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 Paradise lost (Jormungdang and me - probably :) )

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Bandur Khan
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Bandur Khan

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Paradise lost (Jormungdang and me - probably :)  ) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paradise lost (Jormungdang and me - probably :) )   Paradise lost (Jormungdang and me - probably :)  ) - Page 5 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 29, 2018 11:59 am

Then Mika came over - and watched Shion interested from behind: "Woo - You sure have a nice Rear..."
And she smiled: "I think I can teach him how to shrink and grow all by himself - You know - I like him big, too, because he too has a nice Bum..."
Diega and Ellen began to laugh like crazy - and Alan blushed on the Spot. Meanwhile Alector was examining Lynn - the tomboyish irish Mercenry Woman was curious like Heck what as going inside her, too.

The halfmeter-Catboy relaxed in Nike´s Hands - and also got excited, - she really has recognized him! Oh man - how he liked this noble, divine Face of her - and how it fitted with this intense deep red Mane and her longlimbed Body...
"Well... for Example - You are acting on Your own right now, right? You could have just ignored this Isle - and You would habe traveled on to Places unseen by us. But here You are - and man, am I glad to be here to just experience Your Presence..." Don said and Keona leaned back: "Harhar... what a nice Speech - You sure know, what a Lady wants to hear..."

The Police Girl sighed - and sat on her Bike, which responded in a pretty `cozy´ Way to her Weight. But Stacey - leaning againhst this metal Cage, began to smile: "Theh! You sure have some Guts!"
"I´ll say!" Cody nodded and nudged Allison a bit with a wide Grin - and Allison said: "And the oddest Thing of all - they... liked it in there. And I did this, too. Somehow..."  
"And it stopped - the Killing!" Dwan looked at her PersoCom: "Before her... Whatever, there were 34 unsolved brutal Murders - and VideoClips of them in the CorpNet. Now - there is... nothing."
"I didn´t do this for Fun." Allison said with her cute Voice - and Dwan embraced her from behind: "She´s so cute! I like her!"
"Whatever..." Cody sighed.

Last edited by Bandur Khan on Thu Mar 29, 2018 3:51 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Great warrior
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Paradise lost (Jormungdang and me - probably :)  ) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paradise lost (Jormungdang and me - probably :) )   Paradise lost (Jormungdang and me - probably :)  ) - Page 5 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 29, 2018 1:26 pm

Shion perked up as she heard someone approaching and commenting on her rear, saying that it was nice. Turning her head, she saw Mika standing there, admiring her fit ass. The sports icon grinned with a slight hint of smugness. She perked an eyebrow curiously and mouthed. "Wanna touch?" The statement that Mika said about teaching Alan to shrink and grow by himself was interesting, and Shion nodded. "That would be lovely." And then she bit her lip and glanced knowingly at the boy in her hands. "...And you're right Mika, he does have a nice butt."

Nike was slightly awestruck as she felt the small catboy relaxing in her hand. Does he not fear me at all? She wondered, gracing him with a slight smile framed by her fiery mane. A curious finger stroked against his chest gently as she held him in her palms. "That...is correct. I am acting without prerogative here." Nike answered, feeling a slight flush of pride at his praise of her mere prescence. "I don't scare you? What Keona suggested doesn't frighten you? Being inside me, knowing I could grind you to bits?" She asked, directing her statements to the small being in her hands. Her breath would tickle Don and Keona, teasing them with the warmth of her core as Nike opened her fair mouth.

Vicky and Morgan could tell that maybe they had misjudged the police girl. After all, listening to her, it seemed like she had done this to protect others. Or at least to bring peace to the victims. They looked suitably chastised and broke the forcefield surrounding the girl. They then hopped up onto the motorbike to hug Allison. One on either side, like a cuteness sandwich. They whispered to Allison, in their soft voices. "Sorry, Ally, for putting you in a forcefield. You'll...protect us, right?" They said, looking up at her with cute, wide hazel eyes.
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Bandur Khan
Felarya cartographer
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Bandur Khan

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Paradise lost (Jormungdang and me - probably :)  ) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paradise lost (Jormungdang and me - probably :) )   Paradise lost (Jormungdang and me - probably :)  ) - Page 5 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 29, 2018 2:12 pm

"Hm... okay. You can tell me how that feels - in Your View. Luke loves to do this with me, too." Mika nodded - and rubbed her small, left Hand with much Interest between Shion´s Legs. She obviously loved the round Shape - and the warm Softness: "So... I think I understnd Luke much better now... hehe - this sure is hot!"
And Alan blushed eeven more. as Mika looked at her own Bum and seemed to ask it: "Hey, Luke - is it in there as sexy as under it?
Now Diega blushed - and Ellen got a dreamy Expression on her Face.

