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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Community Artifacts Index   Community Artifacts Index Icon_minitimeTue Aug 21, 2012 12:27 pm

Okay, so the idea here is to gather up a nice list of different kinds of magical artifacts here for everyone involved with Felarya to use or contribute to. As the title states, they can be common or rare, simple or complicated as you wish. This way, we can make them a sort of 'fan-canon'. Artifacts will be added to the list for ease-of-access, so that people can look through and if they see an idea they like, they can use it in stories, RPs, what-have-you! I’ll start off with a few ideas of my own and hopefully we’ll get some people giving feedback and others submitting their own ideas. Note that the rarity table used in the Mineralogy section of the wiki will be used here as well.

*Disclaimer*: Not everyone's ideas have to be as descriptive as mine are, at least in the 'How to Use' section. I just have a habit of being ridiculously thorough and descriptive. :33

I hope to get people posting ideas and criticism and feedback here, that way we can make everyone's ideas as good as they can be! Very Happy

Useful page for pricing: http://www.felarya.com/wiki/index.php?title=Currency

Rarity table :


Very Rare


Artifacts Index

Flame Talisman, Quake Boots (Nyaha)
PolyKeys, Psychic IDs (DarkOne)
Curse Detection Stone (jedi-explorer)
Lataran's Watch (Darth_Nergal)
Voice Locks, Emblem of Wings, Elven War Crown, Comparing Crystals, Emblems (Stabs)
Decoy Disc (DarkOne)
Shadow Gauntlets, Quake Mitts (Nyaha)
Sicarus Lamina (Darth_Nergal)
Elvish Whetstone (jedi-explorer)
Dolum Glasses, Nandin Seed (Darth_Nergal)
Pocket Smoke Screen (jedi-explorer)
Pallium Cloak (Darth_Nergal)
Juggling Spheres, Animated Board Games, Theater Props, Sealed Windows, Homophonic Instruments, Felarian Plates (Darth_Nergal)
Spell Sling (jedi-explorer)
Temporal Stasis-Field Generator (Nyaha)
Phantom Baton (itsmeyouidiot)
Vortec Belt (jed-explorer)
Blitzes' Shortsword (Nyaha)
Skin of the Mumansi (Malahite)
Ansagalu, Stoichia Blade (Nyaha)
Augerel (jedi-explorer)
Dryad Deturent, Nemesari, Speaking Stone, Stalang, Dueling Wand, Rage Stone, Berserker's Tear (jedi-explorer)
Spellblade (sadisticnerd)
Crystal Mirror, Falinn Cloak (Darth_Nergal)
Storm Pike, Cleanser Staff, Salamander, Bunclite Breast Weave (jedi-explorer)

Last edited by Nyaha on Mon Jul 28, 2014 9:12 am; edited 30 times in total
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Community Artifacts Index   Community Artifacts Index Icon_minitimeTue Aug 21, 2012 12:27 pm

Artifacts Index (Continued)
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Community Artifacts Index   Community Artifacts Index Icon_minitimeTue Aug 21, 2012 12:28 pm

Also, don't forget I want feedback here, too. I don't want to add my ideas to the list without checking to see if they're good enough, okay?

Name: Flame Talisman
Rarity: Common
Average Price: 200 SK

Flame talismans are a basic, yet fairly high-value type of artifact that can be found in Negav stores, most commonly ones that specialize in magic and artifacts. They appear as pendants with a thin, octagonal piece of metal with a red border and flame design, hung by a thick, non-flammable thread. They can be used to shoot flames directionally forward. They absorb magic energy from the wearer to shoot flames; if the wearer runs out of magic energy or has not been on Felarya long enough to absorb any into their body, this function will not work. Most also feature the ability to absorb flame as well, and doing so usually restores the wearer’s magic energy.

How to Use:
Place the talisman around neck. To shoot fire, hold both hands on either side of the talisman, palms facing inward, fingers pointing up and curled slightly and focus mind on fire. To absorb flames, hold both hands on either side of the talisman, palms facing inward, fingers pointing down and curled slightly and focus mind on the flames wished to be absorbed (make sure to be within 6 feet of flames before attempting to absorb). Do not look downwards while flame talisman is in use. Do not touch flame talisman within 4 minutes of previous use.


Name: Quake Boots/Shoes
Rarity: Common
Average Price: 200 SK

Quake boots are basic and somewhat highly-valued types of artifacts that can be found in Negav stores, most commonly ones that specialize in magic and artifacts. They generally appear as unassuming sets of footwear, often made of brown leather, but able to be made of really any kind of shoe, including, theoretically, snowshoes or high-heels. When worn, they allow one to perform rudimentary earth-element magic with their feet. They use the wearer’s magic energy to move the earth, however; if the wearer runs out of magic energy or has not been on Felarya long enough to absorb any into their body, their quake boots will not work as more than footwear.

