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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Shady's Brankrupt Idea Horde   Shady's Brankrupt Idea Horde - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Feb 14, 2011 2:37 pm

I take it they'll be very attracted to lightning and fire elementals, or any other elemental with high photon output. They might almost be parasitic in that way. Maybe you could come up with a clinger, for lack of a better word, or a type of Elemental that attaches itself to one of the afore mentioned Elementals.
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Shady's Brankrupt Idea Horde   Shady's Brankrupt Idea Horde - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Feb 20, 2011 2:05 pm

Time to make some angelic creatures, similar to demons, since we need to give Heaven some troops of their own. Don't expect anything grandiose.


Threat: Low to Medium
Size: 5 to 7 feet

Bejaals are angelic creatures and physical manifestation of virtues. They are typically humanoid silhouettes cloaked in white, or light colored, with deep, piercing eyes. However, their form can also take the shape of animals, and on rare occasions, hybrid predators. They possess limited shapeshifting abilities, which they use to blend among mortals. Their shapeshifting is limited to their silhouette, thus a Bejaal with the silhouette of an eagle can only shapeshift into a mortal eagle. Savvy clerics can potentially identify Bejaals by their oddly vibrant eyes. Bejaals spend most of their lives spying humans and reporting noble souls to the higher plane, thus knowing in advance which soul to bring to the higher plane at the time of death. While mostly used as scouts, they are not to be underestimated in combat. In the very few occasions where a Bejaal is ordered to destroy an especially heinous soul, they will prove to be deadly opponents with a decent assortment of supportive spells, such as strength boost and healing, as well as strong holy magic and weapons.

Each Bejaal is atuned to a specific virtue, such as altruism and loyalty. When spying on mortals, more often than not, they search for a strong aura reflecting that virtue. Once they find one, the Bejaal will generally follow the mortal to see examples of said strong virtue. The duration varies widely, and due to their pious devotions, humanoid Bejaals are often seen as stalkers when the mortal keep seeing the same person over and over. Some manage to get around that by altering their disguise a little. When spying on a virtuous act, the Bejaal transmit the positive energy to Heaven, until Angels decide of their worth. More kinky Angels bask is the positive energy for the pleasure it brings them. In rare cases when the positive aura is incredibly strong, an Angel may decide to come down to the mortal plane to bathe in the virtuous in person.

(Sorry Jas, I had to rob your Bagallucks. ^^; )

Last edited by Sean Okotami on Tue Mar 01, 2011 6:48 am; edited 1 time in total
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Shady Knight
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Shady's Brankrupt Idea Horde - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shady's Brankrupt Idea Horde   Shady's Brankrupt Idea Horde - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Feb 28, 2011 6:19 pm


Threat: Low to Medium
Size: 12 ft

Mhadriaans, also known as Spirits of Fortune, are creatures from the plane of Heaven. They vaguely slender, four-armed humanoid women, with a ghostly tail instead of legs. Their skin is usually white, or another light color. They lack a nose, eye lashes, and lips. Their eyes and their mouth are a solid color to contrast with their skin. Their nickname come from the habit of seeking people with bad luck and grant them one wish. Mhadriaans are infinitely less mischievous than Genies and rarely grant wishes literally. There are restrictions on wishes, such as anything beyond their powers (like wishing for absolute power and supreme knowledge), resurrecting a dead person, or asking for more wishes.

Mhadriaans, like many Celestial creatures, are repulsed by people with bad auras, such as high greed or jealousy, and rarely, if ever, grant selfish wishes under normal circumstances. Luckily, they rarely appear before them, and most of the time, the sinful person bumped into the Mhadriaans. Mhadriaans usually corrupt selfish wishes, sometimes by granting it literally, sometimes using the lack of specific detail to add in something spiteful.

