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PostSubject: Felarya Entertainment   Felarya Entertainment Icon_minitimeWed May 18, 2016 9:15 am

Recently I have been thinking, even though Negav seems to be somewhat a mixture of victorian and modern culture, what would the general populace do for entertainment? Sure there is the gladiator matches in Janslow arena, and the Neko's tail for sexual services, but what would the average person do for fun? It is quite obvious that anyone there, unless really into it, would get bored of books and the gladiator fights and want something more entertaining.

One thing that would be likely is some kind of TV or TV like system. I know that there was talk of a predator talk show somewhere where the interviewer got eaten, but I am not sure if that is canon or not. Although, I do highly suspect that given the magic and technology at their disposal, that a TV like system would likely be widely accessible to the residents of Negav. So, what would be on it?

Well, a channel would likely be for news and weather. Much like TV here, showing the crime reports and other spots of interest and also warning of dangers and events.

Something else that I think would be on there would be sports, and by this I mean other things besides the fights at the arena. Perhaps there could be a Glueteox riding? Similar to bull riding, where a rider needs to stay on the bird for as long as they can without falling off, with a penalty if the bird actually manages to eat you.

Something else I have been considering is an activity that is as old as human history itself, racing. No doubt, Felarya racing would be the most extreme races out there! I could see people from all around the multiverse tuning in to watch! Although, this in turn, poses another interesting question, what kind of races would they be and what kind of vehicles would they ride? Well, I'd imagine that, much like the real world, they would be divided up into things like boat racing, car/bike racing, and air races (With possibly more such as snowmobile races). I'd imagine these races to be long and dangerous, and some would be lap-based while others would be distance based (Point A to point b) As standard for Felarya, the most winning and popular racers wold receive large sums of money. As to be expected, there would likely be some dirty deals with predators near the race course to "eliminate" certain racers who were doing a bit too well. (Similar to the bad guys of Speed Racer series and F Zero). Again, any expansion on these ideas would be great, as I could see a few good stories based off of this.

Something else that I believe would be quite popular on Felarya TV would be game shows. Of course, this would be no ordinary game show! Wild magic and preds would be the standard! One such could be a game where contestants are on platforms over the maw of a pred. Each time a contestant gets a trivia question right, they get a cash award, but if they get it wrong, they go down. After getting so many wrong, the platform folds up and they fall into the waiting mouth. A similar thing could be a wipeout or america ninja warrior style course, with predators chasing contestants as well as some beneath he course to catch any fallen contestants.

On the dirtier side of things, I could easily see a large wave of Vornography films being made using willing but often unwilling tiny preys getting eaten by predators! And possibly roleplaying a scenario as they do this. Of course it would technically be illegal, but likely not perused by anyone as I could see it being quite popular with most people.

Anyway, these are just some of my ideas. What do you think? Could they happen in Negav? Could they become cannon? Or do you have other ideas on what entertainment in Felarya would be like? And what do you think of the idea of a Felarya Racing League? Be sure to comment your thoughts!
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Entertainment   Felarya Entertainment Icon_minitimeWed May 18, 2016 3:46 pm

I doubt that Negavian programs would be "like ours, but with a vore/predator twist". For one thing, giant predators can't enter the city, and tiny people being eaten is illegal, so no programming of that type could be filmed within the city's walls, and setting up a studio out in the jungle would be difficult, to say the least. Secondly, even if you managed to shoot that kind of show, who would be willing to broadcast it or watch it, given Negav's obviously very anti-pred policies?
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Entertainment   Felarya Entertainment Icon_minitimeWed May 18, 2016 5:03 pm

I'm with Xion here, people are in Negav to stay away from vore, and a good part of them would probably hate it or fear it. I doubt vore would be among the things often present in Negav's enjoyment if at all.

