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 Humans Vs. Man-eaters

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Chihiro Fujisaki
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Darkstorm Zero
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Humans Vs. Man-eaters - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Humans Vs. Man-eaters   Humans Vs. Man-eaters - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Feb 19, 2014 10:40 am

ChristianBethel wrote:
This makes sense. What would they do were they to encounter a LIVING human?

One would assume they would not discern the difference. As stated, their purpose is to literally torture and absorb. In one of El Portero's stores you mentioned, one particular evil scientist, still living, perished at Mennysan's discretion.
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
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Humans Vs. Man-eaters - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Humans Vs. Man-eaters   Humans Vs. Man-eaters - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Feb 20, 2014 1:05 am

I don't think we're supposed to consider them as morally right. Predators are just kind of aloof to the concept of life being precious, or at least they don't share a human view. I like to see them and their stories as documentaries into their lives, instead of good vs. evil stories.
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Humans Vs. Man-eaters - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Humans Vs. Man-eaters   Humans Vs. Man-eaters - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Feb 20, 2014 7:01 am

Hardly. The thorough scrutinization of these creatures is required. There must be some logical explanation for their dietary tendencies. It's as if you all are saying "every large being on Felarya is supposed to consume smaller forms of life", which is clearly specious. Take a look at Fiona. She doesn't consume humans at all, nor does Kai, Anna (relatively speaking), or Jade. Sure, you could argue that the majority of these ladies do not eat humans due to the fact of them being raised by humans from infancy, but Jade is an exception. She was raised to eat humans and she did so until she was horrified at the carnage she caused in that village. My point is, you say predators are TAUGHT to eat us. What about the ones that don't?
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Humans Vs. Man-eaters - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Humans Vs. Man-eaters   Humans Vs. Man-eaters - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Feb 20, 2014 7:28 am

ChristianBethel wrote:
Hardly. The thorough scrutinization of these creatures is required. There must be some logical explanation for their dietary tendencies. It's as if you all are saying "every large being on Felarya is supposed to consume smaller forms of life", which is clearly specious. Take a look at Fiona. She doesn't consume humans at all, nor does Kai, Anna (relatively speaking), or Jade. Sure, you could argue that the majority of these ladies do not eat humans due to the fact of them being raised by humans from infancy, but Jade is an exception. She was raised to eat humans and she did so until she was horrified at the carnage she caused in that village. My point is, you say predators are TAUGHT to eat us. What about the ones that don't?

Don't forget that many of the predators are raised in a world where everything is out to get you. They don't always get to have lofty lives in the forest..........It's a forest.......not a luxary hotel.

A forest......you know, with trees, muck and where everything eats other things? The predators don't just dally about picking off humans as they please while enjoying the highlife. They are also victims of getting eaten by even bigger predators! That's the reality of the great outdoors.

It's like victims of abuse or children of war, when you'e grown up in an hostile environment, chances are is that you are going to grow up to be exactly like your tormentors. It's because when your life has been nothing about survival, then you just accept that's the way things are.

Victims of bullies often become bullies themselves,
children that abused by their parents, will often become abusive parents.
children of war often become soilders to get revenge on the soilders that ravaged their familes.

Often, what started as merely getting back at your tormentors turns you into the very thing you was surposed to be fighting against. There's even a trope for it. 'He who fights monsters'


So when a Felaryan has lived all their lives in a dangerous forest where everything is out to eat them, it shoulden't be surprising that they will just think that is how life is, and will learn to accept it. Afterall, they would think it's unfair for someone to come up to them and tell them what they are doing is wrong when everyone else in the forest is doing it.

I must ask, is this scrutinization something you apply to other fictional universes? Or does Felarya get the speical attention for some bizzare reason? I can assure you this theme is not unique to Felarya, in fact there pleanty of stories out there that are even more morally objectible. Half of all fiction is set in crapshack and dystopian worlds, it's nothing new, it's been around since forever....why are you acting like it's new to you?