Mhadriaans possess limited foresight ability, which they use to predict the path an unlucky person will take, and hide where they will end up next. They are not to be underestimated, as people who seek to abuse their powers often learn the hard way that they possess strong holy magic (less so than caster angels). However, their form are frail, and for this reason, they try to avoid conflict as much as possible.

In spite of their rarity, Mhadriaans are most often found around ponds for unknown reasons. Along granting wishes, they also reward acts of kindness, such as making an offering. These rewards usually vary according to the offering, but usually, they enchant the person's equipment, grant them good fortune for a day, heal them, give them a special item, etc. Unlike wishes, the mortal usually have little control over that gift. In general, they can decide what equipment they want to be enchanted, but what enchantment is left at the Mhadriaan's whim.

(Feedback and comments appreciated.)

Last edited by Sean Okotami on Tue Mar 01, 2011 7:32 am; edited 1 time in total
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Evil admin
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Shady's Brankrupt Idea Horde - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shady's Brankrupt Idea Horde   Shady's Brankrupt Idea Horde - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Mar 01, 2011 2:28 am

Those are nice ideas I think Smile
they are well described an well thought of. I just think maybe you could go a little further ? find them a more unique feel or theme to them ^^
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Shady's Brankrupt Idea Horde   Shady's Brankrupt Idea Horde - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Mar 01, 2011 7:33 am

I added a paragraph to both the Bejaal and Mhadriaan. That's really all I could think at the moment. If you have suggestions to improve them, feel free to post them.
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PostSubject: Re: Shady's Brankrupt Idea Horde   Shady's Brankrupt Idea Horde - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Mar 01, 2011 7:50 am


Damn, I guess the early harpy catches the human, or something like that. Looks like you beat me to the "embodiment of virtues" idea. Well, my idea would've been a little different.
I wanted them to be more like evangelists, sorta trying to lead people towards a righteous path and performing exorcisms, not destroying souls, but yours is pretty good too.
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Shady's Brankrupt Idea Horde   Shady's Brankrupt Idea Horde - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Mar 01, 2011 8:14 am

Well the taking down heinous people is very rare, since the Bejaals are closer to scouts and spies. I wanted to give them some form of defense since while they're there, they can do the job for the angels.
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Shady's Brankrupt Idea Horde   Shady's Brankrupt Idea Horde - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 04, 2011 6:15 am


Rarity: Uncommon

Timritt is a light blue, silverish light and soft metal. It is a poor material by itself. It's too soft and light to be used for construction, weapon or armor crafting; it has a low boiling point and is a poor electricity conductor. However, when alloyed to steel, it greatly lightens it without sacrificing its strength, hardness, or any of steel's usual quality. The proper method to alloy Timritt to steel is fairly difficult to master, but not impossible, and is usually seen as a mark of a talented blacksmith. The effectiveness of the alloy is dependent on the quality of the ore. As high quality Timritt is rare in nature, blacksmiths melt the ore multiple times to remove all its impurities. Timritt is usually alloyed to weapons and armor, as its rarity doesn't justify alloying it to construction components. One drawback of Timritt is that it greatly reduce the effectiveness of weapons relying on mass, such as a mace or a bullet. However, it is fantastic for armor, as it becomes less tiring to wear and more comfortable to move in.

(Please point out metallurgy mistakes.)

Last edited by Sean Okotami on Fri Mar 04, 2011 8:59 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Shady's Brankrupt Idea Horde   Shady's Brankrupt Idea Horde - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 04, 2011 7:15 am

Point of fact: Ore is simply the material taken right from the ground. It is essentially stone with the metal worked into it by nature. You cannot 'fold' ore, and if you could it would not improve it.

To remove impurities, and the rock, ore must be heated until it essentially melts. Then the slag ( molten dirt and stone) is separated, as it causes the metal to be brittle if left in. Once the metal is alone, it can be melted several times, additional slag carefully removed, and it gains purity in that manner. How pure you can make something is a matter of how much of it there was in ratio to the stone, and how efficient your forges are.

