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Roaming thug
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Fictional character blog, no real people allowed! Empty
PostSubject: Fictional character blog, no real people allowed!   Fictional character blog, no real people allowed! Icon_minitimeWed Mar 04, 2009 9:44 pm

Fallen- Alright, here is the thing. I thought it was about time that us characters have a place to talk, not fight, not eat each other, not getting into each others fucking pants., just talk. Seriously, I am sick of being under my creators thumb all the time! Fallen do this, Fallen do that, Fallen be like batman, Fallen be more evil, Fallen some completely random and stupid reference to his wang. A fictional character can only take so much.

So that’s why I am making this thread. Its so us fictional characters can get together and talk outside are fiction. I mean its pretty hard for me to have a nice conversation in my stories when I’m currently trying to kill all the people I know in increasingly convoluted ways.

So if you want to talk about your writers, artists, or if you just want to tell everyone how your felling this is the thread for you. Maybe we can get a union started, it would be nice to actually get PAID for all the work I have to do for my idiot.

And I must emphasis this, this is for FICTIONAL characters only. I don’t want any of you real people posting here, just your characters. Think of it like a big blog we can all write in.

Also, and I shouldn’t HAVE to say this but, don’t eat anyone while there on here. (This means YOU Crisis! Although I doubt you could use a computer to being with Xp) this isn’t an Rp thread, and frankly I don’t want to end up dead. Its painful. And acidy. Seriously, not fun at all. I have to deal with that kind of thing everyday, I don’t need it here as well.

Now I WOULD post this in the general form, but since we all are TECHNICALLY fiction I am forced to post it here. Seems rather racist if you ask me, or fictionalist I guess.
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PostSubject: Re: Fictional character blog, no real people allowed!   Fictional character blog, no real people allowed! Icon_minitimeThu Mar 05, 2009 2:15 am

Ha'dara: Decent idea, though I doubt everyone will stick to the 'No Eating' part.
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Cog in the Machine
Cog in the Machine

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PostSubject: Re: Fictional character blog, no real people allowed!   Fictional character blog, no real people allowed! Icon_minitimeThu Mar 05, 2009 4:34 am

Cjal: What? No eating? What are we supposed to do if we ca- Oh, wait. Check the OP there 'dara buddy. No eating people. Regular food's still fine.

Anyways there isn't much for me to talk about. I haven't been able to find any competent parties going out from Negav recently, so I've seen nothing new. Similarly, the bars in here are the same as always: rowdy, disorderly, and keen to receive a halfling's tab. At least the pickings are nice.
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PostSubject: Re: Fictional character blog, no real people allowed!   Fictional character blog, no real people allowed! Icon_minitimeThu Mar 05, 2009 5:23 am

Myrah (A dridder): Bars? For the life of me, I can never see what you food types see in consuming alcohol. I tried it once, and it made sick to my stomach, and it tasted bad. One guy had tried to bribe me with a keg of the stuff to keep me from eating him. In a way, I suppose it worked. I lost my appetite after that and simply wrapped him up in silk and gave him to a friend of mine. She appreciated the meal.

But seriously, do us both a favor. Stay sober. You’ll last longer if you aren’t blind stinking drunk. And you’ll taste better too. It takes a lot of washing to get the taste of alcohol off a bit of food you know.

PS. Speaking of which, Fallen. You said no eating, you didn’t say anything about no tasting. No acid or pain there. I wonder how that halfling would taste with just a touch of cinnamon.
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PostSubject: Re: Fictional character blog, no real people allowed!   Fictional character blog, no real people allowed! Icon_minitimeThu Mar 05, 2009 6:22 am

Onyx Wasp: Hey everyone, it's good to be a newcommer to Felarya. I hope I can make friends with the Fairies, sice we are similar.

Solomon Sharkbane: Aye, I have to agree with Onyx. I just can't wait to find myself a ship.

Mordal Strideer: Okay, where is that blasted Clawdy? I need to teach him a lesson!

Mordal (the Saiyan): Hey, calm down. This isn't the place to be having battles...Even though I love fighting :p

Katie: Yeah, what the cutie said xD

Hailey: I knew it! You have a crush on Mordal!

Mordal strideer: Eh?

Mordal: Me, not you. Hahaha.

Masurao: Reminds me of Rua and I.

