend...I need to see if she's ok...I closed my eyes tightly as I swallowed my breath...moving very slowly towards Aurora...
"...A...A...Aurora..." I said with hesitation...Aurora didn't seem to respond...she just remained motion less..."Aurora...it's...it's me...Seliky...your friend...remember?..."
...Aurora again didn't respond...I was starting to get really afraid...but despite my fear I took a step closer to Aurora...even through all my pain...as I got closer...the more menacing Aurora looked...it's already terrifying enough that she's so much bigger than I am...but like this...she has no sense of mercy...she could rip me apart in an instant...
...I then accidently stepped on a twig...and suddenly Aurora turned right at me...I nearly had a heart attack...I froze completely still as her cold yellow...demon like eyes looked right at me...she was breathing heavily and her body was very tense...as if her body was pulsating with unimaginable energy...I have to figure out a way to get the Aurora I know and love back...this person in front of me isn't Aurora...I want my Aurora back...and if I don't figure out a way...she...she might stay like this forever...
"...Aurora...it's me...S...Seliky...please...you have to calm down..." I said to her...she didn't reply......just continued to glare at me...like the only thing she wanted was to rip me apart...
"...Aurora please...you won...the blob monster is gone now...you...you can calm down now...you have to..." I cried out as I got a little closer...I know Aurora is still in there...if she want I'd be dead no...but how am I so post to get her out without getting myself killed...last time Aurora snapped to her sense on her own...but this time...it doesn't seem she can...
...Suddenly without warning...Aurora swiped me with her arm...knocking me clean into the air and I plumbled down into the ground...It felt as if a fully armored car with jet boosters attached to it just ran me over...my chest was in so much fain...and i became very difficult to breath from the sharp pain...making each breath almost a gasp
...the pain was unbearable as I tried to hoist myself up...but the pain was so great that I could only sit up...When I did...I saw Aurora lunging at me...she...she was going to kill me!...
"...Aurora...NO!..." I scream as I tightly closed my eyes...tears streaming out from my eyes...then I heard a loud crash...I opened my eyes and I saw that Mimi has struck Aurora...diverting her attention to her and instead of me...Aurora struck a her wildly...destroying anything that was unlucky enough to be in her path...
"...Mimi get out of here!...go and get help..." I cried out...before Mimi could have the chance to respond...Aurora swiped her...Mimi somehow avoided a full blow but she was still knocked into the air...sending her across the field and slamming strait into a tree...falling limp onto he ground...
"...MIMI!..." I cried out as I watch her body hit the ground...she wasn't moving...is...is she dead...did...did my friend kill Mimi...no...the person I see in front of me...it's not my friend...it's not Aurora...and...I don't think Aurora is able to break free...
...Aurora screamed angrily...as if her body was unable to suppress the massive amount of unimaginable blind rage that seems to be almost as if it was radiating from her body...she then turned and looked at me...her pearsing yellow eyes felt almost as if they were actually ripping into my entire being...she began to slowly make her way towards me...this is it...she's going to kill me...and...I...I can't do anything about it...Aurora seems to have completely faded away from this...THING that I see before me...but...Aurora has to be in there...I want to believe that...
"...Aurora...please...I...I know that you don't want to do this...you have to calm down!...please....p...please!..." said out as my eyes began to tear up...She has so much anger...so much anger at me...I don't even think she can even hear anything anymore...
...I began to painfully crawl back as Aurora grew closer and closer to me...eventually...she was directly in front of me...I could see her cold mindless eyes glaring down at me...her muscles tightening...preparing to strike me down in one....final...bloody strike...I guess this is it for me...but...I....I never imagined that I would die like this...by my own friend...even if she is no longer in control of herself...I tightly closed my eyes...I can't take this anymore...I really can't...
"...GO ahead...do it!....Kill me!...You aren't my friend...you...you aren't anything...you taken away my only friend!...the only person that...that accepted me...the thing that...made...life worth living... take that away from me...so go ahead...KILL ME!!!..." I screamed out...Aurora rose up her hand up...preparing to finish me off...she lunged her arm at me...but right then...I felt the ground shake beneath me...Suddenly roots shot out of the ground and coiled around Aurora's arms...halting her in her place...what is going on?...where did these roots come from?...
