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 Journey of a Drow

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Darkstorm Zero
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PostSubject: Re: Journey of a Drow   Journey of a Drow - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 30, 2010 8:18 pm

Geeran retracted the hand and stood up, noticing that Selina looked ust a little bit miffed when she declined his offer. "I meant no offence. it's just that I beleive in the conservation of energy before a fight, No need to tire yourself out when other options are available."

His sensors tracing the Drow to a small cave system a few hundred meters away to their western side. This information was soon overshadowed by his alert going off when Kalen activated her weapon. The Grevious Angel's head snapped around to her direction, it's green eyes turned red as if activating for battle, and it quickly stood up.

"Damn it Kallan! I told you my Bio Sensor wasn't picking up large lifeforms within miles of this area! you trying to kill an inured person or what!?" geeran said sternly into his commlink.
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PostSubject: Re: Journey of a Drow   Journey of a Drow - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 30, 2010 8:30 pm


A crimson beam passed over Delve's head; she opened her eye to see a woman standing in front of her shooting at the ground. 'Who is she and what is...' Delve's thought process stopped as the burning sensation in her mind erupted; clearing it of all thought. Her arms and legs felt unusually warm and heavy. Delve opened her eyes, the woman had stopped shooting and seemed to be talking as she knelt over her; Delve could hear the words but they didn't register as if the woman was talking in another language. Without thinking of it Delve stood up; grabbed a hold of girl's gun, forcing her to her feet. She looked into the girl's rather shocked face with her emotionless eyes, tilting her head to one side as she began to crush the weapon with her left hand. With her right hand Delve reached round, grabbing a hold of the girl's left wrist; the Axis heard the bones crack under her powerful grip, forcing the girl to drop her sword. She peered round, noticing the cables that lead from the pistol to the back pack; Delve snapped her head back, looking the girl square in the face. Delve released the girls left wrist before ramming her hand into the side of the backpack in an attempt to seize any hidden weapons. The Axis stared coldly at the panicked girl, her expression remaining the same as a sudden jolt ran through her right arm. Delve immediately released her hold on the girl before blacking out; falling flat on her back. .

Last edited by CauldronBorn24 on Sat May 01, 2010 4:32 pm; edited 2 times in total
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The Joker
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PostSubject: Re: Journey of a Drow   Journey of a Drow - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat May 01, 2010 5:29 am

From his position at the entrance of the cave, the drow let out an amused chuckle as he saw the explosion in the distance along with the sounds of struggle, rearing his head back as it turned into a roar of a laugh, his face sneering with glee when his laughter eventually calmed. "Typical surface dwellers. So moronically foolish and witless. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if they killed each other before sunrise."

His mirthful grin than changed to a solemn frown as he saw the very first traces of sunrise in the night sky, turning back around with a whiff of his cloak as he walked back into the cave, saying to himself, "If they are to tear themselves apart, then let them. I have better things to do with my time than to dirty my hands with those cretins."
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PostSubject: Re: Journey of a Drow   Journey of a Drow - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat May 01, 2010 10:30 am

'Oh great. Couldn't you just ring a giant dinner bell' Seline thought, when she heard the gunfire and the impacts. "If we're lucky... that will only attract a few preds" Seline said, with a look to Geeran and shortly followed up with a loud sigh. "Well. We might as well try and find the poor Drow, before he ends on the menu of some curious pred, who wants to know how a black elf tastes" With that, she skittered off in the general direction of the cave, with a fast pace.

It didn't take long before she was standing in front of the cave, where the Drow had carelessly left a faint footprint in a little bit of gravel. "Should we go in after him.. or smoke him out. What do you think, Geeran?" she asked.
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ravaging vixen
ravaging vixen

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PostSubject: Re: Journey of a Drow   Journey of a Drow - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun May 02, 2010 10:01 am

(Sorry guys.Guess i didn't explain how loud, or should i say quiet, that gun really is. Thought the description would help. I'm fine though, I'll deal with this.)