"How do I say this?" Don thought out loud. He looked bck at Nike and said: "Well, as I was `normal´,  I was often picked on by beardy, fat Guys, who thought, they were the Pinnacle of all... Things, I really don´t know. On the other Hand: I often watched all the other People around me - and of Course because I have Lotza Fantasy - spun my own Thoughts around them. Especially when they were... nice to look at. So at one Time there was a small but wonderful Woman, talking to her other friends at the Table - and eating some small, fried Fishes. Whole. They all vanished in her wonderful, deep Throat - and then... she and her Friends continued talking as if nothing had happened and I wondered: `What, if these Fishes still were alive?´ There she was - laughing and making Jokes and Stuff... while deep in her Stomach I imagined something struggling for it´s Life. Or even... someone."
Don seemed to have an Idea: "Perhaps this is the Reason, I began to change - at first mentally and then... well, look at me now."
Then he looked back at Nike - and into her open Mouth with Awe: "So, yes - perhaps this is a frightening Idea - but also totally arousing - I always wondered, how this would look like - how this would feel - what all those Victims would see, while... vanishing..."
"You sure are lucky, Nike - what a fascinating little Friend You have, hehe..." Keona smiled.

Now Allison looked at them, realized them - and got big Eyes, as she finally remembered them: "You are..."
She looked back at Stacey and the other Guys: "You really are... The Band `Truth hurts´?"
"You know them?" Cody frowned and Dwan asked: "So they are kinda... famous?"
And Stacey smiled: "Whatever - now we are here... so how `bout this? Let´s look for a Place to stay - and something to eat. Alliso´s Story made me... hungry."

Last edited by Bandur Khan on Fri Mar 30, 2018 10:58 am; edited 1 time in total
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Great warrior
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Paradise lost (Jormungdang and me - probably :)  ) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paradise lost (Jormungdang and me - probably :) )   Paradise lost (Jormungdang and me - probably :)  ) - Page 5 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 29, 2018 2:56 pm

"I'm sure I will." Shion said, grinning and rocking slightly on Mika's hand. Closing her thighs, the surfer trapped that small hand between her legs, letting Mika feel her soft but firm bum and the slight bulge in her jeans. She giggled then leaned in till she was nearly kissing Mika. "Got you. So, you think my bum is hot hmm? Wouldn't mind some private time with it, hmm?" She teased lightly before turning to tease Alan. "Hehe, what if you were in mine hun? Would that entice you?"

Nike listened patiently as Don began to tell his stories, her normally expressionless face revealing her concern as she fixed the small neko with a frown. She smiled as she heard of his fantasies and perked an eyebrow with curiosity as he explained of his changes. Finally, she blushed slightly as he turned back to her with awe, staring into her open mouth and telling her how arousing it would be. And then her hand started to move, lifting upwards towards her mouth. Before she knew it, her fingers were bumping against her lips and Don was in her dark abyss of a mouth. Her strong, pearly jaws like gates, admitting him to her deepest recesses. Her warm breath permeated around him, her saliva drenching him as her warm tongue moved with him. A slight panic arose but was quickly quelled. Don't think. Don't think. Just swallow like with any other food. *Gulp*

Vicky and Morgan nodded and grinned. "We are. If you like, as an apology, we'd play for you." Then  with a cute little hop they got off the bike and continued walking along. "Come, come, come with us. Let's go find a home." They said, their little bellies grumbling along with Stacy's words.
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Bandur Khan
Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer
Bandur Khan

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Paradise lost (Jormungdang and me - probably :)  ) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paradise lost (Jormungdang and me - probably :) )   Paradise lost (Jormungdang and me - probably :)  ) - Page 5 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 29, 2018 3:42 pm

Finally Shion could see Mika´s small Fingers, as they curiously touched her everywhere down there - and Mika then suggested: Well - I think a biiig Home for all of us sure would be verrry... uhhm - fitting!"
Her other Hand liked to feel this taut Roundness, as Alan stammered: "Man... th... this would be really great, I think!"
"You bet - this is so hot, You won´t believe it!" he heared Luke´s muffled Voice from within Mika´s Pelvis, as she began to smile with a serene Expression on her Face. Then Alan suggested: "Then we can search all Things out pretty fast, because You sure are faster than me, Shion!"
"Well, if that´s Your Concern - I can make You big again, Alan." Mika said - and Alan hissed: "Not now! This is the greatest Thing ever! THIS is... SHION! The ONLY Shion, okay?"

