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 Journey of a Drow

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PostSubject: Re: Journey of a Drow   Journey of a Drow - Page 5 Icon_minitimeThu Sep 16, 2010 6:30 pm

(OOC: I got permission from The Joker to use Sora here, should I wait for a turn or can I start now?)
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Darkstorm Zero
Darkstorm Zero

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PostSubject: Re: Journey of a Drow   Journey of a Drow - Page 5 Icon_minitimeThu Sep 16, 2010 6:43 pm

(OOC: Up to you dude.)
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PostSubject: Re: Journey of a Drow   Journey of a Drow - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 20, 2010 11:08 pm

(OOC: I think we should continue posting as normal and superieguy can just make his first post when he's ready.)
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ravaging vixen
ravaging vixen

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PostSubject: Re: Journey of a Drow   Journey of a Drow - Page 5 Icon_minitimeThu Oct 07, 2010 6:57 am

"Ooooo!" she said with a highly amused tone while inspecting the detailed message she received from geeran; Same time looking at where the whistle was coming from. Making her have a delighted cringe while reading the information. "well guys...ha ha ha we are either deeply screwed or deeply rewarded. Our Comrade Geeran just sent us an elusive message of a fairy coming near. given the time of this message and the whistle,I'm betting that's her." She said as she closed several windows on her pad and began to run deeper into the cave while looking back to say something at the two. "Y'know...this is a tactical disadvantage if we were to fight that fairy, So I'd hurry up before it manages to catch up with us if it chooses, also ready any weaponry you got. As i still don't know if we'll run into something down here as well."
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The Joker
Clown Prince of Crime
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PostSubject: Re: Journey of a Drow   Journey of a Drow - Page 5 Icon_minitimeFri Oct 08, 2010 7:43 am

The drow stayed silent for awhile, a dead serious look crossing his face as he replied, "Fine. I'll join your little group of humans. I'm warning you right now, though, if your group wastes my time in any manner, or insults my intelligence, then I leave, consequences be damned." he bluntly stated, pausing when he heard the shrill whistle from far away. Seeing the grave look on Seline's face, he pulled out his swords, looking at the insectoid as he said, "I take it we have uninvited company."


Hearing what sounded like people talking, Cazaria grumbled to herself, holding the flame in her hand in front of her as she flew towards the sound of the talking, eventually running into the humans. Huffing grumpily, she put on a cross face as she said, "What is WRONG with you?! Here I am, a poor lady all alone in a dark, damp cave, and you respond by IGNORING me?!" The fairy then started to pace around on the dirt floor, continuing to vent as she raved, "It's because I'm a FAIRY, isn't it?! You're all a bunch of racists, aren't you?! 'Oh, look, it's a fairy, let's automatically assume she's gonna EAT us all and burn her with fire!' I swear, you humans can be so closed-minded, it's absolutely ridiculous! I can't believe that..."
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Master cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Journey of a Drow   Journey of a Drow - Page 5 Icon_minitimeFri Oct 08, 2010 8:10 am

"Very unwanted, uninvited company" Seline said without looking at the Drow. "Depending on what and who it is, we might be very lucky... or very dead. Lets just hope it's the former" She started moving slowly towards the ledge, while motioning for the Drow to follow. Tipping over the edge and moving to the floor, she started for the rest of the group. she didn't bother trying to be stealthy, seeing that a predator would most likely already know she was in here. "Lets hurry up. I wanna be there if the others need help" she said and speed up.
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PostSubject: Re: Journey of a Drow   Journey of a Drow - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSat Oct 09, 2010 4:00 pm