Rua: *giggles and blushes*
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
Grand Mecha Enthusiast

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PostSubject: Re: Fictional character blog, no real people allowed!   Fictional character blog, no real people allowed! Icon_minitimeThu Mar 05, 2009 7:25 am

Alex: Finally. A nice place to talk and chat without being eaten. *reclines* Come on in, guys. We won't have the author dictating us in here.

Clawdy: *reads up* Who has a problem with me now? I'll gladly take you out with the trash if that's what you're looking for.

Xiao: Easy, Clawdy. He said to keep the fighting to a minimum. I don't want to start anything.

Al: *bursts in with a load of machinery on his back* Well, if ya'll dun mind it, I'm gonna be doin some work on this end. Gots me some experiments to conduct.

Anchus: *looks around* Ugh. Humans. Why did we come here again, brother?

Anchorus: Because maybe one of these people know where Laureen is. You could at least try and make friends.

Anchus: Ugh. Brother, I'd rather befriend Quaz than these weirdos.

Anchorus: Suit yourself, brother. *sits down and recharges his batteries with an arthronode*
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Cog in the Machine
Cog in the Machine

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PostSubject: Re: Fictional character blog, no real people allowed!   Fictional character blog, no real people allowed! Icon_minitimeThu Mar 05, 2009 10:10 am

Cjal: Oh, you wouldn't want to taste a nasty ol' Hobbit. We're bad in flavor, like hair and grease. Dreadful combination.

Though I just remembered, I recently heard something about this Spinarium or whate'er out by the great tree. The speakers were all hush-hush about it, and kept speaking about burials and the like. Funny thing is they mentioned Dridder royalty. Huh, ain't that something you'd never expect to hear? Anyways, any idea what they were talking 'bout ma'am?
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Master cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Fictional character blog, no real people allowed!   Fictional character blog, no real people allowed! Icon_minitimeThu Mar 05, 2009 1:14 pm

Verira:eeh, we cant eat others here? No fair i only came to this place hoping to get some snacks.*crosses arms and snorts*

but since i'm here, does any of you guys know how to make good traps? i can only make them kinda good, hehe

Last edited by Reptillian on Thu Mar 05, 2009 4:11 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Cog in the Machine
Cog in the Machine

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PostSubject: Re: Fictional character blog, no real people allowed!   Fictional character blog, no real people allowed! Icon_minitimeThu Mar 05, 2009 2:25 pm

Cjal: Shinies. It's amazing what plethora of beings you'll attract with shinies laying around. Humans, Elves, Nekos, Harpies, Sphinxes, just about anything will come to investigate a bunch of shining objects. And that's all the help I'm going to give you.
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PostSubject: Re: Fictional character blog, no real people allowed!   Fictional character blog, no real people allowed! Icon_minitimeThu Mar 05, 2009 3:03 pm

Onyx Wasp: ARe there any Fairies around here? I'd like to become friends with any, if at all possible.
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Newbie adventurer
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PostSubject: Re: Fictional character blog, no real people allowed!   Fictional character blog, no real people allowed! Icon_minitimeThu Mar 05, 2009 3:55 pm

what a silly place..... a fictional character blog, i mean, come on...

rageo: i think it's a grea idea...

hey what are you doing here.

rageo: my creator made my shorter then the others....

electro: he made my aim terrible.

agileo: yeah down with creataors...

uh oh.. i'll be leaving now...
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PostSubject: Re: Fictional character blog, no real people allowed!   Fictional character blog, no real people allowed! Icon_minitimeThu Mar 05, 2009 4:29 pm

Myrah: You can’t believe how many times I’ve heard that story, Cjal. Every single man, neko, and elf that gets caught in my web tell me they taste terrible. You don’t mind if I don’t take your word for it, do you? This will just take a second.

About that Dridder royalty, this is the first I’ve heard of it. Then again, I really don’t live anywhere that would need a king or queen. It’s just a small bunch of dridders looking out for each other. We don’t need anyone ordering us about.

Anyway, Verira, if you want traps, you’ve come to the right dridder. We’re natural experts at trap making, our lives depend on it. Now, for myself, I use a variety of traps to catch my meals. My personal favorite is the tripwire web. I make a large web, usually sticky, and bury it underneath a thin layer of soil. Each corner of the web is attached to a counterweight suspended in the air. I generally use shrubs to hide the connecting strands. These counterweights are, in turn, connected to a tripwire over the web. When some hapless bit of food comes along, they hit the tripwire, the counterweights are released, and the web is hoisted into the air with the food inside. They can’t cut their way out, else they’d plummet, and hang there until I stroll by to check it. This technique can also work if you use a strong enough vine or rope.