So Keona watched with Interest, how this 40 cm big Guy wandered in Nike´s pretty stretchy Throat - she loved to see, how her Throatbow contracted around Don´s Waist - this was pretty hot for her to see and hear - and she started to... get some Air.
Don however wasn´t disppointed one Bit. He was jerked into Nike´s elastic Esophagus pretty fast at first and could feel, how she trembled... then there was this serene, slow Gliding. Oh, it was marvelous to observe, how Nike´s elegant Esophagus opened in Front of him - so deep down - and there was this small, curled Opening, that suddenly stretched pretty wide - and he could see into the arousing, flat-oval shaped Cavity of Nike´s deep, rosy wet Stomach. And thanks to his catlike Eyes, he even could see a second sweet tiny Hole very deep down. And so... Nike could hear a muffled Moan deep insode her, as Don´s Head just plopped into her Stomach...

So Allison got off her Bike and decided to let it here for a While - and walked alongside this interesting Bunch. This massive Thing could only been driven by a Synthoid - so who cared anyay? Then she watched Cody - how she was blushing, as she watched these Boys, whose Bellies were grumbling.
"What´s with You?" she asked and Dwan chuckled: "I bet she just had a kinky Idea..."
"Man, yeah - I thought of something funny - being feeded by someone must be hot..." Cody smiled and Dwan moaned: "Didn´t know, You could be that sweet!"
Cody rose  Finger and said: "You don´t know the whole Idea - to celebrate `Lethal Cop Allison´, I would swallow the Hand with the Food - and then my Stomach Opening would `steal´ the `Prey´ from this Hand - I think this would be un-be-lie-va-bly sexy!"
Now Dwan got a red Face and Stacey looked at Cody in Awe: "What an outlandishly tempting Idea... We should try this out pretty fast, or I´ll gonna burst spontaneously!"
"Well... then I would have an Idea." they heared a nice Voice - and there were... two Girls. One punky, edgy Girl with short blonde Hair and Freckles, smoking a Cigarette, which looked a bit helpless - and a native one. The tuvalesian Girl had a typical long sleeveless T-Shirt with a Flower-Pattern on it - a typical Jeans with these wide Bootlegs - and Surfing Shoes, who barely were to be seen under these widecut Bootlegs. And she smiled: "I am Menami - nice to meet You all. I am  Fisher Girl."
And the other Girl looked at Stacey and these Boys, frowned - looked again, saying: "Ich kenne euch!"
Menaami the said: "No Idea, what she says - I don´t understand one Thing. But she´s cute I think."
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Great warrior
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Paradise lost (Jormungdang and me - probably :)  ) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paradise lost (Jormungdang and me - probably :) )   Paradise lost (Jormungdang and me - probably :)  ) - Page 5 Icon_minitimeTue Jun 11, 2019 8:39 pm

(Working on Posting now. Just letting you know I'm back. More details in a Pm)
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Great warrior
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Paradise lost (Jormungdang and me - probably :)  ) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paradise lost (Jormungdang and me - probably :) )   Paradise lost (Jormungdang and me - probably :)  ) - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 24, 2019 7:58 am

Shion giggles softly at that, noticing the way that Mika curiously felt around down there. She also seemed amused by Alan’s reticence to grow back to normal size, proclaiming that she was Shion, the only Shion. That earned him another delicate kiss on the head. “Well I think I may have that covered. Let’s see what the power of loyal fans can do.” She said turning towards the blue, hovering, spherical cam-bot that she used to broadcast her surfing and stunts. Shion began pressing some buttons on the drone. “We’re going live in 5. Anyone who doesn’t want the attention may wish to move.” In precisely 5 seconds the drone activated and Shion was broadcasting to all of her followers. Considering that they were on Tuvalu, there were quite a few. “Hello, my loyal fans. It’s me, Shion. This is a special secondary broadcast from me. Aren’t you all lucky?” She flashed a wide smile and blew a kiss into the camera. Then she got a little more serious. “So, I don’t normally do this. I prefer to not burden you guys with these things. But, due to the lockdown and quarantine of Tuvalu, I’m going to be staying here for quite a while. Again lucky you hmm?” She laughed, flashing her viewers another grin. “So me and a few of my friends are going to need a place to call our own. Perhaps you all know of such a place? Bye for now. Let me know what you find.”  Then Shion switched to her private viewers. “As for you special lot, the effect spreading across Tuvalu only means I’ll be able to fulfill your desires better. Since I was kinda already swallowing prey.” Ships says with a mischievously stuck out tongue. “So let me know what you’d like to see me devour next video.” Shion said, trailing a finger from her lips, down her neck and then circling where her stomach would be under her steely abs. Then, with a sultry wink, Shion stopped broadcasting. “Let’s see what they can turn up for us.”