How to Use:
Place quake boots on feet. To create a boulder, stomp ground with either foot. Harder stomping will result in boulder being launched higher. To fire created boulder, throw a kick towards the intended target. Throwing a kick towards a target without first creating a boulder will result in boulder being flung from previous location of foot. Attempting to jump while wearing quake boots will result in the creation of a sinkhole. Do not attempt to run in place while wearing quake boots. Dancing should be performed with caution while wearing quake boots. Inexperienced dancers are advised to avoid the activity while wearing quake boots.

*Disclaimer*: Not everyone's ideas need to be in as much detail as mine are, at least concerning the 'How to Use' portions. :33 I just like being ridiculously thorough and descriptive.

Last edited by Nyaha on Wed Sep 05, 2012 1:06 pm; edited 8 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Community Artifacts Index   Community Artifacts Index Icon_minitimeTue Aug 21, 2012 3:04 pm

Name: PolyKeys
Rarity: Rare

PolyKeys are keys issued to operatives of secuirty groups such as the ISD or VISTA. They can open any locked door by changing their form to fit the locking mechanism they are inserted into. So places can be investigated quickly without wasting time with a locke pick. They can also bypass most magically locked doors. Traditional keys and cardkey versions are available.

How to Use:

Insert into a lock, give the artifact a few seconds to adust and then unlock door. Magiclally locked mechanisms might take longer. Cardkey varations are avalible that changes its eletronic components to a form a cardreader would recognize, when swiped through a cardswiper or pressed against a scanner (depending on the electronic lock in question) they will then activate

Name: psychic ID's
Rarity: Rare

Another artifact used by secuirty operatives, more commonly used by those that are undercover and the investigators. It's an Identity card that changes it's information based on what the user wants it to be, saving having to produce seperate fake IDs. Does not work on people in the secuirty forces as they are 'conditioned to reconize them, so If anyone outside the secuirty forces were to steal such ID's and try to use them, their real Identities will be shown to those that are condictioned, along with their strengths and weaknesses. Some operatives have been known to purposely lose such cards and let thier targets find them, tricking them into using them and exposing their weaknesses

How to Use:

Pick up, think of what you are trying to pass yourself as and the information around your photograph will change according to that job description. It is important that user focouses on their cover, removing any worries and doubts from their minds as it would naturely confuse the psychic properties of the card. Also the user must be fully confident that the card will work, doubting the effectiveness of the card will cause the card to fullfill those expectations.

Last edited by DarkOne on Thu Sep 06, 2012 4:58 pm; edited 5 times in total
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Community Artifacts Index   Community Artifacts Index Icon_minitimeTue Aug 21, 2012 3:58 pm

I'm not sure if these would fit in the list because they're technically not available for just anyone to use. At the very least, the rarity level should be higher. Also, the How to Use sections seem a bit skimpy to me. For the Psychic IDs, you might want to figure a reason that makes them not work for people outside the force or whatever you were trying to say? Honestly, this sentence...
Darkone wrote:
Does not work on people in the secuirty forces as they are condictioned to reconize them
Doesn't make any sense to me. Also, "condictioned" is not a word.
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PostSubject: Re: Community Artifacts Index   Community Artifacts Index Icon_minitimeTue Aug 21, 2012 4:40 pm

I meant 'conditioned', sorry I'll make the corrections >_<

classical conditioning a behavioral learning theory that works on the basis of effecting a mind based on what stimulus is given to them. Such as the old experiment where one can force a dog to salivate when it hears a bell by ringing the bell everytime the dog is fed, and after a while the dog's brain will automatically associate food with the sound of the bell.

in laymans terms secuirty forces are trained to reconize them, but on a more unconscious scale and can do it without thinking. And since Felarya is a magic world, a bit of magic is proberly involved to change how they perceive the cards (which is still conditioning since it's still stimulus to the brain) I just thought it would be better than just saying 'The cards don't work on them because magic prevents it'

as for the how to use, I am not sure what I am surposed to put there, they are simple to use items and nothing else is needed to be put. If the keys require something else to make them work, you might as well be using a lockpick. if the IDs need something else to work, then your not going to fool anyone because they would notice something abit odd when you stop to do something to the ID before showing it.

