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 Negav - Middle Tier

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Negav - Middle Tier Empty
PostSubject: Negav - Middle Tier   Negav - Middle Tier Icon_minitimeTue Feb 21, 2017 7:27 pm

Hi there. It has been QUITE a while, but I finally got my personal problems pushed to the side long enough to spend time working on Felarya stuff. So here's without further ado, the Middle Tier article. As always, I'd like to ask everyone to participate with thoughts and ideas for changes or additions, as well as the usual search for typos.

Also, feel free to add more Points of interest if youd like. My personal additition will be marked in italic, just so nobody thinks I try to sneak in stuff. Well technically its almost all "my addition" but you get the idea. Whatever. Just thought that people might like a more fetish-fueling etablissement in the city, and the Middle Tier seemed like the most appropriate place for it.  ^^'

Orange Text is Text I copied straight from the wiki, as those are things I don't own the intellectual ownership of and thus I cant really change them without altering the idea behind it, unless karbo asks me to change it too to better mesh in with the rest of the article. The only exception is the old Grand market which i had to change as I basically turned the entire district into the grand market district.


Negav Middle Tier

The negavian Middle Tier covers about thirty percent of Negav's surface area. Due to the city being located around and on top of a hill, the district is notably higher than its poor counterpart, and going towards the center one will always travel upwards, nearly enough to make the utilization of steps necessary even on the main roads.
Although “Middle Tier” implies that this area is where the majority of negav's citizen live, it is in fact a rather well situated region inhabitated by comparatively wealthy people of the middle and upper class. Racism is a very big issue in this part of the city though, with many doors staying locked for anyone that's not entirely human which does lead to a lot of conflict – particularly against racist authorities.

Although there is little difference in quality of living within either the better situated lower Tier or the worst situated streets in the middle Tier, the middle Tier's architecture differs notably from that in the lower Tier by being a lot more expansive and focused on a middle ground between practicality and design. With space being such an important issue that most buildings have at least 3 floors and many buildings appearing like small skyscrapers, the architects still let enough room for the citizen to not feel claustrophobic, ensuring there are wide streets and lots of buildings whose foundations and ground floors are smaller than the upper floors just to widen the streets a little, leaving space for people to breathe. Those overhanging upper floors are often supported by pillars and long, narrow bridges spanning across the streets from other buildings, forming networks of buildings supporting each other rather than having each structure standing just for itself. Those many pillars, bridges and other structures, while primarily serving the practical purpose of stabilizing the city, leave enough room for architects to let their creativity roam free and make Negav a true sight to behold. Even common everyday supply needs are included into that architecture, with long, winding aquaducts spanning from building to building, supplying the higher floors with fresh and clear water. Towers bearing magic crystals ensure a harmonic magical environment, making it easy for wizards and scholars alike to perform their spells, although it is not unlikely that this network is also being used to supervise those that make use of magic to ensure everyone's safety. Small parks are scattered around the middle tier, together with huge banners hanging from supports far up in the sky, dotting the otherwise stale beige-brownish city with much needed color and serving as recreation opportunities.

Unlike the lower Tier, the middle Tier cannot be divided as easily into clean cut quarters, mostly because many important buildings are scattered throughout the entire city, with little need to chunk specific industrial sectors together. However, there still are some notable differences between regions, which shall be mentioned below.

Bureaucracy Quarter:

Between the Ascarlin Road to the northwest and Ecala Street in the east, the northern section of this district serves as the primary bureaucracy district. Its location is easy to reach from any Tier in Negav, as well as from the outside world, which is important for a clean and easy supervision and control of anything going on in Negav or with one of its partners off-world. Although Negav is ultimately ruled by the high council within the University of Magic, the real day-to-day government of the entire city happens here. The northern quarter of Negavs middle Tier is where the town hall, city- and tier administration, the police headquarters and some of the more influential financial bank headquarters are located. Security is rather tight in this sector, though with good reason, considering the necessity of every organ of the city running smoothly, yet many authorities being human with a distaste for other species they consider inferior. Being frequently visited by every negavian citizen as well as most off-worlders, it is also one of the most fancy looking regions, with many ornaments, statues and wall decorations both painted and cut into stone trying to impress the onlooker and fill them with awe and respect for the accomplishments of the human species in a world as hazardous as Felarya. That's why many public offices are located high above ground in the most tall buildings, where both citizen and staff alike get a feeling for how lucky they are, being granted a life in one of the arguably safest, but definitely among the most impressive places Felarya has to offer, particularly in the morning or at sundown.

Living Quarter:
Spanning from Ecala Street in the east all the way southwest to Otanac Square, the western sector of Negav's Middle Tier is dominated by normal houses, taverns and other food houses. Renting a small house or even a flat in a many-floor building is the dream of many citizen, and with good reason. Life here is good and safe, with people going to work in the morning, and getting home in the evening, spending some time with the family or in one of the few small parks, before going to bed having a quiet and safe night. Living here means having clean and fresh water every day, plenty of food, and the money to afford all this. Living here also means to feel privilegued to belonging to an elitist cycle, where a lot of pretenses and false images of perfect families are upheld, just to not look like someone is too poor to really belong here.
The population is nearly entirely human, and although some citizen living here are from the upper class of the criminal population, crime rate itself is pretty low, with the great majority of offenders stemming from Low-Tier inhabitants trying to take a piece of the cake by force. The biggest issue of this region of the city though is its huge problem with overpopulation. Having most people of Negav striving to live here, it is very hard nowadays to find empty space anywhere, and the quarters location in the heart of the city makes it impossible to add much more space to the city in general. Lately, rents and real estate prices have reached an all-time high and keep climbing, creating their very own source of tensions amidst this seemingly perfect district.

