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Keeper of Flat Chests

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Char Chat. (Redo to char blog) - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Char Chat. (Redo to char blog)   Char Chat. (Redo to char blog) - Page 8 Icon_minitimeThu Feb 04, 2010 11:03 am

Ruby: I'd like to try the elf!

Aisu: If it's too spicy again, don't blame me. Just be glad that kiddie pool was nearby.
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PostSubject: Re: Char Chat. (Redo to char blog)   Char Chat. (Redo to char blog) - Page 8 Icon_minitimeThu Feb 04, 2010 11:18 am

Myrah: Here you go. *Hands a very annoyed Shanna to Ruby.* And Hi Mara. How have you been?

Shanna: Fine. Go ahead and get it out of your system. Don't be surprised if I give you indigestion.

Myrah: Sure, Samantha. Lets see...hows about we make up some dessert. Do you have any recipes you want to make, or would you like to help me with one of mine?
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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PostSubject: Re: Char Chat. (Redo to char blog)   Char Chat. (Redo to char blog) - Page 8 Icon_minitimeThu Feb 04, 2010 11:24 am

Samantha: *thinks for a moment and then claps her hand exitedly* "oooh I think i'd like to help you with your recipe.........what o I do?"
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Keeper of Flat Chests

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PostSubject: Re: Char Chat. (Redo to char blog)   Char Chat. (Redo to char blog) - Page 8 Icon_minitimeThu Feb 04, 2010 11:25 am

Ruby: Yay! *eats Shanna* Really yummy!

Aisu: Heh, sounds like you liked it.

Ruby: Yeah, but... *holds her stomach* I don't feel so well...

Aisu: Not agreein' with ya?

Ruby: I'm think I'm gonna-- *leans forward and wretches until Shanna comes back up* Scuse me... *blushes*
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Mara's snack

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PostSubject: Re: Char Chat. (Redo to char blog)   Char Chat. (Redo to char blog) - Page 8 Icon_minitimeThu Feb 04, 2010 12:03 pm

Mara: multitasking as always I see? I'm doing rather well. ^_^

Mara for once doesn't seem to be holding Bael, and she sits floats idly, wondering what to do. She looks at ruby just in time to see her vomit and then decides to introduce herself.

Mara: hey! I'm Mara, whats your name? ^_^
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Location : Chances are between someone's esophagus and duodenum

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PostSubject: Re: Char Chat. (Redo to char blog)   Char Chat. (Redo to char blog) - Page 8 Icon_minitimeThu Feb 04, 2010 12:12 pm

Shanna: I warned you. *Pockets a set of tiny glowing runes.* That was master Breon's neko escape kit. I find it works pretty well for nagas too. Don't worry, the nausea will pass before too long. Now, I gotta find some water to wash off in.

Myrah: Eesh. Sorry Ruby. Maybe some light soup will help your stomach settle. Now, Samantha, let's start with that. While I get the water boiling, can you find some chicken broth among the ingredients here? I'll need...say three barrels worth.
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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PostSubject: Re: Char Chat. (Redo to char blog)   Char Chat. (Redo to char blog) - Page 8 Icon_minitimeThu Feb 04, 2010 12:15 pm

Samantha: "yes miss of course miss" *Sh gives Myrah a polite bow beore looking over to the cart pulling out two barrels of chicken broth then taking the third opening it slightly, sticking her finger in and puttig it in her mouth to taste it*
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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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PostSubject: Re: Char Chat. (Redo to char blog)   Char Chat. (Redo to char blog) - Page 8 Icon_minitimeThu Feb 04, 2010 12:30 pm

Poe: Why can't you be anything like her?
Aster: Who, the one tasting the chicken broth? I don't mind the taste of chicken.
Poe: No, you imbecile! Why can't you behave like her? Get everything I want when I ask.
Aster: Because you eat cow meat.
Poe: What would you rather eat?
Aster: *leans over and gets a mouthful of grass* Grass is a basic necessity of a growing bovine. I'm half bovine, if you remember. Grass is rather good, if you ever want to quit eating cows.
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Keeper of Flat Chests