I've changed the rarity of the items to 'rare'
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PostSubject: Re: Community Artifacts Index   Community Artifacts Index Icon_minitimeTue Aug 21, 2012 6:49 pm

I won't call this an "artifact" per se just yet, but as it might end up becoming an artifact in the future or just an idea people might want to use for their characters' equipment, I'll post one of Persephone's favorite gadgets:

Flash fusion grenade
Handheld single-use weapon
Rarity: Rare, common if you know where to get them and can afford several (they're quite expensive, not to mention legally controlled. Persephone arrived in Felarya with only a few of these and lost most of them before getting a chance to use them.)
An unusually powerful grenade that suits itself to wilderness environments where collateral damage is inconsequential. Contains a small amount of hydrogen gas within an inner shell. Around this is a dense electromagnetic coil, and the rest of the device's volume is occupied by ultracapacitors. On the surface is a fingerprint-sensitive control pad - only the owner of the grenade is able to arm and disarm it, having been trained to raise and lower his or her skin conductivity in a certain pattern (this only takes a half hour or so to master if you have the resources to learn how).
When the grenade activates, the ultracapacitors discharge, causing the coil to energize momentarily and produce a short-lived but extremely powerful magnetic field, which makes the hydrogen gas collapse and heat up into plasma. The sudden pressure and temperature induce nuclear fusion for a fraction of a second, although the short duration of the discharge cycle and the small amount of fuel make it orders of magnitude less powerful than a conventional H-bomb.
The blast radius is approximately 25 meters (80 feet) and at the center reaches a temperature of over nine thousand degrees, so it is recommended when using one of these to throw it as hard as you possibly can and even run in the opposite direction just to be on the safe side. The explosion remains bright enough and loud enough to cause temporary blindness and deafness at ranges of up to 1 km (approximately 1/2 mile) depending on the terrain (this is much less in dense forests than it is in rocky deserts, for example).
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Community Artifacts Index   Community Artifacts Index Icon_minitimeWed Aug 22, 2012 7:52 am

Ohhhhhh, okay Darkone, I see what you mean now! ^.^ The cards can't be used to fool those who use them regularly. I thought you were saying that they don't work for the very people who use them, so I was confused. Also, for the how to use part; you state for the PolyKeys that they come in different shapes, like cards. Obviously, one doesn't use a cardkey the way they would a regular lock-and-key, so you should probably include how those types of keys should be used. Also, you might want to think about any warnings for the artifacts and put those in the how to use section, like ways to NOT use them, y'know?

By the way, you typed "condictioned" again. -.-

Parameciumkid; because your suggestion is not a 'magical' artifact, I personally don't think it would fit in this list. Also, for future reference, please attempt to follow the template I set in my suggestions. I do hope you'll keep your brain at work, though, and if you think of anything else, we'd love to hear about them. Smile
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Felarya cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Community Artifacts Index   Community Artifacts Index Icon_minitimeWed Aug 22, 2012 2:55 pm

Okay this is weird. Iwas JUST working on designs for Magical Artifacts using Felarya materials the other day. First I have to say I love what I've read so far and think this thread is awesome! Also love your template Nyaha. Very simple and easy to use. I think may try my hand at this. Here's one I made whille.

Name: Curse Detection Stone
Rarity: Uncommon
Price: 65 SK

A curse detection stone is a magically enchanted, ovoid rock shaped stone that is usually semi-transparent with veins running through it's core with a clear color when not in use. It is sold specifically in shops that sell equipment to travelers and adventurers though it can be mistaken by those who don't know it's nature for just odd looking rock and thus somtimes ends up in junk shops or street bazaars. A shame as it's very useful for doing exactly what it says. Avoiding curses, cursed artifacts and people. How it does this is so:

How to Use:

By holding the stone up to a "cursed" object/ person and thinking the word "safety" or speaking it aloud you can activate the stone. Once active it will light up with an inner magical light that should be blue, which means it's a safe artifact/ the person isn't cursed. If the artifact purple then the the object/ person is cursed. The only downside, as you can see, is it can't tell WHAT kind of curse it is or how to cure it. For that you may need to seek out another artifact or person with the power to cure curses.

Oh it just occured to me, Nyaha, should we include a basic price for what one will sell for?