Last edited by DarkOne on Thu Feb 20, 2014 8:02 am; edited 1 time in total
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Humans Vs. Man-eaters - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Humans Vs. Man-eaters   Humans Vs. Man-eaters - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Feb 20, 2014 7:57 am

ChristianBethel wrote:
Hardly. The thorough scrutinization of these creatures is required. There must be some logical explanation for their dietary tendencies. It's as if you all are saying "every large being on Felarya is supposed to consume smaller forms of life", which is clearly specious.

I prefer to think of it as that sentience and sapience don't mean squat in Felarya. All animals eat other animals; if they talked, they wouldn't stop eating other animals. We can stop eating other animals if we choose to, but that's only because we're omnivores descended from opportunistic scavengers. If we were obligate carnivores, we wouldn't even consider vegetarianism.

ChristianBethel wrote:
Take a look at Fiona. She doesn't consume humans at all, nor does Kai, Anna (relatively speaking), or Jade. Sure, you could argue that the majority of these ladies do not eat humans due to the fact of them being raised by humans from infancy, but Jade is an exception. She was raised to eat humans and she did so until she was horrified at the carnage she caused in that village.

Jade wasn't raised to eat humans. There were humans in her planet, and they lived in kingdoms of their own. Punishment for trespassing into giant territory was death. But she was taught they were their mental equals, and probably deserved as much in the way of rights.

Technically, Jade only ate criminals, people dead to rights... until she ate a whole bunch of guys who were just settled in the wrong place at the wrong time. And it sucked for everyone. It kinda makes me wonder sometimes if Jade would allow someone to get eaten if they had done something awfully nasty.

ChristianBethel wrote:
My point is, you say predators are TAUGHT to eat us. What about the ones that don't?

The predators that aren't taught to eat us might be taught (or have learned on their own) to eat everything. Humans aren't the only things in Felarya that can tell stories; there's nagas, centaurs, gerridis, nekos, all sorts of things that are the same size as humans. And they're all delicious (to someone).
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Chihiro Fujisaki
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Humans Vs. Man-eaters - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Humans Vs. Man-eaters   Humans Vs. Man-eaters - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Feb 20, 2014 8:49 am

While I do find this argument rather pointless I will say one last thing.


No one here would support the actions of these predators, nor defend them, if this was occurring in the real world. We would all work to try to rid ourselves of the threat, because it is horrible. That is what Felarya is, a dangerous (horrible to some) world. In the end, this is a work of fiction. With fiction you can find pleasure in whatever you wish because no one is getting hurt.
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Humans Vs. Man-eaters - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Humans Vs. Man-eaters   Humans Vs. Man-eaters - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Feb 20, 2014 10:41 am

DarkOne wrote:

I must ask, is this scrutinization something you apply to other fictional universes? Or does Felarya get the speical attention for some bizzare reason? I can assure you this theme is not unique to Felarya, in fact there pleanty of stories out there that are even more morally objectible. Half of all fiction is set in crapshack and dystopian worlds, it's nothing new, it's been around since forever....why are you acting like it's new to you?
Because this IS new to me. This is the first good fantasy/science fiction topic I delved into for a LONG time. The stories I used to read contained vore, however it was solely from an evil creature eating an innocent being, or an evil being being punished. It has nothing to do with the fetish. And it goes back to the indoctrination topic I mentioned earlier. Just because someone is taught to do something or is exposed to a tragic life-changing event does NOT mean they dwell in it and let it shape their lives. Why, Albert Einstein experienced failure in his academics and genocide at the hands of the Nazis. Did he in list in the US Army to take revenge against Hitler for killing his family members and fellow Jews? No. He continued his scientific pursuits and proceeded to develop the "blueprint", so,to speak for the atomic bomb and formulated the theory of relativity.