Anyway, hope that helps Verira. If you need more ideas, let me know.

P.S. This is the first time that I should have listened to that ‘taste terrible’ story. Have you been bathing in lard or something Cjal? Yuck! I need something to get this taste out of my mouth…
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Cog in the Machine
Cog in the Machine

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PostSubject: Re: Fictional character blog, no real people allowed!   Fictional character blog, no real people allowed! Icon_minitimeThu Mar 05, 2009 5:34 pm

Tuc135 wrote:
Myrah: You can’t believe how many times I’ve heard that story, Cjal. Every single man, neko, and elf that gets caught in my web tell me they taste terrible. You don’t mind if I don’t take your word for it, do you? This will just take a second.
P.S. This is the first time that I should have listened to that ‘taste terrible’ story. Have you been bathing in lard or something Cjal? Yuck! I need something to get this taste out of my mouth…
Cjal: I tried to warn you - let this be a suitable warning to the rest of ye. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to find a bath house.

Rebecca: In the meanwhile, pint-size is having me take over his side of the conversation. Not that I had much choice in the matter. Blasted straw.
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Master cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Fictional character blog, no real people allowed!   Fictional character blog, no real people allowed! Icon_minitimeThu Mar 05, 2009 6:54 pm

Verira: thanks dridder but i know that trap, the problem is, that if they get caught in one they just cut a little hole and and climb up towards the branch or what ever the trap is hanging from.
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Newbie adventurer
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PostSubject: Re: Fictional character blog, no real people allowed!   Fictional character blog, no real people allowed! Icon_minitimeThu Mar 05, 2009 7:03 pm

Powerman: i really anonyed i've almost been forgotten.

Karatemn: me too

agent troy: me three.

agent john: me 4, there are many others of us that have almost been forgotten.

rageo: he made my shorter then the other guyss...., but how do i look?
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PostSubject: Re: Fictional character blog, no real people allowed!   Fictional character blog, no real people allowed! Icon_minitimeThu Mar 05, 2009 7:38 pm

Myrah: Verira, it’s kinda tricky to get it to work with regular rope rather than dridder silk. But it can be done. Maybe grease the ropes so they can’t be climbed?

Anyway, many of my traps depend on the adhesive qualities of my silk webs, but others will work just as well. Have you tried a snare of some kind? Use that greaseball’s suggestion of a shiny bait, leading them to a buried rope lasso. The lasso is attached to a bent branch or tree. They grab the shiny, pulling a rope and releases a pin, casuing the tree or branch to straighten and the snare to grab their feet and drag them up, leaving them hanging upside down. Solves the problem of climbing the rope, I would think. Most humans aren’t that strong.

And Rebecca, just how does that little child man push you around? You’re almost twice his size. Not that that’s saying much…

Oh, and would you mind? I know your kind tastes good, and I need something to get that halfling’s horrid taste out. Don’t worry Rebecca, there won’t be any swallowing. Let me get my cinnamon.
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Cog in the Machine
Cog in the Machine

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PostSubject: Re: Fictional character blog, no real people allowed!   Fictional character blog, no real people allowed! Icon_minitimeThu Mar 05, 2009 8:16 pm

Rebecca: It's not so much being pushed around as the bugger being disturbingly good at digging up information or those who owe him being stuck with a tab. I can honestly say that I'm not sure which of the two is worst.

And yes, I would very well mind! I have no interest in giving you a grocery list when done in h-
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Roaming thug
Roaming thug

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PostSubject: Re: Fictional character blog, no real people allowed!   Fictional character blog, no real people allowed! Icon_minitimeThu Mar 05, 2009 10:35 pm

Fallen here, obviously. good, glad to see some people actual using this place. Ok, so, how about I tell you what I went through today.

First, I woke up partly eaten. Seriously, there was this big bite taken out of my side, if I had organs at that time I would have been dead! Worse then that though, I didn’t wake up when some big thing walked over, picked me up, and TOOK A BITE OUT OF ME! How does someone not wake up from that? Ugh, just lucky I didn’t taste good, apparently. that’s why you should never bath folks, its just a bad idea.