Last edited by jedi-explorer on Fri Sep 07, 2012 11:38 am; edited 2 times in total
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Community Artifacts Index   Community Artifacts Index Icon_minitimeWed Aug 22, 2012 4:21 pm

First, thank you. Second, neat idea, I like it. Besides the fact that you don't need to say "ovoid shaped" as "ovoid" means "egg-shaped" and thus it would be acceptable to say "ovoid rock" (I think so anyway, I don't have much experience using the word "ovoid". In fact, this is probably the most times I have ever used it in one sentence), I think it looks very good. Third, the price thing is also a good idea. ^.^ It should be an 'average' price, meaning about what one is worth in realistic terms, though I don't think there's any system in Negav that outlaws overpricing items, at least not by a little. I think your item would start the bidding at...maybe 40-45 SK? What do you think mine would be priced at?
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Felarya cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Community Artifacts Index   Community Artifacts Index Icon_minitimeThu Aug 23, 2012 8:36 pm

Nyaha wrote:
First, thank you. Second, neat idea, I like it. Besides the fact that you don't need to say "ovoid shaped" as "ovoid" means "egg-shaped" and thus it would be acceptable to say "ovoid rock" (I think so anyway, I don't have much experience using the word "ovoid". In fact, this is probably the most times I have ever used it in one sentence), I think it looks very good. Third, the price thing is also a good idea. ^.^ It should be an 'average' price, meaning about what one is worth in realistic terms, though I don't think there's any system in Negav that outlaws overpricing items, at least not by a little. I think your item would start the bidding at...maybe 40-45 SK? What do you think mine would be priced at?

Thanks! I kind came up with it by asking "Well what would be "useful" to a OC exploring Felarya's dangers? I mean everyone comes up with anti-pred stuff, but I think curses can be WORSE than preds. ^^; Well that is they can kill in you more ways. Oh okay I'll modify it to say "ovoid rock" and I like 45 SK it seems like a decent price for magical artifact. Very balanced. Glad my pricing idea helped out. ^_- Oh just out curiosity are we forbidden to make weapons or just techno-weapons? Not that I want to fill this thread with enchanted weapons like the "Felarya Specefic Weapons" thread, just asking cause a few ideas I have could be counted as a weapon even though they're more "multi-use" artifacts. I mean it's like how you can use a stake as a weapon, but it's really meant to be tool.
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Community Artifacts Index   Community Artifacts Index Icon_minitimeFri Aug 24, 2012 11:12 am

Weapon-ish objects would be okay, as long as they're magic-based. Also, you didn't say what you think my artifacts might be priced at. D: I was thinking 50-60 SK because I think they would be in higher demand as artifacts with offensive capabilities.
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PostSubject: Re: Community Artifacts Index   Community Artifacts Index Icon_minitimeFri Aug 24, 2012 1:06 pm

Name: Lataran’s Watch
Rarity: Semi-Precious
Price: 750 SK

Lataran’s Watch is a clear, diamond like, crystal, sometimes set in a golden amulet, that can be used to charm/hypnotize others. The diamond looks like any other clear diamond, except for a strange looking imperfection in the heart of the crystal. The imperfection looks different to every person who looks at it. Those who look at it believe the imperfection is in the shape of something they consider to be important or that they hold dear.

Lataran’s Watch can be used on anyone that can see the actual crystal. So, a Human could use one on a Naga or Neera, but a Neera would never be able to use it on a Naga because the crystal is too small to be seen. The success of it working depends on the strength of the victim’s will power, and the user’s own charisma. If the target is successfully charmed, then they will believe the person who used Lataran’s Watch is their best friend.

How To Use: First and foremost, you have to get your intended target to look at the crystal. Once a person looks at the crystal, they will immediately feel a desire to look deeply into it, and try to make out the imperfection within. While the intended target is staring into the crystal, you may either move it back and forth or start spinning it. This activates the second part of the magic. You then have to try and convince the target that you’re their friend. The difficulty of doing this depends on your own charisma and charm, and the will power of the victim. There really is no way of instantly telling if the charm worked or not. However, most successfully charmed beings have a slight slur to their words and a faraway/dreamy look in their eyes when they finally look away from the crystal.

A successfully charmed target will act like your best friend. As such, they will treat you as they would normally treat their best friend. So if you befriend a Fairy and that Fairy thinks that swallowing her friends is the best way to show she cares, you may end up swallowed. It also means you cannot just order them around. You can make a request, but they may or may not listen to that request.

How To Break The Charm: The charm only wears off when you put the crystal in some place the effected person or persons cannot see it. Even then, normally takes an hour to two hours for the effects to wear off, three hours max. After which the person goes back to normal. People who are no longer effected by the Watch tend to dislike the person who charmed them. This is not a side effect of the magic itself, but by the knowledge that they were tricked into thinking someone is their best friend, and being used by that person

EDIT: I 100% forgot to thank Nyaha who helped out with the creation of the Lataran's Watch

Last edited by Darth_Nergal on Wed Sep 05, 2012 4:22 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Community Artifacts Index   Community Artifacts Index Icon_minitimeFri Aug 24, 2012 2:20 pm

I think Nergal's idea is a good one; I personally helped him with it. Does anybody object to me adding Lataran's watches to the index?
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PostSubject: Re: Community Artifacts Index   Community Artifacts Index Icon_minitimeFri Aug 24, 2012 2:58 pm

I do not, Nyan.