...Aurora screamed angrily as she pupped at the roots holding her back...she swiped at me with her other hand...I fell back as her deadly claw like hand came down on me...but then more roots shot out and coiled around her other arm...pulling her back even further...she screamed even more...pulling at the roots like a wild animal trying to escape from chains...she pulled so hard that some of the vines snapped...and she literally came to my face...I screamed but more roots shot out...coiling around her newly free hand and her stomach...dragging her back some more...she ripped her way from some more roots but it seemed the more ha were ripped out....the more would coil around her...
...I then realized what was happening...is...is this possibly...Jewlia's doing?...I looked over to my left...I saw Mimi slowly lifting herself up...but that's not all that I saw...in the moons light...I saw a long thread coming from her finger tips....this thread seemed to headed towards the burrow...but what does it mean...did she somehow contact Jewlia with that?...
...I turned my attention towards Aurora...she...seemed like...she was getting weaker...she continued to pull at the roots...bu...she seemed to be getting weaker...her pulling was getting weaker as her cries of anger was fainter...and eventually...she collapsed onto the ground...I then realized what happened...Jewlia's thorns contain sleep toxins...sh...stopped Aurora from attacking me...and...put her to sleep...but...at what cost?...

part 65

…Mimi painfully carried me through the burrow…heading towards where Jewlia is…I could tell Mimi was in great pain…she was limping on her eight legs and breathing heavily…but I am so badly hurt…I can't even move anymore…my legs feel like rubber and it hurts when I take deep breaths…my chest was in great pain…I…think that I might have broken a rib or too…often times…I found myself cringing every time Mimi took a step…I also have the taste in my mouth…I….must have some sort of bleeding somewhere in my body…I…I might not last much longer…but…none of that mattered to me…next to me and Mimi…was Aurora…she was wrapped up like cocoon…being dragged towards Aurora by the root system…she was unconscious…but…what will happen when the sleep toxins wear off?...I…I can't get the horrifying image of Aurora out of my mind…those…piercing yellow eyes…her screaming…her…attacking me…it's as if the scene is permanently embedded in the back of my mind…seeing her like that…ready to kill me in any second…she was so angry…so angry…at me…I…I don't know what to do…I don't even know what to think…she…she was…i…is a monster….who was ready to kill me without hesitation…I tightly closed my eyes…I…I just want Aurora back…I want my friend back…not this…THING next to me…
"…don't…be…doughtfull…S…Seliky…" I suddenly heard out…it was Mimi…her voice seemed very weak and staggerfull…she still kept her monotonic voice…but…it seemed very weak…she must be in very much pain… "…Everything…will be…alright…"
"…No…No it won't Mimi!...Aurora just tried to kill us…she…she tried to…kill me!...and…there wasn't anything I could do about it!...I tried to get her back but she wouldn't…and…now I don't know if I would ever get my friend back…I…I can never look at Aurora the same now…I…I just can't!..." I cried out…suddenly my body was in so much pain from my yelling that I starting coughing loudly…tasting the metallic taste of blood in my mouth…
"…Seliky…you must…keep calm…if not…you…will seriously…harm…yourself…" Mimi said to me…I felt tears start to seep out of my eyes and run down my cheek…burning as they passed over my wounds…