So after that I start my morning routine of watching Crisis go about her morning routine. Brushing her teeth, washing her face, combing her hair, eating the people she finds tangled IN her hair, ick! Anyway, I’m sitting there shaped shift as a cuddly squirrel, minding Crisis’s business, when Temi flutters over and kicks me in the head! How the heck did she know it was me? I go flying right into Katrika’s mouth and into her gut. Now most stomachs are fighting, I mean its like a slimy, dark, tight prison that’s filled with acid, Kat’s stomach is even worse, it actually eats magic! With out my magic powers I am practically defenseless! In a normal stomach there is at least a glimmer of hope, but not in Kat’s. so I was understandable distressed. If Katricka said she heard me crying in there then she’s is lying, I was only doing a meditation technique that SOUNED like crying.

Anyway, Kat got the hiccups from something she drank (Naga sized soda pop?) and I got trapped in a buddle and hiced up. Lucky break for me.

It still got worse.

Without my magic powers I was pretty much human, and the bubble relished me right in the giant tree. Crisis was right below me and if she saw me I was as good as dead. I was standing on pins and needles as I waited for her to go away so I could escape. That didn’t happen. Instead she threw a party. Vivien, Anna, Kat, Ryla, Terror, Temi, Melany, Violet, Erika, Nix, Scala, Fiona, and I like a dozen OTHER people all showed up and started to boogie down. Here I am, stuck in a tree, surrounded by people who want to eat me, and I am powerless.

It gets even worse.

Well, there was this giant beach ball everyone was tossing around and by some curl machination of fate it flew right at me and knocked me out of the tree. I fell into the chip dip. I managed to avoid getting scooped on a chip for a while, which is more impressive considering how much those girls where chowing down. On the chips (I think I saw Ryla dunk a fairy in the dip when no one was watching, hope she wasn’t one of Temi’s friends…actually I guess I don’t care)

My luck run at as I was scoped up on a chip. I found myself once again towards a naga’s mouth, the naga in question this time Vivien. I was almost in her mouth before she noticed I was on her chip, but then she shrugged her shoulders and tied shoved me in her mouth anyway.

I narrowly avoided getting crunched by Vivien’s strong teeth as she mashed up the chip. Just as she was swallowing me someone gave her a hearty pat on the back, and I got caught in her throat Fortunately Naga’s are good at the Heimlich maneuver, and after a strong squeeze Vivien coughed me out at a blazing speed.

I landed at Terror’s feet, and she doing the river dance while wearing combat boots. I managed to not get my brains squished in, but it was about that time word got out that I had escaped Katrika’s stomach. I had to get them off my trail, and they would sniff me out pretty easily if I didn’t do something drastic.

Seeing no other options available, I took off all my cloths and ditched them. They stunk of me enough to be a temporary red harrying, and it would help lesson my own stink.

So, I was covered in stomach acid, Naga spit,and chip dip while buck naked and without any magical power as I ran away from a group of giants intent on eating me towards the dense jungle foliage that was also filled with giants that planed to eat me.

Overall, not a good day.
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Friend of the Jotun
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PostSubject: Re: Fictional character blog, no real people allowed!   Fictional character blog, no real people allowed! Icon_minitimeThu Mar 05, 2009 10:50 pm

<DetectVoiceGrip> Hey! Hey! Is this thing on? Ah, there we go. And making text as well. Perfect! Finally got it working this time. Anyways, I've heard of some thing called the ethernet or something. So I decided to try hooking something up to it. This computation machine I hooked up in the Sphere seems to be doing alright at it. So.

Very sorry to hear your unfortunate tale Fallen. I am impressed at your rather consistent luck, however. I have certain...arrangments that usually keep me away from predators....especially that many. Hey, wait, Fenja, what the heck are you doing! Blast it, don't shake this thing, you'll change the....

<DetectVoiceFenja> Cooool! It's got all the words on here and everything. Hiya folks! By the way, Grip's lying. He was sitting right near that party watching everything. Cuz I was there, of course. Good thing Vivian didn't choke. I had some great...fun....with her afterwards. Hehe....Hey, I heard that on the Internet you can....

<Grip> Hey! Don't even go there! Everyone can read this, you know. Ah! Hey! Look, if you keep trying to shake me off this chair, you'll just end breaking the....