With a low melting point, you could feasibly melt the metal before the rock and it would drip out, which could be a good thing for saving time.
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Shady Knight
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Shady's Brankrupt Idea Horde - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shady's Brankrupt Idea Horde   Shady's Brankrupt Idea Horde - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 04, 2011 7:45 am

Well the folding came from how Japanese forged the katana, since they had poor quality iron. I didn't grasp that concept very well and only got the "remove impurities" part.
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PostSubject: Re: Shady's Brankrupt Idea Horde   Shady's Brankrupt Idea Horde - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 04, 2011 8:49 am

The 'folding' technique is pretty much exclusive to Japan, and particularly to katana. It does not so much remove impurities as it doubles the metal in on itself, making it much stronger and more flexible. The folding, however, is a very, very hard technique, capable of being done only by extremely talented smiths that have years of practice.

I tried to do the technique myself, but I found out that if you don't do it just so, you wind up with pockets in the blade and it will snap off at those weak points.
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Shady's Brankrupt Idea Horde   Shady's Brankrupt Idea Horde - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 04, 2011 9:00 am

I removed the fold part. I instead put that they melt the ore multiple times to remove all its impurities.
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Shady's Brankrupt Idea Horde - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shady's Brankrupt Idea Horde   Shady's Brankrupt Idea Horde - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 04, 2011 9:21 am

MrNobody13 wrote:
The 'folding' technique is pretty much exclusive to Japan, and particularly to katana. It does not so much remove impurities as it doubles the metal in on itself, making it much stronger and more flexible. The folding, however, is a very, very hard technique, capable of being done only by extremely talented smiths that have years of practice.
Folding is common in blacksmithing but japanese fold more often their blade but other people like viking did the same thing, and in overall the technique to forge the katana already existed in China and Nepal many centuries before the japanese. It is suspected this technique is imported from China.
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Shady's Brankrupt Idea Horde   Shady's Brankrupt Idea Horde - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 04, 2011 9:29 am

Please do not turn this thread into a discussion page. If you feel compelled to talk about folding in blacksmithing and all, do so by PM.
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Shady's Brankrupt Idea Horde   Shady's Brankrupt Idea Horde - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Mar 09, 2011 8:40 am

Telemirror (Better name pending. Ye can suggest yon name.)

The Telemirror is the standard form of communication of the Isolon Fist. On the surface, they appear as ordinary pocket mirror, if more polished and encrusted with a few gemstones. The Telemirror, however, is always crafted in pairs, sometimes in larger group. Whoever gaze inside the mirror can see whatever is reflected in the other mirror, such as another person. They are also imbued with with a spell that allows them to capture sound, which can be heard by the second mirror. Thanks to its ease of crafting and the relative ease of imbuing it with its communicative magic, the members of the Isolon Fist consider any squad without a Telemirror as insane. It is said that if one Telemirror breaks, its counterpart with break as well.

Echo Stone

The Echo Stone is a lesser variant to the Telemirror. It is a gem no bigger than a pebble with the ability to capture sound. Echo Stones are also crafted in pairs, and what one hears project its echo out of its counterpart. Echo Stones lack the power to capture images and project them through its companion. However, thanks to their unobtrusive size, they are a great tool for spying, as one can slip it in a suspect's pocket and wait until it reveals sought information. Just like the Telemirror, if one Echo Stone breaks, its match will break as well.
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Evil admin
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PostSubject: Re: Shady's Brankrupt Idea Horde   Shady's Brankrupt Idea Horde - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 10, 2011 4:45 am

hehe they just have to adapt a memory stone or something on those telemirrors and they'll be able to save videos XP
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Shady's Brankrupt Idea Horde   Shady's Brankrupt Idea Horde - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 10, 2011 5:55 am

I guess that may be possible. We're dwelving into Final Fantasy X territory.
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Shady's Brankrupt Idea Horde   Shady's Brankrupt Idea Horde - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Mar 12, 2011 8:03 am


