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 The Negav Council, bio ideas

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PostSubject: The Negav Council, bio ideas   The Negav Council, bio ideas Icon_minitimeTue Mar 01, 2011 7:57 pm

I know the council goes by some crazy name that i would rather not bother searching... but a though occured to me that other than Lady Lesona, there arent any other council members mentioned, so I just pulled together a few general ideas and if they work then I can flesh them out.


Name: Scarla Bontairi
Species: Human/dyrad hybrid
Age: ?
Sex: Female
Height: 7 feet
Skin colour: Fair with a hint of pale green
Hair colour: Sea-green
Eye colour: brown
Other characteristics: Small vines growing on her arms and legs
always seems to have an aura about her.
-Extremely beautiful
-Expert in flora magic and medicine
-Selfless, cares about the natural welfare of the people and the environment
-Lives in Chikira Wood with her 14 year old son Michael
-Dresses in gold/ pale yellows dresses that seem to give off a calming aura
-The kind side of the council

Name: Natal Trax
Species: ?
Age: ?
Sex: Male
Height: 10 feet 5 inches
Skin colour: Pale tan
Hair colour: No hair
Eye colour: yellow
Other characteristics: Elongated head, arms, and fingers
-A scheming businessman
-In charge of the major financial transactions in Negav as well as major courts
-Makes decisions and records facts by the numbers and factors of the person and situation
-Runs a spy network, keeping tabs on everyone for his own personal knowledge.

Name: Rahal Serak
Species: Vampire
Age: 125 (looks 28)
Sex: Male
Height: 5 feet 9in
Skin colour: pale
Hair colour: No hair
Wing style: Bat
Wingspan: 12 feet
Other characteristics: Skin covered in red markings, eyes are black with red pupil.
-Ruthless, least liked in the council
- Master manipulator, cunning usually looked upon by Lesona
- expert shadow mage (10th to Demachrelle)
- Temporary immunity to sunlight without protection
- feeds on negative emotional energy, not blood.
- Partnership with lord Trax
- wings are made of pure shadow

Name: Lord Arshun
Human /Homunculus
Age: 1570 (his soul anyways, body is 23)
Sex: male
Height: 6 feet
Skin colour: fair
Hair colour: white
Eye colour: Unknown, face always hidden behind a mask
Other characteristics: ?
-Soul is contained in an artificial body
-Been on the council the longest, wisest and most mysterious of its members
-Uses his alchemy to create new life-forms and magical items of unknown purposes
-His ultimate goal is to obtain infinite knowledge
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Friend of the Jotun
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PostSubject: Re: The Negav Council, bio ideas   The Negav Council, bio ideas Icon_minitimeTue Mar 01, 2011 8:36 pm

I'm assuming you're referring to the Psi'ol Magiocrats. Learning that is as simple as going to the wiki and looking at the Negavian Factions Page.

These are pretty bare-bones, but seeing as these are not likely to be involved characters and more of an outside force I can see that. Okay.

1) Unless she's hiding the fact that she's a Dryad Hybrid (which the vines and greeness would probably give away), I find it dubious that such a person could get on the council. Negavians are very paranoid about any predator tauric species, even smaller ones. (And how do you get a dryad/human hybrid in the first place?) Also, unless Chikira Wood is in or beside Negav, I doubt she'd live there.

2) Hrm. Not really much to go on here at all. I'm not sure the merchants would let having a Magiocrat run the economy go without protest.

3) I'm not sure Vampires have wings... unless he's some sort of sub-species Vampire. You say later that they're made of shadow, but list them as bat-like. So... shadows made just to look like bat wings? Best just say he can make wings of shadow if he wants too. Aside from that, looks like a stereotypical evil shadow mage vampire baddy. Also, what does "cunning looked upon" mean?

4) I think you need to explain what a Homonculous is in relation to Felarya. I'm not sure in a classical sense you could have a human/homonculous. Also, just note that the Magiocrats are a fairly recent event in History, even Negavian. His age makes him older than the city itself.

Last edited by Jætte_Troll on Tue Apr 05, 2011 9:17 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: The Negav Council, bio ideas   The Negav Council, bio ideas Icon_minitimeTue Mar 01, 2011 9:03 pm

I agree with everything JT said.

So, Rahal Serak is a manipulative vampire that doesn't drink blood and is a shadow mage. Honestly, he sounds much more like a demon. In any case, I highly doubt that the magiocrats would allow a vampire or demon in their ranks.