"Like father, like son".
Don't make me laugh.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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Humans Vs. Man-eaters - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Humans Vs. Man-eaters   Humans Vs. Man-eaters - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Feb 20, 2014 11:56 pm

shadow17 wrote:
No one here would support the actions of these predators, nor defend them, if this was occurring in the real world. We would all work to try to rid ourselves of the threat, because it is horrible.

Shadow, I must ask you not to put words into other people's mouths. Not everyone shares your beliefs, myself among them.

ChristianBethel wrote:
Just because someone is taught to do something or is exposed to a tragic life-changing event does NOT mean they dwell in it and let it shape their lives. Why, Albert Einstein experienced failure in his academics and genocide at the hands of the Nazis. Did he in list in the US Army to take revenge against Hitler for killing his family members and fellow Jews? No. He continued his scientific pursuits and proceeded to develop the "blueprint", so,to speak for the atomic bomb and formulated the theory of relativity.

He was also praised greatly by his Jewish comrades saying “Ptolemy and Copernicus are but little boys in comparison to Einstein, who shakes the foundations of space and time. Copernicus shook the absolute motionlessness of the earth. Einstein shook absolutism itself. Nothing is ‘real.’” Einstein had problems, but they were far from the severity of a real crap sack world, or Felarya. The predators in Felarya eat to survive from a young age, Einstein experienced bullying as an adult. On top of that, the predators often have no one else to show them a different way, so they do what keeps them alive, and there is nothing wrong with that. Good people get eaten and the predators who do it are not evil. They are simply looking for a way to survive in a world that would rip them to shred given half a chance and a split second.
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Chihiro Fujisaki
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Humans Vs. Man-eaters - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Humans Vs. Man-eaters   Humans Vs. Man-eaters - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Feb 21, 2014 10:43 am

Well, while I kinda wouldn't expect anything less from someone named "EvilGenius" that is kinda of sick, just to let you know. While I am okay with what these Predators do in a fictional universe I don't see why anyone would "sit back and enjoy it" in the real world. It is like watching a war and laughing at the carnage while families are destroyed. Also, that bit that you quoted? That was basically a direct quote from Karbo that I saw on his page, which is why I said it. He was responding to someones comment.

Also don't respond to me with that passive aggressive hostility. I have a very short fuse and that sets it off like no other.

As for predators being "evil". The definition of evil is, put in simple terms; Knowing something is wrong and doing it anyways. The predators do not know what they are doing is wrong, if they did know it was wrong, most would likely not do it. As they seem to be good people.....minus the eating of people. Again I am not really into vore, and am quite the humanitarian (as well as a vegetarian) so I have a softer approach than others.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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Humans Vs. Man-eaters - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Humans Vs. Man-eaters   Humans Vs. Man-eaters - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Feb 21, 2014 6:07 pm

Do not worry, you are not the first one with that opinion, and probably won't be the last. I get that monotony day in and day out. You don't need to understand, and i honestly could not care less if you don't, I'd simply rather you voiced your opinions to represent the actual population they dwell in. The fact that it was from Karbo means very little in this context, he's just another human.
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Chihiro Fujisaki
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Humans Vs. Man-eaters - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Humans Vs. Man-eaters   Humans Vs. Man-eaters - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Feb 21, 2014 6:29 pm

I was simply voicing the opinion of what I would believe to be the majority of human beings. At least I hope it is the majority, otherwise I found what is wrong with our planet. While I do not preach fluffy Utopian dreams I do wish for a better and more cooperative world with less violence and death, especially within "civilized" nations.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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Humans Vs. Man-eaters - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Humans Vs. Man-eaters   Humans Vs. Man-eaters - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Feb 21, 2014 7:17 pm

I know what you were doing, how ever that does not change my request. "No one" means exactly that, even if it is incorrect.
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
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Humans Vs. Man-eaters - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Humans Vs. Man-eaters   Humans Vs. Man-eaters - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Feb 22, 2014 1:30 am