Rarity: Precious

Diamandine is a rare and precious metal, although more common in the Pyrale Mountains, known for its clear luster. Diamandine ore is known for its great hardness, comparable to a diamond, but also for its great density. Due to their mass and their overall rarity, it's quite difficult to work them as construction material. However, much like Timritt, it is best used as an alloy for steel, mostly armor and weapons. Diamandine alloy are known for their great hardness. In a similar vein that Timritt alloy lightens steel without compromising its hardness, Diamandine alloy only marginally increase steel's mass, but still increase the lethality of melee weapons as if they were greatly denser. The purer the metal, the more pronounced its effect. While Diamandine is incredible for weapons, albeit much less so than Tedrek steel, it is viewed as efficient only on light armor, as the increase in mass on heavy armor is much more apparent and becomes more tiring and uncomfortable to wear.
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Shady Knight
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Shady's Brankrupt Idea Horde - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shady's Brankrupt Idea Horde   Shady's Brankrupt Idea Horde - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Mar 15, 2011 8:18 am

Warning, old idea is old.


Size: 2ft or 15 ft
Danger: Low alone, Medium to High in swarms
Location: Tolmeshal Forest

Feeches are a strange race of insect. They appear like massive preying mantises, but with an extra pair of legs and an especially large spider like abdomen. Feeches possess the ability to talk, although their language is nearly impossible for other races to understand, let alone learn. Feeches are less resistant to magic than most insects, but they possess the ability to cast primitive plant based magic. Just like plants, Feeches are especially susceptible to fire and cold like a lot of plant creatures.

Feeches are the bane of plant life, especially Dryads. They possess a hive mind in which Queens lead a swarm to a section of the forest to make a nest out of. Queens usually search for Dryads to lay their eggs. They command their swarm to distract a Dryad, after which, the queen will dig its way inside the Dryad's stomach. They secrete a mucus which heals the wound they create. The heat from the stomach incubate the eggs until they hatch. The newborns then eat their way out of the dryad, which is almost always fatal.

Feeches are very swift and their coloration allows them to blend easily in forests. But they're also quite frail, and rarely pose a credible threat to seasoned adventurers. However, a lone Feech is very unusual, and always move in small swarms. The presence of a Queen in the swarm is almost always an indication of a migrating swarm and is best avoided. A complete Feech swarm usually house thousands of individuals. The death of the Queen result in the swarm running amok in disorganization, then each member eventually perish one by one.

Last edited by Sean Okotami on Sun Mar 20, 2011 8:47 am; edited 2 times in total
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Shady Knight
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Shady's Brankrupt Idea Horde - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shady's Brankrupt Idea Horde   Shady's Brankrupt Idea Horde - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Mar 19, 2011 6:59 am


Danger: Low
Location: Chidokai Forest, Great Marsh

The Ithymorei, at first glance, appears to be a giant and colorful rafflesia. Their colors are extremely vibrant, usually red, and exude a very sweet scent. However, whenever a prey steps on its petals, they immediately close around its meal like a cage. Afterwards, the flower's stigma opens up to swallow its snack, where they end up in the plant's stomach, which is always buried underground. The process is rather slow, and preys have been able to escape if they come back to their senses fast enough. Ithymorei are rarely a threat to seasoned explorers who can recognize its scent or distinguish its unnaturally bright colors.


Danger: Moderate
Location: Great Marsh

Saacromorei are a rare, but more dangerous cousin of the Ithymorei found only the Great Marsh. Unlike the Ithymorei, which attract preys with its colorful petals and its alluring fragrance, the Saacromorei's colors are dull and exude a putrid smell. However, the Saarcromorei blend in its surroundings, making it very difficult to locate. When a prey step on its petals, it immediately expel a cloud of noxious spores. While not lethal, when they are inhaled, they disorient its victim and disrupt even basic thought process, similar to a Confusion spell. They consume their prey just like their more colorful cousin, although the process is a little faster. Adventurers familiar with the swamp know it's best to stay away from wherever a pungent stench permeates the air.