Also, TV channels exist in modern times because there's actually enough money to make in order to support them. In the past, there were only a handful of channels, all public, because the content-making was supported/funded by the government. For there to be multiple channels in Felarya (assuming there's a TV in the first place), plenty of content makers are required. You have to completely fill the channels with content every day. That is, 24 hours of content, daily, for each channel. Even if you have 24 content-makers that deliver 1 hour long programs, they aren't probably going to be able to manage delivering one of those each day. And all that is assuming a lot. Then, take into account how much money and effort is needed to create such content, and how a private channel (or the government) is going to pay for that content and the costs of airing everything. Here in the real world, a lot of that is done via ads. In Negav, there's probably not enough ad culture. And if there is, I'm going ahead and saying that Negav is becoming too real-world-ish to be attractive for me.

So, assuming again there's something like a TV in Felarya, I'd say one or at most two channels would be acceptable. If you wanna go with a more realistic thing, though, I'd vouch for radio instead of TV.

As for entertainment, in the past, most of everything was done either in the streets or at home. Children would play outside with whatever they found, creative as a child's mind is. Men would go with sports or pubs whenever they weren't working or at home. Housewives would get together and gossip while doing chores like sewing or cooking. In my stories/RPs, I've always gone with live music in taverns and night street shows of either skill or sexyness. Most of the entertainment is going to take place at the afternoon and night because people will be very busy at morning earning their sustenance on a daily basis most of the time (almost no places where work is consistent and people get a monthly pay, probably). Remember there's also bound to be the occasional theatre (not movie theatre), circus-lookalike and sports competition. Magic may also be a good source of entertainment, too, and shows are likely to incorporate it, as well as tournaments/competitions.
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Entertainment   Felarya Entertainment Icon_minitimeWed May 18, 2016 8:41 pm

It should be noted that back when we only had a handful of channels, most of those channels would go off the air for large parts of the day, hours at a time when you would get no more than an Indian head test pattern, so 24-hour television is not necessarily required. I picture Negavian television as having maybe around 6 channels, none of which actually run at all times. Some channels are magiocrat controlled and some are Vishmital controlled, and all of them are fairly propaganda-heavy, espousing views in favor of their particular owners and against the "wilderness"; specific ideas are going to depend on what we want Negav's overall culture to be like, which really deserves its own thread entirely. Televisions are only a constant sight in the upper tier, in the middle tier every street might have one or perhaps two families who have them, but it's far from present in every house, and Televisions are all but unheard of in the lower tier.
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Entertainment   Felarya Entertainment Icon_minitimeThu May 19, 2016 11:40 am

Negav - Surposingly "pre-industerial tech setting" - akin to earth 1750 to 1850.

Gugliemo Marconi's wireless telegraph - 1895

Baird's televisor - 1926
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Entertainment   Felarya Entertainment Icon_minitimeThu May 19, 2016 11:42 am

Ilceren wrote:
As for entertainment, in the past, most of everything was done either in the streets or at home. Children would play outside with whatever they found, creative as a child's mind is. Men would go with sports or pubs whenever they weren't working or at home. Housewives would get together and gossip while doing chores like sewing or cooking. In my stories/RPs, I've always gone with live music in taverns and night street shows of either skill or sexyness. Most of the entertainment is going to take place at the afternoon and night because people will be very busy at morning earning their sustenance on a daily basis most of the time (almost no places where work is consistent and people get a monthly pay, probably). Remember there's also bound to be the occasional theatre (not movie theatre), circus-lookalike and sports competition. Magic may also be a good source of entertainment, too, and shows are likely to incorporate it, as well as tournaments/competitions.

Actually I've been thinking about this. Normally people are doing work or putting up shop because there's people coming through, but with no other cities (nearby), there wouldn't a lot of through traffic other than adventurers. Everyone else would be doing some kind of business. I imagine shops are open a lot, and stagnated. It'd probably be rare to see an entire street all open. I cant imagine seeing too many people 'just going to Negav for vacation' or something.

