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PostSubject: kk   Felarya Flash Project - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Nov 03, 2009 6:39 pm

alright... (im a pc person Razz) thx.
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Flash Project   Felarya Flash Project - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Nov 03, 2009 9:56 pm

Added Carnivorous Plants to the flash wiki.
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PostSubject: cool!   Felarya Flash Project - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Nov 03, 2009 10:28 pm

i would look at it but im on a different computer (without content blocker Smile )
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Flash Project   Felarya Flash Project - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Nov 07, 2009 4:26 am

On the advice of Oldman40k2003, I've changed the buttons so they look better. Feedback would be appreciated.
Also, if you have a design, a background, anything that could be added, just reply here or send me a note on dA.
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PostSubject: Unofficial Character Section?   Felarya Flash Project - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Nov 09, 2009 5:11 pm

I have been thinking that it would be a good idea for the Flash wiki to have a section for characters that aren't in the wiki.
This way characters that aren't "official" will still get recognition and may be used by others (assuming you want them too).

So, If you want your character to be in the Unofficial Characters Section of the Flash wiki, just send me a note or email (vorevictim@gmail.com) with their info. Please set it out similar to how it is set out in the normal wiki, as this will keep things easier.
The only condition for entry is that the character must be in a story already.
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Flash Project   Felarya Flash Project - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Nov 10, 2009 2:08 am

Anime-Junkie wrote:
I have been thinking that it would be a good idea for the Flash wiki to have a section for characters that aren't in the wiki.
The only condition for entry is that the character must be in a story already.

I like this idea, and requiring that they actually already have been used ought to keep their numbers manageable.
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Flash Project   Felarya Flash Project - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Nov 10, 2009 2:13 am

Oldman40k2003 wrote:
Anime-Junkie wrote:
I have been thinking that it would be a good idea for the Flash wiki to have a section for characters that aren't in the wiki.
The only condition for entry is that the character must be in a story already.

I like this idea, and requiring that they actually already have been used ought to keep their numbers manageable.
That's the idea.

Doing this will also removes a bit of the thing with "My character is in the wiki and your's isn't" thing, now everyone character will be in a wiki (as long as they're in a story already).
It will also get people's character recognition, as people browse or look for a specific character, another one might catch their eye.
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Flash Project   Felarya Flash Project - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Nov 13, 2009 4:00 am

I'm adding Characters to the wiki in this form: alphabetical with each character on their own page.
What this means is that to find a character's page, eg: 'Aya' you must click on 'characters', then click on 'A' then click on 'Aya.'
This involves more work in the short term, but makes adding characters in the long term much easier.
So far I've added all of 'A.'

Don't forget to email or pm me your character's bio so they can be added to the unofficial character section. Only condition is they must be in a story already.
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Felarya cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Flash Project   Felarya Flash Project - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Nov 25, 2009 2:05 am

This is absolutely magnificent work...

you need to find a way to add the map on it, and maybe turn the chars faces on the map into buttons so you can click the face and go right to the char bio. and maybe do the same for locations, just with red dots or something... idk...

just saying my opinion.
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Flash Project   Felarya Flash Project - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Nov 25, 2009 3:44 am

codaman wrote:
This is absolutely magnificent work...

you need to find a way to add the map on it, and maybe turn the chars faces on the map into buttons so you can click the face and go right to the char bio. and maybe do the same for locations, just with red dots or something... idk...

just saying my opinion.
That will come, in the heavy version. What I'm working on now is the lite version.
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Flash Project   Felarya Flash Project - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 29, 2009 4:42 am

Wow, basic HTML really does work. Neat.
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Felarya cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Flash Project   Felarya Flash Project - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 29, 2009 10:09 am

Anime-Junkie wrote:
codaman wrote:
This is absolutely magnificent work...

you need to find a way to add the map on it, and maybe turn the chars faces on the map into buttons so you can click the face and go right to the char bio. and maybe do the same for locations, just with red dots or something... idk...

just saying my opinion.
That will come, in the heavy version. What I'm working on now is the lite version.