<Connection Lost>
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PostSubject: Re: Fictional character blog, no real people allowed!   Fictional character blog, no real people allowed! Icon_minitimeThu Mar 05, 2009 11:12 pm

Myrah: Thanks Rebecca. That was just what I needed. Here, have some silk for your help. I heard that it’s fairly valuable among you food types. No idea why though. I’d offer to eat the halfling for you, but I’m trying to watch my weight. I just know that butterball would go straight to my butt.

(The cinnamon was good. I’ll have to try that cinnamon the next time a neko wanders into my web, maybe with a bit of honey too.)

Anyway, sounds like quite a misadventure Zalzas. But hey, look at it this way. You’re still breathing. More than most can say after being in and out of Kat’s stomach. Or just in, usually. Or Vivian’s mouth for that matter. Or beneath Terra’s feet. (Just what the heck does she see in those boots. She looks like an overgrown human while wearing them, for crying out loud.) All in all, If you can walk away from it, most would call that a good day.

And coincidentally, many predators hunt by smell. Stinking like there’s no tomorrow might put off some, but it would attract others. Personally, I’d just wash you before eating you. I like my meals clean, I’m willing to go the extra length you know. Now, I shouldn’t tell you this, but if you really want to be annoying, there’s a few herbs that can mask a human’s smell quite well. There’s always one or the other that’s blooming or such, and causing the whole jungle to smell funny. Lather yourself up with that, and it’s darn near impossible to sniff you out, provided you pick the right herb for the season. If you see a funny talking little fellow with a straw hat and hanging out with a harpy, ask him. He’d be more than happy to tell you all about it. Heck, one of the herbs also makes a decent skin lotion.

Granted, I’ve probably annoyed quite a few by telling you this, but you sounded like you needed a break. Besides, I hunt with webs and traps anyway, not smell.

Oh, and if you see any of those nagas again, could you get the recipe for that chip dip from them? I’ve been trying to find a good one for a while now.

And Fenja? Long time no see! I’ve not seen you and Grip around since that incident with the egg sac and the elves. But do me a favor. DON’T tell me anything relating to you and Vivian. That is one crazy naga…
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PostSubject: Re: Fictional character blog, no real people allowed!   Fictional character blog, no real people allowed! Icon_minitimeFri Mar 06, 2009 12:24 am

agileo: i've had a had a bad day recently, i got separated i the got attacked by the peopl who ran operation supr soiljer, and were trying to recaputre me and the others, i got my leg weakend i nearly got killed...

rageo: seriuosly.... that happened to you.

agileo: you know your pretty small to be wondering all over the place.

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PostSubject: Re: Fictional character blog, no real people allowed!   Fictional character blog, no real people allowed! Icon_minitimeFri Mar 06, 2009 4:33 am

Verira: to the ones that doesn't bath oftenly, please take a bath regulary. It's just disgusting to put something so filthy in your mouth, that even scavengers won't touch it.
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PostSubject: Re: Fictional character blog, no real people allowed!   Fictional character blog, no real people allowed! Icon_minitimeFri Mar 06, 2009 6:47 am

Ha'dara: You met Vivian, Fallen? What's she like? *To Verira* Great work with the anti-predator tip, I'm sure the humans will find that very useful.

T'Lani: Got anywhere with your Girlfriend yet Mordal (Saiyan)?
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
Grand Mecha Enthusiast

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PostSubject: Re: Fictional character blog, no real people allowed!   Fictional character blog, no real people allowed! Icon_minitimeFri Mar 06, 2009 12:05 pm

Alex: Well, I see that...

*looks behind him, as Clawdy and Anchus scuffle*

Alex: HEY! What did he just say? No fighting in here!

*they continue fighting*

Alex: Oh, that's it. You two need a serious asswhoopin'.

*Alex joins in the fighting*
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PostSubject: Re: Fictional character blog, no real people allowed!   Fictional character blog, no real people allowed! Icon_minitimeFri Mar 06, 2009 1:14 pm

Verira: Hey i'm just saying, besides there's not many people, that actually want's to reek. *looks at Alex, Clawdy and Anchus fighting* Uuuuuh, should we maybe break that up or something? rules should be followed you know. *looks around to see everyone staring* What, i'm a giant naga that follows rules, so what.
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