I did just visually materialize, in my head, the possibility of a captured giant predator who's shown off in Negav, maybe beaten into submission and not viewing humans as food in the curiosity of profit and sight seeing like a circus, which may draw crowds from off world - but that'd be insanely cruel, especially since it'd likely be a ploy by the rich to draw poor crowds and milky their money for it. XD
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Entertainment   Felarya Entertainment Icon_minitimeThu May 19, 2016 4:17 pm

DarkOne wrote:
Negav - Surposingly "pre-industerial tech setting" - akin to earth 1750 to 1850.

Gugliemo Marconi's wireless telegraph - 1895

Baird's televisor - 1926

Mostly yes, However, you forget that gems and magic are often used in most homes (Except in the impoverished areas). Which I beleive, would lead to something like a TV despite it being a Pre-industrial setting. Allow me to quote the wiki:

"Magic and Technology
Technology in Negav is closely intertwined with magic, often referred to as Magitechnology, or Magitech for short, and make good use of the special properties found in lot of the resources of Felarya. For example, Scintilla stones are used for making lighters, ovens, and furnaces. Boraloupes, Negav's equivalent to freezers and refrigerators, are a type of insulated box coated with Boralite to preserve food and keep it cool. Actinite in conjunction with Mazhir gems are used to power many things such as lamp posts and street clocks. Once depleted, the gems can be taken to a Mazirite, a mage specialized in recharging them. This provides Negav with a virtually endless source of electricity with none of the encumbrance of a power plant and a web of electrical cables. The downside, however, is that the while it releases a steady amount of energy, it's still quite low and extended over a relatively long period of time. Mages and scientists are researching for ways to make the mazhir gems release their stored magic instantly. It's worth noting that a select few important buildings are linked to a more traditional back-up power grid in case of emergency."

Source: http://www.felarya.com/wiki/index.php?title=Negav

I rest my case.
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Entertainment   Felarya Entertainment Icon_minitimeFri May 20, 2016 8:03 am

One thing is "what could be possible", and a very different one "what is acceptable/fitting to the setting". We know that, with magic, practically everything is possible. The reasons why there's not a magic-powered giant mecha fighting against predators in a very much Godzilla-like fashion to defend Negav lie more on the "not fitting" side than on the "impossible" one.

So yes, there "could" be a TV-like magical device. The question we should be asking ourselves is, "will it blend?". Errrr, I mean "does it fit what we already know about Negav?".
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Entertainment   Felarya Entertainment Icon_minitimeMon May 23, 2016 8:50 am

I can't believe nobody mentioned Exilon. :O I thought she would be at the forefront when it came to the subject of entertainment in Negav. I guess I need to start marketing her better. XD

Anyway, I concur with what's been said already - TV is unrealistic for the setting in its current state, entertainment would definitely not feature a vore element (I find a lot of people make the mistake of thinking that just because we sexualize it, everyone in Felarya does), and entertainment would likely be mostly in-person performances, like theater troupes, street performers, musicians like the aforementioned Exilon, carnivals and circuses, festivals celebrating various things - basically everything people in our world used for entertainment before the advent of television (let alone the internet).

In fact, one of the best things you can do to get an idea of what people do for entertainment is look at Karbo's Map of Negav, specifically the legend of landmarks at the bottom. Of special note are Dayama Theater and Jaslow Arena.
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Entertainment   Felarya Entertainment Icon_minitimeSat May 28, 2016 12:34 am

Didn't Negav used to have playhouse? I looked for it but found no mention and I'm sure it was in the old article. It makes sense since we have them even in this techno modern day and age.