If I may make a suggestion, though, I'd price the flame amulet and quake boots at 200 skevols: they're all you need to be dressed to kill. Darth_Nergal's artifact might be priced higher than that; I'd say 750 skevols. Trust doesn't come cheap, and the potential for mischief in that thing makes it as dangerous as designer's drugs. Only worse.


Emblems (Rare)
500+ SK

Emblems are an iconic family of powerful artifacts, devised to drastically increase toughness, speed, or mental abilities by calling on the power of an animal. No one is certain where they were first devised, but they are popular throughout the multiverse, and many of them do end up in Felarya. There, these hexagonal brass objects, fitting in the palm of the hand, can be recognized easily by the design carved in their faces.

Emblems intended to increase toughness are the emblem of the Onager, the Elk, and the Auroch. By wielding one of those, the subject's strength increases as if he were being supported by an additional hundred pounds of muscle in the case of the Onager, two hundreds when the Elk, and three hundreds when the Auroch. The subject's bones, skin and flesh toughen considerably as well, granting them incredible grit and the ability to survive, or even shrug off, blows that coud kill them without one. However, these are not very popular in Felarya, where the availability of weaponry that doesn't depend on muscle leads many to believe (wrongly) that an increase in strength doesn't pay off.

Emblems intended to increase speed are the emblem of the Raptor, the Asp, and the Mongoose. When wielded, the emblem of the raptor gives the subject an instant's edge at any time they need sharp reflexes or good coordination; the Asp gives them three times that, and the Mongoose gives them five times that. The advantage that those Emblems grant might not seem like much, but all those who wield them report that they CAN tell the difference, and in fact, many successful adventurers claim that their emblems have saved their lives more than once.

There is a family of emblems that do both things. This is important- as two emblems worn together cancel each other: all emblems are intended to function off the same source of energy, and when both try to draw at the same time on the same person, they interfere with each other and accomplish nothing in the end. Each emblem in the family does the same as its two counterparts of the other two: these emblems are the emblem of the Liger, the Hydra, and the Behemoth.

There are emblems that have been set about with an ascarlin. Most of them are not intended to accept all that much power, and merely move one step up, but the final emblem of each family can actually endure an important difference. The resulting emblem, when devised to increase strength, is no longer the emblem of the Auroch, but the emblem of the Flood; the emblem of the Mongoose becomes the emblem of Wildfire, and the emblem of the Behemoth becomes the emblem of the Meteor. Results aren't always consistent in this tier off the charts- but as emblems were not devised for being magnified, they have a tendency to burn through their energy faster than they store it, requiring a periodic "recharge" to function for any appreciable length of time.

How to use: Place the emblem between the waist and the beltline, affix to belt or clothes. Functions automatically and continuously.

(Credits to Nyaha for suggesting recharge.)

Emblem of Wings (Precious):
(500 SK)

A recent offshoot of the other emblems, the Emblem of Wings is a specially devised amulet capable of tremendous energy storage. This emblem stores kinetic energy during a fall, and puts it under the wearer's control, so that they may use the energy while in midfall to break their fall, maneuver as deftly in midair as if they were in water, or even glide like a bird, if they feel confident enough to employ the emblem in such a manner.

The power of an Emblem of Wings is only as great as the fall before it's started up. It can make do as any sort of height safety device, depending on the wearer's daring and practice: some have used those emblems to charge down a cliff, then horizontally dive into an enemy at terminal velocity. Like any other emblem, it's an hexagonal brass object.

How to use: Place the emblem between the nape and the small of the back, affix to clothes, then it's like skydiving- bring your limbs close to the center of gravity to start gathering energy, spread your limbs against the air to slow the fall down. Bring them close to the center of gravity again to jet, shoving your center of gravity in the direction you want to fly in. Gliding is automatic whenever not "flying" upwards.

Voice Lock (Common):
(40 SK)

An interesting alternative for those who don't believe in keylocks anymore, the Voice Lock uses a simple retractile mechanism and a basic force spell, together with a voice-activation system, to create a padlock that's immune to all but the most vigorous tampering. It looks like just about any padlock, except for the lack of a lock. Instead, the voice lock reacts solely to voice, clicking open or closed every time the right word is uttered.