Nike’s hand trembled slightly as she felt Don slip into her throat. Her pink muscles trembled around him as they slowly began to ferry him down to her stomach. Synthetic Nike might be, but those elegant muscles certainly felt real as they pulsated in rythym dragging Don into her depths. Keona wasn’t the only one affected by the experience. Nike herself was sporting a rosy blush upon her cheeks that only darkened as she could hear the muffled moans from within her. As Don’s 40 cm form began to slowly fill her stomach and curl up, Nike’s belly and abs bulged ever so slightly. At that size, whilst not near Nike’s capacity, Don would still classify as a considerable “meal” even for a Synthoid. Nike’s stomach gently undulated around Don’s form, no doubt kept at bay by her powerful will. Meanwhile, Nike panted and gently patted her stomach, enjoying the slight twitches and twinges within. “Oh. Mmm.” She managed, looking towards her new leader Keona in stunned pleasure.

Vicky and Morgan, paired together as they nearly always were, seemed just fine walking next to Allison. It seems they didn’t care that she was a synth pod, or “Lethal Cop Allison”. Perhaps they admired her for it. In fact, they had latched onto her as she walked her bike alongside them. Perhaps seeking to distract themselves from their rumbling bellies and Cody’s idea, which only made them hungrier, they asked. “Do you have a favorite song of our band?” Interestingly however, they soon met up with two other strangers. Whilst nervous at first, and huddling together as they made their forcefield, they soon warmed to them. “You have food?” Vicky asked of Menami, the fisher girl. To the blond foreigner, Morgan replied. “Sie kennen uns?”
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Bandur Khan
Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer
Bandur Khan

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Paradise lost (Jormungdang and me - probably :)  ) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paradise lost (Jormungdang and me - probably :) )   Paradise lost (Jormungdang and me - probably :)  ) - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 24, 2019 9:49 am

Dwan and Cody accmpanied Stacey and Allison. The Police Girl answered: "Uhhm... There was this Police Story Action Movie You made the Soundtrack for. This really was something. And the Album METAL AGE. This was awesome..."
"Good Choice!" Gale nodded behind his Sunglasses, smoking a crummy Cigarette. This Statement also seemed to include the Choice of Allison´s perfectly fitting Legwear. He could swear, there was nowhere some Air between the bulletproof Tissue and her Skin... Exactly, what he did so admire.
Menami however smiled, pointing at the Bay: "The Water is prfectly clear - so we can se and catch some Seafood. It´s totally simple to live here, if You know where to look. And in the Woods there are Pineapples, Avocados and other Fruits, too..."
"Du... kannst Deutsch?! Echt jetzt?" Silke stood baffled before this small, cute Metal Boy and looked at him with her astonished, blue Eyes. Then the freckled Punk Girl began to smile: "Extrem lässig - ich rede mit´nem Superstar - und der versteht mich!"
"Klar kann Morgan Deutsch. Ist witzig, daß Du kein Englisch kannst..." Stacey said and Silke blushed: "Naja... Die Morgensterns sind Söldner. Das ist alles, was bei uns zählte..."
"Dafür wird sich noch Verwendung finden, da bin ich sicher." Stacey smiled.

Lynn stood up, went to a Mirror - and looked in there with utmost Curiosity, her Mouth wide open: "How sexy this is... NGAHH..."
Keona sat there in her Chair - and observed Nike closely: "So, now... How does it feel, hm? Tell me... everything. I´m a bit... curious as well, I must say, harhar..."
"I can hear You!" she could hear Don´s muffled Voice from within Nike´s Belly. Oh, Keona liked it to see, how there was something moving in there - so she came close and touched these moving Bulges: "Very arousing, indeed... How is it in there, hm?"
"Mooh... It´s warm, wet... glosy and all pink! And so smooth... " he said, while Alector was writing down Notices. Keona was well aware, how this cozy Round in the MedLab was getting more and more fired up. She loved this. So she paid much Attention, while Don continued: "Deep down in here, there is another Hole..."
"Is that so? Tharhar..." Keona smiled with her erophonic Voice and came even closer to Nike´s Belly.
"Ohh, this feels sooo hot. I think all the Food, Nike devoured must have been very happy, in here..."
"So..." Keona assumed: "You wouldn´t care going down even... deeper?"
At this Point Alector blushed and Lynn looked back to them, as Don answered: "Just look at Nike - to learn more about her divine Body... Yes, that would be something marvelous!"
Then Keona leaned back with an interesting Smile and loked at Nike: "Well, I think I like him as well..."