Delve looked at Kalln and Thane with some discontent; her question aboyt the nagas being ignored. Looking around the dark cave she saw something that imediatly grabbed her attention, a flower growing out of a patch of soil. Ignoring what was going on around her she focused on the flower, it looked like a white Iris with dark red stem and leaves, a very unusual plant to be gorwing in a cave; yet it seemed as healthy as any of the flowers she remembered growing in the sunny pastures on Mara. Delve studied the flower, paying no attention the voices of her comrades as she scooped up a handful of the soil in an effort to figure out why this flower was growing here. Within seconds of making contact with Delve's hand the dirt began to dry out rapidly; a whisp of steam rose from the soil as all the water evaporated. Delve's eyes widened at the sight of the steam then quickly narrowed as a burning feeling shot through her mind; a series of red symbols flashed before her eyes as she slowly looked down at the now dry brown powder before letting it fall through her fingers.
The world around Delve seemed to slow down and go silent as her mind processed this new information; she stood there staring at her dirty open palm. Snapping her head up she could see Kallan mouthing words as she edged further into the cave; Thane seemed to be paying attention, but unsure as to follow whatever instructions Kallan was giving him. Delve then turned her attention to the entrance of the cave to see a strange humanoid woman with translucent wings; seemlingly adressing the group. Delve closed her palm into a fist as she began to stride towards the unusual visitor ignoring the fact she was both floating and one of her hands seemed to be on fire. As she passed the fairy the air around them seemd to heat up rapidly; the moss hissed beneather her feet, each step leaving a brown scorch mark untill she had cleared the presense of the magical being. None of this drew Delve's attention as she continued her silent walk towards the mouth of the cave.
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PostSubject: Re: Journey of a Drow   Journey of a Drow - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMon Oct 11, 2010 11:48 am

Slightly confused by Kallan's tone as she relayed the disturbing message, Thane still followed her direction to be ready for combat. Realising that his voulge would be useless in the confined cave, Thane drew his hatchet. He started to follow Kallan as she ran further down the cave calling for him to follow. Before he had gone a few steps he realised that he hadn't heard a word from Delve.

Thane turned to see Delve giving him a strange look, in the corner of his eye he saw a light coming closer-it had to be the fairy. He watched as she turned and walked away, his attention focused on Delve as the fairy made her appearance, expressing her displeasure.

"Delve, what are you doing?" he called after her, puzzled by her lack of response. His confusion grew as she ignored him completely and walked silently towards what Kallan told them to run from.
His attention was then dragged back to the 'Fairy' by her indignant tirade accusing him and his companions. Seeing that he could do nothing, Thane rested his hatchet on his shoulder as the fairy paced, continuing her rant.

Frustrated by the strange actions of the people he had encountered and the rant of this fairy creature, Thane responded in kind; "You accuse me without knowing how long I've been here, without asking if I even knew about your kind and their habits. You talk of assumptions when you make big ones yourself! I'm not concerned with what you're doing, I'm trying to find out why this woman, an apparent refugee just stalked off with no explanation, leaving scorch marks..." Thane trailed off as he noticed the blackened footprints which he had not noticed until now due to the Fairy's arrival.
Bringing his mind to the present, Thane raised his hatchet and adopted a combat stance. "That aside, I have been warned of you Fairy. You say that we should not assume, but you must have some intention here."
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Darkstorm Zero
Darkstorm Zero

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PostSubject: Re: Journey of a Drow   Journey of a Drow - Page 5 Icon_minitimeTue Oct 12, 2010 8:29 am

The Grevious Angel's external sensors where suddenly warning the AI of a radiological contamination that was gaining rapidly.


The Multisonsor unit on the machine's forhead was activated. the AI attempted to disscern the information it was receiving to try and reach a suitable conclusion.

Meanwhile, Geeran was continuing to show signs of his affliction, the veins that beared the infection where darkening and pulsing painfully, and they where spreading.

"Oh yessss, in a few weeks, you will be ready to play your role for me boy... You will fight, kill and destroy for me... You and the others I have been seeding will provide enough of a distraction to draw out those who guard what belongs to me..." That faint, distand, yet familiar dark voice came to him once more... and the images in geerans mind became much more disturbing... the violence escalated every time it replayed itself...