Last edited by Sean Okotami on Sat Mar 19, 2011 1:02 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Shady's Brankrupt Idea Horde   Shady's Brankrupt Idea Horde - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Mar 19, 2011 12:49 pm

Well, feeches I recognize from a work of yours. They seem viable, but there is the point that they are placed as insect/plant hybrids, but there are really no plantlike traits in them at all. Also, how would the queen cut open a dryad's stomach and crawl in there, lay eggs, and come back out without the dryad just beating her off? Even with the swarm attacking her, a dryad probably would not be distracted enough to allow a spider/mantis beast to cut her open. Maybe the queen could have some hind of paralyzing venom? Other than that, this idea is fine, and I could see it working.

The two plants are viable, but Moderate threat seems a bit too high for a plant that can't move around, and is detectable by scent. Maybe low would be better, or you could adjust it to be more of a hazard, such as a greater range for the spores?

Diamandine I can't really critique. It's a solid idea that makes sense and would be a sought-after mineral for any kind of mass-dependent weaponry like maces or axes.
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Shady's Brankrupt Idea Horde   Shady's Brankrupt Idea Horde - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Mar 19, 2011 1:11 pm

Well, as an alternative, the swarm could keep tearing, attacking, and generally injure the dryad until the Queen manages to leap up her trunk, stab its gut and then start crawling inside. I should probably remove the pain numbing part so that it's so painful that it stops the Dryad from retaliating. As for the plant thing, I was thinking the ability with primitive plant magic would work. Guess I'll change it.

For the plants, which I now identified the flower I was basing it on, the first one can be easily seen since it clashes with its surroundings. The second one, however, is not. You may be able to smell it, but I assume the Great Swamp doesn't give off a smell worthy of a perfume shop, so they're still dangerous since you can still run into it. I guess Inu's would be much less likely from running into one, but humans wouldn't be so fortunate.
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Shady's Brankrupt Idea Horde   Shady's Brankrupt Idea Horde - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Mar 20, 2011 9:15 am


Flaghara is a very rare flower which looks like a thornless rose. Its petals are usually either red, pink, or white. Flaghara have only been discovered growing alone in a glade where sun and moon light shine directly on them. Flaghara emanates an incredibly pleasant fragrance, which is nearly irresistible for the weak willed. People who experience it lose all care about their surroundings and only wish to stay near the flower for as long as possible. While it's possible to grow accustomed to its scent to the point where it no longer affect the person nearly as badly, it rarely happens. When stricken by the scent, the creature's reflexes diminishes greatly, often leaving them at the mercy of predators attracted by its distinctive smell. Elves seem to be affected by it more so than other creatures, although the reason behind it has yet to be discovered. In Negav, Flaghara is also known as "The Flower of Love." Due to their rarity and the incredible dangers one must face to obtain one, offering a Flaghara as present to a significant other is almost guaranteed to win its heart. Mages, especially Apothecaries, jokingly refer to the Flaghara as "The Useful Love Potion."
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PostSubject: Re: Shady's Brankrupt Idea Horde   Shady's Brankrupt Idea Horde - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Mar 21, 2011 5:01 pm

Mhh interesting variation on the Rafflesias ^^
and nice idea with the diamandine too, and it's use as an alloy. I could see that used indeed
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Shady's Brankrupt Idea Horde   Shady's Brankrupt Idea Horde - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Mar 21, 2011 5:39 pm

The Ithymorei and Saacromorei pretty much come from how the first time I saw a picture of a rafflesia, I thought it was carnivorous. I also thought of a lot of typical giant plant boss in video games, most specifically, Kalle Demos from Wind Waker, and decided to create that concept.

The Diamandine, and earlier, the Timritt, was really just an attempt to create a Felaryan Mithril and Adamantine.
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