As for Natal, I don't think that a non-human/neko/elf would be allowed in the ranks of the magiocrats.
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Axel Hunter
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PostSubject: Re: The Negav Council, bio ideas   The Negav Council, bio ideas Icon_minitimeTue Mar 01, 2011 9:11 pm

scratch apparently my rely didnt go through the first time, so let me sum it up

I just came up with these guys (except the alchemist) just yesterday, with low expectations that they would even make it. Not alot of effort was put into them, if there is some ideas yuo want to put in go ahead cause im just thowing in the fact that other than Lady Lesona, I have not seen other council members.

But there should be at least some non-predator species in the council now that Anime-Junkie brought it up. its more than humans living in negav right?
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PostSubject: Re: The Negav Council, bio ideas   The Negav Council, bio ideas Icon_minitimeTue Mar 01, 2011 9:31 pm

Mainly humans, with some nekos and the elves in the Elf sector.
The magiocrat council is going to mainly consist of humans. There might be a few representatives of other species, however it's not going to be many at all.

If you want to see examples of other Magiocrats, just read Cauldronborn24's Resurrection.
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PostSubject: Re: The Negav Council, bio ideas   The Negav Council, bio ideas Icon_minitimeTue Mar 01, 2011 10:56 pm

Anime-Junkie wrote:
Mainly humans, with some nekos and the elves in the Elf sector.
The magiocrat council is going to mainly consist of humans. There might be a few representatives of other species, however it's not going to be many at all.

If you want to see examples of other Magiocrats, just read Cauldronborn24's Resurrection.

Well, I figure there's at least a decent showing of Elves, considering their skill at magic. The Elven District was formed as the price for the help of Elven Mages.

So, mostly humans with a decent minority of elves. Nekos could be on it, but would likely suffer from prejudice so there's likely not that many, if at all.

Vampires... do have considerable magic skill, but aren't always trusted. There may be a few, if not many.

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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: The Negav Council, bio ideas   The Negav Council, bio ideas Icon_minitimeWed Mar 02, 2011 2:24 am

when you say "homonculous" I have a feeling you are implying whats in Full Metal Alchemist, essentially a kind of golem in the form of a human, usually distorted and imperfect: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homunculus .
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: The Negav Council, bio ideas   The Negav Council, bio ideas Icon_minitimeWed Mar 02, 2011 5:31 am

That is my take on it, but I suggest that you don't try to make a bio for multiple council members. In fact, don't make any if they're not going to have any relevance in your story and are there just for the sake of showing who's in the council.

As it has been pointed out, non-humans/nekos/elves in the council, even just half-humans, is a complete and total lack of research. There is no way they could even step into Negav since the place is crawling with detection devices and identification spells. The moment they'd get in proximity, they'd get shot a hundred times if a predator. For vampires, given they're much less of a threat in Felarya, I think they COULD be in the city, but not allowed in the council.

As it stands, this is clearly an attempt at filling holes that weren't present in the first place, and using the wrong filler for the sake of variety without even doing any proper research.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: The Negav Council, bio ideas   The Negav Council, bio ideas Icon_minitimeWed Mar 02, 2011 8:06 am

honestly I am sure there are more races there than just Humans/Neko/Elves, there are I am sure Lemurians, Tomthumbs, Neera and more, how ever some races I am sure ARE watched out for. I am not sure how good the detection system is honestly, I think some people way over estimate its abilities but that's Karbo's call.
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PostSubject: Re: The Negav Council, bio ideas   The Negav Council, bio ideas Icon_minitimeWed Mar 02, 2011 11:14 am

Axel Hunter wrote:
Name: Natal Trax
Species: ?
Age: ?
Sex: Male
Height: 10 feet 5 inches
Skin colour: Pale tan
Hair colour: No hair
Eye colour: yellow
Other characteristics: Elongated head, arms, and fingers
-A scheming businessman
-In charge of the major financial transactions in Negav as well as major courts
-Makes decisions and records facts by the numbers and factors of the person and situation
-Runs a spy network, keeping tabs on everyone for his own personal knowledge.

The Magiocrats already have an Intelligence agency/secret police/spy work called the Investigators; while they generally follow Lady Visaria Jade, they do take their orders from the Council as a whole and from those who ask Jade for a favour nicely. Any other intel network is going to be viewed very suspiciously and the one you're describing will be viewed with out right hostility. If he needs information on people the Investigators will provide. Also being incharge of the 'major' courts and major financial transactions in Negav seems a bit too corrupt even for the Magiocrats. The courts are a tricky one, I've worked on some of the legal systems in Negav; I think the courts would be neutral however judges may be bought off or at least under the infulence of some of the Magiocrats.

Overall however I do agree with what has been posted above; when it comes to characters like the Ps'isol Magiocrats you should only make a bio for them if you wish to include them in your story. While indeed powerful there are deeper asspects to their character whilch is should probably be better explianed through a good plot.
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Axel Hunter
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The Negav Council, bio ideas Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Negav Council, bio ideas   The Negav Council, bio ideas Icon_minitimeTue Apr 05, 2011 9:16 pm

asaenvolk wrote:
when you say "homonculous" I have a feeling you are implying whats in Full Metal Alchemist, essentially a kind of golem in the form of a human, usually distorted and imperfect: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homunculus .