"…Mimi!...the only person who ever loved me is gone!...She's gone!...that monster is NOT AURORA!..." I screamed…Mimi sop moving and stood quietly as is began to cry…burying y face into the torn up remains of Mimi's cape…it just hurt so much…nothing is going to ever be the same anymore…I can see Aurora as the same person I know and love anymore…I can only see…that…that monster…that horrifying monster ripping away to try to kill me…I…IU would have rather been killed by that blob creature than to go through that…and If I lose Aurora forever…i…I might as well just die…I looked over to the person that once called my friend…she seemed so…pale…as if she was just a different person entirely now…I can't even see Aurora anymore…
"…You need…to…focus…on the…positives…If not…then…the negatives will occur…more often…"… Mimi said to me…I sighed to myself and turned away from her…I heard Mimi sigh for the first time…I then felt her smooth cold hands brush against my hair and across my cheek…her hands were warm…which surprised me from how pale she looked…
She placed her hand to the side of my head and gently brought me over to her chest…I could hear her heart beating as she took me into an embrace…I could hold my tears back as she held me…
"…Little one…let out…the tars now…and…just hope that…your friend…will recover and…you will be as one...again…I am confident…that she…will awaken with…her normal conscience…" She added…I rubbed my tearful eyes with the reminisce of my sweater and looked up at the dridder…
"…h…how do you know Mimi?..." I asked…she just looked at me and gave a small sigh…
"…I…Do not…"… she answered… "…but…Jewlia has…always told me that…if…you look at the light side of…the situation…then…you will be just fine…"
I stared at her for a bit…I thought about what she said for a bit…but…what is the light side of this situation…I know that…we managed to escape from that horrible monster…but…but Aurora…she tried to kill me…I just don't know what to think anymore…
…before I could think on it more…the moon light glistened into my eyes as cool air blew against me…we made it outside to where Jewlia was…in the distance I could see Jewlia…she has a look of worry across her face…she must have been scared of the situation…
"…Oh no look at you three…It's even worse than I have thought…" she said out…I guess I can feel her worry…me and Mimi look utterly horrible…and Aurora…she…
"…you three need treatment right away…" she added…she plucked a few barriers from her hair and began to mash them up into a gooey mess…suddenly I felt something wrap around my waist…it was a root…one of Jewlias roots came around me and lifted me into the air towards Jewlias face…it was a little painful since it was where some of my wounds was but I tried my best to endure the pain…
"…here…this will make you feel a lot better…at least till I can do full treatment…" she said to me…she put some of the berry mush on the tip of her finger and began to gently rub it onto my wounds…it was very painful…but after a while…it actually began to feel really good…I then saw Mimi slowly climb up Jewlias arm…I could tell it was very painful…she even fell but Jewlia caught her…Mimi done so much for me and Aurora and I just met her…I can believe not too long ago…I just saw her as some monster who was trying to eat me…
"…here…you two help each other get the medicine on…I…I really have to look at Aurora…she…she's really concerns me…her wounds look almost fatal…I need to act right away…" she said as she lowered me and Mimi to the ground…giving us both a large amount of berry mush…
…Me and Mimi looked at each other for a moment before I looked back up to Jewlia…she was slowly lifting up Aurora into her arms…holding her almost like how a mother would hold a child…a few roots rising up from the ground as well...each holding a tool of some sort…I could have sworn that one of them was a scalpel…is she using…surgeon equipment?...
"…don't worry sweetie…everything will be just fine now…I'll have you fixed up in no time…" Jewlia whispered to the unconscious Aurora…I sighed to myself…there is no dought in my mind that Jewlia will be able to heal Aurora…but what I am worried about is…what is going to happen when Aurora wakes up?...