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PostSubject: Re: Char Chat. (Redo to char blog)   Char Chat. (Redo to char blog) - Page 8 Icon_minitimeThu Feb 04, 2010 12:40 pm

Aisu: Back in Drelonia, when I was in the AJF, I tried grass... Yeah, not so good... Ya know, watching Ruby eat, I've always wondered how a tiny would taste... Not that I was eat one or anything! Well... maybe one.. And they have to deserve it!
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Mara's snack

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PostSubject: Re: Char Chat. (Redo to char blog)   Char Chat. (Redo to char blog) - Page 8 Icon_minitimeThu Feb 04, 2010 12:59 pm

Mara: you okay? *she floated over to the naga who felt uneasy and started rubbing her back a little*

*mara turned to myrah* hey mind if I have some soup as well? Your cooking is one of the only kinds I like ^_^
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Location : Chances are between someone's esophagus and duodenum

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PostSubject: Re: Char Chat. (Redo to char blog)   Char Chat. (Redo to char blog) - Page 8 Icon_minitimeThu Feb 04, 2010 7:29 pm

Shanna: Hey, Aster, why do you take that kinda flak from him?

Myrah: Sure Mara, once it’s done. *Myrah pours the broth in, along with some noodles, some diced chicken, and a lot of vegetables., with Samantha’s help* Thanks Sammy. Soup’s on! *Myrah rings a dinner bell.
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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PostSubject: Re: Char Chat. (Redo to char blog)   Char Chat. (Redo to char blog) - Page 8 Icon_minitimeThu Feb 04, 2010 9:56 pm

Samantha: *giggles softly then looks down and notices she has spilled some of the chicken broth on her top and proceeds to remove it*
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Friend of the Jotun
Friend of the Jotun

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PostSubject: Re: Char Chat. (Redo to char blog)   Char Chat. (Redo to char blog) - Page 8 Icon_minitimeThu Feb 04, 2010 10:04 pm

Fenja: Yep, Aisu, you have the classic symptoms of Felaryan Fever. Hehehe... The longer you stay here, the worse that will get. But I know plenty of preds who don't eat littlers... so maybe you'll be okay.
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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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Char Chat. (Redo to char blog) - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Char Chat. (Redo to char blog)   Char Chat. (Redo to char blog) - Page 8 Icon_minitimeFri Feb 05, 2010 6:20 am

Aster: Because he is my master. And I make up for it by cutting him off in the middle of a sentence.
Poe: Yes he has a nasty habit of doing that. I'm not just his master, either.
Aster: He, in a way, created me. Or, more accurately, he's the one that brought me into this world.
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Keeper of Flat Chests

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PostSubject: Re: Char Chat. (Redo to char blog)   Char Chat. (Redo to char blog) - Page 8 Icon_minitimeFri Feb 05, 2010 7:42 am

Ruby: *slurping up soup* This is good!

Aisu: Yeah. Who knows...
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Mara's snack

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PostSubject: Re: Char Chat. (Redo to char blog)   Char Chat. (Redo to char blog) - Page 8 Icon_minitimeFri Feb 05, 2010 6:31 pm

Mara: thanks myrah ^^ if there's anything you need help with lemme know.