A late responce but Im referring to the character Amnael from Yu-gi-oh GX. http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Amnael

I never watched FMA and I prbably never will
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: The Negav Council, bio ideas   The Negav Council, bio ideas Icon_minitimeWed Apr 06, 2011 2:21 am

sooo he created an artificial body to hold his soul after he died?
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Axel Hunter
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PostSubject: Re: The Negav Council, bio ideas   The Negav Council, bio ideas Icon_minitimeWed Apr 06, 2011 9:09 am

asaenvolk wrote:
sooo he created an artificial body to hold his soul after he died?

Before he died yes
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
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PostSubject: Re: The Negav Council, bio ideas   The Negav Council, bio ideas Icon_minitimeWed Apr 06, 2011 10:18 am

I honestly don't know who could be on the Negav Council. If people are racist in Negav, it would likely only be humans, or only be elves, or whoever has the power.

I guess I need to run through it again to understand it all.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: The Negav Council, bio ideas   The Negav Council, bio ideas Icon_minitimeWed Apr 06, 2011 11:22 am

First, we can't be exactly sure how racist people are in Negav, some are sure, but the exact prevalence would be hard to say.

Second, for the homoculus, I have done similar things for other stuff, but what your talking about sounds more like a simulacrum that has had a soul transferred to it. Btw this would had to been done outside of Felarya, it would not really have been possible inside of it.
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PostSubject: Re: The Negav Council, bio ideas   The Negav Council, bio ideas Icon_minitimeWed Apr 06, 2011 7:45 pm

I'd like to remind people that saying "I'm not sure Ps'isol magiocrats would be like that or that" is a wrong comment and should never serve as a reason to decline an idea.

Who said vampire didnt have wings? i like the idea.
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PostSubject: Re: The Negav Council, bio ideas   The Negav Council, bio ideas Icon_minitimeWed Apr 06, 2011 7:48 pm

The Ps'isol Magiocrats have a specific canon that is determined by Karbo. If something doesn't fit with that canon, then it wouldn't work. Simple as that.
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Axel Hunter
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PostSubject: Re: The Negav Council, bio ideas   The Negav Council, bio ideas Icon_minitimeWed Apr 06, 2011 9:59 pm

AisuKaiko wrote:
The Ps'isol Magiocrats have a specific canon that is determined by Karbo. If something doesn't fit with that canon, then it wouldn't work. Simple as that.

not everything has to be canon Aisu, Ive made alot of fan based stories in the past that are non-canon with other peoples stories, and with them its no big deal. There are people that want to keep things the way they are and those that want to get creative and change things around. you should see my Felarya story, Im using methods and characters that wouldnt really fit in any other story (my vampire Klaus or my lovely naga Rachel are good examples)

so bringing in some diversity into the council is still something Im go for
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Axel Hunter
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PostSubject: Re: The Negav Council, bio ideas   The Negav Council, bio ideas Icon_minitimeWed Apr 06, 2011 10:01 pm

Krisexy26 wrote:
I'd like to remind people that saying "I'm not sure Ps'isol magiocrats would be like that or that" is a wrong comment and should never serve as a reason to decline an idea.

I totally agree with you there Krisexy
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PostSubject: Re: The Negav Council, bio ideas   The Negav Council, bio ideas Icon_minitimeWed Apr 06, 2011 10:19 pm

I'm not saying it has to be canon. It just needs to fit in with the wiki. I'm just saying that Felarya has a fixed setting. You need to respect Karbo's setting. It has to be within the realm of what is at the very least possible in Felarya. Like for example, humans and dryads can't breed. You can break the mold, go ahead, but do it within believable parameters.

Acting like the canon isn't a limit and that it can be gleefully ignored without so much as a single regret is probably the most disrespectful thing you could do to Karbo and Felarya short of maybe a direct confrontation.

Also, Axel, I find it odd that you agreed with Krisexy's thoughts on the canon when just earlier today, you made an angry thread because people didn't conform to your own views on Felarya. And before anyone says anything, I'm not here to defend my own view of Felarya. I'm defending Karbo's i.e. what's in the wiki.
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Axel Hunter
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PostSubject: Re: The Negav Council, bio ideas   The Negav Council, bio ideas Icon_minitimeWed Apr 06, 2011 10:40 pm

AisuKaiko wrote:
I'm not saying it has to be canon. It just needs to fit in with the wiki. I'm just saying that Felarya has a fixed setting. You need to respect Karbo's setting.