A few hours past as Jewlia was fixing up Aurora…I couldn't see what was going on from this height but it seemed to be that it was something very complicated…there were many roots that were lifted up where Jewlia was holding Aurora…and each had a tool of some kind…they had very précised movements as if Jewlia knew exactly what to do with each and every one of them…It was almost as if…Jewlia was performing surgery…was she?...if so…then each root is like…some sort of extra limb that allows her to have so much maneuverability…I can't even imagine how Jewlia would be able to do this at all…I mean she would have to be full aware of every single root…and I know that a human would not be able to do such a thing…even me…Jewlia surely is an amazing women…
"…I think…I have done all that can be done here…" Jewlia muttered out as she kissed Aurora on the forehead and gently placed her down…"I managed to stabilize her condition and I have given her some berries both eternally and on her wounds…so that should help her feel better…I believe she should awaken by morning…but I am unsure…it really is up to Aurora's will…" I sighed to myself…I wasn't even sure if I even wanted Aurora to wake up…
"…ok Seliky…let me take a closer look at you…to get you all patched up…" Jewlia then said out…I then felt a root wrap around my waist and lift me up into the air towards Jewlia face...her large emerald green eyes focused in on me…as if she was looking at every single detail of my body…
"…The berries seemed to have made your wounds decently better…but I will still need to close them up with stiches…Mimi if you will?..." Jewlia said out…I then saw Mimi climb onto Jewlia's shoulder…she spun a thread of webbing as one of Jewlia's roots came close to her…Mimi then plucked one of the tinier brambles that was on her root and dug a little hole at the bottom of it…I figured out what they were doing…they were making a needle and thread to act like stiches…how very cleaver…
…Jewlia's root then took the needle and threat from her and it then came over to me…the needle came close to my stomach where I have a fairly large wound on it…
"…now Seliky…this will hurt for a bit…but I need you to try to hold still aright…I don't want to accidently poke something that shouldn't be…" she told me as she took a strange looking fruit and squeezed it near my stomach…the juices from the fruit squired onto my stomach…and somehow…numbed the area…it's almost like Jewlia is her very own hospital…it's really amazing…
…Jewlia's root then began to start threading the wound close…it was rather painful and I couldn't help but yelp in pain a little…but I am sure the pain would have been far worse if she didn't use that unusual fruit…after she closed off that wound…she proceeded to close off the other open wounds I've had and then proceeded to patch Mimi up…after that…she wrapped up my chest tight with some leaves that were woven together to act as a cast,…apparently I broken a rib and she was trying to make sure it can heal properly by wrapping up my chest…I guess it's to make sure I don't injure myself…after she did everything…she placed me on the ground and gave a smile…
"…here you go…you are all done…you should be feeling better in no time…I have done what I could do so now the rest is up to this worlds natural healing properties to complete your healing…" Jewlia said o me…I let out a little smile…
"…thanks Jewlia…you are really amazing…I would have never thought you could do things like this…" I said back to her…Jewlia blushed a little before turning away a bit…
"…well…I've had a good teacher…" she said back…I smiled as I turned away and looked over at Aurora…who was laying lifelike on a bedding of roots that Jewlia made for her…
"…you are worried about Aurora…aren't you Seliky…" I then heard out… I guess Jewlia knowised me looking over at her…I just sighed a little…"…well…I assure you…that Aurora will be just fine…"
I looked up at Jewlia and just gave a tiny smile…showing that I understood what she was saying…but really…I wasn't worried about her being ok…I was worried about…if…she wakes up…what…what will she do?...but I didn't want to worry Jewlia…so I tried the best I could to try to hide my worries…
"…Seliky you should head to sleep…if you want to get better faster…sleep will be the best thing for you…she said to me…
"…I guess you are right…" I mumbled as I looked around a bit…"but where am I going to sleep…the burrow isn't safe if…Aurora is…" ….before I could finish Jewlia interrupted me…
"…oh…pardon me…sorry I interrupted you…but you can sleep with Mimi…" she said to me…I looked over to where Mimi was…she under Jewlia's turn in the darkness… the only way I could see her was the moonlight reflecting off her white hair…
"…alright…goodnight Jewlia…thanks for all the help…" I said to her…she just smiled as one of her roots patted me on the head…
"…just try to get some sleep ok Seliky…" she told me…I just nodded as I walked over to Mimi's "home"…when I peered under the trunk I saw Mimi siting silently in her web…holding up her Jewlia plushie to her chest…she looked over to me for a second with her pale eyes before slowly coming off her web…