sure doesn't look lite to me, I'll say this, to get these kind of results, you guys must have been working your asses off for a bit. and if you're going about adding things not in the wiki like chars and stuff... "You gots some work to do..."
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Flash Project   Felarya Flash Project - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 29, 2009 4:13 pm

i can see how you would do this with macromedia flash pro 8.

buttons and hit areas with actionscript in there a bit.
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Flash Project   Felarya Flash Project - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 29, 2009 4:41 pm

Oldman40k2003 wrote:
Wow, basic HTML really does work. Neat.
It better, I had to go through and change the settings on every text area.

codaman wrote:
Anime-Junkie wrote:
codaman wrote:
This is absolutely magnificent work...

you need to find a way to add the map on it, and maybe turn the chars faces on the map into buttons so you can click the face and go right to the char bio. and maybe do the same for locations, just with red dots or something... idk...

just saying my opinion.
That will come, in the heavy version. What I'm working on now is the lite version.

sure doesn't look lite to me, I'll say this, to get these kind of results, you guys must have been working your asses off for a bit. and if you're going about adding things not in the wiki like chars and stuff... "You gots some work to do..."
I have the time needed. This will get done, the coding isn't really difficult, there's just so much of it!

Archmage_Bael wrote:
i can see how you would do this with macromedia flash pro 8.
I use Adobe Flash CS3 Professional. I used to use Flash 8, but I got CS3 for christmas last year. It's not too different (the difference between CS3 and CS4 is bigger than the difference between 8 and CS3), and a lot of bugs have been fixed. But unfortunatley there's this one thing that hasn't been fixed. If it had it would make creating the flash wiki so much easier.
Archmage_Bael wrote:
buttons and hit areas with actionscript in there a bit.
Lots and lots of buttons. Every character, every location, every race (but thankfully not every plant) needs their own button.
A lot of the actionscript is pretty basic and repetitive though.
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Mara's snack

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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Flash Project   Felarya Flash Project - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 29, 2009 4:53 pm

buttons are just like gotoandstop and stop() and stuff. only like 3 lines of code lol.
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Flash Project   Felarya Flash Project - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 29, 2009 7:55 pm

Archmage_Bael wrote:
buttons are just like gotoandstop and stop() and stuff. only like 3 lines of code lol.
Pretty much.
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Flash Project   Felarya Flash Project - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Dec 04, 2009 3:15 am

Some of you might have heard me mention the 'Heavy" edition of the flash wiki. Some of you haven't.
What it is is this:

The Heavy Flash Wiki is going to be what I wanted the current edition to be (once the Heavy version go is into the works, the current will be the 'lite' edition).
Basically, it will include every edition feature I can possibly come up with and every feature that you can come up with (as long as I can implement them). I
t will also be bigger, in kilobytes and in actual size.

Features that it will include are:
  • Interlinking everything; you go to a locations page and there's a button to the fauna for that location and a pop-up menu with buttons each of the characters that live there.
  • Images. Yep, I'll be including images.
  • Integrated map
    This is a big one; the current Felarya map, but interactive. So you click on Negav City and it takes you to the Negav directory page. Click on the little picture of Crisis' head and you go to Crisis' page.
  • Pretty stuff, things that just make it look better. Eg:
    • Backgrounds
    • Animations for button presses
    • Ambient animations

If you have any suggestions please post them, but note that this is a fair way off. I just want to give some warning.
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Flash Project   Felarya Flash Project - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Dec 07, 2009 7:10 pm

I've got some good news and some bad news.

Bad news first:
I downloaded the latest beta version of my Mac SVN client, which you might think is good. Except that when I tried to use a cool new feature, I irreversibly reverted the flash wiki .fla file to a previous version. This didn't affect anything else.
So now the .swf file (the one you see on the first post. The .fla file is the thing that Flash opens) is out of sync with the .fla file, as the swf file is more recent.

However: I have heard of flash decompiler programs that can take a swf file and decompile it into a .fla file.