Market Quarter:

The western section of the Middle Tier, reaching from Ascarlin Road in the north to Otanac Square in the south, makes up the market district. It is by far the most busy place in the city, during prime times even surpassing the amount of people in the northern Lower Tier. This is the best place for anyone to spend their money, or make some by working in one of the countless shops, service providers or entertainers. From food stores to jewelers,  between carpenters and clothiers, artificiers and magic schools, there is nothing that is not offered. Many people still live here, mostly renting flats in the upper floors of pretty much every building, but the majority of ground floors in this area of town are reserved for shopping opportunities. Most of the off-world wares can be found here, and it is not unusual for another world to have its own specialized store, much to the convenience of those that opted to live in Negav rather than at home. With Felarya being a Hub-World, connecting with so many other places throughout the multiverse, this place can easily make it to the closer selection for the title of richest array of products ever. Not just items, but also services can be gotten here, from mundane haircuts, beauty salons all the way to escort services and fortunetelling (both frauds and genuine). Some estates even offer things that most species would not even comprehend, not to mention spend money on. And those are “just” the more mundane shops; with magic being supported in Negav, one could turn the entire Middle Tier into an extended Grand Market and still have business makers interested in getting themselves a store as well. Thus, it comes to no surprise that this sector of the city is almost just as guarded as the northern part, with guards making sure not too many robberies, pickpocketing and economic “misunderstandings” happen.

Places of Interest:

The Inner Wall
The Inner wall is part of Negav's defense strategy. It is a lot thinner than the outer wall and a lot less heavily guarded, but still a sight to behold and more than effective at keeping trouble mostly outside. Multiple turrets and cannons are situated deep inside the walls body, manned at all times even in times of peace, and ready to strike down anything that might be able to cross the outter wall. Most cannons are in fixed positions to make up for the absense of space to build huge turrets around them, but they can be moved just barely enough for at least one pair of cannons to cover every inch of the outer wall. If the martial law is called upon by the magi council, special contraptions within the wall are even able to retreat, allowing those cannons to aim downwards into the Lower Tier, to turn it into another line of defense should an enemy ever get that far. In order to prevent an atmosphere of constant threat and supression however, the cannons can usually only fire at a minimum angle of -10 degree below the horizon, which is barely enough to not hit most of the citizens buildings on the ground.

Wall Gates

The Wall Gates are natural chokepoints connecting the Lower and Middle Tier. Anyone wanting to enter the Middle Tier has to come through one of the total of 19 gates, unless they are able to sneak in using flight or they move underground through the sewers. Each gate is guarded by massive doors, and depending on the size and importance of the gate, those can easily reach a thickness of 10 meters in total. The doors are made of magically enhanced stone, and are usually decorated with wood and a selection of valuable metals. The Middle Tier wall gates are said to have never been breached, and are considered by many to be indestructable. And while that is far from the truth, it would be far easier to just breach the walls to the left and right of the doors, rather than to attempt a heads on breakthrough.
Being natural chokepoints, the Wall Gates are also used as Checkpoints by the local police, with at least 6 Guards positioned at any gate at any time. While the Middle Tier is technically accessible to any Negavian and most Off-worlders, the guards act as Gatekeepers and have the ultimate say about whether one is allowed to enter the middle Tier or not and are allowed to question, search or ban anyone suspected of illegal intentions. Protocol requires one guard to be the shift leader being responsible for everyone coming through, and at least one guard will usually be a mage, preferably with mind reading abilities. Although Guards are rotating on a daily shift to contain corruption, it is still comparatively easy to enter the Middle Tier if one knows who to bribe, though there is a very notable difference in crime rate between the Middle Tier and even the safer regions of the Low Tier so the overall system works.

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Dayama theater
The largest and oldest theater in Negav. It's a massive structure standing in the middle of a plaza along the Avenue of Heroes, guarded by two imposing statues marking its main entrance. Its facade is built of Pyralite, ornamented with a number of sculptures and moldings, giving it a monumental and grandiose aspect. The interior is richly decorated in Neo-Sagolian style with majestic flights of stairs, opulent painted ceilings, carved alcoves and fresco representing Felaryan mythology. The auditorium has a large stage, and many rows of seats. Several levels of balconies overlook the arena, usually frequented by nobles and the upper class of the city. Even higher are a couple of separated boxes offering an impregnable view of the stage. They are considered the most prestigious places in the whole theater and usually only seat a handful of people such as dignitaries, kings or magiocrats. A wide exit hall leads to several large rooms, allowing the movement of crowd of people and offering space for socializing and relaxing during intermission.
The Dayama theater is a thriving center of culture in Negav that pride itself in hosting a wide array of events from all around the universe, from chorus and drama to exotic Qesjhatams stilted dances, Korchielan puppetry, choreographed combat ballets, and Rosic orchestras. It showed the performance of famous figures like the Nemesis danser Tey Moonsong, famous composers like Ochibal, Umoskeli, and Karmana and the Kiggstragan royal troupe. It stands as a symbol of Negav's prosperity and wealth.

House of a Thousand Suns
The House is the center of worship of the god Oth on Felarya. It's a massive, imposing building, with a large dome and even more massive spire. It's outsides are burnished with gold and carved with intricate patterns. The central, circular, Theater of Truth is where the preachers give their word to the masses of Felarya. However, the building works as much more than just a cathedral - within are the many offices and other facilities that the religious officials of Oth use to organize their Felaryan base. It is interesting to note that, while the building appears to be built of only stone, it has many highly technologically advanced devices and functions concealed within it. Rumors tell of an underground complex full of automated sentries guarding the secrets of the cult, as well as many facilities of questionable religious value such as barracks and training grounds. Paranoid Negavians also claim that the Othemites can spy on them from secret cameras located on the spire...

Police Headquarters

Safety is a very important theme to many Negavians living in the middle and higher tiers and it clearly shows from the amount of guards patrolling. While the lower Tier is mostly responsible to ensure Negav's safety against threats from outside its walls by making up most of its standing army, wall guards and scouts, the middle tier deploys a great deal of the common city guards – well enough situated to not fall victim to corruption too easily (although it does happen frequently), and well enough educated to know how to get around all kinds of different cultures, species, their habits and  abilities.

The Fringelis Star

The Fringelis Star is the biggest bar where non-humans gather in Negav, many of them being frown upon in other drinking establishments. It's a strange, exotic, and rather shady place, where you could find the very rare hybrids such as nagas inhabiting Negav, a group of Nemesises musicians playing strangely captivating tunes with their complex instruments, some alien races from far away worlds, and the occasional neko. Humans are not exactly welcome in the Fringelis Star, although a few of them can be seen occasionally, when they have business. At the first sign of making trouble though, they are politely but firmly pushed out by Bolde Klastoon the bartender, a hulking colossus with four arms, a wide and friendly grin, and enough strength to bend a steel bar with one hand.