"…Do…you need…assistance?..." she asked with her robotic voice…
"…oh…um…Jewlia said I could sleep here for the night…um…where am I going to sleep?..." I asked…Mimi stared at me for a bit…I guess she was thinking about what to do…after a while she picked me up and stuck me onto her web…I kind of squirmed a bit…I had no idea what she was doing…
"…You will sleep…here…" Mimi said to me…I kind of felt awkward being stuck onto the web like this…I mean typically when one gets stuck to a web…they are food…
"…Do you need…Cover?..." she then asked…I didn't understand what she meant by cover…
"…you mean…like…a blanket?..." I asked…
"…Correct…" she replied…
"…oh…um….sure I guess…it is kind of chilly in here…" I replied…right then she stared spinning a cocoon around me…I kind of panicked for a bit seeing how…it was almost as if she was going to eat me like how a spider spins their pray…but she then stopped halfway…
"…Please…raise up your…arms…so I can continue…" Mimi said to me…I stared at her for a bit in confusion…but I did what she said…she then continued to spin till the cocoon reached my neck…she then stopped and moved over to the other side of the web…I guess this cocoon was going to be my blanket thing…it was a little warm…but kind of sticky…I turned towards Mimi who was getting settled into her spot…she really has done a lot for me and Aurora…I really do feel bad how I treated her earlier now…and the fact that she is slowly dying doesn't hemp either…
"…thanks Mimi…for everything…" I said out…Mimi looked over to me…I then saw something I thought I would never see…she smiled…I was a short quick smile but I was a smile nether less…
"…You are…Welcome…" she replied…I smiled back at her before closing my eyes to try to get some sleep…though it will be hard…every time I close my eyes…I see those…demon like eyes glaring at me…he demon eyes of a friend…a friend that…that I might have lost…forever…

(Ok...welll Aurora's Story is officially at the point where it is caught up to the sections on DA...I havent writen par 66 yet...so I am unsure how do you guys want it...do you want me to posts each part as I finish it or wait fr me o wrie 5 parts and post them by groups of 5 like how I have been doing it now...anyways...thanks for reading...your comments are greatly apreciated...)
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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PostSubject: Re: Aurora's Story   Aurora's Story Icon_minitimeSun May 22, 2011 1:25 pm

Part 66

(Sorry…no more Seliky POV ^w^)

…Everything seemed pitch black to me as I laid in the seemingly unexisting ground beneath me…were am I…how did I get here?...I tried to move but my body was completely stiff…as if…I was unable to even control it at all…as I struggled to regain control as my body…I heard voices all around me…almost like whispers…there were so many of them that I couldn't make out what they were saying…I started to grow very scared…what is this place…what in Felarya is going on…
…right then…I heard a voice though all the voices speaking around me…a soft and familiar voice…but I couldn't make out who it was…
"…Aurora…Aurora…" the voice said…I looked around frantically…but I couldn't see anyone…the voice then grew a little louder... "…Aurora…you must get stronger…you…are the only one…"
"…only…one?...only one for what….what's going on!?!..." I cried out as I struggled to move…I looked around desperately to find the origin of the voice…but all I can see was sheer darkness…what did the voice mean by…only one?...
"…grow strong Aurora…you are our only hope…" the voice said as it sounded as it was fading away…but…what does it mean?...and what did it mean by I was their only hope?...
"…wh…who are you?...w…why are you telling me this stuff!?!..." I cried out as I strained myself to move…but with no prevail…all the voices seemed to have started to fade away as he voice faded…repeating my name before I could no longer hear it…right then…everything started to get brighter…I began to feel my body again…and cold air blowing against my skin…
"…I believe…she is…awakening…" I heard in the distance…I closed my eyes for a bit…then when I opened my eyes…I saw a large pair of beautiful emerald green eyes staring down at me…it was Jewlia…her face was full of beauty and grace…as if she was an angel…
"…Oh thank goodness…I was beginning to worry that you wouldn't awaken…" she said out…I tried to hoist myself up…but my body was in pain…it hurt too much so I just sat on my tail and looked around for a bit…I was very confused about everything…how the heck did I get here?...why is my body so sore…and…and where's Seliky…I looked up at Jewlia for a bit…letting my vision return to me…I then saw his…little dridder girl with white hair and bluish skin…she seemed really familiar but I don't know where I could have met such a girl…
"…What's going on?...how did I get here…" I asked…Jewlia looked at Mimi for a bit…she had a look of concern in her face as she let out a sigh…
"…this is no good…no good at all…" Jewlia said out…I grew very confused…what was she talking about?...