Last edited by Darkstorm Zero on Wed Nov 10, 2010 7:16 am; edited 2 times in total
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ravaging vixen
ravaging vixen

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PostSubject: Re: Journey of a Drow   Journey of a Drow - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed Oct 13, 2010 8:18 pm

As Kallan was running. Her HUD was going berserk with windows appliances of the readings it was receiving from Delve. It was worse than she feared would happen; her Aggression levels were much higher than their previous encounter. And the radiation she was emitting was very questionable, It wasn't Inter-universally typical as most other people from different worlds were emitting off, it was almost as if it was purposely made to be unique for reason unknown to her still. Geeran's state was very questionable too. She hacked through enough systems in his mech's OS interface to tell that it went into a Hard core security measure, even before the fairy came around. Rattling and trying to compensate this information in her head, she went back to Thane and the recent new comer 'Cazaria' in a very unpleasant mood no thanks to their bickering.

She went Towards the fairy first. Stand in front of her while she continued to pace. Out of tiresome aggression she flicked Cazaria in the head hard to get her attention off her personal prejudice. She then grabbed her by her left arm and began to drag her towards Thane, flicking him in the head as well and pulling them next to each other. "Look you two, as of right now, I don't really care about the small issues which we can talk about later. Right now even as a new group, we're in worse shit than an Apeclaw's. We got some crazy psycho farm girl that's burning the ground. A person in a mech who can't do ****ing crap due to his 'unknown' absence. A Nice insect lady who might be dead for all we know, the stupid elf and now we picked up you." she said as she pointed her left hand markedly at the fairy. "As on this planet we're the bottom of the food chain, so of course we'll try to blow the shit out of ya. Your kind is very mischievous. If you really want to be friendly and get to know us better, least you can do is help us out now and blow this crap over so we can talk some more and eventually not be total racist assholes, but Comrades." She said in a logical calm tone

She then turned her attention to Thane with a prudent grin, as if she knew he was totally lost in all this random confusion that was going on. It made her want to laugh at the thought of it. She then put her arm on Thane's shoulder in order to comfort to him. "We'll get through with this alright. Delve was my responsibility at first, but I guess she's 'out of whack' at the moment and may cause unwanted trouble. Crazy stuff like this happens in Felarya all the time? If you haven't been here before then you're in for a spectacular and rude awakening. So then guys. how bout we get this done with cooler heads and keeping together? Less you want to be alone and eaten; which in all honesty sounds like a pissy way to go." She said as she backed a little way from the two.

"So how bout I go after Seline and the Bastard elf, while you two figure out whats going on with Delve. Sound like a good deal?" she announced in a more pleasant tone.

(Oh yeah and remember. So said approval of joker; You can make lil side conversation pertaining to a group as long as they don't fill up the whole page and have reasonable intention of being there)

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The Joker
Clown Prince of Crime
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PostSubject: Re: Journey of a Drow   Journey of a Drow - Page 5 Icon_minitimeFri Oct 22, 2010 11:04 pm

"Right." the drow state as he followed behind Seline, jumping from rock to rock as he kept his swords drawn so that he could be ready for combat, determined to take down whoever this 'predator' was if she was indeed a threat.


The fairy continued to rant and rave about the racism of the two humans she had only encountered, abrubtly stopping when Kallan flicked her in the head, a look of surprise hitting her face as she was dragged over to where Thane was. As Kallan lectured her about her racist rant and talked with Thane to try and get him to pull himself together somewhat, Cazaria only half-listened, still partly shocked that the human had the gall to what she did. After she had stopped talking, the fairy walked up to her and pointed a finger into the young woman's chest as she said, "Y'know...you've got a whole lot of nerve to do that to someone who could shrink you down and swallow you whole without a second thought."

The shocked look on the fairy's face then changed to a beaming grin, laughing as she unexpectedly pulled the human into a bear hug, then pulling her back at shoulder's length as she said, "I love seeing humans with spunk! Adventuring with you's gonna be awesome!" She then made her way over to Thane, wrapping an arm around his neck and giving him a light noogie as she asked, "So, you ready to go on our first adventure together, buddy?"
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Master cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Journey of a Drow   Journey of a Drow - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSat Oct 23, 2010 12:50 am

Seline came round a bend to see, what from her position looked like a fairy with a human in a strangle hold . "Hey. Let that man go" She yelled loudly, which echoed though the cave system. and before the fairy or anyone else had a chance to reply or even look her way, she yelled again. "I challenge you for him" The words 'I challenge you' resounding again and again.
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PostSubject: Re: Journey of a Drow   Journey of a Drow - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSat Oct 23, 2010 3:51 pm