The Negav Eye Journal

A tall, oval-shaped building is the housing place of the Negav Eye, the best-selling newspaper in Negav, and probably in all of Felarya as well. The paper has been accused of relying on sensationalism to attract customers, publishing stories of crazy conspiracies, hidden treasures and dubious reports on predator behavior. It is also the only paper in Negav that will run stories on events outside of Negav... no other company is willing to go through that many employees each year. This work has paid off, as apparently some reporters have succeeded in actually getting interviews with predators! A very famous expedition was the horrific failure of an attempt to interview the Naga Anna Demorah.

Venmys-Pieaug Library

The Venmys-Pieaug Library of Negav is famous in many worlds for being probably the largest in the universe. Indeed, some mysterious and terrible accident occurred centuries ago, and caused the area this library is built on to become distorted. Thus, although the building looks unremarkable from the outside, there is in fact a large dimensional plane within. When you pass its doors, you enter a seemingly regular but vast library, with huge shelves stacked with books spanning as far as the eye can see. The further you go, the stranger the place becomes. Once you have gone beyond the "safe zone" (with guiding markers on the ground), and past the numerous warning signs, you truly enter a new world, a changing maze of shelves with vegetation made of paper. In some places, the shelves are ridiculously huge, resembling cliffs rather than shelves, and the alleys become as large as a canyon. The Venmys-Pieaug Library has a fauna of its own, very strange and unpredictable. Schools of wild, flying books will sometimes throw magic at you, or the carpet on which you walk will reveal itself to be... something else. It's rumored you can even find some dryads if you venture far enough; they somehow grew there and got used to reading books. Many mages believe the Library to be an ever self-expanding plane.

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Elven District

Though many elves won't admit it outright, the city of Negav, with its formidable defense, is often much safer than their smaller settlements. However, used to living in their tight-knit communities, elves are uncomfortable living so close to other races, and the styling of Negav is distasteful to many. Because some of the most powerful native mages working with the Magiocracy are elves, they pushed for a circular district in the city to be made theirs. Thus, the Elven District can be best described as a city within the city. It is surrounded in a circle by a wall, clearly marking its boundaries. Inside, the architecture is definitely elven and the area seems to be comprised of just as much gardens as buildings. It creates a beautiful combination between the natural, the artificial and the magical, with many buildings almost entirely covered by the greenery. It is also a self-sufficient community, with its own hospitals, restaurants, banks and law enforcement in the form of the Keepers of the Law. Elves are allowed to travel where they want in Negav (if they wanted to) but members of other races must get a permit to visit the Elven District. The Negav Police are only allowed to arrest someone there if they committed a crime outside its border.

Sanctum of the Shining Star

The sanctum of the Shining Star is an ancient temple devoted to Minalca, the goddess of luck. Standing next to the Otanac square, the structure itself is not that impressive, and actually quite hard to spot among the massive hanging gardens and vegetation surrounding it. This place is very pleasant and quiet and many Negavians love to take a stroll through the gently shaded alleys. The temple and the gardens are open to all, but guarded discreetly by Keepers of Fortune, who are famous for being able to cast bad luck on those who trouble the serenity of the place. The only part that is closed to public is the Tomthumb city of Pelnepi.

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Grand Market

The heart of Negav's economy is the Grand Market, outshadowing any other place of trade not just in Negav itself but all of the known continents in Felarya. As with a real heart, it is a widely empty space, pulsating with life, people being but mere bloodcells in the endless stream of capitalism. It is the busiest place in the city, with merchants from all worlds offering their wares, and the potentially interested customers. While the entire western half of the Middle Tier is pretty much specialized in trading and money changing its owner, the Grand Market is the largest pure open space in the entire city. Here, anyone can trade, so travelling merchants or those too poor to afford one of the costly stores can set up camp throughout the day. It is a place always busy, loud and dirty, and crime rates are exceptionally high, mostly theft and pickpocketing as it is incredibly easy for the trained trickster to show up and disappear among the faceless masses. Policemen patrol this public square to the best of their capabilities, but the plaza is often as busy and overrun like an ant hill. Finding someone or just a specific item amidst the noise, masses of merchants, wares and the unending flow of walking people is about as likely as finding ones way out of Tenebra maze with a single set of matches, however, it is possible to find the most exotic and surreal things on this market, if one is just lucky enough to spot them. Truly, one could spend their entire lifetime roaming the Grand market alone, and would yet not have seen everything.

Negav Baths

The Baths of Negav are housed in a large, tall building that straddles the Higher and Middle Tiers. It is noted for its beautiful stonework, on both the exterior and large interior chamber. Inside are a multitude of pools, of varying temperatures and sizes, where Negavians can pay to come to relax. Large windows and skylights give the place an open atmosphere with lush vegetation. The most impressive part of the building is the Waterfall - it tumbles from the Upper Baths, where the wealthier Negavians frequent, down into the lower pools, making a jaw-dropping centerpiece.

Street of Red Flowers

The Street of Red Flowers is a long avenue in Negav. It is, as the name would suggest, lined with trees that blossom the most brilliant shade of crimson. The street is marked off at both ends by massive gates, although these almost always remain open. They exist mainly as a symbol of the boundary that exists here. Indeed, the Street of Red Flowers is one area of Negav where many laws are "suspended." It has thus become one of the cities foremost entertainment districts, with gambling, drinking of suspect beverages and the meeting of women of questionable virtue being regular occurrences. However, The Street is by no means a slum or a poor area. The buildings here are some of the most elegant in Negav, and markedly different with their archaic architecture. Everything here is kept under tight control, even if it is not apparent. It is a place of color, festivities, and excess, as well as elegance and beauty. There are often slow, strange and mesmerizing parades that move up and down the street at night. It is a realm of fantasy, but one that is separated - what happens on the Street of Red Flowers stays there.

