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 Magical Technology

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Shady Knight
Lord of the Elements
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PostSubject: Magical Technology   Magical Technology Icon_minitimeSat Feb 09, 2008 3:34 pm

In Felarya, there are two types of Humans: Those who uses high technology and those who uses magic. But I've never seen a human that used both at the same time, the Isolon Eye in Negav City renders the mechnical defenses almost useless. In such a crazy world, it might not be impossible to have mechanical devices with magical properties. I'm not thinking of the Magictech in Final Fantasy VI, there was hardly anything magical with it. Mostly, those devices would mostly run on the ambient magic of Felarya, but when it enter a zone that nullify magic, it would run on a power source common to mechs or it can run on its own. It could provide interesting results, but this magic technology would be quite rare.

An exemple of magic device, I posted about a communicator that uses not only radio waves and work like a normal communicator, but also allows you to speak with close friends or anyone you are on the same "wavelenght" as well as hear them from virtually anywhere, even if they are on the other side of the planet or at the bottom of the sea. It would become useless if you enter a field neutralizing magic or any EMP.
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Master cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Magical Technology   Magical Technology Icon_minitimeSat Feb 09, 2008 4:01 pm

This is a very concept is very interesting, when I quoted Negav I did talk about the Isolon Eye but the twon itself:

"The city itself is surrounded by a massive wall, a marvel of science and magic combined. It towers hundreds of feet tall and is covered throughout by powerful cannons and weaponry. The entry ways into the city are few, and far too small for something like a giant naga to fit through. Despite this, these entryways are heavily guarded by not only weapons, but also all manner of detection devices or identification spells that ensures nothing sneaks in that isn't welcome. The entryways can also be sealed off in an emergency, the massive reinforced doors able to close in the blink of an eye. The architects chose not to reveal all of the wall's secrets, but it is believed to be made from almost pure Xy'Thium, an incredibly rare metal."

They both use magic and technology Very Happy
Your idea I think scientist of Negav thinks about that Wink
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Evil admin
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PostSubject: Re: Magical Technology   Magical Technology Icon_minitimeSat Feb 09, 2008 6:32 pm

This sure is a nice and pretty original idea Smile
Like Gwada pointed, they use it a bit in Negav, though this tend to create enormous tensions between the two camps ^^;
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PostSubject: Re: Magical Technology   Magical Technology Icon_minitime

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