Delve soon reached the mouth of the cave unmolested; she looked up at the roof assessing the opening's structual integrity before looking at the seemingly dormant 'mech. The cave seemed solid, despite Delve's strength she wouldn't be able to cause a cave in; of course even if she did there was the risk of attracting Geeran's attention. She looked up at the Grevious Angel then looked back at the cave before continuing her walk into the jungle. Delve needed to get out of the immediate area; by now her former comrades probably had an idea as to waht she was and she was still human enough to know they would not allow her to continue. Upon leaving the clearing Delve began to pick up the pace, she had to get as far away from the mech as possible; out of its sensor range. Despite the difficult terrain Delve was still able to run at an average speed of 25 miles an hour; her artificial limbs and enhanced reaction time allowing her to easily maneuver past the larger obsitcles while breaking through the smaller ones. Her progress was not subtle by any means, but it was rapid.
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PostSubject: Re: Journey of a Drow   Journey of a Drow - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed Nov 10, 2010 6:35 am

A surprised look appeared on Thane's face as Kallan flicked him in the head. He nodded to show he understood what she was saying, but when Thane heard her last words, he began having second thoughts. "First she warns me about this fairy, next she tells me to cooperate with her? This seems suspicious, that fairy is obviously a spellcaster... But I don't have much choice."
Pushing his suspicions aside, Thane replied "Ok, We'll see what we can do about Delve."

Just after he said this, the fairy pulled Kallan into a hug. Thane looked on, slightly amused. But his amusement turned to annoyance as the fairy turned to him. He tolerated the noogie then raised his hand and laid it on Cazari's shoulder, the metal gauntlet pressing down heavily. "Hey, don't get too friendly. I don't trust you yet."
Just as he was about to remove himself from the fairy's embrace, a new voice rang out from further down the cave. At this, Thane tore himself free from Cazaria grip, turning to face this new threat.
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Darkstorm Zero
Darkstorm Zero

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PostSubject: Re: Journey of a Drow   Journey of a Drow - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed Nov 10, 2010 6:54 am

The energy pulses emitting from Geeran's very skin where growing stronger, and spreading fast.

The cluster of veins spread across his entire torso and down his arms and legs before they fashed angrily, a powerful hissing sound like his flesh was cooking, and his skin began to steam and smoke.


"It is not time for you to be unleashed yet boy... But now you know... there is no way to escape me..., your will is mine when I so choose... Until then...

When the voice finished, the veins dissapeared entirely, and Geeran awoke with a horrid start, sitting straight up with a scream, snapping the straps... the AI lowered the containment field just in time for the boy to avoid headbutting it. Immediately, Geeran scrambled for the exit, opening the access hatch, Geeran lost his lunch into the open air....

After a few seconds of this, Geeran was breathing heavily, his eyes shut, But something strange... His hands where tipped with viscious looking talons, his gritted teeth where sharp, like a vampire or a neko... and a small pair of bakward facing horms adorned his head.... His breathing came out in rolling gasps.

However, these features where slowly receeding and his body returned to normal... If still shaken.

"Whats happening to me....? I feel like I'm burning and freezing at the same time.... I feel... like I should be dead...."
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ravaging vixen
ravaging vixen

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PostSubject: Re: Journey of a Drow   Journey of a Drow - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 14, 2010 10:23 am

"This is going to become a retard moment, Thanks Seline..."She thought as she heard The woman's voice echo throughout the cave. She was slightly irritated at this, because this ruckus was giving them less time to not confront a threat that maybe about in the night looking for a quick snack.On a side thought, she picked up Geeran's mech's signature while thinking of this bad situation. Saying now that the cockpits was open and the safety protocols were at least dampened when it happened. "Oh ho ho. least he's out now." She said to herself quietly in a pleasant mood.She then had a second thought that Delve was up there with him too. "Oh shit..." she said as she looked at Thane and Cazria with a concerned appearance on her face."hey guys. what if psycho Girl beats up the only friend we have with serious firepower." When she said this, she was stuped by her own comment and immediately began running up towards the cave's mouth. "you guys can join too! she said as she ran."
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PostSubject: Re: Journey of a Drow   Journey of a Drow - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSat Nov 20, 2010 5:53 pm

