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 The Negav Council, bio ideas

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The Negav Council, bio ideas - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Negav Council, bio ideas   The Negav Council, bio ideas - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 08, 2011 8:30 am

Quote :
I have been feeling the same way. While I respect the boundaries set, In eed room to explore and get creative, and thie wiki (and heavy supporters, no offence) arent giving me much room to work with.

You have plenty of room to work with. But, the fact is, when you get involved with an established setting with as much lore as Felarya has, there are going to be some rules and boundries that everyone has to work within. It just comes with the territory.

The fact is though, Felarya is a massive world and even with the rules and boundries of canon, there is a near-limitless amount of room to try and play around with new ideas and concepts.

Having set rules and boundries are a GOOD thing. It forces someone to get creative and to adapt. You often get much better ideas when there are some set rules in place than if you have 100% pure freedom.
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Axel Hunter
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The Negav Council, bio ideas - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Negav Council, bio ideas   The Negav Council, bio ideas - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 08, 2011 8:33 am

rcs619 wrote:
Quote :
I have been feeling the same way. While I respect the boundaries set, In eed room to explore and get creative, and thie wiki (and heavy supporters, no offence) arent giving me much room to work with.

You have plenty of room to work with. But, the fact is, when you get involved with an established setting with as much lore as Felarya has, there are going to be some rules and boundries that everyone has to work within. It just comes with the territory.

The fact is though, Felarya is a massive world and even with the rules and boundries of canon, there is a near-limitless amount of room to try and play around with new ideas and concepts.

Having set rules and boundries are a GOOD thing. It forces someone to get creative and to adapt. You often get much better ideas when there are some set rules in place than if you have 100% pure freedom.

Im not complaining that there are rules, I just feel like there are too many. Not to mention my ideas havent gotten much praise here either
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Black Aquila
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The Negav Council, bio ideas - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Negav Council, bio ideas   The Negav Council, bio ideas - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 08, 2011 9:26 am

CauldronBorn24 wrote:
I doubt the Magiocrats would rely on one negotiator for the simple reason that most of them probably have the skill and the cunning to do it themselves if the need arises. What is more likely is that they have their own underlings preform the task of negotiation; if the issues as come so far that the Magiocrat themself is needed then there is a high possibility that the use of force has already been threatened, and the Magiocrtas have other opptions than just sending in the Isolon Fists when dealing with their advisaries. Of course that's not to say they may decide to directly part take from the start just to show they care.
Hmmm... Very good point Cauldron.

It would make sense that the Magiocrats would make use of the various people under their command for such tasks.
They probably even have an entire organisation devoted to settling these things... the Isolon Litigators!

The Fists may break your body and the Preds'll eat you alive, but the 'Gators will do both with nothing more then pen, parchment, and some smooth spoken legalese.
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The Negav Council, bio ideas - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Negav Council, bio ideas   The Negav Council, bio ideas - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 08, 2011 9:36 am

Black Aquila wrote:
CauldronBorn24 wrote:
I doubt the Magiocrats would rely on one negotiator for the simple reason that most of them probably have the skill and the cunning to do it themselves if the need arises. What is more likely is that they have their own underlings preform the task of negotiation; if the issues as come so far that the Magiocrat themself is needed then there is a high possibility that the use of force has already been threatened, and the Magiocrtas have other opptions than just sending in the Isolon Fists when dealing with their advisaries. Of course that's not to say they may decide to directly part take from the start just to show they care.
Hmmm... Very good point Cauldron.

It would make sense that the Magiocrats would make use of the various people under their command for such tasks.
They probably even have an entire organisation devoted to settling these things... the Isolon Litigators!

The Fists may break your body and the Preds'll eat you alive, but the 'Gators will do both with nothing more then pen, parchment, and some smooth spoken legalese.

I doubt it would even be centralised, an example would be Lady Visaria Jade, I highly doubt she would let another member of the Council represent her nor any other group which answers to the Council as a whole. Rather she would entrust one of the Investigators under he direct command to do it for her, if she could not do it herself.

Not all of the Ps'isol Magiocrats will be friends with each other and words can be twisted; if the issue involves the Council as a whole then logically the current leader of the Council would act as a representative; showing a united front. On an individual basis each Council member would probably have their own loyal presonnel do it or do it themself.
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Black Aquila
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The Negav Council, bio ideas - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Negav Council, bio ideas   The Negav Council, bio ideas - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 08, 2011 9:53 am

Bah, you guys are no fun!
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Keeper of Flat Chests

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The Negav Council, bio ideas - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Negav Council, bio ideas   The Negav Council, bio ideas - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 08, 2011 9:57 am

What I'm saying is that the canon has rules, and you can be creative as long as you work within the rules. I've done a few things here and there to be different, but I made sure that they didn't fly in the face of established canon.

The big issue here is that you're wanting to work with the Magiocrats. Not only have these folks have been developed a bit, but also are playing a rather important role in the manga. To even think of wanting anything to do with them would require you to work closely with Karbo and Cauldronborn (who also has his hand in the politics of Negav) as even the slightest inconsistency would destroy the credibility of your story entirely.
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Felarya cartographer
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The Negav Council, bio ideas - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Negav Council, bio ideas   The Negav Council, bio ideas - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 08, 2011 10:15 am

Pretty much what Aisu said.