Also in leiu of TV-like magic tech as anyone thought of Vishmitals using something like Vulcuum from Star Gate SG1 to create a special type of network. or for non-tech lovers we know there's a two way comunication spell that Lesona has used to communicate with her units in the field (Tome 2) why couldn't that be applied to public theater for the middle tier and made into special kind of artifact for nobles on the higher tier that they use in private.
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Entertainment   Felarya Entertainment Icon_minitimeSat May 28, 2016 1:56 am

Yeah, I see no reason why Negav couldn't have some magic-based "equivalent" to our television, albeit not nearly as robust or widespread. A "magovision" that is, as I mentioned earlier, fairly limited and pretty much exclusive to the very rich. I could very well see such a device existing in the house of those elves that have Joanna as a pet, for instance, and could even see a really interesting story about Joanna getting a snippet of Negav's culture when she chances to look at the "magovision", and how the formerly wild tomthumb reacts to what she sees of Negavian sentimentality through this window.
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Entertainment   Felarya Entertainment Icon_minitimeSat May 28, 2016 3:05 am

XionGaTaosenai wrote:
Yeah, I see no reason why Negav couldn't have some magic-based "equivalent" to our television, albeit not nearly as robust or widespread.

What's the point in world building if we are going to keep shifting the goalposts everytime someone says "I see no reason why someone/someplace can't have this?"
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Entertainment   Felarya Entertainment Icon_minitimeFri Jun 10, 2016 7:45 am

I see no reason as to why Negav families wouldn't have TV's or something similar! Sure, its pre industrial, but there is also futuristic tech, and besides lets not forget, Anna fixed one (That crisis then ate) so that TV and signal had to come from somewhere?

Besides, who gave you the power to decide whats canon and whats not? Last time I checked, only Karbo can do that.
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Entertainment   Felarya Entertainment Icon_minitimeFri Jun 10, 2016 9:31 am

dragon808tr wrote:
I see no reason as to why Negav families wouldn't have TV's or something similar! Sure, its pre industrial, but there is also futuristic tech, and besides lets not forget, Anna fixed one (That crisis then ate) so that TV and signal had to come from somewhere?  

Besides, who gave you the power to decide whats canon and whats not? Last time I checked, only Karbo can do that.

.......But if Negav had things like TVs, then what's stoping it from progressing beyound it's Pre-industerial stage? I mean...in order to have Televisions a place like Negav would first need things like generators and broadcasing towers....you do realise that isn't pre-industerial? That's nearest Post-Industerial if anything.

This isn't rocket science.

Anna wasn't a Negavian, she was Deluran, they are more modern, (or so I presume, they are really underdeveloped.)

I mean, you want to do something with Negavians with Televisions? Go ahead, this setting is a mess anyways so you might as well have fun over it. Just doesn't expect televisions to be added to Felarya's dumb "canon" articles
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Entertainment   Felarya Entertainment Icon_minitimeFri Jun 10, 2016 10:04 am

DarkOne wrote:
dragon808tr wrote:
I see no reason as to why Negav families wouldn't have TV's or something similar! Sure, its pre industrial, but there is also futuristic tech, and besides lets not forget, Anna fixed one (That crisis then ate) so that TV and signal had to come from somewhere?  

Besides, who gave you the power to decide whats canon and whats not? Last time I checked, only Karbo can do that.

.......But if Negav had things like TVs, then what's stoping it from progressing beyound it's Pre-industerial stage? I mean...in order to have Televsions a place like Negav would first need things like generators and broadcasing towers....you do realise that isn't pre-industerial? That's nearest Post-Industerial if anything.

This isn't rocket science.

Anna wasn't a Negavian, she was Deluran, they are more modern, (or so I presume, they are really underdeveloped.)

To be fair Negav, as Dragon Ate Her already pointed out, has tech scattered about that's so not pre-industrial. You think the Vishies don't have their tech installed? What do you think controls those auto cannons? Magitech? Well okay maybe some but some have droid brains and I bet Vishies store their data computers and even if they didn't? Folding and compression tech are important to their weapons and defenses which implies at least beyond 21st Century already on Felarya. W

ith it connecting to so many potential worlds and tech getting sorting away from more tasty bits I'm sure there's plenty of it that ends up in Negav's markets as junk which either appears to one of two types who live in Felarya:

A: The Arthur Weasely types, the magicals who are fascinated with tech as a mysterious techy things
B: The Techno Refugee type, the person who knows how to use tech and cobble it together and make it useful or at least the components all McGuyver style.