Meanwhile Mika has shrunk Ellen as well, who now sat on Diega´s right Shoulder. And not much Time went by, as Shion´s Optivisor began to receive all Sorts of Messages: "Here is the Resort! The Hotel´s just fine - almost finished! YOU go to the President´s Suite. Of Course You do!"
"You can be on our Boat!"
"I can tell You what to devour next - me!"
Mika and Alan watched at the Holodisplay and they both began to laugh. "Thehehe... This is great!"
"Have You seen this one? Hilarious!"
"That one´s funny, too!"
"Oh, man... Everytime Mika laughs, all in here moves so hot!" they could hear Luke in Mika´s Pelvis, making them laugh even more.
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Great warrior
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Paradise lost (Jormungdang and me - probably :)  ) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paradise lost (Jormungdang and me - probably :) )   Paradise lost (Jormungdang and me - probably :)  ) - Page 5 Icon_minitimeTue Jun 25, 2019 6:41 am

The two slender twins giggled as Allison revealed that she had particularly enjoyed the soundtrack to a police action movie that they had made. As well as the album Metal Age. They hummed from it as they walked, listening to Menami explain how living on the island was relatively simple if one knew where to look. All this talk of foodeona  made their lithe, femmish frames rumble again. Feeling slightly more comfortable around the two new individuals, Morgan wandered over to Silke’s side. “Komm mit uns. Ich werde dir Englisch beibringen.” Morgan said, smiling and entwining his small hand in Silke’s own.

Nike looked up towards Keona, sitting there in her chair and looking down towards her. At her request, Nike began to describe in great detail every sensation running through her body at the very moment. From the shudders tingling up her spine as Don’s small fingers explored her synthetic walls, to the bliss of having a nice meal, and even how she was suspending her digestion process for him. As Keona came closer and began to brush her fingers over the bulge in her toned abs, Nike panted and purred. Blushing as she heard Don describing her warm, wet, glossy and smooth walls and saw Alector taking notes, Nike thought to herself how she might have found a place where everyone could accept her, even knowing that she was a full Synthetic. She was glad that she had run from the corporation, though she also knew that they still threatened this place. Perhaps there was something to do about that.

For now however, whilst Nike’s massive, synthetic form lay spread on the floor for the others to see, hands bracing her up and even slightly denting the floor below with each blushing gasp, Don was treated to quite a sight. For whilst her toned legs, abs and breasts enticed those on the outside, a soft rhythmic glow appeared on the inside. Following the inhumanly powerful beating of Nike’s heart, her soft glowing walls would pulsate around him. He was not in any danger due to her self imposed restrictions, but the warm and wet sauna was ferrying him closer to her cute, twitching little hole in the deep. As Don passed through, slipping from this hole into another chamber which stretched to accommodate all of him in a cozy but comfortable fit, it would be evident that Nike was not built like other humanoids. This chamber seemed to be a combination of another stomach and intestine. All nutrients must be removed here and converted to immediate energy. Thousands of villi brushed against him, in this soft abyss within.

Quickly as Shion expected, her Optivisor was flooded with messages. It was hard to sort through them all. She started doing so by subject and then further broke that down into sections. Some of them made her giggle especially the ones asking for her to devour them next. She turned towards the others. “Mmm, any preference where we stay? The boat, the suite, somewhere else?” Shion also promised herself that if they ended up staying somewhere that required them to pay, she would do so for her friends.
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Bandur Khan
Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer
Bandur Khan

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Paradise lost (Jormungdang and me - probably :)  ) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paradise lost (Jormungdang and me - probably :) )   Paradise lost (Jormungdang and me - probably :)  ) - Page 5 Icon_minitimeTue Jun 25, 2019 7:29 am

"Der Hammer..." Silke stammered, looking at this frail looking Wonder just in Front of her. Morgan was her secret Favorite. Not as tall as her, but he was all Silke really loved. At first... He doesn´t look like an ordinary Klutz at all. He was... elegant. He wore a sleeveless Shirt, some Rivet Belts, nice Sneakers and a really good fitting light blue Stretch, formidably presenting his pretty long Legs. She loved something like this. A cute, smooth face, framed by long and light curly Hair... and he had wonderful eyes, which now were looking at her... only at HER! She just couldn´t believe this! Then he was a real Guitar Hero. His Sound could sound like something dreamy - but also like a six-Ton-Steelbar right in Your Face (Example: All for me - In Flames). He was a pure Musician, so she thought, he also must be pretty sensitive. And as a true Metal Sound Wonder he also could sing - and roar, if he wanted to. With this in Mind she remembered a Video, where he did this and the Camera presented a good View into his wonderfully stretched Throat. Morgan was a real two-legged Marvel to her. So Morgan could see, how her small, but firm Breasts under her Shirt got perky. So the blonde, freckled and slimbuilt Girl only could answer: "Alles, was Du willst..."
Allison was really happy now and Dwan looked at Menami: "You are kind... and helpful. Thank You for just being here..."
"You bet!" the tuvalesian Fisher Girl smiled and Cody followed her: "Good to have You around, hehe... Then let´s get moving, otherwise I have to devour someone instead of our Police Girl here..."