I respect his setting, but also realize that things are changing too. Alot of my ideas may not be agreed apon by alot of people, I get it, but that dosent mean I can at least have a say.

Very Mad and for petes sake, dont ever mention that stress induced outburst ever again. Very Mad That thing made me a laughingstok in felarya!
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PostSubject: Re: The Negav Council, bio ideas   The Negav Council, bio ideas Icon_minitimeThu Apr 07, 2011 4:51 am

Axel Hunter wrote:
AisuKaiko wrote:
I'm not saying it has to be canon. It just needs to fit in with the wiki. I'm just saying that Felarya has a fixed setting. You need to respect Karbo's setting.

I respect his setting, but also realize that things are changing too. Alot of my ideas may not be agreed apon by alot of people, I get it, but that dosent mean I can at least have a say.

Very Mad and for petes sake, dont ever mention that stress induced outburst ever again. Very Mad That thing made me a laughingstok in felarya!

I thought that thread ended up getting a nice discussion going.

But yeah, my own views on conforming to the canon tend to be more about making Felarya look good. If everyone started completely ignoring the canon in their stories, and doing whatever they wanted, it would send the wrong messages about Felarya to people reading those stories. A lot of the more casual fans tend to regard all stories as accurate representations of the setting, and that is just not the case sometimes. I mean, look at all the falsehoods and misconceptions we had to dispell from Crisis and Scarecrow alone.

If you post up a Felarya story, then you are kind of a representative of Felarya. That's why I try to answer a lot of the questions around the forums and in general Q and A, I want to try and help people to have the most accurate image of Felarya possible, so that it will come through in their art and stories as well.
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PostSubject: Re: The Negav Council, bio ideas   The Negav Council, bio ideas Icon_minitimeThu Apr 07, 2011 8:06 am

AisuKaiko wrote:
I'm not saying it has to be canon. It just needs to fit in with the wiki. I'm just saying that Felarya has a fixed setting. You need to respect Karbo's setting. It has to be within the realm of what is at the very least possible in Felarya. Like for example, humans and dryads can't breed. You can break the mold, go ahead, but do it within believable parameters.

Acting like the canon isn't a limit and that it can be gleefully ignored without so much as a single regret is probably the most disrespectful thing you could do to Karbo and Felarya short of maybe a direct confrontation.

Also, Axel, I find it odd that you agreed with Krisexy's thoughts on the canon when just earlier today, you made an angry thread because people didn't conform to your own views on Felarya. And before anyone says anything, I'm not here to defend my own view of Felarya. I'm defending Karbo's i.e. what's in the wiki.
Aisu, you speak wisdom! It seems Pokemon has not entirely rotted away your mind yet.

This is a fixed setting, albeit with an extraordinary amount of wiggle room. You can call readers your pawns all you like, but remember that it's Karbo's game. You can make non-canon stories if you wish (as long as you still give credit to Karbo for Felarya), but this forum discussion area is for discussing things that will hopefully make it into canon, or at the very least be considered semicanon and not contradict the setting. There have been a few obvious jokes here and there, but they were well-done and not presented with some shabby veil of serious contribution. Frankly, I didn't like them much, either.

Don't get me wrong. This setting is quite open. You're free to add your personal touch. We simply ask that you have some respect for the foundation that's already there. No one is suggesting that humans build a giant fleet and pwnz0r every pred they find, but at the same time, we've already established that several human groups can take care of themselves effectively enough.

When it comes down to it, Karbo says what does and doesn't fit. Hold on, I would like to repeat that, to make sure if got through. Pardon the obnoxious letters; I really want this to get across.


There. Now that I'm done with my "unwelcoming forum-goer" impression and driven away another five DA artists because I'm a meanie, I would like to point out that Kris does have one tiny point. We aren't Karbo, that's for sure. We simply operate using what is already in place, and if we're unsure, we usually say we are unsure. It doesn't take a genius to get a feel for the setting and decide when something sticks out like a sore thumb. Yes, people debate, and have differing opinions, but that's how things get developed. Without debate, our society would be thousands of years behind where we are now.
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PostSubject: Re: The Negav Council, bio ideas   The Negav Council, bio ideas Icon_minitimeThu Apr 07, 2011 8:19 am

While I do agree with your points there Zion I think the red was unnecessary. We don't want to give the wrong impression. Axel has gotten the message already.
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Axel Hunter
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PostSubject: Re: The Negav Council, bio ideas   The Negav Council, bio ideas Icon_minitimeThu Apr 07, 2011 9:41 am

Anime-Junkie wrote:
While I do agree with your points there Zion I think the red was unnecessary. We don't want to give the wrong impression. Axel has gotten the message already.

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