"…what Is no good…Jewlia…tell me what's going on?..." I said out…
"…Aurora…you…really can't remember anything that happened yesterday night?..." she asked me…I tried to remember…but…but everything was a big blur…the last thing I can remember was me and Seliky going to sleep…after that…everything is black…
"…I…I don't remember…I don't remember anything…but…me and Seliky heading to bed…" I mumbled…I started to get a little scared…if Jewlia is asking if I can remember anything…then surely something bad happened…I look around…looking for the person that really matters to me…
"…w…where is Seliky?..." I mumbled…Jewlia suddenly got a look on her face that sent my soul into the pit to my stomach…
"…Where is Seliky!..." I cried out…Jewlia let out a big sigh and pointed to her left…I looked where she was pointing and saw a little white blur in the distance…I squinted my eyes…and eventually saw what it was…it was Seliky…I smiled a little bit and began to slither towards her…but before I could get closer to her though …one of Jewlia's roots wrapped around my arm and pulled me back…I looked back at Jewlia who looked very concerned…
"…Aurora…I don't…think it…would be best to see her now…" Jewlia said to me…I pulled myself forward a bit…shaking a little…
"…Jewlia let me go!..." I cried out…Jewlia just gave a sigh and her root released my arm…I slithered over to where Seliky was…slowing down as I got closer…and eventually I could see her completely…she was sitting alone on a tree branch…she seemed to have been deep in thought about something as she gazed out into the distance…
"…Seliky" I said out quietly as I came to the tree…Seliky quickly turned around…her eyes were wide and she nearly jumped up…
"…G…Get away from me!..." she cried out…Did…did I just hear that right?...did…she just tell me to get away?...I slithered back a little in shock from hearing this…
"…Wh…what?..." I replied…
"…GET AWAY FROM ME!..." she screamed…my heart fell completely into my stomach as a cold chill ran down my spine…Everything that I knew and loved came crashing down onto me…making my body feel numb…
"…bu…but Seliky…" I murmured…Seliky didn't reply…she only hopped down from the tree and ran off…as if…she didn't want to have anything to do with me…I could feel the tears begin to build up in my eyes…as I stared off into the direction she ran to…why…d…does she hate me?...have…have I really done something so horrible to…to make Seliky hate me?...to…be afraid of me…I don't even know what's going on anymore!...
I felt something brush against my shoulder softly…I looked over o see it was Jewlia's root…I look back to see Jewlia looking at me with her large emerald eyes…I burst into tears as I slithered over to her…she took me into her arms and embraced me into her chest…
"…Sh…she hates me…w…why does she hate me" I cried out…I…I don't understand what is going on…everything is just so confusing…and now…Seliky seems to hate me…she…she doesn't want anything to do with me…and…I have no idea why…
"…Please Aurora…don't cry…really…it's going to be ok…this can be fixed…" she said to me…
"…How can this be possibly fixed…She…she left me!...the only person I had left in this…miserable world…It's not going to be ok!..." I cried out…Jewlia just rubbed my back and let me cry into her chest…Seliky is the only person who make my life worth living…and…now she suddenly…despises me…if…if she is no longer a part of my life…what am I going to do?...I can't go back to my old life…I was miserable…everything had no meaning to it and…and I was never happy…but with her … I was…and now it's all gone…
"…Aurora…you must understand…Seliky…well…she witnessed something that…well…you wouldn't be very proud of…and she's very…emotionally scarred from it…" Jewlia told me…I looked up at Jewlia in confusion…
"…Witnessed what?...I …I don't remember anything!..." I cried out…Jewlia signed and brushed her hand in my hair…
"…You seem to have suffered from short term memory loss from your…outburst…so…you wouldn't remember what you have done..." she replied… "…I wasn't there to actually see it…but…Mimi was…so I am sure she will be the best person to ask the details from…"…Mimi…who is Mimi…is it that Dridder girl I saw earlier…the one that seemed so familiar…I looked over to the dridder girl who was climbing up Jewlia's arm…