Some areas of Felarya are more difficult to jump into than others. This is especially true with Negavian politics. Cauldron himself has had to revise and re-write parts of his story several times in order to fit in with changes to the canon relating to that area. Its something that is very complicated and is still, in all honesty, being developed.

Quote :
Not to mention my ideas havent gotten much praise here either

I mean this in the nicest way possible. Let me pre-state my lack of meanness since it can be easy to misunderstand. The following statements are meant in a nice, not-mean way.

Praising ideas isn't the point of this forum.

I mean, if an idea is good, it will get its supporters and praise, sure...but that isn't, and shouldn't be the main function of this forum. The objective of this forum is to have discussions with both new and old members alike about ideas, theories and characters, and offer advice and critiques on how they can best fit in with the Felarya multiversal sci-fantasy setting. Its about helping people to help make their ideas and understanding of Felarya better. None of us would be taking the time to analyze ideas, compare them to the current canon/theories about the canon, and then write up a response if we didn't care and/or want to help. : )

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Keeper of Flat Chests

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The Negav Council, bio ideas - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Negav Council, bio ideas   The Negav Council, bio ideas - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 08, 2011 10:39 am

Right, what Cliff said. The point of posting an idea isn't just "Everyone likes it then it gets in the wiki"; it's for kinks to be worked out and for additions and subtractions and this and that. If something has glaring flaws; they will be pointed out, and it will be up on the author to act upon those errors.

As I have said before, critique isn't flaming. It's an act by artists toward other artists for them to improve. Artists who listen to their critics and work upon errors and flaws to become better, that's what we want. If others ignore/cuss out critics while only listening to their little troop of yesmen, they probably will not improve in the slightest (and probably don't deserve to, if they're gonna act like that)
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Axel Hunter
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The Negav Council, bio ideas - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Negav Council, bio ideas   The Negav Council, bio ideas - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 08, 2011 10:42 am

AisuKaiko wrote:
Not only have these folks have been developed a bit, but also are playing a rather important role in the manga. To even think of wanting anything to do with them would require you to work closely with Karbo and Cauldronborn (who also has his hand in the politics of Negav) as even the slightest inconsistency would destroy the credibility of your story entirely.

Very Mad Well now somebody tells me that! Seing as I dont have the money to buy the manga and Im barely getting any useful info on the Magiocrats from the wiki, I had to assume there wasnt much development ont the council besides Lafy Lesona and the info from the wiki (which I check weekly)

but now that I know I'll be sure to steer clear of the counsil from now on.
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Axel Hunter
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The Negav Council, bio ideas - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Negav Council, bio ideas   The Negav Council, bio ideas - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 08, 2011 10:47 am

AisuKaiko wrote:
Right, what Cliff said. The point of posting an idea isn't just "Everyone likes it then it gets in the wiki"; it's for kinks to be worked out and for additions and subtractions and this and that. If something has glaring flaws; they will be pointed out, and it will be up on the author to act upon those errors.

As I have said before, critique isn't flaming. It's an act by artists toward other artists for them to improve. Artists who listen to their critics and work upon errors and flaws to become better, that's what we want. If others ignore/cuss out critics while only listening to their little troop of yesmen, they probably will not improve in the slightest (and probably don't deserve to, if they're gonna act like that)

I know, Iknow, but most of what ive gotten is summed up in one word, NO!

the only one idea that was actually liked was my Golem Courtyard, but only Karbo replied on it and its not enough feedback, plus its barely even watched. Now I realize you cant view everything and say yes to everything... but unill I get the feedback I need my story has grinded to a halt until my ideas come through, either that or I shut it down entirely and I cant afford that (too many people on my DA and home have been expecting it for months now)
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The Negav Council, bio ideas - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Negav Council, bio ideas   The Negav Council, bio ideas - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 08, 2011 12:21 pm

rcs619 wrote:
Praising ideas isn't the point of this forum.
Get a plaque and frame that phrase up, son! I'm putting that in my SIG! This man speaks TRUTH, ladies and gentlemen! I cannot stress how much I love you right now, Cliff.

Axel, I'm going to ask you a question. See my join date, there? Yeah, pretty far back, isn't it? That's from when the forum was only a month old. Guess how many of my ideas made it into the wiki? If you guessed one, you're one too high.

To be fair, I haven't posted many. Only about three, in three years. But, these were all ideas I'd been holding on to for a while, and had waited until the right moment to put them out there. Guess how many of my idea threads have made it past two pages? If you guessed two, you're two too high.

My point is that you can't expect it to be easy. Some people have quite a bit in the wiki, and it's not a matter of favoritism: they network, and they get people to revise their ideas and help them develop. When several members of the community are helping you along, you get a nice advantage.

I've been here a while, but I only recently became social. I lurked, mostly, popping in here and there to say something every few days. However, after getting to know people and making friends here, my writing has improved, and the next idea I post may have a fighting chance.

What I'm saying is this: get to know people. Be friendly, and be active. And don't take offense when people point out flaws in your ideas. They're trying to strengthen them. Trust me, if they really wanted to insult you, they wouldn't take time out of their day to point out exactly where you went wrong, or how to improve it. You can't get better if you don't realize your flaws. Making a note of your weaknesses is the first step to ridding yourself of them.
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PostSubject: Re: The Negav Council, bio ideas   The Negav Council, bio ideas - Page 3 Icon_minitime

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