The Leash & Collar

After being banned from the street of red flowers for being distasteful and way too shady, the Leash and Collar nowadays is located in a narrow walkway just one block northeast of it. There is a good reason for it to be rather hidden, as it is a dungeon specialized in bdsm. People coming here, although from all kinds of species and social standings, do prefer to stay anonymous, and the dungeon owner Clorie ensures it stays that way. While the Leash and Collar appears to be little more than a backstreet store, the real dungeon stretches underneath the city, spanning a few floors into the underground. There, most kinky ideas and fetishes are fulfilled to the visitors desires, ranging from classic leather and ropes to more exotic ones such as safe (though no guarantees are given) versions of vore utilizing plants and specially trained creatures.
One last thing that stands out in particular is that Clorie acts as both dungeon owner and registered slave trader. Many of her “staff” have been “recruited” from former dungeon guests, and every few months she makes a trip to the slave merchants of the grand market district, bringing some of her customers 24/7 desires to the next level.

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Negav Academy of Science

Where??? What??? Need more Info first.
under construction

The Lit Ciggy Bar

??? (Cant change since its not my Idea and I don't even know where to go with this. Opt for redesign or removal, though it IS mentioned on the official map, so complete removal might be not so good.)
under construction
A colorful crew of adventurers, drunkards, thugs, and wannabe heroes from one of the most popular bar (and brothel) in Negav.
Dave: Wannabe adventurer. Works as a Public Defender, manning the walls of the city and always staring out into the jungle for threats that hardly ever come. Impatient and brash, he really would rather be able to go out in the jungle himself.
Bill: Scientist who works at the Negav City Central Science Institute. He works on various projects, but is generally regarded as strange by his peers. His ex-wife is one of his coworkers, and the two despise each other.
Jeb: Jeb is dead. He was gulped down by a deerataurs. Jeb sometimes appears to people who get too drunk in the Lit Ciggy.
Grid: He is an adventurer, and fairly successful at that. Seems to have developed a bit of a rivalry with the giant Slug girl Velvet. He's a real jerk though.
Rick: Reckless adventurer. Smokes, but is seen as very suave and cool. Very well liked by girls, and is a bit of a playboy. Has even been rumored to seduce a few predators.
Buck: Superstitious adventurer. Always carries dozens of lucky charms including a pack of Dryad Lights, and a few crystal lilies. Surprisingly, he has yet to see a predator while adventuring. Maybe there is something to those charms.
Sash: Small time thief. One of the few girls who frequent the Lit Ciggy, but none of the regulars try to hit on her. Not after the incident. Grid couldn't walk straight for weeks!
Zog: Conspiracy theorist. Believes that predators are out to get him personally. Especially the dryads.
Greel: Gullible, greedy fool. He has been unaccounted for, for some time now, and is likely to have been eaten by Anko, though no one knows for sure.
Marcus: Overzealous adventurer. Likes to explore the furthest reaches of Felarya. Was mobbed by predators in the Evernight forest due to a false rumor told to him by Grid, and was never seen again.
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Felarya cartographer
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Negav - Middle Tier Empty
PostSubject: Re: Negav - Middle Tier   Negav - Middle Tier Icon_minitimeTue Feb 21, 2017 9:25 pm

Finally! I've been waiting for this. I have a few humble suggestions. X3

Firstly a book store cause much to my horror I realized that even though many of the OCs of Felarya profess to love reading we have no cannonical places for them to shop. Awful! Let the Lexicon solve that:

The Lexicon
A book store located a little East of the Avenue of Heroes (Adjust if necessary). The shop itself is two stories and  loaded with all kinds of books from paperbacks from modernized societies, to leather bound tomes of soccerous construction or even wooden backed bestiaries and even more exotic things besides! Such as tablets with hieroglyphics and cloth scrolls! Now while you can find a tome of unlimited power or some kind of cursed scroll of days ending most Negavians treasure the store for a simpler reason and that's that the store owner, a portly Majuras Elf named Lucyndah, delights in pairing books with owners and many swear she finds not necessarily what you want but definitely what you need.  Complimenting the girl going through a difficult break up with romantic comedy to restores her faith in all men not necessarily being pigs, or the guy looking for smexy comic with the Scandal of Negav: Neko and Naga giving him the hot scenes but educating and expanding his mind with the tale of Chani and King Kerume If that doesn't sell you? She also barters and trades for new additions. Now the only thing you won't find just laying out anywhere is porn mags or hentai.Those are in special room in the back and an age detection spell that only allows adults to enter bouncing anyone stupid enough try entering underage back on the bums in most satisfying manner. It is not fooled by age progression spells or potions either and well instantly de-enchant any perv trying to slip by using such a underhanded method.

Awesome right? Now how's about something I think Negav has been missing for far too long. A Tech shop!
Darkstar Emporium
A smaller shop located near the Grand Market district and specializing in tech more than magical artifacts. It's ran by couple consisting of a female Vishmital named Kizalla and an female Ex-Deluran Scout named Mae Delphy both of whom are Negav's best tech experts. They specialize in a little bit of everything from Radio Repair to Cybernetic limb replacement on the cheap. They also are a valuable source of currency locals for pawning 'useless' tech they have no hope or interest in understanding for cold hard currency. If you do happen to be one of the those 'kooks' who specialize in technology over magic then you will find a wealth of useful parts, knowledge and understanding minds in this place. You can find every kind of tech there from transistors to an FTL engine. Magitech is a little less common as Mae and Kizalla don't specialize in it but they will sometimes take in a piece if it looks interesting enough. Also if one is lacking cash Kizalla will ask them to leave but if you have any Cigarettes you can spend those as currency since giving up Deluran Tabacco is, as certain Naga would tell you, a killer pain in the tail.

And I know we have one dungeon already but I'd be remiss if I didn't at least mention the Crimson Keep.