Don was now stuck halfways in Nike´s Pelvis - and he simply began to... lick and kiss around in there. He was admiring this soft, muscular Tube, which showed him, how it normally was a closed Cavity, full of longitudinal Muscle Strands. Just in front of him it looked like a Thing between a dripping wet, glossy... Orchid and something like a soft, rosy Coral Field, moving in a serene Current of a Sea full with Secrets unseen by anyone. He could barely move, but this didn´t disturb him now. His Hands touched the lower Regions of Nike´s Stomach, while his rough, neat feline Tongue continued to lick around and his stubby Cat Nose was softly tickling deep down there: "Man, these... mmhm... small Thingies in here are totally twee..."
And Keona watched this Downgliding from where she sat and so she came closer again: "Oh, my... This is so hot, I can´t believe this, harhar... I´m sure, that is something really new and wonderful to experience..."

"If You´re on someone´s Boat, You´re a mere Guest." Diega simply answered. Then she pointed a the big Hotel, down there in the Bay Valley: "But there You are Your own Boss in Your own Home. I would go there, if I were You."
"Man, You´re really cool - in every Aspect!" small Ellen nodded in Awe and the Latina answered: "I´m a Soldier. Finally being my own Boss, I will not give up this Fact that easily."
Meanwhile Alan looked at the User Pics and grumbled: "This Bozo wants to be eaten by You?! No Way..."
And Mika said: "Okay then - it´s settled. Then let´s go to the Hotel. This is going to be Fun!"
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Great warrior
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Paradise lost (Jormungdang and me - probably :)  ) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paradise lost (Jormungdang and me - probably :) )   Paradise lost (Jormungdang and me - probably :)  ) - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMon Jul 15, 2019 11:12 am

At Silke's stammering, Morgan giggled covering his lips with one hand lightly. The lithe star looked up at her cutely and smiled, whilst he was a star of music, he hadn't quite gotten used to all of the potent adoration that fans gave him in return. Holding Silke's hand, Morgan walked along after the rest of the group, who had followed the tuvalesian fisher girl to get something to eat. Morgan could also see that Silke's breasts had perked up, but besides a demure blush, the feminine star seemed to focus directly on Silke's wonderful eyes instead. "Wie haben sie sich hier gefunden?" Morgan asked curiously, wondering why Silke chose Tuvalu 2 in particular.

Nike shuddered and shivered as she could feel Don lick and kiss her most sensitive spots deep within. Now within Nike's material processor, her second "stomach", Don was subjected to the fluttering, vice-like grip of her warm, wet, muscled walls. Deep within her, Don was subjected to these currents and rhythms within her. Her booming, slow heart surrounded Don strangely calming despite his current location. But then again, Don knew that Nike harming him was unlikely. In fact, he would even be able to tell that she was purposefully restraining herself from processing him. As Keona drew close, Nike embraced her and shuddered in her arms as she could feel Don's rough little tongue and nose tickling her and stimulating her all the way down there. "Haah… I... This is too much. I don't k-know how much l-longer I can r-restrain myself." Nike gasped. "It might be p-prudent to release him."

Shion tapped her cheek with one finger, mulling it over as she thought about Diega's advice. Shion's eyes seemed to hold the realization that Diega was a fellow soldier, and had also paid dearly for her freedom. "Hmm...you are right." She brought over her blue camera drone and typed a message to her followers. "Hello, everyone. Shion here. I've chosen where I will be staying. To all those who submitted an answer, don't worry. I will set up a list for you all to sign up, where upon you can invite me for a few days where I will come and personally thank each and every one of you. Stay amazing, my lovely fans." Shion sighed and glanced towards the rest of them there. "Well, I guess we're going to the hotel." She grinned widely. "You're all welcome to come join me, of course~" Her grin widened slightly as Alan seemed to grumble jealously that one of her fans wanted to be devoured by her. "Ooh, are you jealous hun?" She laughed, teasing Alan by running her hands down her toned abs slightly as she stood up.
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Bandur Khan
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Paradise lost (Jormungdang and me - probably :)  ) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paradise lost (Jormungdang and me - probably :) )   Paradise lost (Jormungdang and me - probably :)  ) - Page 5 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 19, 2019 1:19 am

In a good Mood Allison placed Vicky on her Bike, sat herself behind him and circled around this gaudy Bunch in a cozy Manner. The mighty and overpowered Bike rumbled satisfied and the small Police Girl liked the Musician in Front of her.
Silke looked into the Sky: "Najaaa... Meine Eltern sind nun mal Söldner. Und die reichen Säcke waren der Überzeugung, Söldner brauchen zu können. Und die Morgensterns stehen zu ihrem Wort. Als also rauskam, daß ich... anders war, haben meine Eltern mich abgeschoben um den Vertrag zu erfüllen. Ganz simpel..."
Then her Expression got darker: "Also habe ich beschlossen, nun meinerseits einen Schwur zu leisten. Ich, Silke Morgenstern, werde von nun an für meine neuen Freunde da sein. Und zwar in aller Konsequenz."
And Morgan could see, what was bulging her Leather Jacket - two Copolymer MPs and several Ammo Clips.