As Kallan was getting her self together, she noticed that the back of her pack was a little wrecked during the confrontation, She gave a displeased expression while looking at it, but wasn't too worried."She only made a dent in it and touched one of the cells. should take about half an hour to fix up, since it didn't receive too much damage." She said to herself while examining the Puncture.

She then remembered that Geeran was complaining at her while she was being handled by the woman, and activated her earpiece to talk back to him. "Sorry, guess i got carried away, I'll make sure it doesn't happen again. I found something interesting about the woman though. I'll tell you when you guys Find the Elf, or should i say 'if' you do. Good luck, Kallan out. With that ending she turned her attention back to the woman and began to scan her visually. "guess no one is normal on this planet." She snickered and began looking for a spot to settle down to start repairing her pack.
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Darkstorm Zero
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PostSubject: Re: Journey of a Drow   Journey of a Drow - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun May 02, 2010 2:44 pm

Geeran muttered under his breath as he followed seline towards the cave entryway.

"Smoking him out is a little extreme, and the grevious Angel is too big to go in there.... But I get the feeling he'll be more reciprocating towards you than he would me" Geeran replied as he dug through his database.

"Yeah, here it is... Drows worship a Dridder-like entity called Lloth on quite a few pre-industrial worlds. It's a slightly more modernised form of pagan worship, but you look enough like most depictions of Lloth to fall head over heals for you. Most surface dweller shun them, and the feeling is reciprocated for the most part, Drows dislike most other species, and only rarely have they made friends with other species" he explained as he closed off the off-world file.

"It seems like if I went in there with or without my unit, I would be in for a fight. and I havn't slept in 3 days as it is".
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PostSubject: Re: Journey of a Drow   Journey of a Drow - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun May 02, 2010 3:53 pm

Seline scratched the top of her head while looking at her many legs. "Did you by any chance count my legs wrong?" She said without looking at Geeran. "Oh well. grab a nab and I'll go fig-i mean talk to him" She quickly corrected and sent Geeran a goofy smile, while rubbing the back of her head. Before Geeran could say anything, she was speeding into the cave, yelling back to him. "Be right back" And then she was covered in darkness.

Walking calmly through the dark tunnel, as she was used to in the hive, was no greater challenge than ripping the head of a Neera. 'I could get used to this place... reminds me of home' She thought and gave a low whistle as she saw a large amount of enormous stalactites. She quickly looking through the stalactites, to see if the Drow was hiding between them, and then sighed. "Even races with good vision in the dark, will have a hard time spotting something black in here..." She sighed again. "HEEEEEEEEYYYYYYY DROOOOOOOOOOOW.... YOU IN HERE?" Her shout echoed through the cave.
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Darkstorm Zero
Darkstorm Zero

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PostSubject: Re: Journey of a Drow   Journey of a Drow - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun May 02, 2010 8:56 pm

Geeran grumbled just a little, turning off his speakers and mic. "I know the difference bitween six and eight legs... But I don't know if the drow cares or not." he said.

The Grevious Angel sat back against the cliff face and wrapped it's wings around itself, folded and slipped into recharge mode, only the secondary sensors and life support was active.

Geeran himself opened up a small packet of rations and started eating quietly.
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PostSubject: Re: Journey of a Drow   Journey of a Drow - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun May 02, 2010 9:31 pm

Delve's eyes fluttered open, a burning feeling lingered in her mind as it started to fill with questions. 'What just happened?' 'Why am I on my back?' she slowly sat up; supporting herself with her arms. Delve scanned the darkness, the sight of a fidgeting girl imediatly caught her attention, she looked familiar but Delve had no idea who she was. Memories of events that had transpired flooded back along with the questions, all these thoughts making Delve feel sick in to her stomach. She sighed heavily hoping to clear her mind enough for rational thought; Delve looked at the girl who seemed to be focused on whatever she was working on before sighing again. "Excuse me, is this a Maxi planet? Are you part of the relife force?" she asked, as trembles of desperation and grief made themselves heard.
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ravaging vixen
ravaging vixen