"…Aurora…is…your name…Correct?..." the strange spider girl said to me…I nodded slowly…the girl's voice seemed very unusual…it sounded mature…but a bit too mature…it made her sound really dull and monotone…her face matched her voice very well too…it was blank…her eyes showing no emotion along with a straight face…she appears to be nothing like the other dridders I have seen…especially the ones that attack me and Seliky…but how come this girls seem so familiar before…I surely have never met her…and I don't know is she is a friend of Seliky's…but something in my gut says that that can't be true…
"…Aurora…you recall…a strange creature that…may have attack you…and Seliky…before?..." the strange girl asked me…suddenly the image of the blue form of that…horrible monster appeared in my mind…seeing Seliky nearly dead in my arms…I felt the cold chill pass through my scales…why is this girl asking me about his creature…p…please don't tell me…it has to do with what happened…
"…When I was escorting Seliky…back…to your burrow…we discovered you…were being attacked by the creature…me and Seliky tried our best to…aid you in…combat…but…the creature…always had an…upper hand…"
…My eyes widened as I heard her say this…we…we were attacked by…that monster again?...how come I can't remember it…and…how did we survive?...and…what does this have to do with Seliky hating me?...
"…during the confrontation…Seliky…was taken into the creature…where…she detonated…a…device…and became critically wounded…after that…you change…you…"
…The girl then paused …Right then my eyes widened…I suddenly started to remember things…the image of Seliky lying motionless in the distance…covered in blood…so lifeless…could…could this have triggered the Tsuin Hitogara?...was this how we lived through the encounter?...
"…W…what did I do…when…when I was no longer myself…" I mumbled as I stared into my hands…I heard Jewlia take a deep breath…
"…You…tried to kill Seliky…" she replied softly…I slithered back in shock…I tried…to…to kill her?...the thing I feared the most has really happened…I…I knew that Seliky being with me would be dangerous…with my…other self…coming in…I…I don't know what to think now…I…I tried to kill my best friend…and I didn't even know what I was doing…
"…if it wasn't for Mimi pulling on her emergency thread to wake me up…She…would be dead…luckily…I awoken and stopped you from killing her just in time…" she continued…tears began to fill my eyes again as I stared up at Jewlia…this is why she hates me…I…I am no better than that goo monster…I…I tried to kill Seliky…I don't deserve to have her…I don't deserve to have anyone…I am nothing more than…a…horrible monster…
"…Aurora…I…I am sure this is just a big misunderstanding…you just need to give Seliky some time…I don't know exactly what the situation is…but I am sure it can be worked out…" Jewlia said out…I let out a deep sigh…I wish I could believe her…but…my world just came crumbling down onto me…and…I have nothing left to hold it up…and there is no hope of repairing the damage that has been done…even if Seliky came back…it…it won't be the same…it won't be the life that we had…Seliky is no longer safe with me…I looked over to Jewlia again….
"…Jewlia…please…take care of Seliky…" I mumbled…Jewlia stared at me with a confused look on her face…
"…What are you saying Aurora?..." she asked me…I just let out a sigh and turned away…and headed back into my burrow…
"…She's better off with you…"
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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PostSubject: Re: Aurora's Story   Aurora's Story Icon_minitimeMon May 23, 2011 9:47 am

what do you guys think of the story so far?..
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Aurora's Story   Aurora's Story Icon_minitimeMon May 23, 2011 9:54 am

It is pretty good so far and quite an introspective look into the characters' struggle for survival in a relatively small portion of the known map. There is a bit of overuse of the ellipses instead of the comma, though.
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PostSubject: Re: Aurora's Story   Aurora's Story Icon_minitimeMon May 23, 2011 10:15 am

I agree with Sean, though I haven't finished reading it yet, there's so much of it it's hard to keep up, and I also agree about the ellipses, though it could just be your writing style, it kind of reminds me of a dream sequence or something. It's different but not too distracting either.
I really like your characters.
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