Dragon Ate Her wrote:
Anna fixed one (That crisis then ate) so that TV and signal had to come from somewhere?

I agree. Also Vivian's 'wi-fi' if we count a certain comic where she black mailed Anna into letting her keep watching elf porn. XD But then again that was a joke. Though it does posit that because Felarya is a nexus dimension it can potentially have variable signals from all over.

Dragon Ate Her wrote:
Besides, who gave you the power to decide whats canon and whats not? Last time I checked, only Karbo can do that.

Oi! No fighting. That's what scares people away from our forums which in turn leads to ghost town moments. -.-; Trust me I know I have three accounts and do some recon now and talk to n00b's trying tyo recruit them.

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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Entertainment   Felarya Entertainment Icon_minitimeFri Jun 10, 2016 9:56 pm

I don't think the issue is so much with the technology as what it would do to the society we imagine as authors. TV, and really entertainment as a whole, is a product (or cause, depending on who you ask) of the sedentary lifestyle we have built for ourselves. Because of the high-fantasy nature of Felarya, I think a lot of us hesitate to make things too alike to real life, because not only does it stop being interesting, but it also stops being an escape from all the things we're exposed to every day. It's nothing against the concept of TV in and of itself, it just happens to be a very noticeable step in a direction we're uncomfortable with. We want to imagine people in Negav doing more interesting things with their free time than just sit around watching TV.
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Entertainment   Felarya Entertainment Icon_minitimeSat Jun 11, 2016 12:06 am

Okay but is Negav really a part of the Felaryan fantasy? Negav walls itself off and keeps the very nature of Felarya far away, both literally and magically, and its entire character as a region revolves around being antagonistic to the rest of the setting. There's narrative value in having Negav exemplify the things we don't like about the world we live in; give Negav a totalitarian rule that drills conservative values into the populace, income inequality so severe that moving between the tiers feels like moving between wholly different genres, and an attitude of hatred towards anything seen as "monstrous" or even "untamed". In this way, we show people why Felarya is a good place despite (or even because) of its predators by contrasting it with Negav.
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Entertainment   Felarya Entertainment Icon_minitimeSat Jun 11, 2016 9:06 am

Oh dip. :O That's an entirely new angle I hadn't even thought of! ...I don't really think I can argue against that. Although I can't say that'll work for everyone, either. Ultimately, that sort of thing is up to the author, and how they wish to utilize Negav in their narrative.
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Entertainment   Felarya Entertainment Icon_minitimeWed Jun 22, 2016 5:38 am

Those are both interesting arguments : Felarya as an escape from the real worlds, but Negav being a sort of exception and amplification of it to make it contrast with the rest ^^
In this particular case though, I don't really see Negav having a TV network. It's something that would take root in more advanced societies but also more freer ones I think.
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Entertainment   Felarya Entertainment Icon_minitimeWed Jun 22, 2016 8:59 pm

Karbo wrote:
Those are both interesting arguments : Felarya as an escape from the real worlds, but Negav being a sort of exception and amplification of it to make it contrast with the rest ^^
In this particular case though, I don't really see Negav having a TV network. It's something that would take root in more advanced societies but also more freer ones I think.

What do you mean by "Freer"? Negav has little in the way of laws and even less in terms of enforcing them. Although, I can finally put the TV thing to rest. Although Karbo, that still leaves the question of where that TV came from in this comic (http://karbo.deviantart.com/art/Anna-and-Crisis-comic-38782412).
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Entertainment   Felarya Entertainment Icon_minitimeWed Jun 29, 2016 9:07 am

I've just realized that sitcoms would be the strangest thing to Felaryans. Imagine having to explain the concept of a laugh track to them. The idea that there are people there, but not really there, or their laughter is its own recording from another time, or... why they're even there.
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Entertainment   Felarya Entertainment Icon_minitimeSat Jul 02, 2016 8:58 pm

Nickonaquamagna wrote:
I've just realized that sitcoms would be the strangest thing to Felaryans. Imagine having to explain the concept of a laugh track to them. The idea that there are people there, but not really there, or their laughter is its own recording from another time, or... why they're even there.