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PostSubject: Re: Journey of a Drow   Journey of a Drow - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon May 03, 2010 3:01 pm

"Sorry, This planet we're on is under no sort of government rule. As for for a relief force, far from being compared to one. All my guys are spread in this forest, nearest group being 13 miles away. Though I'm with some Comrades at the moment." she said in a straightforward tone. "your on Felarya, at least that's what the people and other races around here call it. Rather dangerous, but rewarding planet t be on." She finished and took a break from repairing her pack of the previous quarrel. Showing sign and pain and Ache from her wrist, she decided to take off the leather and most clothing material from her suit. Showing her are a bare hand in a inadequate state to use for any hard or complex labor. Carefully she was applying treatment and wrapping to it. After, she put back on her clothing and refocus her attention back to the woman. "Names Kallan, I'm an engineer slash weapons scientist. Nice too see your awake in a non violent mood" The last sentence made her have a worried smile. Uneasy thoughts were going through her head about having to deal with the Woman again in her aggressive state, and was ever vigilant to keep a close watch on her incase if it does happen again. "How bout you? what's your name, and any particular way you and your...Dead...Comrade got here?"
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Seasoned adventurer
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PostSubject: Re: Journey of a Drow   Journey of a Drow - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon May 03, 2010 6:56 pm

can I join? I'd like to be more active in this forum. I'll go as my character amanda okay? i'll give a link if you want.
http://fav.me/d2i6bt8 (hope it works)

*Amanda wakes up in the morning and streches, the laminan neko opening her eyes to yelp as she finds herself no longer in the bed in nekomora she was that night, but in the felaryan forest and looks around for clues on how she got here*
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The Joker
Clown Prince of Crime
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PostSubject: Re: Journey of a Drow   Journey of a Drow - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue May 04, 2010 2:49 am

(TryMeIke, I appreciate that you'd like to be a more active member in the Felarya community, but I'll need you to make changes to your post before it'll be accepted as part of the rp. I've sent you a pm regarding this, and I please ask that you read it and make the suitable changes, should you still wish to join.)

The drow could only roll it's eyes in annoyance as it watched the ariformid call out to him, hidden by his piwafwi's magical properties, and a rather tall stalagmite. Did this creature honestly believe that he would just come out to her call? Did she really think him to be that stupid? He had no reason to trust her, and he wasn't about to start now. This drow was determined not to be played as a fool; not by this creature or anyone else for that matter.

If he wanted to, he could have equipped his hand crossbow with a dart coated in sleeping poison, and shot her in the neck to knock her out so that he could move on. However, he wanted to save his darts for actual threats, and this admittedly beautiful creature wasn't that much of one to him. So, he silently moved on to another area of the cavern where the cave continued on; a very small flicker of his movement could be seen by the ariformid if her eyes could catch it.
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Darkstorm Zero
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PostSubject: Re: Journey of a Drow   Journey of a Drow - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue May 04, 2010 4:43 am

Geeran;s eye glanced at the slight ripple of movement reading on his bio sensor unit. it was only the subtlest movement of changing position.

He smirked a little, wondering if Airformids antenae acted like the larger Felaryan's magical senses that they use to hunt. If so, the Drow was more or less as good as found in the next few minutes.

Geeran himself shrugged, and continue eating. This drow was shrewd enough not to need protecting from a Predators stomach, and was crafty enough to be able to evade a skilled tracker and hunter like Seline long enough. His thoughts drifed to Kallen and the strange falled human with the odd bio readings.
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Master cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Journey of a Drow   Journey of a Drow - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue May 04, 2010 5:10 am

Seline skittered around, checking for the Drow between the many stalactites and stalagmites. As she was just about to call it out again she spotted movement in the corner of her eye. "There you are" She said and sped after the Drow, her six legs clicking and clacking loudly on the stone floor. "Wait up elf. I just wanna talk" She yelled to the Drow. "And maybe have a match" She muttered to herself.