"Mohh... I wouldn´t care being digested by someone like Nike... But if I could stay some Time in her Esophagus looking through her superhot Throat, I also would be happy..." Don had to say and Alector moaned. "That´s so sexy..."
"It sure is." Keona nodded.
"So... He´s a Froiend of both of You? I think You will have some happy Times ahead then..." she stood up and looked out of the Shuttle, where Diega had fetched some Sea Water in 25ltr-Tanks. "Well, good then. The President´s Suite is it then... No Problem. I put this Water in the Deuterium Extractor of my Shuttle - and wa can fly there in no Time, landing on the Roof."
"Is this a good Idea?" Lynn frowned and the Latina looked at her. "I´m no complete Moron. My red Shuttle still is a Space Ship. Therefore it has to be lightbuilt. Otherwise it wouldn´t be economic to operate. It´s a Corporate Design, You know?"
Then she went over to Shion and looked at her: "The Way You move tells me You are a Soldier, too. So I hope I can count on You..."
She gave the Surfer Girl a big, strange looking Gun, which had a Drum Magazine and was metallic green: "Here. Hope, we´ll never have to use it. But better be ready."
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Great warrior
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Paradise lost (Jormungdang and me - probably :)  ) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paradise lost (Jormungdang and me - probably :) )   Paradise lost (Jormungdang and me - probably :)  ) - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMon Jul 29, 2019 11:26 am

Vicky gasped as he was lifted bodily onto the oversized motorbike that Allison rode. And when she sat behind him the lithe, feminine music star found himself surrounded by power. Whether it was the mighty, oversized bike below him or the Synthnoid policewoman behind him, Vicky nuzzled up to Allison embracing the feeling. Though Allison could also tell that he was a tad bit nervous about the motorbike, considering that he was clinging to her a bit tightly and higher off the ground than normal. Of course, that simply meant that Allison had a cute, feminine music star nervously clinging to her which she was likely to enjoy.

Morgan patted Silke's hand as they explained that their parents were mercenaries and deported her to fulfill the contract here as well as the oath she had made to stick by her friends. Morgan could also see what was bulging out Silke's jacket. She had various ammo clips and two MPs underneath her jacket. Morgan didn't say anything though. He patted her hand, seemingly massive when juxtaposed with his small hands. "Ich bin sicher, dass sie ein guter freund sind. Kann ich dein freund sein?"

Don was really not doing well with not tempting Nike. But no, Nike bent forwards somewhat and placed her hands to her mouth. From deep within, Don would feel a pull yanking him back up to her first stomach and then her throat and then into her mouth. Finally, Don rolled out onto her hands covered in slick saliva. Nike stared down at his shrunken form cradled in her palms. She bent her head forward slightly and kissed his face, gently rubbing the back of his head with her thumb.

Shion caught the strange looking gun with the drum magazine. She merely nodded at Diega as the Latina walked over to her and said that the way she moved revealed that she was a soldier. Old habits die hard, it seemed. She fell into trigger discipline and sighed. "You can count on me." She said, clapping Diega on the shoulder very lightly, restraining her Titanoid strength. "Now, let's go see this ship of yours." She said, curious to see how the shuttles of this planet differed from the ones on her homeplanet of Titan. She had been impressed with the designs of vehicles here. Such innovation that the inhabitants possessed.
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Bandur Khan
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Paradise lost (Jormungdang and me - probably :)  ) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paradise lost (Jormungdang and me - probably :) )   Paradise lost (Jormungdang and me - probably :)  ) - Page 5 Icon_minitimeTue Jul 30, 2019 4:04 pm

Not one of the biggest herself Allison admired the Cuteness of Vicky. Now, that she wasn´t racing like Heck she sat pretty relaxed on her Bike so the Musician had Lots of Space. She looked at his fine hands and was amazed, that they were even smaller than her own.
Meanwhile Menami sat Foot on a swimming Platform for several Boats and small Ships: „So – just over there are the Waverocks There wa can get some Scallops and Stuff!“
Meanwhile Silke was baffled – and began to smile. „Klar! Warum nicht? Das wäre klasse!“