How to use: Wet the tip of the shackle with a single drop of blood to start up mechanism. Speak a word into the lock, and the shackle will click into the closed position. Speak word again to open shackle. Add another drop of blood on the tip of the shackle to change combination- note that this requires exposing the tip of the shackle, which is not possible while shackle is in the closed position.

Elven War Crown (Legendary):
At least 50000 SK

These ancient elven artifacts date several millenia back, to the times of the Elven Empire. Though the initial intention was to boost the wearer's cunning and strategic thinking, these ultimately backfired due to their tendency to amplify the wearer's tendency to scheme as well. Each of those tiaras (mistakenly called "crowns") can be recognized by their intrincate design in silver and the arrangement of psierin crowning their fronts.

An elven war crown amplifies the wearer's mental prowess, perhaps their mental or magical powers, if they exist and are tied to their minds. It also makes it much easier to think in terms of objectives, even under duress, and allows for near-instant evaluation of multiple alternatives, as well as the concoction of new and creative ones. Unfortunately, those who wield a war crown find their minds so amplified where objectives are concerned that anything that becomes an obstacle, even a superior's order, is liable to being seen as something to overcome, by overthrowing said superior if that's what it comes to: evaluating the pros and cons usually led the wearers to throw all caution out of the window.

How to use: Automatic when placed on the crown of the head.

(Credits to Shady-Knight for Psierin)

Comparing Crystal (Common)
(15 SK)

This prism-shaped crystal is sensitive to magical forces. Usually sold together with a book, it's considered more of a novelty item by the uneducated, though the truly educated can actually use one to great effect.

The comparing crystal reacts when the prism is pointed towards a magical effect it's in close proximity to, forming an identical pattern of bars and colors on its three long surfaces. The book this crystal is usually sold with shows the patterns that usually appear when used to look at common magical effects, such as the all-permeating enchantment of the Isolon Eye and the healing soil. However, the crystal's true strength is not in identifying effects, but in comparing them: if two different magical effects do the same thing, the crystal will show the same pattern for both.

How to use: Point at the focus or target of the enchantment, then wait for three seconds. Use preferably within 10 feet of the source.

Last edited by Stabs on Sat Aug 25, 2012 1:10 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Community Artifacts Index   Community Artifacts Index Icon_minitimeFri Aug 24, 2012 4:54 pm

Name: Decoy Disc
Rarity: Common

The Decoy disc is a disc that magically projects a holographic recording of a human sized being of the user's choice (normally themselves) The purpose of the device is to act as a decoy to get a predator off your back, at least until realize it's not real.

How to use:

Device comes with a crystal, using an enchantment allows the user to record their likeness into the crystal, the crystal can store up to a minute of footage, which can be looped to extend the illusion. The crystal is then inserted into a round slot in the middle of the disc. The Disc will project whatever recording is stored in the crystal when placed on the ground as a full 3D holographic projection. Most predators won't notice the small disc on the ground, they would be more focused on what they think is food that is over it.

The Disc itself powers the crystal and works base a base, keeping the crystal upright. The base contains a power unit that powers the crystal and has a rechargeable battery that charges by absorbing magic from sensors underneath the Disc, meaning it can absorb magic from the soil and switches to the battery when placed on other surfaces. Meaning if placed on soil the disc can go on for some time though the crystal could overload and crack if left for hours on end. The projections themselves are human sized as they are designed to distract predators from a group. Best decoys tend to be a projection that look like someone injured, terrified or generally helpless and gives the impression that the group has abandoned them.

As projections are just recordings, they don't respond if the predator tries to converse with it. (Though dumb predators could be there for a while, demanding that the projection stops screaming or crying like a wuss)

As Crystals contain the recordings, different crystals can be placed into the disc for different decoy projections. The Crystals come in many different colors so some users can keep a collection of decoys and use the different colors to differentiate between them.

Last edited by DarkOne on Thu Aug 30, 2012 5:53 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Community Artifacts Index   Community Artifacts Index Icon_minitimeSat Aug 25, 2012 10:58 am

Does anybody object to the addition of PolyKeys and Psychic IDs to the index?
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Felarya cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Community Artifacts Index   Community Artifacts Index Icon_minitimeSun Aug 26, 2012 8:26 pm

Nyaha wrote:
Does anybody object to the addition of PolyKeys and Psychic IDs to the index?

