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 Journey of a Drow

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Darkstorm Zero
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Master cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Journey of a Drow   Journey of a Drow - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSun Jan 16, 2011 8:31 am

(he said the same to me as to aj... and i haven't been able to contact him since then. EDIT: i don't want it to die either T_T')
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The Joker
Clown Prince of Crime
Clown Prince of Crime
The Joker

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PostSubject: Re: Journey of a Drow   Journey of a Drow - Page 6 Icon_minitimeTue Jan 18, 2011 8:25 pm

(Sorry to keep y'all waiting. It was a combination of IRL stuff, waiting for Cauldron since I thought him posting before me was the new posting order, and temporary lack of interest. Things are going a bit better for me, though, so I'll be posting more frequently then I have been.)

"Kronlyn." The drow replied with a smirk, not saying anything else as they made their way out. Once they reached the mouth of the cave, he stayed behind and leaned against the stone wall, crossing his arms as Seline went ahead of him, merely watching the group converse with each other as he gazed upon the damaged path that the 'psycho girl' had left behind.

"Yeah, what she said." Cazaria responded to Kallan's comment with a shrug, pushing Geeran's gun down and ruffling his hair. "Relax, I don't have anything planned, techie. I mean, I'd rather experience the thrill of chasing a duiker down. That, and being a back-stabbing bitch just ain't my thing." the fairy said with a smile, turning back around to see who exactly the gun-toting human was talking to. "Oh, who's this?" the fairy asked in a curious tone, the dark elf sighing in frustration at the unwanted attention he was getting.
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Master cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Journey of a Drow   Journey of a Drow - Page 6 Icon_minitimeWed Jan 19, 2011 2:28 am

'Kronlyn...' Seline thought 'Strange name. I wonder if it has a special meaning...' her train of thought stopped when Kallan started talking. 'I'll ask him later' Kallans insult at Kronlyn didn't really go well with Seline.
"HEY. He is completely new to this world, of course he's being careful" Seline said with a sneer. 'besides' She thought and looked at Kronlyn from the corner of her eye.
'thinking about his oppinion of humans, his personality and skill... i doubt it will be a good idea for her to anger him' Seline sighed at the thought of what might happen.

"What's going on anyway?" She finally asked. "Where's the other girl? Who is that other guy? and why in the world is that fairy not trying to eat us?" She pretty much yelled the last question while pointing at the fairy.
She had worked with a few fairies over the years, but nothing had ever happened this quickly, not by a longshot.
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ravaging vixen
ravaging vixen

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PostSubject: Re: Journey of a Drow   Journey of a Drow - Page 6 Icon_minitimeTue Jan 25, 2011 8:35 pm

(i'm up next, right?)
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Darkstorm Zero
Darkstorm Zero

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PostSubject: Re: Journey of a Drow   Journey of a Drow - Page 6 Icon_minitimeTue Jan 25, 2011 8:37 pm

(OOC: Nope, it's AJ's, then mine, then yours.)
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PostSubject: Re: Journey of a Drow   Journey of a Drow - Page 6 Icon_minitimeThu Feb 03, 2011 4:45 am

Thane kept his expression neutral as he moved out of the cave, suppressing his anger. He saw Kallan talking to someone, a young man in some sort of pilot suit. His hand strayed to his hatchet when he saw the boy's weapon, but he paused when Kallan flashed him a smile and thumbs up. He walked over to her, noting that she seemed to be studying something on the ground, something he couldn't see. Ignoring it for now, he walked over and stood near Kallan, positioning himself so that he could quickly respond to a hostile action from any of the people surrounding him.

At the question from the ant-woman hybrid, Thane looked at her and replied; "That girl is named Delve. She ran off. I can not fathom why, she didn't even appear to register any of us. As for me, I am Thane. Weaponsmith and blade for hire."

Having introduced himself, Thane decided not to appear too antagonistic. He put his hatchet back in it's sling on his pack and tried to assume a less tense pose. However the smg clipped to his left gauntlet stayed where it was.
Then he turned towards Kallan and spoke in a low voice "What were you looking at just now?"