The Crimson Keep
Some would call the Crimson Keep a cheap knock off of the Leash and Collar and others would say to compare one to the other is to argue Ascarlin with red veins is more beautiful then Acarlin with blue. In essence both are in fact pleasure dungeons specializing in the typical things you expect to find there, leather, restraints and allot of lessons in obedience. However the Keep is ran by the mysterious woman named Mistress Elenore “Dreamwaever”  Velona. She is an odd woman to say the least, but exotically attractive displaying many of the same features as Nemesai do such as long neck clad in blood red posture collar and red eyes with slit-like pupils but what really lends credence to the theory she is at least half Nemesis is the slogan of the Keep: “All your dreams will come true within our walls.” Some would say it's just innuendo based advertising but those who stay often exit with wild tales of their deepest, darkest erotic fantasies come true and even just pleasurable non-kinky life dreams accomplished.  Many think she invades their dreams and gives them exactly what they want using magic. Others say it's all some kind of illusion produced by hypnosis and that she is a charlatan. Whatever the case the Keep has plenty of repeat customers. In addition to her mystic dream fulfilling abilities Mistress Velona is also known to keep a variety of rare and exotic 'toys' of the highest quality as well as have staff of demi humans who can fufill more simple needs. Ever wanted to be mounted by centaur? How about devoured by naga and live to tell the tale? She also employs a number of tinies, especially small green creatures known as 'Carbunkles' who volunteer for 'erotic tastings' catering to the neko and mini predator crowd allowing them to lick, slosh and gnosh on tinies and possibly swallow if they'll agree to spit them up. Any neko thinking they can sneak in and fill their belly and walk out however would be best to reconsider. As pleasant as Mistress Velona is those who cross her or her staff tend to disappear.  In addition to being a traditional dungeon the Keep also has a shop specializing in hand crafted goodies of the finest caliber and discrete delivery for those worried about what their colleagues might  say.

And this one for fun:

A Taste of Adventure
A very odd little fetish shop for predator admirers. You can  purchase everything from T-shirts with Crisis' face on them to little calendars with different parts of Felarya and the types of giant predator who is known as the apex of that region. Really it seems sad, small and totally not the place to be but this is actually a front.  It said the building may appear to be a small fetish shop but inside there is an underground club built specifically to cater to voreaphiles offering everything from Distilled Water from the Fairy Pond for those who crave shrunken fantasties, to hanging sim-skin pods with glowing green liquid one can be sealed inside while employees simulate churning by shaking or spinning it at regular intervals. The club also offers a unique miniature version of the virtual reality Vishmital use to train their own people in dealing with predators as sort of virtual game where the goal is to encounter as many predators as possible and escape ingestion. The record is around three with everyone going out on Crisis' simulation claiming it almost seems to read one's mind or that their character's control seems to vanish if she appears leading to the rumor she might be Felarya's first Creepy Pasta. Regardless of their being some kind of cyber demon residing there.

Okay that's enough businesses for now. I'll add some land marks and pitch my Zagging Park latter. Then again that would require Zagging to be recognized as a sport and cannon article wouldn't it? >.>
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Seasoned adventurer
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Negav - Middle Tier Empty
PostSubject: Re: Negav - Middle Tier   Negav - Middle Tier Icon_minitimeWed Feb 22, 2017 12:21 am

Taylor's Tailor Shop
A lovely shoppe located just on the Avenue of Heroes. It is run by a former dridder adventurer who gave up the hard life and used her loot to buy it. Now she and her twelve daughters run it using their impressive weaving skills to handcraft every kind of outfit in the multiverse, specializing in silk lingerie and wedding dresses. They will not create dridder silk armor body suits however. 

Blue Sphinx Café
A sophisticated little underground café where most of Negav's intellectual people come to sit, talk and drink tetleaf tea. It is quite a popular dating and hangout hub for Isolon Fist  Battle Mage candidates and it's proximity to the Venmys-Pieaug Library which is only a block  east of the café.  In addition to a mentally stimulating atmosphere the café also has events such as a famous comedian stopping by for a set or premier new age bands who play shows for free to promote their music and gaming tables featuring mental puzzles and triva.
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Negav - Middle Tier   Negav - Middle Tier Icon_minitimeThu Feb 23, 2017 6:22 pm

Interesting read.

Grand Market would make an interesting place for window shopping. Just be careful with your wallet.

Amaroq wrote:

The Leash & Collar
After being banned from the street of red flowers for being distasteful and way too shady, the Leash and Collar nowadays is located in a narrow walkway just one block northeast of it. There is a good reason for it to be rather hidden, as it is a dungeon specialized in bdsm. People coming here, although from all kinds of species and social standings, do prefer to stay anonymous, and the dungeon owner Clorie ensures it stays that way. While the Leash and Collar appears to be little more than a backstreet store, the real dungeon stretches underneath the city, spanning a few floors into the underground. There, most kinky ideas and fetishes are fulfilled to the visitors desires, ranging from classic leather and ropes to more exotic ones such as safe (though no guarantees are given) versions of vore utilizing plants and specially trained creatures.
One last thing that stands out in particular is that Clorie acts as both dungeon owner and registered slave trader. Many of her �staff� have been �recruited� from former dungeon guests, and every few months she makes a trip to the slave merchants of the grand market district, bringing some of her customers 24/7 desires to the next level.

Very kindky, and very Felarya-like Razz
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Evil admin
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PostSubject: Re: Negav - Middle Tier   Negav - Middle Tier Icon_minitimeSat Feb 25, 2017 6:33 am

Great job at that rewrite Amaroq : Razz You're bringing a lot of new ideas and I like the feel you gave to the district's architecture, with those larger-at-the-base streets

I'm mostly ok with the whole entry besides some little things here and there. For example the second walls, I feel the vigilance with all the turrets being guarded is maybe a bit too high in time of peace ? Also vore being practiced, even as a fantasy in the middle tier, that seems a bit of a stretch to me.. I feel the establishment doing that would quickly run into problems..
For the lit ciggy bar, yes this part needs some update, as it stands it sounds too specific ^^;

Also a Dridder specializing in silk lingerie is an interesting idea XP
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Negav - Middle Tier   Negav - Middle Tier Icon_minitimeSat Feb 25, 2017 7:46 am

This is just my honest opinion, Karbo, but I think the Lit-Ciggy Bar should be axed entirely, or at the very least, receive an extensive overhaul. Even then, such a change would be so drastic that it may as well be something else entirely. At its core, the Lit-Ciggy Bar was nothing more than a vehicle for Silent-Eric, who no longer frequents this forum, to be more colorful in the rumors thread. The characters mentioned in the wiki are technically all his, and when you remove them from the equation, it's just yet another dime a dozen taverns with nothing that really makes it stand out. The idea was sort of cute back when we didn't worry about consistency and we very much had an anything goes mentality, but as we're moving away from those old days and trying to make the setting more cohesive, the Lit-Ciggy Bar just no longer serves a purpose.
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Mara's snack