Nope! I think they are great! I was planning to use them myself.
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PostSubject: Re: Community Artifacts Index   Community Artifacts Index Icon_minitimeThu Aug 30, 2012 9:51 am

Name: Shadow Gauntlets
Rarity: Precious
Average Price: 1200 SK

Shadow Gauntlets are articles of enchanted armor for the hand and forearm that are usually, but not always, found in pairs. They are usually coloured black, with deep purple, diamond-cut stones of mazhir embedded in the backs of the palms. Wearing them will allow one the ability to control a pair of semi-tangible hands of shadow about five-times the size of their own hands, which float in and move through the air in positions relative to that of the wearer's hands. They can be used to throw strong physical attacks from a distance, lift large objects with relative ease. Some superior versions can even create a large shadowy copy of whatever the wearer is holding, which can make them even more deadly. Attacking the construct hands physically has no effect, however magic attacks can push them back. It may give the wearer the strange feeling of one's hand pushed against by an invisible force. Light-based magic in particular can temporarily short out the effect of the gloves altogether.

The gauntlets themselves are quite fragile, and make for rather useless armor in the case of physical defense. Being struck may cause them to fracture and chip, creating holes in the hands of shadow themselves. If the purple jewels are damaged, the hands will cease to function completely until they are fixed or replaced, which can be almost as costly as buying a new pair - though the mazhir jewels generally tend to be easier to find than shadow gauntlets themselves. Shadow gauntlets power themselves via the mazhir jewels embedded in them; they will run out of power if used for too long, but recharge is automatic. Shadow gauntlets can also be used to effectively block magic attacks, which can also replenish the gauntlets' supply of magic power.

How to Use:
Place shadow gauntlets on hands and affix straps properly. To summon hands of shadow, place hands together flat (as if praying) and concentrate desire to wield them. After summoning, shadow hands will copy the movements of the wearer's hands and arms. To dispel hands of shadow, place fists together against each other.

Name: Quake Mitts
Rarity: Uncommon
Average Price: 600 SK

Quake mitts are the hand-accessory equivalent to quake boots. They give the wearer the same effects, but with the added bonus of being much easier to use, and somewhat more versatile as well. For this reason, they are more valuable than their footwear counterpart. Like quake boots, they draw off the unused magic energy inside the wearer to allow them the ability to perform rudimentary earth magic.

How to Use:
The wearer may produce boulders by raising their fist skyward, or simply bending down and pulling one out of the ground. The quake mitts will allow the wearer to use magic to lift large masses of earth, regardless of their own lift capacity. To sent a boulder toward a target, either throw a punch in its direction or simply throw the boulder. Do not attempt to 'high-five' people while wearing quake mitts. 'Fist-bumping' is also advised against. As with quake boots, dancing should generally be avoided while wearing quake mitts.

If nobody has any objections, I'd like to add these to the list. Otherwise, I'd really like some feedback here.

Last edited by Nyaha on Wed Sep 05, 2012 1:08 pm; edited 4 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Community Artifacts Index   Community Artifacts Index Icon_minitimeThu Aug 30, 2012 6:56 pm

Name: Sicarius Lamina
Rarity: Semi-Precious
Price: 680 SK

An enchanted wrist blade favored by assassins, thieves, and rogues. Though common adventurers and nobles make good use of them as defensive weapons as well. It is made up of a simple looking bracer with a single gem in the middle of it. A blade is hidden inside the bracer itself. It has a sleek design that makes it easy to conceal in one's sleeves, especially if the sleeves are a bit larger then normal.

How to Use:
The Sicarius Laminia is worn on the inside of the arm, right below the wrist. The blade is extended or retracted by willing it to do so while flicking one's wrist. Finally, most Sicarius Lamina are sold separately, but many people use a pair of them.

The Sicarius Lamina has three major enchantments:

1) There is a small opening with a cap where poison can be stored. The blade is then magically coated with the poison, and will remain so until someone changes the kind of poison being stored.

2) The blade can extend out to the length equal to a long sword, or as short as a common dagger. Despite how long the blade is, it always remains equal to the weight of a short sword. The length of the blade is determined by the user when they will the blade to extend.

3) The blade is sharper than most normal blades, and does not dull with use.

Last edited by Darth_Nergal on Wed Sep 05, 2012 4:22 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Community Artifacts Index   Community Artifacts Index Icon_minitimeMon Sep 03, 2012 12:00 am

Wow Shadow Gauntlets sound cool! Though one question if somebody were to attack the construct that was created does the wearer feel anything and does it actually harm the construct or does one need to destroy or disable the gauntlets first?

Quote :
The blade can extend out to the length equal to a long sword, or as short as a common dagger. Despite how long the blade is, it always remains equal to the weight of a short sword. The length of the blade is determined by the user when they will the blade to extend.

Tydus could use this. With your permision, Nergal , I'd like to try a pic with him having it on his arm when I make him a new outfit.