Let's take it easy. As Karbo stated, Felarya did start out as a fetish realm, so surprise surprise it has alot of vore in it. Ironically enough, I only stick around now because I like the immersive lore and I always enjoy seeing how Karbo will expand the universe. So I can understand not taking a liking to the fetish anymore. I like to just ease up and try not to focus on the "giant man-eaters slaughtering people" thing. After all, the world is ripe with story potential and tons of characters that would appeal to everyone, so take your pick.
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PostSubject: Re: Humans Vs. Man-eaters   Humans Vs. Man-eaters - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Feb 22, 2014 5:39 am

Shadow, are you saying you agree with me? If so, that's just great. It seems like everyone is just sitting back and intentionally letting this happen.
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PostSubject: Re: Humans Vs. Man-eaters   Humans Vs. Man-eaters - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Feb 22, 2014 7:02 am

ChristianBethel wrote:
Shadow, are you saying you agree with me? If so, that's just great. It seems like everyone is just sitting back and intentionally letting this happen.
He'd agree with you IF Felarya was real. He's okay with Felarya because Felarya is just fiction. Must of us are for that same reason. Others like EG wouldn't mind if it was real, from what I just read.

That said, Bethel, perhaps you should explain yourself a bit more so we could really argue with or against you meaningfully. So far, you seem to have ignored every explanation that people tried to give you. Why do you insist in making this as if you were actually a human being hunted? Why are man-eating giants so hard to acknowledge as fictional beings? Why can't man-eating giants have their own morale? Do you really have to impose your own beliefs into them? Please explain yourself, your views, your motivations. And please do it in depth, so we can hope to understand.
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PostSubject: Re: Humans Vs. Man-eaters   Humans Vs. Man-eaters - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Feb 22, 2014 10:18 am








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Humans Vs. Man-eaters - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Humans Vs. Man-eaters   Humans Vs. Man-eaters - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Feb 26, 2014 4:59 pm

Ilceren: "That said, Bethel, perhaps you should explain yourself a bit more so we could really argue with or against you meaningfully. So far, you seem to have ignored every explanation that people tried to give you. Why do you insist in making this as if you were actually a human being hunted? Why are man-eating giants so hard to acknowledge as fictional beings? Why can't man-eating giants have their own morale? Do you really have to impose your own beliefs into them? Please explain yourself, your views, your motivations. And please do it in depth, so we can hope to understand."

You know, Ilceren, I really don't know where this comes from. Perhaps it is my hatred of the "eat or be eaten" rule, or using the "we all gotta die sometime " loophole (in which a person causes suffering and death to another to extend their own life), or maybe it's I haven't really read the countless stories describing the world of Felarya and the beings in them. I've read Elle's story and Marsha's story, but that's about it, but in some o the stories I HAVE read, innocent people get needlessly killed for the pleasure of others. I've been through experiences like that, I've suffered at the hands of sadism, and I find it intolerable. I just got finished reading an Alvar story by ravana3k where he comes across a human who not only gives him a cordial greeting, but ofers to help him find his way back home even though he's not lost. Alvar just smiles, shrinks him, and eats him. No giving the man a response. Not even a "hello". I completely respect the vore fetish. Nonetheless, I will speak against it when it goes to extremes like this. We should at least view the eating scenarios from the human's point of view instead of just writing stories about predators all the time. If none wish to do this, that is perfectly fine. I will have you that when my stories will be posted, the human point of view will be paramount to the story.
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PostSubject: Lost in Felarya   Humans Vs. Man-eaters - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Mar 01, 2014 11:56 am

My God...

Lost in Felarya... It's an eye-opener so far...
This may be a stupid and crazy idea, but I think it's time for these countless predatorial ladies need to take a dimensional trip to Earth to see our customs and how everything works...
They need to see our food chains, our histories, our governments, etc. MAYBE, just MAYBE then they will have a proper understanding of our world. It would be only be fair to the humans that were unwillingly brought to Felarya. However, the decision to continue eating us would be up to them. I
just hope they will make the right choice.