And while Don was shivering in Delight, now that he knew how amazing Nike really was, Keona watched Diega and the others, entering this red Brick – uhhm... Shuttle. In there it was... used-looking and somewhat dirty-white. But for anyone, who has never seen a Spaceship, this was just awesome. So the Latina filled the Seawater in this... Whatever-Converter and then swung herself into the left Pilot´s Seat. With an adventurous Smile she said: „Okay, You Guys – let´s get this Thing in the Air...“
Then the Engines started.
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Paradise lost (Jormungdang and me - probably :)  ) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paradise lost (Jormungdang and me - probably :) )   Paradise lost (Jormungdang and me - probably :)  ) - Page 5 Icon_minitimeTue Aug 20, 2019 9:40 am

The musician meanwhile was learning the meaning of cozy from the embrace of the predator around them. Plus, well, Vicky was convinced that Allison was the coolest person ever and wanted to be more like her. Allison might be able to notice that the feminine musician began relaxing and imitating her posture somewhat even enveloped as he was by her. The mention of Scallops and other such shellfish by Menami who was sitting at the water's edge caused both of the thin, feminine musician's stomachs to rumble lightly and they blushed in embarrassment. "How will we get them? Do you dive for them?" Vicky asked. Morgan meanwhile giggled happily that Silke had agreed to be their friend and gently tugged her to the end of the platform where the blue ocean waited below, watching Menami for her next instructions.

Shion entered the red shuttle with Diega and the others, not knowing that they were currently being watched. Of course Shion had other things to worry about at the moment. As Diega swung herself into the left pilot's chair, Shion began herding the rest of their companions into their seats and buckling the straps, securing them for the flight. With her Titanoid strength, she barely even noticed the engines thrum as the shuttle started to take off. Once they were all in their seats, Shion then began climbing forwards toward the pilot's chair. "Where do you want me?" She asked Diega, motioning towards the right pilot's chair or the gunner's seat. She still had that strange, large, green gun slung over her shoulder.

As Nike gently wiped her saliva off Don, she noticed Keona's gaze and followed it to the shuttle. "Is there a problem? Would you like me to stop that shuttle?" She asked of Keona, pondering what her new Commander was thinking.
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Bandur Khan
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Bandur Khan

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Paradise lost (Jormungdang and me - probably :)  ) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paradise lost (Jormungdang and me - probably :) )   Paradise lost (Jormungdang and me - probably :)  ) - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed Aug 21, 2019 11:25 pm

So Silke went down the flat Stairs onto the Platform, while Menami just jumped into the Sea. And with an astonishing Speed - she was gone.
"Okay, das war krass! Sowas hab´ ich auch noch nicht gesehen." the blonde Mercenary Girl said with big Eyes. Cody however was more practical: "Well - do we want to eat them raw or something? Otherwise I´m gonna make some Fire..."
The brutal looking Bike stopped and Allison still sat there, watching the others - and her new best Friend, she presumed. Her Chin softly touched Vicky´s Head and her Hands gently touched his Tummy, while she thought: `Man... This is a nice Feeling. And he´s totally sweet. Okay, I´m a bit hungry, but I like this Moment..."
And as she looked over to Silke, who carefully was embracing Morgan, she saw, that the Mercenary Girl obviously thought something similar.

Meanwhile Lynn came back to Keona and the Others, pointing at the red Shuttle: "They´re looking for something to live in - like a friggin´Room or House. I think, that´s not the baddest of Ideas. Because as You can see at the Harbor and the Airport: We´re not the only ones around here..."
"She´s right. We should fly over to the City, too. There has to be something like the Mayor´s Office Building." Alector nodded and Keona began to smile. "Allright. Sounds good to me. If we are going to start a small State of our own, that´s where it has to begin... Harhar, I like it..."

Diega pointed at the CoPilot´s Seat at her right Side: "Come over here. Good to have You here - at least a few Guys should know what they´re doing..."
The red Shuttle began to float it´s Way out of the Forest, before it started to fly over to the massive Hotel Building. Mika grumbled: "Hey, I know, what I´m doing, too..."
And Ellen on Diega´s Shoulder sighed: "I want this, too..."
The Latina began to smile: "This all is so weird - but totally funny. Good to know You all..."
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Paradise lost (Jormungdang and me - probably :)  ) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paradise lost (Jormungdang and me - probably :) )   Paradise lost (Jormungdang and me - probably :)  ) - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMon Apr 18, 2022 6:35 pm

(I'm back after a long deployment. I feel terrible for the absence but I couldn't reach you till now. I will start working on a reply, assuming you want to continue?)
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Bandur Khan
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Paradise lost (Jormungdang and me - probably :)  ) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paradise lost (Jormungdang and me - probably :) )   Paradise lost (Jormungdang and me - probably :)  ) - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed May 25, 2022 7:31 am

( This is, what I hoped for!)

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