Name: Elvish Whetstone
Rarity: Uncommon
Average Price 300 SK

Elvish wetsones are almost like normal wetstones except they are enchanted stones usualy decorated with a ring of elvish symbols. They are charged with enough magical energy that they not only sharpen the object in question when used but lend some of that energy to the object to borrow. Making them invaluble tools when one is about to go into combat against a ghost or elemental. They are uncommon in Negav becuase of the fact the stone is trade secret of Elven craftsmen who say the stone comes from a sacred place to their people some where in Elfiga valley. It should be noted while the wetstone is long lasting it will eventauly break or wear out. Even if you recharge it with magic or try to reasemble it with a repair spell it will not work. You must buy another. Hence why you should always carry two or more. It also bestows no specefic magical element when enchanting a weapon and won't interfere with weapons made from metals that give natural elemental bonuses.

How to Use:

Slide the wetstone across a bladed weapon's surface (it can be used only on bladed weapons or weapons with a bladed edge) and it will create yellow green sparks and cuase the sharped weapon's edge to glow slightly. This means it's active. The glow will diminish when the enchantment has worn off and will fade from sight when it it no longer working at all.

Last edited by jedi-explorer on Thu Sep 27, 2012 2:43 pm; edited 5 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Community Artifacts Index   Community Artifacts Index Icon_minitimeMon Sep 03, 2012 1:05 am

jedi-explorer wrote:

Quote :
The blade can extend out to the length equal to a long sword, or as short as a common dagger. Despite how long the blade is, it always remains equal to the weight of a short sword. The length of the blade is determined by the user when they will the blade to extend.

Tydus could use this. With your permision, Nergal , I'd like to try a pic with him having it on his arm when I make him a new outfit.

You can certainly use it. Though I would like more feed back from other people before it's drawn. That way I can work out any bugs. :3
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Felarya cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Community Artifacts Index   Community Artifacts Index Icon_minitimeMon Sep 03, 2012 1:49 am

Darth_Nergal wrote:
jedi-explorer wrote:

Quote :
The blade can extend out to the length equal to a long sword, or as short as a common dagger. Despite how long the blade is, it always remains equal to the weight of a short sword. The length of the blade is determined by the user when they will the blade to extend.

Tydus could use this. With your permision, Nergal , I'd like to try a pic with him having it on his arm when I make him a new outfit.

You can certainly use it. Though I would like more feed back from other people before it's drawn. That way I can work out any bugs. :3

Thanks and no problem. It'll be a while till I get back to drawing his new look anyway. I just loved the design so much I had to ask though.
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Community Artifacts Index   Community Artifacts Index Icon_minitimeMon Sep 03, 2012 9:36 am


That wrist blade is interesting. The design seems simple, though somehow, to me, using a longsword from my wrist Spider-Man style seems like it would be a little difficult, and somewhat inefficient. Are you certain it shouldn't go above the wrist instead?


I've changed the article to answer your questions. The answers you seek are at the end of the first paragraph.

Does anyone have any objections to adding Shadow Gauntlets and Quake Mitts to the index?
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PostSubject: Re: Community Artifacts Index   Community Artifacts Index Icon_minitimeMon Sep 03, 2012 10:45 pm

Nyaha wrote:

That wrist blade is interesting. The design seems simple, though somehow, to me, using a longsword from my wrist Spider-Man style seems like it would be a little difficult, and somewhat inefficient. Are you certain it shouldn't go above the wrist instead?

Does anyone have any objections to adding Shadow Gauntlets and Quake Mitts to the index?

Nergalburger...that's my nickname here from now on isn't it? Razz

Well, that actually depends on your fighting style and preference. I honestly see no reason why a person couldn't wear it above or below the wrist. Now just to make sure we're on the right page and I'm not misinterpreting you, when you say "above the wrist" do you mean on the outer part of your forearm?

It doesn't really matter in the end since you can wear it both ways though. However, the reason I had it below the wrist is two fold. First, I'm designing it to be a hidden weapon, like the Hidden Blade in Assassin's Creed. It's easier to hide something like that when it's worn on the inside of your arm instead of the outside. Second, For the protection of the user. If you have the blade at a dagger's length, and you go to punch/slam a open hand into their chest it's better to have the blade below your hand. There's a less likely chance of you stabbing yourself.

Also, don't forget, even if it is the length of a longsword, it will have the weight of a short sword. But as I said above, I see no reason why you can't preposition it to suite your style of fighting. I mean, the itself would probably only be about half the length of your forearm. And the straps to put it on aren't exactly complicated. I could see someone wearing one practically any way the want. :3

And finally, I'm all for adding them Nyaha. Very Happy
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