She was chasing the moving Drow for a while and had only gotten a little closer, before noticing how long this cave was. "Just how longs is this thing?" she said to herself. 'How can something at that size with only two legs, run so damn fast? i don't have all day' She thought and sped up further while forming several javelins in her hands. As soon as she had made 14 javelins she threw them in rapid succession, forming a fence ahead of the Drow.
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PostSubject: Re: Journey of a Drow   Journey of a Drow - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue May 04, 2010 4:20 pm

Delve's heart sank at the news she was lost as she stared aimlessly at Kallan; a tear forming in her eye. "I'm Delve, Delve Nuee..." her mind flashed back to the massive warship breaking through the clouds as it launched a missile barrage on the city below."I'm from the planet Mara; we came under attack... not just our planet but the entire Maxi civilization." Delve's speech was broken, her voice meek. "We tried to escape through a dimensional gate but..." Delve closed her eyes the tear running down her cheek as she remembered the war planes that attacked her and the other refugees. "The missiles..." she whispered "They must have damaged the gate and... killed Tec." Delve's voice trailed off as she look to where her dead friend lay before turning back towards Kallan. "You say this place is dangerous, but are we at least safe from them?"
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ravaging vixen
ravaging vixen

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PostSubject: Re: Journey of a Drow   Journey of a Drow - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu May 06, 2010 1:46 pm

"For the time being, your safe from 'them'. I bet it's no difference though, your going into a hell hole just after getting out of one." Kallan said with a eerie grin. She then came over to Delve and put her right hand on her shoulder to comfort her. "you gotta think about this though, if it wasn't for him, you wouldn't be here. probably better then were you were before." she said in a plain but positive tone. "these aggressors though. who are they?"
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The Joker
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PostSubject: Re: Journey of a Drow   Journey of a Drow - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat May 08, 2010 10:01 am

The drow grinned as he saw the ice javelin fence from in front of him after the ariformid threw her weapons. While he had to admit that this creature was quite skilled with magic, she obviously didn't know much about his people and their abilities. With only the will of his mind, the dark elf easily levitated over the fence that she had formed and landed on the other side, taking off his hood for a moment to reveal himself to the ariformid. He gave her a cocky smirk before pulling his hood back up to hide himself again, laughing as he ran into the next part of the cave system.
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Darkstorm Zero
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PostSubject: Re: Journey of a Drow   Journey of a Drow - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat May 08, 2010 10:46 am

Geeran watched both sets of signals for a few moments longer after he had stopped eating, before doing a wide range scan of the area and, apparently free from dangerous lifeforms, he poped the hatch once again to his unit. The cool night air rushed into the cockpit, and as a tradeoff, the slight smell of fried noodles drifted from within the cabin itself into the open air.

Geeran stretched out his tired muscles and started ferriting in the rear compartments for his sleeping needs.

(Heh, maybe the scent of some edible food might draw out the others Razz)
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PostSubject: Re: Journey of a Drow   Journey of a Drow - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat May 08, 2010 11:05 am

Seline made wide eyes as the Drow easily levitated over the fence, that she had intended to stop- or at least slow down. The wide eyes changed to eyes of excitement, when the Drow sent a cocky smirk her way. "Oho... so you're challenging me, huh? Well, i accept" She yelled right before coming to the fence. She made a quick motion with her hand, and the fence evaporated, allowing her free passage.