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PostSubject: Re: Negav - Middle Tier   Negav - Middle Tier Icon_minitimeSat Feb 25, 2017 9:13 am

You could still have a section for known Taverns in the Negav area. Maybe under tourism or currency or something.
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PostSubject: Re: Negav - Middle Tier   Negav - Middle Tier Icon_minitimeSat Feb 25, 2017 11:37 am

I have to agree with Shady there. If you read the entry as Ama has it here, the Lit-Ciggy Bar stands out as it is barely a list of the characters that hang out there. No other location places importance on the characters frequenting it more than pointing out a remarcable or interesting feature of the owner or the employees. The locations normally have to be interesting by themselves.
And while I'm talking about changes to official locations, I also feel like the Negav Eye Journal could do with a revision, since I don't think a place like that would contine existing with that fame of sending reporters to their deaths in the jungle for an interview. It's funny, but like the jungle tours, impractical.

Now I would like to analyse Ama's article better, but since looking back up in the phone is a pain, and I yet have to sit in front of comp for ten minutes straight this weekend, I'm just gonna go by (bad) memory and put down my thoughts. May have to make a few things more precise later.

Okay, first off, I find this article quite decent. Feels maybe a little empty, but that's why Ama asked for contributions. A few touch-ups and new locations and it should be ready to go.

On the other hand, it has heavy references to being very secure and warded, yet we know that's not the case. How can you really protect a layered city like that? Maybe mention the "secure" area is the street level? Oh, and talking about streets, I find it that main streets having steps is quite outrageous, specially in a tier with such commercial importance. You have merchandise to haul around and a virtually infinite number of extra-dimensional species to account for. Ramps are the logical way to go about it. Unless you add some kind of service to act as a substitute (hovering vehicles of some kind?).

Now moving on to the walls and gates, I find it strange that the cannons can fire downwards, even being able to remove a piece of wall for it, yet being limited to -10° (do you even need to take out a piece of wall for so little?). Sure, there could be a "climate of repression" but that would only happen if the cannons were pointing down towards the city all the time. If they just point up and out, most people wouldn't even know they can point down. I'm with Karbo, too, that the normal garrison for such a place would be a small group of watchers, then a larger force of people to man the cannons and the walls passively waiting for the warning of an attack. Remember it's a second wall. As for the gates, I'm still under the impression that it sounds too secure. With 5 guards and a mind-reader at all gates intercepting even those with evil thoughts, crime should be virtually non-existant. Because they would not only get the criminals, but also accomplices and any witness they need.

About the ideas of the Dridder silk shop, while I like it and have been waiting for a shop like that, I find it very unlikely for it to be inside of Negav. Remember, Dridders are one of those few taurs that can actually eat people of their own size. They may be allowed to come into the city in rare cases, but they are extremely unlikely to be given permission to live inside. Now take into account that establishment has thirteen such people. Nope, sorry, no way the heavy racism and fear will allow that inside the city.

On another note, I could provide a tavern of my own for the Middle Tier, interesting in its own way, but since it would just be one among many taverns, I don't think it's relevant enough for the Middle Tier articles. If anyone's interested, it's called The Undergrown and appears in my stories here or at dA.
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Negav - Middle Tier   Negav - Middle Tier Icon_minitimeSat Feb 25, 2017 4:50 pm

Anyhow, it's been a long time coming, but it's finally time Negav addresses how it does medicine given the uniqueness of the healing soil and gets its own hospital.  I still don't know which district it would fit best, but I think you can find a good place for it, Amaroq.

Healers' Guild:

Despite its relative safety, accidents are a frequent occurrence in Negav, particularly within its more lawless districts, and adventurers rarely return from an expedition in the wilderness in one piece.  Even with the power of Felarya's soil improving everyone's health, certain infections and maladies prove quite resilient.  The Healers' Guild, colloquially referred by most citizens as merely "the hospital", therefore exists to provide succor to the sick and wounded, as well as those who have fallen prey to a curse or ran afoul of baleful magic.

One of the tallest edifice in the Middle Tier, its main building is easily recognizable by its striking ivory brick construction and large sign displaying the universal symbol of health and medicine used across many civilized worlds.  The main building is structured similarly to a modern hospital.  Visitors can make an appointment with a healer, or doctor as they are more often called, at the reception area upon entering, as well as relax and socialize with other people in the nearby lobby.  To the side of the main building is a landing pad for Eidoron ambulances, which connects directly to the emergency ward.  The guild is separated into multiple wards, each one serving a specific function.  These include, but are not limited to: general emergency care, magical ailments, surgery, intensive care, psychiatry, long-term care, maternity, pediatrics, etc.

The Healers' Guild is best known for utilizing Felarya's soil extensively.  The mattresses that make the patients' beds are filled with high-quality soil, allowing its energies to seep directly into the body for a speedier recovery.  During their stay, patients are given special mineral water to further promote their recovery as well as help cleanse their bodies of any impurities.  Nurses and healers employ not only magical healing arts in tending to their patients, but also many modern medical techniques from various well known physicians.  Despite this, they tend to eschew most bulky tools and machinery used by traditional hospitals in favor of simple alchemical remedies, such as giving patients a blood-replenishing potion following a surgery in lieu of intravenous therapy, or substituting painkillers with a numbness draught.

In addition to acting as a hospital, the Healers' Guild also offers advanced classes for aspiring healers in collaboration with the Isolon University of Magic.  During the last years of their tuition, medical students have their classes at the guild's first and second basements, where they practice healing, alchemy and medicine in a controlled environment meant to simulate real scenarios.  Graduates are then offered internship at the guild, prioritizing those who passed with the highest mark.  Further below is a vast research complex where new healing spells and experimental formulae are theorized and tested, away from prying eyes, and more importantly, away from patients and regular staff members.  It is only accessible via an elevator outside the main building, and is kept under constant lock and key and further reinforced with a multitude of protective wards and spells so as to keep any unwelcome visitors out.