Hell, we may just be able to strike a deal with them. Maybe we could send these predator ladies some of our dishes in exchange for permanent safe passages through Felarya. Or maybe we could send our condemned men and women on death row to be eaten as a form of execution. I don't know, LIF is quite enthralling, and it has raised important questions that I must find the answers to.

What do you guys think? Am I making a good point? Or am I just talking out of my ass?
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Humans Vs. Man-eaters - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Humans Vs. Man-eaters   Humans Vs. Man-eaters - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Mar 01, 2014 12:19 pm

ChristianBethel wrote:
Or maybe we could send our condemned men and women on death row to be eaten as a form of execution.

I knew you would slip at some point or another.

So Mr "There must be Morals in this fictional world!"

Mr "All races should accept each other no matter the circumstances, even if they are from an alien world."

Mr "I don't believe in grey morality."

Seems to believe that that a slow, long, agonizing and painful death would be an ideal form of Capital punishment in Felarya?

You hyprocrite.

So it's fine for us humans encourage the predators to kill for our purposes, but for shame if predators do the very same thing using their own sense of morality?

I knew you would prove yourself to be a hyrocrite, and you have done just that.

Not that I would shame the humans in Felarya for doing such acts, it's just fiction after all. But you were the one who protested against simular acts done by the predators.
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PostSubject: Re: Humans Vs. Man-eaters   Humans Vs. Man-eaters - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Mar 01, 2014 2:17 pm

DarkOne, easy.

There's no need for a snap judgement like that. Unlike the predators, Chris isn't fictional; he's just trying to come to terms with something, feeling quite strongly, and saying the first thing that comes to mind. It's not gonna be the last time you'll see this.

As for you, Chris, I don't know if it's an eye opener- you don't seem to have changed your mind much. You think they're wrong and must stop, and you've thought that from the beginning. If you're making a point, I'm missing it.

But as to whether they'd care, they wouldn't. If you read the other stuff by Frenchsnack, you'll see that there's a dozen other preds that know just how deep humanity runs. Most don't care. There's one pred who has seen a lotta tech- doesn't care either. Some have never seen any cities, and won't eat people anyway. So to answer one of the questions you surely are posing yourself...

The first answer:


You won't find those answers in this thread. I invite you to interact with the rest of the forum, and practice posing those questions in your head in a more concise, clear, and ordered way. This thread has served its purpose, and many more.
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Humans Vs. Man-eaters - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Humans Vs. Man-eaters   Humans Vs. Man-eaters - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Mar 01, 2014 2:29 pm

DarkOne wrote:
ChristianBethel wrote:
Or maybe we could send our condemned men and women on death row to be eaten as a form of execution.

I knew you would slip at some point or another.

So Mr "There must be Morals in this fictional world!"

Mr "All races should accept each other no matter the circumstances, even if they are from an alien world."

Mr "I don't believe in grey morality."

Seems to believe that that a slow, long, agonizing and painful death would be an ideal form of Capital punishment in Felarya?

You hyprocrite.

So it's fine for us humans encourage the predators to kill for our purposes, but for shame if predators do the very same thing using their own sense of morality?

I knew you would prove yourself to be a hyrocrite, and you have done just that.

Not that I would shame the humans in Felarya for doing such acts, it's just fiction after all. But you were the one who protested against simular acts done by the predators.

That is NOT what I meant. I am no hypocrite. I still believe in the morality and equality of races on Felarya. I am JUST saying that these pred are going to keep eating us with their altered morality. I have SEEN examples of this. Like Milly. What kind of predator has an amiable conversation with her prey before she eats him/her? And the death penalty. It's the source of much controversy on our planet, but the harsh fact is that some people just deserve to die. I'm sorry you feel this way, but you and I BOTH know there are some predators that fit into this category. That is the purpose of this thread. Also, I must be honest: I don't understand the concept of "gray morality".