Seline was in awe. She couldn't be more than 50 feet behind the Drow now, but she wasn't getting any closer despite moving as fast as she could. In order to catch up to the fast paced elf , she would have to use other methods. She made a long pole with bend on the end and started trying to hook it on one of the Drows ankles, to make him trip or waste precious seconds on dodging.
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PostSubject: Re: Journey of a Drow   Journey of a Drow - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat May 08, 2010 12:44 pm

Delve lent against Kallan, sighing deeply as she picked up a stick and began drawing something in the dirt. "I don't know." she explained while looking down at her diagram. "They came from nowhere, destroying our home worlds and fleet." Delve paused as she made adjustments to the picture. "A week later what remained of our fleet appeared in the Mara system; broadcasting messages that they we were to be evacuated. They were still transmitting when the invader's fleet attacked, we heard their screams as they died, then we were next; those of us who survived the bombardment fled to the dimensional gate." Delve sighed again before looking at Kallan in the eyes. "Why the preyed on a peaceful race of stellar cartographers is beyond me." she backed away from the drawing in the dirt, allowing Kallan to see it.
"That is their insignia." she said bluntly.
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ravaging vixen
ravaging vixen

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PostSubject: Re: Journey of a Drow   Journey of a Drow - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun May 09, 2010 5:36 pm

"Huh...it looks very familiar. My people deciphered some image similar to that using long range radio scanners to see if we could a galaxy farther than our own and Stimenta. Now i guess that's a dangerous sign to recognize. Should talk to Madame president when i get back. Anyways, I guess there's nothing i could really do about it until we see some that we can hopefully capture. speaking of capture."

Kallan looked into her heads up display that was showing programs and applications of the position on where geeran was. She noticed that Delve was looking at her awkwardly, she didn't know that Kallan had some technology in her head and body, Giving her the appearance of someone daydreaming. She gave a smirk and remark to Delve "Don't worry, i got machines in me too. I'm just wondering what my peers are up to."

Kallan put her hand up to her earpiece and said "Geeran, mind if you pull down the firewalls and safety programs on your mech so i can see what your seeing. Also, how you guys doing with the elf? we're just dandy talking here at the moment."
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PostSubject: Re: Journey of a Drow   Journey of a Drow - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun May 09, 2010 7:53 pm

Delve looked even more puzzeled. 'Don't worry, I got machines in me too... What does she mean my that? And what is that mech she just spoke of?' A burning sensation filled her mind as she asked herself about what Kallan had said, she shook her hed violently; her dark eyes appearing glazed.


Delve rested her palm against her forehead, "Sorry Kallan this is a lot to take in all at once." she said while regaining her composure. "Your friends are looking for some one? An elf?"
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Darkstorm Zero
Darkstorm Zero

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PostSubject: Re: Journey of a Drow   Journey of a Drow - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun May 09, 2010 9:01 pm

Geeran snorted just a little as the message came over his instruments.

"Well, I'm not in contact with Seline right now, she went underground after the drow" he said. "But, here, have a look for yourself, This is the image from my Biosensor" he said as he transmitted the readings from the sensor unit back to Kallen.

"Why? Is something wrong at your end? I detected some funny readings from that girl your with a while back... Is everything ok?" Geeran asked, a little concern in his voice.
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The Joker
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PostSubject: Re: Journey of a Drow   Journey of a Drow - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon May 10, 2010 6:12 am

The drow looked behind as he ran to see the ice fence dissipate as the ariformid came through to pursue him, smiling as the ariformid proclaimed her acception of his challenge. 'This will be quite interesting. I'll be very impressed if she manages to keep up.' the elf thought to himself. He then quickly turned around, forming globes of impenetrable darkness around the ariformid and ahead of her to throw her off.
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PostSubject: Re: Journey of a Drow   Journey of a Drow - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon May 10, 2010 8:58 am

Seline was quite surprised for a moment when everything turned 'Pitch black' as humans calls it, but she didn't stop for even a moment. She evaporated the pole, closed her eyes and began using the slight vibrations made by the silent Drow to track him through the dark without slowing down in the least. "That's the best you've got? i said I'd accept your challenge, not your petty games" She laughed.

As soon as she came bursting out of the dark, while holding an ice scimitar in each hand, she stopped and let out a roar a roar that kept on sounding for several seconds. "Challenge me head on, instead of resorting to these cheap tricks, you coward" She said with a smirk that took in her ears. "Or can't you even hope to beat me without???" The smirk changed into an expression of victory and supremacy.
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