The Healers' Guild is open to all people of all race who wish to find relief.  This warm hospitality should not be mistaken with lax security.  A strict code of conduct is enforced to all visitors, and any who breaks it is immediately evicted from the premises.  The current guildmaster is Cynhar Gorobel, a caring, if stern middle-aged man with an acerbic tongue.

Last edited by Shady Knight on Tue Feb 28, 2017 1:39 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Felarya cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Negav - Middle Tier   Negav - Middle Tier Icon_minitimeSat Feb 25, 2017 11:01 pm

Karbo wrote:
 Also vore being practiced, even as a fantasy  in the middle tier, that seems a bit of a stretch to me.. I feel the establishment doing that would quickly run into problems.

Aww. You've got a point. Had to try though. The name is just too good to pass up. XD But is it the Tier only that's the problem? Cause I'd be willing to move it elsewhere if it got a recognization . <.<

Illy wrote:
Sat Feb 25, 2017 3:37 pm
I have to agree with Shady there. If you read the entry as Ama has it here, the Lit-Ciggy Bar stands out as it is barely a list of the characters that hang out there. No other location places importance on the characters frequenting it more than pointing out a remarcable or interesting feature of the owner or the employees. The locations normally have to be interesting by themselves.

Yeah the Lit Ciggy needs a better article that shows it off as a place more than the characters. It was fine when the wiki was young and we were more about funny lore and less about facts and details. I suggest actually describing the inside better for one thing, then adding about the atmosphere and finally finishing off by illustrating who all's owned it through the years. Blend in some history, lore and just plain visualization.

Bael wrote:
You could still have a section for known Taverns in the Negav area. Maybe under tourism or currency or something.

I agree. Negav's most steady currency comes from adventurers and they love taverns and pubs. They deserve their own micro section or little secluded spot in the currency article. It'll not crowd the main thread that way too. Maybe do that for all the shops. Ooooh! A clickable link to a list of shops perhaps under "Goods and Services"?

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PostSubject: Re: Negav - Middle Tier   Negav - Middle Tier Icon_minitimeMon Feb 27, 2017 9:22 am

Karbo wrote:
Also a Dridder specializing in silk lingerie is an interesting idea XP
Thank you, Sir Karbo!  cheers It just kinda came to me really.

Guy With The Cool Avatar wrote:

About the ideas of the Dridder silk shop, while I like it and have been waiting for a shop like that, I find it very unlikely for it to be inside of Negav. Remember, Dridders are one of those few taurs that can actually eat people of their own size. They may be allowed to come into the city in rare cases, but they are extremely unlikely to be given permission to live inside. Now take into account that establishment has thirteen such people. Nope, sorry, no way the heavy racism and fear will allow that inside the city

Well maybe not poor but these are loaded with Skevols and if you have enough money? People will line up to defend you from racism and persecution. Or at least pretend to till they can get a piece of the pie I think. Also her daughters are young and not necessarily living inside the shop. They may have to commute from the Lower Tier and The Docks to get to work.
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PostSubject: Re: Negav - Middle Tier   Negav - Middle Tier Icon_minitimeMon Feb 27, 2017 9:49 am

felarya_refugee wrote:
Well maybe not poor but these are loaded with Skevols and if you have enough money? People will line up to defend you from racism and persecution. Or at least pretend to till they can get a piece of the pie I think.
Well, I mentioned fear, not only racism. Fear is a force more powerful than money, and combined with racism is worse still. Evil people will no doubt harness it, blaming the Dridders of any strange events or disappearances, accusing them of kidnapping and eating those people, or something worse. There may be a few that defend them against all that, but it'd be a minority. I think that a better place for that kind of shop would be Motamo Docks, where they'd have no trouble among fellow taurs.
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Mara's snack

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PostSubject: Re: Negav - Middle Tier   Negav - Middle Tier Icon_minitimeMon Feb 27, 2017 10:10 am

People have a tendency to just believe whatever others tell them, instead of asking where the proof is. That's why skeptics are so important, and very undervalued.
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PostSubject: Re: Negav - Middle Tier   Negav - Middle Tier Icon_minitimeMon Feb 27, 2017 12:38 pm

Ilceren wrote:
Well, I mentioned fear, not only racism. Fear is a force more powerful than money, and combined with racism is worse still. Evil people will no doubt harness it, blaming the Dridders of any strange events or disappearances, accusing them of kidnapping and eating those people, or something worse. There may be a few that defend them against all that, but it'd be a minority. I think that a better place for that kind of shop would be Motamo Docks, where they'd have no trouble among fellow taurs.

Touché. I suppose it does seem more logical but I wonder if people will come to the dingy Docks to have custom made linginrie, fanciful dresses and heroic looking ascot and capes? Maybe the struggle should be part of their backstory as it may be dangerous to be a dridder in the upper tier but that in itself might be a good story in and of itself.
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PostSubject: Re: Negav - Middle Tier   Negav - Middle Tier Icon_minitimeMon Feb 27, 2017 12:44 pm

Maybe they could have a selling point somewhere in the Middle Tier run by a human that's also the one tasked with taking the measurements of the clients and such, but the actual place where it's woven is in the Docks?

P.S.: Darnit, I just broke my perfect post count of 666 posts.
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PostSubject: Re: Negav - Middle Tier   Negav - Middle Tier Icon_minitimeMon Feb 27, 2017 5:34 pm

Shady Knight wrote:
This is just my honest opinion, Karbo, but I think the Lit-Ciggy Bar should be axed entirely, or at the very least, receive an extensive overhaul.

I don't think Lit-Ciggy Bar needs to be axed, just knowing the name of one of Negav's most popular bars is enougth justification for it's inclusion, but it definitely needs an overhaul.

it's still an brothel for starters,  I mean, no doubt Negav would have brothels somewhere...but the fact that Negav's most popular bar is also a brothel puts Negav as a society as a whole under a extremely deviant light,

it either means:

A: brothels are legal and somehow became so mainstream that the most popular bar has one.


B: brothels are illegal, and somehow noone cares that the most happening bar in town is also a whorehouse.