If anyone has one of these or knows where to get one for free, please reply in this thread. Thanks.

The good news that I recently obtained Flash CS4 for Windows.
On windows I use a good SVN client, so there's no chance of the aforementioned problem happening again.
Flash CS4 came as part of a master collection, so I've also got photoshop, fireworks... everything.
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Flash Project   Felarya Flash Project - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Dec 08, 2009 4:49 am

Anime-Junkie wrote:
I downloaded the latest beta version of my Mac SVN client, which you might think is good. Except that when I tried to use a cool new feature, I irreversibly reverted the flash wiki .fla file to a previous version. This didn't affect anything else.
So now the .swf file (the one you see on the first post. The .fla file is the thing that Flash opens) is out of sync with the .fla file, as the swf file is more recent.

However: I have heard of flash decompiler programs that can take a swf file and decompile it into a .fla file.

Decompliers in general produce very ugly code, I'm not certain that you'd want to use a .fla produced by decompiling as a base from which to work off of.

As for them being "irreversibly reverted", did the SVN client delete the .fla that was stored in the repository, or had that .fla not yet been committed?
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Flash Project   Felarya Flash Project - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Dec 08, 2009 1:54 pm

Oldman40k2003 wrote:

Decompliers in general produce very ugly code, I'm not certain that you'd want to use a .fla produced by decompiling as a base from which to work off of.
I had suspected as much. Looks like I've just gotta work my way back to where I was.

Oldman40k2003 wrote:
As for them being "irreversibly reverted", did the SVN client delete the .fla that was stored in the repository, or had that .fla not yet been committed?
The latter. It takes a while to upload the fla file with my spectacularly bad internet, so I had decided to upload it only after completing each major part. I decision I regret.
I also realise now that I should compress the fla file before each commit, to reduce the file size as well (Flash has a 'Save and Compress' option that takes a bit longer to save but removes the bloat from fast saves).
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Flash Project   Felarya Flash Project - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Dec 08, 2009 3:59 pm

Anime-Junkie wrote:
The latter. It takes a while to upload the fla file with my spectacularly bad internet, so I had decided to upload it only after completing each major part. I decision I regret.
I also realise now that I should compress the fla file before each commit, to reduce the file size as well (Flash has a 'Save and Compress' option that takes a bit longer to save but removes the bloat from fast saves).

You might also want to create a local SVN repository, and commit to that often. Once in a while, when you've completed major features, copy the SWF and FLA over to the SVN folder that is linked to the internet, and commit it. That allows you to commit often, while not having to deal with your internet connection all that often.
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Flash Project   Felarya Flash Project - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Dec 13, 2009 2:15 am

Important announcement
I'm not going to repeat myself here, so click the link above to read.

All the canon characters have been added to the Flash Wiki!
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Flash Project   Felarya Flash Project - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Dec 13, 2009 6:12 am

I can't imagine how difficult that was...
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Flash Project   Felarya Flash Project - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Dec 13, 2009 11:59 pm

FalconJudge wrote:
I can't imagine how difficult that was...
Indeed, it was tedious. However, thanks to Adobe fixing some things in CS4 that should have been fixed in CS3, but weren't, I can now copy-paste text areas instead of having to re-draw them every single frame. (That's right, except for the text areas in Unofficial Characters, all text areas are had drawn each frame).

Unofficial Characters is now up and the first lot of submissions have been added.
It's not too late to get your character's bio in, I won't be moving on for a little while.
If your character already has a bio posted on the forums, just pm me a link

The first lot of UC submissions added include:
Asaenvolk's Derek & Sionee
Veran's Sezja & Ziya
Pendragon's Al Bert
Kaitheguy123's Kaiten
Mickilla's Nadiel
JaetteTroll's Cashera, Dylan, Fenja, Grip, Khrixi and Ofelia
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya Flash Project   Felarya Flash Project - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Jan 17, 2010 10:30 am

Another update.
I've re-done the Carnivorous Plants section. It's MUCH better and neater now.
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