Look, for the reason I gave earlier, I rescind that previous statement. Perhaps having people being eaten as punishment is... extreme. But as I said, I am no hypocrite. I try my hardest to stand by my beliefs in this matter. In the matters of this world, it is "Us against Them", and it SHOULDN'T BE! We need to stop this! We need to aid those humans in peril from the hands of Crisis! Milly! Jissy! And the endless hordes of predators that feed on us!

You know what the worst part about this is? These predators genuinely think of us as FOOD!!! That is wrong!!! And YOU, of all people, should know that!!!
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Humans Vs. Man-eaters - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Humans Vs. Man-eaters   Humans Vs. Man-eaters - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Mar 01, 2014 3:17 pm

ChristianBethel wrote:
DarkOne wrote:
ChristianBethel wrote:
Or maybe we could send our condemned men and women on death row to be eaten as a form of execution.

I knew you would slip at some point or another.

So Mr "There must be Morals in this fictional world!"

Mr "All races should accept each other no matter the circumstances, even if they are from an alien world."

Mr "I don't believe in grey morality."

Seems to believe that that a slow, long, agonizing and painful death would be an ideal form of Capital punishment in Felarya?

You hyprocrite.

So it's fine for us humans encourage the predators to kill for our purposes, but for shame if predators do the very same thing using their own sense of morality?

I knew you would prove yourself to be a hyrocrite, and you have done just that.

Not that I would shame the humans in Felarya for doing such acts, it's just fiction after all. But you were the one who protested against simular acts done by the predators.

That is NOT what I meant. I am no hypocrite. I still believe in the morality and equality of races on Felarya. I am JUST saying that these pred are going to keep eating us with their altered morality. I have SEEN examples of this. Like Milly. What kind of predator has an amiable conversation with her prey before she eats him/her? And the death penalty. It's the source of much controversy on our planet, but the harsh fact is that some people just deserve to die. I'm sorry you feel this way, but you and I BOTH know there are some predators that fit into this category. That is the purpose of this thread. Also, I must be honest: I don't understand the concept of "gray morality".

Look, for the reason I gave earlier, I rescind that previous statement. Perhaps having people being eaten as punishment is... extreme. But as I said, I am no hypocrite. I try my hardest to stand by my beliefs in this matter. In the matters of this world, it is "Us against Them", and it SHOULDN'T BE! We need to stop this! We need to aid those humans in peril from the hands of Crisis! Milly! Jissy! And the endless hordes of predators that feed on us!

You know what the worst part about this is? These predators genuinely think of us as FOOD!!! That is wrong!!! And YOU, of all people, should know that!!!

Wait, man, do you think Felarya is a real concept? =O It's fiction man. :3
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PostSubject: Re: Humans Vs. Man-eaters   Humans Vs. Man-eaters - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Mar 01, 2014 4:42 pm

DarkOne wrote:

Seems to believe that that a slow, long, agonizing and painful death would be an ideal form of Capital punishment in Felarya?

Wait, I said EARTH, not Felarya.
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PostSubject: Re: Humans Vs. Man-eaters   Humans Vs. Man-eaters - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Mar 01, 2014 4:45 pm

hhhat09 wrote:

Wait, man, do you think Felarya is a real concept? =O It's fiction man. :3

Yes, but it is so lifelike, so immersive, and such a source of contemplation and meditation that it DESERVES to be considered as a real place, even though it IS fiction.
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Humans Vs. Man-eaters - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Humans Vs. Man-eaters   Humans Vs. Man-eaters - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Mar 01, 2014 4:46 pm

YES! The thread has reached SIX pages! I didn't think it would get this far! Thanks for your help, guys.
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Humans Vs. Man-eaters - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Humans Vs. Man-eaters   Humans Vs. Man-eaters - Page 3 Icon_minitime

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