*looks around hoping to catch someone's eye so she can indroduce herself. there's many new faces* ^_^
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Eternal Optimist
Eternal Optimist

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PostSubject: I'm Mirielle   Char Chat. (Redo to char blog) - Page 8 Icon_minitimeMon Feb 08, 2010 1:34 pm

Here's maybe my better one. ^_^

Mirielle (Mir for short)
Felaryan Fairy
Size varies
Dragonfly wings
Short and messy red hair
Purple eyes
Likes: being mischevious, men (the taste of)
Dislikes: depression and apathy, people who act tough, Alvar,

Mirielle is basically your average Felaryan Fairy. She loves tricking people like any other fairy, but is also very creative and expressive, and can always be found showing her feelings and mood whatver they are. She can't stand people who don't show much emotion or act like they don't care about stuff. She also hates when people act tough. Mir sees Alvar as one of these "I-Don't-Care" tough-guys, and often gets frustrated just being near him. She also doesn't like him for hurting her when she tried to take her frustrations out on him, saying that's just something to add to his 'tough-guy' image. Mir's friends include many, such as Crisis and Lily, although Mir occasionally ends up in the middle of arguments between these two.

Mir just loves to play with her food, be it teasing her prey, hurting it, or using it to pleasure herself sexually (which often hurts it, too). She finds it boring when men take an attraction to her playing, however, and will get bored with and eat any who 'like it'. However, Mir seems to like (understatement) the taste of men, and doesn't like eating women, because they either whine too much or too loud, or act tough and say they're fine with dying. However, women aren't in any less danger than men are, as she likes to keep women (often carrying them between her amply-sized breasts) to give to her friends.
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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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PostSubject: Re: Char Chat. (Redo to char blog)   Char Chat. (Redo to char blog) - Page 8 Icon_minitimeMon Feb 08, 2010 1:41 pm

*Opens an eye* oh hello Myrah... how have you been? don't worry the cart has plenty of ingredients for all kinds of things...

by the way Cody has been looking for you... *sits up actually awake for the time being*
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Keeper of Flat Chests

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PostSubject: Re: Char Chat. (Redo to char blog)   Char Chat. (Redo to char blog) - Page 8 Icon_minitimeMon Feb 08, 2010 1:52 pm

Ruby: I'm back from hunting!

Aisu: Any luck?

Ruby: A little~ I found something shiny! *holds up a finger with a gold necklace on it*

Aisu: Oh nice.
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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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PostSubject: Re: Char Chat. (Redo to char blog)   Char Chat. (Redo to char blog) - Page 8 Icon_minitimeMon Feb 08, 2010 2:09 pm

How many times do you hunt a day? O_o god damn, letting people live past birth will actually benefit everyone in the long run...

damn naga's... Neutral
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Keeper of Flat Chests

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PostSubject: Re: Char Chat. (Redo to char blog)   Char Chat. (Redo to char blog) - Page 8 Icon_minitimeMon Feb 08, 2010 2:15 pm

Aisu: Well, today feels particularly long for some reason, I can't put my finger on it... almost as if it's being stretched... Meh, no two days feel the same here. And her metabolism has been speeding up lately, she gets hungry faster.
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Mara's snack

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PostSubject: Re: Char Chat. (Redo to char blog)   Char Chat. (Redo to char blog) - Page 8 Icon_minitimeMon Feb 08, 2010 2:19 pm

Mara: Can I come with you next time? ^O^ I love hunting :3
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Keeper of Flat Chests

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PostSubject: Re: Char Chat. (Redo to char blog)   Char Chat. (Redo to char blog) - Page 8 Icon_minitimeMon Feb 08, 2010 2:26 pm

Ruby: Umm, okay!

Aisu: be nice to her, she doesn't have much life experience.
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Mara's snack

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PostSubject: Re: Char Chat. (Redo to char blog)   Char Chat. (Redo to char blog) - Page 8 Icon_minitimeMon Feb 08, 2010 2:34 pm

mara: she doesn't? O.o
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Keeper of Flat Chests

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PostSubject: Re: Char Chat. (Redo to char blog)   Char Chat. (Redo to char blog) - Page 8 Icon_minitimeMon Feb 08, 2010 2:44 pm

Aisu: Well, when I found her, she wasn't educated at all. Had to teach her to speak and stuff, and it's only been five years since that day.
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PostSubject: Re: Char Chat. (Redo to char blog)   Char Chat. (Redo to char blog) - Page 8 Icon_minitime

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