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 Isolon Hounds

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PostSubject: Isolon Hounds   Isolon Hounds Icon_minitimeSat Jun 15, 2013 10:55 am

Name: Isolon Hounds

Size: 4 feet in height, 230 pounds in weight.

Danger: Normaly not used for leathal attacks, though they can rip a human apart between them if ordered to.

Isolon Hounds are the attack dogs of the Magiocrats, often used in the Isolon Fist, the ISD, and the personal security of the high council. They are sometimes lent to the Negav Police, but only to officers loyal to the council.
They have been bred to be quite resilient to a great range of magic spells, as their purpose was originally to attack and disable rouge mages. Only a greatly skilled mage would be able to fight them off. For everyone else, the best advice is to run
The Isolon Hounds do not have any ranged magical attacks, but if they close in they are strong enough to break a man's arm in their jaws, or sometimes bite it clean off. They are trained to go for the arms as many mages use their hands to manifest spells, and therefore taking care of the arms disable many mages for the dog's human master's to then capture the target.
The dogs are quite mobile, and can even scale up vertical surfaces like walls in order to get to a target on higher ground.
While fierce to enemies, the dogs are very loyal to their masters and can be very playful when not on duty. Though they often forget their own strength and sometimes knock their master's to the ground when they playfully pounce on them. Sometimes after biting a enemy’s arm off, they often want their masters to play 'fetch' with it, after which they will then go bury it somewhere.
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Isolon Hounds   Isolon Hounds Icon_minitimeMon Jun 17, 2013 2:12 pm

I like the idea overall, myself. I do think that last part about playing fetch with severed arms is a bit morbid, but I understand because, well, it's you. ^_^;

Part of me wonders about how much need there would really be for them, though, because I thought any member of the Isolon Fist was a person with lots of experience in dealing with different situations as they arise, with well-honed abilities with magic and/or weaponry. As I imagine them, one or even two groups of Fist members should be enough to take down one rogue mage, right?

I also think there should be something about tracking in this idea. As I understand it, the name "Isolon Hounds" is their division under the Isolon Fist, right? If so, then there'd be different breeds, some of which would be good for tracking. And in the case of mages, the ability to track an individual's magical signature - kind of like predator sense only more precise, but with the drawback of having to have had firsthand contact with it - would be pretty useful. And if I'm wrong and "Isolon Hounds" is actually the name of the breed, then I think there should be a separate breed to take care of tracking. :3 But again, I'm not sure how much demand there would be for them.
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Mara's snack

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PostSubject: Re: Isolon Hounds   Isolon Hounds Icon_minitimeSat Jun 22, 2013 12:08 pm

Don't have long here, but I noticed you said "they have been bred to be resilient to spells". It doesn't work that way, unless someone cross bred them with an insect.

On that note, police dogs, though common, are mostly used to sniff people out, and are also used in the wilderness more than in dense cities. Negav does have some forestation in it's influence range though, so maybe these hounds can be used out there.

Also keep in mind that most people in Negav are armed, and a lot of them are pretty skilled. These aren't predators you're talking about. They're dogs. A sword or a gun or even a spell can rip through flesh just as well as teeth can, but if someone is wearing leather, or any kind of armor, it'll be tougher for the dogs - unless there's a lot of them of course.

Don't get me wrong, a dog can be very lethal, but I don't see much beside "bred to resist spells" that identifies them more than just a regular earth dog, and that's not enough.

I do support this idea though.
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Roaming thug
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PostSubject: Re: Isolon Hounds   Isolon Hounds Icon_minitimeMon Aug 05, 2013 12:38 pm

Just a theory, Dark, could they be similar to Kensha beasts? Like having similar aspects and origins? Remember, these are "police" dogs. Kensha are six-legged wolves basically, but if the "Isolon Hounds" are simply a smaller, different branch of the same evolutionary chain, there's no reason they can't be this formidable pet/guard dog you're speaking of. Plus, since police would probably want to catch a criminal, if they use a similar poison to a Kensha's which causes paralysis, they could be used for police work or even criminal catching quite easily.

Another theory is since they're primarily used by mages, I'd think they'd be more equipped to handle magic than being simply "bred to be more resilient". We're talking mages here, so maybe the hounds could be specially equipped with magic armor that's meant to repel magic better (though not perfectly or permanently). It's just an idea.

Nonetheless, I think it's a fairly unique idea that I quite like. A bit morbid, but I can handle that.
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PostSubject: Re: Isolon Hounds   Isolon Hounds Icon_minitimeTue Aug 06, 2013 2:24 pm

Ah the Kensha beasts, those things are so underrepersented that I keep forgeting that they even exist XD

Would make more sense if these secuirty dogs were just a lesser speices of Kensha beast that was then at some point was domesticated...well as domesticated as a hell hound can get. It would also fix a few of the criticisms that have been already raised.

The armor could also work, as long as it's light and flexiable enougth not to hinder the Dog's mobility.

Them being smaller Kensha's does bring up an ironic notion of Negavians using an Felaryan predator to their cause and trust these creatures more than something like a Neko only because the dogs are not sapient enougth to question human authority and that's enougth for humans to disregard the fact that a Kensha, if anything, is more voilent than most Felarya predators.
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Roaming thug
Roaming thug

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PostSubject: Re: Isolon Hounds   Isolon Hounds Icon_minitimeTue Aug 06, 2013 5:29 pm

Glad you like the idea. As for the armor, I thought you'd like a better description of it. There are two things that come to mind: A lightweight, enchanted, leather armor covering most of the hounds' bodies. This would definitely be a valid option since even REAL canines wear bullet-proof vests now. The second idea is something like Mass Effect 3's holographic armor except magical rather than technological (unless you totally like the idea of Negavian Police using that). The armor would be lightweight and protect against both physical and magical attacks without even blocking the dog's movement any.
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PostSubject: Re: Isolon Hounds   Isolon Hounds Icon_minitime

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