Probably. Imagine them trying to watch "The Fresh prince of Bel Air!" And yeah, I get why TV's might not be everywhere like they are in the real world, but I could imagine them being relatively common in middle to upper class homes. And i'm not saying there would be many channels, it would probably be like in the 1950's were there were only 2 or 3 channels.

On another note, Are you the Nick Aqua Manga? The guy who did some videos on Felarya and Sonic on YouTube?
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Entertainment   Felarya Entertainment Icon_minitimeSat Jul 02, 2016 11:27 pm

Nickonaquamagna wrote:
I've just realized that sitcoms would be the strangest thing to Felaryans. Imagine having to explain the concept of a laugh track to them. The idea that there are people there, but not really there, or their laughter is its own recording from another time, or... why they're even there.

XD Well assuming they were adapted to Felaryan standards it could be amusing to see the re-imagines of certain popular ones and it's also be interesting to gagauge their popularity! For example Bewitched? Not really anything out of the ordinary for a society where magic is as common as mosquitoes. I Dream of Genie likey would have involved he genie eating her husband. =P Everybody Loves Raymond would....ah.....hm....involve a disfunctional Negav Eye Tabloid writer's family hijinks? <.< I dunno! Oh! M.A.S.H.! Even though technically a drama, same thing but with Isolon Fist members VS the Harpies for 11 years past when the the taking of the Ascarlin Mines was supposed to be over. Laughing
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Entertainment   Felarya Entertainment Icon_minitimeWed Jul 06, 2016 5:35 pm

jedi-explorer wrote:
Nickonaquamagna wrote:
I've just realized that sitcoms would be the strangest thing to Felaryans. Imagine having to explain the concept of a laugh track to them. The idea that there are people there, but not really there, or their laughter is its own recording from another time, or... why they're even there.

XD Well assuming they were adapted to Felaryan standards it could be amusing to see the re-imagines of certain popular ones and it's also be interesting to gagauge their popularity! For example Bewitched? Not really anything out of the ordinary for a society where magic is as common as mosquitoes. I Dream of Genie likey would have involved he genie eating her husband. =P Everybody Loves Raymond would....ah.....hm....involve a disfunctional Negav Eye Tabloid writer's family hijinks? <.< I dunno! Oh! M.A.S.H.! Even though technically a drama, same thing but with Isolon Fist members VS the Harpies for 11 years past when the the taking of the Ascarlin Mines was supposed to be over. Laughing

Yes I am. I'm the guy who made Silver Scales back in the day.
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Entertainment   Felarya Entertainment Icon_minitimeWed Jul 06, 2016 8:30 pm

Nickonaquamagna wrote:
jedi-explorer wrote:
Nickonaquamagna wrote:
I've just realized that sitcoms would be the strangest thing to Felaryans. Imagine having to explain the concept of a laugh track to them. The idea that there are people there, but not really there, or their laughter is its own recording from another time, or... why they're even there.

XD Well assuming they were adapted to Felaryan standards it could be amusing to see the re-imagines of certain popular ones and it's also be interesting to gagauge their popularity! For example Bewitched? Not really anything out of the ordinary for a society where magic is as common as mosquitoes. I Dream of Genie likey would have involved he genie eating her husband. =P Everybody Loves Raymond would....ah.....hm....involve a disfunctional Negav Eye Tabloid writer's family hijinks? <.< I dunno! Oh! M.A.S.H.! Even though technically a drama, same thing but with Isolon Fist members VS the Harpies for 11 years past when the the taking of the Ascarlin Mines was supposed to be over. Laughing

Yes I am. I'm the guy who made Silver Scales back in the day.

I'd love to talk with you! Can I add you on Skype? (Since my PM box is totally full on the site here!). My Username is Dragon808tr if you want to look me up! I love your videos!

Back on topic, I could see classic shows like that being a possibility, although quite random!
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