Last edited by Anime-Junkie on Thu Feb 03, 2011 5:26 am; edited 1 time in total
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Darkstorm Zero
Darkstorm Zero

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PostSubject: Re: Journey of a Drow   Journey of a Drow - Page 6 Icon_minitimeThu Feb 03, 2011 5:06 am

Geeran kept his aim on Cazaria only for a moment longer before his expression changed and softened a little, quickly holstering his sidearm right before the Fairy in question ruffled his hair.

His face was sour for a second. but returned to neutral.

"I apollogise, I shouldn;t make such a harsh judgement on a first glance, it's simply because I have to protect them..." He motioned to the others "They are almost entirely underequipped for dealing with Felaryan Hazards, as you can see... Most would be dead in less than 24 hours, maybe a little more..." Geeran added, however, his gut told him to remain by the cockpit and not rapel down yet. It was a cold feeling in the center of his stomach, usually signalling a threat.

"Alright old buddy, I need a full area scan, maximum range... I need to know whats out there..." Geeran said, punching in specifics into this wrist mounted computer.
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ravaging vixen
ravaging vixen

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PostSubject: Re: Journey of a Drow   Journey of a Drow - Page 6 Icon_minitimeMon Feb 07, 2011 3:54 pm

Kallan gave her focus back to Seline, as she was done trying to negatively scrutinize the elf with boisterous thoughts in mind about it.

"Ok Seline, for one. I HATE elves with a passion. I can state reasons why and how but right now I'm a little flicked among other things"She said as she now was looking at Thane "now for you it should be obvious, you see that black residue on the ground?" She said as she knelt down and felt the black ash that was looking like an eyesore on the surrounding moss and vegetation."That would be rad rays. our friend here emitted so much that it burned much the green where she's been physically touching, in other words she's basically a walking,living,and unstable energy of lethal self preservation, now the question is will she come back." She said as she crossed her arms and sighed , after letting out a deep eplanation on the current situation.

"oh and Geeran, u might pick up something funky, I'm getting stray patches of static, y'know like there's a jammed signal, coming somewhere and something. Be good if it were mercs, or at least nice ones"
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PostSubject: Re: Journey of a Drow   Journey of a Drow - Page 6 Icon_minitimeThu Feb 17, 2011 11:27 am

Delve began to struggle as the vines and plant trendils started to surround her; even with her ehanced strength the plant entity seemed to be winning. She soon noticed that the new growth would wilt as it was exposed to heat from the reaction bewteen the magic that caused the plant's regeneration and the materials of her artificial body parts. With this in mind Delve continued to slash at the pland with her limbs then slash it again to kill of the budding trendils. Yet for every vine she disposed of another two or three took it's place, soon they began to curl around her waist and chest; pinning one of her arms to her side. The plant grew thicker and soon began to constrict around her all too human body, Delve desperatly clawed at her bonds with her free arm, trying to free herself from the plant's vice like grip while trying to back away with her legs. It was working, just. The plant began to relent and Delve could feel the vines loosening around her, her stuggles causing them to gradually slide off from around her torso, yet a fresh wave vines appeared and quickly enveloped her once free arm. As Delve ripped the last trendil from her wiast, the plant now seemed focused on dragging her towards its centre by pulling her arm, the vines wrapped around it were too thick to break, they also seemed immune from the vast amount of heat Delve's limbs were now radiating. Another thick vine coiled itself around her waist. Delve knew she was fighting a losing battle, the vine's ability to attack her from any direction was easily countering any andvantage she thought she had. As the vine started to squeeze Delve broke into a frenzy to try and free herself, knowing she would have to sacrifice her arm she initiated a survival protocol. Having ripped off the vine from her waist Delve pulled away from her trapped arm; the mechanical locks which held the shoulder joint in place gave way, a loud crack signaled her freedom. Delve didn't even look back as the plant pulled her arm into itself she just ran back to the cave in a vain effort to reach the others.
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