Delve skidded to a stop in order to get her bearings; she hadn't been running for very long but her pace had taken her a considerable distance from the cave and the others. But now she was lost; in her effort to get out of sensor range of Geeran's 'mech she had completely lost track of where she was in this dense jungle. It seemed that the trees themselves were moving closer to her as she stared up into the night sky as the strange cries of the native animals echoed through the humid air. Delve slowly rotated her head, looking for movement, trying to make out if anything was approaching her. Suddenly a fimiliar red light shot across her eyes as another part of her mind took over.

Delve realised that she needed to rely on the group if she wanted to get to her destination, thus the killing instinct of the main protocol would be counter productive. Rubbing her eyes Delve started to walk down through the damaged path she had carved only momments before; going back to the group would be very akward considering what had happened but with the restrictions of the protocols lifted Delve should be able to imagein some kind of excuse and make it seem convincing.
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The Joker
Clown Prince of Crime
Clown Prince of Crime
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PostSubject: Re: Journey of a Drow   Journey of a Drow - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMon Nov 22, 2010 7:08 pm

Cazaria grinned from ear to ear as he heard the insectoid challenge her, and was about to fly up to meet her when she heard Kalian's voice, stopping to hear what she had to say. A smile flashed onto her face again as Kalian talked about 'psycho girl', immediately intrigued when Kalian started to run out to the mouth of the cave. She started to pursue, but stopped, looking up at Seline and commenting with, "Don't worry, we'll fight over whether or not that one guy gets to be your slave after we kick psycho girl's ass!" With that, she flew after the red-haired human, easily catching up with her before asking, "So, who's psycho girl again? Was she that other girl that was with you?"

Meanwhile, back at the cave, the drow was laughing his head off, slapping Seline on the back as he said, "Well, it looks like someone needs to be more careful with their wording!" With that, he silently hopped down and pursued the ones who had ran out of the cave, being silent since he didn't want to be discovered just yet.
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Master cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Journey of a Drow   Journey of a Drow - Page 5 Icon_minitimeTue Nov 23, 2010 7:02 am

Seline shrugged as the Drow went ahead of her. It didn't matter if the fairy misunderstood what she said, she knew what she meant. She looked at Thane, who was looking at her as if she was the bigger threat. 'Definitely a newcomer' She thought and shrugged again, now following the Drow. *You never told me your name" She called. "It would be nice to know, what i should call you"
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PostSubject: Re: Journey of a Drow   Journey of a Drow - Page 5 Icon_minitimeTue Dec 14, 2010 2:20 pm

Thane froze at the word 'slave.' He wasn't going to have that happen, ever. However before he could respond the fairy flew off after Kallan. Thane stood and watched her fly off; his anger simmering.

He heard the female voice again, presumably talking to him. Thane turned to see some sort of hybrid of a human torso and insectoid lower body. Not having seen such a combination before, he stared for a moment before responding to her. "I am Thane." he stated before turning around and following the others out of the cave, stiff with anger.
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Darkstorm Zero
Darkstorm Zero

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PostSubject: Re: Journey of a Drow   Journey of a Drow - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed Dec 15, 2010 2:37 am

Geeran continued to dry heave for a few seconds longer before his stomach finally settled, and not a moment too soon. He heard commotions at the mouth of the cave, and looked down. He quickly reached for a shirt to pull on, as his chest still looked like it had takenthe full brunt of a blast of sheer radiation. Slipping it on rather clumsily, he had hoped nobody noticed and stood up. The deformities where now barely noticable and dissapearing fast.

As he pulled the shirt down over his eyes, he saw the familiar faces, but also a couple he didn't recognize.

Then his gaze rested on one of the unfamiliars... Cazaria, He knew this Fairy, even had to battle her once. and instinctively grabbed his plasma pistol and pointed it at her. And was getting ready to jump back into the cockpit in an instants notice should this turn south.