C: brothels are illegal, and Lit-Ciggy Bar is only a bar as a pretence to get round the legal issue and every law abiding person that visits the "bar" is too dumb to notice
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Felarya cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Negav - Middle Tier   Negav - Middle Tier Icon_minitimeMon Feb 27, 2017 10:27 pm

You know everyone's been suggesting businesses but what about Landmarks and such? I have two I think should at least get mentioned:

The Herocia Trifectio

A statue sitting near Victory Gate and the Avenue of Heroes. It is a statue of the Isolon Eye and three great mages who created it sitting on a three sided mural depicting how the Magicocrats and Vishmitals  rose to power and benefited Negav compared to the ignorant Nekoes who came before. The most amazing thing about it is the fact it's made from solid Tessium and saturated in anti theft and anti rust spells. Anti graffiti spells had to be added sometime latter though as some neko ruffians think it's cool to deface the so called 'heroes' whom they see more as usurpers of their ancestors.

Orb of Vish

A huge globe outside of the Vishmital Embassy that is suspended above a plaque covered in the names of those lost in it's destruction in the original Vishmital tongues. A smaller electronic display tells the story in Myxheli and variety of other languages for any visitors and tourists from off world.
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PostSubject: Re: Negav - Middle Tier   Negav - Middle Tier Icon_minitimeMon Feb 27, 2017 11:01 pm

jedi-explorer wrote:

Orb of Vish

A huge globe outside of the Vishmital Embassy that is suspended above a plaque covered in the names of those lost in it's destruction in the original Vishmital tongues. A smaller electronic display tells the story in Myxheli and variety of other languages for any visitors and tourists from off world.
Destruction of the Vish Embassy? When did that happen? The Vish got to Negav after the Great Destruction. I also don't picture the Vish as people placing a lot of importance on names, since their whole empire went down.

Also I found an entry in the Chronology (1941 A.U.), where it's explicitly said a law was signed to prevent smaller predator species to rent or own property within Negav. So I'm afraid that a Dridder can't even own a shop in the city.
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PostSubject: Re: Negav - Middle Tier   Negav - Middle Tier Icon_minitimeMon Feb 27, 2017 11:53 pm

Right, so Nagas, Dridders, and other human sized variants would have to stay with a friend. Or at least sign the rights of their property over to that friend, I suppose. I've had ideas of mob leaders in Negav's underground to, at least some of them, be predators races. Unfortunately we cant have mobs punish people they don't like by force feeding them to a predator, because the Isolon eye would probably make them 'asplode. Razz

Though how exactly the eye functions is a bit of a mystery to everyone except Fergo Thelandros, Rodius Mistrago, and Tedomes Teraph.
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Negav - Middle Tier   Negav - Middle Tier Icon_minitimeTue Feb 28, 2017 5:07 am

Sooo... no one is gonna say a word about the hospital? You know, the public service that's on par with the fire department and the law enforcement? Something that could explain how the soil is used in healthcare? We're just going to focus on everything else but that, no matter how insignificant it is?

Also, Vishmital Embassy?  Have you already forgotten that this place exists? http://www.felarya.com/wiki/index.php?title=Negav%27s_Higher_Tier#The_Blue_zone
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PostSubject: Re: Negav - Middle Tier   Negav - Middle Tier Icon_minitimeTue Feb 28, 2017 7:24 am

Shady Knight wrote:
Sooo... no one is gonna say a word about the hospital?  You know, the public service that's on par with the fire department and the law enforcement?  Something that could explain how the soil is used in healthcare?  We're just going to focus on everything else but that, no matter how insignificant it is?

welcome to the Felarya forum
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Negav - Middle Tier   Negav - Middle Tier Icon_minitimeTue Feb 28, 2017 8:22 am

Now that Dark got that out of his system, I'm sure it was absolutely vital for his continued existence, an actual response, please?

Last edited by Shady Knight on Tue Feb 28, 2017 1:39 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Negav - Middle Tier   Negav - Middle Tier Icon_minitimeTue Feb 28, 2017 1:22 pm

Shady Knight wrote:
Anyhow, it's been a long time coming, but it's finally time Negav addresses how it does medicine given the uniqueness of the healing soil and gets its own hospital.  I still don't know which district it would fit best, but I think you can find a good place for it, Amaroq.

Healers' Guild:

I think it's a marked improvement from the stub it was. I can actually see the guild in my mind now and it is instructive on how to make a Healer through the student path and can be linked to the Isolon Academy. Very good job, Sir Shady!

But you did make one typo:
Sir Shady wrote:

The Healers' Guild is best known for utilizing Felarya's soil extensively.  The mattresses that make the patients' beds are filled with high-quality, allowing its energies to seep directly into the body for a speedier recovery. 

Unless I'm mistaken it should say

The Healers' Guild is best known for utilizing Felarya's soil extensively.  The mattresses that make the patients' beds are filled with high-quality soil, allowing its energies to seep directly into the body for a speedier recovery.
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PostSubject: Re: Negav - Middle Tier   Negav - Middle Tier Icon_minitimeTue Feb 28, 2017 4:57 pm

Shady Knight wrote:
Now that Dark got that out of his system, I'm sure it was absolutely vital for his continued existence, an actual response, please?

I've always been a supporter of the Healers. The soil is good, but there's a lot of things it still cant do in regard to healing the more critical injuries - but it can greatly assist the recovery. I believe the Healer's guild is vital. People just don't take enough time to sit and think about how the soil cant heal getting your arm lobbed off - or the more human-centric injuries as a result of them fighting each other in order to give it the attention it actually needs.

tl;dr - obviously the soil cant heal you from getting digested, but that isn't the only injury you'd obtain in Felarya. That's why we need the Healers.
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PostSubject: Re: Negav - Middle Tier   Negav - Middle Tier Icon_minitimeTue Feb 28, 2017 9:27 pm

...Now he writes a healer's guild description? XD Argh! Where was this when I was working on this latest chapter of the Felaryan Madness series? Still I suppose it won't be much of a re-write and I can expand on the realism of the fic.

Okay now that that's out of my system let me just say I love this more expanded article that is quite immersive and yet not overwhelmingly so. ^_- Excellent writing, Shady!
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