"You... Why are you here? Fairy." Geeran said, and although his face was ice cold emotionless, the fire in his eyes was quickly spreading. "And you'd better not be setting them up for death, because if you are, I promise you'll be only the first one I'll kill..." he added, this time through clenched teeth, exposing his still sharp fangs as they rapidly dwindled.
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ravaging vixen
ravaging vixen

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PostSubject: Re: Journey of a Drow   Journey of a Drow - Page 5 Icon_minitimeThu Dec 16, 2010 10:15 am

"simmer down Geeran...She's just the guest prize in the show...A gun show." She said with a Jokingly grin towards Cazaria while letting her free hand stroke on the cold metal of her caliber in hand. "If she does anything out of the suspicious. Ballistics and various forms of unpredictable magic are The points of authority." when she was don't speaking, Crossed her arms and lean against a nearby tree. Glaring her eyes at the group present and coming,her eyes scanning from left to right carefully and slowly observant.

As Thane barely arrived, barely weary from jogging up the cave. She gave him a quick thumbs up and a smile that gave the expression welldone watching him walk next to her. After thane, Kallan showed a cold and analytical Glare on what Delve left behind.. She notice that the radiation field That she left a trail of was dissipating at an alarming rate. reaching to the presence it was before she ran out of the cave. This worried Kallan, she didn't know whether to tell everyone else about delves involuntary self defense initiatives or to play along and tell them later. Thinking this over gave her a nauseating feeling of responsibility towards the Girl, mainly due to the fact that she found her first and her own personal Vendetta's of leaving people left die from her past experience of being in a military. Noticing a few around her took a hint on her expressionist sympathy, she looked down at the ground to to misdirect their attention from her self. Turning her face towards Seline and and a small dark figure yards away from her, concealing himself a bit at the entrance of the cave as if not to be noticed directly.

"welcome late to the party Seline, you just came in time to see it really pickup." She said with a sarcastic tone, still with plain and irritated face as she Pivot her eyes from the Insect woman to the Elf still concealing himself a bit in the shadows of the stoned arched structure "Hey ass, i hope your not arrogant enough to at least show your self before you depart...or not."

Edit: alright. well I'm done. can continue shall we? Didn't take to long to reiterate that paragraph.
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PostSubject: Re: Journey of a Drow   Journey of a Drow - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSat Jan 01, 2011 11:57 am

The terrain was difficult and broken as Delve slowly stepped over the snapped branches and tangled under growth; her progress was slow however if she followed the path she would get back to the cave. She looked around to see any visible light source that may show the presence of the others but to no avail; not surprising considering Delve hadn't even covered a quarter of the distance she ran. The air around her seemed to fill with a low creaking sound, it appeared to be distant yet close by in its origin. Delve paused as the sounds became louder, she recognised the sound from her past life as an agricultural engineer on Mara, the sound of artificially enhanced plant growth. Yet the sound dictated that whatever was growing was doing so at a phenomenal rate, far faster than anything she thought would be possible. Delve wanted to run, her situation was becoming worrisome, but the mangled vegetation prevented her from going any faster than a walk, any faster and she could easily topple over. Using her hands to feel what lay ahead of her, Delve noticed something wrong; the plants were no longer damaged. Delve lashed out with her hands, cutting a path for herself only to find more vines and branches in her way. Suddenly she felt something curl around her wrist, swing hard she managed to pull it free just as another vine curled around her leg. As Delve continued to try and free herself a red light flashed across her eyes as the threat trigger activated.
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Darkstorm Zero
Darkstorm Zero

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Journey of a Drow - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Well guys and girls....   Journey of a Drow - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun Jan 16, 2011 1:40 am

(OOC: It's officially been over 2 months since Joker was last seen... What should we do? consider moving on without him? Let the RP die? Or try to continue waiting?)
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Journey of a Drow - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey of a Drow   Journey of a Drow - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun Jan 16, 2011 2:16 am

(OOC: I Talked to him on the eighth, he said that he'd get it done on the weekend but that obviously didn't happen. I don't want this roleplay to die.)
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Journey of a Drow - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey of a Drow   Journey of a Drow - Page 5 Icon_minitime

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